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A Vision for a Stronger Safer Paterson

Dear Friend and Resident,

Paterson is truly at a crossroads. Today our once proud and prosperous City is a shadow of its former glory and our residents are struggling. Crime and taxes are high, good -paying stable jobs are scarce, economic development is stagnant, and community engagement is low. Our infrastructure is falling apart and poverty is crippling our Citys families and residents, especially our senior citizens and our children.

Never before have the stakes of one City election been so high, and never before have our challenges been so great. But I believe that we can meet those challenges head -on, and we can overcome them. We can break out of the shackles of poverty and despair, and build a City of renewed prosperity and hope. We can build a stronger and safer City that thrives on endless possibilities and limitless potential.

The real power to move us forward and build a better future for Paterson lies with you. On Election Day at the ballot box, you have the power to choose who want to lead our City and the responsibility to decide our direction. With your support, I will lead our City forward, and I believe our best days lie ahead.

Outlined in the pages that follow is my plan for Paterson if you choose me to lead us as Mayor. These are my ideas, goals, and initiatives that I will champion to spur our City forward. This is the course of progress that I will chart to build a brighter future for all of us.

This is my vision for a stronger, safer Paterson.

- Aslon
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A Proven Record of Leadership

About Aslon

Aslon Goow was born and raised in Paterson, the City he has devoted his entire life to serving and improving. His father passed away when he was just 10 years old, but he instilled in his son the values of hard work, honesty, integrity, standing up for whats right, and making a positive difference in the world. Aslon worked his way through school to help support his family, attended Paterson public schools, and was elected 2nd Ward Councilman in 2000.
Aslon has consistently advocated solutions to the problems that plague our City, and as Councilman, he led the 2nd Ward to a record period of sustained prosperity, safety, and cleanliness. During his tenure and under his leadership, the 2nd Ward became one of the safest areas of Paterson and one of the most desirable areas to live.

A proud father and grandfather, Aslon knows the challenges facing our families, because he faces them too. He knows the issues that are important to Paterson residents, because they are important to him too. Aslon is your neighbor, friend, advocate, and hard-working public servant. He will never forget who he is, where he came from, and for whom he is working - the people of Paterson.

The Goow Record

Aslons proven record of leadership and vision has positively impacted the City of Paterson. He is known for his strong dedication to building a better future for Paterson, which he will carry with him to City Hall as Mayor. Among the highlights of both his leadership and personality are: Aslon was first elected in 2000 as 2nd Ward Councilman, and has served as Council President, Chair of the Public Works Committee, Chair of the Law and Public Safety Committee, Chair of the Finance Committee, and has been a member of every Council committee during his tenure. Aslon is a Trustee of the Paterson Police Athletic League and a Commissioner on the Governors Highway Traffic Safety Police Advisory Council. Aslon knows that the most important issue is the safety of our families. As 2nd Ward Councilman he consistently led efforts to clean our streets, fight crime, and rid our neighborhoods of open drug markets and gangs.
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A Proven Record of Leadership

Aslon is a law-and-order official who has worked side-by-side and hand-in-hand, literally, with police, fire, and law enforcement officers. A State-licensed private investigator and special police officer in Haledon holding the rank of sergeant, he is known for his hands -on approach to public safety, and as result the 2nd Ward was the safest area of the City under his leadership. Aslon has fought against wasteful spending and has a proven record of fighting for the taxpayers. Known as a fiscal guardian, he voted against the 2011 property tax increase and as Council President he led the effort to recover $6 million in lost state Aid. Throughout his 12 years on the Council, Aslon has been vocal against reckless City budgets. Aslon is a champion for government accountability and responsibility. A true maverick, he shines a light on public corruption and holds officials accountable when they abuse the public trust and and tax dollars. As Council President, he was a leader in the fight to reverse the illegal overtime payments to the Jones administration, and exposed the $74,000 check of taxpayer money that former Mayor Torres took on his last day at City Hall. Aslon has made a visible effort to keep our streets clean. He instituted a new street cleaning program during his tenure on the City Council and has organized numerous neighborhood clean ups with residents and City students. Aslon knows that safe recreation is necessary to family life in a big City and that safe play areas are vital to our kids healthy development. He has made recreation and preserving open spaces a top priority. In 2011, he secured nearly $1.5 million for the renovation of Pennington Park in the 2nd Ward, currently in progress. Aslon is a 24/7 leader with a very strong personality and is deeply passionate about Paterson and its residents. He is one of the most accessible and visible leaders in Paterson, always a phone call away to help his constituents. Whenever an emergency struck in the 2nd Ward, Aslon was often the first person on the scene. He is responsive to community needs, and takes an active and hands-on approach to problem-solving and community-building. While many officials talk tough on crime, Aslon actually is tough on crime. One night outside of City Hall, he saw a woman being beaten by a man. Aslon stepped in, stopped the man, pinned him against the wall, and called the police to have him arrested. His actions quite possibly saved this womans life.

