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Bless, Father.
We have received from the Church of God, that upon this day we owe yearly thanksgiving to God along with an exposition of the dogmas of piety and the overturning of the impieties of evil. Following therefore the sayings of the prophets, honoring the exhortations of the apostles, and being instructed by the histories of the Gospels, we celebrate this day of consecration. For Esaias says !"e consecrated to God, ye islands,! intimating the churches from the nations. #he churches being not simply the edifices and the embellishments of the temples, but rather the congregation of the pious, therein and those who there serve the $ivinity with hymns and doxologies. #he %postle advises the same thing, exhorting us, !to walk in newness of life! and that the !new creation in Christ! be renewed. &o too, the oracles of the 'ord prophesied our condition. !#he consecration,! they say, !was in (erusalem, and it was winter!) that is, either a spiritual winter because of the storms of bloody murder and tumult which the nation of the (ews raised against our common &aviour, or that winter which troubles the bodily senses by making the air colder. For indeed, there came upon us a winter, not an ordinary one, but one of truly great evil, brimming over with harshness) but there blossomed forth the first season, the spring of God*s grace, in which we have come together to give thanks for the harvest of good things, or as we would say from the psalms, !&ummer and spring hast #hou fashioned, be mindful of this #hy creation,! For verily, those enemies who reproached the 'ord and utterly dishonored +is holy worship in the holy icons, were both arrogant and high,minded in impieties, and were cast down by the God of marvels, and +e leveled to the ground their insolent apostasy. -or did +e overlook the voice of those crying to +im !.emember, / 'ord, the reproach of #hy servant which 0 have endured in my bosom from many nations) wherewith #hine enemies have reproached, / 'ord, wherewith they have reproached the recompense of #hy Christ.! #he recompense of Christ is those who have been purchased by +is death and who have believed in +im, both by the preaching of the word and by the representation in icons, whereby the redeemed know the great work of +is economy both the Cross and all +is sufferings and miracles both before the Cross and after it) from which the imitation of +is sufferings passes over unto the apostles and thence to the martyrs, and descending from them to the confessors and ascetics. #his reproach wherewith the enemies of the 'ord reproached, wherewith they reproached the recompense of +is Christ, was remembered by God, Who was besought by +is own compassion, and Who yielded to the prayers of +is 1other, and moreover +is apostles and all +is saints who, with +im, were rendered of no account by the insolent defamation of the holy icons, so that even as the saints suffered in the flesh, so might they, as it were, suffer with +im the insults directed against the holy icons God then wrought later that which had been counseled today, and +e subse2uently brought about that which +e had previously performed) previously, because after many years during which the holy icons were spurned and dishonored, +e re,established true piety. "ut now, for a second time, after a short thirty years of harassment, +e has delivered us unworthy ones from adversity, redeeming us from those who afflicted us, and establishing the free proclamation of piety, the steadfastness of the worship of icons, and this Festival which brings all of us salvation. For in the icons we see the sufferings of our 1aster for us , the Cross, the grave, +ades slain and pillaged , the contests of the martyrs, the crowns, that very salvation which our First 3ri4e,giver and Contest,master and Crown,bearer wrought in the midst of the earth. #his festival we celebrate today) we re5oice together and are glad with prayers and supplicatory processions, and we cry out with psalms and hymns Without 678 What God is as great as our God9 #hou art our God, who alone worketh wonders. Without For #hou didst put to scorn those who slighted #hy Glory, and didst show forth as cowards and fugitives those who were audacious and impudent against the icons. "ut thanksgiving unto God and the 1aster*s trophy of victory against the adversaries is proper here) as for the contests and struggles against the iconoclasts, another discourse written more fully will declare them. #herefore, as a kind of rest after the desert so5ourn, on the 5ourney to reach the noetic (erusalem, and not only in imitation of 1oses, but also in obedience to the $ivine Command, we considered it right as well as obligatory to inscribe on the hearts of our brethren, as on a pillar constructed of large fitted stones smoothed for the reception of inscriptions, both the blessings which are due to those who keep the law, and also the curses under which transgressors put themselves. Wherefore we say thus Without #o those who confess with word, mouth, heart, and mind, and with both writing and icons the incarnate advent of God the Word, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who acknowledge in Christ one +ypostasis, with different essences, and attribute to the one +ypostasis both the created and uncreated, the visible and invisible, the passible and impassible, the circumscribable and uncircumscribable) and then who apply on the one hand, to the $ivine essence uncreatedness and the like, and, on the other hand, acknowledge with word and icons that the human nature has the other attributes accompanying circumscription, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who believe and preach, that is proclaim, doctrines by means of writings and deeds by means of forms, and link them in a single proclamation, whereby the truth is affirmed in word and icon, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who with words sanctify their lips, and their hearers by means of those words, and who both know and preach that the eyes of the beholders are similarly sanctified through icons, the mind is lifted to God,knowledge, as well as by the divine temples also, the sacred vessels, and the other precious ornaments, Eternal 1emory 678

#o those who understand that the rod and the tablets, the ark and the lampstand, and the table and the censer, from aforetime depicted and prefigured the %ll,+oly :irgin 1ary, the #heotokos, and that these things prefigured her and not that she became these things) for she was born a maiden and remained a virgin after giving birth to God, and that for this reason she is represented as a maiden in the icons rather than obscurely depicted by types, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who know and accept and believe concerning those things which the choir of the prophets saw, and narrated, that the $ivinity +imself formed and imprinted these prophetic visions, and to those who hold fast by the venerable icons according to both the written and unwritten tradition which extends from the apostles to the fathers, and who for this cause depict and honor holy things in icons, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who understand 1oses saying, !#ake heed to yourselves, that in the day when the 'ord God spoke in +oreb on the mountain, ye heard the sound of words, but ye saw no likeness! and who know to answer correctly that if we saw anything, truly did we see it, as the son of thunder has taught us, !that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, and which our hands have touched, concerning the Word of life, to these things do we bear witness!) and again as the other disciples of the Word say, !that we both ate with +im and drank with +im, not only before the 3assion, but even after the 3assion and .esurrection!) to those therefore, who have been strengthened by God to distinguish between the commandment in the 'aw and the teaching which came with Grace, and between that which was invisible in the former, but both visible and tangible in the latter, and who for this cause depict and venerate in icons these visible and tangible realities, Eternal 1emory 678 As the prophets have seen, as the apostles have taught, as the Church has received, as the teachers have set forth in dogmas, as the whole world has understood, as Grace has shone forth, as the truth was demonstrated, as falsehood was banished, as wisdom was emboldened, as Christ has awarded; thus do we believe, thus we speak, thus we preach Christ our true God and His saints, honoring them in words, in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, in temples, and in icons, worshipping and respecting the ne as God and !aster, and honoring the others, and apportioning relative worship to those, because of our common !aster for the" are His genuine servants, Without

#his is the Faith of the apostles, this is the Faith of the fathers, this is the Faith of the established the whole world.
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rthodo$, this Faith hath

#o Germanus, #arasius, -icephorus and 1ethodius who are truly high priests of God and champions and teachers of /rthodoxy, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 0gnatius, 3hotios, &tephen, %nthony, and -icholas the most holy and /rthodox patriarchs, Eternal 1emory 678 %ll that was written or spoken against the holy 3atriarchs Germanus, #arasius, -icephorus, and 1ethodius, 0gnatius, 3hotios, -icephorus, %nthony and -icholas, %nathema 678 %ll that was innovated and enacted, or that after this shall be enacted, outside of Church tradition and the teaching and institution of the holy and ever, memorable fathers, %nathema 678 #o &tephen the -ew, the righteous martyr and confessor, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Efthymios, #heophilos, Emilianos, the ever,memorable confessors and archbishops, Eternal 1emory 678 #o #heophylactos, 3eter, 1ichael and (oseph, the blessed metropolitans, Eternal 1emory 678 #o (ohn, -icholas, and George, the thrice,glorious confessors and archbishops, and all the bishops who were of one mind with them, Eternal 1emory 678 #o #heodore, the all,righteous abbot of the &tudium, Eternal 1emory 678

#o 0saacios the wonderworker, the confessors #heodore and #heophanes the "randed, and 0oannikios the most prophetic, Eternal 1emory 678 #o +ilarion, the most righteous archimandrite and abbot of the 1onastery of the $almatians, Eternal 1emory 678 #o &ymeon the most righteous stylite, Eternal 1emory 678 #o #heophanes the most righteous abbot of the 1onastery of the Great Field, Eternal 1emory 678 #hese acclamations, like blessings of fathers, are inherited by us, their sons, who 4ealously emulate their piety) but likewise do the curses sei4e upon those parricides and disdainers of the 1aster*s commandments. Wherefore, we in unison, since we constitute the plenitude of piety, lay upon the impious the curse which they have put upon themselves. #o those who in words accept the economy of the 0ncarnation of the Word of God, but will not tolerate its representation by icons, and thus in word they make a pretense of accepting, but in fact deny our salvation, %nathema 678 #o those who because of a mistaken adherence to the term uncircumscribed, wish not to depict in icons Christ, our #rue God, Who like us partook of flesh and blood, and thus show themselves to be $ocetists, %nathema 6;8 #o those who accept the visions of the prophets, albeit unwillingly, but who do not , / wonder< , accept the images seen by the prophets even before the 0ncarnation of the Word, but vainly say that the intangible and unseeable essence was seen by the prophets, or even concede that these truly were revealed to the prophets as images and types and forms, but still cannot endure to depict in icons the Word become man and +is sufferings for our sake, %nathema 6;8 #o those who hear the 'ord Who said that !0f ye believed in 1oses, ye would have believed in me! and who understand the saying of 1oses, !#he 'ord our God will raise up for you a prophet like unto me,! but who, on the one hand, say that they accept the 3rophet, yet on the other hand, do not permit the depiction in icons of the grace of the 3rophet and our universal salvation such as, +e was seen, as +e mingled with mankind, and worked many healings of passions and diseases, and such as +e was crucified, was buried, and arose, in short, all that +e both suffered and wrought for us) to those, therefore, who cannot endure to ga4e upon these universal and saving deeds in icons, neither honor nor worship them, %nathema 678 #o those who persist in the heresy of denying icons, or rather the apostasy of denying Christ, and are not counseled by the 1osaic law to be led to their salvation, nor are they convinced to return to piety by the apostolic teachings, nor are they induced by patristic exhortations and explanations to abandon their deception, nor are they persuaded by the agreement of the Churches of God throughout the whole world, but once for all have 5oined themselves to the portion of the (ews and Greeks) for those things wherewith the latter directly blaspheme the prototype, the former likewise have not blushed to insult in +is icon +im that is depicted therein) therefore, to those who are incorrigibly possessed by this deception, and have their ears covered towards every $ivine word and spiritual teaching, as already being putrefied members, and having cut themselves off from the common body of the Church, %nathema 678 #o %nastasios, Constantine and -icetas, who, being unhallowed guides to perdition, were the originators of heresies during the reign of the 0saurians, %nathema 678 #o #heodotus, %nthony and (ohn, mutual instigators of evils who succeeded each other in their impiety, %nathema 678 #o 3aul, who turned back into a &aul, and to #heodore, surnamed Gastes, and to &tephan 1olytes, and furthermore to #heodore Crithinus and 'eon 'aloudius, and to whomever shares the like impiety with the aforementioned, whatever his rank might be, in the clergy or in some office or in whatever occupation he pursues) to all such who continue in their impiety, %nathema 678 #o Gerontios, who, having his origins in 'ampe but vomiting forth in Crete the venom of his loathsome heresy, called himself the anointed one for the overturning , fie< , of the saving economy of Christ, and to his perverted doctrines and writings and to those who agree with him, %nathema 678 #+E E'E:E- C+%3#E.& %G%0-&# (/+- 0#%'=& #o those who attempt by whatever means to introduce a new controversy or teaching into the ineffable economy of our 0ncarnate &aviour and God, and who seek to penetrate the way wherein God the Word was united to the human substance and for what reason +e deified the flesh +e assumed, and who, by using dialectical terminology of nature and adoption, try to dispute about the transcendent innovation of +is divine and human natures, %nathema 678

