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5 Additional Days

Starting March 7
Starting on March 7 and continuing each
Friday through the end of the school
year, we will go an extra half-hour of
school. The result of this change will be
school letting out each day at 3:15.
Good Friday
All schools will be in session on Friday,
April 18th.
High School Virtual Make-up Day
PHS is going to have a Virtual Learning
Day on Saturday, April 12 from 8:00 -
3:15. Teachers will create lesson plans
and share them with their students on-
line. Teachers will be available to assist
t he st udent s t hroughout t he day
equivalent to the times students would
be in their classroom on a regular school
day. If a student does not have access
to internet access at home, he/she may
come to PHS to do their work. The
Principals will have the cafeteria and
library open and monitored throughout
the day.
June 4 & June 5
Final school days missed will be made
up on June 4 & June 5, 2014.
All schools in session
School Schedule
Final Exam Schedule
Final Examinations to end our school
year will be held on June 4 and June 5.
Summer School
Summer School will begin on Monday
June 9. First summer session will end on
July 3. Second summer school session
will begin on July 7 and end on July 31.
Summer School class information will be
shared following our return from Spring
Academic Excellence
Banquet APRIL 21
The Academi c Excel l ence
Banquet, reserved for those
students who rank in the top 5% of the
senior class, will be held on April 21 at
7:00 More details will be forthcoming to
those who will be invited to attend.
Junior-Senior Prom APRIL 26
The Junior-Senior Prom
will be held at the South
Bend Century Center on
Saturday, April 26 from
8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Students who are in good
s t a n d i n g r e l a t e d t o
behavior and attendance at school will
be allowed to attend. More information
will be forthcoming concerning prom.
Super Sunday
MAY 18
Super Sunday,
i n c l u s i v e o f
Nat i onal Honor
Society induction,
Academic Hall of
Fame induction, and Baccalaureate, will
be held on May 18. NHS induction will
be held in the PHS Auditorium at 1:00.
Hall of Fame induction will begin in the
cafeteria at 3:00 and Baccalaureate will
be held in the Auditorium at 4:30. More
i nf or mat i on wi l l be f or t hcomi ng
A Word From the Desk of the Principal
M A R C H 2 0 1 4

Parent Teacher
P a r e n t - Te a c h e r
Conferences will be
held on Wednesday,
April 16 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Parents
are encouraged to contact those
teachers they wish to conference with
and simultaneously, may expect faculty
to reach out to them. We feel that the
partnership between the classroom and
parents is vitally important as we work
together towards a great learning
experience for each child.
Innovation Fair - Coupled with our
Parent-Teacher Conferences, PHS
students from agriculture, chemistry and
physics classes, robotics club, statistics
classes, art classes, bridge bust club,
and manufacturing class, will display
their projects on April 16 from 6:00 -
8:00 p.m.
Senior Awards Day
MAY 16
Seniors Awards Day will
be Friday, May 16 at 8:00
a . m. i n t h e Va r s i t y
Gymnasium. Members of the
class of 2014 will be recognized for their
academi c accompl i shment s and
numerous scholarships will be awarded
throughout this all school convocation.
Following the convocation, students in
grades 9, 10, and 11 will return to class
while the senior class will convene in the
multi purpose room for brunch, an
opportunity to see the senior class video,
and the distribution of senior notable
Commencement Schedule
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8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Mandatory practice for any
senior wishing to participate in
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8eglnnlng aL 7:30 p.m.
Commencement Ceremony
Varsity Gym
More information will be forthcoming to the
Class of 2014 as the end of the school year approaches.
More information will be forthcoming to the
Class of 2014 as the end of the school year approaches.
obotics Team
Congratulations to the PHS Robotics Club on
qualifying two robots for the World Championships
in Anaheim, California.
Club members include Kennedy Schneiders and
Josh Kuhns who won the state championships and
will be competing in their world championships for a
second consecutive year.
Our second team competing in the world
championship includes Zacc Hutchings,
Jeremy Schidler, Kevin Bachman, Emily Merritt, and
Spencer Uheljii. Congratulations also to Coaches
Rich Schieber and Kennedy Robinson!
to the entire PHS
Wrestling team
and coaching staff
for winning the
NLC Conference
Championship and
~ Winners selected based on PSAT scores
~ 1.5 million students complete PSAT
~ Only 15,000 are selected as nalists
Congratulations to PHS Senior, John Stillson, son of Ellen and
Tod Stillson on becoming a nalist for the National Merit
Scholarship Program. This program is an academic competition
for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955.
ati onal M
eri t
Fi nal i st
Two teams from the PHS Robotics Club
qualied for the World Championship in
Anaheim, California.
at Plymouth High School
M A R C H 2 0 1 4

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