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A Proven Record of Leadership

Aslon has taken a strong stand against the violations of our civil liberties. In fact, his civil liberties were violated by the City and the previous Torres administration, after he engaged in a car chase to catch a criminal who had stolen his neighbors car in the middle of the night. During the investigatory process, the Torres administration trampled on Aslons civil liberties by disclosing personal records. Knowing that these violations occur all too often, his only recourse was to file a lawsuit to take a stand for all of our civil liberties and to send the message that a violation of one persons civil liberties is a violation of all civil liberties, and that is not acceptable. Aslon has always worked to protect our constitutional rights, and as Mayor, he will continue to protect every residents constitutional rights and civil liberties. The Bergen Record/Herald News has given Aslon a thumbs up for his efforts to improve the 2nd Ward by organizing neighborhood cleanups and getting an increased police presence to discourage drug dealing.

Referring to Aslons effective and successful approach to governing, Michael Greenberg, author of Restoring Americas Neighborhoods and an associate dean at Rutgers University, said, it takes a very strong personality with a very strong commitment.
Even though Aslon represented the 2nd Ward on the Council, Paterson residents from all areas of the City have called him for help and relied on him throughout the years because they know that he will listen to their concerns and help solve their issues. Aslon has a reputation for accountability, accessibility, and long-term vision. Responsive to community needs and desires, he is always available to anyone to address their concerns.

Aslon Goow has been fighting for Patersons interests for over 12 years, and has no plans to stop now. As Mayor, he will take on the tough issues we face in our City and implement his strong vision to build a brighter future for every Paterson resident. He is dedicated to creating real solutions to the issues and problems facing our families, our neighborhoods, and the City. He knows that if we stand together and work together, we can restore Paterson's future. Being Mayor of Paterson is a tough job, and a tough job needs a strong leader. That leader is Aslon Goow.

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Ending the Violence, Shootings, and Crime

The Conditions
The most critical issue in Paterson today is the violence, shootings, and crime that plagues our neighborhoods and families. Over the past several years, our City has experienced an explosion of violent crime, robberies, assaults, and shootings. In the beginning of 2014 alone, Paterson has already suffered a record number of shootings and murders. The problem is critical, it is the most pressing problem facing Paterson today, and it must be solved now. We deserve to live in a City free of violence.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will make Paterson a safer City by implementing many of the initiatives that he has fought for during his 12 years of public service, including: A Strong Hands-On Approach: As Mayor, Aslon will bring his signature hands-on approach to the Citys public safety that led him to turn the 2nd Ward into the safest area of Paterson. Aslon will be present on your street, he will be visible in your neighborhood, and he will be directly involved in every aspect of public safety management and fighting crime. Public Safety Funding: Many cities across the state has suffered from severe public safety aid cuts by the state, and as a result Paterson had to layoff a third of its police department. As Mayor, Aslon will aggressively fight for increased public safety aid and will lobby Trenton, and Washington DC, for grants and aid that can be utilized to curb the violence in the City. Expanding Our Police Force: As Mayor, Aslon will bring special police officers into the City public safety force to augment the work of the police department, who will address quality of life issues and will be deployed in our school zones, our parks, and our neighborhoods. These special police officers will be Paterson residents. Community Policing: As Mayor, Aslon will implement a real and effective community policing program and walking program for our police officers. Our officers need to interact with residents on an intimate level and understand the needs of a neighborhood and provide hands -on protection.
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Ending the Violence, Shootings, and Crime

Accountability: Accountability is one of the top internal problems within Patersons police ranks. As Mayor, Aslon will work to remove those officers who blatantly violate the public trust and will ensure that only responsible and effective officers are on the job. He will personally stay involved with the day-to-day management and operations of the police department to weed out corruption, mismanagement, and waste of resources and time. His Police Chief will be required to live in the City of Paterson.

Improving Emergency Response Time: As Mayor, Aslon will ensure that our Citys emergency response teams are responding to residents calls as quickly as possible, and will work to exceed the national and state averages for emergency response times.

Partnering with the County and State: As Mayor, Aslon will partner as closely as possible with the County Sheriffs Department and the State to bring in additional officers, grants, aid, and shared public safety services and programs that can help curb the violence and crime in Paterson. Engaging Patersons Youth: As Mayor, Aslon will be a strong role model for our children, work to keep them off the streets, support youth programs and mentoring, and engage them to make positive and productive contributions to their community.