#o those who profess piety yet shamelessly, or rather impiously, introduce into the /rthodox and Catholic Church the ungodly doctrines of the Greeks concerning the souls of men, heaven and earth, and the rest of creation, %nathema 678 #o those who prefer the foolish so,called wisdom of the secular philosophers and follow its proponents, and who accept the metempsychosis of human souls or that, like the brute animals, the soul is utterly destroyed and departs into nothingness, and who thus deny the resurrection, 5udgment, and the final recompense for the deeds committed during life, %nathema 678 #o those who dogmati4e that matter and the 0deas are without beginning or are co,eternal with God, the Creator of all, and that heaven and earth and the other created things are everlasting, unoriginate and immutable, thus legislating contrary to +im Who said *+eaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away*) to those who thus speak vain and earthly things drawing down the $ivine curse upon their own heads, %nathema 678 #o those who maintain that although the wise men of the Greeks and the foremost of the heresiarchs were put under anathema by the &even +oly and Catholic Councils and by all the fathers that shone forth in /rthodoxy as ones alien to the Catholic Church because of the adulterations and loathsome superabundance of error in their teachings, yet they are exceedingly more excellent, both here and in the future 5udgment, than those pious and orthodox men who, by human passion or by ignorance, have committed some offense, %nathema 678 #o those who do not accept with a pure and simple faith and with all their soul and heart the extraordinary miracles of our &aviour and God and of the holy #heotokos who without stain gave birth to +im, and of the other saints, but who attempt by sophistic demonstration and words to traduce them as being impossible, or to misinterpret them according to their own way of thinking, and to present them according to their own opinion, %nathema 678 #o those who undertake Greek studies not only for purposes of education but also follow after their vain opinions, and are so thoroughly convinced of their truth and validity that they shamelessly introduce them and teach them to others, sometimes secretly and sometimes openly, %nathema 678 #o those who of themselves refashion creation by means of mythical fabrications and accept the 3latonic ideas as veritable, saying that matter, being self, subsistent, is given form by these ideas, and who thereby clearly calumniate the free will of the Creator Who brought all things into being out of non,being and Who, as 1aker, established the beginning and end of all things by +is authority and sovereignty, %nathema 678 #o those who say that in the last and general resurrection men will be raised up and 5udged in other bodies and not in those wherewith they passed this present life, inasmuch as these were corrupted and destroyed, and who babble empty and vain things against Christ our God +imself, and +is disciples, our teachers, who taught that in the very same body in which men lived, in the same shall they also be 5udged) furthermore the great %postle 3aul in his discourse concerning the resurrection distinctly and with examples restates the same truth more extensively and refutes as mindless those who think differently) therefore, to those who contravene such dogmas and doctrines, %nathema 678 #o those who accept and transmit the vain Greek teachings that there is a pre,existence of souls and teach that all things were not produced and did not come into existence out of non,being, that there is an end to the torment or a restoration again of creation and of human affairs, meaning by such teachings that the >ingdom of the +eavens is entirely perishable and fleeting, whereas the >ingdom is eternal and indissoluble as Christ our God +imself taught and delivered to us, and as we have ascertained from the entire /ld and -ew &cripture, that the torment is unending and the >ingdom everlasting to those who by such teachings both destroy themselves and become agents of eternal condemnation to others, %nathema 678 #o those pagan and heterodox doctrines and teachings introduced in contempt of the Christian and /rthodox faith or in opposition to the Catholic and blameless faith of the /rthodox, by (ohn 0talus and by his disciples who shared in his ruin, %nathema 6;8 %G%0-&# -0'/& #o those doctrines impiously dogmati4ed by the pseudo,monk -ilos and to all who share them, %nathema 678 %G%0-&# #+E "/G/10'& #o those who do not confess one nature in the holy, coessential, undivided and coeternal #rinity, of one honor and of one throne, that is, the Father, and the &on, and the +oly &pirit, but who affirm that the &on is some adventitious angel called &atanael or %men) and furthermore, who say that the +oly &pirit, e2ual in power with the Father and the &on, is different from or inferior to #hem in nature) to such men, therefore, be %nathema 6;8 #o those who do not confess that God is the Creator of heaven and earth and of all creatures, the 1aker of %dam and the Fashioner of Eve, but say that the %dversary is the ruler and creator of all and the fashioner of human nature) to such men,

%nathema 6;8 #o those who do not confess that the Word and &on of God was begotten from the Father without change before the ages, and that in these latter times out of +is abundant loving kindness, +e became incarnate as a man from the immaculate #heotokos 1ary, taking upon +imself for our salvation all that pertains to us save sin, and to those who conse2uently do not partake of +is holy and immortal 1ysteries with fear, inasmuch as they consider them as mere bread and common wine rather than the very flesh of the 1aster and +is holy and precious "lood shed for the life of the world) to such men, %nathema 6;8 #o those who do not worship the Cross of our 'ord and God and &aviour (esus Christ as the salvation and glory of the whole world and as that which annulled and utterly destroyed the machinations and weapons of the enemy, and thereby redeemed creation from the idols and manifested victory to the world, but hold the Cross to be a tyrannical weapon) to such men, %nathema 6;8 %G%0-&# E=&#.%#0/&, %-$ 'E/ /F C+%'CE$/#o those who introduce a heretical, new understanding concerning the ineffable economy of the 0ncarnation of our 'ord and God and &aviour (esus Christ, and say or think that Christ*s human nature, like a servant, worships the unapproachable $ivinity and everlastingly retains servitude as an essential and inseparable mark, %nathema 678 #o those who do not employ with all reverence the division made in pure thought for the purpose of showing only the difference between the ineffably con5oined two natures in Christ , which natures are united in +im without confusion and without division , but employ this distinction improperly, and say that this human nature which Christ has assumed is different not only in nature but also in dignity, and that it worships God and offers a servile ministry, and is obliged to honor God, in the same manner as the ministering spirits which serve and worship God as servants) and to those who identify the great +igh 3riest with the assumed human nature itself, rather than with the Word of God Who became man, and by such means they dare to hypostatically divide the one Christ, our 'ord and God, %nathema 678 %G%0-&# "%&0'%>0, &/#E.0C+/&, %-$ /#+E.& #o those who say that the sacrifice of +is precious "ody and "lood offered for our salvation by our 'ord and God and &aviour (esus Christ at the time of +is world,saving 3assion was offered up by +im to God the Father, and that +e thus fulfilled the ministry of +igh 3riest for us in +is humanity 6inasmuch as +e is at the same time God and &acrificer and :ictim, according to &t. Gregory the #heologian8, but who then say that +e, the only,begotten, along with the +oly &pirit, did not +imself accept the sacrifice as God together with the Father) hence by such teachings they estrange from the divine e2uality of honor and dignity both God the Word and the &pirit, the Comforter, Who is of one essence and of one glory with +im, %nathema 678 #o those who do not accept that the sacrifice which is offered daily by those who have received from Christ the priestly service of the $ivine 1ysteries, is in fact offered to the +oly #rinity, and thereby contradict the sacred and divine fathers, "asil and Chrysostom, and other God,bearing fathers who all agree in both their words and writings, %nathema 678 #o those who hear the &aviour saying concerning the priestly service of the $ivine 1ysteries delivered by +im !$o this in remembrance of 1e,! but they do not understand !remembrance! correctly, but dare to say that the daily sacrifice offered by those who perform the sacred service of the $ivine 1ysteries, 5ust as our &aviour, the 1aster of all, delivered to us, reenacts only symbolically and figuratively the &acrifice of +is own "ody and "lood which our &aviour had offered on the Cross as a ransom and redemption of our common human nature) and for this reason, since they introduce the doctrine that this is a different sacrifice from the one originally consummated by the &aviour and refers to it merely symbolically and figuratively, they bring to naught the 1ystery of the awesome and divine priestly service whereby we receive the earnest of the future life) therefore, to those who deny what is staunchly proclaimed by our divine Father (ohn Chrysostom who says in many commentaries on the sayings of the Great 3aul that the sacrifice is identical, that both are one and the same, %nathema 678 #o those who invent and introduce intervals of time into the reconciliation of human nature with the $ivine and blessed nature of the life,giving and wholly inviolate #rinity, and legislate that we were first reconciled to the only,begotten Word by +is assumption of humanity and then afterwards to God the Father during the salutary 3assion of the &aviour Christ) and thus they divide what is indivisible according to the divine and blessed fathers who taught that the only,begotten reconciled us to +imself through the entire 1ystery of the economy, of the 0ncarnation and through +imself and in +imself to God the Father and, it follows necessarily, to the all,holy and life,creating &pirit) therefore to those who invent these new and strange doctrines we say, %nathema 678 #o those who do not correctly understand the divine voices of the holy teachers of the Church of God and who attempt to misinterpret and pervert those things clearly and manifestly spoken in them by the grace of the +oly &pirit, %nathema 678 #o those who accept, among other interpretations by the holy fathers, that the words of our true God and 'ord, our &aviour (esus Christ, *1y Father is greater than 0* also appertain to +is humanity, wherein +e suffered, as the holy fathers distinctly preach in many places in their God,inspired words) to those moreover who say that the same Christ suffered in +is own flesh, be Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who understand and speak of the deification of the assumed nature as implying a change of the human nature into the $ivine -ature and do not

believe that, because of this union, the "ody of the 'ord shares the $ivine rank and ma5esty and conse2uently is worshipped with one worship of God the Word Who assumed it, nor do they believe that it shares in the one honor, glory, and throne, being life,creating, and e2ual in ma5esty with God the Father and the %ll,+oly &pirit , not that it became coessential with God so as to lose its natural properties, of creaturehood, circumscription, and of the other properties seen in the human nature of Christ , but they believe rather that it is changged into the very essence of the $ivinity and, by this, imply that either the incarnation and passion of the 'ord were not true, but a fantasy, or that the $ivinity of the only,begotten suffered passion, %nathema 678 #o those who say that the flesh of the 'ord is exalted by this union and that it transcends every honor since by this complete union it became immutably one with God, without change, without confusion, and unaltered by reason of the hypostatic union, inseparably and continuously abiding in God the Word Who assumed it, and that it is honored with a glory e2ual to +is and worshipped with one worship and is established on the royal and divine #hrone at the right hand of God the Father, and is endowed with the attributes of $ivinity, while the properties of the two natures are preserved, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who re5ect the teachings which were pronounced for the establishment of the true doctrines of the Church of God by the +oly Fathers %thanasios, Cyril, %mbrose, %mphilochios the God,proclaiming, 'eo the most holy %rchbishop of /ld .ome, and by all the others, and furthermore, who do not embrace the %cts of the Ecumenical Councils, especially those of the Fourth, 0 say, and of the &ixth, %nathema 678 #o those who do not accept the saying of our true God and &aviour (esus Christ, *#he Father is greater than 0* as the saints have diversely interpreted it, some saying that it refers to +is $ivinity because of +is generation from the Father, and other saints saying that it refers to the natural properties of the flesh, assumed by +im and which is enhypostatic in +is divinity, namely creaturehood, circumscription, mortality and the other natural and blameless passions because of which the 'ord called the Father greater than +imself) but who contrarily say, that the 'ord*s words are only understandable when the flesh is considered in abstract thought as separated from the Godhead as though it had never been united) therefore, to those who do not receive this method , that is, the conceptual division in abstract thought , as used by the holy fathers who employed it only whenever servitude and ignorance are mentioned, since they could not endure that the flesh of Christ which is one with God and of the same honor be blasphemed by using such words, but who instead say that the natural properties are to be understood merely conceptually by an act of abstract thought although the natural properties truly belong to the 'ord*s flesh which is enhypostatic to +is $ivinity and remains united indivisibly, and they dogmati4e the same concerning things unsubstantial and false, as they do for the substantial and true, %nathema 678 %G%0-&# C/-&#%-#0-E #+E "='G%.0%#o Constantine of "ulgaria, who was metropolitan of Corfu, who evilly and impiously dogmati4ed concerning the saying of our true God and &aviour (esus Christ, *#he Father is greater than 0, * and did not believe and say that the holy and God,bearing fathers understand this saying in diverse pious senses, as well as in this sense that the flesh which was assumed by the only,begotten &on of God from the holy :irgin and #heotokos and which subsisted in +is $ivinity without confusion after the indivisible union, retained its own properties, and for this reason the 'ord called the Father greater than +imself) Who with +is assumed human nature 6since it is at one with God and of the same glory as God8 is in one worship both worshipped and glorified together with the Father and the %ll,+oly &pirit) but Constantine maintains that this saying must not be applied whenever the 'ord is considered to be one hypostasis having the two natures united, but applied only when the flesh is considered to be separated merely conceptually from the $ivinity so that what belongs to +is humanity can be comprehended 6but the supremely theological $amascene clearly taught that this purely abstract distinction is not used whenever a statement is made indicating some natural property of Christ*s flesh, but rather when a statement manifests either servitude or ignorance8) therefore to Constantine who was not willing to follow the +oly and Ecumenical Fourth and &ixth Councils, which dogmati4ed rightly and piously concerning the two natures united unconfusedly in Christ and which taught the Church of Christ to believe rightly, and who thus destroyed himself in diverse heresies, %nathema 678 #o all those who are of one mind with this same Constantine of "ulgaria and who suffered and lamented over his deposition, not out of pity, but because they have been led astray by his impiety, %nathema 678 %G%0-&# (/+- 0.E-0C=& #o the most unlearned (ohn 0renicus the champion of falsehood and vanity, and to those things composed by him against the writings of piety, and to those who embrace his words and who believe and say, that not because of the humanity which our 'ord (esus Christ, our &aviour and God holds within +imself, and which is enhypostatic and united inseparably, indivisibly and unconfusedly with +is $ivinity, did +e, as perfect man, say in the +oly Gospels) *#he Father is greater than 0,* but they say rather that this phrase is to be considered as being spoken by +im according to +is humanity in the same manner as when, by an act of abstract thought, +is humanity is divested and entirely divided from +is $ivinity, and as if it had never been united thereto and as it were like our common nature, %nathema 678 #o the conclave that raged against the venerable icons, %nathema 678 #o those who consider the declarations of $ivine &cripture against the idols as referring to the venerable icons of Christ our God and +is saints, %nathema 678 #o those who knowingly have communion with those who insult and dishonor the venerable icons, %nathema 678 #o those who say that the Christians draw near to icons as if they were gods,

