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Johnny Duncan
Duncan, John Monday, March 10, 2014 11:13:31 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e4:0f


This image depicts the setting where Rarlj will settle, grow, and thrive

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When I was sitting on a decomposing tree stump, I saw the great snowy mountains with jagged edges. The large, bright, orange sun was providing a spectacular sunrise for my clan. One of the mountains had a massive white melting glacier, which appeared orange because of the suns light. At the bottom of the mountains there was a refreshing smelling pine tree forest. The green needles were swaying in the gentle wind. Suddenly, I saw packs of gray wolves with shining transparent icicles all over them. They were chasing a herd of brown deer with tall pointed antlers. The deer herd seemed frightened as they quickly ran past my campsite. I was so close to the deer that I could smell their rotten breath. Right above the chase in the early morning sky, I saw eagles scout-

ing out delicious prey for their next meal. After I saw all of the wild animals, I put a piece of juicy deer meat on the crackling re. My clan had gone hunting in the woods for meat yesterday. Right after that moment, I started to work again with my clan and we began doing our daily jobs.

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Preserve substance; modify form; know the difference. Dee Hock

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Human Changes to the Land

Figure 1.1

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Part I - Analysis of the Problem

The rst step in building a successful civilization is to secure basic human needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. Due to its geography, the major
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challenges the civilization of Rarlj faces in achieving a basic food and water supply include the following:

1. The mountainous terrain is a difcult place to start a civilization because rst of all there is bad weather, which can make it hard for many plants to grow. Planting crops would be difcult because they might die due to a lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide. To make this more complicated, the ground is too rocky to plant. If we tried to hunt, we could perish due to an unreliable amount of animals. So, if we didnt modify our environment, we would starve to death. ! 2. The mountains have an unsanitized water

houses. Then we would have to rebuild the structures. We would also have to nd a way to clean the water, because if we did, we wouldnt die. There are some ways to clean water, but they are hard to come by. We could try to start a re outside, but then the re could get extinguished. After a ood the re would be extinguished. If we didnt nd any other way to clean the water, our civilization would be destroyed and everyone would die.

supply. The icy water sometimes has silt in it. It could also contain animal waste, which is sometimes hard to clean. If we tried to clean it, it could take a long time. If the glaciers melted fast, a heavy rainstorm, or a ash ood could drown our
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Part II - Proposed Solution

In order for this civilization to survive, we need to modify our environment. Modications are when you make physical changes in your environment. An example of a modication is to build an earth step. The Greeks are like us because we are mountain people. They built terraces to make even land. (Frey 249) Also, for a civilization to survive, we would need to modify our land so we could plant crops. Some of the problems for our civilization would be: bad weather, limited amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and rocky soil. To x these problems we would need to build a green house that is in the valley. In the valley it there would have a lot of silt, so the ground is more fertile. On this ground
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we are like the Mayans because farming wasnt easy in he mountainous land. Even in the plains and valleys, the land was rocky. (Frey 249) The green houses roof allows carbon dioxide out for the plants. The roof can be closed in bad weather, so the plants would not get frozen. In the green house, we would start a compost area where the good soil would be made. The last solution would be to get the best soil and put it in the greenhouse in separate piles so the plants would not die as quickly. Another feature that is necessary for a civilization to survive is to modify your land so you can use the water. Before we pick up the water, we can clean the visible animal waste (if we can pick it up) and have a place to store the water. Our water

is unclean; therefore we would have to nd a way to purify it. It could have silt or animal waste in it. To x this problem we can start a re. Then we would put the stone on the re. We would put water on a stone with an indent on it. Then the bacteria in the water would get boiled out. Also, there are ash oods from melting, rainfall and glaciers. We could use the melting water for our irrigation systems. We could also build a wall so the water doesnt destroy the houses. Our civilization would be like the Mesopotamians because, They also constructed dams along the river to block the water and to collect it in pools they had built. (Frey 36)

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Law and Government

Source: 63MJlZFpbA/UOINj_y2DYI/ AAAAAAAAA54/FGxI1YO G-jM/s1600/ g

Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed. Benjamin Franklin
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Maintaining Civil Order