Patersons top immediate concern is curbing the violence, shootings, and crime that cripples our City. Our families and residents deserve to live in a City free of violence. During his tenure as 2nd Ward Councilman for 12 years, Aslon Goow consistently advocated for strong public safety initiatives, and his experience, abilities, and plans are uniquely suited to bring an end to Patersons public safety issues. Aslon Goow will bring a strong hands-on approach to public safety and will be a visible presence on the street. He will bring back laid-off police officers, will hire special police officers, will implement a community policing-style walk program. He will have direct oversight of the police department and enforce strong measures of accountability in the department. Through these efforts, along with strong public safety partnerships at all levels of government as well as community engagement, Paterson can tackle crime head-on and begin a new era of safety and harmony for our residents and families.
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Restoring Fiscal Sanity + Stabilizing Your Property Taxes

The Conditions

Paterson residents pay an average of $8,000 a year in property taxes, an amount that has steadily increased over the last decade. In 2011 alone, our property taxes skyrocketed by 28% and the 2014 budget includes another increase. This is a burden on renters as well as homeowners: rent, on average over $1,000/month, is influenced by property taxes. Paterson residents simply cannot afford more tax increases. City Hall must end the fiscal recklessness of previous administrations, balance the budget, eradicate waste, create measures of fiscal accountability and efficiency, and stabilize our taxes.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will continue to be Patersons financial guardian and will implement many of the measures for which he has long been an advocate, including: End Skyrocketing Property Tax Rates: As Mayor, Aslon will never allow the property tax rate to skyrocket year after year like previous administrations. His top priority will be to stabilize property taxes to offer immediate relief and security to Paterson homeowners and renters. Balance the City Budget: As Mayor, Aslon will craft budgets that are fiscally sound, communityoriented, free of wasteful spending, and balanced. Paterson has been saddled with $78 million in debt from previous administrations, and the practice of egregious borrowing against the future will end in the Goow administration.

Forecasting for the Future: As Mayor, Aslon will create budgets that invest in Patersons future. Charting a long-term budgetary course for Paterson will help ensure that our budgets are not only fiscally responsible, but fiscally visionary as well.
Eliminating Waste, Fraud, and Corruption: As a Councilman, Aslon took the lead in exposing fraud and corruption and identified millions of dollars of wasteful spending. As Mayor, Aslon will continue to be the financial guardian of the taxpayer and will restore fiscal accountability in City Hall. Comprehensive Audits: As Mayor, Aslon will conduct comprehensive audits starting on July 1st, 2014 to eliminate the widespread misuse of taxpayer money in all City departments. These audits will occur regularly and will, in turn, help balance the budget on an annual basis.
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Eliminating Mid-Year Tax Increases: As Mayor, Aslon will end mid-year property tax increases. Year after year, taxpayers have been hit with increases between January and June, a result caused by poor budget preparation, planning, and forecasting. As Mayor, Aslon will accelerate the budget process and use conservative state aid figures to prepare the budget early in the fiscal year so taxpayers will no longer be devastated with mid-year property tax increases. Broadening Patersons Tax Base: As Mayor, Aslon will pursue a strong economic renewal plan to broaden the tax base of Paterson. Future economic planning will benefit Paterson residents, not just outside interests. As more businesses come to Paterson, the tax burden on Paterson residents will lessen and the City will have a larger pool of revenue sources from which to draw. Sharing Services: As Mayor, Aslon will partner with other towns and entities such as the Sheriffs Office and School District to share services and resources to benefit Paterson. Reducing Our Reliance on State Transitional Aid: Paterson has become reliant on state aid and often is at the mercy of the strings and conditions attached by the state, even if it harms the City. The state is then reluctant to provide other aid and grants that would benefit our City. As Mayor, Aslon will work to reduce our reliance on aid to balance the budget over the long-term, and will pursue a strong partnership with the state to move Paterson towards a truly fiscally sound future. As Paterson proves its ability to be fiscally responsible, the state will be more willing to productively work with us and help us build our City, rather than simply bail us out.

Paterson taxpayers cannot afford the upward trajectory of property taxes, and do not deserve to live in a City that is fiscally reckless and wasteful when it comes to their tax dollars. Paterson must embark on a journey of fiscal rehabilitation and responsibility to ensure that our City can not only survive in the future, but thrive in the future. As Mayor, Aslon will continue to be the outspoken financial guardian he has always been and will be an accountable steward of the Citys fiscal future. He will end the skyrocketing property tax rate increases, will balance the City budget, and he will pursue real plans for economic growth that benefits all Paterson residents. He will move Paterson away from the fiscal insanity of previous administrations that has crippled our growth and left our City in debt and in despair, and will chart a responsible and long-term vision for Patersons future.
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Jobs, Small Business,