%nathema 678 #o those who say that another besides Christ our God delivered us from the deception of idols, %nathema 678 #o those who dare to say that the Catholic Church at one time had accepted idols, and thus they overthrow the entire mystery, and blaspheme the Faith of the Christians, %nathema 678 Whoever would defend an adherent of any heresy which disparages the Christians, or would defend someone who died in that heresy, let him be, %nathema 678 0f anyone does not worship our 'ord (esus Christ depicted in the icons according to +is humanity, let him be, %nathema 678 #o all the heretics, %nathema 678 #o "arlaam and %kindynos and to their followers and successors, %nathema 678 #+E C+%3#E. %G%0-&# "%.'%%1 %-$ %>0-$?-/& #o those who at times think and say that the light which shone forth from the 'ord at +is $ivine transfiguration is an apparition, a thing created, and a phantom which appears for an instant and then immediately vanishes, and who at other times think and say that this light is the very essence of God, and thus dementedly cast themselves into entirely contradictory and impossible positions) to such men who, on the one hand, raving with %rios* madness, sever the one Godhead and the one God into created and uncreated, and who, on the other hand, are entangled in the impiety of the 1essalians who assert that the $ivine essence is visible, and who moreover, do not confess, in accord with the divinely,inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that that supremely $ivine light is neither a created thing, nor the essence of God, but is rather uncreated and natural grace, illumination, and energy which everlastingly and inseparably proceeds from the very essence of God, %nathema 678 %gain, to those same men who think and say that God has no natural energy, but is nought but essence, who suppose the $ivine essence and the $ivine energy to be entirely identical and undistinguishable and with no apprehensible difference between them) who call the same thing at times essence and at times energy, and who senselessly abolish the very essence of God and reduce it to non,being, for, as the teachers of the Church say, !/nly non,being is deprived of an energy,! to these men who think as did &abellios, and who dare now to renew his ancient contraction, confusion and coalescing of the three +ypostaseis of the Godhead upon the essence and energy of God by confounding them in an e2ually impious manner) to these men who do not confess in accord with the divinely,inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that in God there is both essence and essential, natural energy, as a great many of the saints, and especially all those who gathered at the &ixth Ecumenical Council, have clearly explained with respect to Christ*s two energies, both $ivine and human, and +is two wills) to those then who in nowise wish to comprehend that, even as there is an unconfused union of God*s essence and energy, so is there also an undivided distinction between them, for, among other things, essence is cause while energy is effect, essence suffers no participation, while energy is communicable) to those, therefore, who profess such impieties, %nathema 678 %gain, to those same men who think and say that every natural power and energy of the #ri,hypostatic Godhead is created, and thereby are constrained to believe that the very essence of God is also created, since, according to the saints, created energy evidences a created nature, whereas uncreated energy designates an uncreated nature) to these men who, in conse2uence, are in danger now of falling into complete atheism, who have affixed the mythology of the Greeks and the worship of creatures to the pure and spotless faith of the Christians and who do not confess, in accord with the divinely,inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that every natural power and energy of the #ri,hypostatic Godhead is uncreated, %nathema 678 %gain, to those same men who think and say that through these pious doctrines a compounding comes to pass in God, for they do not comply with the teaching of the saints, that no compounding occurs in a nature from its natural properties) to such men who thereby lay false accusation not only against us, but against all the saints who, at great length and on many occasions, have most lucidly restated both the doctrine of God*s simplicity and uncompoundedness and the distinction of the $ivine essence and energy, in such a manner so that this distinction in no way destroys the $ivine simplicity, for otherwise, they would contradict their own teaching) to such, therefore, as speak these empty words and do not confess in accord with the divinely, inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that the $ivine simplicity is most excellently preserved in this God,befitting distinction, %nathema 678 %gain, to those same men who think and say that the name *Godhead* or *$ivinity* can be applied only to the essence of God, but who do not confess in accord with the divinely,inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that this appellation e2ually pertains to the $ivine energy, and that thus one Godhead of Father, &on, and +oly &pirit is by all means still professed, whether one apply the name *Godhead* to #heir essence, or to #heir energy, as the divine expounders of the mysteries have instructed us, %nathema 678 %gain, to those same men who think and say that the essence of God is communicable, and who thus without shame strive to subtly introduce into our Church the impiety of the 1essalians, who of old suffered from the malady of this same opinion, and who thus do not confess in accord with the divinely,

inspired theologies of the saints and the pious mind of the Church, that the essence of God is wholly inapprehensible and incommunicable, whereas the grace and energy of God are communicable, %nathema 678 #o all the impious words and writings of these men, %nathema 678 #o 0saac, surnamed %rgyros, who suffered throughout his life with the malady of "arlaam and %kindynos, and though at the end of his life the Church asked, as formerly she had often done, for his return and repentance, he nevertheless remained obdurate in his impiety and in the profession of his heresy, and wretchedly vomited forth his soul, %nathema 678 #o %rios, the first to fight against God, and the leader of every heresy, #he Father of the heretics. %nathema 678 #o 3eter the Fuller and fool, who said *+oly 0mmortal, Who was crucified for us,* %nathema 678 #o -estorios, the cursed of God, who said that the +oly #rinity suffered, and to the godless and mindless :alentinos, %nathema 678 #o 3aul of &amosata and #heodotion, his like,minded confidant, and to another -estorios, %nathema 678 #o 3eter the 3altry, the heretic, who was surnamed 'ycopetrus, or *the Wolf,* to the evil,minded Eutychius and &abellios, %nathema 678 #o (ames &tanstalus the %rmenian, to $ioscorus the 3atriarch of %lexandria, to the godless &everus, as well as to the like,minded &ergius, 3aul and 3yrrus, and to &ergius, the disciple of 'ycopetrus, %nathema 678 #o all the followers of Eutychius, to the 1onothelites, the (acobites and the %rt4ivurites, and generally to all heretics, 3apists, 3rotestants, (ews and 1ahometans. %nathema 678 +E.E C/11E-CE& #+E 3.%0&E /F #+E /.#+/$/@ E13E./.& W+/ +%:E G/-E #/ #+E0. .E&#. #o %ndronicus 3aleologus, our renowned and blessed emperor, who convoked the first council against "arlaam, and who vigorously championed the Church of Christ and that sacred council both by deeds and by words and by marvelous orations to the people with his own mouth) he made steadfast the evangelical and apostolic dogmas, while he both put dawn and publicly denounced "arlaam together with his heresies, his writings and his vain words against our .ight Faith) he was blessedly translated from this life and passed to that better and blessed state during these, his sacred endeavors and valiant deeds for the sake of piety, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Gregory, the most holy 1etropolitan of #hessalonica, who in the Great Church synodically put down both "arlaam and %kindynos, the leaders and inventors of new heresies, together with their villainous company, men who dared to aver that the natural and inseparable energy and power of God, and in short, all the natural properties of the +oly #rinity, are created, who dared to call the unapproachable light of the Godhead which shone forth from Christ upon the mountain, *created divinity,* and strive once again to wickedly introduce into the Church of Christ the 3latonic ideas and those other Greek myths) to this Gregory, who by means of his writings, words and arguments, wisely and most gallantly led the fight in defense of the common Church of Christ and of the true, infallible dogmas pertaining to the Godhead, and proclaimed one $ivinity and one almighty God of #hree +ypostaseis, possessing both energy and will, and uncreated in all +is properties, as is in accordance with $ivine &cripture, and its interpreters the theologians, that is, %thanasios, "asil, Gregory, and (ohn of Golden speech, and Cyril, and together with them, the wise 1aximus, and the divinely elo2uent $amascene, and moreover all the fathers and teachers of the Church of Christ) to this Gregory, who was manifest by his words and deeds to be the fellow,communicate, companion, ally, emulator and comrade in arms with all these saints, Eternal 1emory 678 #o all those men, together with the aforementioned renowned and blessed emperor %ndronicus, and indeed, those who ruled after him, who contended for the defense of /rthodoxy in discourse and debates, in writings and teachings, in every word and act, who vigorously championed the Church of Christ, who in the Church confuted and publicly denounced the malicious and multiform heresies of "arlaam and %kindynos and their like, and brilliantly proclaimed the dogmas of piety taught by the apostles and the fathers, and for this very reason were repudiated by the impious, and were defamed and disparaged along with the sacred theologians and our God,bearing fathers and teachers, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who confess one #ri,hypostatic and almighty God, Who is not only uncreated with respect to +is essence and +is +ypostaseis, but also with respect to +is energy) to those who declare that the energy of God proceeds from +is $ivine essence, but proceeds inseparably, and who thus indicate by the term *procession* the ineffable distinction between the $ivine essence and energy, and by the term *inseparably* their supernatural unity, even as the +oly

&ixth Ecumenical Council proclaimed, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who confess that even as God is uncreated and unoriginate with respect to +is essence, so is +e uncreated and unoriginate with respect to +is energy 6unoriginate in the sense that the $ivine energy is timeless8) and to those who declare that God is in every way incommunicable and incomprehensible with respect to +is essence, but is communicated to the worthy with respect to +is $ivine and deifying energy, as the theologians of the Church profess, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who confess that the light which shone forth ineffably upon the mountain at the 'ord*s #ransfiguration is unapproachable light, boundless light, an incomprehensible effusion of the $eity*s resplendence, unutterable glory, the transcendently perfect and praeter,perfect and timeless glory of the Godhead, the glory of the &on, the >ingdom of God, true and lovable beauty which encompasses the $ivine and blessed nature, the glory natural to God, and the $ivinity of the Father and the &pirit flashing forth in the only,begotten &on, as our divine and God,bearing fathers have said, %thanasios the Great and "asil the Great, Gregory the #heologian, (ohn Chrysostom, and moreover (ohn of $amascus, and who therefore maintain this supremely $ivine light to be uncreated, Eternal 1emory 678 #o those who affirm the light of the 'ord*s #ransfiguration to be uncreated, and do not assert that this is the super,essential essence of God, since the $ivine essence remains in every way unseen and uncommunicated) *-o man hath seen God at any time,* that is, as the theologians explain, as +e is in +is nature) but who say rather, that this is the natural glory of the super,essential essence, the glory which proceeds inseparably forth from thence and, by God*s love for men, shines upon those who are purified in mind, with which glory, as the theologians of the Church teach, our 'ord and God will appear in +is second and dread Coming to 5udge the living and the dead, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 1ichael, our /rthodox emperor, and #heodora his holy mother, Eternal 1emory 678 #o "asil and Constantine, 'eo and %lexander, Christopher and .omanus, Constantine, .omanus, -icephorus, and (ohn, "asil and Constantine, %ndronicus, and .omanus, 1ichael, -icephorus, 0saacios, %lexius, and (ohn, 1anuel, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed 1atthew, monk, 0saacios, %lexius, and #heodore, who all exchanged an earthly kingdom for the +eavenly, Eternal 1emory 678 #o (ohn $ucas of pious memory, our ever,memorable emperor, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed #heodore monk, Eternal 1emory 678 Without #o 1ichael 3aleologus the -ew, of pious memory, our ever,memorable emperor, Eternal 1emory 678 #o %ndronicus 3aleologus of pious memory, our ever,memorable emperor, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed %nthony, monk, Eternal 1emory 678 #o %ndronicus 3aleologus, who is at rest with the pious, our ever,memorable most pious and Christ,loving emperor, Eternal 1emory 678 #o (ohn Catacu4enos, who is at rest with the pious, our ever,memorable, most pious and Christ,loving emperor, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed 0oasaph, Eternal 1emory 678 Without #o Eudocia and #heophano, #heodora and +elen, #heophano and #heodora, Catherine, Eudocia, 1aria, 0rene and 1aria, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed @enia, nun, Euphrosyne, %nna, and +elen, the most pious %ugustae, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 0rene of pious memory, our pious and ever,memorable 2ueen, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed Eugenia, nun, Eternal 1emory 678 Without #o #heodora of pious memory, our ever,memorable 2ueen, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed Eugenia, nun, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 0rene of pious memory our ever,memorable 2ueen, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 1aria of pious memory, our ever,memorable 2ueen, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed @enia, nun,

