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0klN |rench stars

set to hatt|e w|th

N|ssan [uke
Wot kanie Sport
1N fAk Nw5 wkL
!-7 May 20!1
No. !,266 | L2.60

0klN New 8Nw I4 1S10 New NlNl 0aceman vs voque

Audis from2to8
5even-strong 509
Nw kNA0L1 fA010k8 006012008
1becar brands youcantrust as votedbyyou b b d
1N 0k's
NNew ee II0|traa rr
ntrust ss as vo vv te tt db

New N w lNl 0a 00 ceman vs voq

542hhp |or kange kover 5port k5

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f|rst 0k dr|ve o| thr||||ng new f|esta 51

...As we spy kang|e's 542bhp 5port k5

2 |eads Aud|'s 509 b||tz...

and we revea| a|| o| them

NlNl 0aceman vs kange kover voque...

faptur and 2008 dr|ven 8
1c.d|ct co oc. |coau|t aod |cucct ||ssao |u|c .|.a|s
2 |eads Aud| 509 b||tz 12
|.cc 0` tc 08, .c| ||oc-u
scort com|ng to urope 14
0csscs adc|t oc. |c.d .cot co|, cc sc|d |o |||oa
kange kover 5port k5 16
'cosat|coa| '`c| .c.s|co c| oc. s|cd co tcst
kAf patro|s se|||ng parts 19|dc.o at.c|s ctt|o ccouscs |c. .cads|dc sa|cs
N61 here by 5eptember 20
|ccc.o 0.|t c.aods suc.c|o| co sa|c |atc. t||s ,ca.
fu|tura| exchange 10
|c. |||oa |s |o|ucoc|o ca. dcs|o ac.css t|c |ccc
f|esta 51 h|ts 8r|ta|n 14
||.st J| d.|.c c| |c.ds s|zz||o suc.c|o| sta.
face|||ted 8Nw I4 16
|t st||| |cc|s .cat, cut |s .cadstc. ccttc. tc d.|.c`
[ukes at the doub|e 18
|ct w0 ||scc ccdc| aod oc. o-tcc d|csc| d.|.co
k|a farens 41
|c.cao cccao,s oc. V|1 ut t|.cu| |ts accs
f|at 0anda 1rekk|ng 42
'uc.c|o| cts ccc|cd u |cc|s aod c||-.cad ac|||t,
briver Pewer
8r|ta|n's top car brands 44
0cst ca|c.s |.cc `` tc coc, .atcd c, c,000 .cadc.s
kead IesIs
0ut|ander vs r|va|s 50
V|tsuc|s|| ta|cs co ||a aod |,uoda|
NlNl 0aceman vs voque 58
|s st,||s| oc. V||| ccd cocu| tc ccat cac, |ao|c`
0ur cars 64
!c,cta |.|us ||u-|o aod Vazda c (c|o cu. |cct
Nands-|ree speakerphones I2
'uc.tcct| aod Vctc.c|a ||ts c |cad-tc-|cad
0ressure washers tested I4
w||c| |s t|c ccst cu, tc |cc ,cu. c|cao`
8uying tars
focus buyer's gu|de I8
V||| .c.s|co c| |c.d ccst-sc||c. ca|cs a .cat uscd cu,
5uperm|n| estates 80
!|.cc .cat cu,s |c. co|, ,000 ut t|.cu| t|c|. accs
New car pr|ces 84
/|| t|c |o|c ,cu occd cc|c.c ,cu |cad tc t|c s|c..ccc
watchdog 26
|cosucc. ac .|t| c|tc sc|.cs ,cu. .cc|ccs
lnbox 28
cu. cccccots aod c|o|co co t|c |cttcst tc|cs
6et Auto xpress every week 56
|c. tc oct a .cat dca| co ,cu. ||tc caaz|oc
5port 96
/od.c. |c.dao uos |c. 0!|| |c.,, |us |atcst oc.s
8ack chat 98
V||c |ut|c.|c.d .c|ccts co t|c cctc.|o .|c| ||st
f|rst dr|ve verd|cts on the kenau|t faptur and 0eugeot 2008

1N85112 12
fAk NAkk5
0k's |avour|te car brands revea|ed

au|t faptur and 0eugeot 2008

| thr||||ng new f|esta 51
Page T4
||||||/|||||||||h|l||||||||||||l||J|||||/||||||||||||||||/|||||h||||/|||h. |/l|/|||/|1.i||.i, |||/|i|./||.1, ||h|||||1/.||.1,
|h||||. i |/|h. *ha1e| s|awa |s c Jee, ||ca1 ||e|a|ee 1.| ||| !a ||a||e1 w||| ca |a|||c| 1e,as|| a| fia,i, ||ea c||e| |wa ec|s ca a,||aac| ||ac| ,caea| a| f|,a|. |e,|esea|c||.e | /||. ||aaa||aa c.c||c||e aa c|| aew ||ca1 ||e|a|ee aa1e|s |e|s|e|e1 |e|a|e 1||| Jtae i|1. W|||
/ |caea| ||ca at |c.e ||e a,||aa |a |e|t|a ||e .e||.|e ca1 aa| ,c ||e ||ac| ,caea|, st|,e.| |a ||e .e||.|e aa| |c.|a e\.ee1e1 ca c|ee1 caatc| a||ece |c .|c|e a| i, ,e| a||e |a| e\.ee1|a |,||| a||es ,e| caata |a |||s e\ca,|e ca1 |e|a |a aa1 .aa1|||aa. |e,as|| caata| |s |,|.c|| |e|weea a| ca1 ||
1e,ea1|a aa |e|a, aa1e|, ca1 a||ece. ||aca.e st|,e.| |a s|c|ts. |tc|ca|ees ac |e |e)t||e1. le|as ca1 |aa1|||aas c,,|. /| ,c|||.|,c||a |ec|e|s aa|. Jee, ||aca.|c| e|.|.es, || |a\ //a, |at|, | ||W. |||e|s ca1 s,e.|||.c||aas .a||e.| c| ||ae a| a|a |a ,||a| ||//1. Jee, |s c |e|s|e|e1 ||c1eac|| a| |||s|e| ||at, |||.

6rand Cherokee has recelved more awards

ln Amerlca over lrs llferlme rhan any orher S0v

0ueslion. How do you noke lhe nosl oworded lnericon SU\ ever. even nore rewording?
lnswer. Well, in oddilion lo offering you o luxurious sporls inlerior, corbon fbre lrin, 2O" block gloss olloys ond nolching,
iconic Jeep

grille, how oboul O% fnonce on orders ploced before June 3Olh?

nleresled - whol`s slopping you?
\isil lodoy lo lrock down your neoresl deolership.
Nas Aud| gone 509
madI 0r |s |t rea||y
a stroke o| gen|usI
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tenIatI us
1h|s weekon
lns|de the NcLaren 01
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en sensatienaI 903bhp petreI-eIectric supercar. 5e
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uUFS the wcrld really need
seven dlfferent-slzed Suvs
tc chccse frcm! The launch
cf the X/ Ccncept ln Shanghal
last week tcck 8Mw's Suv
ccunt tc fcur. 8ut that's nct
gccd encugh fcr Audl. Uh nc,
seven seems tc be the maglc
number... and, dc ycu kncw,
l thlnkthey cculd be rlght.
The Suv ls the fastest-
grcwlng segment ln car land,
wlth fans ln every market acrcss
the glcbe. That's why grcwlng
ccmpanles llke M0 are puttlng
Suvs ahead cf mcre tradltlcnal
mcdels (see Page 20).
And that's why cur ccver
features the newAudls, twc
mcre affcrdable Suvs frcm
Peugect and kenault, Mlhl's
Paceman Suv ccupe and a
ccuple cf kange kcvers, tcc.
we've spled the hcttest-ever
kange kcver Spcrt thls week,
and there's mcre. lf ycu're a
Land kcver fan, ycu'll lcve what
we've dcne tc celebrate the
brand's 65th annlversary.
we've prcduced a 166-page
Magbcck devcted tc Land
kcvers past, present and future.
Stunnlng phctcgraphy and
scme cf the best wrlters ln
the car buslness reflect cn thls
great 8rltlsh brand, and lcck
tc lts future, tcc. Ycu can
get thls speclal ccllectcrs'
Mag8cckat ycur lccal wFSmlth
and even cnllne vla Amazcn.
519 f0wLk
v|s|t lo| a|| the |atest new ca|s
4's on way as Aud| expands 509 ||ne-up
New faptur and

|||st lo| news eve|y wee|
we get heh|nd whee| o| new kenau|t and |eugeot superm|n|-50Vs tak|ng ||ght to N|ssan top se||er 8ased on
fom|ort was
c|ear|y a h|gh
pr|or|ty |or both
and lt gets styllng that'll turn |ust
as many heads as the hlssan. ln
fact, we reckcn the Captur has
the edge cver the 2008 cn lccks.
kenault's latest deslgn
language sults lts newcrcsscver.
Llke the Cllc, the Captur features
a large, uprlght kenault badge cn
lts ncse, swept-back headllghts
and neat glcss trlmarcund
the fcgllghts cn cur tcp-spec
uynamlque S Medlahav test
car. lf ycu can stretch tc lt, we'd
alsc reccmmend the twc-tcne
rccf, whlch ls a 300 cptlcn.
Swept-back headllghts mark
cut the 2008, as well, whlle lt
has a bcld chrcme grllle clearly
lnsplred by the 208 (wlth whlch lt
shares lts platfcrm). At the rear ls
a set cf 'claw'-shaped LFu llghts,
whlle a fewunlque tcuches - llke
the underbcdy prctectlcn, ralsed
rlde helght and rccf ralls - glve a
ruggedSuvlcck. Uur cnly crltlclsm
ls that lt appears a blt slab-slded
ccmpared wlth the Captur.
Ccmfcrt was clearly a prlcrlty
fcr bcth manufacturers ln tunlng
the dynamlcs. ln the Captur, ycu
slt up hlgh - 100mmhlgher than
ln a Cllc - glvlng ycu a decent
vlewcf the rcad, althcugh the
swept-back A-plllar can get ln the
way at |unctlcns. The steerlng ls
llght and dlrect, but dcesn't tell
ycu much abcut what the ncse
ls dclng. 0rlp ls reascnable - the
Captur ls frcnt-wheel drlve cnly -
and the brakes dc a decent |cb
cf slcwlng the car, whlch welghs
100kg mcre than the current Cllc.
The 1.5-lltre dlesel ls pretty
smccth, althcugh lt can be a
blt nclsy at hlgher revs and cn a
tralllng thrcttle cn the mctcrway.
8ut whlle lt dellvers spectacular
eccncmy and emlsslcns flgures
1em PhiIIips[Luke Madden
lT'S nct cften we get tc drlve
twc dlrect rlvals fcr the flrst tlme
ln the same week. Sc, desplte
testlng the newkenault Captur
and Peugect 2008 cn separate
events, we declded tc brlng them
tcgether fcr a head-tc-head. After
all, anycne lnterested ln buylng
cne cf these cars wlll lnevltably
be checklng cut the cther.
Lcts cf crcsscvers have trled tc
recreate the blg-selllng hlssan
}uke's fcrmula, but the Captur -
crder bccks fcr whlch are cpen
ncwahead cf dellverles ln }une -
ccmes clcsest. lts platfcrmls near-
ldentlcal tc the }uke's (althcugh
lt's bcrrcwed frcmthe newCllc)
0ramat|c-|ook|ng new kenau|t
and s|eek 0eugeot want a s||ce
o| the N|ssan [uke's success
b0u8L flkS1bklV
0-62 !2.6 5C5 10P 5P0!06MPR MPR
faptur's |nter|or
|s we|| |a|d out,
but the qua||ty
o| some o| the
mater|a|s |s
kAk SA1S faptur and 2008 prov|de |mpress|ve space
|n back, but on|y kenau|t's rear bench s||des back and |orth
2008 |ee|s more
upmarket and
better bu||t, but
sma|| steer|ng
whee| obscures
Peugeet 2008
Price: 17,500 (est)
ngine: 1.6-lltre /cyl turbcdlesel
Pewer: 113bhp
1ransmissien: Slx-speed
manual, frcnt-wheel drlve
0-62]tep spd: 10./ secs]117mph
cenemy: 70.6mpg
C02: 105g]km
quipment: LFu runnlng llghts,
crulse ccntrcl, electrlc wlndcws,
allcy wheels, uA8 radlc
0nsale New
kenauIt Captur
ynamiqueS dCi
Price: 17,895
ngine: 1.5-lltre /cyl turbcdlesel
Pewer: 89bhp
1ransmissien: Flve-speed
manual, frcnt-wheel drlve
0-62]tep spd: 12.6 secs]106mph
cenemy: 76./mpg
C02: 95g]km
quipment: 17-lnch allcys,
glcss exterlcr pack, rear parklng
senscrs, heated frcnt seats
0nsale New
2008 target [uke

n L||o and 208 respect|ve|y, and o||er chunky, rugged sty||ng
cf 76./mpg and 95g]km, lt's nc
perfcrmer and struggles a llttle,
partlcularly cn hllly rcutes cr lf
ycu've gct a car full cf pecple. The
flve-speed gearbcx ls lcvely and
sllck, but the ratlcs are qulte lcng
and take scme gettlng used tc -
there's very llttle englne braklng
when descendlng a steep hlll.
The suspenslcn set-up has
been tuned fcr ccmfcrt, tcc, sc
bcdy rcll ln bends ls prcncunced.
Fcwever, whlle the Captur can
|lggle arcund cver smaller bumps
- partlcularly when fltted wlth
17-lnch wheels - lt settles dcwn
nlcely cn the mctcrway.
The 2008 we drcve was fltted
wlth a 1.6 e-Ful dlesel englne
0-62 !0.4 5C5 10P 5P0!!TMPR
kAk SA1S faptur and 2008 prov|de |mpress|ve space
|n back, but on|y kenau|t's rear bench s||des back and |orth
p p p
cenemy: 70.6mpg
C02: 105g]km
quipment: LFu runnlng llghts,
crulse ccntrcl, electrlc wlndcws,
allcy wheels, uA8 radlc
0nsale New
p p
cenemy: 76./mpg
C02: 95g]km
quipment: 17-lnch allcys,
glcss exterlcr pack, rear parklng
senscrs, heated frcnt seats
0nsale New
0-62 !0.4 5C5 10P 5P0!!TMPR
2008 has a
s||ght|y more
supp|e r|de than
|ts superm|n|
cous|n, the 208
the lcwer-pcwered dlesel wlth
the F0C autc gearbcx, and CU2
emlsslcns drcp tc 98g]km.
All the 2008's ccntrcls are llght
tc use, and desplte slttlng hlgher
lt feels |ust as ccmpact as a 208.
The rlde feels ever sc sllghtly
mcre supple than lts hatchback
ccusln's, althcugh there's stlll a
hlnt cf flrmness arcund tcwn. lt
never feels qulte as aglle as the
208, thcugh, wlth sllghtly
mcre bcdy rcll and
reactlcns that |ust
generally feel a llttle
slcwer. Uff-rcadlng
lsn't suppcsed tc
be part cf the
2008's everyday
llfe, but Allure and
Fellne mcdels dc
get grlppler all-year
dellverlng 113bhp, whlch prcved
reflned and klcked harder under
acceleratlcn than the 118bhp
1.6 vTl petrcl we alsc tested,
desplte belng slcwer cn paper.
Peugect clalms eccncmy cf
70.6mpg fcr the dlesel, wlth CU2
emlsslcns cf 105g]km- sc lcw
because the 2008 cnly welghs
|ust cver a tcnne and all mcdels
are frcnt-wheel drlve cnly. 0c fcr
furvy |ooks he|p faptur stand
out. 0pt|ona| contrast|ng roo|
|s worth the 100 extra
5eat covers can be removed |n
faptur, a|r vents |ook great,
boot ||oor |s removab|e, too
fentra| screen and neat d|a|s
g|ve 0eugeot a b|t more po||sh
than kenau|t, but boot tra||s
A|r-con, cru|se contro| and eco
sw|tch are standard, a|though
faptur cou|d be better to dr|ve
tyres and a 0rlp Ccntrcl system
that prcvldes better tractlcn
cn sllppery surfaces.
Un the lnslde, the Peugect
excels - scft-tcuch plastlcs, satln
chrcme and classy glcss black
lnserts all add up tc a premlum
feel that's far beycnd what's
cffered ln the hlssan }uke, and
a cut abcve the Captur's sllghtly
kenau|t Captu| and |eugeot 2008
fllmsy lnterlcr plastlcs, tcc.
unfcrtunately, the tlny steerlng
wheel and awkwardly placed
dlals are bcth carrled cver
frcmthe 208. Allure mcdels
and abcve ccme wlth a laser-
engraved llght slgnature that
lccks llke clawmarks ln the
headllnlng, althcugh thls can
be replaced by an cptlcnal
pancramlc sunrccf.
As the Captur effectlvely
replaces the Mcdus, lt makes
up fcr lts unlmpresslve lnterlcr
quallty wlth a number cf MPv-
lnsplred tcuches lnslde,
lncludlng stacks cf stcrage
ln the dccrs and cn the dash,
and a slldlng rear seat bench.
Sllde thls rlght back and ycu
get lcts cf head and legrccm,
and a 377-lltre bcct. Sllde lt
kenau|t faptur 0eugeot 20
arcund tcwn. lt
as aglle as the
h sllghtly
a cut abcve the Captur's sllghtly
N|gh||ght o| the 2008's rear end
are ta||-|amps |ntended to
ape the shape o| a c|aw
kenaulI tapIur PeugeeI 2008
1h supermini-5bv market
is abeut te get a Iet mere
crewded, but the kenauIt
Captur has what it takes te
be ameng the cIass Ieaders.
whiIe it's ne driver's car, it
Ieeks great - particuIarIy iI yeu
ept Ier the twe-tene reeI - and
has Iets eI space inside. Neat
teuches Iike the zip-eII seat
cevers and sIiding rear seat
beest its shewreemappeaI,
tee. A price hike eI 1,800
ever the equivaIent CIie
seems a IittIe steep, theugh.

AL1h0bCh the Peugeet 2008

deesn't eIIer anything new,
it's cemIertabIe, spacieus and
extremeIy weII put tegether. A
price eI just 800 mere than
the equivaIent 208 is aIse a
great deaI - especiaIIy when
yeu censider it's aImest
as eIIicient, a IittIe mere
cemIertabIe and a Iet mere
spacieus. 1he 1.6-Iitre e-hi
dieseI is eur pick because eI its
perIermance and reIinement;
we'd steer cIear eI the neisy
and Iess eIIicient 1.6 petreI.

1here's |ots o| body ro||,

but 50 and 6r|p fontro|
ensure secure hand||ng

Luke Madden
kenau|t Captu| and |eugeot 2008 1epsIery
0n the back eI eur initiaI drives, [uke's pIace at the tep eI
the cIass Ieeks under threat - these are very taIented cars
Length: 4,135mm width: 1,765mm
height: 1,565mm eet space: 251]830 Iitres
Peugeet 2008
Length: 4,159mm width: 1,759mm
height: 1,556mm eet space: 360]1,194 Iitres
kenault taptur
Length: 4,120mm width: 1,770mm
height: 1,570mm eet space: 377]1,235 Iitres
k llt t t
P t 2008
Niii j kkk
N0w kl9AL5
NA50k 00
NewCaptur and 2008 take inspiratien Iremthe
Nissan [uke, and share simiIar basic dimensiens.
ut they previde a Iet mere space en the inside...
160mmfcrward and there's |ust
encugh space fcr an adult tc take
a shcrt trlp ln the back, but bcct
space |umps tc /55 lltres. The
seatbacks fcld 60:/0, but dcn't gc
fully flat, althcugh the bcct flccr
has twc levels, and the dlvlder
ls plastlc cn cne slde, maklng
transpcrtlng muddy bccts easy.
kenault's patented remcvable
seat ccvers alsc feature. Un
these, the base and back seat
faces zlp cff easlly and can
be machlne washed at
30 degrees Celslus,
freshenlng up the
cabln. Ycu can change
themwhen lt's tlme
tc sell the car, tcc.
Peugect alsc
ccnflrmed at the
launch cf the 2008
that an estate verslcn cf the
208 wcn't be lntrcduced, as
the 2008 wlll flll that rcle, but the
newcar can't match the Captur
fcr practlcallty. whlle havlng fcur
adults cn bcard lsn't a prcblem,
standard bcct space ls |ust 360
lltres - larger than a }uke, abcut
the same as a vauxhall Mckka,
but less than the kenault.
1I |ts
Nore boot
space than
109 |ts
Nore boot
space than
251 |ts
8oot space |n
the [uke
ed remcvable
ature. Un
d back seat
and can
d at
but less than the kenault.
NewsweekAud|'s Suv boom
Pictures: Christian 5chuIte
0ur exc|us|ve |mages revea|
dramat|c sty||ng o| 2, and |t
showcases Aud|'s new gr|||e
5tr|k|ng 2 heads
1he product|on mode| w|||
be heav||y |n||uenced by the
fross|ane foup concept
1R 3 was onIy introduced in 2011, so won't
be repIaced for a whiIe, but it's proven a saIes hit with
combination of stron efficiency and a premiumfeeI.
L0w-sIun and more dynamic version of the 3,
baded 4, couId foIIowthe exampIe of 8Mw, which
reveaIed sIeek X4 concept at the 5hanhai Motor 5how.
Ah01Rk bi success for Audi. 1he 5 emered
in 2008 and wiII formthe basis of the Porsche Macan. A
repIacement usin the newM8 pIatformis due in 2015.
Nere's how Aud|'s new |am||y w||| shape up
Aud|'s Suv boom
Pictures: Xxxxxxxxx

Aud|'s 50V hoom
A1-sized model due hy 20z5 xtlusive imaes showhold looks
Auul ls pushlng ahead
wlth audaclcus expanslcn
plans fcr lts '' car famlly, as
glcbal Suv sales ccntlnue tc
bccm. And tcp cf lts llst cf
prlcrltles ls the smallest and
spcrtlest mcdel - the 2.
Audl's head cf technlcal
develcpment, wclfgang
uurhelmer, tcld us: "lf
ycu lcck at the grcwth,
malnly gulded by
the uS and Chlna,
fcllcwed by lndla
and kussla, Suv
prcducts are the
flrst prlcrlty.
"when l flrst
arrlved at Audl
|back ln 2012[,
l evaluated the
prcgramme and
planted twc
pcles that were
prlcrltles - the dlesel hybrld
spcrts car and the 2."
The prcductlcn mcdel,
expected tc arrlve ln 2015,
wlll be heavlly lnfluenced by
the Audl Crcsslane Ccupe
ccncept dlsplayed at the
2012 Parls Mctcr Shcw.
Steve Lewls, Audl's
head cf ccncept deslgn, sald:
"Thls ls far mcre reallstlc than
scmethlng llke the quattrc
ccncept. Audl ls headlng
tcwards a smaller Suv and thls
ccncept wlll deflnltely lnfluence
the prcductlcn verslcn."
As cur excluslve lmages
shcw, the 2 ls llkely tc keep
the three-dlmenslcnal grllle
frcmthe Crcsslane ccncept (a
feature cf all future Audl Suvs),
plus lts three-dccr laycut, but
wlll swap the remcvable tcp
panel fcr a flxed rccf.
The newcar wlll be based
cn the same M8 platfcrmthat
underplns the Audl A3 and vw
0clf hatchbacks, and wlll be
arcund 135mmshcrter and
100mmlcwer than the 3,
but sllghtly larger ln every
dlmenslcn than an A3.
The Crcsslane Ccupe
ccncept was pcwered by a
three-cyllnder plug-ln hybrld
drlvetraln, but we expect the
2 tc use the same 201bhp
1./ TSl englne and electrlc
mctcr ccmblnatlcn as the A3
e-trcn. Ccnventlcnal petrcl and
dlesel englnes, alsc shared
wlth the A3, wlll make up
the bulk cf sales, thcugh.
At the cther end cf the Suv
spectrum, Audl ls wcrklng cn a
mcre spcrty mcdel tc slt abcve
the 7. Thls newccmer wculd
mcst llkely be badged 8,
and wculd gc head tc head
wlth the latest kange kcver.
"Cculd we gc abcve the 7!
Yes, we cculd deflnltely dc thls,"
uurhelmer ccnflrmed. "8entley
has shcwnthere's rccmfcr mcre
expenslve Suvs, and l wculdn't
mlnd glvlng lt a challenge."
68A50 on the next 5, the 6 wiII add an
extra dash of styIe and shouId be sharper to drive.
8ut don't expect it to arrive untiI at Ieast 2017.
71R 2014 7 wiII be the first Audi buiIt on the
vwML8 Iare car pIatform. 0se of aIuminiumand carbon
fibre means it'II be 350k Iihter than the current car.
8A5kane kover has proven, there is space
for Iare 50vs to move upmarket. 1he 100,000
8 wiII take on the kane kover when it arrives in 2015.
A5 the 5bv Iine-up expands, Audi has demenstrated its
expertise in Iightweight materiaIs with a 300kg Iighter 11.
1he 11 bItra quattre cencept (pictured) is based en the
11 5, and as weII as being Iighter, it squeezes an extra
38bhp Iremthe 2.0-Iitre 1F5I engine. 1he 306bhp tetaI
means the 0-62mph sprint time is sIashed by 1.3 secends
te 4.2 secends, whiIe the tep speed cIimbs te 173mph.
Audi has cut weight everywhere te bring the bItra quattre
in at 1,111kg. 1weaks te the crankcase, baIancer shaIts and
beIts mean the engine's 25kg Iighter, whiIe steeI suspensien
springs are repIaced by IibregIass-reinIerced peIymer ceiIs
weighing 40 per cent Iess. 1he bedy is aIse 43kg Iighter due
te carben Iibre in the centre tunneI, -piIIars and reeI.
Accerding te Audi, this cencept ceuId spawn a Iew-
veIume preductien medeI, which weuId be the perIect
send-eII Ier the current 11 ahead eI next year's newcar.
...As ||ghtwe|ght
11 |s un|eashed
0nder sk|n, three-
door uses A1

a ack
pcles that were 0clf hatchbacks, and wlll be mlnd glvlng lt a challenge.
0nder sk|n, thhree-
door usees A1
|o|d |sco|t set lo| |u|ope
1R new5koda 0ctavia vk5is set
to be unveiIed at the Coodwood
festivaI of 5peed on 11 |uIy - but
there are stiII some Iast-minute
tweaks to be made, as enineers
continue to thrash prototypes
around Cermany's hrburrin.
1he test car spied here is stiII
IihtIy disuised, but you can
see the more aressive bodykit,
Iarer aIIoys and subtIe rear
spoiIer of the fIaship modeI.
5koda has previousIy said the
newvk5wiII be "Ioner, wider
and Iihter" than the outoin
modeI, as weII as becomin "the
fastest roadoin 0ctavia yet".
we're expectin the 0ctavia
vk5to have 20bhp more than
New Lscort |s com
Ford has hi plans for thinese-market saloon
8ut hosses play down talk of a return to 0k
scort w|||
target fh|nese
market -but
there's potent|a|
|or |t to be so|d
FUku'S newFsccrt, unvelled
at the Shanghal Mctcr Shcw
last mcnth, cculd ccme tc Furcpe.
The mld-slze salccn ccncept
caused a sensatlcn ln Chlna,
when lt was revealed that lt
wculd wear the famcus badge.
And althcugh a prcductlcn
verslcn cf the car wculd be
almed flrmly at the Chlnese
market, there ls pctentlal
fcr lt tc be scld elsewhere.
A senlcr Fcrd lnslder tcld
Autc Fxpress: "There's certalnly
been lnternal dlscusslcns abcut
lt |ccmlng tc Furcpe[. l wculd lcve
tc see lt cver here |ln Furcpe[.
"There ls deflnltely a place
ln the market fcr a lcwer-ccst
car tc slt under the Fccus. The
key wculd be dclng lt wlthcut
belng seen tc make the Fcrd
brand any less deslrable."
And newFcrd uK chalrman
and Mu Mark Uvenden ccnflrmed
the newmcdel wasn't lntended as
a Chlna-cnly car when he spcke
tc Autc Fxpress at a lunch tc
mark the retlrement cf cutgclng
chalrman }ce 0reenwell. "lt's a car
lnltlally fcr Chlna," he sald. "8ut
lt cculd wcrk ln cther places."
Fcwever, uK fans cf the
legendary name are set tc
be dlsappclnted. when asked
where else the Fsccrt cculd
be scld, Uvenden sald
slmply: "hct 8rltaln!"
The tradltlcnal reslstance
cf uK buyers tc salccns,
and the negatlve
publlclty whlch
New sa|oon
debuted at
show, and
caused a st|r
by rev|v|ng
scort name

verslcns cf the Fsccrt, wculd
make lt a hard sell here.
Markets where salccns
are mcre pcpular - such as
Fastern Furcpe and pcsslbly
even Pcrtugal and lreland
- mlght be mcre feaslble.
Uvenden explalned
the cultural reascns that
caused the ccmpany tc
ccnslder a newC-segment
car fcr Chlna, where the
Fccus ls already a masslve
seller. "Pecple there dcn't
drlve the same car as thelr
bcss, and many bcsses
drlve Fccuses," he sald. "Sc
there ls an cppcrtunlty tc sell
ancther car underneath lt."
5even-seat f|at 500kL exposed
1h Iirst picture eI the new
seven-seater Fiat 500XL has
appeared en the Internet.
Fremthe nese te the C-piIIar,
the car Ieeks simiIar te the Iive-
seat 500L MPv, but it Ieatures a
Ienger everhang and Iarger rear
windew. 1he 500XL is expected
te be areund 200mmIenger
than the 4,147mm500L.
Inside, it's expected te be
simiIar te the 500L, but with
the additien eI twe third rew
rear seats that IeId up Iremthe
beet IIeer. ngines wiII aIse
be shared with the 500L, and
are set te incIude the 0.9-Iitre
1winAir and 1.4-Iitre petreI
engines, and 1.3 and 1.6-Iitre
dieseIs. A Fiat spekesweman
cenIirmed that the 500XL is
IikeIy te debut at the FrankIurt
Meter 5hewin 5eptember.
1he newcemer wiII jein the
reguIar 500 city car, seIt-tep
500C and 500L in the range,
with a IiIth medeI - the 500X
cressever - set te jein the
IamiIy next year. Prices Ier
the 500XL are expected te
start Iremareund 16,500.
6ra|ny p|cture o|
seven-seat 500kL
has appeared on
web ahead o| car's
debut at frank|urt
|o|d |sco|t set lo| |u|ope Newsweek
2IIhhp 0ctav|a vk5 on road
0o you want |t |nthe 0K?
before, with power fromthe
same 217bhp 2.0-Iitre enine
as the Iatest vwCoIf C1I.
5koda has aIso confirmed
a dieseI vk5wiII be avaiIabIe.
1his is IikeIy to be powered by
the 2.0-Iitre 10I enine from
the CoIf C10, ivin 181bhp.
1here's no word on prices yet,
but we expect the hot 0ctavia
to o on saIe shortIy after its
|uIy unveiIin, fromaround
21,500 - or over 4,000 Iess
than the cheapest CoIf C1I.
f|esta 9's |n-
whee| power
whIL the newscert (IeIt)
ceuId ceme te urepe in the
near Iuture, Ferd is Ieeking
even Iurther ahead with this
experimentaI eIectric Fiesta.
1he ewheeIrive (abeve)
- buiIt in ceIIaberatien with
Cerman speciaIist 5chaeIIIer
- is pewered by eIectric
meters in each wheeI. 1hese
cempact meters weuId aIIew
cars te be much smaIIer in the
Iuture, as space under the
bennet weuIdn't be needed.
PIus, as they can aIIewthe
wheeIs te turn 90 degrees,
they weuId make paraIIeI
parking in tight gaps simpIe.
PA0 34: Fiesta 51 uKdrive
f|ywhee| 560
cuts em|ss|ons
v0Lv0has cempIeted testing
eI an F1-styIe kinetic nergy
kecevery 5ystem(kk5)
based en a IIywheeI.
1he Irent wheeIs eI the
experimentaI 560 are driven
by a Ieur-cyIinder turbe, with
the rears beested by a carben
Iibre IIywheeI. 1his set-up is
best suited te urban driving,
where reguIar braking keeps
the IIywheeI spinning.
veIve reperted a 25 per cent
cut in emissiens ever the six-
cyIinder 16 turbe medeI. PIus,
the speciaI 560 was six-tenths
Iaster than the 16 Aw Irem
0-62mph, taking 5.5 secends.
9w |n d|ese|
vwCreup chairman r Martin
winterkern has anneunced a
newdieseI deIivering 134bhp
per Iitre. 1he newengine wiII
heIp vwachieve its aimeI
cuttingits range's average C02
emissiens te 95g]kmby 2020.
AIse assisting this precess
is an eIIicient 10-speed 5C
bex, whiIe pIug-in hybrid vw
Passat, Persche Cayenne and
Audi A6medeIs -capabIe eI 30
miIes en eIectric pewer aIene
- have been cenIirmed, tee.
vk5 sp|ed at Nrburgr|ng, and |s set to use 6o|| 61l's eng|ne
m|ng to Lurope
Ihe Lscort won't he
com|ng to the 0K, hut
|| you ca||ed |t an 0r|on...
|| th|s new mode| was
ever exported to the 0K
|rom Lh|na, and pr|ced
aggress|ve|y, |t cou|d he a
compet|tor |or the 5koda
kap|d and 5LAI Io|edo.
| th|nk |ord has ||na||y
|ost the p|ot. Ih|s car
|ooks much n|cer than
the |atest |ocus.
james 8ernie
via lacebook
| |oved a|| the |ord
Lscorts, hut | a|so ||ke
the |ocus. ow ahout
a new Lort|na, Lapr|
and 6ranada as we||?
jee Levestick
An Lscort that's now the
s|ze o| the ear|y Mondeo?
More hrand con|us|on.
Ihank goodness |t's
not com|ng here.
CeIin kedman
via lacebook
5|nce |ord w||| no |onger
accept a |actory order |or a
|our-door |ocus |n 0K spec,
th|s wou|d |||| the gap.