Figure 2.1

This is what the present day Senate in Washington DC. Like all senates they decide laws. Source: scotussketch272way_wide-f7a9a4668a569763cd28daa8ef5ac9fd4173ed44-s6-c30

Part I - Lessons on Democracy

! Most people in civilizations had to go

which was kings, and there was only one person as ruler. Their sons did inherit the power. In a monarchy, the ruling power is in the hands of one per-

through different stages in their government. In Athens, the civilization rst had a monarchy,
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is when few people are rulers. After a while people didnt like it because in oligarchies rich get richer and poor get poorer. To add onto these oligarchs Most Greek oligarchs were aristocrats, men who had inherited land from their families. So a tyrant, illegally came into power. Athens later became a tyranny. In a tyranny, one-person rules, their sons do not sometimes inherit the power. So later the Athenian Citizens got tired of tyrants. So then a democracy happened. A democracy is
This is what the Athenian council looked like. Source: jpg

when many people are rulers. That started the Athenian Assembly. In the Athenian Assembly people use a direct democracy. A direct democracy is when everyone votes, but in Athens not

son, usually a king. Greek settlements did not have queens. (Frey 254) Then later the aristocrats, who were very trustworthy helpers wanted more power, so then they overruled the government and they became an oligarchy. An oligarchy
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every one voted. Only men, not slaves or women and people who were born in Athens could vote.

Although Sparta didnt have the same ideas, they had an oligarchy, which meant they had two kings. Besides their kings they had 28 other men with them. That was called the Council of Elders. In The Council of Elders the men there were over 60. They had to be voted on that council. To be elected to the Council of Elders, men had to be from a noble family. (Frey 265) They practically decided every law. Below the Council of Elders there was another council called the Spartan Assembly. In that assembly there were only men over 28. They could only vote yes or no on laws. ! Another civilization is Rome. They started off
This is what the council in Rome looked like. Source: me-Greek-Senate.jpg


laws that only beneted themselves. Later the plebeians got angry and made The Conict of Orders. In the Conict of Orders there were constantly people arguing. The struggle took a dramatic turn in 494 B.C.E. By then, Rome was a city between 25,000 and 40,00 people. (Frey 319) Then later the Plebeians got more rights. They had the Council of Plebs. In the Council of Plebs the

with kings or Etruscan kings. Then later they split up into two groups, the Patricians who the rich and the Plebeians who the poor. The patricians
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plebeians could vote for laws that only could be used for the Plebeians not the patricians. Then after that the plebeians didnt like that they were only making laws for themselves, so they later could send people to the council with the patricians. Then they could veto. Veto is when you have power for the government. Then the Romans had written laws that helped the government which were called the Twelve Tables.

dont have a criminal record. I learned from Sparta that we shouldnt really use anything because they killed everything. They had an oligarchy and only two men had power. The last thing that I learned was from Rome. They had written laws. That is smart because then patricians the rich cant change it as often.

Part II - Code of Law

! There are many threats to order in my civiliza-

These three civilizations would all be good

tion. For example, people steal, vandalize, unequal treatment, murder, abuse children and others in my civilization. Theft could lead to poverty. Vandalism could lead to despair and frustration. If inequality occurs, there could be conict. If people are murdered, this will also cause conict. Last

ideas for my civilization. In the civilizations I think the direct democracy from Athens is a good way for my civilization. Everyone can make a decision, but in Athens not everyone could decide, only free men from Athens could vote. In my civilization every man and women can vote if they
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of all, there could be child abuse and they could repeat what happened to them.

VI.! If you abuse you parent, the kid will have to stay in his/her room VII.!If you dont go to the temple every Sunday

The laws of Rarlj include:

you will be put to labor camp for a day VIII.! When you are accused for murdering

I.! If you murder someone you shall die the same way that the other person died. II.! If caught stealing you shall turn back what you stole and go in labor camp for how valuable the object was III.! If you vandalize you will be put to death IV.! If you punch a leader you will be exiled V.! If an adult whacks a kid, the adult will be put to labor camp

someone you have the right to go to court, if you dont you will be took their by force. IX.! If you eat the sacred bread on Wednesday you will be put to labor camp for a week X.! If you throw food at another person you will be put to labor camp for a day

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This is where you will be sent to jail in Rarlj

My laws are sort of like The Twelve Tables be-

Julius Caesar was too kind to the poor and rich people didnt like that.

cause they are going to be written. They use a court. They also have temples like my laws. My laws are like Hammurabi Code because one of my laws is like an eye for an eye. They are also like todays laws too because there is no child abuse.