Eternal 1emory 678 #o %nna of pious memory, our ever,memorable 2ueen, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed %nastasia, nun, who by deeds and words with her whole soul struggled throughout her life for the establishment of the %postolic and 3atristic $ogmas of the Church and the overthrow of the evil and atheist heresy of "arlaam and %kindynos and of those who were of like mind with them, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 0rene of pious memory, our ever,memorable 2ueen, who by the divine and angelic habit was renamed Eugenia, nun, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Germanus, #arasius, -icephorus, and 1ethodius, the ever,memorable and blessed patriarchs, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 0gnatius, 3hotios, &tephen, and %nthony, -icholas, and Efthymios, &tephen, #rypho and #heophylactos, 3olyeuctus, %nthony, -icholas, &isinius, &ergius, Eustathius, %lexius, 1ichael, (ohn, Constantine, Cosmas, Eustratios, -icholas, 'eo, 1ichael, #heodotus, 'uke, 1ichael, Chariton, #heodotus, "asil, -icetas, 'eontius, $ositheus, 1eletius, 3eter, George, 1ichael, #heodore, (ohn, 1aximus, 1anuel, 1ethodius, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed %cacius, monk, 1anuel who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed 1atthew, monk, the /rthodox patriarchs, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Germanus, who rests in blessedness, the ever,memorable patriarch, who by the divine and angelic +abit was renamed George, monk, Eternal 1emory 678 #o %rsenius, who rests in blessedness, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o (oseph, who rests in blessedness, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o %thanasios, who rests in blessedness, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Gerasimus, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Esaias, the most holy patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 0sidore, who rests in blessedness, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Callistus, who rests in blessedness, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 3hilotheus, who rests in blessedness, the most holy and ever,memorable patriarch, who unwaveringly struggled for the Church of Christ and her right dogmas with words and actions, discourses, teachings, and writings, Eternal 1emory 678 #o Christopher, #heodore, %gapius, and (ohn, -icholas, Eliu, and #heodore, "asil, 3eter, #heodosius, -icephorus, and (ohn, the ever,memorable patriarchs of %ntioch, Eternal 1emory 678 #o $amian, "asil, Constantine, -icephorus, 'eo and &isinius, "asil, and (oseph, 1ichael, and Christopher, -icephorus, George, 3antoleon, and %lexander, Cosmas, and Constantine, #heophanes, 3eter, (ohn, -icetas, George, -icholas, and (ohn, the /rthodox metropolitans, Eternal 1emory 678 #o 1ichael, 1etrophanes, 1eletius, 0gnatius and 1aximus, the ever,memorable metropolitans of /ld 3atras, Eternal 1emory 678 +E.E 0& 1%$E #+E %CC'%1%#0/- /F #+E >0-G&, 3%#.0%.C+&, %-$ %'' #+E '0:0-G. #+E +/'? #.0-0#? +%#+ G'/.0F0E$ #+E1. 'et us beseech God that we be instructed and strengthened by their conflicts and struggles unto death for the sake of piety and by their teachings, and let us

fervently pray to be shown forth unto the end as imitators of their godly conversation. 1ay we be deemed worthy of the fulfillment of our petitions by the compassions and grace of the great and first +igh 3riest Christ, our true God, by the intercessions of our most glorious 'ady #heotokos and Ever,:irgin 1ary, of the Godlike %ngels, and of all the &aints. %men. F./1 #+E C/=-C0' /F ;AB7 From old .ome have come certain persons who learned there to wear 'atin habits. #he worst of it is how, from being .omans of .umelia 6.oumelia, .oumeli8 bred and born, they not only have changed their faith, but they even wage war upon the /rthodox dogmas and truths of the Eastern Church which have been delivered to us by Christ and the divine %postles and the +oly Councils 6or &ynods8 of the +oly Fathers. #herefore, cutting off these persons as rotten members, we command #hat whoever does not confess with heart and mouth that he is a child of the Eastern Church bapti4ed in /rthodox style, and that the +oly &pirit proceeds out of only the Father, essentially and hypostatically, as Christ says in the Gospel, shall be outside of our Church and shall be anathemati4ed. #hat whoever does not confess that at the 1ystery of +oly Communion the laity must also partake of both kinds, of the 3recious "ody and "lood, but instead says that he will partake only of the body, and that that is sufficient because therein is both flesh and blood, when as a matter of fact Christ said and administered each separately, and they who fail to keep such customs, let all such persons be anathemati4ed. #hat whoever says that our 'ord (esus Christ at the 1ystic &upper had unleavened bread 6made without yeast8, like that of the (ews, and not leavened bread, that is to say, bread raised with yeast, let him depart far away from us and let him be anathema as one having (ewish views and those of %polinarios and bringing dogmas of the %rmenians into our Church, on which account let him be doubly anathema. Whoever says that our Christ and God, when +e comes to 5udge us, does not come to 5udge souls together with bodies, or embodied souls, but instead comes to sentence only bodies, let him be anathema. Whoever says that the souls of Christians who repented while in the world but failed to perform their penance go to a purgatory of fire when they die, where there is flame and punishment, and are purified, which is simply an ancient Greek myth, and those who, like /rigen, think that hell is not everlasting, and thereby afford or offer the liberty or incentive to sin, let him and all such persons be anathema. #hat whoever says that the 3ope is the head of the Church, and not Christ, and that he has authority to admit persons to 3aradise with his letters of indulgence or other passports, and can forgive sins as many as a person may commit if such person pay money to receive from him indulgences, i.e., licenses to sin, let every such person be anathema. #hat whoever does not follow the customs of the Church as the &even +oly Ecumenical Councils decreed, and +oly 3ascha, and the 1enologion with which they did well in making it a law that we should follow it, and wishes to follow the newly,invented 3aschalion and the -ew 1enologion of the atheist astronomers of the 3ope, and opposes all those things and wishes to overthrow and destroy the dogmas and customs of the Church which have been handed down by our fathers, let him suffer anathema and be put out of the Church of Christ and out of the Congregation of the Faithful. $one in the year of the God,man ;AB7 61$'@@@0008, year of indiction ;C, -ovember CD. &igned (eremiah of Constantinople &ilvester of %lexandria &ophronius of (erusalem 0n the presence of the rest of the prelates at the Council.

&ynodikon of /rthodoxy % yearly thanksgiving is due to God on account of that day when we recovered the Church of God, with the demonstration of the dogmas of true religion and the overthrowing of the blasphemies of wickedness. Following prophetic sayings, yielding to apostolic exhortations, and standing on the foundation of the accounts in the Gospels, we make festival on this day of dedication. For 0saias says that the islands will be dedicatedE;F to God, meaning, Eby the islands,F the churches from the nations and, by churches, not splendid church buildings, but the fullness of those who perform acts of reverence in them and worship the divine with hymns and praises. #he %postle recommends the same thing, when he commands us to walk in newness of lifeECF, andGby saying that if anyone is in Christ he is a new creationE7FGto be renewed. #hen there are the words of the 'ord, which are to be taken prophetically 0t was, he said, the feast of the dedication in (erusalem, and it was winter.EHF E"y winter is signifiedF either the spiritual EwinterF, according to which the nation of the (ews stirred up storms of bloodthirstiness and trouble against the &aviour of us all, or that which affects the bodily senses when the air changes to being icy,cold. For there was a winter with usGalong hard winter, and not 5ust a fleeting seasonG one of great wickedness, spewing out savagery, but now there has blossomed forth for us the first of seasons, the spring of the graces of God, in which we have gathered together to make a thank,offering to God, a harvest of good works) or, to express it rather in the words of the psalm &ummer and spring, you have made them, remember this.EAF For the enemies who reproach the 'ord and utterly dishonour the holy veneration of him in holy icons, raising and puffing themselves up through their blasphemies the 'ord of wonders will tear them to shreds, and dash to the earth the insolence of their apostasy. +e does not disregard the voice of those who cry to +im, .emember, / 'ord, the reproach of your servants, the reproach of many nations that 0 bore in my bosom, with which your enemies reproached you, / 'ord, with which they reproached the exchange of your Christ.EIF For the Jexchange of ChristK means those who have been redeemed by his death and have believed in him, through the preaching of the words and the depictions in images. For it is in this way that the great work of the Economy, accomplished through the cross and the sufferings he endured and the

wonders he worked both before and after the cross, is made known to those who have been saved. %nd the imitation of his suffering passes over to the %postle and then to the martyrs, and comes down, through them, to the confessors and the ascetics. #his reproach, with which the enemies of the 'ord reproached, with which they reproached the exchange of his Christ,ELF our God has born in mind. +is heart is full of consolation, and he is inclined by the prayers of his mother, and the apostles, and all the saints. For they also shared the insolence shown towards him, and with him were set at naught in the icons, so that, 5ust as they shared with him the suffering in the flesh, so in a similar fashion they shared with him in the insolence offered to the icons. -ow God has at last made clear what he has willed today, and has done a second time what he accomplished earlier. For earlier, after the passage of many years when the holy icons suffered contempt and dishonour, he turned back piety to himself. -ow, a second time, after a brief period of thirty yearsK wickedness, he has restored to our unworthy selves freedom from vexation, the redemption of those who grieve, the renewed proclamation of piety, the assurance of the veneration of icons, and the feast that bears to us all these saving gifts. For in the icons we see the 1asterKs sufferings for our sake, the cross, the tomb, +ades slain and despoiled, the martyrsK combats, their crowns, salvation itself, which the 5udge of the combat and giver of the pri4e and the crowns has accomplished in the midst of the earth. #oday we make festival on this holy day, and making merry together and re5oicing in prayers and litanies, we cry out in psalms and songs. Who is a great God like our God9 ?ou are our God, who alone does great wonders.EBF For you mock those who despise your glory, and show those who dare boldly to set themselves against your icon to be cowardly and put them to flight. "ut there is thanksgiving to God, and the sovereign trophy against the antagonists in these matters) yet another statement and detailed indictment makes clear the contests and struggles Ethat have taken placeF against those who fight against the icons. %s we stand in possession of the spiritual (erusalem, in a certain place of rest after the passage through the desert, in imitation of 1oses, or rather as obedient to a divine command, we set up a pillar made out of great stones, ready to be written on, it is right and fitting that we should inscribe in the hearts of the brothers the blessings that are due to those who kept the law and the curses which the lawless have brought upon themselves. #herefore we say ;.#hose who confess the incarnate presence of God the Word by word, by mouth, in the heart and the mind, by writing and in icons 1ay their memory be eternal< C. #hose who know the difference in essences of the one and the same hypostasis of Christ attribute to it properties both created and uncreated, visible and invisible, capable of suffering and beyond suffering, circumscribed and uncircumscribed) they ascribe to the divine essence uncreatedness and the rest, while they acknowledge in the human nature the other 2ualities, including being circumscribed, and affirm all this both in word and in images 1ay their memory be eternal< 7. #hose who, believing and proclaiming, preach the words of the Gospel in writings, and the deeds in forms, to gather together in a single duty that includes both proclamation through words, and sure confirmation of the truth through icons 1ay their memory be eternal< H. #hose who sanctify their lips by the word, and then those who hear them through the word, knowing and preaching that as the eyes of those who see are sanctified by the sacred icons, so the mind is led to the knowledge of God, 5ust as it is through consecrated churches, and sacred vessels and other holy treasures 1ay their memory be eternal< A. #hose who know that the rod and the tablets, the ark and the lamp, and the table, and the altar depicted in advance and prefigured the %ll,holy :irgin, 1ary, the 1other of God) and also that these things prefigured her, and she did not become them, for the maiden was and remained after giving birth to God a virgin, and therefore the maiden is to be depicted in images rather than foreshadowed in types 1ay their memory be eternal< I. #hose who know and accept and believe the prophetic visions, as the $ivine himself gave them shape and form, which the chorus of prophets behold and explain) and who, strengthened by the written and unwritten tradition of the %postles, continuing to the Fathers, therefore express holy things in images and honour them 1ay their memory be eternal< L. #hose who understand 1oses, who said, "e attentive to yourselves that on that day, when the 'ord God spoke on the mount +oreb, you heard the sound of words, but you saw no likeness,EMF and know how to answer rightly, that if we see something, we truly see, as the son of thunder taught us, he who was from the beginning, whom we heard, whom we saw, whom we beheld with our own eyes, and our hands touched, concerning the word of life,E;DF and to these we bear witness) and again, as the other disciples of the Word, we ate with him and drank with him, not only before his passion, but also after the passion and the resurrection)E;;F those who are able to distinguish the precepts in the law from the teaching of grace, and see that he is invisible in the former, but seen and touched in the latter, and that therefore what has been seen and touched is to be depicted in icons and worshipped 1ay their memory be eternal< %s the 3rophets saw, as the %postles taught, as the Church has received, as the #eachers express in dogma, as the inhabited world understands together with them, as grace illumines, as the truth makes clear, as error has been banished, as wisdom makes bold to declare, as Christ has assured, so we think, so we speak, so we preach, honouring Christ our true God, and his &aints, in words, in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, in churches, in icons, worshipping and revering the /ne as God and 'ord, and honouring them because of their common 'ord as those who are close to him and serve him, and making to them relative veneration. #his is the faith of the %postles) this is the faith of the Fathers) this is the faith of the /rthodox) this faith makes fast the inhabited world. #hese preachers of true religion, we praise as brothers and as those we long to have as our fathers, to the glory and honour of the true religion for which they struggled, and