M0I0k 50w

Newsweekkange kove| Spo|t kS
-Iype and 8 |n |rame |or [ag 50V
|AC0Ak has iven the cIearest
indication yet that it's workin
on an 50v, foIIowin insiders'
confirmation that it's trademarked
the names -1ype and X.
1he names take aimat Audi's
Iine-up of modeIs (Pae 12)
and 8Mw's X cars, but |auar wiII
have to watch its step, after Audi
took IeaI action aainst Chinese
brand oros for choosin to caII
its first modeI the C3. It'II now
be known as the oros 3 5edan
when it oes on saIe next year.
1he arrivaI of the |auar 50v
is part of the company's future
rowth stratey. |auar director
Adrian RaIImark has toId Auto
xpress that the newcar wouId
be deveIoped by Land kover for
|auar. 8ut it'II feature a road-
biased drivetrain unique to the
modeI, rather than usin existin
Land kover parts, to ensure it
drives Iike a |auar shouId.
|auar beIieves that the
market for smaII crossovers is
more profitabIe than for Iare
50vs, so the forthcomin off-
roader is IikeIy to be cIoser in
size to a freeIander than a kane
kover. 1he pIatformit uses couId
come froma new3 5eries rivaI
that |auar is pIannin, which
couId wear the X5bade.
542hhp kange kov
Spies tatth new kS model with hoosted 8
teramit hrakes lead a host of modifitations
5port k5 cou|d go |rom0-62mph |n 4.
seconds and reach a top speed o| 165m
TFF newkange kcver Spcrt
cnly made lts glcbal debut
at the hewYcrk Mctcr Shcwa
mcnth agc, but as these plctures
reveal, an even hctter kSverslcn
ls already under develcpment.
Uur sples captured thls
dlsgulsed prctctype testlng cn
publlc rcads near 0ermany's
hurburgrlng race clrcult - and
the new, larger alr lntakes and
mcre aggresslve frcnt bumper
lmmedlately set lt apart frcm
the standard mcdel. The rlde
helght ls alsc
lcwer than the standard kange
kcver Spcrt's, suggestlng flrmer,
tuned suspenslcn. kcundlng cff
the extenslve makecver ls a set
cf 21-lnch black allcy wheels.
under the bcnnet ls the same
5.0-lltre supercharged v8 as
ln the standard car, but wlth
mcre pcwer. we expect the kS
tc match the }aguar XKk-S, wlth
5/2bhp and a masslve 680hm
cf tcrque sent tc all fcur wheels.
Thls means the hct kange kcver
Spcrt cculd ccver 0-62mph
ln arcund /.8 seccnds.
Fade-free 8rembc carbcn-
ceramlc brakes are alsc llkely
1weaks to eng|ne, tract|on contro|, gearbox and dampers are a|| ||ke|y, a|ong w|th carbon-ceram|c brakes
tc feature cn the newccmer,
reduclng cverall welght and
bccstlng stcpplng pcwer.
Flsewhere, the uynamlc
Terraln kespcnse settlng,
dampers, steerlng and gearbcx
wlll be tweaked tc ensure the car
ls even mcre excltlng tc drlve,
whlle speclally develcped tyres
wlll allcwa 165mph tcp speed.
Prlces wlll nudge 100k when
the kSarrlves ln mld-201/. That's
0ur |||ustrat|on shows
how new [aguar
509 cou|d |ook

Picture: Christian 5chuIte
XtLuSlV lMA6
kange kove| Spo|t kS Newsweek
kegu|ar kang|e gets
ready to stretch out
1h newkange kever eIIers mere rear
seat space than beIere, but that wen't
step Land kever reIeasing a stretched
versien te cater Ier markets Iike China
- where Ienger equaIs better.
A Ieng-wheeIbase car wiII debut at
Nevember's Les AngeIes Meter 5hew,
harnessing the IIexibiIity eI the new
vPA aIuminiumarchitecture, which can
be extended er shertened much mere
easiIy than the previeus pIatIerm.
1he wheeIbase is expected te grew
by areund 150mm, with mest eI that
transIating inte mere rear Iegreem.
uyers wiII aIse be abIe te speciIy twe
recIining, heated and ventiIated rear
seats, in pIace eI the reguIar bench.
Prices Ier the standard kange kever
start at 71,295 Ier the v6 dieseI, but
the Lw car is IikeIy te be eIIered enIy
with Iarger v8s. 1hat means prices wiII
prebabIy start at areund 90,000.
1his wen't be the Iirst stretched
kange kever - the L5, which added
eight inches te the 100-inch wheeIbase
eI the MkI medeI, was seId in 1992.
kenau|t p|ants
to bu||d N|cra
kNAbL1 has anneunced it
wiII buiId the repIacement
Ier aIIiance partner Nissan's
current Micra (abeve) in France.
kenauIt's FIins pIant, near
Paris, wiII preduce areund
82,000 vehicIes a year when
preductien begins in 2016.
1he meve is part eI a deaI
that the cempany hepes wiII
step up the cempetitiveness
eI its French Iacteries. bnder
the newpIans, kenauIt wiII
increase preductien acress aII
its heme pIants by 180,000 te
710,000 vehicIes per year.
Nyunda| axes
'|nsens|t|ve' ad
hbNAI has apeIegised Ier
an advert premeting its IueI-
ceII ix35 that shewed a man
attempting te cemmit suicide.
1he enIine ad shewed the
man taping a hesepipe te his
exhaust and running it inte
the cabin, but his eIIerts IaiI
because the car has 100 per
cent water emissiens.
It was suppesed te shew
the emissiens Iremhydregen
vehicIes are harmIess, but
hyundai was Ierced te take
the centreversiaI videe dewn
aIter numereus cempIaints
abeut its insensitive nature.
far sa|es |a||...
but not |n 0k
w0kLwI demand Ier cars
is dewn, but saIes in the bk
are IIeurishing, accerding te
research by b5 autemetive
researcher kL PeIk and Ce.
Newcar registratiens
IeII by 1.9 per cent in March,
cempared te the same menth
in 2012. hewever, the bk
bucked the trend, with the
number eI cars Iinding hemes
increasing by seven per cent.
kegistratiens in Latin
America and China aIse grew,
but tumbIed dramaticaIIy in
India and [apan. And everaII
demand in western urepe
drepped by 10 per cent.
RA1 technoIoy? You'II Iove this new1oyota.
1he M.w city car concept (beIow) is described
as an "anti-excess" vehicIe, and features virtuaIIy
no equipment, with a back-to-basics approach aimin to cut weiht and cost.
It's the resuIt of a coIIaboration between 1oyota and french inventor |ean-Marie
Massaud, and the onIy adet is a sinIe screen above the steerin wheeI, showin
speed and naviation instructions.
1he aII-eIectric car is made from
Iihtweiht materiaIs, incIudin
bamboo, and weihs |ust
750k. It's shorter
than a vwup! but has
room for four, and the
rear seats sIide or can
be removed entireIy,
as in the Citroen 2Cv.
k5 w||| |eature
5.0-||tre 98
|rom standard
5port |aboveI,
but w|th even
more power
ver 5port |s go
9w gets |n 6roove
w|th up! spec|a|s
ccmpared tc the 51,500-
81,550 prlce range |ust revealed
fcr the regular kange kcver Spcrt.
The standard car ls cn sale ncw,
wlth fcur trlms and three englnes.
A hybrld arrlves later thls year.
k5 ||| | t d h
|gh-per|ormance k5 has |ower
suspens|on and h|g h|ack a||oys
8ack to bas|cs |or 1oyota up!

v0Lk5wACN has anneunced the Creeve upI and
keck upI - twe speciaI editiens eI its city car.
1he Creeve upI starts at 11,640 Ier the three-
deer, and gets a six-speaker Fender steree, sat-nav,
bIack seats with erange piping and 16-inch aIIeys.
1he 12,980 three-deer-enIy keckupI (abeve) has
a grey stripe runningever its bennet, reeI and beetIid,
a gIess-bIack bedykit and a rear speiIer. Inside are
heated seats, sat-nav and a six-speaker steree. eth
cars are en saIe new, with Iirst deIiveries due in [uIy.
adet is a sinIe screen above the steerin wheeI, showin
s made from
9w gets |n 6roove
y y
9w |
Picture: Lehmann
kAC pat|o| pa|ts bonus

thane in honus system
entouraes parts sales
0osh sp|ce |or 0uster
kAC patrcls are belng glven
greater flnanclal lncentlves tc
sell parts tc stranded mctcrlsts,
Autc Fxpress has learned.
Staff stlll recelve a mcnthly
bcnus based cn prcductlvlty -
the number cf drlvers they get
mcvlng agaln - but as lcng as
targets are hlt, parts bcnuses are
ncwmcre flnanclally slgnlflcant.
Prevlcusly, bcnuses were
spllt evenly between the flttlng
cf parts and gettlng the mctcrlst
cn the mcve. 8ut slnce March
thls year, the ccmmlsslcn fcr
any parts scld ncwccmes cn
tcp cf the prcductlvlty bcnus.
Ufflclally, the cash ls meant
tc remunerate the patrcl fcr the
tlme spent flttlng the part.
8ut any part ccstlng mcre
than 10 adds ancther 8 tc the
patrcl's salary. As an example,
a newbattery quallfles fcr thls,
and can be fltted ln mlnutes.
Autc Fxpress has learned
cf cne custcmer whc was
lnccrrectly cffered a new120
battery tc sclve hls car's prcblem,
even thcugh the draln cn the
car's electrlcal systemmeant
lt cculd have left the vehlcle
lmmcblllsed agaln wlthln days.
uefendlng the changes, the
kAC tcld us: "The newscheme
AF1k the F1 1wizy (abeve), here's anether car yeu never
knewyeu needed - a Iuxury versien eI the acia uster.
Fer areund 4,200 en tep eI the uster's 9,500 starting
price inIndia, tuner Chasaddedsci-Ii LIights, newbumpers
and bespeke wheeIs, whiIe inside is Iake Ieather and weed
trim, and a tep-spec inIetainment system. PIus, the rear seats
recIine and the Irent passenger seat IeIds IIat te make a bed.
1w|zy gets dose o|
formu|a 0ne mag|c
kNAbL1 has puIIed the cevers eII a 1wizy cencept with
an insane twist - it cemes with the same kinetic nergy
kecevery 5ystem(kk5) as the current crep eI F1 cars.
1he system, Iitted where the rear seat nermaIIy is,
beests pewer Irem17bhp te 97bhp Ier 13 secends.
1he resuIt is 0-62mph in 6.1 secends - en par with the
kenauItspert Mgane 265 - and tep speed is up te 68mph.
1he 1wizy F1 cencept uses the same huge sIick tyres as
singIe-seat FermuIa 3.5 race cars, and Ieatures a carben
Iibre bedykit with a huge rear wing, aere Irent spIitter
and side peds. It aIse has a hi-tech FermuIa 3.5-styIe
steering wheeI and energy-saving L Iights.
AItheugh there are ne pIans te put the cencept
inte preductien, it's scheduIed te bIast up the hiII
at the Ceedweed FestivaI eI 5peed in [uIy.
As |ong as
targets are h|t,
parts bonuses
are nowmore
ccmmlsslcns. The AA tcld us that
lt, tcc, "pays a small ccmmlsslcn
cn the sale cf scme parts, but
lncentlves are much blgger fcr
flxlng cars at the rcadslde".
lt alsc cffers a prlce match
cn lts batterles, refundlng the
dlfference lf a custcmer flnds
lt cheaper elsewhere.
0FMMctcrlng Asslst, cn the
cther hand, tackles the prcblem
dlfferently. "Uur scheme dcesn't
lncentlvlse retall actlvlty and any
ccmplalnts abcut cperatcrs are
lnvestlgated, and can result ln
the cperatcr belng remcved
frcmcur llst," explalned chlef
executlve uavld wllllams.
kAf patro|men have had extra |ncent|ves to se|| parts s|nce Narch
foncept as |ast as
Ngane 265

0ark kn|ghts
o| the roadI
th i h
lnd|an tuner has g|ven budget 0ac|a 509 a |uxur|ous makeover
kAL patro|s get honus to se|| parts
rewards patrcls fcr custcmer
satlsfactlcn and extra tlme spent
flxlng vehlcles. Patrcls cnly
sell the parts requlred."
Fcwever, lt's nct the cnly
breakdcwn prcvlder uslng parts
V01 set lo| uK |aunch
I0k M6 'm|n| on sa|
NewFiesta-rivallin M61 set for 0k dealers after dehutin in Shanhai
0k lndependence 0arty wants the 6overnment to
|ntroduce a 'de-esca|ator' to he|p |ower |ue| pr|ces
N61 w||| on|y
be o||ered as a
||ve-door, and
N6c|a|ms c|ass-
|ead|ng space
M0's newflve dccr 'mlnl, the
M03, wlll be cn sale ln tlme
fcr the September plate change
wlth prlces expected tc range
frcm10,000 tc 15,000.
The uK-spec car made lts
debut at last week's mctcr shcw
ln Shanghal - hcme tc M0's
parent ccmpany SAlC. The M03
has been cn sale ln Chlna fcr a
year, but uK cars wlll beneflt frcm
dynamlc and styllng tweaks.
Spcrtler frcnt and rear
bumpers, dual-cclcur slde
sklrts and hcckey stlck-shaped
LFu runnlng lamps are the
blggest changes. And as ls all the
rage wlth the latest supermlnls,
M0 wlll be cfferlng a hcst cf
perscnallsatlcn cptlcns. There'll
be ccntrastlng rccf cclcurs, plus
slde and bcnnet graphlcs, whlle
the lnterlcr shculd alsc get a
range cf dlfferent cclcur cptlcns,
ln addltlcn tc three trlmlevels.
M0 says the car has been
tuned speclflcally fcr uK rcads,
wlth sales and marketlng
dlrectcr 0uy }cnes telllng us
he expects the newccmer tc
cffer "hlgh-spec, affcrdable
fun" tc supermlnl buyers.
At /,015mmlcng and
1,728mmwlde, the M03 ls
sllghtly lcnger than a Fcrd Flesta,
and M0 ls clalmlng class-leadlng
lnterlcr space. There'll cnly be
cne, flve-dccr, bcdystyle, thcugh,
wlth nc plans fcr a three-dccr.
Unly cne englne wlll be
avallable, lnltlally: a 10/bhp
1.5-lltre petrcl wlth a
flve-speed gearbcx.
The M03 wlll |cln
the M06 ln the brand's
llne-up at a tlme when
sales are tumbllng. Sc
far ln 2013, |ust 81
M0s have fcund
hcmes ln the uK - a
fall frcm//6 cars scld ln
the same perlcd last year.
N61 gets neat touches ||ke N6 |ogo |n ||ghts, to match badge on gr|||e, as we|| as curvy ta||-|amps
6overnment to h|ock |ue| duty r|ses
1R CoaIition Covernment Iooks
set to bIock any future fueI duty
rises before the next CeneraI
Iection takes pIace in 2015.
As he took to the IocaI eIection
campain traiI, Prime Minister
0avid Cameron reportedIy said
the Covernment wouId "keep
oin" to ensure that any further
rises do not happen, unIess
petroI prices faII suddenIy.
Rowever, his comments were
contested by the opposition
parties. A Labour spokesman
toId Auto xpress: "0ur main
theme on fueI is reardin the
vA1 increase. we wouIdn't have
done this, and that wouId have
made fueI three pence per Iitre
cheaper immediateIy."
Isewhere, there were
caIIs fromthe 0K Independence
Party (0KIP) for a 'de-escaIator'
to be put in pIace to Iower
prices. A 0KIP spokesman
expIained: "I don't beIieve
a word of it. [Cameron] said
he'II do this, but then he's
said a Iot of thins. for too
Ion, the 8ritish motorist
has been nothin but a cash
cowfor this Covernment."
5ince comin to power
in 2011, the CoaIition has
bIocked around 13 pence
worth of fueI price rises.

d f it [C ] id
a d
M03 ls
a Fcrd Flesta,
'll cnly be
style, thcugh,
wlll be
ld ln
V01 set lo| uK |aunch Newsweek
8ent|ey to target fL5I
8h1LY C0woIfan 5chreiber has confirmed the company is considerin
a Mercedes CL5-rivaIIin four-door coup, based on the ContinentaI C1.
"I wouIdn't say no to the idea," 5chreiber toId us. "with the newfIyin
5pur, we have a modeI that supports the MuIsanne, and a coup with four
doors couId sit beIowthat. hot any time soon, but maybe in the Ioner term."
5chreiber has aIready spoken about his pIans to push 8entIey saIes from
8,510 modeIs in 2012 to 15,000 annuaIIy by 2018, and a 130k coup -
hinted at by our excIusive imae (above) - wouId certainIy heIp with this.
|e |n 5eptemher

6o0ro vs fontour
5hangha| show
0bk Iirst videe this week is Iremthe
5hanghai Meter 5hew, where eur
reperters Ieund Iets eI hemegrewn
Chinese eddities aIengside the big
debuts. 0ur ether cIip is a twin test
with a diIIerence, as this time we're
cemparing videe cameras, net cars.
watch at]videes.
MINI actien cameras are aII the
rage at the mement, and the new
CePre here3 and Centeur+ 2
are the mest pepuIar. ut which
is the better buy? 1e Iind eut,
we tested thembeth en and in
cars in a variety eI cenditiens.
ChINA is ene eI the Iastest-grewing
car markets in the werId, and saIes
eI Iereign medeIs are surging. ut
aItheugh Mercedes and Audis are
cemmen there, that hasn't stepped
seme Chinese brands shameIessIy
cepying a Iewwestern car designs.
eu can watch
any eI eur videes
en yeur phene
- simpIy by
scanning this
k cede.
ach week, eur iPad app Ieatures
excIusive videe. ewnIead it new.]prlnt-lpad]
1h MC C5cencept reveaIed at the 5hanghai Meter 5hew
wiII be the Iirst eI twe MC5bvs aimed at Nissan's best
seIIers. 1he C5, which insiders say is pretty cIese te the
styIe eI a preductien medeI, wiII be a direct rivaI Ier the
Nissan ashqai. It ceuId be en saIe as earIy as 2015.
MeanwhiIe, the Icen cencept, seen at Iast year's eijing
Meter 5hew, ceuId stiII make preductien. MC's saIes and
marketing directer, Cuy [enes, said: "1he Icen cencept is
stiII being deveIeped - it was very weII received." he hinted
that iI it was te ge en saIe, it weuId rivaI the Nissan [uke
and ceuId IeIIewthe C5inte shewreems in 2016.
1his means that the MC5 hatch ceuId take a back
seat, whiIe the cempany deveIeps its 5bv Iine-up.
...As new 509s take on
N|ssans at the doub|e
f5 |topI |s set
to shape N6
ashqa| r|va|,
and lcon ||e|tI
cou|d make
to batt|e [uke
A 5
ockey-st|ck LL0
dayt|me runn|ng |amps
add to drama, and ||ow
|nto shape|y |ower gr|||e
8oot spo||er and ho|d
ta||gate g|ve new car
rea| purpose, as does
aggress|ve rear d|||user
"I1'5the reaIIy big biIIs that peepIe
care abeut and want heIp with." 5e
said Prime Minister avid Cameren
(right) as he pIedged te Iight Iurther
IueI price hikes during the remainder
eI his CeaIitien Cevernment's term.
ut with eiI prices expected te
remain high, Cameren aIse caIIed
Ier mere actien te get buyers inte
eIectric vehicIes. 5peaking during campaigning
in the run-up te this week's IecaI eIectiens,
he expIained: "we've get te de mere te
enceurage reaIIy IueI-eIIicient cars.
"we've get te make sure the newgeneratien
eI green cars cemes threugh." hewever, Cameren
didn't expand en what these incentives sheuId be.
...0|us 0N wants
|ncent|ves |or 9s
XtLuSlV lMA6
Picture: Christian 5chuIte
!00 years ago, during the golden age of the `6randes Routieres`
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Not just for the brute force of its engine, but for the excellence
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0fficiaI Ccvernment Test EnvircnmentaI Data. FueI ccnsumpticn figures mpg
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Model shown Cascada Elite !.4i !6v vvTTurbo (!40PS} Start/Sto 26,!00 with 20 Alloy Wheels !,000, Two-coat Metallic Paint 525, Front Parking Distance
Warranty covers lifetime ownershi of hrst registered keeer, !00,000 mile limit. Terms and conditions aly. visit
A century after the 30-8 aeared, we`ve returned to that classic
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So you can areciate an insiring driving exerience, rain or shine.
Summer is a state of mind. visit
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emissicns (g/km). Cascada EIite !.4i !6v VVTTurbc (!40P5)
emissicns !4g/km.
Sensors 385, Premium Forward Lighting Pack 70. Total 0TR cost 28,800. Prices and secihcations correct at time of going to rint. vauxhall Lifetime
0ot a moto||ng p|ob|em we'|e he|e to he|p...
Relpdeskoct |o tcuc| _/utoLxpre
WriIeIe: watchdo, /uto Lxpre, Lenni lublihin,
`u Cleveland Street, London w1 /L
UhF reader learned the
hard way nct tc take a
dealer's wcrd fcr granted when
the 'lmmaculate' allcys he was
prcmlsed cver the phcne started
peellng |ust mcnths after he
bcught hls SFAT Lecn Cupra.
Stuart 8ruce, frcmCupar, Flfe,
thcught a cnce-cver was encugh
tc ensure that the cne-year-cld
car was ln as gccd a ccndltlcn
as he'd been tcld. 8ut |ust
fcur mcnths after plcklng up
the car frcmSFAT Letchwcrth ln
Fertfcrdshlre, Stuart nctlced the
allcys were startlng tc peel. Fe
tcck the car tc Arncld ClarkSFAT
ln 0lasgcwtc get lt checked.
"The staff tcld me the peellng
was a warranty lssue, sc the
wheel was replaced," he sald.
Stuart was alsc tcld that lf
the prcblemaffected the cther
wheels, he cculd take the car tc
any SFAT garage fcr replacements.
8ut when he tcck the car tc SFAT
Flfe, ln 0lenrcthes, after spcttlng
mcre peellng cn a rear wheel,
he was tcld lt had been palnted
tc repalr a prevlcus prcblem.
Ccncerned, he ccntacted SFAT
Letchwcrth, whlch tcld hlmlt had
nc reccrd cf any wcrk belng dcne
cn the wheels. SFAT Flfe agreed
tc repalr the wheel, but refused
tc replace lt under warranty.
A SFAT spckesman tcld Autc
Fxpress: "we cffered tc ccver
the ccst cf the wheel repalr as
a gesture cf gccdwlll cnly, tc
brlng lt back tc the ccndltlcn
ln whlch he bcught lt.
"lf Mr 8ruce deems thls
unsatlsfactcry, sc be lt, but
we stand by the cffer." SFAT
[ust months
a|ter p|ck|ng up
h|s Leon fupra,
5tuart not|ced the
a||oys pee||ng
fon|us|on over 5A1
tAS S1ubY!
clalms that the wheels
were nct defectlve wlthln the
terms cf the manufacturer's
ccntractual warranty. lt alsc
says that the lssue ls purely
ccsmetlc rather than a defect.
Stuart sald: "Thls all stems
frcmelther a fault cn the wheels
cr a dcdgy palnt |cb. SFAT has
nct prcvlded sultable aftercare."
The AA tcld us SFAT ls wlthln
lts rlghts tc refuse tc replace the
wheel as lt's nct a structural
lssue. Fcwever, a spckeswcman
sald: "The ccatlng shculdn't have
falled sc early and the wheels
shculd be refurblshed by a
speclallst, at nc ccst tc Stuart."
keep|ng you up to date
w|th the key |ssues that
a||ect you and your car
L6AL AbVlt
6Iaire ReIden
fa|| |or smok|ng ban
0vk haII eI ritain's meterists (56
per cent) think smeking whiIe driving
sheuId be banned, accerding te
research by the Institute eI Advanced
Meterists. hewever, 45 per cent
beIieve a ban weuId be unenIerceabIe.
wFFhStuart bcught hls nearly-
newLecn Cupra, he thcught the
allcys were ln perfect ccndltlcn.
8ut he was shccked when
they sccn started tc peel.
uFSPlTF replaclng cne wheel
under warranty, SFAT cnly
cffered Stuart a 'gccdwlll'
repalr tc the seccnd wheel
as the damage was ccsmetlc.
STuAkT lsn't entltled tc
replacement wheels, as thls lsn't
a structural lssue, acccrdlng tc
the AA. 8ut the wheels shculd
be ln a ccndltlcn expected fcr
thelr age, sc he ls wlthln hls
rlghts tc ask fcr repalrs.
A55tuart's Leen was stiII
within its warranty peried,
and beught used Irema 5A1
deaIer, his wheeIs sheuId be
repaired under warranty rather
than as a "gesture eI geedwiII",
as there is cIearIy a deIect.
510Ak1'5 fA5: At-a-g|ance
keader 5tuart
8ruce was to|d
d|||erent th|ngs by
d|||erent dea|ers
over pee||ng a||oys
on 5A1 Leon fupra
TFF fcllcwlng prcvlde help wlth
mctcrlng prcblems. Scme
servlces are free, cthers charge
a fee cr cperate cn premlum-
rate llnes (p), whlle scme cffer
advlce fcr members cnly (m).
1's pee||ng a||oys
AA |enewa| upsets |oya| custome|
tAS S1ubY2
AA: 0906 010 1300 (p)
kAC: 0870 5533 533 (m)
which?: 01992 822 800
Consumer 0irect:
08/5 /0/ 0506
LocaI 1radin 5tandards
LocaI Citizens Advice 8ureau
used car inspectiens
AA: 0800 085 3007
kAC: 0800 085 2529
1echnicaI advice
AA: 0870 606 1619 (m)
0riving Iicences
0vLA: 0300 790 6801
Car registratien[histery
RPI: 01722 /22/22
AA: 0800 316 356/
0vLA: 0300 790 6802
kAC: 0800 975 5867
1raffic infermatien
AA: 09003 /01100 (p)
kAC: 09003 ///999 (p)
PrebIems with deaIers
Motor Codes:
0800 692 0825
kMIf: 08/5 839 9205 (m)
5cottish Motor 1rade
Association: 0131 331 5510
PrebIems with makers
Motor Codes: 0800 692 0825
FinanciaI prebIems
financiaI 0mbudsman:
0800 023 /567
5afety cencerns[recaIIs
vehicIe and 0perator
5ervices Aency (vUSA):
0117 95/ 3300
AA h|ked
he had
|rom two
fyc||sts go unnot|ced
I1'5 saIer te jaywaIk than te be a cycIist,
accerding te research by irect Line. It
Ieund 22 per cent eI cycIists ge unneticed
by drivers, whiIe enIy Ieur per cent IaiIed
te spet jaywaIkers. 5at-nav users were
the werst eIIenders Ier ignering cycIists.
0A8 ||tted to more cars
NAkL 35 per cent eI newcars registered
in the Iirst three menths eI this year had
digitaI radie as standard, a rise eI 22 per
cent en the previeus year. 1he 5eciety eI
Meter ManuIacturers and 1raders Ieund
that A was Iitted te 215,000 newcars.
9 use beh|nd schedu|e
1h number eI eIectric vehicIes en bkreads
by 2020 ceuId be enIy 40,000, IaIIing weII
shert eI expectatiens, says a study by the
kACFeundatien. 1he Cemmittee en CIimate
Change had expected te see upte 1.7miIIien
vs and pIug-in hybrids en the read by then.
b5INC an independent garage
ceuId haIve the cest eI taking
yeur car in Ier repairs, accerding
te research by the Independent
Carage Asseciatien (ICA).
Labeur cests Ier independent
garages average areund
40, but the typicaI rate Ier
Iranchise garages stands at
95.94, the study Ieund.
It aIse reveaIed that rates wiII
diIIer dramaticaIIy depending
en Iecatien, with prices as Iew
as 34 in Cambridgeshire.
And aItheugh the highest rates
were Ieund in Lenden at 57 an
heur, this was stiII nearIy 40
cheaper than the average
Iranchised deaIer's Iees.
5tuart [ames, directer eI
the ICA, said: "with the cests
asseciated with ewning a
vehicIe centinuaIIy rising, it's
Iantastic te see independent
garages are centinuing te eIIer
eutstanding vaIue Ier meney."
5A1's m|xed messages
h|gh||ght the |mportance
o| putt|ng customers ||rst
1HIS week's case (oosiie)
slows jusi lowimoriahi
commuhicaiiohis Ior a car
mahuIaciurer. By hoi iellihg
ile dealer ilai ile car lad Leeh
ilrouglrevious reairs, SEA1
sehi oui mixed messages.
Ohe dealer Lelieved ile wleel
could Le relaced uhder
warrahiy, wlile ahoiler said
ii was ohly aLle io reair ii.
Ai ile same iime, SEA1 was
callihg ilis a 'goodwill gesiure'
ilrougloui, desiie ile Iaci ilai
reader Siuari Bruce lad ho idea
oI ile roLlemahd lad dohe
hoilihg io make ile issue worse.
Ii all leIi a reiiy oor
imressiohohSiuari, wlo Lhds
limselI howwiilohe good
wleel ahd ahoiler ilai is likely
io Le reaired ahd ilehLecome
a roLlemlaier oh. 1o say lis
IaiilihSEA1 is slakehis
someilihg oI ahuhdersiaiemehi.
1lis is ile kihd oI simle
issue ilai cahquickly ui you
oII a Lrahd, or evehmake you
iurhyour Lack ohii. Ahd ii's
someilihg ilai cahmake
ile diIIerehce Leiweeha
mahuIaciurer Leihg raied or
slaied Ior cusiomer service.
1le Lesi Lrahds do ileir
uimosi io kee cusiomers
lay, ahd evehiI, like 1oyoia,
iley are Iorced ihio large recalls,
ile way iley resohd io ilis
cahehsure eole irusi ilem.
1urhio Page io see wlicl
mahuIaciurer youraied as ile
Lesi ihour zo Driver Power
saiisIaciiohsurvey ahd wlicl
ohes Iailed io meei execiaiiohs.
lnd|e garages can s|ash your costs
F0LL0wINC eur reveIatiens
regarding kAC's prices Ier its
breakdewn cever (Issue 1,264),
it appears it's net the enIy
eperater that's had cempIaints
regarding renewaI cests Ier
Ieng-standing members.
CharIes Meere, IremFert
wiIIiam, changed his cever
aIter buying a newcar in 2011.
AIter epting Ier AA's CeId cever
(incIuding heme, kecevery and
keadside), he was charged
105 Ier his Iirst year eI cever.
1his increased te 131.15 a
year Iater and, in February, he
was then charged 187.08
Ier an extra 12 menths.
"My car has dene 15,009
miIes Iremnewand I haven't
used AA breakdewn services at
aII in that time," CharIes teId
us. "My IeyaIty has been taken
advantage eI by this eutIit."
we asked the AA why
the prices Ier CharIes had
increased se much in twe
years. "asicaIIy, this was an
unusuaI case in that Mr Meere
beneIited Irema disceunted
premiumin censecutive
years - 2011 and 2012," a
spekesman teId us. "he then
paid a nermaI price at renewaI
this year," he added.
Asked why he didn't receive
a disceunt Ier the third year,
despite net having te caII eut
the service, the AA cIaimed
disceunts were eIIered reutineIy
and that CharIes had received
twe en his previeus renewaIs.
"I've ebvieusIy accidentaIIy
ticked a bex Ier the renewaI,"
CharIes said. "ut they den't
teII yeu abeut prices except
in gIessy pamphIets."
1he ||rst year's
cover cost 105.
1h|s |ncreased to
111 a year |ater,
and then 18I
lndependents charge up to 50 |ess per hour than |ranch|ses
N01 100lf C|t|oen's w||d kub|s concept
ALL true mctcr nuts kncwCltrcen has
always been a leader ln lndlvlduallstlc
deslgn, and l rate thls ccncept very
hlghly. lf cnly 8Mwcculd pcach scme
cf thcse deslgners, we mlght see lt
ccme up wlth scme lnncvatlve cars,
lnstead cf the ccnfcrmlst style we've
had tc endure ln recent years. l truly
hcpe Cltrcen wlll have the ccurage
tc actually bulld thls ccncept. l really
dc belleve lt wculd sell very well.
l AMtctally bemused as tc why sc
many mctcrlsts lnslst cn lclterlng ln the
mlddle lane cn mctcrways at 50mph
after they have ccmpleted cvertaklng.
Thls type cf behavlcur dces ncthlng tc
help free-flcwlng trafflc and ln many
cases creates anger cn the rcads.
Un tcc many cccaslcns l've seen
drlvers fcrced lntc the cutslde lane and
lntc the path cf speedy cnccmlng trafflc.
l thlnk there shculd be scme way cf
lmpcslng an cn-the-spct flne tc deter
thls klnd cf lnccnslderate behavlcur.
TFF newM0 CSSuv ccncept (lssue
1,265) appears tc be nc dlfferent tc
the wceful Suvs that lnfest cur rcads
already. l cnly hcpe that the prcductlcn
verslcn wlll lcck ncthlng llke thls
flrst attempt and wlll shcwscme real
deslgn flalr when lt dces hlt the rcad.
l Flhu lt hard tc belleve that nc cne
seems tc have nctlced that the prlce
cf new cars ls shcctlng upwards, whlle
llttle cr nc real prcgress ls belng made.
lt's all very well fcr Skcda, fcr
lnstance, tc clalmthat the newUctavla
has stcp-start, a tcuchscreen and cther
gadgets, but wculdn't drlvers prefer a
car that handles and rldes prcperly and
has a spare wheel! Fcr thls suppcsed
'prcgress' Skcda ls ncwcharglng up tc
20 per cent mcre, taklng lt cut cf the
bargaln class and lntc the malnstream.
wFFh buylng a newcar, l wculd thlnk
mcst mctcrlsts are aware that they wcn't
get the advertlsed mpg (lssue 1,26/). At
least the fact that all manufacturers use
the same lab-testlng technlque means we
have a true ccmparlscn cf mpg flgures.
There'll never be a systemthat glves
100 per cent accurate mpg, but lf we get
rld cf thls flawed yet useful systemand
let each manufacturer ccme up wlth
thelr cwn 'cn the rcad' mpg, the flgures
wcn't actually be ccmparable. we
shculd be careful what we wlsh fcr!
l LlKF Cltrcens cf cld such as the 8X,
Xantla and even the current C5, but the
uS range ls |ust a fad. The uS3 wlll be
cne cf thcse cars that lccks hcpelessly
cut cf fashlcn ln twc years' tlme. l
thlnk thls |ust lccks llke a |acked-
up C/. l cnly hcpe lt remalns as a
ccncept and dcesn't reach prcductlcn.
0thers cou|d |earn
|rom f|troen's sty|e
0n-the-spot ||nes |or
m|dd|e-|ane hoggers
N6's 509 has no ||a|r
6|ve us the bas|cs
and keep pr|ces |ow
At |east o|||c|a| mpg
||gures are cons|stent
05 '|ad' w||| soon
be bad|y out o| date
fk0N: 0|eg k
fk0N: Je||y ones
fk0N: ||ed ||yce
fk0N: 0a|eth ones fk0N: V||e Vaycoc|
fk0N: U|sast|a
C|t|oen has succumbed to
g|mm|c|s. Jh|s |oo|s |||e a
c|oss between a vo|vo XC
and a kange kove|.
why wou|d C|t|oen tac| on
the b||ngy ch|ome deta||sI
|l |t wants the ca| to se||,
|t needs ton|ng down.
Jhe US |ange |oo|s c|ass|e|
than no|ma| C|t|oens, and
|s un|||e|y to date because
|t doesn't lo||ow t|ends.
Jh|s |s the l||st C|t|oen |n a
|ong t|me that hasn't had
anyth|ng out ol p|ace. |'d
|||e to see |t |n the meta|.
o|n the debate at www.autoexp||
tlaireRelden _/utoLxpre
WriIeIe: Letter, /uto Lxpre, Lenni lublihin,
`u Cleveland Street, London w1 /L
we want to hea| what you th|n|...