+ Economic Renewal for Our Neighborhoods

The Conditions
At one time, Paterson was an industrial capital of the world, a mecca for business, enterprise, and jobs. Paterson was a leader in the organized labor movement, stable and well -paying jobs were plentiful, and our local economy thrived. Today, Paterson residents struggle to find decent jobs with decent wages. Our unemployment rate was near 15% in 2013, one of the highest in the state. Economic development is at an all-time low, crime is at an all-time high, and Paterson is a shadow of its former glory. Paterson must take the future of its local economy into its own hands, must encourage innovation, and must be the primary source of its own growth. We must take a visionary approach to revitalize our ailing City and ensure that future economic planning starts from the ground up and benefits all Paterson residents.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will bring a visionary approach to community revitalization and will implement a multitude of innovative initiatives and ideas to bring jobs to Paterson residents, to assist small business owners and employees, and to rebuild our local economy, including: Restoring Fiscal Sanity and Accountability: As Mayor, Aslon will bring City finances under control, will balance the budget, and will restore fiscal sanity and bring accountability back to City Hall. This is a critical step on the road to local economic recovery. Reducing Crime and Increasing Public Safety: As Mayor, Aslon will reduce crime and bring increased public safety to the City through the hiring of special police officers, community policing, and a number of other measures. Ensuring that our City is safe is paramount for economic growth and is another critical step on the road to local economic recovery in order to attract investment and redevelopment. Federal and State Investment: As Mayor, Aslon will also pursue strong partnerships with the federal and state governments in the form of grants and aid for the purpose of investing in our economic future, instead of bailing us out from reckless decisions by previous administrations.

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Jobs, Small Business,


+ Economic Renewal for Our Neighborhoods

Working Towards Full Employment for Paterson Residents: As Mayor, Alson will work to bring high-quality, high-wage jobs to Paterson so that our residents can have employment and income security. He will engage businesses in rebuilding and retooling our abandoned factories and warehouses for both new and resurgent industries - from manufacturing and production to technology and communications. This will require a skilled workforce, which Paterson can provide. Strong Job Training and Skill Development: Patersons future economic success depends on our most precious resource - the residents and the individuals who comprise our workforce. As Mayor, Aslon will place a great emphasis on strong job training programs and skill-specific development programs to help Paterson residents be competitive, not only in our local economy but in the global economy as well. He will also work to bring a vocational and trade school back to Paterson as part of his job training and skill development initiative City-Sponsored Job Fairs: As Mayor, Aslon will hold regular City Hall-sponsored job fairs to connect Paterson job-seekers and with Paterson businesses and City departments with job openings. Live in Paterson, Work in Paterson: Aslon will implement a Live in Paterson, Work in Paterson policy for future City job openings, which will give many qualified Paterson residents the opportunity for stable employment working for the betterment of their community. Utilizing Existing Resources: As Mayor, Aslon will utilize Patersons existing resources and economic infrastructure to bolster our local economic expansion, such as working to revitalize the Passaic River and business corridors such as McLean Boulevard. He will also partner with existing large job-creators such as Passaic County Community College and St. Josephs Hospital to maximize the economic benefits they bring to our City. Investing in Patersons Success Micro-Loan Fund: As Mayor, Aslon will start an Investing in Patersons Success micro-loan program for qualified Paterson residents who are starting a small business in our City, or who own a small business that employs City residents and are planning to expand, and will bring an economic benefit to Paterson. Funded initially by City economic development funds, state and federal grants, as well as donations, the IPS fund would provide low interest loans to be repaid as the business thrives. The repaid principle and interest will then be re-invested into the IPS fund - thus becoming a self-sufficient program that will bring economic growth to Patersons small business owners, Paterson residents, and the City.
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Jobs, Small Business, + Economic Renewal for Our Neighborhoods

Making Paterson a Promise Zone: As mayor, Aslon will advocate for Paterson to be named among President Obamas Promise Zone communities. Promise Zone communities are designated by the President and receive assistance to revitalize the local economy, fight crime, and build for the future. This would be of great benefit to Patersons future economic success as the Goow administration works to implement the Mayors vision and economic plans. Promoting Patersons History to Build Our Future: Paterson has a rich and diverse history that can be promoted to the Citys full advantage. A birthplace of industry and organized labor, the Silk City can truly be a destination for tourism, especially given its proximity to New York City. As Mayor, Aslon will market Paterson to attract visitors to come to our City, and take part in our culture and attractions. This can boost our local economy through tourism activity, such as dining in local establishments, shopping in City stores, and garnering a good public perception of Paterson. In turn, Paterson can channel that perception towards attracting new investment. Downtown, South Paterson, and Business Corridor Revitalization: Patersons downtown and South Paterson are our Citys main small business corridors and local economic centers, as well are areas such as McLean Boulevard/Route 20. These areas need the full support and cooperation of City Hall to take advantage of every opportunity for growth. Main Street can attract out of town customers and clients, especially on Sunday, when neighboring Bergen County stores are closed. As Mayor, Aslon will work directly with the small business owners of these areas and remain attentive to their specific needs, such as parking, lighting, and police presence. Neighborhood Renewal and Revitalization: Neighborhoods that have long been neglected and are in need of revitalization will not be forgotten in the Goow administration. As Mayor, Aslon will work for economic expansion that directly benefits the residents of these neighborhoods, not just outside interests or developers. He will start from the ground-up to ensure that no Paterson residents are left behind, all voices are heard, and that all new development benefits the community. Redeveloping and Building Up: The lack of open space in Paterson means that further new development is limited. Many buildings that are dilapidated, dangerous, and presently in unusable condition but can be re-developed. As Mayor, Aslon will work to re-develop these structures for purposes that will benefit Paterson, such as community centers, businesses, affordable housing, or mixed-use buildings. He will partner with each community to ensure that the neighborhoods needs and desires are realized.
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Jobs, Small Business, + Economic Renewal for Our Neighborhoods