say Germanus, #arasius, -icephorus and 1ethodius, truly high priests of God, who taught orthodoxy and fought for it 1ay their memory be eternal< 0gnatius, 3hotius, &tephen, %ntony, and -icolas, the most holy and orthodox 3atriarchs 1ay their memory be eternal< /n everything that has been written or spoken against the holy 3atriarchs Germanus, #arasius, -icephorus and 1ethodius, 0gnatius, 3hotius, -icephorus, %ntony and -icolas %nathema< /n every innovation and action contrary to the tradition of the Church, and the teaching and pattern of the holy and celebrated Fathers, or anything that shall be done after this %nathema< Euthymius, #heophilus and %imilianus, the celebrated confessors and archbishops 1ay their memory be eternal< #heophylact, 3eter, 1ichael and (oseph, the blessed metropolitans 1ay their memory be eternal< (ohn, -icolas and George, the thrice,blest confessors, and archbishops, and all the bishops who thought like them 1ay their memory be eternal< #heodore, the all,holy abbot of the &tudites 1ay his memory be eternal< 0saac the wonderworker, and the most prophetic (oannikios 1ay their memory be eternal< +ilarion the most holy archimandrite, and abbot of the $almata monastery 1ay his memory be eternal< &ymeon, the most holy stylite 1ay his memory be eternal< #hese blessings have passed down from them to us, as from fathers to sons who are 4ealous for their piety, and curses overwhelm the parricides, who disdain the masterKs commands. #herefore, we, as the community of piety, publicly inflict on them the curse which they have brought on themselves. /n those who accept with their reason the incarnate economy of God the Word, but will not allow that this can be beheld through images, and therefore affect to receive our salvation in words, but deny it in reality %nathema< /n those who wickedly make play with the word JuncircumscribedK and therefore refuse to depict in images Christ, our true God, who likewise shared our flesh and blood,E;CF and therefore show themselves to be fantasiasts %nathema< /n those who admit, even against their will, the prophetic visions, but will not accept the making of images of what they sawG/ wonder<Geven before the 0ncarnation of the Word, but emptily say that the incomprehensible and unseen essence itself was seen by those who beheld it, or conclude that these things make manifest images, figures and forms of the truth to those who see them, but will not accept that the Word become man, and his sufferings for our sake, may be depicted in icons %nathema< /n those who hear and understand the 'ord saying, 0f you believed 1oses, you would have believed me,E;7F and the rest, and 1oses saying, #he 'ord our God will raise up for you from your brothers a prophet like me,E;HF and then say that the prophet is received, but that they will not represent the grace of the prophet and the salvation he brought for the whole world through images,, even though he was seen and lived among men and women, and cured sufferings and sickness with mighty acts of healing, and was crucified, and buried, and rose again, and did and suffered all this for our sake) on those who will not accept that these works of salvation, accomplished for the whole world, may be seen in icons, nor honoured and venerated in them %nathema< /n those who remain in the icon,fighting heresy, or rather the Christ,fighting apostasy, and neither wish to be led to their salvation through the 1osaic legislation, nor choose to live piously in accordance with apostolic teaching, nor are persuaded to turn from their error by the advice and exhortations of the Fathers, nor are abashed by the harmony of every part of the ecumenical Church of God, but once and for all have sub5ected themselves to the lot of the

(ews and the pagansElit GreeksF) for immediately they have uttered blasphemies against the %rchetype, and have not blushed to dare to make the image of the archetype identical with the archetype himself. /n those, therefore, who have heedlessly accepted this error, and have stuffed their ears against very divine word and spiritual teaching, as they are already putrefied, and cut themselves off from the common body of the Church %nathema< %nastasius, Constantine and -icetas, those who started off the 0saurian heresies, unholy men and leaders to ruin %nathema< #heodotus, %ntony and (ohn, procurers one for another of vices, and false successors of impiety %nathema< 3aul who turned back to &aul, and #heodorus called Gastes, and &tephen the 1olutes, as well as #heodore >rithinus, and 'ouloudios the lion, and anyone who is like them in uttering impiety, to whatever category of clergy or any other honour or way of life they belong) on all these who continue in their impiety %nathema< #o all the heretics %nathema< #hose who apply the sayings of the divine &cripture that are directed against idols to the august icons of Christ our God and his saints %nathema< #hose who share the opinion of those who mock and dishonour the august icons %nathema< #hose who say that Christians treat the icons like gods %nathema< #hose who say that another, apart from Christ our God, delivered us from the error of idols %nathema< #hose who dare to say that the Catholic Church has accepted idols, thus overthrowing the whole mystery and mocking the faith of Christians %nathema< h 1%-? ?E%.& #/ #+E "%&0'E0&< God will protect their might. God will give their kingdom peace. +eavenly >ing, protect those on earth< 1ichael, our orthodox "asileus, and #heodora, his holy mother 1ay their memory be eternal< "asil and Constantine, 'eo and %lexander, Christopher, and .omanos, -icephorus, and (ohn, "asil, and Constantine, .omanos, 1ichael, Constantine, 1ichael and 0saakios, who have all changed the earthly kingdom for the heavenly one 1ay their memory be eternal< Eudocia and #heophano, #heodora and +elen, #heophano and #heodora, Noe and #heodora, most orthodox %ugustae 1ay their memory be eternal< Germanos, #arasios, -ikephoros, and 1ethodios, the renowned and blessed patriarchs 1ay their memory be eternal< 0gnatios, 3hotios, &tephen and %ntony, -icolas and Euthymios, &tephen, #rypho, #heophylact and %ntony, 3olyeuctus, -icolas, &isinios, &ergios, Eustathios, the /rthodox 3atriarchs 1ay their memory be eternal< #he +oly #rinity has glorified them. "y their contests and struggles and teachings for the sake of true religion to the point of death, we entreat God that we may be guided and strengthened and beg that we may be shown to be imitators of their inspired way of life until the end, by the pities and grace of the great and first high,priest Christ, our true God) at the intercessions of our most,glorious 'ady, 1other of God and Ever,:irgin 1ary, of the god,like %ngels and all the &aints. %men.

The Anathema o! the Sun"a# o! Ortho"o$#

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, after the dismissal, the clergy and servers come forth to the base of the solia, bearing ikons. The protos with the Cross remains on the amvon.
#he /rotodeacon begins thus1

%ho is so great a God as our God2 #hou art the God who doeth wonders3
He repeateth the same three (3) times, in a progressively louder voice. Then he readeth the following

Celebrating today the #riumph of orthodoxy, / ye people, let us glorify above all our good God, who is blessed forever. #his, our God, having taken thought for and established +is beloved inheritance, the +oly Church, and having comforted with +is true word our forebears who fell away through our transgression, hath set our foundation in paradise. #his, our God, directing man toward +is promise of salvation, let not +mself bereft of witness, but, proclaimed the salvation which was to come, first through the forefathers and prophets, presenting it by diverse images. #his is our God, who by the prophets of old spoke to the fathers very often and in diverse ways, and in these latter days has spoken to us in the &/-, by whom time was created, who announced the good pleasure of the Father for us, disclosed the mysteries of heaven, comfirmed the truth of the glad tidings by the power of the +oly &pirit, sent the %postles throughout the whole world to preach the Gospel of the >ingdom, and comfirmed it with diverse powers and wonders. Following this saving revelation and holding fast to the good tidings thereof, we confess that

%E &e'ie(e in one God, the Father %lmighty, 1aker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible

%nd in one 'ord (esus Christ, the &on of God, the /nly,begotten, "egotten of the Father before all ages, 'ight of 'ight, #rue God of #rue God, "egotten, not made) of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made Who for us men and for our salvation came down from the heavens, and was incarnate of the +oly &pirit and the :irgin 1ary, and became man) %nd was crucified for us under 3ontius 3ilate, and suffered and was buried) %nd rose again on the third day, according to the &criptures) %nd ascended into the heavens, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father) %nd shall come again, with glory, to 5udge both the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end. %nd in the +oly &pirit, the 'ord, the Giver of 'ife, Who proceedeth from the Father, Who with the Father and the &on together is worshiped and glorified, Who spake by the 3rophets) 0n /ne +oly Catholic and %postolic Church. 0 Confess one "aptism for the remission of sins. 0 look for the .esurrection of the dead, %nd the life of the world to come
Choir) AMEN*
And he Chanteth1 #his is the Faith of the %postles< #his is the Faith of the Fathers< #his is the /.#+/$/@ 6Catholic8 Faith< 6#his is the Faith of the /rthodox8 #his Faith has established the =niverse 6or the +ho'e +or'"8< Furthermore, we accept and affirm the councils of the +oly Fathers 6which number L in all8, and their traditions and writings with one accord with divine revelation. %nd though the enemies of /rthodoxy oppose this providence of the 'ord and saving revelation, yet has the 'ord been midful of the reproaches of +is servants) for +e hath mocked them that blaspheme his glory and hath affronted the audacious enemies of orthodoxy and put them to flight. #herefore, as we bless and praise those who obey the divine revelation and confirm their will to it, so do we cut off and give over to %-%#+E1% those who oppose this #ruth, if while the 'ord awaited their return and repentance, they did not repent) and in this we follow the sacred tradition of the early church, holding fast to her traditions. Start in a Com!orta&'# Lo+ (oi,e) #/ those who re5ect the existence of God and maintain this, +is world is self,existent, and that everything therein came into being by chance, and not by the providence of God, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who say that God is not spirit, but flesh, or that he is 5ust not full of tender mercy, most,wise and all,knowing, and utter similar blasphemies, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who dare say that the &on of God is not of one substance and e2ual in honor with the Father, and that neither is the +oly &pirit, and who profess that the Father, the &on, and the +oly &pirit are not /ne God, %-%#+E1% 6@78 ha'! te- u- In (o'ume #/ those who irrationally say that the coming of the &on of God into the world in the flesh, and +is voluntary suffering, death and resurrection were not necessary for our salvation and for the cleansing of sins, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who do not accept the grace of redemption proclaimed by the Gospel as our sole means for 5ustification before God, %nathema< 6@78 #/ those who dare to say that the most pure :irgin 1ary was not :irgin before giving birth, during birthgiving, and after birthgiving, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 ha'! te- u- in (o'ume #/ those who do not believe that the +oly &pirit made wise the prophets and the %postles, and through them hath proclaimed to us the true path to everlasting salvation and confirmed this with miracles, and now dwelleth in the hearts of true and faithful Christians and instructeth them in every truth, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who deny the immortality of the soul, the end of time, the future 5udgement, and everlasting reward in the heavens for virtue and condemnation for sin, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who re5ect all +oly 1ysteries held by the Church of Christ, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 ha'! te- u- in (o'ume #/ those who re5ect the councils 6which number L8 of the +oly Fathers and their #raditions, which are in accord with divine revelations and are kept piously by the /rthodox Catholic Church, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who reason that /rthodox &overeigns are elevated to their thrones not by GodKs special good will for them, and that gifts of the +oly &pirit are not poured out upon them during their anointing for the conduct of this great calling) and who likewise dare to rise up against them in 1utiny and .ebellious disorder, %-%#+E1%< 6@78