A010 k0k55 u0w AvA||A|| 0u ||AU
5ubscr|be to|0adandpr|nt magaz|nes and5A9
ThenewlPadverslcncf AutcFxpresshasadeslgnthat'scptlmlsedfcr theAppletablet, plusarangecf
excluslvevldecs-andlt'salscavallablewlththesamegreat-valueslxlssuesfcr 1cffer astheprlnt
prcduct. Tallcr ycur subscrlptlcntcget lPadcnly, prlnt cnlycr prlnt andlPadverslcnsbylcgglngcnncw.
www.aufoex eex ex ex eex eex ex ex ex eex eex eeex xx eeex ex ex xxpr pr ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp es es es ees ss. sss. co co co co co ooooo.uuu .u .u .uuuuuuu ...uukkkkkkkkkkk
NNANf06ALLkl5 8kfL05l9 9l005
Jac|||ng the moto||ng |ssues that matte|
LAST week's Shanghal Mctcr
Shcwhlghllghted the lncreaslng
number cf 'glcbal cars' belng
launched - mcdels scld acrcss
the wcrld wlth very llttle change.
8ut hcwwlll the already masslve
and ever-grcwlng Chlnese market
affect the cars we drlve every day!
Llke many ma|cr car ccmpanles,
Peugect has a deslgn centre ln
Chlna - ln thls case Shanghal.
And Peugect's chlef deslgner,
0llles vldal, lnvlted Autc Fxpress
tc take a lcck arcund.
The Peugect deslgn centre ls
sltuated |ust 12 mlles (but an hcur-
and-a-half drlve) frcmthe centre cf
Shanghal ln what, fcr thls clty, ls a
relatlvely lcw-rlse cfflce bulldlng
cn the Cache|lng Fl-Tech Park.
Strlctly speaklng, lt's a PSA
faclllty, shared wlth Cltrcen and uS
deslgn studlcs, but vldal ushers us
lntc the Peugect receptlcn area wlth
lts dlstlnctly 0alllc flavcur. There's
renalssance-style furnlture and a
tlmellne cf Peugect classlcs acrcss
the mlrrcred wall. lt may lcck llke a
ncndescrlpt cfflce frcmthe cutslde,
yet lnslde lt's all abcut style.
8ut ls there a danger that
Chlnese tastes wlll cverccme the
French flalr Peugect ls kncwn fcr!
"hct at all," says vldal. "ln terms
cf exterlcr and lnterlcr deslgn, we
have tc make sure that lt says
Peugect arcund the wcrld. we've
1/ dlfferent natlcnalltles wcrklng
acrcss Peugect's deslgn centres,
whlch glves us rlchness. Uur |cb ls
tc fllter that lntc the brand's uhA."
Uur flrst stcp ls ln the Cclcur
and Trlmdepartment. Acccrdlng tc
vldal, thls ls where Peugect has tc
dc mcst tc cater fcr Chlnese tastes.
Fe lntrcduces us tc Flsa Zhang,
Peugect's cclcur and trlmsenlcr
manager ln Chlna, whc explalns
scme cf the dlfferences between
eastern and western tastes.
"Fcr surfaces, the experlence cf
tcuch ls a blg dlfference," she says.
"ln Furcpe lt's mcre cf a dry, rcugh
texture and mcre spcrty. Fere
lt's smccther and a scfter tcuch -
mcre llke a ccmfy ccrner at hcme.
"ln Chlna, there's a warm
crlentated amblence, where ln
Furcpe lt's cccler and cclder cclcurs.
The Chlnese really llke leather
because cf lts hlgher value -
there's a llklng fcr materlals whlch

th|s o|||ce |ooks
nondescr|pt, but
|ns|de |t's a||
about sty|e

Auto xpress gets an exc|us|ve |nv|te to
0eugeot's des|gn centre |n 5hangha| |or a ||rst
hand |ook at how fh|na |s |n||uenc|ng car des|gn
5ty||ng ch|e| 6|||es 9|da| shows our man
fow|er ||e|tI some deta||s on sca|e mode|
o| fh|nese market 1008 to revea| how
5hangha| arm |s shap|ng |uture 0eugeots

are fcund ln nature because
they're percelved tc ccst mcre."
Ycu mlght lmaglne that llnklng
Peugect's deslgn Fln Parls wlth
Shanghal and the brand's latest
deslgn centre lnSac Paclc, 8razll,
wculd be a lcglstlcal nlghtmare.
8ut the plce de reslstance cf
Peugect's hl-tech deslgn klt ls the
mcst advanced vldec ccnference
systemwe've ever seen.
we're led lntc what lccks llke
any cther bcardrccm, but wlth
the table cut ln half. Faclng us are
three screens wlth what appears
tc be an ldentlcal rccmbelng
shcwn acrcss all three. we cculd
be faclng a mlrrcr, untll Sandeep
8ambhra frcmPeugect's Parls
deslgn studlc (and the man
respcnslble fcr the fabulcus
Unyx ccncept) walks ln and slts
cppcslte us, but 5,760mlles away.
As he talks tc us there's nc
delay at all, whlle the clever
cameras and scftware mean
he's lccklng dlrectly at us,
althcugh he's actually starlng
at an ldentlcal screen ln Parls.
As ycu'd lmaglne, thls brlngs
all three deslgn centres much
clcser, wlth vldal able tc
mcnltcr hls teams' wcrk wlthcut
havlng tc leave Parls (althcugh
he ls stlll a frequent vlsltcr
tc Chlna and 8razll). ln fact,
Peu Peuu Peu e
Sha SSh
des de
8ut 8ut 88
Peu Peu PP
mcs mcs mcs mcc
sys sys sys sys sys y ttt
tcccccc b
shc shc shhh shc
beeee ff
fh|nese buyers are |nterested
|n the deta|| des|gn -they have
d|||erent pr|or|t|es to uropeans
| d
5ketchpads are a|| d|g|ta| |n th|s h|-tech
|ac|||ty as des|gners put the|r ||n|sh|ng
touches to some o| fh|na's b|g se||ers
hIJr 0 AIJI/
0eugeot has 65 sta|| at stud|o, work|ng on br|ng|ng to |||e ear|y
sketches and creat|ng tr|ms to su|t d|||erent markets |be|owI
>!rr| !00|
ln fh|na, 1008 |ooks |onger and s|eeker,
as a resu|t o| changes des|gn centre has
made. lt cou|d even |n||uence next 0k car
|ac|||ty as
touches touches
1eamcan bu||d
c|ay mode|s |rom
sketches, but |t
a|so outsources
|u||-s|ze c|ays to
|oca| fh|nese
Peugect's SXC and
2008 ccncept cars were
deslgned ln Shanghal,
wlth the teams able tc
shcweach cther drawlngs,
prlnt cut sketches and
make amendments all
rlght ln frcnt cf each cther.
vldal reckcns they use
thls system(develcped by
Clscc, whlch ls cwned by
}aguar Land kcver cwner Tata)
every slngle week, wlth cnly a
tlme dlfference tc bear ln mlnd.
A tctal cf 65 pecple wcrk ln
the Shanghal studlc fcr Peugect,
ccmpared tc 380 ln Parls. And
whlle the teamln Chlna are able
tc bulld thelr cwn clay mcdels
(and scme rather deccratlve
clay plants ln receptlcn), they
cutscurce full-slze clays tc
lccal Chlnese ccmpanles.
wlth Peugect's cperatlcns ln
Chlna belng a |clnt venture wlth
Chlnese car maker ucngFeng, lt
means a degree cf lnvclvement
ln the deslgn prccess between
the partners. "we dc the deslgn
wcrk, then present lt tc and
dlscuss lt wlth ucngFeng," says
vldal. "They have a gccd sklll
space." Chlnese buyers
tend tc be much ycunger,
tcc. As vldal explalns:
"8ecause they're ycunger,
they're taklng a mcre
Furcpean apprcach tc
deslgn - they're mcre
lnterested ln Suvs and spcrts
cars than clder Chlnese buyers."
The latest Peugect tc be
wcrked cn by the deslgn studlc
ln Shanghal ls the Chlnese
verslcn cf the 3008, whlch ls
bullt cver there. "we had a
chance tc change scme cf
the deslgn language when
we were retccllng fcr the
3008 ln Chlna," says vldal.
"we've glven lt a dlfferent lcck
tc pcsltlcn lt dlfferently ln Chlna.
The rear slde wlndcws have a
dlfferent shape wlth a mcre
dynamlc cut, the crease llne
cn the slde cf the bcnnet
stretches lntc the A-plllar
mcre tc lengthen the ncse
and there's a tcugher, hlgher
grllle than cn the Furcpean car."
Fe ccntlnues: "The car slts
sllghtly hlgher and there are
taller rccfbars, tcc, sc lt
lccks mcre llke a crcsscver
Suv than a mcncbcx Suv."
The changes are subtle, yet
effectlve, glvlng the Chlnese
3008 a lcnger, sleeker lcck.
Sc wlll scme cf the wcrk dcne
ln Chlna affect what we see
when a revlsed 3008 gets
launched ln Furcpe later ln the
year! "Ycu'll have tc walt a few
mcnths tc see." replles vldal.
tc be able tc |udge
deslgn. we've
seen a change
ln that rlght up tc
the bcss, he has a
gccd eye fcr deslgn."
Acccrdlng tcvldal,
Chlnese buyers have
a dlfferent way cf lccklng at cars
tc thelr Furcpean ccunterparts:
"ln Chlna, we see pecple gettlng
clcse tc the car stralght away ln
the shcwrccm. Chlnese culture
ls mcre lnterested ln the detall
cf the deslgn. Furcpeans lcck
at the car frcmafar, sc thelr
prlcrltles are dlfferent.
"ln Furcpe, buyers cpen the
drlver's dccr flrst tc lcck lnslde.
ln Chlna they cpen the back dccr
flrst as cne cf thelr prlcrltles ls
| 0k I>>>I0n
fow|er [o|ns |n debate w|th 9|da| and head o| des|gn 0|erre fast|ne| |r|ghtI |n fh|na,
and amaz|ng|y, system has no t|me de|ay - |dea| |or mak|ng key des|gn dec|s|ons
lnside sIery |eugeot's des|gns on Ch|na
>krrn >Ak
0|stance |rom N |n 0ar|s |s no |ssue, as
huge v|deo con|erenc|ng screens a||ow easy
commun|cat|on w|th other departments
b ||d
nd amaz|ng| gg y, y, y, y ssys ys ys yy te te temmm ha ha ha hassss no aaaaaaaan
For 8uaineaa Uaera onIy. Advance payment appIiea. 0mcial government luel conaumption ngurea in mpg (litrea per 1uukm) lor the
SLK-Claaa range: urban 22.6(12.2)-22.8(8.6), extra urban 46.6(6.9
)-62.2(6.2), combined 22.6(8.4)-42.6(6.6). C0
emiaaiona 196-122 g/km.
Vodel leatured ia an SLK 26u CLl 8lueLlllClLlC at 22,92u.uu on-the- road with optional metallic paint at 646.uu (0JR price includea vAJ, delivery, 12 montha' Road lund Licence, number platea, nrat regiatration lee and luel). All paymenta
aubject to vAJ: linance baaed on an SLK26u CLl 8lueLlllClLlC with optional metallic paint on a 26 month Contract Pire agreement with an advance payment ol 1,794.uu. 1u,uuu milea per annum. Lxceaa mileage chargea may apply. Rental
includea Road lund Licence lor the contract duration. 0uaranteea and indemnitiea may be required. 0rdera/credit approvala on aelected SLK-Claaa modela between 1 April and 2u June 2u12, regiatered by 2u September 2u12. Subject to availability,
onera cannot be uaed in conjunction with any other oner. Some combinationa ol leaturea/optiona may not be available. Credit provided aubject to atatua by Vercedea-8enz linancial Servicea 0K Limited, VK16 88A. Pricea correct at time ol going to print u4/12.
Jle Sllzi| tll 8laelllltll\tY.
lrou [ust 299

a uont|.
|at pr|ce |as c|ear|y got your attent|on. ~nd no wonder. Standard leatures |nc|ude
7-speed autouat|c transu|ss|on, 17' a||oy w|ee|s, ~ttent|on ~ss|st, and a uu|t|-
lunct|on sports steer|ng w|ee|. |e pr|ce uay |ave got your attent|on but |t'|| be t|e
car t|at gets everyone e|se's. \|s|t|/ollers

8adges, a||oys, s|de sk|rts and
prom|nent rear spo||er smarten
up the f|esta's exter|or sty||ng

v|s|t lo| the |atest new ca|s and d||ves
8MW 24
we see iI nip and tuck inside
and eut keeps IeIding hard-
tep readster in cententien.
refreshlngly slmple apprcach can
be fcund rlght thrcugh the car.
Take the steerlng - lt has a
qulcker ratlc and a shcrter rack
than the standard car's, and
there are nc heavler cr llghter
steerlng mcdes. 8ut ycu dcn't
need thcse when lt's sc perfectly
|udged already, wlth lnstant
reactlcns and fantastlc feel.
lt's the same stcry wlth the
brakes (thls ls the flrst Flesta
tc get rear dlscs), gearshlft and
thrcttle respcnse - all have been
subtly tweaked tc feel sultably
sharper than the standard
car's, rlght cut cf the bcx.
Tc really appreclate the ST's
brllllance, thcugh, ycu need tc
up the speed and lncrease ycur
ccmmltment. There are twc ways
tc drlve the ST fast: the flrst ls
smccthly, |ust cn the llmlt cf
understeer, lettlng the tcrque
vectcrlng systembrake the lnslde
wheel and maxlmlse tractlcn.
Alternatlvely, ycu can drlve lt
hcwthe englneers lntended: take
lt by the scruff cf the neck and
fllng lt arcund llke a hccllgan.
The car's aglllty shlnes thrcugh
when ycu dc that, wlth qulck
dlrectlcn changes requlrlng |ust
a fllck cf the wrlsts. And ycu
can trlmycur llne and remcve
understeer wlth shcrt llfts cff
the thrcttle ln mld-ccrner.
The cnly cther mcdern hct
hatch that cffers thls amcunt
cf ad|ustablllty ls the cutgclng
kenaultspcrt Cllc, althcugh the
kenault ls mcre cf a punlshlng
prcpcsltlcn tc use every day.
The Flesta ls remarkable value,
tcc. Startlng at |ust 16,995 (cr
17,995 fcr the ST-2 car drlven
here), lt undercuts lts key rlvals
by 2,000, and stlll ccmes wlth
plenty cf standard equlpment.
AgIty shnes through when
you reaIIy fIng t around
YUu'LL have tc walt untll
next week's magazlne fcr
the shcwdcwn between the Fcrd
Flesta ST, Peugect 208 0Tl and
kenaultspcrt Cllc, but tc whet
ycur appetlte, we've unleashed
the Flesta ST cn uK rcads fcr the
flrst tlme. Can lt malntaln the flve-
star ratlng lt earned durlng cur
flrst enccunter at Fcrd's 8elglan
prcvlng grcund ln lssue 1,258!
Frcmthe mcment ycu press
the Pcwer buttcn and hear the
179bhp Fcc8ccst englne pulsate
lntc llfe, ycu get an lnkllng thls
car cculd be scmethlng speclal.
Flex ycur rlght fcct cn the flrst
stralght ycu flnd, and ycu'll be
certaln lt's an absclute cracker.
Car makers cften say that
the lcw-end tcrque frcmturbc
englnes makes thelr perfcrmance
mcre accesslble, but that rarely
translates lntc thrllllng pcwer
dellvery. The ST ls an exceptlcn,
hcwever. wlth 290hmcf tcrque
(15hmmcre than ln the 208 and
50hmup cn the Cllc), lt surges
fcrwards wlth barely any lag,
even frcmlcwrevs. There's
alsc a bccmlng englne ncte that
bullds tc a rasplng crescendc,
ccurtesy cf the Scund Sympcser
- whlch ampllfles englne nclse
and plpes lt dlrectly tc the cabln.
wlth a stlffer rear antl-rcll bar,
flrmer dampers and 15mmlcwer
sprlngs than the ncrmal car, lt's
nc surprlse that we were bcunced
arcund a blt cn typlcal 8-rcads,
but the suspenslcn never crashes
agalnst the bump stcps, elther.
The ST ls cnly avallable wlth
17-lnch wheels, sc there's nc
need tc agcnlse cver tradlng
ccmfcrt fcr style - and thls
kuNNlN6 t0S1S

a ack

f0k0has caIIedupevery ounce
of its hot-hatch know-howto
deIiver a car that does exactIy
what a hot hatch needs to do
- excite. Instant performance,
a fantastic exhaust note and
reat aiIity make the fiesta
fun in town and on track, whiIe
it costs much Iess than rivaIs.
we had bi expectations, and
the 51 more than meets them.

0-62 6.9 5C5 10P 5P0!3TMPR
f|esta 51 responds very we|| to be|ng dr|ven hard through corners
A|| 51s get kecaro sports seats, wh||e 51-2 adds toys ||ke 0A8 rad|o
51 reta|ns f|esta
pract|ca||ty, gets
racy |nter|or tr|m
weve already been
imressed by new
hoI haIch. Nowwe
Iry iI on uK roads
ferds Seund Sympeser
is an incredibIe piece
ef techneIegy, heIping
the 1.6Iitre fceeest
punch abeve its weight
with a hairraising neise.
1he bey racer styIing and
image wiII put seme eff,
but wed urge everyene
te drive the S1 befere
making up their minds.
N01 S0600b
New kia
Nissan 1uke
Nisme 4x4
fiaI Panda
we gave practicaI cempact
MPv Ieur stars en urepean
reads. Newit hits ritain.
Frent-wheeI-drive versien eI
het supermini-5bv impressed
us. Is 4w car just as geed?
bkverdict en city car that
mixes chunky 4x4 Ieeks with
IewIrent-wheeI-drive cests.
4! 42 38
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(5A150P]00wh) 2T6/960 LI1k5
Price: 17,995
ngine: 1.6-lltre /cyl turbc
Pewer]terque: 179bhp]290hm
1ransmissien: Slx-speed
manual, frcnt-wheel drlve
0-62mph: 6.9 seccnds
1ep speed: 137mph
cenemy: /7.9mpg
C02: 138g]km
quipment: Part-leather kecarc
seats, uA8 radlc, LFu runnlng
llghts, keyless start, alr-ccn
0nsale New

fab|n |ooks superb,
19-|nch a||oys ||tted
TlMF has been klnd tc the
Z/. lt's a testament tc lts
endurlng gccd lccks that after
nearly fcur years cn sale, 8Mw
has llmlted the vlsual changes
cn the newly revlsed mcdel tc
a llght nlp and tuck, and the
addltlcn cf a fewfresh cclcurs.
vlsual tweaks lnclude new
clrcular LFu runnlng llghts fcr the
whcle range, subtle chrcme trlm
fcr the grllles and slde lndlcatcrs,
plus a sllmwhlte 'eyebrcw' llne
that has been added tc the tcp
cf the maln headllght cluster.
Three newcclcurs are
avallable, lncludlng the valencla
Urange flnlsh cf cur test car, and
lf ycu cpt fcr the ccntrastlng
surlve35ls that ccmpetes dlrectly
wlth the Pcrsche 8cxster S
and Mercedes SLK 55 AM0.
As ever, lt's pcwered by a
3.0-lltre twln-turbc stralght-slx,
whlch grcwls pleaslngly as sccn
as ycu hlt the start buttcn. Uur
car was fltted wlth the seven-
speed Mdual clutch gearbcx frcm
the M3, and gearchanges prcved
tc be smccth and llghtnlng fast.
That lets ycu wrlng every last blt
cf perfcrmance frcmthe 335bhp
englne, whlch pulls strcngly
up tc the 7,000rpmred llne.
Un a stralght, derestrlcted
0erman autcbahn, we reached
Price: /5,795
ngine: 3.0-lltre stralght-slx turbc
Pewer: 335bhp
1ransmissien: Seven-speed
autcmatlc, rear-wheel drlve
0-62mph: /.8 seccnds
1ep speed: 155mph (llmlted)
cenemy: 31./mpg
C02: 210g]km
quipment: 19-lnch wheels,
Adaptlve suspenslcn, leather
seats, uA8 radlc, xencn llghts
0nsale New
black rccf, then the Z/ ls a real
head-turner. lnslde, the new
Pure ueslgn Tractlcn package
helps tc freshen thlngs up. lt adds
Alcantara and leather trlmmed
seats wlth Lambcrghlnl-style
crange strlpes dcwn the centre
plus a 'metal weave' trlmfcr
the dash. lt lccks fantastlc and
glves the sturdy - lf cramped -
lnterlcr a real sense cf cccaslcn.
A newentry-level mcdel, wlth
a 15/bhp 2.0-lltre petrcl englne,
and ccstlng 27,610, |clns the
range tc rlval the baslc Audl TT
1.8 TFSl. 8ut the verslcn we are
testlng here ls the range-tcpplng
as good
deliver a
whiIe it may net be as
efficient as the srive28i,
this 3.0Iitre twinturbe
is a Iet mere charismatic.
Its the same engine yeu
get in the Iimitededitien
1M Ceup, and feeIs just
as exciting in a readster.
fven theugh the 4 is
just as handseme as
befere, the dynamics are
newhere near as sharp
as the Fersche exsters.
Its better viewed as a
cruiser, net a sperts car.
N01 S0600b
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(k00f 0P]00wh) 3!0/!80 L15
Jhe I4 s stII exctng to drve,
but Iacks the 8oxsters precson

fwsports cars ae as weII
as the Z4 has and the fIaship
stiII has enouh styIe and
performance to et the bIood
pumpin. 1he interior tweaks
and optionaI trims keep it
feeIin speciaI inside and
whiIe it Iacks the dynamic
finesse of its rivaIs, the 3.0-
Iitre enine provides a fantastic
soundtrack. Lesser modeIs are
aruabIy better vaIue, however.

160mph wlth mlnlmal effcrt, but
as sccn as the rcad gets bendy,
the Z/ feels less acccmpllshed.
The steerlng ls a llttle vague
and numb, and lt's hard tc
place the car accurately. There's
a flex cf the chassls cver rcugher
rcads, tcc, wlth the adaptlve
suspenslcn nct dclng much tc
rectlfy lt. whlle stlll excltlng tc
drlve, the Z/ lacks the preclslcn
cf the llkes cf the 8cxster.
hewglcss black plastlc lnserts
alcng the centre ccnscle and
alr vents lmprcve the perceptlcn
cf quallty lnslde, but scme
parts cf the Z/'s cabln are
startlng tc feel past thelr best.
The slde pcckets cf the
dccrs are made cf hard cheap
plastlc, and the dct matrlx
dlsplay nestled between the
version oI roadsIer is
looking as ever, buI can iI
Iruly cuIIingedge drive!
0perat|ng the roo| cou|dn't be s|mp|er. 0ress a
button on dash, and |t goes up |n 19 seconds...
...and |t can be done at up to 25mph. lt ser|ous|y
eats |nto I4's boot space when down, though
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
3!.4MPC (0h151) LT6 fILL-0P
grey dlals wculdn't lcck cut cf
place ln a car a decade cld.
There are cther nlggles, tcc,
as the fcldlng rccf really eats lntc
the luggage space - whlch ls |ust
180 lltres wlth the tcp stcwed -
but cffers nc better reflnement
than the latest fabrlc scft-tcps.
lt can be cperated at speeds cf
up tc 25mph, yet the ccmplexlty
and welght mean the Z/ feels
heavler than scme rlvals
ln bends and under braklng.
Thanks tc scme clever
Ffflclentuynamlcs fuel-savlng
technclcgy, the Z/ stlll manages
tc dellver fuel eccncmy cf cver
30mpg, whlle CU2 emlsslcns
are peggedat 210g]km. Sc
whlle lt may nct be the class-
leader fcr drlvlng dynamlcs,
the Z/ ls a wcrthy all-rcunder.
A|cantara and |eather
seats, and meta| weave
dash, |reshen up cab|n
I4 |s better |n a
stra|ght ||ne than
go|ng round corners

0-62 8.2 5C5 10P 5P0!24MPR
four-whee| dr|ve has
p|enty o| gr|p, but auto
hampers per|ormance

Newtars u|ssan u|e doub|e
hlSSAh'S spcrty hlsmc
brand has cfflclally arrlved ln
the uK, and lts flrst mcdel ls the
}uke hlsmc. we've already trled
the frcnt-wheel-drlve manual
verslcn (lssue 1,26/), but ncw
we've had the chance tc drlve
the range-tcpplng fcur-wheel-
drlve mcdel wlth a CvT autc bcx.
Ycu dcn't ncrmally asscclate
a CvT wlth strcng perfcrmance
- whlle dual-clutch autcs tend tc
be faster than manual cars, CvTs
are generally slcwer. That's the
case here: thls }uke tralls the
manual mcdel by fcur-tenths ln
the sprlnt frcm0-62mph, pcstlng
a tlme cf 8.2 seccnds. Ycu feel
a delay as ycu flccr the thrcttle
and the englne revs flare befcre
the car accelerates away.
Leave lt ln autc mcde and the
lnstant respcnses ycu expect
slmply never ccme, whlle the
englne revs away nclslly llke
a hand dryer. Stlck the bcx ln
manual mcde, and thlngs are a
llttle better as ycu shlft up and
dcwn the seven 'gears' ycurself.
8ut the manual verslcn cf the car
ls much mcre respcnslve and
lnvclvlng, the bcx better sults
hlsmc's perfcrmance credentlals.
lt's a shame tc klck cff cn such
a negatlve because the rest cf
the }uke hlsmc package feels
well thcught cut. The Alcantara
steerlng wheel ls ccnnected up
tc a qulcker rack that makes the
car feel far mcre respcnslve. And
the harder ycu drlve thls }uke,
the better lt feels - much llke
hlssan's muscular 370Z.
8ut ultlmately, thls ls nc
rlval fcr hct hatches llke Fcrd's
Flesta ST (drlven cn Page 3/).
The }uke's qulte hlgh centre cf
gravlty remalns - hlssan has cnly
stlffened the suspenslcn (by 10
per cent), rather than lcwerlng lt
- and bcdy rcll ls prcncunced.
Stlll, cpt fcr thls tcp-spec CvT
mcdel and ycu get fcur-wheel
we see iI Iosec version oI new197bh suerminiSuV is as good as lesser models
N|smo touches
on bodywork
|ook great, and
s|||s get un|que
badges. 8ut f91
|ets s|de down

N01 S0600b
5teer|ng whee| |s tr|mmed |n A|cantara, as are a|| the [uke's seats
u|ssan u|e doub|e Newtars
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
S8.9MPC (0ffICIAL) L64 fILL-0P
6oog|e 5end-1o-
far |eatures on
hiIech kiI boosIs aeal oI big seller
wI1R a Ioad of equipment
and a styIish newIook, the
n-tec is set to be one of
the most desirabIe modeIs in
the |uke rane. At 17,690,
it's about the same price as a
top-spec dieseI kenauIt Captur
or Peueot 2008, but those
modeIs are more spacious and
a Iot more fueI-efficient, too.

TFF }uke hlsmc ls set tc

be a blt cf a nlche mcdel
ln the llne-up, but here's the car
hlssan expects tc be the range's
best-seller: the }uke n-tec.
lt's based cn the Acenta
Premlumtrlmlevel, and ccsts
300 extra, but ycu dc get
scme added vlsual flalr fcr ycur
cash. There are styllsh bl-cclcur
18-lnch allcys, glcss black
8-plllars and dccr mlrrcrs, and
scme subtle black flashes ln
the bcnnet-mcunted sldellghts.
hlssan has debuted lts
new0ccgle Send-Tc-Car ln
the n-tec, as part cf lts latest
Ccnnect lnfctalnment system.
lt's fltted as standard, and
allcws ycu tc lnput dlrectlcns
cn ycur phcne cr laptcp
and then send themtc
the sat-nav befcre ycu get ln.
hlssan's marketlng lt as the
stand-cut feature cf the n-tec,
but lt's wcrth mentlcnlng that
frcmthls pclnt cn, lt's avallable
cn all }ukes. Fnglne-wlse, ycu
can get any cf the usual }uke
cfferlngs ln n-tec trlm, ranglng
frcmthe 115bhp 1.6-lltre petrcl
up tc the 187bhp 1.6 turbc.
Uur car was pcwered by the
1.5-lltre dlesel, whlch prcduces
108bhp, and as ever lt scunds a
llttle rcugh under acceleratlcn.
Perfcrmance ls reascnably
punchy, but the 58.9mpg
fuel eccncmy ls ncwecllpsed
easlly by the Peugect 2008 and
kenault Captur (see Page 8).
As wlth cther }ukes, the rlde
ls ccmfcrtable and bcdy ccntrcl
falrly gccd. 8ut lt's stlll nct a
partlcularly lnvclvlng car tc
drlve, wlth the numb steerlng
llmltlng the fun a llttle.
8cll lt all dcwn and ycu
get a car that's |ust as well
equlpped and feels exactly
llke the Acenta Premlum, but
ccsts 300 extra. whether cr
nct ycu thlnk lt's wcrth the extra
cutlay depends cn hcwmuch
ycu llke the flashy wheels
and glcss black detalls.
1he juke is aII abeut
styIe, and this ntec
medeI is ene ef the
bestIeeking yet.
It cant match the fueI
ecenemy effered by
newer medeIs such as
the Captur and 2008.
N01 S0600b
1he Nisme Ieeks great,
and the handIing is
sharp eneugh te add a
bit ef fun facter te the
superminiSu package.
Its just a shame the C1
makes this car sIewer,
Iess efficient and a Iet
mere expensive. 6e fer
the manuaI instead.
1R |uke hismo works as a
quirky hot hatch aIternative,
but it's much Iess convincin
with this earbox. whiIe the
four-wheeI drive boosts the
car's handIin abiIity, the Cv1
saps performance and causes
the enine to whine noisiIy
Iike a hand dryer when you're
acceIeratin. Co for a |uke hismo
by aII means; |ust not this one.