Affordable Housing: As Mayor, Aslon will work to create affordable housing opportunities for our families, our seniors, and veterans within the City of Paterson that are safe, structurally sound, and livable. He will stabilize property taxes, will enforce building and construction codes, and work to ensure that no resident lives in an unsafe environment. Foreclosed and Abandoned Properties: Paterson is experiencing an exponential rise in the number of foreclosed, abandoned, and boarded-up properties Not only is this aesthetically depressing, it is harmful to our local economy as it drags down the property values of surrounding structures. As Mayor, Aslon will identify these vacant and boarded-up properties throughout the City and will work to find new uses for them - as community centers, affordable housing units, or new job-creating businesses. He will partner with non-profits, businesses, and residents to refit these buildings in ways that will benefit the surrounding neighborhood.

Paterson must be the engine of its own growth, and our City must take innovative steps to rebuild our local economy. As Mayor, Aslon will work to bring high-wage and high-security employment opportunities to Paterson, and will work to bring more job-training and skill development programs to Paterson. He will create new opportunities for industry, both old and new, to come to Paterson, as they once did before, and will partner with existing job-creators already in Paterson to maximize the economic benefits for the City. He will create a micro-loan fund for Paterson small businesses to grow, expand, hire more City residents, and thrive. As Mayor, Aslon will expand the possibilities for our Citys downtown center and business corridors to flourish, and he will revitalize neighborhoods in need of economic planning. Redevelopment will occur in our most blighted areas, and abandoned properties will be utilized to the maximum economic benefit for the surrounding community and the City. He will market Patersons rich history and cultural strength and diversity to entice tourists, and investors, to set foot in our City, explore our neighborhoods, shop in our stores, dine in our restaurants, and help fuel our economic growth. Under the economic vision and stewardship of Mayor Goow, Patersons economy, and residents, can truly flourish and thrive once again.


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Live in Paterson,


Work in Paterson

The Conditions
At a time when the City unemployment rate is among the highest in the state, averaging nearly 15% last year, our residents are in need of stable employment opportunities. Additionally, we need to bring a sense of community and accountability back to City Hall. This starts at the top, with the Mayor and Council, but goes all the way down to city employees in different departments. The City must also strive to keep its tax dollars here in Paterson families pockets and in our local economy.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will implement a Live in Paterson, Work in Paterson policy for future City job openings: Jobs for Paterson Residents: There is no shortage of Paterson residents who are qualified to work in the various City departments as future positions become available, and no shortage of Paterson residents who are in need of stable well-paying employment. Keeping Our Tax Dollars in Paterson: It does not make sense to hire City workers who draw a salary from Paterson taxpayers, yet do not live in our City. As Mayor, Aslon will keep our tax dollars in the pockets of Paterson families, who will in turn give business to Paterson stores. This will help spur and grow our local economy. Sense of Community: This policy will instill security, community, and accountability. Our future City employees will be a part of the community they are working for, and will have a personal vested interest in Patersons success. Our future City employees will truly be working in the best interests of themselves and their neighbors.

This policy will provide future employment opportunities for Paterson residents, who will be able to utilize their skills in the service of their neighbors. This will keep our tax dollars here in the pockets of Paterson families, will increase our sense of community, and at the same time spur our local economy and increase our sense of community and accountability.

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Education + Our Children

The Conditions


Our children are Patersons greatest asset, and Patersons future. Right now, they suffer from some of the same troubles that plague every other resident - crime, violence, poverty, and lack of security and safety. But Patersons youth also have special needs in order to thrive, needs that are clearly not being met by City Hall. They need strong role models and afterschool programs, safe schools, streets, and parks, and engagement in being part of Patersons renewal. Most of all, our youth need a real seat at the table.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will implement many initiatives to empower and engage Patersons youth: Strong Partnership and Dialogue with the School Board: As Mayor, Aslon will strongly partner with the School Board so that our schools and students have the full power of Paterson behind them. Currently, there is a lack of productive dialogue between the School Board and City Hall. Aslon will work with the Board to ensure that the City is doing everything it can to assist our youth and schools, including fighting for adequate school buildings, improved student performance, education funding, and local control of our school district. Parents and Educators Advisory Board: As Mayor, Aslon will form an advisory board in partnership with the School Board composed of parents and educators in Paterson so that they will have a direct voice and dialogue with City Hall in advocating for the needs and desires of parents, as well as engaging and empowering Paterson parents with increased involvement in the education of their children. Student and Youth Advisory Board: Our students and youth need a real seat at the table in order to be truly engaged in the future of our City. As Mayor, Aslon will form an advisory board made up of students and youth from different schools, age groups, and neighborhoods to have a direct voice in advocating for their own needs, as well as working with City officials to empower their peers. Student Government Day: As Mayor, Aslon will start a student government day, where students can shadow City Hall officials and participate in a simulated day in the life of City Hall, including a televised Council meeting. This will allow students the opportunity to experience public service firsthand.
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Education + Our Children