Part III - Political Leadership from Julius Caesar

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There are many lessons that my civilization of

zens to help the army prosper. This was important because made a stronger army to ght off different civilizations that were trying to attack them. However, my civilization needs all people to be pleased because then a leader can oversee a successful society. Therefore, it can grow at a healthy rate. It is important to try to keep all citizens contented in a society because a leader could be overthrown or executed and then the civilization would fail.

Rarlj can learn from the political leadership of Julius Caesar. He gave work to thousands of Romans by starting projects to make new roads and public buildings. (Political Leadership of Julius Caesar) Julius Caesar lowered tax for the poor so they didnt have to pay more money to the rich senators. Caesar staged gladiator contests that the poor could watch for free. He created additional jobs for the poor. He only allowed citizens have at the most three slaves per person, which angered the senators because they were not earning as much money and their work wasnt getting completed. Most citizens had hundreds of slaves. He made Sicily, Spain and Gaul inhabitants become Roman citi15
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Part IV - Political Leadership Lessons from Augustus Caesar

! My civilization learned a lot from Augustus

Caesar. He did good and bad things for Rome. For example he did one major good thing He ate

common food. (Order from Chaos) This made him a good leader because he wasnt spoiled rich and he was more polite and kind. Also Augustus he referred to himself as First Citizen (Political Leadership of Caesar Augustus) This made him not seem to be king as much, so, the citizens of Rome wouldnt want to kill him as much. Anther good thing that he did was that he did fasts. (Order from Chaos) This made him be more like a citizen, not a spoiled, rich senator that only cared about the taxes from the plebeians. These three facts will be good for Rarlj because my civilization will be as kind as Augustus and take fasts once in a while. ! Even though Augustus was a great ruler he

Then he made unmarried couples who dont have children pay more taxes. This is unfair because some people cant have children so he is practically just making people pay more because they cant have children. Also people that are unmarried and cant have children cant inherit property. It just goes back to Rome. My civilization wouldnt be that rude to the citizens of Rarlj. My civilizaAugustus Caesar came into power after Julius Caesars death

didnt do the nicest things to Rome. He made married couples who have lots of kids pay less taxes.
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tion will be kind to all people and lets the unmar-

ried couples who cant have children inherit land.

the crime rate goes up. That wasnt good for

Part V - Lessons from the Decline of the Western Roman Empire

! The Western Roman Empire fell for many rea-

Rome. When that happened people would want to kill the ruler more. Thirdly there was way too much military spending. When that happened there was not enough food for any
This is where a common person would live in.

sons. The main reasons were that Urban Decay, Unemployment, and Military Spending. In Urban Decay people were getting too rich. When they were getting to rich they were waisting their money on parties. In the parties they ate and drank until they vomited. That made the poor not have as much food. Also the poor had to live in crowded houses, so they couldnt sleep as well. They also probably had diseases in there too. Secondly there was Unemployment. Less people had jobs. 100,000 in Rome didnt have jobs. That made


person and so people would get mad. When people get mad the crime rate will go up too. That made the citizens of Rome want to kill emperors more and more. ! My civilization called Rarlj will have an

equal amount of spending on money for the mili17

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tary, food, etc. When I do this people

This is all of the main invasions that made the Western Roman empire fall apart.

money. Everyone will get poorer. If they do that they will get a huge ne. That will make the poor happier and more joyful. When they do that they will realize that who would want a ne for food. Nobody will so they will not do it. Lastly I will make many houses. They will not be huge for the poor. We will try to make them not as crowded and lled with diseases.


get as mad. When people arent as mad. Things can be done easily. For example building monument, railroads, stadiums, pools, houses, workplaces. Also farmers would be happier because there would be richer people to buy their food. Also I will not let people eat and drink until they are sick. That will make the poor hungry and have an unfair advantage of food. That is also a horrible way to get people eating. It is a huge waste of

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Review 3.1 Lorem Ipsum dolor amet, consectetur

Question 1 of 3

Where would a Rarlj citizen usually live?