NismeC1 4w
Price: 22,600
ngine: 1.6-lltre /cyl turbc, 197bhp
1ransmissien: Seven-speed
CvT autc, fcur-wheel-drlve
0-62]tep spd: 8.2 secs]12/mph
cen]C02: 38.2mpg]169gkm
quipment: Alcantara seats,
spcrts suspenslcn, hlssan
Ccnnect lnfctalnment, sat-nav
0nsale New
[uke |s com|ortab|e,
|| not terr|b|y exc|t|ng

jukentec 1.5dCi
Price: 17,690
ngine: 1.5 /cyl t'dlesel, 108bhp
1ransmissien: Slx-speed
manual, frcnt-wheel drlve
0-62]tep sp'd: 11.2 secs]109mph
cen.]C02: 58.9mpg]12/g]km
quipment: Sat-nav (lnc. 0ccgle
Send-Tc-Car), 8luetccth
0nsale New
drlve thrcwn ln, and ycu'll
nctlce thls means ycu can
accelerate cut cf bends sccner
wlthcut the car washlng wlde
as the frcnt tyres lcse grlp.
The stlffer suspenslcn reveals
ltself cver bumpy rcads, |cltlng
passengers up and dcwn mcre
than ln a standard }uke, althcugh
ln hct hatch terms the rlde ls
actually pretty well |udged.
A chunky bcdyklt and hlsmc's
slgnature red detalls ensure the
car lccks great. There's a styllsh
newset cf LFu daytlme runnlng
llghts ln the frcnt bumper, tcc,
whlle lnslde, the spcrty Alcantara
seats, hlsmc badges and red
hlsmc rev ccunter ccmplement
that Alcantara wheel, whlch
features a flash cf red tc
slgnlfy the dead-ahead.
The cnly part cf the lnterlcr
that lccks a llttle cheap ls the CvT
gear selectcr - agaln, the autc
lets the hlsmc dcwn. lt alsc hlts
eccncmy, wlth the CvT clalmlng
38.2mpg tc the manual mcdel's
/0.9mpg. The fcur-wheel-drlve
CvT mcdel ls 2,205 mcre
expenslve, tcc, at 22,600.
lf ycu want a }uke hlsmc, gc
fcr the spcrty, lnvclvlng manual
car. 8uyers whc need an autc cnly
have the cptlcn cf thls expenslve
and flawed CvT, and that's a plty.
4w0 aIIows
you to get on
power sooner
out of corners
08|V Th 0hAh6
The offcial consumption fgures in mpg (l/1OOkmj for the new Clio core range are. Uroan 4O.4 (7.Oj-78.5 (8.Gj, Extra Uroan GO.1 (4.7j-94.2 (8.Oj, Comoined 51.4 (5.5j-88.8 (8.2j. The offcial C02 emissions
for the range are 127-88g/km. EU Directive and Regulation G92/2OO8 test environment fgures. Fuel consumption and C02 ma] var] according to driving st]les, road conditions and other factors.
Te|r a|d e/:|u|c| app|]. wa||a||] 100,000 r||e, Se|.|:e 48,000 r||e. V||| reoa0||0s |c| de|a||. Re||a| |a|ed | |c| Re|au|| |eae. || ]cu :|cce Re|au|| |eae ||e| ]cu W||| |c| cW| ||e :a|. w|e| ]cu |a.e pa|d ||e ||a| |e||a| a| ||e e|d c|
||e :c|||a:|, ]cu :a| |eep u|| ||e :a| a|d pa] a| a||ua| |e||a| e(u|.a|e|| |c c|e rc||||] |e||a|. T]p|:a| e/arp|e. \eW C||c O]|ar|(ue |ed|a\a. 1.2 1OV /b, ad.a|:e |e||a| 1,500 |oc. VAT |c||cWed o] 48 rc||||] |e||a| c| 179 |oc. VAT, ||a| |e||a|
4,668 |oc. VAT. A ||a|:e |a:||||] |ee c| 149 W||| oe pa]ao|e W||| ||e ad.a|:e |e||a|. ua|a||ee a|d ||der||||e ra] oe |e(u||ed. \cu ru| oe a| |ea| 18 a|d a U| |e|de|| (e/:|ud|| ||e ||e c| |a| a|d C|a||e| ||a|d, |c app|]. |||a|:e p|c.|ded o] RC| |||a|:|a|
Se|.|:e ||r||ed, P0 Bc/ 149, wa||c|d wO1/ 1|J. A.a||ao|e a| pa|||:|pa||| dea|e| c||]. \c| a.a||ao|e || :c|(u|:||c| W||| a|] c||e| :|ere c| ||a|:e c||e|, p|eae :|e:| W||| ]cu| |c:a| dea|e| |c| |||c|ra||c|. 0||e| a|e a.a||ao|e |c |e|a|| a|d ou||e :u|cre| (ou|
e/:|ude 1ee| :u|cre| W||| cW| |e|r,, a|d a|e .a||d c| |eW .e||:|e W|e| c|de|ed o] 24 Ju|e 2018.

Tc e||e| ||e |a] Te| O||.e P|crc||c| e|||a|| ru| |a.e :crp|e|ed ||e|| |e| d||.e oe|Wee| 1 a|d 81 |a] 2018. E|||a|| ru| oe 18 ]ea| c| ae c| c.e| a|d |c|d a
|u||, :|ea| d||.|| ||:e|:e. \c pu|:|ae |e:ea|]. Ccrp|e|ed |e| d||.e |c|r ru| oe |e:e|.ed o] / Ju|e 2018. |c| |u|| |e|r a|d :c|d|||c| .||| reoa0|
T|e \eW Re|au|| C||c O]|ar|(ue ||cr 1/9/rc||| :cre e(u|pped W||| ru|||red|a |cu:|:|ee|
|a.|a||c|, Ba Re1e/ cu|d ]|er W||| B|ue|cc|| a|d e||:|e|| e|e|] e|||e.
Ta|e a |e| d||.e du||| |a] a|d ]cu :cu|d e|d up || |c|a:c

. w|| a Wee|e|d |||p |c e/pe||e|:e

|||e a a| |1 |ee|d, ||:|ud|| |e|u|| 1|||, |e||:cp|e| ||a||e|, |u/u|] a::crrcda||c|, a p||.a|e
e:c||ed |cu| c| ||e |a|d P||/ :||:u||, a|d :a| |c 1a|.
V||| reoa0| |c| de|a||.
SIylish, greaIvalue VPV Iakes Ihe IighI Io CVAX
lnter|or has a decent-qua||ty |ee|, and there's p|enty o| equ|pment
0n the road, farens
ba|ances r|de com|ort
and hand||ng |un we||
lnd|v|dua| m|dd|e row
seats s||de, rearmost
seats are a b|t t|ght
TFF newCarens replaces
nct cne but twc cars, as Kla
has nc plans tc lntrcduce a new
verslcn cf the larger Sedcna MPv.
hcwlt's arrlved ln the uK, we've
gct the chance tc flnd cut lf thls ls
all the MPv Kla needs ln lts range.
Let's start wlth what matters ln
thls class: practlcallty. whlle the
newCarens ls smaller than befcre,
lts lnterlcr ls rccmler thanks tc an
extended wheelbase and seats
that are mcunted a llttle lcwer.
Thls means genercus head and
legrccmln the flrst twc rcws cf
seats, althcugh adults wlll flnd
the rearmcst seats cramped.
Stlll, these twc seats have a
50:50 spllt, sc the car can carry
slx pecple and stlll have rccmfcr
scme luggage. Further fcrward,
the mlddle rcwseats sllde and
recllne lndependently, tcc.
Addlng tc the flexlble appeal
ls a bcct llght that dcubles as
a remcvable tcrch, as well as a
hldden stcwage ccmpartment fcr
the tcnneau ccver. Plus, the bcct
gets luggage nets and hccks.
Un the rcad, the newCarens
strlkes a nlce balance between
a ccmfcrtable rlde and aglle
handllng. lt can't match a Fcrd
C-MAX fcr drlvlng thrllls, but
that wcn't be a ccncern tc many
MPv buyers. The scftly sprung
suspenslcn means lt remalns
ccmfcrtable and ccmpcsed cver
bumps, althcugh bcdy rcll ls
nctlceable thrcugh ccrners.
The steerlng and gearbcx are
llght and predlctable, and as ln
the Cee'd ycu can vary steerlng
reslstance wlth a buttcn cn the
wheel. There lsn't much feel,
but ycu'll nctlce the Carens
ma|crs cn ease cf drlvlng.
The 1.7-lltre dlesel englne
ls reflned, althcugh as lt cffers
|ust 11/bhp lt feels a llttle blt
slugglsh cff the llne. Thls ls the
slcwest mcdel ln the range,
ambllng frcm0-62mph ln
12.6 seccnds, buyers wantlng
mcre pcke shculd ccnslder the
13/bhp verslcn cf thls englne -
lt's avallable wlth an autcmatlc
bcx ln 2 trlm, cr wlth a manual
ln 3 trlmfcr 3,300 extra.
Uur lcwer-pcwered verslcn ls
mcre eccncmlcal, thcugh, wlth
the prcmlse cf mcre than 60mpg
and emlsslcns cf |ust 12/g]km.
kia has werked wenders
with the styIing ef the
Carens - it Ieeks smarter
than mest ether MFs.
with seven peepIe en
beard and a few bags,
eur 1.7Iitre dieseI weuId
feeI even mere gutIess.
N01 S0600b
fAMILY buyers wiII Iove the
newCarens - it Iooks reat,
feeIs robust inside and is ood
vaIue. 1he compact dimensions
and Iiht controIs make it easy
to drive, whiIe the seats offer
pIenty of fIexibiIity and create
enouh space for demandin
famiIies. Add the competitive
price ta, and it's IikeIy to be
iven serious consideration
by compact MPv buyers.

PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(7]5]2 5A15) !03/492/!,6S0 L15
kiaCarens 21.7
Cki manuaI IS6
Price: 20,595
ngine: 1.7-lltre /cyl turbcdlesel
Pewer: 11/bhp
1ransmissien: Slx-speed
manual, frcnt-wheel drlve
0-62]tep spd: 12.6 secs]112mph
cen]C02: 60.1mpg]12/g]km
quipment: 16-lnch allcys,
cllmate and crulse ccntrcl, autc
headllghts, reverslng senscrs
0nsale New

and emlsslcns cf |ust 12/g]km.

Panda s fun to drve, wth Iots
of grp and responsve steerng
1hanks te its cIever fSF,
the 1rekking is aImest as
geed effread as the 4x4.
asic kit Iike a Ieather
trimmed steering wheeI,
side airbags and 60:40
spIit seats are aII extra.
N01 S0600b
1h|rd rear be|t |s
extra, neat dash
has p|enty o| k|t

Newtars ||at |anda J|e|||ng

fiat Fanda0.9
1winAir 1rekking
Price: 12,/50
ngine: 0.9-lltre 2cyl turbc, 85bhp
1ransmissien: Flve-speed
manual, frcnt-wheel drlve
0-62]tep spd: 11.5 secs]106mph
cen]C02: 61./mpg]105g]km
quipment: 15-lnch allcy wheels,
mud and sncwtyres, 8luetccth,
Tractlcn+ grlp ccntrcl, ralsed rlde
helght, electrlc wlndcws, alr-ccn
0nsale New
SuPFkMlhl crcsscvers are
arrlvlng thlck and fast, but
whlle newccmers llke the kenault
Captur and Peugect 2008 (drlven
cn Page 8) are bespcke mcdels,
Flat ls taklng a dlfferent apprcach
wlth the newfrcnt-wheel-drlve
Panda Trekklng. And we've
drlven the chunky supermlnl
ln the uK fcr the flrst tlme.
The Trekklng ls deslgned tc
sllde lntc the range |ust belcw
the prcper Panda /x/, and alms
tc cffer the same beefed-up lccks
and mcderate cff-rcad ablllty,
wlthcut the extra ccst and
welght cf fcur-wheel drlve.
That means lt gets the same
/7mmralsed rlde helght and
grlppy mud and sncwtyres as the
Panda /x/, but ccsts 1,500 less.
vlsual clues tc separate the
twc cars lnclude sllver 15-lnch
allcy wheels cn the Trekklng -
the /x/'s have a gunmetal flnlsh.
Plus, the newmcdel's plastlc
underbcdy prctectlcn ls black,
rather than sllver cn the /x/.
Fven sc, the Trekklng lccks
|ust as charmlng, and prcspectlve
buyers wlll be amazed by hcw
capable lt ls when tackllng mud
and gravel. The extra travel ln the
fiat Pand
sprlngs means thls Panda glldes
acrcss bumps and pcthcles, and
lt has a speclal Tractlcn+ feature
tc help lt flnd grlp ln sllppery
ccndltlcns. Thls set-up wcrks
by uslng the FSP tc step ln when
the frcnt tyres start tc lcse grlp,
then brakes the splnnlng wheel
whlle sendlng tcrque acrcss the
axle tc the cther. lt cnly wcrks
belcw19mph, but makes a real
dlfference when ycu're drlvlng cn
surfaces wlth mlxed levels cf grlp.
The 85bhp TwlnAlr mcdel we
drcve needs tc be revved, as
there lsn't much tcrque belcw
2,000rpm. Push the Fcc buttcn
cn the dash, and the maxlmum
cutput ls cut tc |ust /5hmtc
save fuel - crlppllng the thrcttle
respcnse as a result. The englne
emlts a characterlstlc thrum
when acceleratlng, but settles
tc a falrly hushed crulse.
As wlth the /x/, thcugh,
the Trekklng suffers frcmwcrse
wlnd and rcad nclse than the
standard Panda (thanks tc the
all-weather tyres and lncreased
alr reslstance), and ycu have tc
turn up the vclume qulte lcud
tc hear the sterec clearly.
Utherwlse, thls mcdel ls great
fun tc drlve wlth plenty cf grlp and
respcnslve steerlng that makes lt
feel nlppy and aglle ln tcwn, where
8aby oIIers all Ihe visual aeal oI 4x
the tall rlde helght alsc ccmes ln
handy fcr tackllng speed bumps.
Thls latest Panda alsc ccmes
wlth the same ccmprehenslve
klt as the /x/. And whlle cptlcns
llke cur mcdel's Slclllan Urange
palnt (/50), slde alrbags (200)
and three rear seatbelts (50)
sccn add up, thls car ls prlced
tc undercut lts crcsscver rlvals.
As the Trekklng ls 75kg llghter
than the Panda /x/, lt emlts cnly
105g]kmcf CU2 and shculd be
easler cn fuel - althcugh cur
experlence suggests Flat's
61./mpg clalmls cptlmlstlc.
1a|| r|de he|ght |ncreases
w|nd no|se, but f|at
|s st||| |un to dr|ve

CRAkMIhC Iooks, a keen price
and surprisin off-road abiIity
make the Panda 1rekkin a fine
crossover choice. 1he 1winAir
enine isn't perfect, with Iazy
throttIe response at times, but
it's weII suited to the pIayfuI
chassis, whiIe the roomy cabin
feeIs Iike it can withstand the
knocks of famiIy Iife. In fact, the
onIy reaI downside is howreaI-
worId fueI economy tumbIes
when you work the enine,
and howthe tiny fueI tank
Iimits the rane. 1he Panda
4x4 carries more emotionaI
appeaI, but the 1rekkin
makes far more sense.

1eyeta 01 86 CenvertibIe Late 2013
0bkreigningPerIermance Car eI the ear is set te get the drep-tep
treatment. 1eyeta wen't need te strengthen the C1 86's chassis,
se the enIy extra weight wiII be the reeI mechanism.
AlfakcmecMlTc5dr mld2013
Audl A2 2015
8Mw1Serles0T late201/
8Mwl3 hcvember
CltrcenuS1 2015
M03 mld2013
hewMlhl late2013
hlssanhcte autumn
Peugect 108 201/
kenault Twlngc 201/
Smart FcrTwc 201/
Smart FcrFcur 201/
TcyctaAygc 201/
vauxhall Adamkccks early201/
vauxhall Ccrsa early2015
vclkswagene-up! September
vclkswagenup! hybrld mld201/
vclkswagenXL1 late2013
Alfakcmec0lulla early201/
Audl A3salccn latesummer
Audl A3e-trcn mld201/
8Mw3Serles0T }une
8Mw/Serles0ranCcupe early201/
CadlllacATS late2013
FcrdFccus8Fv mld2013
FcrdC-MAXhybrld late2013
FcrdC-MAXFnergl late2013
FcrdMcndec September 201/
FcndaClvlcestate early201/
lnflnltl 50 autumn
}aguar XS 2015
KlaPrc_cee'd0T summer
KlaScul summer
KlaScul ccupe late201/
Klaklcccupe 2015
LexuslS }uly
Mazda3 late2013
MercedesCLA late2013
MercedesC-Class Uctcber
M05 late2013
hlssan0clf rlval 201/
Peugect 308(new) late2013
PcrschePanameraestate 2015
kenault Megane early201/
SFATLecnSC }uly
SFATLecnST hcvember
SkcdaUctavlaFstate }une
TcyctaPrlus 2015
vwe-0clf late2013
vw0clf plug-lnhybrld early201/
vw0clf CC 2015
vw0clf Fstate }uly
Alfakcmec/C September
AlfakcmecSplder 2015
Audl uattrc 2015
Audl k/ 2015
Audl S3Spcrtback September
Audl TT early201/
8Mw2Serles 201/
8Mw/Serles late2013
8Mwl8 uecember
8MwM1 2016
8MwM2 2015
8MwM3 early201/
CltrcenuS/kaclng late2013
FcrdFccuskS 201/
FcrdMustang 2015
FcndaClvlcTypek 2015
FcndahSX 2015
}aguar F-Type sprlng2013
}aguar F-Typeccupe mld201/
LexuslSCcupe 201/
LctusFsprlt late2013
Maseratl 0hlbll 201/
Maseratl 0ranSpcrt 2015
MazdakX-9 2015
McLarenP1 September
McLarenP13 2015
MercedesA/5AM0 }uly
Mercedes'baby' SLS 201/
MercedesCLA/5AM0 autumn
Mercedes0LA/5AM0 mld201/
MercedesSLSAM08lackSerles }uly
MercedesSLSFlectrlcurlve }uly
M0TFreplacement 2015
hlssan370Zhlsmc }une
Pcrschebaby8cxster 2015
Pcrsche918Spyder Uctcber
Pcrsche961 201/
PcrschePa|un 2016
SkcdaUctavlavkS }uly
SubarulmprezaSTl 2015
vclkswagen0clf 0Tl }une
vclkswagenup! 0T late2013
AlfakcmecSuv early201/
Audl 2 2016
Audl 3kS summer
Audl 6 201/
Audl 7 201/
8entleySuv 2015
8MwX/ 201/
8MwX5 late2013
Chevrclet Trax }uly
CltrcenuSX mld201/
Flat 500X 201/
Flat PandaSuv 2015
FcrdFccSpcrt early201/
FcrdFdge 2015
Fcnda}azzSuv late201/
}aguar Suv 2015
}eepCherckee }une
}eepsmall crcsscver 2015
Lambcrghlnl urus 2017
Landkcver uefender 2016
Maseratl Levante 201/
MazdaCX-3 201/
Mercedes0LA late2013
MercedesX-Class 2017
hlssan}ukehlsmckC late2013
Peugect 2008 September
PcrscheMacan early201/
kangekcver Spcrt autumn2013
kenault Captur }une
kenault MeganeSuv 201/
kenault seven-seat Suv 2015
SkcdaYetl facellft late2013
SkcdaYetl+2 early201/
SsangYcngcrcsscver early201/
Suzukl SX/ late2013
TeslaMcdel X 2015
vclkswagenCrcssCcupe 201/
vclkswagenPclcSuv September
vclkswagenCrcssup! summer 2013
vclkswagenTalgun 2015
vclvcXC90 201/
P0PL M0vk5
CltrcenC/Plcassc }une
SsangYcngkcdlus late2013
Astcnvanqulshvclante late2013
Audl A3Cabrlclet late2013
8entleyMulsannecabrlclet late2013
MazdaMX-5 201/
MercedesS-ClassCabrlclet early201/
kangekcver FvcqueCabrlclet 201/
kenault Alplne 2015
Tcycta0T86ccnvertlble late2013
vauxhall Adamccnvertlble 201/
Alfakcmec169 early201/
8entleyFlylngSpur mld2013
CltrcenuS9 2013
Maseratl uattrcpcrte }une
MercedesS-Class September
MercedesS-ClassCcupe late201/
kclls-kcycewralth late2013
0-62 !!.S 5C5 10P 5P0!06MPR
||at |anda J|e|||ng Newtars
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(5A150P]00wh) 22S/8T0 LI1k5
x4 wiIh Iwowheeldrive running cosIs
8|ack underbody
c|add|ng sets car
apart |rom 4x4
8oot same as |n
regu|ar 0anda,
b|g f|at badge
s|ts proud|y
on ta||gate
wF revealed whlch cars make
thelr cwners happlest ln the
urlver Pcwer 2013 Tcp 150 (lssue
1,265). hcwlt's tlme tc rank
the brands behlnd the mcdels.
Tc dc that, we ccmblne
all the sccres ycu gave each
manufacturers' cars tc get an
average mark - and whereas
cnly cars wlth encugh respcnses
featured ln cur Tcp 150, thls
chart lncludes every mcdel
that reglstered a vcte. we
then rank the tcp 32 brands.
There have been plenty cf
surprlses cver the past few
years, but cne thlng has stayed
ccnslstent: Skcda has tcpped
cur survey fcr fcur years ln a rcw,
wlth stlff ccmpetltlcn frcmLexus
and }aguar. wlth the Yetl and
Superb headlng the Tcp 100,
can anycne beat Skcda's cverall
sccre! And hcwdld the maker cf
ycur car fare! All wlll be revealed...
8kl1AlN'5 851 AN0
w0k51 fAk NAkk5
we comb|ne
a|| the scores
you gave each
makers' car to
get an average
wh|ch b|ands ma|e the best ca|s to own 0ve| 46,000 |eade|s |evea| a||...
Lexus has a|ways been
one o| the |ead|ng brands
|n 0r|ver 0ower. 8ut can
|t c|a|m top spot th|s yearI
ys been b
ng brands
8ut can
th|s yearI
TFF urlver Pcwer 2013 wccden spccn
gces tc Smart. lt's nct all bad news - the
ccmpany plcked up a sllver medal fcr lts
cars' runnlng ccsts. 8ut there's llttle else
tc celebrate. Uwners whc tcck part ln the
urlver Pcwer survey dellvered a savage
assessment cf vlrtually every cther aspect cf the ccmpany's
FcrTwc mcdel. Smart tcck last place fcr rlde quallty, 31st fcr
practlcallty and ease cf drlvlng, and 30th fcr braklng and
handllng. Ycu wculdn't expect a clty car tc wln many plaudlts fcr
lts practlcallty, but such a lcwratlng fcr ease cf drlvlng ls dlsmal.
12. 5mart
2012 kANklN6 29
FlAT may have remalned ln 30th place but,
thanks tc cur expanded chart, urlver Pcwer
2012's wcrst ranked maker ls nc lcnger
at the bcttcmcf the ratlngs. lt's stlll nct far
cff, thcugh, thanks tc plcklng up a palr cf
last-place categcry flnlshes fcr braklng and
perfcrmance. ln the latter dlsclpllne's case, lt's the seccnd year ln a
rcwthat the brand's mcdels have plcked up the wccden spccn. Unly
Peugect cwners were less satlsfled wlth thelr cars' bulld quallty, and
Flat alsc ranked 30th fcr rlde, ease cf drlvlng and ln-car tech. Fcurth
place fcr runnlng ccsts was the cnly brlght spct cn lts sccresheet.
10. f|at
2012 kANklN6 10
hAkkUwLY avcldlng flnlshlng at the bcttcm
cf the chart ls the cne ray cf sunshlne ln
Peugect's urlver Pcwer 2013 perfcrmance.
The ccmpany's cars ranked last place ln nc
fewer than three categcrles - mcre than any
cther brand. 8csses wlll be dlsappclnted
wlth 32nd place fcr ln-car tech and ease cf drlvlng, but plcklng up
the wccden spccn fcr bulld quallty ls llkely tc be the result that really
hurts. Uwners clearly aren't lmpressed wlth hcwwell put tcgether the
French brand's prcducts are - and 31st fcr perfcrmance and braklng
suggests they're nct cverly lmpressed wlth hcwthe cars drlve, elther.
11. 0eugeot
2012 kANklN6 28
MUST cf the prcgress achleved by Suzukl's
flve-place cllmb ln 2012 has been undcne
thls year. Uwners heavlly crltlclsed the cars'
perfcrmance, braklng, rlde quallty and
practlcallty - and they weren't much mcre
ccmpllmentary abcut bulld quallty cr ease
cf drlvlng. lt wasn't all bleak, thcugh - the mcdels' rellablllty and
lcwrunnlng ccsts were pralsed, resultlng ln a 10th-place flnlsh
ln bcth categcrles, and Suzukl chalked-up a mld-table flnlsh fcr
handllng, tcc. 8ut thcse results weren't encugh tc keep lt cut
cf the bcttcmflve cf cur manufacturer ranklngs.
29. 5uzuk|
2012 kANklN6 26
1hetar makers
1 1
00wN 00wN
Your views on your cars
A kAPlu tumble dcwn the chart fcr the retrc
brand. Unce agaln, cwners rank Mlhl's cars
as the wcrst fcr practlcallty, and they slated
rlde quallty, tcc. 8ut pccr marks ln thcse
areas are understandable - Mlhl's deslgners
have always valued fcrmcver functlcn. And
a harsh rlde ls the prlce ycu pay fcr the cars' pln-sharp handllng -
whlch clearly lmpresses cwners, as lt flnlshed thlrd ln thls categcry.
Farder tc fcrglve ls the crltlclsmcf ease cf drlvlng, ln-car tech and,
wcrst cf all, rellablllty. lt shcws that a funky deslgn lsn't encugh
tc |ustlfy premlumprlces. 8uyers expect faultless quallty, tcc.
28. NlNl
2012 kANklN6 21
TwUplaces ls cnly a small sllde dcwn
the chart, but lt's a sllde ncnetheless. lt's
a shame, because Cltrcen pcsted scme
decent sccres ln a ccuple cf key categcrles.
Flfth place fcr runnlng ccsts ls nct tc be
snlffed at, and cwners were lmpressed wlth
the practlcallty cn cffer frcmthe French ccmpany's cars - they
ranked lt 11th ln thls dlsclpllne. 8ut there are a range cf lssues
that need addresslng lf Cltrcen has any hcpes cf haullng ltself
away frcmthe bcttcmend cf cur chart: bulld quallty, rellablllty,
ease cf drlvlng, handllng and perfcrmance all came ln fcr crltlclsm.
24. f|troen
2012 kANklN6 22
lT wculd appear vauxhall's phencmenal
2012 perfcrmance was merely a bllp.
Last year lt was cur mcst lmprcved maker,
cllmblng 16 places past the llkes cf Audl,
Kla, vwand arch-rlval Fcrd ln the prccess.
8ut thls year lt's back near the bcttcmcf cur
ranklngs, whlch lsn't surprlslng when ycu ccnslder that whlle seven cf
lts cars recelved encugh respcnses tc quallfy fcr urlver Pcwer, cnly
three made lt lntc the Tcp 100. 8est result was 15th fcr practlcallty
- fcr every cther categcry vauxhall ranked ln the bcttcmhalf cf the
table. Perfcrmance and ease cf drlvlng were partlcular bugbears.
26. 9auxha||
2012 kANklN6 11
wF dldn't get encugh respcnses frcm
Chrysler cwners fcr the brand tc feature ln
cur manufacturer ranklngs last year, but lt's
a dlfferent stcry ln 2013. And the Amerlcan
brand has re|clned the chart ln the same
pcsltlcn lt achleved ln 2011 - 22nd place. lt
cculd have dcne a whcle lct better, tcc, the ccmpany tcck thlrd
place fcr rlde quallty, fcurth fcr practlcallty, and chalked up decent
sccres fcr perfcrmance and ln-car technclcgy. Yet dlsmal sccres
fcr rellablllty, runnlng ccsts, braklng and handllng meant lt was
never gclng tc challenge the upper reaches cf cur table.
22. fhrys|er
0l0 N01 A00Ak lN 2012
LAST year, SFAT was the blggest lcser ln cur
manufacturer chart, falllng 10 places frcm
1/th tc 2/th. 8csses have managed tc slcw
the rate cf descent ln 2013, but lt's stlll a
dlre result. Uwners are reascnably pleased
wlth the runnlng ccsts and perfcrmance cf
thelr SFAT mcdels, but rlde quallty, practlcallty and ln-car tech
all ccme ln fcr harsh crltlclsm. kellablllty alsc appears tc be a
prcblem- and thls ls cne area the manufacturer wlll deflnltely
need tc lmprcve cn lf lt has any hcpes cf ever matchlng the
cclcssal satlsfactlcn ratlng cf slster brand Skcda.
2I. 5A1
2012 kANklN6 24
ALL ln all lt was a pretty lacklustre
perfcrmance frcmFcrd ln 2013. A
marglnal lmprcvement cn 2012's ranklngs
dcesn't change the fact that the ccmpany's
ratlngs were medlccre acrcss the bcard.
Twelfth place fcr handllng and 15th fcr rlde
quallty were the hlghllghts cf lts sccre sheet, but cwners slated
lts cars fcr braklng, perfcrmance and bulld quallty. And Fcrd's
marks ln the remalnlng categcrles were sc-sc at best. 8csses
wlll be pleased the brand flnlshed ahead cf mass-market rlval
vauxhall, yet there ls plenty cf rccmfcr lmprcvement here.
21. ford
2012 kANklN6 25
8Au news fcr Land kcver - lts slx-place
cllmb ln 2012 has been all but undcne by
a flve-place fall thls year. lts strengths are
cbvlcus: ln a repeat cf last year's sccres, lt
came fcurth fcr rlde quallty and seccnd fcr
practlcallty. Yet elsewhere, lts sccrecard lsn't
lccklng sc rcsy. A pccr ranklng ln the runnlng ccsts categcry
ls tc be expected fcr a /x/ manufacturer, but what wlll be
partlcularly galllng fcr Land kcver bcsses ls the last-place
flnlsh fcr rellablllty - that's nct what ycu wculd expect frcm
the maker cf rugged cff-rcaders spcrtlng a premlumbadge.
25. Land kover
2012 kANklN6 20
A SlX-place cllmb dellvers kenault's best
urlver Pcwer result ln years and makes the
brand cne cf the mcst lmprcved perfcrmers
ln 2013. Last year, the French ccmpany
came last ln rellablllty, bulld quallty,
technclcgy and ease cf drlvlng, but lt seems
tc be addresslng these lssues - there were marglnal lmprcvements
ln three cf thcse categcrles and a ma|cr cne ln technclcgy, where
kenault managed tc ccme 16th. Strcng flnlshes fcr runnlng ccsts,
rlde quallty and practlcallty helped cement lts pcsltlcn, yet lt wlll take
a lct mcre wcrk fcr the ccmpany tc crack the tcp half cf cur table.
21. kenau|t
2012 kANklN6 2I
0l0 00 kN0w! 'aac |s t|c coc aa|c. .||c|
| |ast ,ca. t|at |as d.ccd cut c| t|c c|a.t
Your views on your cars
1hetar makers
Your views on your cars
TFF last year ln whlch Chevrclet made the
cut fcr urlver Pcwer was 2011, when the
ccmpany came last. Sc stcrmlng back
lntc the chart ln 20th pcsltlcn ls an
excellent result fcr the Amerlcan brand. lt's
leapfrcgged scme ma|cr players - and nc
wcnder, because whlle there are nc standcut perfcrmances cn lts
sccrecard, there are nc real weaknesses, elther, wlth the exceptlcn cf
a 28th-place flnlsh fcr perfcrmance. Aslde frcmthat categcry, cwners
have awarded the ccmpany's cars sclld marks acrcss the bcard,
pralslng thelr rlde quallty, practlcallty and rellablllty, ln partlcular.
20. fhevro|et
0l0 N01 A00Ak lN 2012
0lvFh hcwccmpetltlve the car market ls,
any mcve up the urlver Pcwer chart ls gccd
news. Stlll, wlth vclkswagen's prcflle, we
can't help but feel lt shculd be almlng fcr
hlgher than a mld-table flnlsh. Tcp 10 sccres
fcr runnlng ccsts and rlde quallty were lts
standcut marks. And whlle cwners weren't cverly harsh cn any
aspect cf lts prcducts, lts wcrst marks came fcr ln-car technclcgy
and rellablllty. The latter ls partlcularly dlsappclntlng glven that
a substantlal chunk cf vw's reputatlcn ls fcunded cn lts cars'
dependablllty. lt needs tc dc better tc lmpress lts custcmers.
16. 9w
2012 kANklN6 18
}uST llke Chevrclet, }eep dldn't make cur
2012 chart. And lts perfcrmance ln 2011
left a lct tc be deslred - lt cculd manage
cnly 28th then - sc clearly a spell away
frcmurlver Pcwer has dcne the brand
scme gccd. hlnth place fcr practlcallty ls tc
be expected fcr an Suv brand, but 10th place fcr perfcrmance
and 11th fcr ln-car technclcgy are serlcusly lmpresslve. Strcng
marks fcr bulld quallty and ease cf drlvlng are tc be ccmmended,
tcc. Fcwever, we suspect that what wlll mcst please }eep
bcsses ls flnlshlng ahead cf rlval /x/ maker Land kcver.
18. [eep
0l0 N01 A00Ak lN 2012
A kFAL change ln fcrtunes fcr Fyundal. Twc
years agc, the ccmpany was lccklng llke a
pcdlumccntender, slttlng ln fcurth place ln
the manufacturer ranklngs wlth a tcp 10 car
ln the l30. Fast-fcrward twc years and the
ccmpany has been relegated tc mld-table.
The best lt cculd manage ln last week's Tcp 100 was 21st fcr
the lx35, whlle fcrmer wlnner the l30 ccntlnued lts sllde dcwn the
ranklngs. Uwners are stlll lmpressed wlth thelr cars' rellablllty and
runnlng ccsts, and they llke the gadgets. 8ut they tell us that
perfcrmance, rlde quallty and handllng aren't up tc scratch.
14. Nyunda|
2012 kANklN6 I
MlTSu8lSFl has dcne a sclld |cb cf hcldlng
cn tc lts mld-table pcsltlcn ln 2013. uecent
sccres fcr practlcallty and rellablllty are
the hlgh pclnts cf lts sccrecard, but
elsewhere the results are medlccre at best.
Ccllectlvely, the ccmpany's cars chalked up
flve categcry flnlshes ln the lcw20s - sc whlle cwners aren't
queulng up tc ccmplaln, they're nct exactly brlmmlng wlth pralse,
elther. lf Mltsublshl has any hcpe cf cllmblng cur chart lt wlll have
tc scrt cut the dynamlcs cf lts cars, because ease cf drlvlng,
handllng, braklng and rlde quallty were all areas cf crltlclsm.
19. N|tsub|sh|
2012 kANklN6 19
UhCF agaln, 8Mwls the lcwest-ranked
premlummaker ln cur chart. Uwners
ccmplalned cf pccr practlcallty and rlde
quallty, and crltlclsed the cars' runnlng
ccsts, tcc. 8ut they alsc had a lct cf pcsltlve
thlngs tc say abcut the brand. Perfcrmance,
braklng, handllng, ease cf drlvlng and bulld quallty
all lmpress. And the latest 3 Serles and 5 Serles recelved hlgh
pralse, ccmlng nlnth and 11th respectlvely ln cur Tcp 100 last
week. ln fact, the 3 Serles came tcp cf the hlghly ccmpetltlve
ccmpact executlve class, sc lt's nct all bad news fcr 8Mw.
15. 8Nw
2011 kANklN6 14
ALFA kcmec ls cn the march. Last week,
we revealed that the brand's styllsh famlly
hatchback, the 0lulletta, came seventh
ln cur Tcp 100, and thls week we can
shcwthat cwners rate the manufacturer
as cne cf the mcst lmprcved cf the past
12 mcnths. lt's clear that Alfa excels when lt ccmes tc drlvlng
dynamlcs, as lts cars plcked up excellent sccres fcr perfcrmance,
braklng, handllng and ease cf drlvlng. And lt's equally clear what's
lettlng the brand dcwn - rellablllty and bulld quallty were ma|cr
bugbears fcr cwners. ln addltlcn, practlcallty was crltlclsed, tcc.
1I. A||a komeo
2012 kANklN6 21
uFSPlTF slldlng fcur pcsltlcns dcwn cur
ranklngs, lt's hard tc fault Pcrsche fcr lts
urlver Pcwer perfcrmance ln 2013. lt's stlll
plck cf the bunch when lt ccmes tc braklng,
perfcrmance and handllng. And lcwsccres
fcr runnlng ccsts and practlcallty are hardly
a surprlse. The maln crltlclsmcwners have cf the spcrts car marque
ls wlth the technclcgy. uesplte cfferlng plenty cf gadgets wlth lts
cars, lt flnlshed a dlsappclntlng 27th here - suggestlng cwners
dcn't thlnk they're gettlng encugh value fcr mcney. And 18th
place fcr rellablllty ls alsc wcrrylng fcr a luxury brand.
11. 0orsche
2012 kANklN6 9
0l0 00 kN0w! 0o|, t.c c.aods |a.c c.c.
ccco oaacd tc aa|c. |o l` ,ca.s c| 0.|.c. |c.c.
Your views on your cars
Pictures: Xxxxxxxxx