#/ those who mock and profane the +oly 0mages 60>/-&O0C/-&8 and .elics, which the +/'? C+=.C+ affirms to be revelations of GodKs work and of +is Chosen ones, to inspire those who ga4e upon them with piety to emulate them) and who dare to say that they are fond things, vainly invented, and are grounded upon no warranty of scripture, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ the #heosophists and other heretics who dare to say and irrationally teach that our 'ord (esus Christ did not descend to earth and become incarnate once only, but hath been incarnate many times) and who likewise deny that the true Wisdom of the Father is +is only "eotten &on, and, contrary to divine &cripture and the teaching of the holy fathers, seek other wisdoms, %-%#+E1%< 6x78 #/ the masons, followers of the occult, spiritualists, wi4ards, and all who do not believe in the one God, but honor the demons, or who do not humbly give their lives over to God, but strive to learn the future through sorcery, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 ha'! te- u- in (o'ume #/ the persecutors of the Church of Christ, impious apostates, and, proselyti4ing wolves who, seek to lead the faithful away from the Church, and lifted their hands against the anointed of God, who slay +is sacred ministers, who profane the holy things, who destroy the temples of God, who sub5ect our brethren to 0n2uisition, Conversion, peaceable or otherwise, and have defiled our /rthodox Christian +omelands, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ the truly non,existent and fallen %rch,+eretic 3ope and 3atriarch of /ld .ome "enedict @:0, %nd %ny future 3ope that comes after +im, and those in Communion with +im, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ the 3rotestant 0nnovators who rebelled against the 3apacy, "ut, failed to =nite with the /rthodox Church, (ohn Wesley, (ohn Calvin, 1artin 'uther, +enry Nwingli, +enry :000 the 0mpious king, %nd those with them, and all heretical offshoots of the 3rotestant .eformation, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ #hose who deny and rebuke the 3anagia, #he Con,substantial, 0ndivisible and 'ife,Giving #rinity, #he .abbi*s of (udaism, #he 0slamists, #he %nonymous #racts of the Watchtower &ociety, #he (ehovah*s Witnesses and the Church of 'atter $ay &aints, also known as the 1ormons, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who deny the +oly Hth, Ath , Ith, and Lth Ecumenical Councils, #he 1onophysites, 1onothelites, %rmenians and 1onergists, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ #hose who teach, preach Eand actively participate inF the 3an,heresy of 0nter,Christian and 0nter,.eligious &yncretistic Ecumenism, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who attack the Church of Christ by teaching that ChristKs Church is divided into so,called branches which differ in doctrine and way of life, or 'ungs, or that the Church does not exist visibly but will be formed in the future, when all branches or sects or denominations, and even religions, will be united into one body) and who do not distinguish the priesthood and holy mysteries of the Church from those of +eretics, but say that the baptism and eucharist of heretics is effectual for salvation) therefore, #/ those who knowingly have communion with these aforementioned heretics or who advocate, disseminate or defined their new heresy, commonly called ecumenism or the 3an,+eresy of Ecumenism, under the pretext of brotherly love or the supposed unification of separated Christians, %-%#+E1%< #/ #hose who believe that the +oly Church is $ivided into "ranches or 'ungs Eand other body partsF or other such blasphemies, %-%#+E1%< #/ those who teach that (udaism is some kind of elder brother to /ur precious Christian /rthodox faith, or who teach #hat there is a concept called P(udeo, ChristianityQ, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #o those who undertake +ellenic 3agan studies also known as +ellenic neo,3aganism 6$odekatheonismos8 not only for purposes of education but also follow after their vain opinions and ritualistic practices, and are so thoroughly convinced of their truth and validity that they shamelessly introduce them and teach them to others, sometimes secretly and sometimes openly, %-%#+E1% 6x78 #o those who believe, that the return of the (ews to the +oly 'and, and the establishment of the &tate of 0srael in ;MHB, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy. 6Christian Nionists, $ispensationalists, $arbyites, PChristiansQ =nited for 0srael,Fie<, and other such 3rotestant Cults8, %-%#+E1% 6x78 #o those who deny that the /rthodox Catholic Church of Christ is the -ew 0srael, and that the ld !srael of the 3harisees, &adducees and the #emple of (erusalem have fallen away, and do not make up the 0srael of God.%nd, as a result have forfeited their rights to the +oly 'andO3alestine. %-%#+E1% 6x78 From old .ome have come certain persons who learned there to wear 'atin habits. #he worst of it is how, from being .omans of .umelia 6.oumelia, .oumeli8 bred and born, they not only have changed their faith, but they even wage war upon the /rthodox dogmas and truths of the Eastern Church which have been delivered to us by Christ and the divine %postles and the +oly Councils 6or &ynods8 of the +oly Fathers. #herefore, cutting off these persons as rotten members, we command #hat whoever does not confess with heart and mouth that he is a child of the Eastern Church bapti4ed in /rthodox style, and that the +oly &pirit proceeds out of only the Father, essentially and hypostatically, as Christ says in the Gospel, shall be outside of our Church and shall be anathemati4ed. #hat whoever does not confess that at the 1ystery of +oly Communion the laity must also partake of both kinds, of the 3recious "ody and "lood, but instead says that he will partake only of the body, and that that is sufficient because therein is both flesh and blood, when as a matter of fact Christ said and administered each separately, and they who fail to keep such customs, let all such persons be anathemati4ed. %-%#+E1% 6x78 #hat whoever says that our 'ord (esus Christ at the 1ystic &upper had unleavened bread 6made without yeast8, like that of the (ews, and not leavened bread, that is to say, bread raised with yeast, let him depart far away from us and let him be anathema as one having (ewish views and those of %polinarios and bringing dogmas of the %rmenians into our Church, on which account let him be doubly anathema. %-%#+E1% 6x78 Whoever says that our Christ and God, when +e comes to 5udge us, does not come to 5udge souls together with bodies, or embodied souls, but instead comes to sentence only bodies, let him be anathema. %-%#+E1% 6x78 Whoever says that the souls of Christians who repented while in the world but failed to perform their penance go to a purgatory of fire when they die, where there is flame and punishment, and are purified, which is simply an ancient Greek myth, and those who, like /rigen, think that hell is not everlasting, and thereby afford or offer the liberty or incentive to sin, let him and all such persons be anathema. %-%#+E1% 6x78 #hat whoever says that the 3ope is the head of the Church, and not Christ, and that he has authority to admit persons to 3aradise with his letters of indulgence or other passports, and can forgive sins as many as a person may commit if such person pay money to receive from him indulgences, i.e., licenses to sin, let every such person be anathema. %-%#+E1% 6x78 #hat whoever does not follow the customs of the Church as the &even +oly Ecumenical Councils decreed, and +oly 3ascha, and the 1enologion with which they did well in making it a law that we should follow it, and wishes to follow the newly,invented 3aschalion and the -ew 1enologion of the atheist astronomers of the 3ope, and opposes all those things and wishes to overthrow and destroy the dogmas and customs of the Church which have been

handed down by our fathers, let him suffer anathema and be put out of the Church of Christ and out of the Congregation of the Faithful. %-%#+E1% 6x78 #o those who fall away from the +oly /rthodox Catholic Faith, embracing false doctrines, dogmas or heresies, to the scandal of our brethren, %-#+E1% 6x78

CHOIR) ANATHEMA. ANATHEMA. ANATHEMA*** En" 'i/e the rea"in0 o! an E-i t'e DEACON) %nd celebrating the annual commemoration of all who, by word, writing, teaching, suffering and pious life have contended for /rthodoxy as its defenders and allies, #he Church of the Christ doth exclaim
#/ %ll the +oly and .ight,"elieving rulers throughout the World, to rulers of this nation, its civil authorities, and armed forces fallen asleep in the 'ord, 1E1/.? E#E.-%'< #/ the "lessed and Ever,1emorable 3atriarchO1etropolitansO%rchbishopsO"ishops of -ational Church, $iocese, their, Eminences 6-O- and -8, 1E1/.? E#E.-%'< #/ those who suffered and were slain in various ways for the /rthodox Faith, and all /rthodox Christians who have fallen asleep in true faith in hope of the resurrection and life eternal, 1E1/.? E#E.-%'<

CHOIR) MEMORY ETERNAL* DEACON) #he /rthodox Church of Christ, solemnly commemorating those who have contended in 3iety, and urging all her children to emulate this, likewise hath the duty to praise the struggles of those who now, preparing themselves for eternal blessedness with saving faith and virtue, Confess /rthodoxy.
#/ those who love Christian piety, the defenders and protectors of the Church of Christ, #he .ulers of our Country its leaders and civil authorities, and armed forces, grant, / 'ord, a prosperous and peaceful life R1%-? ?E%.&< #/ the Entire &ynod, national Church, $iocese 6-8, to /ur 'ord, #he 1ost "lessed 6- of a +ierarch of a -ational Church or $iocese8 and to /ur 'ord the 1ost .everend -, %rchbishop of $iocese @, 1%-? ?E%.&< #/ this land, to every 'and wherein Christians do dwell) and to all /rthodox Christians who hold the saving Faith in the /rthodox 1anner and who submit to the law of Christ, Grant, / 'ord a properous and peaceful 'ifeR 1%-? ?E%.&<


#he faithful come up and venerate the Hol" Cross and the icons held b" the clerg" and servers. #he Choir Chanteth the P#e .eum +audemus of )aint Ambrose of !ilanQ


END Anathema o! Sun"a# o! Ortho"o$#

Commemoration o! the Re toration o! the Ho'# I,on

4Celebrated on the )unda" of
#he Apol"tikion of the )unda" of rthodo$" is chanted b" all as the procession begins1

rthodo$", the first )unda" of +ent5

#e worship $our pure image, %ood ne, as&ing forgiveness of our sins, 'hrist our %od( for of $our own will $ou were well)pleased to ascend the 'ross in the flesh, that $ou might deliver from slavery to the enemy those whom $ou had fashioned. #herefore, we cry to $ou than&fully* $ou filled all things with +oy, our ,avior, when $ou came to save the world. At the North i"e o! the ,hur,h -etition are ai" !or the 'i(in0)
$eacon +ave mercy upon us, / God, according to ?our great mercy, we pray to ?ou, hear us and have mercy. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon Further we pray for all pious and /rthodox Christians. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon %gain we pray for our %rchbishop -, and for all our brothers and sisters in Christ. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 3riest For ?ou are a merciful and loving God, and to ?ou we give glory, to the Father and to the &on and to the +oly &pirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. 3eople %men.

-s the procession continues, all sing the Thrice Holy Hymn. At the %e t i"e o! the ,hur,h. -etition are ai" !or tho e +ho ha(e re-o e" in the !aith)
$eacon +ave mercy upon us, / God, according to your great mercy, we pray to ?ou, hear us and have mercy. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon Further we pray for the blessed memory and eternal repose of ?our departed servants emperors, patriarchs, hierarchs, priests, hieromonks, deacons, monks, nuns, and all departed faithful and /rthodox Christians here and everywhere who have been laid to pious rest our fathers, forefathers, parents, brothers, sisters, spouses, children, relatives, and friends. 3eople 1ay their memory be eternal. 678 3riest For ?ou are the resurrection, the life, and the repose of ?our departed servants, Christ our God, and to ?ou we give glory, with ?our eternal Father and ?our all,holy and life,giving &pirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. 3eople %men. %s the procession continues, all sing the #hrice +oly +ymn.

At the South i"e o! the ,hur,h. -etition are ai" !or the ,ommunit#)
$eacon +ave mercy on us, / God, according to ?our great mercy, we pray to ?ou, hear us and have mercy. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon Further we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and remission of the sins of the servants of God, all pious and /rthodox Christians who dwell in this city, the parishioners, parish council, contributors, and benefactors of this holy church. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon Further we pray for those who bear offerings, those who do good works, in this holy and venerable church, those who labor, those who sing, and all here present who await ?our great and abundant mercy.

3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 3riest For you are a merciful and loving God, and to ?ou we give glory, to the Father and to the &on, and to the +oly &pirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. 3eople %men. As the procession continues, all sing the #hrice Hol" H"mn.

At the Ea t i"e o! the ,hur,h 4on the o'ea5. -etition are ai" !or the +or'")
$eacon +ave mercy on us, / God, according to ?our great mercy, we pray to ?ou, hear us and have mercy. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon %gain we pray for our country, our 3resident, all civil authorities and those in public service. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon Further we pray for the protection of this holy church, this city, and every city and town from violence and pestilence, famine and earth2uake, flood and fire, from the sword and enemy invasion, civil strive, and sudden death) that our good and loving God will be merciful and gracious and open to our entreaties, to turn back all violence and evil that arises against us, and deliver us from +is impending righteous chastisement and be merciful to us. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 $eacon Further we pray that the 'ord our God will hear the voice of the prayer of us sinners and will have mercy on us. 3eople 'ord have mercy. 678 3riest +ear us, / God, our .edeemer, the hope of all, at the ends of the earth or far away at sea, and show mercy) show mercy, / 1aster, towards our sins and have mercy on us. For ?ou are a merciful and loving God, and to ?ou we give glory to the Father and to the &on and to the +oly &pirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. 3eople %men.