City Hall Internship Program: As Mayor, Aslon will start a City Hall internship program for selected qualified high school students in Paterson. This will give our youth an in-depth experience to see firsthand how public service and government works, a chance to apply their skills towards the betterment of their community, and an opportunity to enhance their resumes and college applications. A Strong Role Model: Too often, our elected officials fail to hold themselves to the high standards that the residents expect. As Mayor, Aslon will be a positive role model for Patersons youth. Our children will be able to look up to a Mayor who is accountable, responsible, strong, and engaged directly with them. Safety in School Zones: The safety of school zones will be a top public safety priority for the Goow administration. As Mayor, Aslon will ensure that our school zones are strictly policed before, during, and after school so that our children will be safe. Recreation and Parks: Safe recreation areas and parks are paramount to healthy living and activities for our kids. As Mayor, Aslon will work to enhance our parks and playgrounds, keep them patrolled by police, and will secure grants to beautify Patersons open spaces. Afterschool and Public Service Programs: As Mayor, Aslon will partner with schools, youth groups, and social organizations to build and strengthen positive programs for our children to take part in the betterment of themselves and their City, such as neighborhood clean-up events, financial literacy seminars, college prep events, and sponsoring big brother and sister mentoring programs. Child Poverty and Hunger: As Mayor, Aslon will take steps to reduce the chronic state of poverty in Paterson, which affects nearly 60% of our kids. Malnutrition and lack of healthy eating is a major problem for our students as well. Students cant have full minds if they have empty stomachs. Aslon will work with the School Board, school employees, and school vendors to ensure that our students are receiving adequate and nutritious meals before, during, and after school.

Our children need safe schools and safe parks, strong role models, and positive engagement to keep them well-rounded and productive. As Mayor, Aslon will engage our Citys youth in numerous ways, he will always fight for their interests, and he will give them a real voice in City Hall. Patersons youth deserve nothing less than our full commitment to them and the best resources we can provide for them.

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Fighting Poverty on


the Local Level

The Conditions
In Paterson today, 53.3% of our residents live in a state of poverty, many of them children and senior citizens. Our families struggle to pay their mortgages and rent, to put food on the table for their families, and to earn a decent wage. Local problems often require local solutions, and the City of Paterson must begin to seriously address, and work to alleviate, the chronic state of poverty that has a stranglehold on many of our families.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will implement initiatives to combat poverty head-on in the City of Paterson: 50% Poverty Reduction Goal: Aslon will set an ambitious goal of cutting the Paterson poverty rate by 50% over the first term of his administration. Anti-Poverty Task Force: Aslon will form a special panel of community leaders, social groups, experts, and Paterson residents to track progress, solicit community feedback, raise awareness, and develop and craft community-oriented solutions. Anti-Poverty Advocates Office: Aslon will create a designated office in City Hall for an administration point-person tasked with advocating for our residents, guiding them towards solutions and assistance, and coordinating and implementing the Citys anti-poverty efforts. Poverty Impact Statements: For key City decisions and issues, such as budgetary, tax, and economic development, City Hall will create Poverty Impact Statements in order to understand and remain aware of the effects that these decisions will have on our Citys most vulnerable residents, and guide City Hall in averting any further negative impact on those already struggling. Public-Private Partnerships: Strong partnerships with the many social organizations in our City, County, and State are vital to combatting poverty. Fostering a dialogue with and providing support to these groups will create a strong network of entities working together towards our goal. Funding, Grants, and Aid: Aslon will pursue funding for impoverished cities at the federal and state levels in order to support and grow our Citys anti-poverty efforts, including funding for low income housing, economic development for our most neglected neighborhoods, senior citizens, education, and will advocate for Paterson to be among President Obamas Promise Zones in the future.
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Fighting Poverty on


the Local Level

Future Development: Aslon will work to bring economic development and stable jobs to all areas of Paterson, including our most neglected and blighted neighborhoods. Future economic development will benefit all Paterson residents, not just outside interests. Live in Paterson, Work in Paterson: Aslon will institute a Live in Paterson, Work in Paterson program for future City job openings, which will give many qualified Paterson residents the opportunity for stable employment working for the betterment of their community. Support for the Homeless: The homeless population in Paterson is among the highest in the entire state. As Mayor, Aslon will partner with the Citys privately-run shelters to ensure that there are no shortages of space for our homeless families to stay at night, and will work with them to secure affordable housing and employment so that they too can take part in Patersons future. Eliminating Food Deserts: Paterson still has many areas where food deserts are prevalent - areas where reliable access to healthy and fresh food is limited. Aslon will work to eliminate food deserts in Paterson, and will partner with area stores and food suppliers to create mobile food markets to bring a healthy, fresh, and accessible food supply to neighborhoods in need. Affordable Health Coverage: The implementation of President Obamas signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act, provides Paterson residents with the opportunity to obtain varying degrees of health coverage. City Hall will partner with the state and federal governments to raise the publics awareness and ensure that all Paterson residents take part in obtaining health coverage.