FUwthe mlghty have fallen! hlssan's been
cne cf the blggest urlver Pcwer success
stcrles cf recent years, wlth a metecrlc rlse
frcm25th ln 2010 tc fcurth ln 2012. lt had
seemed almcst certaln that the }apanese
brand wculd be the ccmpany tc flnally break
the stranglehcld that Skcda, Lexus and }aguar have held cn the urlver
Pcwer pcdlumfcr the past fewyears. 8ut hlssan has turned ln cne cf
the mcst dlsappclntlng perfcrmances thls year - cnly vauxhall has
drcpped mcre places ln 2013. lts cars were crltlclsed fcr perfcrmance,
braklng, rlde quallty, handllng, practlcallty and bulld quallty.
12. N|ssan
2012 kANklN6 4
vULvUswaps a twc-place fall ln 2012 fcr
an ldentlcal rlse ln 2013 tc regaln elghth
pcsltlcn. Flfth place fcr bulld quallty ls
lts best result, fcllcwed by seventh fcr
rlde quallty. And strcng sccres ln thcse
categcrles shcwthat vclvc ls lmpresslng
cwners wlth the premlumquallty cf lts cars. lt's a shame, then,
that the Swedlsh brand cculd cnly manage 17th fcr rellablllty -
buyers expect such well bullt cars tc stay tcgether. And wcrse
news was that 21st place fcr bcth handllng and runnlng ccsts
helped prevent vclvc cllmblng any hlgher up thls year's chart.
8. 9o|vo
2012 kANklN6 10
Auul'S ratlng has yc-yced cver the past
fewyears. ln 2011, lt was slttlng ln seventh
place and was rated the best cf the blg
three 0erman premlummanufacturers.
Last year, lt tumbled elght places tc fall
tc 15th, behlnd bcth 8Mwand Mercedes.
A flve-place reccvery ln 2013 sees lt regaln a tcp 10 spct - |ust.
lt plcked up plenty cf decent sccres, but 21st place fcr practlcallty
suggests cwners feel the deslgners cculd make better use cf space
ln thelr cars. And 18th place fcr ln-car tech lndlcates that, llke slster
brand Pcrsche, lts gadgets dcn't cffer encugh value fcr mcney.
10. Aud|
2012 kANklN6 15
LUTS cf manufacturers made substantlal
galns ln cur 2012 urlver Pcwer chart, but
very fewhave been able tc ccnsclldate
thcse advances ln 2013. Fcnda ls cne cf
them. 8etter stlll, lt has held lts pcsltlcn
whlle key rlvals Tcycta and hlssan have
sllpped dcwn the chart. Llke Kla, Fcnda's strength lles ln nalllng key
ccnsumer categcrles - lt sccres hlghly fcr rellablllty, runnlng ccsts,
bulld quallty, practlcallty, ease cf drlvlng and ln-car tech, flnlshlng
ln the tcp 10 ln all cf them. A hard rlde and lacklustre perfcrmance
were the cnly real ccmplalnts cwners had abcut lts cars.
6. Nonda
2012 kANklN6 6
FUk many years, Subaru was a tcp 10
stalwart. Last year, lt sllpped flve places tc
lcse that hcncured pcsltlcn, and lt hasn't
managed tc clawlts way back ln 2013. Sc
what's wrcng! well, nct a lct. lt flnlshed ln
the tcp 10 ln elght cut cf cur 10 categcrles,
and plcked up sllver fcr handllng and brcnze fcr perfcrmance.
There are twc lssues Subaru needs tc address: a 21st-place flnlsh
fcr technclcgy lsn't the end cf the wcrld, but lt ls a blct cn what ls
ctherwlse an almcst prlstlne sccrecard. 8ut the real lssue ls runnlng
ccsts - 28th here ls the maln factcr hcldlng lt back frcmthe tcp 10.
11. 5ubaru
2012 kANklN6 11
A FlvF-place cllmb up the chart ls an
lmpresslve feat. 8ut lt's well deserved -
Kla chalked up fcur tcp 10 sccres: elghth
fcr practlcallty, seventh fcr rellablllty, slxth
fcr runnlng ccsts and fcurth fcr technclcgy.
0lven hcwcrltlcal these categcrles are tc
mass-market car buyers, lt shcws that Kla ls really lmpresslng lts
custcmers where lt ccunts. lt's nct a perfect sccrecard, thcugh, as
23rd fcr handllng, 21st fcr rlde quallty and 20th fcr perfcrmance are
dlsappclntlng results. 8ut lf Kla can scrt cut these lssues, lt cculd
be challenglng fcr a pcdlumspct ln the nct-tcc-dlstant future.
I. k|a
2012 kANklN6 12
UhLY cne manufacturer beats Tcycta
when lt ccmes tc rellablllty, and lt plcks
up a brcnze medal fcr runnlng ccsts, tcc.
Sc clearly these cars keep cn runnlng nc
matter what, and they dc lt cheaply - but
aslde frcmthat, there aren't a whcle lct cf
pcsltlves tc repcrt. urlvlng dynamlcs certalnly dcn't seemtc
qulcken the pulse - the ccmpany cnly managed tc plck up mld-
table sccres ln these categcrles, and came 22nd fcr perfcrmance.
hlnth place fcr technclcgy and 11th fcr bulld quallty are respectable
flnlshes, but nct encugh tc prevent a fcur-place sllde.
9. 1oyota
2012 kANklN6 5
A FAhTASTlC result fcr Mercedes - lt has
cracked the tcp flve and flnlshed ahead cf
0erman rlvals 8Mwand Audl fcr the seccnd
year runnlng. Yet lt's stlll scme way cff belng
the hlghest-ranked premlummaker, desplte
the fact that there's nct a lct wrcng wlth lts
sccrecard. Flnlshes cf 26th fcr runnlng ccsts and 19th fcr practlcallty
are lts twc wcrst results, but }aguar plcked up slmllar sccres ln these
categcrles. Flsewhere, Mercedes achleved a tcp 10 flnlsh ln slx cut
cf 10 dlsclpllnes. 8ut, unfcrtunately fcr the 0erman manufacturer,
twc cther premlummarques qulte slmply dld even better.
5. Nercedes
2012 kANklN6 8
1hetar makers
TFkFF brands have dcmlnated urlver Pcwer ln recent years, and they've retalned thelr grlp cn the pcdlumln 2013.
ln fact, thelr dcmlnance seems tc be grcwlng - 2.36 per cent separates cur brcnze medalllst frcmMazda ln fcurth,
and that's as blg as the gap between Mazda and Alfa kcmec ln 17th. }aguar's 86.39%sccre ls exactly the same as ln
2012, and ln ancther repeat cf last year, lt plcked up gcld medals fcr rlde quallty and ease cf drlvlng. lt alsc nctched
up flve cther tcp 10 categcry ranklngs, but there's
stlll rccmfcr lmprcvement. Lcwsccres fcr practlcallty
and runnlng ccsts are nc surprlse, but 15th place fcr
rellablllty ls a black mark cn an ctherwlse prlstlne
sccrecard. lts chlef rlval fcr the best premlummarque
crcwn ls Lexus, a brand rencwned fcr lts rellablllty,
sc thls ls an area that }aguar has tc address.
1. [aguar
2012 kANklN6 1
[aguar's score |s exact|y the
same as |n 2012, but there |s
st||| room|or |mprovement
wFAT a dlfference a year can make! A phencmenal 13-place rlse up the ranklngs sees Mazda leap frcmmld-table
ancnymlty tc a ccveted tcp flve spct, and lts perfcrmance was tcpped cff by the CX-5 - whlch had already wcn 8est
Crcsscver at cur hewCar Awards - enterlng last week's Tcp 100 ln a mlghtlly lmpresslve flfth place. Strcng marks
acrcss the bcard were key tc Mazda's success - 20th place fcr practlcallty was the cnly area where lt dldn't rank ln the
tcp half cf the table, and that's a level cf ccnslstency
fewcther manufacturers can bcast cf. Un the
dcwnslde, thcugh, Mazda's cverall ranklng was
hlgher than any cf lts lndlvldual categcry ranklngs
- slxth place fcr rellablllty was lts standcut result.
lt wlll need tc earn a fewmcre tcp 10 flnlshes
lf lt wants tc hcld cn tc fcurth spct next year.
4. Nazda
2012 kANklN6 1I
key to Nazda's success was a
|eve| o| cons|stency |ewother
manu|acturers can boast o|
lT'S flnally happened - Skcda has been knccked cff the tcp spct ln cur urlver Pcwer ranklngs after a remarkable
fcur-year run. Sc what went wrcng ln 2013! well, the shcrt answer ls: ncthlng. Uwners certalnly aren't ccmplalnlng
abcut thelr cars - Skcda has by far the mcst ccnslstent sccrecard, and ls the cnly brand that managed tc flnlsh ln
the tcp 10 ln every categcry. lt plcked up gcld medals fcr runnlng ccsts and practlcallty, a sllver medal fcr ln-car tech
and brcnzes fcr ease cf drlvlng and braklng. lts wcrst
sccre was elghth place fcr handllng. Un tcp cf that,
the Yetl and Superb tcck flrst and seccnd place ln
cur Tcp 100 last week, sc Skcda's perfcrmance ln
urlver Pcwer 2013 was |ust as phencmenal as ln
prevlcus years. The cnly thlng that's changed ls
that ancther brand managed tc gc cne better...
2. 5koda
2012 kANklN6 1
0henomena| 5koda |s the
on|y manu|acturer to ||n|sh |n
the top 10 |n every category
ALL hall the newklng cf urlver Pcwer. A cne-place rlse dcesn't seemllke much, but tcppllng Skcda ls a great
achlevement. The Czech brand has nc weak spct cn lts sccrecard, whlle Lexus - llke all the premlummarques -
ls hamstrung by lcwsccres fcr runnlng ccsts and practlcallty. Yet desplte these weak spcts, lt was able tc make
up grcund ln cther areas. Key tc that was flnlshlng flrst ln three categcrles - rellablllty, bulld quallty and ln-car tech
- and taklng sllver fcr rlde quallty and ease cf drlvlng,
tcc. Clearly, cwners can't pralse thelr cars encugh
fcr thelr premlumqualltles - they're expertly put
tcgether, packed wlth gadgets and a pleasure tc drlve.
lt's a very well earned vlctcry fcr cur newurlver Pcwer
champlcn manufacturer. And we can't walt tc see
whether Lexus can hcld cn tc lts crcwn ln 201/.
1. Lexus
2012 kANklN6 2
Lexus' cars are expert|y
put together, packed w|th
gadgets and great to dr|ve
Your views on your cars
The premium UHP tyre fcr dramatic perfcrmance
Lnsure opLimum balance on boLh weL and dry surlaces Lhrouqh
Lriple layered block desiqn and coolinq sysLem. Hankook 1yre UK LLd, Fawsley Drive, HearLlands Business Park, DavenLry, NorLhampLonshire NN 8UC
1el: +^^ 327 30^ 00 Fax: +^^ 327 30^ 0
You supporL your Leam, and Hankook 1ire supporLs your spiriL
of thc
AII-newMtsubsh 0utIander ams to cut
down seven-seat hyunda and ka rvaIs
8uYFkS cf Suvs are spclled fcr chclce. 8ut that means
manufacturers are flndlng lt lncreaslngly tcugh tc make an
lmpact ln the class. Ycu need scmethlng speclal tc stand cut frcmthe
crcwd, and that's exactly what Mltsublshl's newUutlander alms tc dc.
The prevlcus verslcn cffered genulne cff-rcad ablllty, yet had rccm
fcr seven lnslde and a lcng llst cf standard klt. Thls newmcdel dellvers
the same mlx cf talents, but prcmlses class-leadlng efflclency, an
upmarket cabln and a sharper cn-rcad drlvlng experlence.
Fcr thls test, we've llned up twc cppcnents that have a lct ln
ccmmcn: the Kla Screntc and Fyundal Santa Fe. The all-newScrentc
was launched late last year and, whlle lt lccks slmllar tc lts predecesscr,
lt shares lts 2.2-lltre dlesel and fcur-wheel-drlve runnlng gear wlth lts
Fyundal slster mcdel. 8cth cars ccme well equlpped and wlth rccm
fcr seven lnslde, tcc, sc represent a tcugh challenge fcr the new
Mltsublshl. 8ut whlch cf cur trlc ls the best famlly frlendly buy!
v|s|t lo| the |atest new ca|s and d||ves
vs veque
5tyIish newMINI meets ceup
5bv cIass Ieader in the IermeI
the sIeek kange kever veque.
Picfures. Pefe Gibson Locafion. Longcross Proving Ground, Chobham, Surrey
1eyeIa Prius
Mazda 6
wiII cIever newpIug-in hybrid
preve te be ideaI transpert
Ier city cemmuting?
5tyIish newestate manages
te cembine geed Ieeks and
practicaIity Ier eur snapper.
66 64
2.2Cki kk2
Sat Nav
Price: 30,000
ngine: 2.2-lltre /cyl, 19/bhp
0-60mph: 8.9 seccnds
1est ecenemy: 28./mpg]6.2mpl
C02: 155g]km
AnnuaI read tax: 175
why? Screntc ls ccmpletely
new, yet lccks very slmllar tc
the car lt replaces. wlll that
hlnder lts chances cf vlctcry!
2.2Cki Premium
Price: 30,670
ngine: 2.2-lltre /cyl, 19/bhp
0-60mph: 8.6 seccnds
1est ecenemy: 27.9mpg]6.1mpl
C02: 159g]km
AnnuaI read tax: 175
why? we're blg fans cf the
latest Santa Fe, thanks tc lts
raft cf equlpment, styllsh lccks
and famlly frlendly lnterlcr.
Price: 30,179
ngine: 2.2-lltre /cyl, 1/7bhp
0-60mph: 9.3 seccnds
1est ecenemy: 32./mpg]7.1mpl
C02: 1/0g]km
AnnuaI read tax: 125
why? All-newUutlander has a
dlfferent lcck, but lt retalns the
prevlcus mcdel's genercus klt
tally and cff-rcad ablllty.
whIe the nteror
has taken a step
forward, the dash
pIastc Iooks dated
MIS1UBISHI las a sirohg reuiaiioh
Ior Luildihg caaLle xs oI assoried
slaes ahdsizes. Iromile illusirious lihe
oI rally LredEvo saloohs all ile way io ile
Lzooick-u, ii khows a ilihg or iwo aLoui
roducihg cars Ior ile rouglsiuII. Ahdile
hewOuilahder is ho exceiiohio ilis rule.
However, ile car las a soIier lookilahile
model ii relaces. Gohe is ile vasi, Evo X-siyle
gaihg grille, ihIavour oI slehder liglis ahda
siylisedhose over a large Irohi Lumer. 1le
Irohi is a liiile remihiscehi oI ile Ciiroeh
C-Crosser a car ilai slaredmuclwiilile
revious Ouilahder. Bui ile slaLsides, iall
ride leigli, lowrooHihe ahdharrowrear
ehdgive ile MiisuLisli ahawkwardlook
comaredwiiliis cluhky rivals lere.
ClimLihside ahd, wlile ile ihierior las
iakeha sieIorwardover ile oldcar, ile large
exahse oI Llackdasllasiic looks daied
comaredwiilile Hyuhdai's grey ahdsilver
cehire cohsole. Piaho Llackirimis meahi io
adda ioucloI class, Lui ilis is soiledLy iis
orahge eel Lhisl, wlile lardlasiics are
usedilrougloui. 1le colour dislay Leiweeh
ile dials looks moderhahdis easy io read,
Lui ile ihierior doesh'i quiie lave ile qualiiy
Ieel oI eiiler ile Hyuhdai or Kia. Ahoiler
ahhoyahce are ile muliile warhihg Lees
ilai clime every iime youiurhile ighiiioh.
Ai leasi ilere's lehiy oI sace Ior driver
ahdassehgers, wlile ile middle rowoI seais
slides LackahdIoril, ahdLoilLackrows Iold
Hai. Bui wlile iis rivals Ieaiure a sihgle ull
cordio oeraie eacloI ile rearmosi seais, ile
Ouilahder las iwo ohe io uhIold, ile oiler
io collase. Ii's Lddly, wlile sace is limiied.
Headroomis also comromisedihile
leIi-lahdseai Ly a rooI Llisier ilai louses ile
seaiLeli Ior ile middle seai oI ile secohdrow.
Plus, youlave io Hicka lever hexi io ile
middle rowio swiiclLeiweehIoldihg ile
seai Hai ahdmovihg ii io access ile Lackrow.
Ohile road, ile Ouilahder maicles iis
rivals Ior erIormahce, alilouglile z.z-liire
1heres Iets ef standard
kit, and the utIander
is the mest capabIe ef
eur three cars effread.
Cabin quaIity is peer, and
the feIding mechanisms
fer the back seats are
rather fiddIy te use.
N01 S0 600b
fo|d|ng rear seat system |s undu|y comp||cated, rearmost
seats are rea||y on|y good |or ch||dren or short [ourneys

kead IesI V|tsub|sh| 0ut|ande| vs ||va|s
Newcomer ams to buId on prevous cars off-road taIents wth u
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
32.4MPC (0h151) L8T fILL-0P
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(7]5]2 5A15) !T3/N/A/!,608 L15
0-60 9.3 5C5 10P 5P0!!8MPR
49.T/3S.9/9.3 M1k5

diesel is claiiery ai lowseeds ahdgruII

wlehacceleraiihg. 1le car irails ile oiler
models ihilis iesi Ior iowihg caaciiy, ioo.
1le io-sec GX_ ihour iciures (we iesied
ilelesser GX) las ahSS1iwih-cluiclauio, ahd
iis seamless clahges meahi ile car was as Iasi
as ile mahual Kia ahdHyuhdai ai ile irack.
UhIoriuhaiely, ile MiisuLisli is uhihsirihg
ihcorhers, desiieclaims ilai ii slares iis DNA
wiilile Evo X. Ii suIIers Irommore Lody roll
ilahiis rivals ahdlas less gri, wlile mid-
corher Lums uhseiile ile susehsioheasily.
Wlere ile Ouilahder excels is oII road.
1le slori Irohi ahdrear overlahgs, greaier
5hAP is a IittIe bIand, and
whiIe shert everhangs and taII
ride height heIp eII-read, they
give the car an awkward Ieek.
CAIN design isn't reaIIy
much eI a pregressien ever
the previeus 0utIander,
whiIe gIess bIack censeIe
trimhas a peer Iinish.
kI is unsettIed, and the
Mitsubishi deesn't IeeI as
cempesed as rivaIs en the
read. Punchy 2.2-Iitre dieseI
ceuId be mere reIined, tee.
Nwcar is cheaper te tax
and has better ecenemy than
rivaIs in this test, pIus yeu get
a Iet eI kit Ier yeur meney.

L0NC, narrewbeet is bigger

than kia's when aII seats
are IeIded, but mechanisms
are IiddIy. Cabin beneIits
IremIets eI useIuI sterage.
wI1h seven airbags and 5P,
0utIander achieved a Iive-
star ure NCAP scere. 1e get
Iane departure and ceIIisien
warning, yeu have te buy CX5.
grouhdclearahce ahdlockaLle Iour-
wleel drive meahii sloweda cleahair
oI leels io iis rivals lere, desiie lavihg
relaiively wide iyres oh8-ihclwleels.
1le Ouilahder las lehiy oI siahdardkii,
ioo. Dual-zohe climaie cohirol, sai-hav (alLeii
ahaIiermarkei sysiem), leaiedleailer seais, a
reversihg camera ahdauio liglis ahdwiers
are all ihcludedohile GXmodel we iesied.
Wlile ile Kia ahdHyuhdai cahmaiclilis,
ile MiisuLisli also adds siahdardxehoh
liglis ahdkeyless siariihg. However, iI you
wahi luxuries suclas a DABradio ahdeleciric
iailgaie, or saIeiy kii suclas lahe deariure
warhihg, adaiive cruise cohirol ahdIorward
collisiohdeieciioh, you'll lave io ugrade io
ile GX_ model, wliclcosis ,oooexira.
Ihierms oI oiler cosis, ile Ouilahder
siis iwo roadiax Lahds Lelowiis rivals, as
ii's ile cleahesi car lere, wiilemissiohs
oI ogJkm. Ii usedile leasi Iuel, reiurhihg ohiesi, ahdis also ile cleaesi
comahy car cloice. Poorer residual values
ahda more exehsive Lxed-rice servicihg
deal Lloi ile Lhahcial coy Look, lowever.
1le quesiiohis wleiler ile Ouilahder's
oII-roadahdLhahcial ialehis cahmake
uIor iis deLciehcies elsewlere.
5at-nav, co|our
|nstrument d|sp|ay,
park|ng sensors and
|ane departure |eature
on the |ong ||st o| k|t

V|tsub|sh| 0ut|ande| vs ||va|s kead IesI

upmarket feeI and better drve on road
we|| equ|pped cab|n has too much dark p|ast|c
kia Sorcnto
In corners, the
soft suspenson
means theres
pIenty of body roII
kead IesI V|tsub|sh| 0ut|ande| vs ||va|s
fvoIutonary Iooks hde bg changes for the seven-seat 4x4
1HE laiesi Kia Sorehio was lauhcled
iowards ile ehdoI lasi year, Lui you'd
Le lard-ressedio iell ii aari Iromile car
ii relaced. Ii's ile same lehgilahdwidil
as iis redecessor, ahdwlile ii's ommlower,
ii reiaihs ile same urigli, Loxy lihes. LED
ruhhihg liglis are ile Liggesi udaie io ile
looks, Lui ilai's hoi hecessarily a Ladilihg,
as ilere's a ceriaihho-hohsehse, rugged
clarmio ile Sorehio's cluhky desigh.
Ii las ile same dimehsiohs ouiside, Lui ile
Sorehio las Leehredesighedio creaie more
ihierior sace. 1lere's ahaddiiiohal omm
oI rear legroom, wlile ile squared-oII Looi
meahs ile Sorehio's iwo ilird-rowseais
lave ile mosi leadroomihilis iesi. 1lai
Lackrowis also Iar easier io Ioldilahile
Ouilahder's, Lecause eaclseai is oeraied
via a sihgle ull cordihile seaiLack.
Elsewlere ihile caLih, ile dasllas Leeh
revisedio Lrihg ii ihio lihe wiilile resi oI
ile Kia rahge, wliclmeahs a driver-Iocused
layoui ahdswiiclgear wiila osiiive Ieel.
1le car ihour iciures is ahehiry-level KX-,
wlile ile KX-z Nav we iesiedgeis ile same
clear sai-hav iouclscreehseehihoiler Kia
models. However, aside Iromsome silver
irimohile cehire cohsole ahddoor ulls,
Kia's reliahce ohlarge areas oI Llacklasiics
ahddull seai ulolsiery meahs ile caLih
Ieels railer oressive wlehcomared
wiilile siylislihierior oI ile Sahia Ie.
Oui ohile road, ile Kia ahdHyuhdai
oIIer very similar erIormahce, Lecause
iley slare ile same Llz.z CRDi
iurLodiesel ehgihe ahdIour-wleel-drive
ruhhihg gear. 1le Sahia Ie was a Iraciioh
quicker ilahile Sorehio ihour acceleraiioh
iesis, Lui ilai was Lecause ii ladmore
miles uhder iis Leli, so was ilai liiile
Lii looser. Wliclever model youcloose,
ile zzNmiorque Lgure meahs iowihg
is a Lreeze, wiila maximumiowihg
caaciiy oI z,_ookg ohoIIer.
Ihcorhers, ile soIi susehsiohmeahs
ilere's lehiy oI Lody roll more so ilahih
ile Sahia Ie Lui ile Sorehio las more gri
ilahile Ouilahder ahdIeels more siaLle, ioo,
wlile ile smaller )-ihclalloys deliver a more
comIoriaLle ride. OII ile Leaiehirack, ile
Sorehio's WDlocklels deal wiilsliery
surIaces, Lui ilere's ho lill descehi cohirol,
ahdii's hoi as aLle as ile Ouilahder oII-road.
As well as more ihierior sace, Kia
las addedexira siahdardequimehi io ile
Sorehio. Evehile mid-rahge KX-z Sai Nav
is geherously equied, ahdii maicles
ile Ouilahder Ior kii ihmosi areas,
desiie Leihg margihally cleaer.
Iuel ecohomy was sliglily disaoihiihg
ohiesi, wiilile Kia reiurhihg,
ahdile MiisuLisli las ii LeaiehIor iax
cosis, ioo. Ihiis Iavour, lowever, ile Sorehio
comes wiilKia's seveh-year, oo,ooo-mile
warrahiy. Ahdwlile ile Lxed-rice servicihg
deal delivers ile same level oI maihiehahce
as Hyuhdai's, ai ii's _ocleaer.
fo|d|ng rear seats revea|s huge boot, 4w0
|s |ockab|e, but k|a has no |ow-range box
ChbNk Ieeks and basic
dimensiens are very simiIar te
Iast medeI's, but the 5erente
deIiniteIy has a rugged charm.
kLN1L55L bIack dash
and interier trimadd an
eppressive IeeI te etherwise
weII Iaid eut cabin.
P0wkFbL dieseI gives geed
acceIeratien, whiIe smaIIer
wheeIs mean kia is mere
cemIertabIe than Mitsubishi.
I1'5the cheapest car here,
has aImest as much kit as
the 0utIander and cemes
with cheapest Iixed-price
servicing deaI.

5IMPL mechanismaIIews aII

rear seats te be IeIded IIat in
an instant. 5quared-eII bedy
shape makes rearmest seats
the reemiest in this test, tee.
1hk'5ene airbag Iewer
than in rivaIs, but the rest
eI the saIety kit is en par,
with 5P and seII-IeveIIing
suspensien Iitted as standard.
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
28.4MPC (0h151) L93 fILL-0P
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(7]5]2 5A15) !!6/S!S/!,S30 L15
0-60 8.9 5C5 10P 5P0!!8MPR
S!.9/3T.S/9.8 M1k5
5anta fe's dash |ooks and |ee|s top-notch
Hyundai Santa fc
wherever you
go n the Santa Ie,
youII defnteIy be
traveIIng n Iuxury
V|tsub|sh| 0ut|ande| vs ||va|s kead IesI
Smart and weII buIt SU s a reaI step upmarket for hyunda
WHENile origihal Hyuhdai Sahia Ie
made iis deLui z years ago, ii was
iicledas a raciical SUvilai ui Iuhciioh
over Iorm. Bui ile ilirdgeheraiiohis how
ohe oI ile mosi disiihciive xs ohile road.
1le Loldgrille ahdLEDruhhihg liglis lelii
siahdoui, wlile ile kick-uihile wihdow
lihe gives ii a dyhamic look.
Ii's equally siylislihside, wiila smari
cehire cohsole ilai's similar io ilai ihoiler
Hyuhdais. 1lere are ahgular air vehis ahd
cluhky, easy-io-use Luiiohs Ior ile audio
ahdclimaie cohirols, wlile ile siahdard-Li
sai-hav is ile same sysiemas ihile Kia, so
ile mas are clear ahdsimle. Aheleciric
lahdLrake also meahs ilere's more room
Ior siorage ohile Hyuhdai's cehire cohsole.
Passehger sace is largely ile same as
ile Sorehio's, ioo, Lui ile Sahia Ie ulls
aleadihierms oI Luildqualiiy. Ii oIIers
a gehuihe remiumIeel ihside, ilahks io
ile smarier swiiclgear ahddecehi lasiics.
However, wlile Looi caaciiy is margihally
Leiier ilahile Kia's, ilere ish'i quiie as mucl
sace ihile rearmosi seais. 1le iailgaie
cuis ihio leadroom, lus ile iihy side
wihdows make ii Ieel very clausiroloLic.
Ohile road, ile Sahia Ie delivers similar
erIormahce io ile Kia, as youwouldexeci
givehile slareddriveiraih. Iirsi gear is
railer slori io comehsaie Ior ile lackoI a
low-rahge Lox Ior oII-roadihg Lui ile sliIi is
osiiive, wlile ile resi oI ile raiios are well
closehio deliver decehi ih-gear resohse.
Uhlike Kia, Hyuhdai develoedile Sahia
Ie wiilseciLc UKsusehsiohseiiihgs, ahd
as a resuli ii Ieels more comosedilahile
Sorehio. 1urh-ihis slarer, ahdilere's more
gri, Lui larger 8-ihclalloys give ile car
ahuhseiiledride ai moiorway seeds.
UhIoriuhaiely, ile Hyuhdai las ile leasi
oII-roadaLiliiy lere, desiie ile Iaci ii geis a
WDlockahdlill descehi cohirol. 1le ride
leigli is ommlower ilahile Ouilahder's,
ahda lowclihsoiler limiis iis aroacl
ahgle, wlile ilose lower-roLle iyres meah
ile mosi clallehgihg ierraihile Sahia Ie
is caaLle oI iacklihg is a grassy irack.
Bui wlerever yougo ihilis car, you'll Le
iravellihg ihluxury. As wiiliis rivals, ile
5w00PINC design, neat
detaiIing and a beId nese
heIp the 5anta Fe stand eut
next te its rivaIs in this test.
51LI5h centre censeIe
with standard-Iit sat-nav
Ieeks geed, whiIe the smart
interier design is backed up
by a genuine sense eI quaIity.
5AN1A Fe handIes surprisingIy
weII Ier its size, yet whiIe
it's cemIertabIe mest eI
the time, the ride can be
Iidgety en meterways.
makes it seemIike yeu're
getting a Iet mere Ier yeur
cash, even iI there's net much
between these cars en price.

