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October 17, 2006 EE 453 HMWK 1

(s+1) 1. Find a realization of the transfer function g (s) = s4 +7s3 +19 s2 +23s+10 . Is your realization minimal? If not, nd a minimal realization of this transfer function.

2. Find a minimal realization of the given transfer function g (s) =

(s2 +4s2 +3) (s3 3s2 10s+24) .

3. For each transfer function matrix given below, nd a state-space realization. (a) H (s) = (b) G(s) =
1 s2 (s+1) (s+4)

s (s+1) 1 (s2 +3s+2)

(c) F (s) =

s (2s+8)

2 (3s+6) 1 s

(3s) (s2 +4) 1 s2

4. Inputs and outputs of a model are related via the following dierential equations. y1 + 2y1 y2 + 2y2 + y2 Find a state-space realization for this model. 5. Inputs and outputs of a model are related via the following dierential equations. y1 + 2y2 y2 2y1 + 4y2 + 5y1 = u1 + u2 = u1 + u2 = u1 + u2 = 2u1 4u2

6. Consider the RLC circuit given at the end of the page. Take R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = 1k , L = 1mH and C = 1F . Choose the capacitor voltage and the inductor current as your state variables. Dene the current through the voltage source as your output. Find matrices A, B, C, D such that x (t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) ; y (t) = Cx(t) + Du(t) where x(t) = vc (t) iL (t) ; y (t) = i1 (t) ; u(t) = Vs (t) Is (t)

Figure 1: RLC circuit for Problem 6 1

7. An nth -order state-space realization = (A, B, C, D) is said to be a controllable realization if the controllability matrix B AB An1 B is a full row rank matrix, i.e. rank of B AB An1 B is n. is said to be an observable realization i the observability matrix is a full column rank matrix, i.e. rank of is n. (a) Show that a controller canonical form realization is always controllable, but it does not have to be observable. (b) Show that an observer canonical form realization is always observable, but it does not have to be controllable. 8. Let be as given above and let d denote its dual realization (A , C , B , D ). Show that is controllable (respectively, observable) if and only if d is observable (respectively, controllable). 9. Let 1 = (A1 , B1 , C1 , 0) and 2 be two state-space realizations of order n1 and n2 respectively. (a) Find a state-space realization for the series connection of 1 and 2 (with 2 following 1 .) (b) Find a state-space realization for the parallel connection of 1 and 2 . (c) Find a state-space realization for the classical negative feedback conguration with 1 in the feedforward and 2 in the feedback path. In each case, make all the assumptions that are necessary for the connections to be well-dened. For instance, series connection requires that m2 , the number of inputs of 2 , should be equal to p1 , the number of outputs of 1 . C CA . . . CAn1 C CA . . . CAn1

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