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Author - Laura Kurtjian Title - Spinner Probability Grade Level and Michigan Curriculum Framework (MCF) and Technology Standards: 5th grade, Statistics and Probability 6.SP: Develop understanding of statistical variability. 1. Recognize a statistical question as one that anticipates variability in the Data related to the question and accounts for it in the answer. For example, How old am I? is not a statistical question, but How old are the students in my school? is a statistical question because one anticipates variability in students ages. 2. Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described b its center, spread, and overall shape. 3. Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with a single number, while a measure of variation describes how its values vary with a single number.

Rationale - Students will be able to learn probability concepts. This activity will count as a basis for probability learning and statistics . Students will also work together to complete this activity, using each other to help. Prerequisite Skills - To be able to complete this activity, students must have a basic understanding of graphs and counting along with comparing. Anticipatory Set (focus) To gain the students attention, the teacher will place spinners on every students desk. They will start by asking how to use a spinner and how it relates to math. The students will be able to work together to help each other out and keep each other interested. The Lesson Plan Goal and Objective(s) and Purpose - The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students with probability and why its important. Students will be able to understand the basic knowledge of probability and statistics by comparing the number of spins verses the different colors they spun. Instructional Input - The teacher will go over what probability means and how we collect data to use for our experiments. Modeling (show) -The teacher will show the students how an example finished graph might look like. The different colors used for the bar graph and how each color might have a different number of times spun.

Checking For Understanding (CFU) - The teacher asks the students if they understand what is expected of them and if they have any questions. While the students are spinning on their spinners, the teacher will walk around the classroom to make sure that every student is doing okay. Guided Practice (follow me) - The teacher will give step by step instructions for the activity: - Play with the spinners to understand how they work - Each student will spin the spinner 10 times - Each spin, the student will record what color the spinner landed on - After the students finish recording their data, we will discuss our findings as a class - We will then create a big class graph with our combined data - As a class we will analyze our data Closure - What was the main color that the spinner landed on? Was your answer the same as your classmates? How come? Independent Practice - For homework, the students will predict the outcomes of the spinner landing on a certain color. What are the odds? Technology - Technology used for the activity will enhance the students learning and engage them in the activity to keep them interested. Each student will be able to use a spinner that is given to them along with using an online spinner and a spinner that is available on the smartboard. Students will be able to manipulate the mousepad over the spinner to spin each turn. Students will also be able to use the smartboard to interact with the touchscreen feature of the baord. We will need a smartboard and laptops, computers, or ipads to visit the website. Students already have a basic understanding of touchscreen technology and how to manipulate technology into doing what they want. Students will also be able to use problem-solving to figure out any issues with the technology as well. Each website provided is part of the lesson to help students understand the activity and how to use technology effectively. Materials/Resources - Each website provided above, spinners, paper to record data, large class graph, colored markers. Time Frame -20-30 minutes. Activities/Procedure - - Play with the spinners to understand how they work - Each student will spin the spinner 10 times - Each spin, the student will record what color the spinner landed on - After the students finish recording their data, we will discuss our findings as a class - We will then create a big class graph with our combined data - As a class we will analyze our data

Performance Assessment -

Follow-up/Extension Activity - Revisiting the class graph a few days later to connect to new probability concepts. This lesson was partly done in a math class here at Madonna University. The math class is called math 2340 with the instructor Marcilyn Poppema. In class, we were able to use the online spinners to spin 20 times and record what matches we made. The activity was a bit different than the lesson plan but as a class we were able to put our class data together to see the different answers that each person had. The lesson was able to teach us how probability works and how it is all around us. Probability is in everyday life and its a very important thing to be educated on.

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