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Management:What and Why:Mother in Adversities!?:Written by me : Useful for Future Corporate leaders and MBA aspirants.

April 25, 2013 at 9:52pm

In this result-oriented world, an ardent zeal for survival should be the key motto of ones life. So, everyone needs to learn management for survival. Everyone should learn management: Lord Krishna, Founder of Management and the Godfather of this art, said, It is an intangible asset and is your mother in adversities and keeps you balanced, unflinching and maintains your stability in short term as well as long term effectively on sustained basis. We cant think ourselves living without our mother, i.e. management education. Peter Drucker, the father of marketing management, said, once you learn this subject, you will be a stoic, rational and you will not consider a person as interruption of work but will always consider him as purpose of it.

It was in the past; it exists today and will last forever. Its importance will go on increasingbecause world will go on becoming complex forever. The only thing constant about people and world is change and role of management is to bring/maintain/sustain effective changes hence the more the world becomes complex the more is the role of management. moreover resources are getting scarce every second hence scope and role of management will go on increasing for ever as beauty of management is giving more output from less and limited inputs. Thus, you ought to learn management and a good beginning is half of the job completed.

Gone are the days when resources used to be in plenty, resources are getting scarce every second hence,Resource constraint is universal and eternal. Role of management is to guide a student of this subject to reach optimization of resources. This optimization can be made on the basis of optimum resource utilization (short term as well as long term) effectively on sustained basis. Gone are the days when resources were in plenty. Today it is very difficult to reach maximum but you can reach optimum.Moreover to reach maximum isn't desirable and it always involves a cost. Hence management is optimum resource utilization.

No activity in this world can start without management. After every activity, management is there. Between any two activities of the world, management is there. If it isn't sothat activity cant exist. Thus, to learn management, isnt the fantasy, but is a basic need and you cant

achieve your fantasies unless you have attained optimum need level, i.e. management education. What lord Mahadeva did in extraction of samudra manthan process, what Mahatma Gandhi did for our country, what lord Krishna taught in Geeta, what M.S. Swaminathan did for green revolution of our country, what Homi Jehangir Bhabha did for nuclear program of our country, can be good examples of management. In a way management converts efficiency to effectiveness as it gives direction to our efficiency and in most simple words it converts our hard work into smart work. Thus, apart from your core competency in any field (MBBS, ENGG., BSc etc.) you should also learn Management and thisl earning process is life long, gradual and never ending.

Management can be compared with Newtons first law of motion, catalyst, Lord Mahadeva role in samudra manthan process, housewife role at home, a farmer to take decisions, a scientist to work better in a group, a politician to understand the concept of goodwill and so on. Thus it is omnipotent as well as omnipresent that whatever is your career, management is there directly or indirectly only the extent being different.

Its very difficult to define management as it is a universal social process, which is art science as well as practice, which bring/maintain/sustain effective changes. In a way management is a revolution which brings +maintains +sustain effective changes. Gone are the days when management used to be getting things done by people now management is designing work in such a manner that it not only develops work but also people. Management is time + premise + goal bound having bond for its existing units. Everything should be on time, an area is decided where it is applied, a goal is decided on which we work upon and we create a win-win situation between work and who works.

Management can be learnt by anyone, anywhere and at anytime. Management is an art, science as well as practice. You should not restrict yourself by thinking that you are from science, arts, commerce or any other field. The most important quality that is required to learn this subject is that you should always be learning in nature. When you are learning in nature it does not matter whether you are 10 years old or an aged person of 70 years.

Management shouldn't be considered as a desired education but it should be a compulsory education. For e.g., if you have five scientists who are very qualified but they dont understand the importance of group dynamism how can they achieve goal working in group. It is said, An engineer from India is much qualified but engineers of Japan working in group give more results than engineers from India, because we dont understand the importance of practice, theory and concepts of management. Today, the world is too complex and decision making about a dark future is a very difficult task and near to gambling.

Management should be introduced in schools. Management should be made a compulsory subject in schools because during this period, the students have to decide about their future and finalize what they want to become in life. Now even if they know elementary management they can decide about their goals by SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunities and threat). Most of the youth are goalless and arent able to decide their aims (short term and long term). Even if they decide they do it on the basis of environment without taking into consideration, their strengths, their weaknesses, the opportunities available to them and the impending threats.

There were great managers in the history of mankind, who never went through formal education of management. To name a few of them, Lord Krishna, Dhirubhai AmbaniThe list is never ending. Then what is the need of formal education of management. It is well said that management can be learnt by past experience but whatever was past experience of yesterday is theory today. Whatever is an experience today will be a theory tomorrow. Thus, we should always learn from the past experiences of the great people of management history (which are the theories of today) because that puts us in a better position for rationalizing our experience today. And, you never know that your todays experience might be tomorrows theory of management education

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