A5-IeIding seats and

Iargest beet capacity are
majer pIus peints, and there's
pIenty eI passenger space.
5vNairbags and 5P heIped
car te Iive-star NCAP rating,
whiIe hiII descent centreI is
a useIuI eII-read Ieature.
kear |sn't as spac|ous as k|a's, but smarter
des|gn |ns|de and out g|ves |t edge on |ooks
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
2T.9MPC (0h151) L93 fILL-0P
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(7]5]2 5A15) N/A/S!6/!,6!S L15
0-60 8.6 5C5 10P 5P0!!8MPR
49.S/36.2/9.! M1k5
Hyuhdai las a raIi oI siahdardkii, ahdwlile
ii's hoi quiie as geherously equiedas ile
Ouilahder, ii las ile Ieelihg oI ahumarkei
SUvilai ile MiisuLisli ahdKia are lackihg.
Bui ilai comes ai a rice. 1le z.z CRDi
Premiummodel iesiedlere cosis o,6)o
hearly )oomore ilahile Sorehio ahd
some will Laulkai ayihg ilai Ior a Hyuhdai.
Siill, iI youdoh'i heedsevehseais, youcah
save ,zooLy goihg Ior ile Lve-seai versioh.
1le resi oI ile Lhahcial case is a mixedLag.
oucahgei Lxed-rice servicihg like ile Kia,
Lui ii cosis _omore, wlile iis warrahiy is
ohly Lve years, alLeii wiilho mileage limii.
So do ilese Lhahcial lurdles sio
ile Sahia Ie iakihg viciory Or does iis
umarkei aeal lelii io wihilrougl
V|tsub|sh| 0ut|ande| vs ||va|s kead IesI
0n the read price]tetaI as tested
kesiduaI vaIue (aIter 3yrs]36,000)
AnnuaI tax IiabiIity std]higher rate
AnnuaI IueI cest (12k]20k miIes)
Ins. greup]quete]read tax band]cest
5ervicing cests
Peak pewer]revs
Peak terque]revs
FueI tank capacity]spare wheeI
eet capacity (7]5]2 seat medes)
kerbweight]payIead]tewing weight
1urning circIe]drag ceeIIicient
Appreach]departure angIe
Minimumgreund cIearance
asic warranty (miIes)]recevery
5ervice intervaIs]bk deaIers
river Pewer manuIacturer]deaIer pes.
ure NCAP: AduIt]chiId]ped.]stars
30-50mph in 3rd]4th
50-70mph in 5th]6th
1ep speed]rpmat 70mph
raking 70-0]60-0]30-0mph
Neise eutside]idIe]30]70mph
Aute xpress ecen (mpg]mpI)]range
Cevt urban]extra-urban]cembined
Cevt urban]extra-urban]cembined
ActuaI]cIaimed C0
2]tax bracket
Airbags]IseIix]rear sensers]camera
Autematic bex]stabiIity]cruise centreI
CIimate centreI]Ieather]heated seats
Met paint]xenen Iights]keyIess ge
0b1LANk CX4
600 (3yrs]27k)
/cyl ln-llne]2,268cc
1/7]3,500 bhp]rpm
380]1,750 hm]rpm
6-spd man]/wu
60 lltres]space saver
173]h]A]1,608 lltres
10.6 metres]0.33Cd
22.5]22.5 degrees
3yrs (unllmlted)]3yrs
9,000 (1yr)]113
9.3]9.2 secs
3.6]/.6 secs^
6.9]9.6 secs^
/9.7]35.9]9.3 metres
32./]7.1]/28 mlles
kIA 50kN10
2.2 Cki kX-2
3/9 (3yrs]30k)
/cyl ln-llne]2,199cc
19/]3,800 bhp]rpm
/22]1,800 hm]rpm
6-spd man]/wu
6/ lltres]full slze
116]515]1,530 lltres
10.9 metres]h]A
19.7]22./ degrees
7yrs (100,000)]1yr
12,500 (1yr)]170
8.9]9.0 secs
3.6]5./ secs
7.3]9.6 secs
51.9]37.5]9.8 metres
28./]6.2]/00 mlles
F 2.2 Cki
/99 (3yrs]30k)
/cyl ln-llne]2,199cc
19/]3,800 bhp]rpm
/22]1,800 hm]rpm
6-spd man]/wu
6/ lltres]full slze
h]A]516]1,615 lltres
10.9 metres]h]A
16.5]21.2 degrees
5yrs (unllmlted)]5yrs
10,000 (1yr)]162
8.6]8.6 secs
3./]5.3 secs
7.3]9.5 secs
/9.5]36.2]9.1 metres
27.9]6.1]393 mlles
1esIers neIes
0IAk 5A5: I reaIIy wanted to Ike the 0utIander, but was dsapponted.
Its aII weII and good beng capabIe off-road, yet ths type of SU wouIdnt
be your frst choce even f thats what you want n a 4x4. fabn quaIty
snt up to scratch, whIe the ncessant beeps
for every functon proved nfuratng.
]AMI5 5A5: 0n the face of t, 30,000 seems a Iot to pay for a hyunda.
however, the styIsh Santa Ie easIy justfes ts premum prce wth ts
upmarket nteror, strong refnement and grown-up drvng dynamcs.
And as youd expect, you get Iots of standard
kt, pIus a Iong, unImted-mIeage warranty.
II5II 5A5: Jhe new Sorento s a reaIIy capabIe performer, but Im
a IttIe perpIexed by kas decson to make t Iook aImost dentcaI to
ts predecessor. Park oId and new sde by sde and youII struggIe to
spot the dfference. And thats a shame,
because the overhauIed underpnnngs
mean the ka deserves more attenton.
1HIS iesi is a clear demohsiraiiohoI low
Iar Hyuhdai ahdKia lave come ihrecehi
years. Wlile ile MiisuLisli Ouilahder is ah
imrovemehi over iis redecessor, ii almosi
seems as iI ile comahy las develoedii Lelihd
closeddoors ahdihisolaiioh, wiiloui ahy
reIerehce io wlai iis SUvrivals were doihg.
Wlile ilere's lehiy oI kii Ior your
mohey, ahdii's easily ile Lesi car oiiohoII-
road, ile clea-Ieelihg ihierior, comlicaied
seai Ioldihg meclahismahdaIiermarkei Ieel
oI some oI ile siahdardequimehi make ii
seemlike ii's a geheraiiohLelihdiis iwo rivals
lere. As a resuli, ii Lhisles ilirdihilis iesi.
Searaiihg ile Hyuhdai ahdKia is larder, as
iley are equally maicledIor sace, raciicaliiy
ahderIormahce. Bui ile Sahia Ie jusi edges ile
Sorehio, largely Lecause ii Ieels like a remium
roduci every iime yougei Lelihdile wleel.

HUNDAI is ho lohger a value-Ior-mohey

Lrahd, ahdile Sahia Ie is ahuhdehiaLly
umarkei roduci. Buildqualiiy ahd
desighare Lrsi class, wlile ihierior sace
is excellehi. [usi make sure youdoh'i heed
io do ahy major oII-roadihg.
klA S0kN10

1HE Sorehio comes a close secohdihilis

iesi. II youheeda seveh-seaier, ii las more sace
ilahile Sahia Ie ihiis Lackrow. ei wlile caLih
qualiiy is ahimrovemehi over ile revious
model, ile darkcolours will ui some Luyers
oII, ahdile urigli siylihg ish'i as eye-caiclihg.

OUgei lois oI kii Ior your mohey, ahdile

Ouilahder is ile Lesi car lere Ior oII-roaduse.
Bui ile clea-Ieelihg lasiics, iihhy Luildqualiiy
ahdcomlicaiedseai-Ioldihg meclahisms
meahii Lrihgs uile rear ihilis iesi.
1h range starts with the
23,879 Iive-seat CX2 - it
has air-cen, steeI wheeIs
and b5. bpgrade te the
26,579 CX3, and yeu
get seven seats, cIimate
centreI, 18-inch aIIeys,
Iueteeth and privacy
gIass. 0ur CX4is 30,179,
whiIe the tep-spec CX5
adds adaptive cruise,
city saIe autebrake and
a A radie Ier 34,299.
MI15bI5hI reveaIed its
hi-tech 0utIander Phv
(PIug-in hybrid Iectric
vehicIe) at Iast year's
Paris Meter 5hew. with
a 2.0-Iitre petreI engine
and twe 60kweIectric
meters, this premises
te return up te 143mpg
and emit just 49g]kmeI
C02. ut a recent recaII eI
[apanese-market medeIs
means bksaIes are IikeIy
te be deIayed untiI 2014.
N1k-IeveI 0utIander
CX1s are cIassed as
cemmerciaI vehicIes, se
they cest just 20,812
excIuding vA1. ut whiIe
they Ieek identicaI te the
CX2, the rear seats make
way Ier a vast Iead bay.
5C-styIe twin-cIutch
gearbex is seurced Irem
the ve X. It's avaiIabIe
en the CX4 Ier an extra
1,400, whiIe it cemes
as standard en the CX5.
55N1IALL, the Iatest
5erente is based en the
same pIatIermas the
hyundai 5anta Fe, but
the bedywerk is a subtIe
rewerking eI the Iast
5erente. AII cars have
seven seats and Ieur-
wheeI drive, whiIe the
running gear is identicaI
te the 5anta Fe's.
r mohey ahdile
di ili
0ean 0ibsen
james 0isdaIe
LesIey harris
Price: 30,195
ngine: 2.2-lltre /cyl, 1/8bhp
0-60mph: 9.8 seccnds
1est ecenemy: 35.8mpg]7.9mpl
C02: 129g]km
AnnuaI read tax: 105
why? Fere's prccf that clever
deslgn sells - the Fvcque ls
nearly twc years cld, but a full
crder bcck shcws that lts
pcpularlty ls undlmmed.
Mlhl scld mcre cars ln the
uK last year than ever befcre,
but the ccmpany belleves that
the newPaceman has the rlght
blend cf lngredlents fcr lt tc
achleve even greater success.
The newccmer ls based cn the
Ccuntryman, but mlxes crcsscver
practlcallty wlth ccupe style and
Mlhl character ln an attempt tc
emulate the deslgn-led success
cf the kange kcver Fvcque.
8ut can the seventh Mlhl ln the
range rlval the plcneerlng ccupe
Suv- crcwned Autc Fxpress Car
cf the Year ln 2011 - and cffer
a cheaper alternatlve! The 2/,290
Cccper Su ALL/ slts at the tcp cf
the mcdel range, and ccmes wlth
fcur-wheel drlve and a 1/1bhp
2.0-lltre dlesel englne. Ycu'll
need an extra 5,905 tc step
up tc the kange kcver, but even
then ycu cnly get cn the bcttcm
rung cf the ladder wlth the frcnt-
wheel-drlve 1/7bhp eu/ mcdel.
Sc whlch ls the better chclce!
And ls the Paceman the best
varlatlcn cn the Mlhl theme yet!
fan the seventh
MINI n the range
rvaI our 2011
far of the Year!
V|u| |aceman vs kange kove| |voque
Picfures. Pefe Gibson Locafion. Cherfsey, Surrey y
Price: 2/,290
ngine: 2.0-lltre /cyl, 1/1bhp
0-60mph: 9.2 seccnds
1est ecenemy: /2.6mpg]9./mpl
C02: 130g]km
AnnuaI read tax: 105
why? Crcsscvers are all the rage,
whlle ccupes appeal tc the style
ccnsclcus - and the Paceman
ccmblnes the twc ln an effcrt tc
cash ln cn the Fvcque's success.
V|u| |aceman vs kange kove| |voque
Sctting thc
MINIs newPaceman faces a tough coup SU rvaI

MlNl Paccman
kead IesI V|u| |aceman vs kange kove| |voque
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(5A150P]00wh) 330/!,080 L15
Anyone steppng
up from a MINI hatch
wII be happy wth
the space on offer
PURIS1SscoIIedai ileidea oI a crossover
MINI, Lui ile Couhirymahaccouhied
Ior ohe ihilree models ile Lrahdsoldihile
UKlasi year so clearly ile markeiihg meh
goi ii rigli, wliclLodes well Ior ile Pacemah.
1le car slares iis uhderihhihgs wiilile
Couhirymah, ahdlas ahidehiical wleelLase,
Lui siahds oui wiiliis sweeihg rooHihe,
wraarouhdiail-liglis ahdcurvedrear arcles.
Smari deiailihg ahdile usual rahge oI MINI
ersohalisaiiohgive ii evehmore aeal.
Ihside ii's all Iamiliar MINI, wiila dasl
ilai's cehiredarouhdile massive seedo
ahdlois oI reiro desighioucles. Plehiy oI
seai adjusimehi ahda smari ilree-soke
muliiIuhciiohwleel ehsure driver comIori is
good, lus raisedSUv-like seaiihg makes Ior
excellehi visiLiliiy ilrouglile curvedscreeh.
As you'dexeci Ior a MINI, Luildqualiiy
is io-hoicl, lus hovel ioggle swiicles ahd
swahky moodligliihg lelile caLihrival ile
IeelgoodIacior oI ile Evoque. Siill, a Iewlard
lasiics meahii doesh'i Ieel quiie as umarkei
as ile more exehsive Rahge Rover.
Ohile lus side, ile Pacemahis ohe oI ile
mosi raciical cars io wear a MINI Ladge. Ih
ile Lackare iwo ihdividual seais ahd, wlile
clamLerihg ihis iricky, ilere's ehougl
legroomIor adulis. Ahyohe sieihg uIrom
a MINI laiclwill Le lay ai ile sace oh
oIIer desiie ile soriy rooHihe, ilere's jusi
ehouglleadroom, wlile Ligger side wihdows
ahda wider rear screehmeahii Ieels airier
ilahile LackoI ile Evoque Coue. 1lere's
a slidihg rail dowhile cehire oI ile caLih,
io wliclyoucahaiiacla suhglasses case or
cu-lolders, Lui ile o-liire Looi caaciiy
is relaiively small Ior a car oI ilis size.
However, ii's ilai Iamous smile-a-mihuie
MINI drivihg exeriehce ilai will aiiraci a loi
oI eole io ile Pacemah ahdoverall, ile
hewcomer doesh'i disaoihi. Ior siariers, ii's
suerLly ehgiheered, ahdile cohirols are
resohsive. ougei a shay gearsliIi,
osiiive ilroiile resohse ahdweigliy
sieerihg all oI wliclare iakehua hoiclLy
ile Sori Luiioh. 1urh-ihis osiiive ahdLody
cohirol good, wlile ilere's lehiy oI griahd
oLviously ho issues wiiliraciioh. oucahIeel
ile ligler cehire oI graviiy ahdexira weigli
oI ile xdriveiraih, Lui ilere's siill a iasie oI
ile MINI laiclLack's ehilusiasmahdagiliiy.
ei, weirdly, ii doesh'i Ieel as ligli ohiis
Ieei ai lowseedas ile zo_kg leavier Rahge
Rover, lus ile PacemahIollows camLers ih
ile roadahdIeels a Lii edgy comaredio ile
more relaxedEvoque. 1le MINI geis soris
susehsiohas siahdard, Lui youcahlave
a soIier sei-uas a ho-cosi oiioh we'd
recommehdilis as ii iakes ile edge oII ile
ride siiIIhess wiiloui ahy oLvious hegaiive
eIIeci ohlahdlihg. Bui evehwiiloui ii, ile
Pacemahis Lrmahdile Rahge Rover is
more comosedover Lumy iarmac.
WiilhoiiceaLle raiile ai lowrevs ahd
ahihirusive drohe ohile moiorway, ile
MINI's ehgihe reLhemehi disaoihis,
ioo. Ai leasi erIormahce is closely maicled
io ilai oI ile Irohi-wleel-drive Evoque eD,
wlile COz emissiohs oI ogJkmare jusi
gJkmdiriier. Ahdile siahdardsio-siari
sysiemleledile Pacemahdeliver
reseciaLle iesi ecohomy oI z.6mg.
ei ii's ile z,zorice ilai gives ile
MINI ahadvahiage ihile value siakes, as ii
uhdercuis ile Rahge Rover Ly 6,ooo. Ii's
worilhoiihgour car ladile Clili ack, ah
exira z,_, wlile addihg ihdividual oiiohs
cahsehdile rice io wiiliha Iewluhdred
ouhds oI ile Leiier-equiedEvoque.
Siill, Lxed-rice servicihg ahddecehi
residuals make ile MINI a sirohg owhersli
roseci. Ahddoh'i Iorgei yougei Iour-wleel
drive, wliclwill ay dividehds eaclwihier.
1h Paceman wiII appeaI te
image-censcieus cressever
buyers, pIus there are pIenty
eI persenaIisatien eptiens.
hewever, it deesn't Ieek as
upmarket as the veque.
N0surprises inside, with the
IamiIiar MINI cabin Iermat eI
retre-inspired styIing cues
matched te medern kit.
CN1 handIing and Ieur-
wheeI-drive grip are eIIset
by a Iirmride, whiIe engine
reIinement isn't cIass Ieading.
ALL-wheeI-drive Paceman
Ieeks Iike a bargain against
the veque, especiaIIy when
yeu Iacter in the Iixed-price
servicing and geed residuaIs.

AL1h0bCh the car can carry

Ieur aduIts in cemIert, it has
a reIativeIy smaII 330-Iitre
beet - that's smaIIer than
in mest IamiIy hatchbacks.
PACMAN gets six airbags
as standard, whiIe aII-wheeI
drive wiII be a big benus in
wintry cenditiens. kear seats
Ieature IseIix meuntings, tee.
kear passengers get decent space,
cab|n |s |u|| o| |am|||ar NlNl sty|e
NlNl has punchy
acce|erat|on and
snappy gearsh||t
SU ams to bIend coup styIe wth fountrymans practcaIty
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
42.6MPC (0h151) L6T fILL-0P

kead IesI
0-60 9.2 5C5 10P 5P0!22MPR
MINI All4 system gives
the Paceman reaI 4x4
abiIity. eu aIse get
eIectrenic diff Ieck.
Its enIy a feurseater
- se if yeu reguIarIy
carry Iets ef chiIdren,
standard cressevers
wiII be a better bet.
N01 S0 600b
8oot |s sma||, at 110 ||tres,
sat-nav |s a 1,015 opt|on
5weep|ng roo|||ne and
wraparound ta||-||ghts
he|p 0aceman stand out
Rangc Rovcr fvoquc
Stacked dash desgns smpIe and weII Iad-
out, whIe the modern swtchgear s pIush
kead IesI V|u| |aceman vs kange kove| |voque
StyIsh and refned
cIass Ieader provdes
a stern test for MINI
IN_, wlehile origihal Mihi
revoluiiohisedaIIordaLle moiorihg wiil
iis ihhovaiive Irohi-wleel drive ackagihg,
ile Series II LahdRover was ile siahdard
Learer Ior xoII-roaders. So ii's a markoI
lowmuclile moiorihg lahdscae las
clahgedilai, ihzo, a Irohi-drivehLahd
Rover Iaces uioa Iour-wleel-drive MINI.
Wlile ilese zsi cehiury oIIerihgs are
a worldaway Iromileir irehd-seiiihg
redecessors, ile image creaiedLy ilose
illusirious ahcesiors lels exlaihwly
ile LahdRover ahdMINI Ladges siill
carry so muclkudos ioday.
ei ile Rahge Rover Evoque's currehi sales
success is as mucldowhio iis lead-iurhihg
looks as iis desiraLle leriiage. Ioriuhaiely,
ile ehiry-level iwo-wleel-drive eDis every
Lii as siylislas more exehsive models.
Evehile Lasic Pure irimgeis 8-ihcl
alloys, LEDruhhihg liglis ahda rooI soiler.
oucahalso cloose a cohirasiihg rooI colour
Ior _ooor, Ior )o, go Ior a ahoramic glass
rooI, so ii's ossiLle io make ile eDlook
idehiical io ile more exehsive Dyhamic
Lux model slowhihour iciures.
Ihside, ariial leailer irimahdLrusled
alumihiumLhislihg ehsure ahumarkei
Ieel. 1le siackeddaslLoarddesighis simle
ahdleasihgly laid-oui, wlile ile moderh
swiiclgear Lhisles oII ile luslamLiehce.
Ahdalilouglile oiiohal iouclscreeh
havigaiiohIeaiures daiedmaihg ahdis a
Lii Lddly io use, we doh'i lave muclelse io
grumLle aLoui, as ile seais are comIoriaLle
ahdile drivihg osiiiohis excellehi.
Ohce ohile move, wiilligli sieerihg
ahdsimle cohirols, ile Rahge Rover is agile
ahdeasy io drive. 1le six-seedmahual (hoi
ile auio iciured) las a leasahi sliIi, ahd
ile ride is more comIoriaLle ilahile MINI's.
Wiilile Irohi wleels doihg all ile iurhihg
ahdacceleraiihg, ilere's a sehse oI ile weigli
Leihg over ile hose, ahda Irohi Lias io ile
lahdlihg. Siill, ilere's lois oI gri so mucl
so ilai ile Evoque almosi liIis ahuhloaded
rear wleel ihexireme corherihg. As a resuli,
ile xsysiemwill lahdile MINI ah
advahiage ohly ihwihiry cohdiiiohs.
AhdLy sieerihg clear oI all-wleel-drive
ruhhihg gear, ile eDemiis a gramless
COz, ai zgJkm, desiie Leihg Ligger ahd
leavier ilahiis rival. More imoriahily, ile
reLhedz.z-liire ehgihe ahdlusledcaLihgive
ii ile edge over ile MINI Ior reLhemehi.
PerIormahce is closely maicledas well ile
Evoque was six-iehils slower Iromo-6oml,
osiihg a iime oI .8secohds, Lui ih-gear
resohse is all Lui idehiical, wliclmeahs
ilere's liiile io searaie ile iwo ohile road.
Wiila Ligger Looi ahdilree-seai rear
Lehcl, ile Rahge Rover is more raciical,
ioo. Addilis io iis siyle ahddesiraLiliiy, ahd
ii couldgive ile car ile edge over ile cleaer
MINI esecially as suerL_. er cehi
residuals leloIIsei ile more ile car's ligler
rice ahdmore exehsive ruhhihg cosis.
1h twe-year-eId veque
Ceup has mere eI a premium
Ieek than the MINI, and is stiII
ene eI the mest IashienabIe
cars meney can buy.
5IMPL but upmarket cabin
and exceIIent reIinement
mean cemIert is Iirst cIass.
1he kange kever eIIers a
IeIty driving pesitien, tee.
1h decent ride and smeeth
engine ensure the Irent-wheeI-
drive veque is just as geed
te drive as 4x4 versiens.
I1'5mere expensive te ewn
and buy than the MINI, but
yeu get a Iet Ier yeur meney,
and residuaIs are superb.

0b can ept Ier either twe er

three rear seats. 1he 550-Iitre
beet is a massive 220 Iitres
bigger than the Paceman's,
and expands te 1,350 Iitres
with the rear bench IeIded.
v0b5ceme with eight
airbags, IseIix, hiII-heId and
reII stabiIity centreI, pIus a
Iive-star ure NCAP rating.
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(5A150P]00wh) SS0]!,3S0 L15
0-60 9.8 5C5 10P 5P0!!2MPR
e04 o||ers p|enty
o| gr|p and punchy
|n-gear acce|erat|on
kear |ee|s more c|austrophob|c
than NlNl's, but boot |s b|gger
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
3S.8MPC (0h151) L92 fILL-0P

V|u| |aceman vs kange kove| |voque kead IesI
BO1Hile cars ihilis iesi dislay ile iraiis
ilai make ileir Lrahds so oular. 1le Evoque
mimics ile relaxedersoha oI Ligger Rahge
Rovers, wlile ile Pacemahdislays a ioucl
oI ile youilIul exuLerahce ilai's Lecome ile
irademarkoI ile smaller MINI models.
ei alilouglile models siari Iromcomleiely
diIIerehi osiiiohs, iley cohverge io oIIer similar
amouhis oI siyle, desiraLiliiy ahdimage. 1le
Pacemahis ile mosi cohvihcihg crossover MINI
yei, oIIerihg hearly as muclraciicaliiy as ile
Couhirymah, wiila Iar Ligger lelihg oI siyle.
Cloose ohe over ile iwo-wleel-drive Evoque
ahdyoucahgei ile versaiiliiy ahdsecuriiy oI Iour-
wleel drive ahdsiill save arouhd_,oooohile
rice. Bui ile Rahge Rover is more raciical, rides
Iar more comIoriaLly ahdIeels more umarkei
ilahile Pacemah, ariicularly ihside.
Ahdwlile ile MINI lahdles well, ii seems
a Lii cumLersome ai lowseed. Plus, ile gruII
z.o-liire Iour-cylihder diesel cah'i maiclile
Evoque Ior execuiive smooilhess ahdreLhemehi
alilouglilere's liiile Leiweehile iwo cars
wlehii comes io erIormahce ohile road.
However, ii's ile Evoque ilai harrowly iakes ile
wihihilis Iaslioh-cohscious ehcouhier. es, ii's a
loi more exehsive, Lui iI youseciIy a MINI io a
similar siahdard, ile rice gaharrows sighiLcahily.
Ahdwlile ii las LeeharouhdIor a wlile how, ii siill
Ieels like ohe oI ile musi-lave cars oI ile momehi.
kAN6 k0Vk

OURzo Car oI ile ear is siill ile leigli oI Iaslioh,

ahdile ehiry-level Evoque eDis jusi as aiiraciive as
more exehsive models. oulave io sacriLce Iour-
wleel drive io gei close io ile MINI ihierms oI rice,
Lui aside Iroma lackoI wihier gri, ile drivihg
exeriehce is soi-oh. ALigger Looi meahs ile
Rahge Rover's more raciical ilahile Pacemah, ioo.

IORmahy eole, ile Pacemahwill Le a greai

Largaihalierhaiive io ile Evoque. Ii looks greai Irom
mosi ahgles ahdile claracier-ackedcaLihsirikes
ile rigli hoie. All-wleel-drive iraciiohehsures ii
las ile dyhamic aLiliiies io keeyougoihg ih
ile wihier, wlile Lody cohirol ahdlahdlihg are
solid. Iixed-rice servicihg lelruhhihg cosis.
1h entry peint te the Paceman range is
the 18,970 Irent-wheeI-drive Ceeper,
aItheugh the 20,210 Ceeper is the
cIeanest cheice. It emits 149g]kmeI C02
in twe-wheeI-drive trim. At the eppesite
end eI the scaIe, the 29,535 [Cwis the
mest expensive MINI yeu can buy.
WRkS l1 MAb7
A5with the Ceuntryman, the Paceman is
made by Magna 5teyr in Craz, Austria -
these twe cars are the enIy MINI preducts
net assembIed at PIant 0xIerd in the bk.
Like the ritish-buiIt MINIs, there's a wide
range eI exterier ceIeurs, pIus aII the usuaI
persenaIisatien eptiens. 1hese incIude a
range eI interier cembinatiens, such as
six diIIerent upheIsteries, three ceIeur
eptiens and Ieur surIace materiaIs.
tRlLl 0P1l0N PAtk7
1hI5 package eI extras, Iitted te eur car,
Ieeks geed vaIue Ier meney. Fer 2,445,
the ChiIi Pack brings yeu 18-inch wheeIs,
autematic air-cen, xenen headIamps,
IegIights, a muItiIunctien steering wheeI,
a trip cemputer, interier Iight package
and autematic Iights. eu aIse get
Anthracite dashbeard trimand height
adjustment Ier the passenger seat.
koo\ coi| Is
ive youc (N( o c|unky uV |ook
wif| opfiono| coo\ ooc.
^ufo eocoo I,Ip
i-peed oufo i I,sp on oopec
ond oopec [, I,Ip on of|ec coc.
feecin w|ee| ?I
^dd ccuie confco| ond
|ond-\cee oudio ouffon.
Ponocoic coo\ +p
[|ecfcic |o coo\ o||ow oe efco
|i|f fo \|ood info f|e cooin.
onnef fcipe p
w|ife oc o|ock oonnef fcip ive
f|e Poceon f|of c|oic (N( |ook.
1esIers neIes
0n-the-read price]tetaI as tested
kesiduaI vaIue (aIter 3yrs]30,000)
AnnuaI tax IiabiIity std]higher rate
AnnuaI IueI cest (12,000]20,000miIes)
Ins greup]quete]read tax band]cest
Cest eI 1st]2nd]3rd service
Peak pewer
Peak terque
FueI tank capacity]spare wheeI
eet capacity (seats up]dewn)
kerbweight]payIead]tewing weight
1urning circIe]drag ceeIIicient
asic warranty (miIes)]recevery
5ervice intervaIs]bk deaIers
river Pewer manuIacturer]deaIer pes.
ure NCAP: AduIt]chiId]ped.]stars
30-50mph in 3rd]4th
50-70mph in 5th]6th
1ep speed]rpmat 70mph
raking 70-0]60-0]30-0mph
Neise IeveIs eutside]idIe]30]70mph
Aute xpress ecen (mpg]mpI)]range
Cevt urban]extra-urban]cembined
Cevt urban]extra-urban]cembined
ActuaI]cIaimed C0
2]tax bracket
Airbags]IseIix]cruise centreI
height adjust]Ieather]heated seats
MetaIIic paint]air-cen]paneramic reeI
Park sens]pewer-IeId mirrers]rev cam
5at-nav]A radie]b5 cennectivity
2/9 (5yrs]50k)
/cyl ln-llne]1,995cc
305]1,750 hm]rpm
6-spd man]/wd
/7 lltres]sealant
330]1,080 lltres
3yrs (unltd)]3yrs
9.2]9.0 secs
/.2]7.1 secs
8./]11.2 secs
/2.6]9./]//0 mlles
kANC k0vk
/cyl ln-llne]2,179cc
380]1,750 hm]rpm
6-spd man]fwd
6/ lltres]sealant
3yrs (unltd)]3yrs
15k (1yr)]130
9.8]9.7 secs
/.2]7.0 secs
8./]12.3 secs
35.8]7.9]50/ mlles
II5II 5A5: Its easy to see the Paceman
appeaIng to a broad spectrum of buyers. 8ut
even wth the standard Sport suspenson removed
(a no-cost opton), I found the rde too hard - a
pty, as ths car has
a Iot gong for t.
0NIk 5A5: I thnk MINIs are at ther best
when they are affordabIe and fun. Ior me, the
Paceman s a bt expensve and t Iacks the thrII
factor of the smaIIer hatch. StII, wth ts Iooks
and mage, Im
sure tII seII weII.
]AMI5 5A5: 0ehard kange kover fans wII be
appaIIed by the thought of a front-wheeI-drve
modeI, but the e04 s the best car n the range.
It Iooks dentcaI to prcer versons, drves weII
and costs much Iess
to buy and run.
kAN6 Stk1S
80YIhC fAC15Y00 h010Kh0w
10P 0P1l0NS
X1kA510IMPk0v Y00k PACMAh
james 0isdaIe
0wen MiIdenhaII 0
LesIey harris
0ur man sees howadvanced pIug-n hybrd works on hs busy urban commute
ToyotaPrius PIug-in
flkS1 kP0k1: 3S0 miles
0ur tarsJoyota |||us ||ug-|n
0arren WiIsen
I drve most of my
commute on eIectrc
power, then swtch to
hybrd mode for hIIs
AS we all khow, ile cosi oI livihg is
soarihg. Beihg a Iamily mahwiilile
usual exehses io meei, I'malways lookihg
io slave a IewquidoII ile louseloldLills.
So I was deligliedio iake delivery oI ile laiesi
addiiiohio our Heei: ile 1oyoia Prius Plug-ih.
Ai Lrsi glahce, ii looks jusi like ahy oiler
Prius, Lui ilis ohe is sighiLcahily diIIerehi
uhder ile skih. Plug ii ihio ahy maihs ower
sockei or eleciric velicle clargihg oihi Ior
ahlour or so, ahdii'll give youuio _ miles
oI eleciric-ohly, zero-emissiohs moiorihg.
Ahdwlile _ miles doesh'i seemmucl
Ior aheleciric car, ilere's ho rahge ahxieiy
wiililis 1oyoia. Ohce ile clarge las Leeh
deleied, ile Prius' Iamiliar .8-liire ehgihe
seamlessly kicks ihahdile car reveris io
iis regular eirol-eleciric lyLridmode.
1oyoia claims mosi eole rarely drive
more ilahz miles eaclday, so iley slould
almosi hever heedio call ohile old-Iasliohed
ihierhal comLusiiohehgihe. However, you
do heedio adjusi your drivihg siyle io gei ile
Lesi oui oI ile Plug-ih, as 1oyoia's Riclard
Seymour exlaihed. 1le car heeds io Le
drivehsehsiLly io make ile mosi oI ile
rahge," le said. He suggesiedsavihg ower
Ly reducihg ile use oI leaiedseais ahd
Leihg gehile wiilile ilroiile edal.
We agreedilai my commuie wouldLe ah
ideal iesi Ior ile car, as I live arouhdomiles
durihg drivihg io swiiclLeiweehlyLridahd
eleciric modes. 1le remaihihg clarge is ileh
sioreduhiil laier. 1lis meahs I cahdrive mosi
oI ile way lome oheleciric ower, uhiil I
reaclile sieeihclihe LeIore my louse,
wlere I swiiclio lyLridmode io ower u
ile lill. 1lai leaves me ehouglclarge io roll
dowhile hexi morhihg, usihg regeheraiive
Lrakihg io Loosi ile Laiiery ehouglio gei
over lalI way Lackio workile Iollowihg day.
Ahdii aears ilese iricks are workihg,
Lecause aIier almosi a mohilahd_omiles
oI drivihg, I'msiill ohile same iahkoI eirol
ile car was deliveredwiil, wlile ile 1oyoia's
iricomuier reckohs I'mgeiiihg )6mg.
Noi LadIor a Legihher. However, I woh'i Le
lay uhiil I've Leaiehile oomg recordsei
Ly our old vauxlall Amera rahge-exiehder.
I've also sehi oio joihSource Lohdoh's
heiworkoI clargihg oihis, wliclgives me
uhlimiiedower Ior a year. UhIoriuhaiely,
iwo oI ile ilree I've visiiedso Iar wereh'i
workihg reiiy Irusiraiihg Ior a lug-ih
lyLriddriver, Lui oiehiially disasirous
iI I was ruhhihg a ure eleciric velicle.
1le ohly disaoihimehi las Leehile
Prius' Lrmride, wliclcahLe uhcomIoriaLle
ohLohdoh's oilole-scarredroads. Bui overall
I'mlovihg my li-iecleco advehiure, ahdI'm
evehcohsiderihg Liiihg ahouiside sockei ai
lome io gei maximumLeheLi Iromile car.
0ur art director Iives inconestedsouth-
east London with his wife and two sons.
0n fIeet since: ApriI 2013
Price new: 28,245 (inc 5k rant)
ngine: 1.8-Iitre 98bhp 4cyI
petroI pIus 60kweIectric motor
C02[tax 49]km]0
0ptiens: Leather trim(1,500),
metaIIic paint (495)
1rade-in new: h]A
lnsurance greup[quete: 16]339
MiIeage[mpg: 350 miIes]76.0mp
Cests: hone so far
Any prebIems? hone so far
Insurance quote provided by AA
(0800 107 0680) for a 42-year-oId maIe
Iivin in 8anbury, 0xfordshire, with
three penaIty points.
0arren WiIsen: "Leve it. lt's ideaI
fer my cemmute, but the ride
ceuId be a bit smeether."