The -a

a0e !rom the S#no"i/on o! the Se(enth E,umeni,a' Coun,i' i rea" in uni on &# a''3

As the /rophets beheld, As the Apostles taught, As the Church received, As the #eachers dogmati6ed, As the 0niverse agreed, As Grace illumined, As the #ruth revealed, As falsehood passed awa", As %isdom presented, As Christ awarded, #hus we declare, #hus we assert, #hus we proclaim Christ our true God and honor His saints, *n words, *n writings, *n thoughts, *n sacrifices, *n churches, *n hol" icons. n the one hand, worshipping and reverencing Christ as God and +ord. And on the other hand, honoring and venerating His )aints as true servants of the same +ord. #his is the Faith of the Apostles. #his is the Faith of the Fathers. #his is the Faith of the rthodo$. #his is the Faith which has established the 0niverse. 3riest #herefore, with brotherly love, we praise these preachers of piety, for the glory and honor of their own pious struggles for the

Faith, and we say Eternal be the memory of the champions of /rthodoxy, pious Emperors, most,holy 3atriarchs, +ierarchs, #eachers, 1artyrs, and Confessors. 3eople 1ay their memory be eternal. 678 3riest 'et us entreat God, that we may be instructed and strengthened by the trials and struggles of these &aints, which they endured for the faith, even unto death, and by their teachings, entreating them that we may imitate their godly life unto the end. 1ay we be deemed worthy of obtaining our re2uests through the mercy and grace of the Great and First %rchpriest, Christ our God, through the intercessions of our glorious 'ady, the #heotokos and ever,virgin 1ary, of the divine %ngels, and of all the &aints. 3eople %men. 3riest Who is so great a god as our God9 ?ou are the God alone who works wonders. Cantor 6:erse8 ?ou have revealed ?our power among the people. Who is so great a god as our God9 ?ou are the God alone who works wonders. Cantor 6:erse8 0 remembered the deeds of the 'ord. Who is so great a god as our God9 ?ou are the God alone who works wonders.

7#he Anathemas of the )unda" of

rthodo$" are read....8

)ervice f )upplication for the Conversion of #hose %ho Have .eparted into &rror
to be sung on the ,unday of rthodo.y and on other needful occasions rthodo.y and on The ,ervice f ,upplication for the 'onversion of Those #ho Have /eparted into 0rror to be sung on the ,unday of other needful occasions

The 1ost Holy %overning ,ynod, by decision to print the ,ervice of ,upplication for the 'onversion of Those #ho Have /eparted into 0rror, to be sung on the ,unday of rthodo.y and on other needful occasions, has decreed that this service of supplication be served in monastery, city, and village churches on the first ,unday of %reat 2ent, and has blessed missionaries to sing it* 9. when the" are sent to conduct discussions with schismatics and sectarians, :. when the" unite to the rthodo$ Church converts to the wa" of truth, and ;. before opening regional and diocesan missionar" conferences, and on other like occasions.
,t. "etersburg ,ynodal Typographia 3456. By blessing of the 1ost Holy %overning ,ynod 7,lavonic te.t re)8 "rinted by Blessing of the 1ost 9everend -ver&y, -rchbishop of ,yracuse and Holy Trinity "rint ,hop of ,t. :ob of "ochaev Holy Trinity 1onastery, :ordanville, ;$, <.,.-. 34=> Translation by ?r. %eorge 2ardas, ,t. @ladimirAs 9ussian rthodo. 'hurch, Houston, TB 3443

After the end of the +iturg", the clerg" come out of the Altar, and making three bows, begin thus1 #he .eacon saith1 Bless, !aster. ,ector1 Blessed is our God1 Choir) %men. An" the# ,hant) / +eavenly >ing. Rea"er) #risagion. /ur Father) 'ord, have mercy, ;C times. / come, let us worship. And /salm <=1 We will confess #hee, / God, we will confess #hee, and we will call upon #hy -ame. 0 will tell of all #hy wonders. When 0 am given the appointed time, 0 will 5udge uprightly. #he earth is melted and all that dwell therein) it is 0 that made steadfast the pillars thereof. 0 said to transgressors $o not transgress) and to the sinners 'ift not up the horn. 'ift not up your horn on high, and speak not unrighteousness against God. For 5udgement cometh not from the byways, nor from the west, nor from the desert mountains) for God is 5udge. #his man +e humbleth, and another +e exalteth) for in the hand of the 'ord there is a brimming cup of unmingled wine. %nd +e hath inclined it from side to side, but the dregs thereof were not fully emptied out) all the sinners of the earth shall drink of them. "ut as for me, 0 will re5oice for ever) 0 will chant unto the God of (acob. %nd all the horns of the sinners will 0 break, but the horn of the righteous man shall be exalted. Glor"; Both now. Alleluia, thrice.

#he .eacon readeth the usual ectenia up to For those that travel b" sea1 and immediatel" addeth this1
#hat with a merciful eye +e may look upon +is holy Church, and preserve her unharmed and invincible against heresies and superstitions, and fence her about with +is peace, let us pray to the 'ord. #hat +e may 2uiet her 2uarrels, and by the power of the +oly &pirit convert to knowledge of the truth all those who have departed from it, and number them with +is chosen flock, let us pray to the 'ord. #hat +e may enlighten with the light of +is divine understanding the thoughts darkened by unbelief, and that +e may strengthen +is faithful, and keep them unshaken in the right faith, let us pray to the 'ord. After this1 God is the +ord, and hath appeared unto us. #one =. We, thine unworthy servants, / 'ord, O grateful for #hy great benefits which #hou hast showed unto us, O glorifying #hee do praise, bless, give thanks, sing, and magnify #hy loving,kindness, O and with a servant*s love do cry aloud unto thee O / our "enefactor and our &aviour, glory to #hee. 1'or#3 Tone 63 / 1aster, Who hast freely vouchsafed O #hy benefits and gifts unto #hine unprofitable servants, O fervently hastening unto #hee, O we offer unto #hee thanksgiving according to our strength, O and glorifying #hee as our "enefactor and our Creator, we cry aloud O Glory to thee, / God most bountiful. Both now. #one =. 'ike as the splendour of the firmament above, O thou hast showed forth the lower, O the beauty of the holy habitation of #hy glory, / 'ord) O

establish it unto the ages of ages, O and receive our prayers unceasingly brought therein to #hee by the #heotokos, O / 'ife and .esurrection of all. Dea,on) Wisdom. Re,tor) 3eace be unto all. Rea"er) %nd to thy spirit. Dea,on) Wisdom, let us attend. Rea"er)

Pro/eimenon. Tone 7) The# that are -'ante" in the hou e o! the Lor". in the ,ourt o! our 1o" the# ha'' &'o !orth 4P 89)9:53 Ver e) The ri0hteou man ha'' &e 0'a" in the Lor". an" ha'' ho-e in Him 4P ;6)9953 Rea"er. E-i t'e o! St3 Pau' to the Roman 4Se, 9:9< 9;)9=>:?5)


2RETHREN. 0 beseech you, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned) and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our 'ord (esus Christ, but their own belly) and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. 0 am glad therefore on your behalf but yet 0 would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. %nd the God of peace shall bruise &atan under your feet shortly. #he grace of our 'ord (esus Christ be with you. %men.

Re,tor. The 1o -e' a,,or"in0 to St3 Matthe+ 4Se, =@< 9A)9?>9A5)

#ake heed that ye despise not one of these little ones) for 0 say unto you, #hat in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. For the &on of man is come to save that which was lost. +ow think ye9 if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray9 %nd if so be that he find it, verily 0 say unto you, he re5oiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. 1oreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. "ut if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. %nd if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church but if h e neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. :erily 0 say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. #hen1 Dea,on) Ectenia +ave mercy on us, / God, according to #hy great mercy. %fter %gain we pray for the 1ost +oly Governing &ynod #hou that desirest not the death of sinners, but awaitest their conversion and repentance, convert all those who have apostati4ed to #hy holy Church, we pray #hee, / merciful 'ord, hearken and have mercy. #hou that hast created this world for #hy glory, work that those who oppose #hy word be converted, and glorify #hee our God with true faith and piety together with all the faithful, we pray #hee, all,powerful Creator, hearken and have mercy. #hou that hast given us #hy commandment, to love #hee our God, and our neighbor, work that hatreds, enmities, offences, revenge, oath, breaking, and all other ini2uities cease, and that true love should reign in our hearts, we pray #hee, our &aviour, hearken and mercifully have mercy. Re,tor. e$,'amation) +earken unto us, / God, our &aviour Choir) %men. Dea,on) 'et us pray to the 'ord. Choir) 'ord, have mercy.

O MOST HI1H 1OD. 1aster and 1aker of every creature, that fillest all things with #hy ma5esty, and upholdest them by #hy might< #o
#hee our all,gifted 'ord do we, who are unworthy, bring thanks, for #hou turnest not away from us on account of our ini2uities, but all the more #hou goest before us with #hy compassions. #hou didst send #hine /nly,"egotten &on for our deliverance, and didst preach the good tidings of #hine immeasurable condescension to the race of man for with desire dost #hou desire and await, that we should turn to #hee and be saved condescending to the weakness of our nature #hou dost strengthen us by the all,powerful grace of #hy +oly &pirit, and comfortest us with the saving faith and perfect hope of eternal blessings, and guiding #hine elect unto the &ion above, #hou dost keep

us as the apple of #hine eye. We confess, / 'ord, #hy great and invincible love for mankind and loving kindness. "ut seeing the feeble impulses of many, fervently we pray #hee, / all,good 'ord look upon #hy Church and see, that although we have received #hy saving Gospel with gladness, nevertheless the tares of vanity and passions have made it bear little fruit in some, and in others no fruit, and through the multiplication of ini2uities some by heresies, others by schism, in opposing the truth of #hy Gospel, apostati4e from #hine inheritance, re5ect #hy grace, and sub5ect themselves to the 5udgement of #hy most,holy Word. / 1ost compassionate and all,powerful, be not angry to the end, / 'ord< "e merciful, #hy Church prayeth #hee, setting before #hee the author and finisher of our salvation, (esus Christ, be merciful to us, strengthen us in #hy right faith by #hy might, and unto those that are deceived do #hou enlighten the eyes of their reason by #hy divine light, that they may understand #hy truth soften their bitterness and open their hearing, that they may know #hy voice and turn to #hee our &aviour. Correct, / 'ord, the corruptions of others and the life not in accordance with Christian piety make us all to live holy and undefiled, and so let the saving faith take root in our hearts and remain ever fruitful. #urn not #hy face away from us, / 'ord, give us the 5oy of #hy salvation and grant, / 'ord, to the pastors of #hy Church holy 4eal, and dissolve their cares for the salvation and conversion of them that are deceived, with the spirit of #hy Gospel #hat all being thus guided may, we attain to where there is the perfection of faith, the fulfilment of hope, and true love and there with the choirs of the most pure heavenly hosts may we glorify #hee our 'ord, the Father, the &on, and the +oly &pirit, unto the ages of ages. Choir) %men. Dea,on) Wisdom. Choir) 1ore honourable than the cherubim %nd the usual dismissal.

The Ser(i,e o! the Trium-h o! Ortho"o$#

#he Church celebrates #he )ervice of the #riumph of rthodo$" on the first )unda" of Great +ent. the cop" presented here is marked for a priest and deacon for use in individual parishes. *t is intended to be served at the end of the .ivine +iturg", or at the end of the reading of the Hours before the .ivine +iturg". However, the service is often celebrated in mid afternoon.