In 1968, shortly before his assassination, Dr. Martin Luther King had begun to plan a crusade against poverty in America. Four years earlier, in 1964, President Johnson had begun to enact legislation that would be part of his War on Poverty. Today, Paterson suffers from a chronic state of poverty, an endless cycle that fuels many of our Citys troubles and is the root of many of our problems - crime, violence, lack of economic development. Without addressing this root cause, we will never truly be able to lift Paterson up. Local problems often require local solutions. As Mayor, Aslon will start a serious dialogue in Paterson about poverty and its root causes, and will begin to seriously implement local solutions and initiatives that address and alleviate the chronic problem of poverty in the City of Paterson. The crusade against poverty begun by President Johnson and Dr. King nearly 50 years ago must continue, and we must aggressively wage a war against poverty in Paterson.

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Infrastructure + Road Improvement

The Conditions


Patersons infrastructure is aging and outdated, and sorely in need of maintenance, upgrades, and renewal. Over the past few years, Paterson has experienced Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, heavy snowstorms, and other events which have badly damaged our power lines, roads, sewer lines, and other infrastructure elements. Our roads are dangerous and in disrepair - some of them so full of potholes and badly damaged that they are virtually un-drivable. This drags down our property values, limits mobility, damages our cars, and negatively impacts our prospects for development. Paterson also needs to address its communications infrastructure, specifically with public communications and Internet access. Paterson must catch up to comparable cities with technology, infrastructure, and telecommunications.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will begin the process of renewing Patersons infrastructure, including: Conducting a Full-Scale Traffic Study: As Mayor, Aslon will conduct a full-scale traffic study of City streets to identify and alleviate troublesome traffic conditions on our Citys most congested streets. This traffic study will also guide City planning for optimal future infrastructure development, including streets, parking, lighting, sidewalks, underground/aboveground wiring, sewers, and utilities. Snow Removal and Emergency Readiness: Paterson has experienced several devastating natural disasters in recent years, including Hurricanes Irene and Sandy, tropical storms, and noreasters such as the recent one in February 2014 - during which a record amount of snow buried Paterson, with little done by the City. As Mayor, Aslon will ensure that City Hall efficiently removes snow and debris immediately after storms, and that all City departments and employees are responsibly prepared and equipped to deal with these natural disasters when anticipated. City Website and Public Information: As Mayor, Aslon will upgrade and revamp the City website so that it is user-friendly and contains the most accurate and transparent information available. He will also explore all avenues to keep Paterson residents informed and up-to-date, through textbased services, regular City emails and e-newsletters, social media, and will take advantage of any new communications technologies that enhance our Citys ability to quickly and accurately transmit important information to residents.

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Infrastructure + Road Improvement


Road Renewal Program: Many of Patersons roads are in disrepair, full of potholes and broken pavement, and dangerous. The poor state of our roads drag down our property values, cause damage to our vehicles, harm our prospects for economic development and investment, and can cause pedestrian injuries. As Mayor, Aslon will start a Road Renewal Program to repair, repave, and renew our Citys streets, to augment current City road maintenance and construction, with the goal of fixing all of our Citys most dangerous streets. He will aggressively pursue county, state, and federal grants and aid so that this program can be implemented with no extra burden on the taxpayer. High-Speed Internet Access for Paterson: Access to high-speed internet is a necessary and valuable tool for Paterson residents, workers, and students. As Mayor, Aslon will work to bring free high-speed internet and WIFI-hotspots to all publicly-owned City buildings, including City Hall, firehouses, police stations, libraries, and youth and community centers. Building an Infrastructure for the Future: Many cities are beginning to build and move their infrastructures underground, including fiber-optic, electrical, and telecommunications wiring. This future infrastructure planning would benefit Paterson, which has experienced major aboveground damage during recent natural weather events. As Mayor, Aslon will explore options to move our vulnerable infrastructure components underground to help ensure uninterrupted power and communications services. Aslon will partner with utilities, industries, and the appropriate state and federal agencies to begin to plan for this increasingly prevalent, necessary, and beneficial bridge to 21st century planning and infrastructure. Creating a Flooding Control System: As Mayor, Aslon will lobby the county, state, and federal governments and the Army Corp of Engineers to address the chronic flooding of the Passaic River and its tributaries in Paterson, which in recent years has caused mass displacement during storms, and will push for renewed focus on the Passaic River Flood Tunnel engineering project.