A. A smaller house B. A large house C. A huge house D. A colosseum

Check Answer

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Belief Systems

Just as a candle cannot burn without re, men cannot live without a spiritual life. Buddha
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IImpact of Belief Systemsf

This is a cathedral which is a huge church.

Can you think of a civilization that has no

Confucianism are equate to 75% of the worlds population today. These religions are all spirited in some way or another. Three out of the six religions all started in East Asia. Those religions are

moral values? You probably didnt because each civilization so far has a belief system. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and

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Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The other three Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are based in the Middle East. Besides that there are many religions based all over the world. ! In order to further understand the importance

husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money and tried every legal means, but he could only get together about $2,000, which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying, and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said, "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it." So, having tried every legal means, Heinz gets desperate and considers breaking into the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.

of a belief system on society, and their inuence on their followers, acknowledge, the moral dilemmas below: ! In Europe, a woman was near death from a spe-

cial kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug originally cost him to produce. He paid $400 for the radium and charged $4,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's
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If Heinz was a Hindu he would not steal the

life saving medicine for his wife because then he would not be following his Dharma. Dharma is law obligation, and duty. (Frey 148) If he didnt follow his Dharma he would have a bad rebirth or Karma. Karma is if you do good in one life you will be reborn in a better life then you had before.

For example, if you you followed all your duties as a slave you will be reborn into a job that is better then a slave. Then if you did bad in one life you will be reborn into a bad job. For example if you were a king a was mean to everyone, you will not be reborn as a king. ! Then if Heinz was a Buddhist, he would not

wouldnt be following the Four Noble Truths if he stole the medicine. One part of the Eightfold Path says to not steal. Heinz would be breaking part of the Eightfold Path and he wouldnt be a true Buddhist. ! Lastly is Heinz was a Confucianist he would

break in. He would break in because one of the relationships is husband to wife. If he didnt follow that relationship he wouldnt be a true Confucianist. He would also be ashamed if he didnt steal it. He would probably feel cursed. ! In conclusion Hindus, Buddhists, and Confu-

steal the life saving medicine for his wife because he would not be following the Eightfold Path or the Four Noble Truths. In the Four Noble Truths is states in Frey 159, Suffering is present in all things and nothing lasts forever. Then suffering is caused by cravings (desires and wants). Then the way to end suffering is to give up all cravings. The last one is The way to give up all cravings is to live life according to the Eightfold Path. Heinz
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cianist and other religions have many different opinions. They usually have different moral values too. It could be brotherhood, peace or any-

thing along the lines of that. Moral values tell what is right and what is wrong.

ion practices this because it gives a good look at life. It shows the citizens that there are more people in the world besides your city state. It also shows the people more structure designs. Rej con-

Belief System of Rarlj ! In an effort ot create a succesful civilization,

nects to the fth pillar of Islam called Hajj. Then Hajj you need to go to Mecca. That makes it different from Rej. The Five Pillars are faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and making a pilgrimage to Makkah (Page 93). This shows what the 5 pillars are in Islam. This moral value makes a successful civilization because it makes people believe in something else. ! The denition of Lecch is the holy day on

the people of Rarlj have established their own belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs and teachings with other world religions and helps the people of Rarlj live with strong moral values. Here are some examples: ! Rej is the pilgrimage to all religious structures

in the religion of Rarljism in their lifetime. They need to travel to the three religious structures. To nd these three religious you need to travel to the city state of Azaria, Juin, and Canarlj. Our relig24
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Wednesday in Rarljism. You think about what you did wrong and x them for the rest of the week. You sit in your house or the cathedral and

think about this. This is like the Sabbath Day in Judaism. Sabbath: the seventh day of the week to be used for rest and worship, according to one of the Ten Commandments (Page 107). Lecch will help my civilization because people will x their mistakes. ! The denition of Mor is to respect others and

civilization because then people will respect each other.

all things. Citizens on Rarljism will to this by respecting each other. If they dont respect who you are suppose to respect they would be punished. This is related to Confucianism because people who believed in Confucius respected their elders. According to Confucianism, there are ve major relationships: ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and friend. This will help my
Duncan, John Monday, March 10, 2014 11:13:31 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:e4:0f

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