T Jenkins - Engl

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Personality Type A/B

Instructions The Personality Type A/B questionnaire is a modified version of the Jenkins Activity Survey (Jenkins, y!anski, " #osenman, $%&$'( )or each of the *+ questions ,elo-, ans-er ,y choosin. the most appropriate statement( 1( /hen you are faced -ith an unfamiliar pro,lem, -hat do you usually do0 a' Address the pro,lem immediately ,' Think a,out -hat to do and then take action c' Sit ,ack and let thin.s -ork out for themselves 2. 1ompared -ith other students, ho- quickly do you usually complete your class assi.nments0 a'I am usually finished ,efore everyone else ,'I finish faster than most of my classmates c'I finish ri.ht on time d'I frequently turn in assi.nments late 3( 2as anyone ever told you that you talk too much a'3es, often c'4nce ,'A couple of times d'5o, never 4( 6urin. normal conversation, ho- quickly do you speak0 a')aster than most people ,'At an avera.e pace c'Slo-er than most people 5( 2o- often do you finish other people7s sentences ,ecause they speak too slo-ly0 a')requently ,'Sometimes c'Almost never 6( 2ave you ever ,een -aitin. at the doctor7s office 8+ minutes past your appointment time, and have several chores to do -hen you .et home( /hat do you do0 a'#ead a ma.a!ine ,'9eep checkin. your -atch c':et impatient and some-hat an.ry d'1omplain to the nurse 7( 2o- often are you late for appointments0 a';ost of the time c'#arely ,'Sometimes d'5ever 8. /hen you are playin. a .ame, ho- important is it for you to -in0 a'<ery important ,'Sometimes important c'5ot important at all 9. 2o- -ould your classmates and friends rate you0 a'Al-ays hard-orkin. and serious ,'Sometimes hard-orkin. and serious c'#arely hard-orkin. and serious d'1arefree 10( 2o- -ould your parents (or previous .uardians' rate you0 a'Al-ays helpful ,';ostly helpful c'Sometimes helpful

d'5ever helpful 11( 2o- -ould your closest friends rate your .eneral activity level0 a'Too slo- = never .ets anythin. done ,'Slo- = ,ut .ets thin.s done c'Avera.e = reasona,le ,usy d'Too active = should slo- do-n 12( 2o- often do you -orry a,out future events0 a'1onstantly c'Sometimes ,')requently d'5ever 13( /hen you have free time, -hat -ould you prefer to do0 a'Sleep ,'/atch T< c':o Shoppin. d'1atch up on -ork or household chores 14( >ookin. ,ack no-, ho- -ould you rate your ,ehavior as a child0 a'I -as a pro,lem child ,'I -as difficult to discipline c'I -as an ordinary child d'I -as a little an.el 15. 3ou have a lar.e amount of home-ork to do, ,ut your closest friends are havin. a party( /hat do you do0 a'Join the party ,'6o some home-ork and then ?oin the party c')inish all of your home-ork and miss the party 16. 6o you keep a daily schedule or calendar of your plans0 a'5o, never ,'Sometimes c'3es, al-ays 17( /hen you are in a .roup situation (like completin. a .roup pro?ect', ho- do you usually act0 a'I rarely participate ,'I act as a team player c'I take char.e 18. 2o- far in advance -ould you study for a ma?or test0 a'T-o -eeks ahead or more ,'A,out one -eek ,efore the test c'A day or t-o ,eforehand d'I usually don7t study 19( /hat is an ordinary day in your life like0 a')ull of pro,lems ,')ull of fun c'A mi@ture of pro,lems and fun d'There are never enou.h thin.s to keep me ,usy 20. 2o- many days per -eek do you en.a.e in physical e@ercise0 a')our or more c'4ne ,'T-o or three d'I don7t e@ercise

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