Patersons infrastructure is in need of renewal, upgrading, and in some areas, a complete overhaul. As Mayor, Aslon will address our infrastructure needs. He will repave and repair all of our roads, will enhance our telecommunications technologies, will address chronic flooding issues, and will map out a complete plan for Patersons infrastructure future so that our City can emerge as a Northern New Jersey metropolis, and eventually Paterson can even become a model for others to follow.

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Community Engagement

+ Inclusion of All

The Conditions
There is currently a major deficit of trust between City Hall and the people of Paterson. Accountability, transparency, and visibility are at an all-time low, and city government has failed to truly engage the very people it is supposed to serve. The disconnect between City Hall and Paterson residents has created a situation where both progress and possibility are stalled. Paterson deserves a Mayor and City Hall administration who are engaged, open, and accessible anytime for the public. As Mayor, Aslon will change the culture of City Hall to make this a reality, and he will lead by example and create an atmosphere of openness and true transparency.

Goows Plan
As Mayor, Aslon will be an active Mayor with a hands-on approach to governing, and will take the following steps in running City Hall: A Visible Presence: As Mayor, Aslon wont hide behind a desk in the Mayors office. He will be a visible presence on your street, in your neighborhood, and in the community. He will foster strong bonds with each and every community in Paterson through dialogue and events. Accessibility: As Mayor, Aslon will continue to be accessible to all residents, as he was when he was 2nd Ward Councilman. Many residents have Aslons personal cell phone number to reach out to him during emergencies and when they need assistance, and this will not change when he is Mayor - his cell phone number is (973) 296-9511, and he is always available and willing to assist Paterson residents directly. Monthly Town Hall Meetings with the Mayor: As Mayor, Aslon will hold monthly town hall meetings in different neighborhoods in the City to address public concerns and foster dialogue and trust with residents of the community. This will also provide valuable feedback for City officials. Televised Meetings with the Mayor: In addition to the Council meetings, Aslon will hold regular televised meetings for the community to directly address the Mayor and department heads. Resident Advisory Panel: As Mayor, Aslon will form a Resident Advisory Panel made up of City residents to directly advise and inform City Hall on community needs and wishes. This will give Paterson residents a direct voice in City government and City affairs. This will be an invaluable tool for the Mayor for decision-making and considering the impact on City residents, as well as providing additional feedback and input on the direction of the City.
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Community Engagement

+ Inclusion of All

Open-Door Policy: As Mayor, Aslon will institute an open-door policy at City Hall in the Mayors office and department offices, so that Paterson residents can freely and directly discuss their individual concerns and issues. In addition to maintaining an active presence outside of City Hall, he will also hold regular office hours throughout the week when any Paterson resident can come by and discuss matters directly with Aslon himself. City Website and Public Information: As Mayor, Aslon will upgrade the City website so that it is user-friendly and contains the most accurate and transparent information available for the public. He will also explore all avenues to keep Paterson residents informed and up -to-date, through text -based services, regular City emails and e-newsletters, social media. He will take advantage of any new communications technologies that enhance our Citys ability to engage directly with its residents, and will make all electronic and public documents available in multiple languages. Furthermore, all televised meetings will also be streamed live on social media and the City website and stored so that they are available for public viewing at any time.

Creating a Press Room in City Hall: As part of City Halls process of engagement and transparency, Aslon will create a press room in City Hall to hold regular news conferences and briefings by the Mayor and City officials regarding important events, initiatives, and announcements. These briefings will be open to the public, in addition to the press, and televised as well, and would be used to supplement announcements and press conferences that take place outside of City Hall, in order to provide a consistent and up-to-date stream of public information.
Qualified and Accessible Staff and Departments: As Mayor, Aslon will lead by example with accessibility and visibility, but he will require the same of all department heads and will only appoint qualified, dedicated, and compassionate people to positions in City Hall. His department heads will live in the City and his administration will reflect the diversity of Paterson.

Aslon will be an active presence on the street and in the neighborhoods. He will embrace Patersons diversity, and his administration will be truly engaged with the community through every available mode of communication and transparency. Residents will have direct access to their Mayor and City officials, and residents will have a direct voice in the direction of the City. The Goow administration will restore trust between the government and the citizens and will be the most accessible, visible, active, and transparent in Patersons history.

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Stay Connected with our Campaign


Aslon Goow for Mayor of Paterson (973) 296-9511


Aslon Goow for Mayor

330 Chamberlain Ave, Paterson, NJ 07502


AG PVO 3/5/2014


I hope you will support me and my vision for Paterson. I will lead our City forward, and we will be safe r and stronger. You are the reason why I am running for Mayor. Together, we w ill buil d a b r i g h t e r fu t u r e fo r Pa t e r son.

- Aslon oow


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