IromAuio Exress' cehiral LohdohoILces.

Ahdas I doh'i lave ile aLiliiy io clarge ile
1oyoia ai lome, I'll lave io drive as eILciehily
as ossiLle io maximise ile rahge oI ile
liilium-iohLaiiery ackevery day.
Riclardalso warhedilai ile car will
recoghise good(or Lad) drivihg ahdadjusi
iiselI accordihgly, wliclcouldsighiLcahily
alier ile eleciric rahge. So Iar, I've Iouhdile
lilly ari oI my commuie draihs clarge very
quickly. However, ilere are ways arouhdilis.
1le Prius Plug-ihlas ahHv-EvLuiioh,
wliclcahLe ressedaIier clargihg or
0ashboard |ayout |s
s|m||ar to the regu|ar
0r|us', w|th d|g|ta|
d|sp|ays that he|p
dr|ver get max|mum
range |rom petro|-
e|ectr|c dr|vetra|n
0arren gets a qu|ck |esson on how to charge the 0r|us. 0ower |ead packs away neat|y |nto cubby, wh||e the boot |s v|rtua||y
the same s|ze as that o| a standard 0r|us. 1wo o| the three 5ource London charge po|nts 0arren has v|s|ted have been broken
k|chard 5eymour
|rom 1oyota exp|a|ns
how to use the |n-car
d|sp|ays to get the
most out o| 0|ug-|n
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
T6.0MPC (0h151) L6! fILL-0P

Joyota |||us ||ug-|n 0ur tars
l| you have a short urban
commute, then the 0|ug-|n
makes a |ot o| sense, but |t
can't match the re||nement
and range o| the 9auxha||
Ampera and fhevy 9o|t.
0ean 6ihson
ueputy rcad test edltcr
1hese e|ectr|c hybr|d
mode|s are too expens|ve
compared to trad|t|ona|
d|ese| cars. 0n|ess pr|ces
are s|ashed, l'm sure
they'|| rema|n a rare
s|ght on our roads.
0ur tarsVazda 6 Jou|e|
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
42.2MPC (0h151) L8T fILL-0P
Pete 0ibsen
5taff photorapher Iives in ssex
and traveIs thousands of miIes every
month snappin the Iatest newcars.
2.2175SPk1 NA
0n fIeet since: May 2013
Price new: 26,845
ngine: 2.2-Iitre 4cyI, 173bhp
C02[tax 119]km]30
0ptiens: MetaIIic paint (530),
stone Ieather uprade (200)
1rade-in new: h]A
lnsurance greup[quete: 23]427
MiIeage[mpg: 5,206]42.2mp
Cests: hone so far
Any prebIems? hone so far
Insurance quote provided by AA
(0800 107 0680) for a maIe, 42, Iivin
in 8anbury, 0xon, with three points.
Pete 0ibsen: "5tunning Ieeks,
great perfermance and very
efficient - a true aII-reunder."

SIeek newJourer has joned our fIeet,
and ts beauty s more than skn deep
L|ght be|ge |eather |ooks great, but |s hard
to keep c|ean. 8u||d qua||ty |ns|de matches
upmarket 6erman r|va|s, wh||e dashboard
|s |og|ca||y |a|d out. 1he boot ho|ds a he|ty
1,648 ||tres o| |uggage w|th the seats down
MuscuIar 420Nm
of torque gves
great acceIeraton
for passng traffc
I1'S hoi oIiehilai a lumLle Iamily
esiaie looks more imressive ilah
ile iciuresque locaiiohai wliclwe're
loiogralihg ii, Lui ilai's exacily
wlai our siuhhihg Mazda 61ourer
mahages io do. 1o my eyes, ile mix
oI swooihg lihes ahdahaggressive
siahce makes ilis Lig car ohe oI ile Lesi
lookihg models ohile roadrigli how.
Ahdour rahge-ioihg Sori Nav
versiohlooks evehLeiier ilahmosi,
ilahks io siahdard-ihclalloys ahd
rivacy glass, lus _ooiiohal Blue
ReHex Mica meiallic aihi. Ii also LeheLis
Iromeye-caiclihg LEDruhhihg liglis
ahdowerIul Li-xehohleadlams.
1le 6ish'i quiie as siylislihside, Lui
ii's logically desighed, ilougliIully laid-
oui ahdvery comIoriaLle. Buildqualiiy is
also Lrsi-raie, wiilsoIi-ioucllasiics used
ilrougloui ahdvery solidLi ahdLhisl.
Ii's easily a maiclIor Germahrivals.
As you'dexeci, ilere's lehiy oI
siahdardkii, suclas dual-zohe climaie
cohirol, keyless ehiry, a owerIul eigli-
seaker Bose siereo ahdahihiegraied
1om1omsai-hav sysiem. Iuriler luxuries
ihclude leaiedIrohi seais ahdsoIi leailer
irim alilouglile zooligli Leige
Lhislohour car is already siariihg
io looka liiile gruLLy ihsome laces.
ei wlile I love ile Mazda's looks ahd
ihierior, ii wouldall Le Ior hoilihg iI ile
car didh'i erIormas a raciical Iamily
ruhaLoui ahdreliaLle worklorse. Haily,
ile 6las ile suLsiahce io maicliis siyle.
Desiie ile car's racy, sloihg rooHihe,
iis Looi will swallowahimressive _o6
liires oI luggage, wliclmeahs ilere's
more ilahehouglroomIor all my
loiogralic equimehi. II youheed
more sace, ilehile 6o:orear seai
Iolds Hai ihohe movemehi io Iree u
a geherous ,68liires oI sace. Beiier
siill, ile Looi is liiieredwiillahdy
looks ahdcohcealedsiorage cuLLies.
1le 6is equally imressive ohile road.
Siar oI ile slowis ile owerIul z.z-liire
diesel, wliclrevs wiilile ehilusiasm
flkS1 kP0k1: S,206 miles
ahdsmooilhess oI a eirol ehgihe. A
muscular zoNmoI iorque gives greai
mid-rahge acceleraiioh, leiiihg youLreeze
asi slower iraILc wiiloui sliIiihg dowh
alilouglile Mazda's slickahdrecise
six-seedgearLox meahs ilis wouldh'i
Le ioo mucloI a lardsli, eiiler.
Ahdilis erIormahce doesh'i come ai
ile exehse oI eILciehcy. Mazda claims
ile 1ourer emiis a suermihi-rivallihg
gJkmoI COz, wlile ihmy lahds ii's
reiurhihg a very reseciaLle z.zmg.
So wlere's ile caicl Well, ilere ish'i
ohe, really. 1le sai-hav is a liiile Lddly, ile
Lig wleels cahcraslihio oiloles ahd
ilere's a surrisihg amouhi oI wihdhoise
ohmoiorways Iromilewihdscreehillars.
Bui ilese are jusi higgles ahdiI iley
ahhoy me ioo mucl, I cahalways jusi ark,
gei oui ahdlookai ilose gorgeous lihes.
0ur lleeI
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
44.0MPC (0h151) LT0 fILL-0P
kuNNlN6 t0S1S
3T.3MPC (0h151) LT3 fILL-0P
l May2ul
Vazda 6 Jou|e| 0ur tars
wRh Peueot deIivered a new
208 C1i to the office, products writer
|amie fretweII couIdn't resist parkin
our reuIar five-door supermini next
to it for a side-by-side comparison.
1he two cars are separated by
5,000, and even without drivin
the C1i you can see where the extra
money oes. for a start, there's a
chequered fIa-styIe riIIe, which
is far more eye-catchin than the
bIack honeycomb desin of our
AIIure modeI. 1he headIihts Iook
smarter, too with a strip of L0s for
the hot hatch's indicators repIacin
the standard modeI's reuIar buIbs.
further settin the C1i apart are
Iare 17-inch five-spoke aIIoys, and
there's aIso a bier rear spoiIer.
8ut aIthouh the 208 AIIure traiIs
on Iooks, it's stiII a temptin choice.
1he cabin feeIs hue, thanks to
the optionaI panoramic Iass roof,
whiIe the car is much cheaper to
tax as its 1.2-Iitre enine is far
cIeaner. And it's fun to drive, too.
w haiIed the return of budet motorin when
our 5andero arrived (Issue 1,263), but with the
temperature risin, consumer writer Chris bbs
is findin out it's not aII it's cracked up to be.
0ur 5andero doesn't have air-conditionin,
so the onIy soIution Chris has been Ieft with is
simpIy openin a window. 8ut when he's stuck
in London traffic with no wind, that doesn't do
much to cooI himdown. And thins are onIy oin
to et worse as it ets warmer. ven the coIdest
settin on the heater doesn't have any affect.
Apart fromthis sweaty niIe, everythin eIse
is oin weII. ven thouh it onIy makes 89bhp,
the 1.5-Iitre dieseI enine is reat for drivin
around the city, with decent Iow-down power.
PIus, it doesn't feeI overwheImed at hiher
speeds on the motorway. fueI economy is quite
ood, too, with very fewfiII-ups needed so far.
0eugeot 208
0ac|a 5andero
A|ter a year |n the br||||ant
Nazda fk-5, l had h|gh
hopes |or the 6 - and |t
doesn't d|sappo|nt. lt's |un,
spac|ous and e|||c|ent.
Lesley Warris
kcad tester
1he Nazda 6 |ooks c|assy
and has a very upmarket
|nter|or. lt's eas||y a match
|or more expens|ve r|va|s
||ke the 8Nw 1 5er|es and
Nercedes f-f|ass sa|oon.
PkAt1ltALl1Y 8001
(5A150P]00wh) S06/!,648 L15
0ete |s |mpressed by 6's
sty||sh ||nes - as we|| as
|ts per|ormance and
|ow runn|ng costs
Audi A1
lssoos l,246, l,2!!
Dacia Sandero
lssoo l,26
lordlocus Lstate
lssoos l,24l, l,2!u, l,26l
Honda Ck-V
lssoos l,248, l,2!8, l,264
Hyundai i10
lssoos l,222, l,2l,
l,242, l,2!4, l,26
kia Cee'dSW
Mazda 61ourer
Mercedes CLS
Sbooting rake
lssoo l,26l
MlNl koadster
lss. l,26, l,242, l,2!2, l,26!
eugeot 208
lssoos l,24!, l,2!, l,264
lssoos l,22, l,24u,
l,2!l, l,26u
Skoda Citigo
lssoos l,2!u, l,2!, l,262
1oyota rius
lssoos l,2, l,24u, l,249
v|s|t lo| ou| extens|ve p|oduct test a|ch|ve
ScreencIeaner aIways smears
I'v just used 5imeniz ug 5hiIter, but ne matter hew
I appIy it, the green IermuIa aIways seems te Ieave
a smear en the screen. what are my aIternatives?
AIan jenes, -maiI
5IM0NIZ ug 5hiIter wen eur 2011 test (Issue 1,168),
but a number eI newpreducts have since been Iaunched.
Ameng the best are 1urtIe wax Pewer CIean Insect
kemever (5.99, turtIewaxeurepe.cem), AngeIwax
kevenge (3.50, and Muc-0II ug 8
1ar kemever (7, muc-eII.cem), and nene sheuId smear.
SpeciaI peIishfer whitecars?
Ak there any dedicated preducts Ier cIeaning,
peIishing and pretecting white cars? 0r can I use
any IermuIa en my white Ferd scert Ceswerth?
jehn 5cett, -maiI
whI1 ebvieusIy shews up dirt, but a nermaI shampee
wiII cIean it. we'd remeve imperIectiens with AutegIym
Intensive 1ar kemever (6.25, er iIt-
hamber aute-cIay reguIar (9.95, biIthamber.cem). 1hen
peIish with ede [uice iamend white wax (5.95 Ier
30mI, dedejuice.cem) er Meguiar's Light wax (13.99
Ier 198g kit, - beth werk en Iight cars.
6am|ng sound k|t
A hl0h-definitien 1Vcan deIiver jaw-drepping reaIism
fremthe Iatest racing games, but what abeut the seund?
Asurreund seund systemwiII heIpyeu hear when a rivaI
is abeut te evertake, whiIe gaming headphenes - Iike
the 1ritten Warhead 7.1 {229.99, trittenaudie.cem) -
prevent yeu disturbing ether famiIy members. PIus,
yeu can use themwhen yeu watch meterspert en 1V.
8FhTLFY has unvelled lts 2013
ccllectlcn cf branded gear,
ranglng frcma 2/ shampcc
tc a 9,500 luggage set.
Part cf the 8entley fcr Men
range, the halr and bcdy
shampcc ccmes ln a 200ml
bcttle, and slts alcngslde an
aftershave balm, an eau de
parfumand an eau de tcllette.
Slttlng atcp the tclletrles range
ls the Lallque fcr 8entley Crystal
Fdltlcn Fau de Parfum, whlch
ccsts an eye-waterlng 3,000,
and ccmes ln an lmpresslve
crystal |ar wlth the Flylng 8 cn lt.
There's alsc a range cf luggage
bags tallcred tc flt perfectly lntc
the bcct cf a Mulsanne. As ycu'd
expect wlth klt deslgned fcr a
225,000 car, the bags
aren't cheap - the small
sultcases ccst 1,900
each, whlle a set cf twc
large cases, twc fcldable
garment bags and twc small
cases wlll set ycu back 9,500.
Fach bag ls made cf hlgh-
quallty leather, and can be
speclfled ln hlde tc match the
6et |n gear w|th
8ent|ey good|es
entIey 2013
beutique ceIIectien
Price: Frcm2/ (shampcc)
Centact: Lccal 8entley dealer,
handpresse Aute set
Price: 199 Furcs (169)
Centact: handpressc.ccm
w Iove the Randpresso Auto,
which pIus into your car's 12v
socket to Iet you make perfect
espresso on the move. 8ut it's
not very easy to store, and you
need to remember to brin two
cups. 5o the newAuto set is the
answer to aII our prayers.
It comprises the coffee maker,
two unbreakabIe cups and a
napkin, pIus a handy A85carry
case, with mouIded pouches for
each part of the kit. 0pen the
case and you can use it as a tray,
as the machine and cups stand
upriht. You can aIso keep the
pods, suar and spoons inside
and, once you're done, |ust cIose
it and pIace it in the Iovebox.
for now, you have to order
fromRandpresso's internationaI
site, but the set wiII become
avaiIabIe on 0K retaiIer fairfax
Coffee's website from31 May.
Collee on go w|th I2v set
watch, to||etr|es and cases star
|n new 8ent|ey branded range
6ot a product queryI
lnslde cf ycur car. Flsewhere,
there's the Llght 8cdy Mldnlght
Carbcn watch, wlth lts llghtwelght
tltanlumcase, all-black exterlcr,
dashbcard-style dlal, red-rlmmed
lndlcatcrs and black rubber strap.
}ust 1,000 wlll be made, wlth
each ccstlng 8,000.
And lf ycu're plannlng
cn hlttlng the slcpes, ycu
shculd snap up a palr cf
the newzal fcr 8entley
skls - thcugh ycu'll need a
whcpplng 8,000 tc dc sc.
1RlS WkS
|n n
Now you can
en[oy co||ee
on the move
St|a|ght As lo| new ||dgestone
8||tz that b|rd muck
PredutIs uew||t |ated
6reat at remov|ng b|rd
dropp|ngs qu|ck|y, p|us
|t can be used on pa|nt,
g|ass, p|ast|c and v|ny|.
0r|cey |or a spray that
on|y tack|es one task, and
name makes |t tr|cky to
recommend to your mum!
N01 S0 600b
8kI0C510h has Iaunched its
first tyre to score the hihest
marks possibIe on the 0 IabeI.
1he copia P0015is the first
15-inch tyre to et an A-rade for
both fueI efficiency and wet rip.
1wo main improvements are
responsibIe for this. firstIy, the
A in fueI efficiency is down to
8ridestone's newhanoPro-1ech
compound, with micro-siIica and
aqua powder. 1his reduces the
8lku muck can damage ycur
car's palntwcrk - lt's acldlc and
the lcnger ycu leave lt, the wcrse
lt gets. 8ut rather than take a hcse
tc lt, ycu can use a dedlcated
fcrmula, such as Pccrbcy's
wcrld's new8lrd Sh#t kemcver.
lt had cnly been a day slnce
cur car had been washed when
we dlsccvered blrd drcpplngs
cn the wlndscreen and rccf, but
the spray-cn fcrmula negates
the need fcr a full-cn wash.
lt ccmes ln a /73ml spray
bcttle, and the dlrectlcns are
slmple: spray cn, ccunt tc flve
and wlpe away uslng a mlcrcflbre
clcth. The masslve trlgger makes
lt easy tc dlspense a decent
amcunt cf fcrmula ln |ust cne
squlrt, and the fcrmula easlly
ccvered the blrd drcpplngs.
we wlped after the suggested
tlme, and cur clcth cleaned
away all the muck, leavlng the
palnt shlny but nct smeared,
and wlth nc vlslble scratches.
8etter stlll, lt's multl-surface -
we trled lt cn matt palnt, ncrmal
palntwcrk and glass, and lt
wcrked equally well cn all three.
lf ycu thlnk Amerlcans are
brash, thls uS prcduct's name
wlll relnfcrce ycur susplclcns. 8ut
aslde frcmthe label, the cnly real
prcblemls that lt ccsts 8.95 tc
dc cne task - Slmcnlz's /.99
8ug Shlfter can remcve dead
lnsects as well as blrd muck.
0ne squ|rt c|eans muck
o|| a range o| sur|aces
New tread |ncreases gr|p |n wet,
|ue| e|||c|ency |s a|so |mproved
flk51 151
Peerbey's werId
ird 5h#t kemever
Price: 8.95 (/73ml)
ridgestene cepia
P0015 tyre
Price: 75-80 (195]65k15F)
w'v teamed up with AngeIwax te eIIer an excIusive cIay bar
kit te 10 Iucky readers. It incIudes everything yeu need te cIean
yeur paintwerk: detaiIing spray, AngeIwax's medium-grade cIay bar
and a micreIibre cIeth. Fer mere inIermatien, visit,
and te enter the cempetitien, answer the questien (beIew).
questien: What dees a cIay bar de?
Answer: A) Pretect paintwerk. 8) CIean surfaces. C) kemeve smeIIs.
Tc enter, slmply lcg cn tc
Fcr full terms and ccndltlcns,
gc tc]
ccmp]terms. All entrants must
be aged 18 cr cver. Fdltcr's
declslcn ls flnal. Clcslng
date: 29 May 2013.
c|aybar bund|e
10 AngeIwax kits with cIay,
spray and cIeth up Ier grabs
Pklt L8.9S
Seen a prcduct we shculd feature!
gets |ts w|ngs
k uII has jeined Ierces
with 5ennheiser Ier the rest
eI the 2013 FermuIa 0ne
seasen. Mechanics en the pit
waII wiII use the cempany's
audie equipment threugheut
each race weekend, and
we can expect te see seme
speciaI-editien F1-themed
5ennheiser Mementum
headphenes en saIe seen.
0r|ce cut |or
X100L has Iewered the
price eI its i02 en-beard
diagnestic teeI (beIew) te
just 45 Ier Andreid users.
1he versien Ier AppIe devices
is newpriced at 55, dewn
Irem114 when we tested
it Iast Nevember (Issue
1,245). 1he cempany is
eIIering Iree werIdwide
shipping, tee - check eut Ier mere inIe.
k|t car show
|s good to go
1h NatienaI kit Car
Meter 5hewtakes pIace
en 5-6 May at the keyaI
5hewgreund in 5teneIeigh,
warks. 1ickets are 15 en
the deer, but chiIdren under
16 get in Ier Iree, and
parking is aIse Iree. 5ee
Ier IuII detaiIs eI what's en.
jamie FretweII
per cent reduction in brakin
distance compared to its
predecessor, the copia P150.
hot onIy does 8ridestone
cIaimthe newtyre brakes weII in
the wet, but the round rib-ede
desin spreads the pressure
across the tread bIocks. 1his
shouId keep your car in a straiht
Iine when you brake in the dry
and ensure the tyre wears evenIy.
1he convex centre tread
bIock and the fact that the
tyre's contact patch is consistent
under pressure means the
tyre shouId be quiet, too.
0nfortunateIy, onIy one size is
currentIy avaiIabIe: 195]65k15.
Prices start fromaround 75.
amount of enery Iost when the
wheeI rotates, so it requires Iess
power to keep the tyre movin.
1his in turn means the car
has impressiveIy IowroIIin
resistance - savin you
money at the pumps.
5econdIy, the tread desin
increases rip in the wet. 1he
tyre has two thick, straiht
rooves that reduce the
IikeIihood of aquapIanin, a
centraI roove to maintain
stiffness when cornerin,
and horizontaI sipes to
improve contact
with wet surfaces.
1hese features are
responsibIe for the P0015's 11
New tread |ncreases gr|p |n wet,
Pklt LTS
PredutIs hands-l|ee spea|e|phones m|n| test
Price: Free AvaiIabIe Ier: Apple lUS
05MapFinder puts detaiIed 0rdnance5urvey maps
in the paImeI yeur hand, and yeu den't need a
phene signaI iI yeu've dewnIeaded the data in
advance. It cests 69p te dewnIead a 10kmsquare
area at 1:50,000 scaIe, er it's 1.99 Ier the mere
detaiIed 1:25,000 scaIe. ut the regien we wanted
was spIit ever Ieur tiIes, se we had te spend 8. At
Ieast yeu can search Ier a pIace, read er pestcede,
pIet a reute, recerd a jeurney and impert reutes.
ou fannot 0o lt A|one
YUu can race arcund flctlcnal tracks
as elther an cff-rcad truck, lcw-slung
supercar cr buggy ln thls tcp-dcwn
raclng game. lt's gccd fun, but the
ccntrcls are frustratlng - ycu have tc
drag a llne tc alter the tra|ectcry cf
ycur car, and mcst cf the tlme, ycur
flnger ccvers the screen, sc ycu
can't see what ycu're dclng. Plus,
lt ccsts 69p tc remcve the adverts.
[uIia wurz (superegcf1.ccm)
Price: 1.96 kating:
eCarages (http:]]vlmec.ccm]63375611)
kunning time: Fcur mlns, 36 secs kating:
Price: Free AvaiIabIe Ier: Apple lUS, Andrcld
lT'S nct cften we revlewflctlcn, but
SuperFgc ls a fun ncvel abcut a wcman
whc gets a |cb as a press cfflcer fcr
a Fcrmula Une team. The tltle relates
tc the egctlstlcal teamcwner, whc ls
fccused cn bulldlng a brand as much
as he ls cn wlnnlng the champlcnshlp.
The bcck ls wrltten by }ulla wurz, whc
used tc wcrk fcr the 8enettcn team-
sc there's plenty cf lnslde kncwledge.
jamie FretweII
TFlS well shct shcrt fllmlccks
at the lccnlc Pcrsche 959, cne
cf cnly slx prctctypes crlglnally
bullt fcr Felmuth 8ctt, the
fcrmer dlrectcr cf Pcrsche's
research and develcpment
dlvlslcn. wlth lntervlews frcm
the fcrmer CFUcf Pcrsche
and the car's current cwner,
there's great lnslght lntc a grcundbreaklng mcdel.
Nands-|ree k|ts
are a|| the ta|k
YUu have tc use a 8luetccth
hands-free klt tc make and take
calls legally ln the car, but nct
everybcdy llkes a headset ln thelr
ear. Fcrtunately, there are sun
vlscr-mcunted speakerphcnes
that brcadcast lntc the cabln.
The latest ls the Supertccth
Fuvclce. we put lt tc the test
agalnst cur current favcurlte
- the Mctcrcla TX500.
we palred each hands-free
klt wlth an Apple lPhcne /, and
rated scund quallty at bcth ends
cf the call cver an lnner clty test
rcute, whlch lncluded a sectlcn
wlth the wlndcwdcwn tc repllcate
the nclse ccnvertlble drlvers
enccunter. we alsc ncted hcw
slmple lt was tc palr each devlce,
checked lf we cculd make a call
wlthcut tcuchlng the phcne, and
rated the ccntrcls fcr vclume
ad|ustment. Fach speakerphcne
had tc be secure, and we ncted
whether ycu cculd streammuslc
tcc. 8ulld quallty and prlce were
the flnal factcrs ln cur test.
The newSupertccth ls gccd
lccklng and well bullt, but lts
small pcwer buttcn, pccr scund
quallty and hlgh prlce hcld lt
back. The Mctcrcla ls far slmpler
tc use, dellvers clear calls
and ls well prlced.
5upertooth |s
good |ook|ng
and we|| bu||t,
but Notoro|a |s
s|mp|er to use
Mini IesI
5uperteeth hveice
Price: 99.99 Centact:
TFF vertlcally-mcunted Supertccth grlps securely tc ycur
sun vlscr vla a magnetlc cllp. 8ut that reveals the flrst
prcblem- the lncluded charglng cable ls a llttle shcrt.
There are manual vclume ccntrcl buttcns and the vclce
alerts are gccd. when a call ccmes ln, the Fuvclce says
the name cf the caller and ycu can answer by saylng 'UK'.
App lntegratlcn ls lmpresslve - the Supertccth relayed
vclce lnstructlcns frcmcur phcne's sat-nav and played
muslc frcmcur phcne. 8attery llfe ls clalmed tc be arcund
/0 days cn standby, wlth up tc 20 hcurs cf talk tlme cn a
three-hcur charge. 8ut lt's expenslve, and cur caller sald we
dldn't scund as clear as we dld cn the Mctcrcla (belcw).
MetereIa 1X500
Price: 39.99 Centact:
TFF TX500 flts cn tc ycur sun vlscr
hcrlzcntally, sc the slde-mcunted ccntrcls
are easy tc flnd. They're alsc larger than
the buttcns cn the Supertccth. lt takes
lcnger tc ad|ust the vclume but, cnce
ycu've ad|usted lt tc ycur llklng, the nclse
dcesn't dlstcrt, even at full vclume. Plus,
the audlc quallty ls superlcr tc that cf the
prlcler Fuvclce - cur caller sald he cculd
hear us mcre clearly wlth the TX500.
lt's |ust as well bullt as the Supertccth, and
whlle there's nc muslc streamlng, we can llve wlth that at thls prlce - call quallty ls great.
PkltY NWt0Mk
S1lLL 1R 8S1
well prlced.
PredutIs ||essu|e washe|s tested
Kim Adams
hUTFlh0 makes car cleanlng
qulcker and easler than uslng a
pressure washer. They can blast
away mud and thlck grlme,
leavlng |ust a thln fllmtc be taken
cff wlth a spcnge. Thls reduces
the rlsk cf scratchlng palntwcrk.
8rake dust can be hcsed away,
leavlng cnly the tcughest spcts
fcr a brush and wheel cleaner.
Mcst washers can alsc be used
tc apply fcam, plus they're great
fcr cleanlng drlveways and patlcs.
Sc chccslng tc buy cne ls easy,
but plcklng whlch mcdel ls mcre
ccmpllcated, as there's a huge
range cf pumps, accesscrles
and prlces tc ccnslder. whlch
cne wlll clean up ln cur test!
Nost washers
can be used to
app|y |oam, p|us
they're great at
c|ean|ng pat|os
and dr|veways
h0ZL0Ckhangs ente its crewn
with the punchy heavy uty 150,
which is the easiest te use and
perIerms weII. ut the big NiIIisk
pushed it hard with a geed range
eI accesseries. 1he krcher k2 is
aIse weII equipped, and it's eur
pick eI the smaIIer machines,
Iinishing in third pIace everaII.
1. hezeIeck heavy uty 150
2. NiIIisk 130.2-9 PAXtra
3. krcher k2 Premium
wh|ch p|essu|e washe| can c|ean up |n ou| test ol I2 top mode|s p p
Nowwe tested them
W Ieeked fer a Ieng hese,
se yeu den't have te meve
the washer areund. We
aIse censidered accesseries,
as we wanted te spray shampee,
preferabIy freman en-beard
tank. And we needed a variabIe
Iance, as tee high pressure can
damage a car's paint and tyres.
0eed sterage fer hese,
Iead and accesseries was
aIse key. We tackIed a grimy
siII and wheeI using the
same time, distance and
spray pattern fer each.
Price was the finaI facter.

NiIIisk 130.2-9
Price: 229.99
hese Iength: 9 metres
Centact: 01768 868995,
IF yeu have a big car, yeu'II
Ieve this weII buiIt NiIIisk's
nine-metre hese. espite
its Iength, it steres easiIy,
whiIe the cabIe winds
neatIy areund heeks.
It aIse scered weII Ier
cIeaning. It's pricey,
but yeu get Iets Ier the
meney, with twe Iances,
a retary brush, a patie
cIeaner pIus a 15-metre
drain and pipe hese.
hezeIeck heavy
uty 150
Price: 199.99
hese Iength: 8 metres
Centact: 0121 3134242,
851 8u
A5 eI use sees hezeIeck
take anether win. 1he rear-
meunted hese reeI werks
weII, and yeu can waIk
away heIding the Iance
witheut the machine
tipping ever. 1here's aIse
a neat pecket Ier stering
the cabIe. It packs a big
punch, pIus there's twin
detergent tanks and a
cheice eI Iances. It's net
cheap, but it's the best.
krcher k2
Price: 119
hese Iength: 6 metres
Centact: 01295 752200,
TFF K2 ls the best cf the
smaller washers. lt dcesn't
match cur tcp twc fcr
stcrage cr pcwer, but lt's
gct encugh grunt fcr car
cleanlng. lt alsc beats
slmllar rlvals, wlth a
slx-metre hcse glvlng
flexlblllty fcr washlng.
lt's well equlpped,
wlth twc lances, a
patlc blaster, brush
and cleanlng flulds.


||essu|e washe|s tested
[et 5tar 1900
Price: 95.98
hese Iength: 5 metres
Centact: 01992 565300,
wlTF |ust a slngle varlable
lance, a brush and a large
scap tank, the Clarke ls
almed at car washers. And
lt dldwell lncleanlngtests,
wlth a gccd scapy spray.
8ut the hcse stcrage
arcund the handle
ls pccr, and fcr the
mcney ycu'd want lt dc
cther |cbs, sc a rctary
lance and lcnger hcse
are deflnltely needed.
Makita Aquamak
Price: 20/.65
hese Iength: 5.5 metres
Centact: 01908 211678,
0UT cff tc a pccr start,
wlth a water ccnnectcr
that falled tc seal. That
was cdd, as quallty ls gccd
elsewhere, wlth a reel that
runs freely encugh nct tc
tlp lt cver. Ycu get a brush,
rctary and varlable lances,
plus easy stcrage fcr
everythlng. There's a scap
tank, but cleanlng was cnly
average and the hcse
ls tcc shcrt fcr thls mcney.
Price: 69.99
hese Iength: 5 metres
Centact: 0500 /1/1/1,
PAkT cf the Screwflx llne-
up, thls Tltan ls ldeal lf
ycu're cn a budget. lt's
flrmly almed at car
cleanlng, wlth a brush,
twc lances and a scap
bcttle. There are hccks
fcr the hcse and lead,
plus stcrage fcr all the
accesscrles. The hcse
ls shcrt, but the unlt
feels llght and easy
tc mcve. 0reat value.
1ep 1ech
hPI 1110
Price: 59.99
hese Iength: 3 metres
Centact: 0208 956 5175,
PUwFk lsn't everythlng
ln car cleanlng, and thls
washer dces a reascnable
|cb, but lt's nct the easlest
tc use. A three-metre hcse
means lcts cf mcvlng tc
ccver the whcle car, and
the slde hcse exlt means
ycu can't even pull lt easlly.
Stcrage ls alsc llmlted.
Un the plus slde, lt runs
smccthly and ls very
easy tc carry and stcre.
Price: 55.92
hese Iength: 5 metres
Centact: 01935 382222,
FUk car cleanlng alcne,
thls makes a lct cf sense
at the prlce. Stcrage ls
gccd fcr a unlt that's
cnly half a metre tall,
wlth hccks fcr the
lead and hcse, plus
cllps fcr accesscrles.
uellvery frcmthe lance-
mcunted scap bcttle ls a
llttle tcc watery, but lt dld
ckay ln cur cleanlng tests.
0ccd lf space ls tlght.
Price: 122.78
hese Iength: 5 metres
Centact: 01935 382222,
TFlS well made washer
ls newfrcmSllverllne.
lt cnly has cne lance,
and the hcse cculd be
lcnger, but there's a
blg cn-bcard scap tank.
Swltchlng frcmhlgh tc
lcwpressure fcr fcam
dlspenslng ls easy. lt
alsc packs a decent punch,
the reel ls a breeze tc use
and lt's stable encugh nct
tc tcpple when unwlndlng.
Price: 169.99
hese Iength: 7 metres
Centact: 08/5 762 6625,
TFF FP2000 makes nc
sense at full prlce, but
Falfcrds frequently
dlsccunts prcducts,
and lt's currently cn cffer
fcr 99.99. we lcved the
lcng hcse and cn-bcard
scap reservclr, yet the
stcrage ls very pccr,
wlth ncwhere fcr the
brush cr seccnd lance,
and the hcse slmply
lccps cver the handle.
raper 1900w
Price: 123.77
hese Iength: 5 metres
Centact: 023 80/9 /333,
TFlS uraper ls a mlxed
bag. Un the plus slde,
ycu get twc lances, a scap
tank, a rctary brush and
stcrage fcr all these. Less
lmpresslve was average
cleanlng pcwer and a ncn-
ad|ustable lance. Stcrage
fcr the shcrtlsh hcse lsn't
great, elther, as lt has tc
be dlsccnnected frcmthe
machlne and lance befcre
ycu're able tc wlnd lt cn.
Price: 161.9/
hese Iength: 6 metres
Centact: 0128/ 757500,
hFATLY brldglng the gap
between smaller machlnes
and the tcp twc, thls
Sealey cffers lcts tc llke,
such as a large cn-bcard
scap tank wlth the ablllty
tc vary ccncentratlcn tc
keep ccsts dcwn. There's
alsc a chclce cf rctary and
varlable lances. The decent-
length hcse ls easy tc wlnd
ln, but the unlt can tcpple
cver when ycu pull lt cut.

uew and used buy|ng adv|ce
"l Flhu my Fcrester
a very easy car
tc llve wlth, and
that's partly dcwn
tc lts lnexpenslve
runnlng ccsts."
"0ccd, lcng-lastlng,
hlgh-grlp tyres."
"8ullt-ln sat-nav,
reverslng camera,
crulse ccntrcl and
cllmate ccntrcl are
very efflclent and
gccd value."
"There are nc squeaks
cr rattles - lt feels as lf
lt's very well made."
"The ccsts cf servlclng
and lnsurlng the car
are lmpresslvely lcw,
and lt suffers frcm
llttle depreclatlcn."
"FFAvY cn petrcl,
whlle the servlclng
and rcad tax ccsts
are tcc expenslve."
"very pccr-quallty
sat-nav and sterec,
plus they're dlfflcult
and expenslve tc
upgrade cr replace
wlth better systems."
"The fuel eccncmy ls
wcrse than l expected
and was led tc belleve."
"The central lccklng
systemls dreadful and
the radlc dcesn't wcrk."
"hct cheap tc
keep cn the rcad."
"ulte expenslve
servlclng and lt's
very thlrsty."
CanI dewnsizemyaIIeys?
I CbkkN1L have a hyundai i40 1eurer and want te
repIace the existing 18-inch aIIey wheeIs with smaIIer
16-inch versiens. Is this pessibIe? And iI se, hewwiII it
aIIect my insurance premiumand the car's ride quaIity?
jeff Langstaff, -maiI
hbNAI cenIirmed te us that yeu ceuId swap yeur
Iarger wheeIs Ier the smaIIer enes, aItheugh yeu wiII
have te pay, eI ceurse. eu wiII need te teII yeur insurer
eI the switch, but it's unIikeIy te change yeur premium,
kide quaIity wiII depend mere en tyre preIiIe.
whats wrengwithmybex?
I 0wN a Citreen C3 autematic and, as seen as I start
the car and meve eII, there are severe jeIts. 1hen the
dash dispIay changes Irem'' te a beId herizentaI bar,
then te '5pert and 5new'. Any idea what this is?
jennifer heard, -maiI
ACC0kINC te users en C3 Ierums, the varieus symbeIs
indicate that there is an errer. 1he prebIemappears te
be that the transmissien needs eiI. eu'II need te take
eII the air IiIter, and remeve the square nut en tep eI the
transmissien bex. with ne guide Ier IeveIs, it's best te
add ene Iitre, Ieave it evernight and tep up iI necessary.
1h heater centreIs en my henda Ck-v are pIaying up.
whenever I push the butten Ier the air-cen, the Iight
just IIashes en and eII sIewIy. 1he heater seems te be
werking Iine, but the air-cen wen't werk. Can yeu heIp?
lan0ray, -maiI
A NbMk eI Ck-v ewners seemte have been teId this
is an issue with the centreI paneI and ceuId cest mere
than 500 te repair. hewever, the prebIemactuaIIy
appears te be that the systemjust needs te be regassed
- and it's werth visiting an air-cen engineer te see
iI this seIves things iI yeur car is eut eI warranty.
bklVkP0Wk 10P!00
eu teII us Nononsense oIIroader well builI, buI IhirsIy
5ubaru forester
600b N01 S0600b
6ot any car quer|esI
buy|ng adv|ce
ears: 2008-2013 C02: 158g]km
FueI ecenemy: 47mpg (2.0XC 5dr)
est eptiens: 17-inch aIIeys, trip cemputer,
reeI raiIs, cruise centreI, heated Irent seats
Prices: Frem9,995
8ars show where mode|
||n|shed out o| 100 cars
|n our 2011 survey. 1he
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09kALL 5f0k
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0800 001 4475
uSb8uYkS 6ulb:
kichard 0redge
Jhere are
Ioads around,
and buyng
one wont
break bank
Fstates can leak because cf pccr seallng
arcund the tallgate hlnges, check fcr
water ln the lcad bay.
ulesels have a dual-mass
flywheel, whlch can fall after
cnly 30,000 mlles lf frequently
used ln stcp-start drlvlng.
ulesels revert tc llmp-hcme
mcde when the lntercccler
plpe cracks cr thrcugh
thrcttle butterfly faults.
TFF crlglnal Fcrd Fccus was
such a landmark car that replaclng
lt was always gclng tc be tcugh.
The Mkl was cne cf the mcst
practlcal hatchbacks avallable
yet great fun tc drlve, and a
glant amcng small famlly cars.
8ut when Fcrd dld lntrcduce a
newFccus ln 200/, lt retalned
lts predecesscr's best attrlbutes,
wlth lmprcved cabln quallty, a
sleeker deslgn and an even better
drlve. As cne cf the uK's blggest
sellers, the Fccus ls alsc plentlful,
sc lt's even mcre temptlng as
there are lcads tc gc rcund - and
buylng cne wcn't break the bank.
SFPTFM8Fk 200/ sawthe arrlval
cf the Fccus Mkll, ln three cr flve-
dccr hatch, salccn and estate
fcrms. 8uyers cculd chccse frcm
1./, 1.6 cr 2.0-lltre petrcl englnes
cr 1.6, 1.8 cr 2.0 dlesels. March
2006 sawa 1.8 petrcl arrlve, tcc.
FrcmSeptember 2005, the
Fccus ST packed a 221bhp 2.5-
lltre englne, and came wlth three
cr flve dccrs and three trlmlevels.
A heavlly revlsed, facellfted Fccus
emerged ln September 2007, wlth
sharper lccks and an upgraded
lnterlcr plus a 127g]km1.6 TuCl
FCUnetlc cptlcn. 8y February 2010,
thls had been cut tc 99g]kmby
flttlng stcp-start and cther tech.
Whith ene7
TFF best englnes are the
TuCl dlesel unlts, all are gccd,
lncludlng the entry-level 1.6
- but be wary cf cars wlth dlesel
partlculate fllters lf ycu're a lcw-
mlleage drlver. ln terms cf petrcl
unlts, the pre-2008 facellft 1.6
came wlth 99bhp cr 113bhp,
and althcugh the fcrmer ls a
blt weak, lt was the cnly 1.6
cffered after the 2007 facellft.
we'd alsc avcld the 1./ petrcl,
as lt's nct pcwerful encugh.
we'd gc fcr Zetec, 0hla cr
Tltanlumtrlm, entry-level mcdels
are nct especlally well equlpped.
Zetec dldn't always get alr-ccn,
sc lf that's lmpcrtant tc ycu,
chccse a Zetec Cllmate, whlch
alsc brlngs a heated wlndscreen.
MAZuA'S 3 ls related tc the Fccus
and cffers slmllar attrlbutes, as
lt's well bullt and great tc drlve,
but less ccmmcn. Uther cars
wcrth lccklng at lnclude the
Tcycta Aurls and pcst-200/
Fcnda Clvlc, bcth cf whlch
everythlng - lncludlng much
hlgher asklng prlces than
fcr an equlvalent Fccus.
TFF Fccus was the cverall
wlnner ln cur 2007 used
Car Awards, and the reascns
fcr lts success are stlll appllcable.
we lcved lts lnterlcr, englnes
and chassls, plus lts affcrdablllty
and practlcallty - and we stlll
dc. The fact there are sc many
tc chccse frcmcnly makes lt
easler tc reccmmend the Fccus,
althcugh ycu'll never stand
cut frcmthe crcwd ln cne.
8est cf all are the revlsed
cars frcmlate 2007. These
are avallable frcmcnly /,500,
and cffer ccncrete prccf that ycu
can have a brllllant famlly car
even lf ycur pcckets aren't deep.
ma|cr cn rellablllty, althcugh
scme early examples cf the
latter aren't sc well bullt.
The Fyundal l30 wcn the
2010 urlver Pcwer survey,
sc lt's cne cf the best all-
rcunders cut there. lts crcwn
has sllpped slnce, but lt's
stlll a superb used buy.
vw's 0clf, meanwhlle, ls
the small famlly hatch wlth
Prices Ier 2009 Fecus 1.6 1Ci 110. eaIer prices IremhiIIs Ferd
in kidderminster ( Independent prices Irem
www.eurecarparts.cem. *Price
Rew muth7
kunning tesIs
fkM2,500 huge-
seIIng MkII hatch stII
makes a top used buy
FueI C02 AnnuaI
ecenemy emissiens readtax
1./ 6 /2mpg 157g]km 175
1.6100 9-10 /2mpg 159g]km 175
1.8 15-16 /0mpg 167g]km 175
2.0 17 39mpg 169g]km 200
1.6TuCl 10-15 62mpg 119g]km 30
1.8TuCl 15-16 5/mpg 137g]km 125
2.0TuCl 136 18-19 51mpg 1//g]km 1/0
uealer prlce lndependent prlce
Frcnt brakepads(axleset) 61.78 37.1/
Frcnt brakedlscs(palr) 51./3 85.20
uccr mlrrcr glass(electrlc) 36.00 12.95*
Frcnt wlper set 29.95 3/.80

1hanks to: 1C Rarrison in 0erby ( for the Ioan of the focus
1./Studlc5dr h]A h]A /,895 3,875 2,995
1.6Zetec3dr 7,750 6,150 5,195 /,295 3,350
1.8Zetec5dr 8,895 6,995 5,595 /,/95 h]A
2.0Zetec5dr h]A 7,350 5,975 /,/75 h]A
1.6TuCl Zetec5dr 10,250 7,995 6,295 /,850 3,795
1.8TuCl Tltanlum3dr h]A 8,975 7,250 h]A h]A
2.0TuCl Tltanlum5dr 12,195 9,/50 7,395 5,/95 /,250
ALL Fecuses have twe miner services (150 each) IeIIewed
by a majer, which cests 250. Pay these prices and yeu'II
autematicaIIy get urepe-wide breakdewn cever; yeu can
Ierege this, theugh, and pay 129 instead Ier a 'vaIue
eptien'. 0nIy the 1.6 1i-vC1 engine (that's the ene rated
at 113bhp) has a cambeIt; aII the rest have chains. A new
beIt Ier this unit is needed every 100,000 miIes er 10
years; expect te pay 350 Ier it te be renewed. 1he
brake IIuid has te be repIaced every twe years, at 49,
whiIe the ceeIant and air-cen have te be checked every
service, and tepped up iI needed at areund 80 each.
A 2,500 budget wiII give a cheice eI very high-miIeage
earIy cars; buy en cenditien, net spec. eu'II get an earIy
petreI car with Iewer than 80,000 miIes Ier 3,200, whiIe
an equivaIent dieseI cests 500 mere. Leggy 51s start at
5,000 - nice enes are 6,000 upwards - whiIe the het
k5cests Irem17,000. Pay 8,000 Ier a 2009 1.6 er 1.8
1Ci hatch with Iewer than 40,000 miIes. 1he bedystyIe
makes IittIe diIIerence te an earIy MkII's vaIue; newer
estates can Ietch up te 500 ever an equivaIent hatch.
A 1ALL eI 16 recaIIs wen't inspire cenIidence, aItheugh
three reIate te the ceup-cabrie enIy. AIse, seme Iecus
en speciIic medeIs, such as the 1.6 er 2.0 1Ci. PetentiaI
gIitches incIude Ieaking IueI pipes, everheating wiper
meters and Ieese rear hub beIts, aIeng with the ceeIing
system(the eIectric Ian ceuId IaiI), pewer-steering Ieaks
and brake serve IaiIure. 1he Iast Ieur recaIIs, issued
between August 2010-Nevember 2012, were due te the
ceeIing Ian petentiaIIy everheating and catching Iire.
TFFkF'S a wlde
array cf dlfferent
allcy slzes and
deslgns avallable,
many cf themare
prcne tc ccrrcslcn
after a fewyears.
MAKF sure the
headlamp bulb
because lt's nct as
easy tc replace as
ycu mlght thlnk.
ulFSFL partlculate
fllters have a hablt
cf falllng after
100,000 mlles,
prcblems can cccur
much sccner cn
cars used sparlngly.
TFFSF can glve
prcblems, the
screen can leak ln
the tcp centre, whlle
the frcnt dccr seals
alsc wcrk lccse,
lettlng ln water.
lN 200I, the focus Nkll
ach|eved an |mpress|ve 19th
p|ac|ng |n our 0r|ver 0ower
survey - but |t's been a||
downh||| |rom there as
the car has aged. 1h|s year,
the ford |a||ed to make the
top 100, ||n|sh|ng 110th.
8Ak8l kees |rom Na|vern,
worcs, bought her 08-p|ate
focus as an ex-demo. 5he says:
l got a great dea| on |t, |t's
very re||ab|e and runn|ng costs
are |ow. 8est o| a|| are the space
and com|ort, |or the money,
l don't th|nk |t can be beaten.
wFLL lald cut and featurlng hlgh-quallty materlals, the cabln
cffers ample rccmfcr fcur - cr flve lf thcse ln the back aren't large.
keflnement ls gccd, as ls carrylng capaclty, the hatch has a 36/-lltre
bcct (1,177 wlth the seats dcwn), and the estate /55]1,/39 lltres.
0-60 !0.9 5C5 10P 5P0!!TMPR
FvFh thcugh kenault's standard supermlnl has been a
flxture cn uK rcads fcr scme tlme, the Cllc Spcrts Tcurer
was less cf a success, cnly arrlvlng ln 2008 and gclng
cff sale ln 2011. Thls shcrt llfe means there aren't many
arcund cn the used market, especlally at ycur budget.
Stlll, we managed tc flnd an 09-plate 1.2-lltre
uynamlque car wlth 86,000 mlles fcr 3,975. Une
ma|cr prcblemwlth the Cllc ST ls that buyers had tc
pay extra fcr stablllty ccntrcl acrcss the range, sc ycu
wculd need tc dcuble check a pctentlal buy has thls.
what the Cllc dces have ln lts favcur, hcwever,
ls that lt's easy tc drlve ln tlght spaces, due tc lts llght
ccntrcls, whlle lt alsc cffers a useful /39 lltres cf bcct
space. Plus, there's extra stcrage rccmlnslde the car
and a decent amcunt cf space, even fcr rear passengers.
TFFkF lsn't a masslve amcunt cf chclce fcr small estate
buyers, sc lt's wcrth lccklng at the Peugect 207 Sw.
whlle the dlmenslcns aren't much blgger than the 207
hatch's, all Sws gct a full pancramlc rccf as standard,
whlch glves the lnterlcr a mcre spaclcus and alry feel.
uesplte the extra length, bcct space ls a measly 325
lltres, althcugh the rear glass can be cpened tc lcad
small ltems. Thls expands tc 1,258 lltres wlth the
seats dcwn, and there's a neat easy fcldlng system
that can be cperated wlth |ust cne hand.
There are plenty cf cars arcund, and ycur /,000
wlll get ycu a 57-plate 1./-lltre vTl. As wlth the
hatchback, the 207 beneflts frcmllght ccntrcls
and ls surprlslngly nlmble, but the flve-speed
manual gearbcx ls lccse and very unlnsplrlng.
TFF Fabla Fstate ls a sclld chclce fcr small famllles
lccklng fcr a llttle extra space. lt's very rellable,
thanks tc lnput frcmSkcda cwner vclkswagen.
There's alsc a wlde range cf englnes tc chccse
frcm, lncludlng vw's trled and tested 1.9 Tul.
kesldual values are predlctably strcng, sc
ycu'll cnly be able tc affcrd the Mkl verslcn.
The lccks are beccmlng a llttle dated, thcugh,
whlle the cabln ls rather bland, tcc.
wlth ycur /,000 budget, ycu cculd plck
up a 56-plate 1./-lltre Amblente mcdel wlth
55,000 mlles cn the clcck. There's plenty cf space
lnslde the Fabla, wlth mcre than encugh rccm
fcr fcur adults, whlle lt's practlcal, tcc, wlth cne
cf the blgger bccts ln lts class, at /26 lltres.
kenauIt CIieS1
Ier: LasyIodrive, roomycabin
Against: kare, sIabiliIyconIrol oIional
Feugeet 207Sw
Ier: Panoramic rooI, easyIoldseaIs
Against: Poor gearbox, small booI
Ier: SolidreliabiliIy, rovenVwengines
Against: 0aIedlooks, blandinIerior
w6eIf FIus
5A1,500ona6olI Plus Sor SL
ear Chris,
lm looking Io ugrade Irom my |ord |iesIa
Io an esIaIe, and have 4, Io send. 8uI
l donI wanI anyIhing Ioo big. Can you hel!
AIex Seaten,
for a smaII estate, but whch one!
uSk~fklNbLY 8uY 600b f0LblN6 SA1S 1R kLlA8L tR0lt
car impert redtape
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re-reisterin a vehicIe is a very
expensive and time-consumin
business - and at the moment,
many 0 countries don't accept
temporary reistrations, stoppin
motorists buyin insurance
and preventin themfrom
drivin their newcar.
8ut under the revamped ruIes,
a newpan-uropean database
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forms have to be fiIIed out.
1he newsystemwiII aIso heIp
to reduce car-reIated crime, with
a database that wouId aIIow
poIice forces across urope to
quickIy identify stoIen vehicIes.
v0Lk5wACN is cutting the price eI the CeII PIus 5
by 1,500, taking the Iive-deer 1.2 petreI medeI te
16,310. 1he 1,500 saving aIse appIies te the
1.4 5 petreI. AII CeII PIus medeIs ceme with
eIectric windews, A radie, 5P and air-cen.
Fer Iurther inIe, visit,
and Ier mere deaIs,
gg ,
66 IIIIffff FII
bAL0f 1R Wk
Trusted reviews, expert advice
8uyingtars used t||p|e test
L88 fILL-0P kAhC 422 MIL5
8MW 33Si
L86 fILL-0P kAhC 430 MIL5
Aubl 11 S S 1k0Nlt
L82 fILL-0P kAhC 462 MIL5
ears: 2006tcpresent ngine: 2.0-lltre /cyl, 268bhp
Insurance greup: 38 cen]C02: 35mpg]188g]km
why? Fcur-wheel drlve makes lt surefccted, whlle
a smaller 2.0-lltre englne lcwers runnlng ccsts.
Prites lrem:
Auul'STT has cften been mcre abcut lccks
than cutrlght perfcrmance. Fcwever, the
TT S cffers a mcre engaglng drlve than cther
mcdels ln the llne-up, thanks ln part tc the
standard fcur-wheel drlve, and ls a genulne
ccmpetltcr fcr the 335l and Cayman.
uesplte the Audl's smaller 2.0-lltre englne,
lt can match lts rlvals here fcr pace, and
achleves lcwer runnlng ccsts. lt dces lack the
character cf the 8Mwand Pcrsche, thcugh.
The Audl fell tc a lcwly 96th place ln the
2013 urlver Pcwer survey, tcc, wlth lts sccres
fcr bulld quallty and rellablllty drcpplng
dramatlcally ln the past 12 mcnths.
ears: 2006 tc present ngine: 3.0-lltre 6cyl, 306bhp
Insurance greup: /0 cen]C02: 31mpg]218g]km
why? Lcw-slung drlvlng pcsltlcn glves 8Mwa true
ccupe feel, whlle salccn crlglns mean lt's practlcal.
Prites lrem:
lT seems cut cf place agalnst the Cayman
and TT, but the 3 Serles and lts pcwerful
3.0-lltre englne make a lct cf sense. lts
salccn crlglns alsc ensure lt's the mcst
practlcal cf thls trlc, wlth a /30-lltre bcct.
8ut larger dlmenslcns mean the 8Mw
can't qulte match the Pcrsche's aglllty.
ln terms cf stralght-llne perfcrmance,
thcugh, lt fares much better.
Thlngs aren't qulte sc rcsy fcr the 8Mw
elsewhere, thcugh. As well as flnlshlng
66th cverall ln cur latest urlver Pcwer
custcmer satlsfactlcn survey, lt came
ln 71st ln the rellablllty chart.
Lack o| standard equ|pment d|sappo|nts 11 5 |s typ|ca||y we|| bu||t and k|tted out 8Nw |s both com|ortab|e and pract|ca|
SmiIes better
Jhese cooI coups make for fast and fun second-hand buys
Audi 115 5trenir MN335i M5pert
Audi 11 5

A M0k aIIerdabIe purchase

price, pIus Iewer running
cests, heIps the Audi squeeze
inte Iirst pIace. It can't match
the Cayman Ier Iun, but the
5versien gets cIese.

b te the Iater buiId date,

the Cayman is expensive
cempared te the 11. hewever,
it's the mest agiIe and
enjeyabIe car te drive.

5PI1 its practicaI nature

and Iantastic pewertrain,
the big Mwis just edged
eut here by its rivaIs Ier
pure driving enjeyment.

A M A M A M A M00k


b b b b te t

5 5 5 5 5PPI1

ears: 2005 tc 2013 ngine: 2.9-lltre 6cyl, 265bhp
Insurance greup: /2 cen]C02: 30mpg]221g]km
why? kazcr-sharp handllng and ultra-sllck
gearbcx make the Cayman a dellght tc drlve.
Prites lrem:
SlTTlh0 between the lccnlc 911 and styllsh
8cxster, the Cayman can be cverlccked.
8ut that's a shame, because lt's cne cf the
flnest handllng spcrts cars arcund and cffers
the mcst en|cyable drlve cf cur test trlc.
The Cayman's been arcund slnce 2005,
but thls 2.9-lltre mcdel dldn't arrlve untll
2009, sc lt's the prlclest here. lt alsc suffers
frcmstlngy standard klt, and the TT and
8Mware mcre relaxlng cn a lengthy drlve.
ln terms cf rellablllty, the Cayman appears
tc be rcbust and, althcugh lt came 32nd
cverall ln the 2013 urlver Pcwer Survey,
lt was placed seventh fcr bulld quallty.

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A|| the act|on l|om the wo||d ol moto|spo|t

f|y|ng [ordan's
a|m|ng |or top
uew home lo|
wa|es ka||y 0
81tt's surprise patkae looks to tontinue his reat format 1hruxton
5chum| back aga|n |n
Nercedes 'k|ng return
TFF 2013 uunlcp MSA 8rltlsh
Tcurlng Car Champlcnshlp
seascn has gct cff tc a flylng start
fcr Plrtek Fcnda's Andrew}crdan.
The 23-year-cld ls currently
cnly flve pclnts behlnd serles
leader }ascn Platc, and wlll be
keen tc get mcre pcdlums under
hls belt as the serles heads fcr
the hlgh-speed curves cf
Thruxtcn ln Fampshlre.
}crdan quallfled ln pcle
pcsltlcn ln hls Fcnda Clvlc ln
the cpenlng rcund at 8rands
Fatch, Kent, and has gcne cn
tc take fcur pcdlums, lncludlng
vlctcry ln race twc at ucnlngtcn
Park, Lelcs, last tlme cut. 8ut
whlle thls sparkllng fcrmmay
surprlse many, lt's exactly what
the ycung 8rlt was expectlng.
"Matt |heal[ and }ascn
cbvlcusly wcn at 8rands, and
then 0crdcn |Shedden[ wcn the
flrst race |at ucnlngtcn[, sc l
thcught lt was tlme l gct myself
cn the tcp step cf the pcdlum,"
sald }crdan after hls wln.
"The car has been fantastlc.
Fverycne talks abcut Platc,
heal and Shedden, but we're
nct surprlsed by cur pace,
and we ccnslder curselves
champlcnshlp ccntenders."
Thruxtcn ls cnly the thlrd
rcund cf the serles, thcugh,
and everythlng ls stlll tc play
fcr - cnly 20 pclnts ccver the
tcp flve, and that's the tctal cn
cffer fcr a slngle race wln. 8ut
whlle Platc ls leadlng the
standlngs fcr M0, relgnlng
champ Shedden's tltle defence
ls galnlng cmlncus mcmentum.
The cpenlng rcund at 8rands
Fatch was a mlxed bag fcr the
Fcnda kaclng star, wlth twc
pcdlums and a dlsquallflcatlcn.
8ut at ucnlngtcn, the Scct tcck
vlctcry ln race cne, and desplte
belng welghed dcwn by success
ballast and startlng frcma
reversed grld, he went cn tc
secure lmpresslve pcdlum
flnlshes ln races twc and three.
As usual, all the actlcn frcm
Thruxtcn - lncludlng the suppcrt
classes - wlll be brcadcast llve
cn lTv/ Fu, whlle ycu can vlew
llve ccverage cf quallfylng at
8klTAlh'S rcund cf the wcrld
kally Champlcnshlp ls mcvlng.
After belng based ln Cardlff
fcr 12 years, wales kally 08
ls tc swltch tc a newlccatlcn
ln hcrth wales thls year.
The event has extended
lts partnershlp wlth the welsh
Assembly, and the maln servlce
park wlll be lccated next tc a
newTcycta englne plant belng
bullt at ueeslde ln Fllntshlre.
Plus, the ceremcnlal start wlll
be staged ln Ccnwy wlth the
flnlsh held ln Llandudnc.
Flnal detalls cf the rcute are
stlll belng lrcned cut ahead cf
the 1/-17 hcvember event. 8ut
crganlser lnternatlcnal Mctcr
Spcrts has ccnflrmed the
actlcn wlll take place ln the
welsh fcrests, and lnclude
scme nlght stages and famlly
frlendly ccurses held wlthln
the grcunds cf stately hcmes.
8css AndrewCce sald:
"we have llstened tc what
the teams and fans want ln
cur determlned effcrts tc
create what we're ccnfldent
wlll be nct cnly cne cf the
best rcunds ln the wkC, but
alsc a flttlng flnale tc the
2013 wcrld champlcnshlp.
"Scuth wales has prcvlded
wales kally 08 wlth a fantastlc
hcme slnce 2000, but mcvlng
tc hcrth wales has a number cf
advantages. we're clcser tc the
spcrt's tradltlcnal heartlands,
and wlthln a shcrt drlve cf
scme large tcwns and cltles."
Cce alsc pclnted tc a yet-tc-
be-revealed newprlclng pcllcy
fcr the event, almed at drawlng
ln mcre famlly spectatcrs yet
stlll appeallng tc hardccre fans.
Fe added: "Taklng thcse factcrs
lntc acccunt, we are ccnfldent
the 2013 rally wlll be a hlghllght
cn the mctcrspcrt calendar."
Tc tle ln wlth the launch,
the www.walesrallygb.ccm
webslte has been redeslgned,
and lt wlll reveal tlcket prlce
detalls clcser tc the event.
F0kMbLA 0ne Iegend MichaeI 5chumacher (beIew) wiII
dust eII his everaIIs en 19 May Ier a
deme run in his 2011 Mercedes F1
car at the Nrburgring NerdschIeiIe.
It'II be the Iirst time a Mercedes
CP racer has hit the 14-miIe track
since the IiIties. "I'mreaIIy Ieeking
Ierward te giving Ians and Iriends
Iremmy heme tewn eI kerpen,
which is cIese te the Nrburgring,
semething te remember," he said.
0|rtek Nonda dr|ver
saw o|| |ead|ng ||ghts
to w|n at 0on|ngton 0ark
[ar|-Natt| Latva|a w||| de|end ka||y 68 crown |n North wa|es
veryone ta|ks
about 0|ato [|e|t[,
5hedden and
Nea|, but we're
not surpr|sed
by our pace
Andrewjerdan lirteklonda
0ean 0ibsen
^E/^G wAN
ELlE/` El+F` CClLllEJ GG VEElElE El+F` CClLllEJ GG CF/lEE+/lE EE/+llC ^E
|a.+ace t|c|et: +.+||+||e aat|| m|aa+ \ea! M+. |e:t+e lee +jj||e:.
IEEL you're ayihg ioo mucl
wlehsloihg Ior cars,
ihsurahce, Iuel, arkihg, servicihg
ahdmaihiehahce Wohderihg iI
ile ehirereheurs wlo sell ile
roducis are iha osiiiohio clarge
youa liiile less Ior ileir goods ahd
services Or cah'i iley aIIordio
BeIore ahswerihg ile aLove, ii's
imoriahi io uhdersiahdile Lelow:
Ihilese iougliimes wleh
everyohe is meahi io Le iigliehihg
Lelis, mahy oI ile Lusihessmeh
eddlihg ileir moiorihg-relaied
wares are geiiihg cohsideraLly ricler.
Becomihg almosi mwealilier as
eaclweekgoes Ly is hoilihg io some
oI ilese guys. Meahwlile, assumihg
you're ohahaverage wage oI arouhd
z6,oooa year, ii'll iake youaLoui
Iour decades oI uhihierruiedIull-
iime emloymehi io earhjusi m.
1lis iime lasi year, moior irader
ArholdClarkahdIamily were woril
a cool 6)m. 1welve mohils oh,
ileir wealilroseioover lalI a Lillioh.
1le Suhday 1imes RiclLisi also reveals ilai Iellowcar dealer, [ack
1ordoII oI [C16oo, is ahoiler iradiiiohal moior irader wlose Ioriuhe
grewLy almosi millioha week(io om) over ile lasi year.
BoLEdmisiohis more car imorier ilahdealer, las UKriglis
io sell SuLaru, Greai Wall ahdIsuzuvelicles, ahdlas seehlis
wealilleaIromoomio omihjusi z mohils.
Parkihg is a hice earher, ioo, as DohaldGoslihg (om) ahd
RohHoLsoh()m), ile Iormer Losses oI NCP, cahcohLrm.
Bui ii's ihile ihsurahce ihdusiry wlere ersohal wealilcreaiioh
Ior ile Ioriuhaie Iewseems dramaiic.ahdIasi. SimohNixohoI
Moheysuermarkei is u)mihzmohils io)m. DouwSieyh
(Comareilemarkei) is uomio __om, ahdPeier Wood
(Gocomare) leas _omio __om. Nexi iime someohe iells you
ilere's jusi ho mohey ihile velicle reiailihg ahdcar ihsurahce
ihdusiries, smileahduhdersiahdyou'veLeehcomrelehsivelyliedio.
Some ndvduaIs n
and around the car
busness are currentIy
gettng aImost 1m
a week rcher -
at your expense
wednesday 8 Nay
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