$eacon "less, 1aster< 3riest "lessed is our God, always, now and ever, and for ages of ages. Choir %men. / +eavenly >ing, etc. .eader +oly God, +oly 1ighty, +oly 0mmortal, have mercy on us. 6#hrice8 Glory to the Father, and to the &on, and to the +oly &pirit, now and ever, and for ages of ages. %men. / 1ost +oly #rinity, have mercy on us. 'ord, wash away our sins. 1aster, pardon our transgressions. +oly /ne, visit and heal our infirmities, for ?our -ameKs sake. 'ord, have mercy. 6#hrice8 Glory to the Father, and to the &on, and to the +oly &pirit, now and ever, and for ages of ages. %men. /ur Father, Who art in +eaven, hallowed by #hy -ame. #hy >ingdom come. #hy will be done, on earth as it is in +eaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 3riest For #hine is the >ingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father and of the &on, and of the +oly &pirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. .eader %men. 'ord, have mercy. 6;C times8 Come, let us worship God our >ing. Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ, our >ing and God. Come, let us worship and bow down before Christ +imself, our >ing and our God. 63salm LH, -0:8 We give thanks to ?ou, / God, we give thanks, for ?our name is near) men tell of your wonderful deeds. ?ou say, P0 choose the appointed time) it is 0 who 5udge uprightly. When the earth and all its people 2uake, it is 0 who hold its pillars firm. #o the arrogant 0 say, *"oast no more,* and to the wicked, *$o not lift up your horn. $o not lift up your horn against heaven) do not speak with outstretched neck.KQ -o one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. "ut it is God who 5udges +e brings one down, he exalts another. 0n the hand of the 'ord is a cup full of foaming wine mixed with spices) he pours it out, and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs. %s for me, 0 will declare this forever) 0 will sing praise to the God of (acob. 0 will cut off the horn of all the wicked, but the horn of the righteous will be lifted up. Glory to the Father and to the &on, and to the +oly &pirit, now and ever, and for ages of ages. %men. %lleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to ?ou, / God. 6#hrice8 $eacon 0n peace, let us pray to the 'ord. Choir 'ord, have mercy. 6...and after every petition8 $eacon For the peace from above and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the 'ord. For the peace of the whole world, for the welfare of the holy churches of God, and for the union of all, let us pray to the 'ord. For this holy house and for those who enter with faith, reverence, and the fear of God, let us pray to the 'ord. For +is "eatitude, our 1etropolitan SSSSSSS, for +is Grace, our "ishop SSSSSSSS, for the honorable priesthood, the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and all the people, let us pray to the 'ord. For the 3resident of our country, for all those in civil authority, and for the armed forces, let us pray to the 'ord. For this city, for every city and country, and for the faithful dwelling in them, let us pray to the 'ord.

For seasonable weather, for abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the 'ord. #hat the 'ord God will look upon +is holy Church with a merciful eye, and preserve her unharmed and uncon2uered by heresies and superstitions, and protect it with +is peace, let us pray to the 'ord. #hat +e will heal her dissentions, and return all that have fallen away to the knowledge of the #ruth by the power of the +oly &pirit, and 5oin them to +is chosen flock, let us pray to the 'ord. #hat with the light of $ivine understanding +e will enlighten minds obscured by unbelief, and that +is faithful flock will be strengthened and kept steadfast in the true faith, let us pray to the 'ord. For travelers by land, by sea, and by air) for the sick and the suffering) for captives and their salvation, let us pray to the 'ord. For our deliverance from all affliction, wrath, danger, and necessity, let us pray to the 'ord. +elp us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, / God, by #hy grace. Commemorating our most holy, most pure, most blessed and glorious 'ady #heotokos and ever,virgin 1ary with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and each other and all our life to Christ our God. Choir #o #hee, / 'ord. 3riest For to ?ou are due all glory, honor, and worship, to the Father, and to the &on, and to the +oly &pirit, now and ever, and for ages of ages. Choir %men. $eacon 0n the Fourth tone God is the 'ord, and has appeared to us< "lessed is he that comes in the -ame of the 'ord< Choir God is the 'ord, and has appeared to us< "lessed is he that comes in the -ame of the 'ord< 6...and after each verse.8 $eacon Give thanks to the 'ord, for +e is good for +is mercy endures forever. 1y enemies completely surrounded me, but in the -ame of the 'ord 0 repulsed them. 0 shall not die, but live) and declare the works of the 'ord< #he stone which the builders re5ected has become the chief cornerstone. #his is the 'ord*s doing) it is marvelous in our eyes< Choir 6#roparion of the first &unday of Great 'ent.8 $eacon 'et us attend< 3riest 3eace be to all< .eader %nd to your spirit. $eacon Wisdom< 'et us attend< .eader #he prokeimenon in the Fourth tone #hose who are planted in the house of the 'ord, shall flourish in the courts of our God< 63s. MC ;78 Choir #hose who are planted in the house of the 'ord, shall flourish in the courts of our God< .eader 'et the righteous re5oice in the 'ord and take refuge in +im. 63salm IH ;D8 Choir #hose who are planted in the house of the 'ord, shall flourish in the courts of our God< .eader #hose who are planted in the house of the 'ord Choir &hall flourish in the courts of our God< $eacon Wisdom< .eader #he reading from the Epistle of the +oly %postle 3aul to the .omans. 6.omans ;I ;L,C;8 $eacon 'et us attend< .eader "rothers and sisters, 0 urge you to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the

teaching you have learned. >eep away from them. For such people are not serving our 'ord (esus Christ, but their own appetites. "y smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Everyone has heard about your obedience, so 0 am full of 5oy over you) but 0 want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. #he God of peace will soon crush &atan under your feet. #he grace of our 'ord (esus be with you. %men. 3riest 3eace be to you who have read. .eader %nd to your spirit. $eacon Wisdom< Choir %lleluia, alleluia, alleluia< .eader God is with us< =nderstand, all nations, and submit yourselves, for God is with us< Choir %lleluia, alleluia, alleluia< $eacon Wisdom< 'et us attend< 'et us listen to the +oly Gospel< 3riest 3eace be to all< Choir %nd to your spirit. $eacon #he reading from the +oly Gospel according to 1atthew. 61atthew ;B ;D,;B.8 Choir Glory to #hee, / 'ord, glory to #hee< $eacon 'et us attend< 3riest #he 'ord said, P&ee that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For 0 tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. #he &on of 1an came to save what was lost. PWhat do you think9 0f a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety,nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off9 %nd if he finds it, 0 tell you the truth, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety,nine that did not wander off. 0n the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. P0f your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, 5ust between the two of you. 0f he listens to you, you have won your brother over. "ut if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that Jevery matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.K 6$eut. ;M ;A8 0f he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church) and if he refuses to listen even to the Church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. P0 tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.Q Choir Glory to #hee, / 'ord, glory to #hee< $eacon +ave mercy on us, / God, according to ?our great mercy, we pray ?ou, hear us, and have mercy. Choir 'ord, have mercy. 'ord, have mercy. 'ord, have mercy. 6...and after every petition.8 $eacon %gain we pray for +is "eatitude, our 1etropolitan SSSSSSS, for +is Grace, our "ishop SSSSSSS, the honorable priesthood, the diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and all the people, %gain we pray for the 3resident of our country, for all those in civil authority, and for the armed forces. ?ou who desire not the death of sinners, but rather that they should turn to ?ou and live, return all those who have fallen away to ?our holy church) we ask ?ou, compassionate 'ord, hear us and have mercy. ?ou who ordered this world for ?our glory, convert all those opposed to ?our word, so that together with all the faithful, they may glorify ?ou, our God, with true faith and piety, / omnipotent Creator, hear us and have mercy. ?ou who gave us the great commandment to love ?ou, the 'ord our God, and our neighbor as ourselves, grant that hatred, enmity, strife, revenge, lying, and all other bad things may end, and that true love will reign in our hearts, we ask ?ou, our &avior, to hear us and graciously have mercy. 3riest +ear us, / God our savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are far off upon the sea and in the air) and show mercy, show mercy, / 1aster, upon us sinners, and be merciful to us for ?ou are the merciful God and the lover of mankind, and to ?ou we offer glory, to the Father and to the &on and to the +oly &pirit, now and ever and for ages of ages. Choir %men.

$eacon 'et us pray to the 'ord. Choir 'ord, have mercy. 3riest / most high God, the 1aster and fashioner of all that is, Who fills all creation with ?our ma5esty and upholds it with ?our power to ?ou, our most generous 'ord, we who are unworthy offer thanks, since ?ou do not turn away from us because of our sins, but give even us the fullness of ?our bounties. ?ou sent ?our only,begotten &on for our deliverance and showed ?our immeasurable pity for the human race, since ?ou strongly desire that we should turn to ?ou and be saved. >nowing the weakness of our nature, ?ou strengthen us with the effective grace of ?our +oly &pirit) ?ou comfort us with ?our saving faith and the perfect hope of eternal goodness, and, guiding ?our people to the Nion on high, ?ou cherish us as the apple of ?our eye. We confess ?our incomparable love for mankind and we give thanks for ?our compassion. "ut seeing our many stumblings, we earnestly ask ?ou, all,gracious 'ord look upon ?our church and see that, although we have 5oyfully received the Gospel of salvation, yet the thorns of vanity and passion make it bear little fruit in some places, and to be fruitless in others) and following the increase of ini2uity, some by heresy, others by schism, oppose the truth of ?our Gospel, abandon ?our heritage, re5ect ?our grace, and sub5ect themselves to the 5udgement of ?our all,holy Word. / 'ord, most compassionate and all,mighty, do not be angry with us forever ?our church prays ?ou to have mercy, have mercy on us, offering (esus Christ, as the author and complete of our salvation as our only advocate and mediator before ?ou) establish us in the right faith by ?our power) illumine the eyes of the wandering with ?our divine 'ight, that they may understand ?our truth) soften their bitterness and open their ears, that they may hear ?our voice and turn to ?ou, our &avior) correct, / 'ord, the perverseness and lives of those not in accord with Christian piety) grant that we all may live holy and blameless lives, so that the saving Faith shall root in us and remain fruitful in our hearts. $o not turn ?our face from us, / 'ord, show us the 5oy of ?our salvation) grant to the shepherds of ?our church both a holy 4eal and solicitude for the salvation and conversion of the wandering with the spirit of the Gospel) that being guided by ?ou, we shall arrive where perfect Faith, fulfillment of hope, and true love abound) and that, there with the choirs of the most pure heavenly hosts, we may glorify ?ou, our 'ord, the Father, and the &on, and the +oly &pirit for ages of ages< Choir %men. $eacon Who is so great a God as our God9 ?ou are the God Who does wonders< 6#hrice.8 'et us /rthodox people, now celebrating the #riumph of /rthodoxy, glorify our good God above all else, Who is blessed forever. #his is our God, Who took thought for and established +is beloved inheritance, the holy Church, setting her foundation in 3aradise, comforting with +is true word our forefathers who fell through disobedience. #his is our God, Who, directing us to +is promise of salvation, left +imself not without witness, but foretold the coming salvation, first through the forefathers and prophets, and by many images gave a lively description of it. #his is our God, Who by the prophets of old often spoke to the fathers, and in these latter days spoke to us by +is &on, by Whom time was created) Who declared the goodwill of the Father towards us, disclosed the mysteries of heaven, confirmed the truth of the Gospel through the power of the +oly &pirit, sent +is apostles through the whole world to preach the Gospel of the >ingdom, and confirmed it by various powers and miracles. Following this saving revelation, and holding the Gospel6s8... ...%e believe, in one God, the Father Almight", maker of heaven and earth, and of all things, visible and invisible. And in one +ord, >esus Christ, the )on of God, the onl"?begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages. +ight of +ight; true God of true God; begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father; b" %hom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Hol" )pirit and the @irgin !ar", and became man. And He was crucified for us under /ontius /ilate, and suffered, and was buried. And the third da" He rose again, according to the )criptures, and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glor" to Audge the living and the dead; whose (ingdom shall have no end. And in the Hol" )pirit, the +ord, the Giver of life, %ho proceeds from the Father; %ho with the Father and the )on together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke b" the prophets. *n one Hol", Catholic, and Apostolic Church. * acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. * look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. $eacon #his is the faith of the apostles< #his is the faith of the fathers< #his is the /rthodox faith< #his faith has established the universe< Furthermore, we accept and confirm the councils of the holy fathers, and their traditions and writings which are agreeable to divine revelation. %nd though the enemies of /rthodoxy oppose this providence and the saving revelation of the 'ord, yet the 'ord has considered the reproaches of +is servants, for +e mocks those who blaspheme +is Glory, and has challenged the enemies of /rthodoxy and put them to flight< %s we therefore bless and praise those who have obeyed the divine revelation and have fought for it) so we re5ect and anathemati4e those

who oppose this truth, if while waiting for their return and repentance, they refuse to turn again to the 'ord) and in this we follow the sacred tradition of the ancient Church, holding fast to her traditions. #o those who deny the existence of God, and assert that the world is self,existing, and that all things in it occur by chance, and not by the providence of God, %nathema< %ll %nathema< 6...and after each exclamation.8 $eacon #o those who say that God is not spirit, but flesh) or that +e is not 5ust, merciful, wise and all,knowing, and utter similar blasphemies, %nathema< #o those who dare to say that the &on of God and also the +oly &pirit are not one in essence and of e2ual honor with the Father, and confess that the Father, and the &on, and the +oly &pirit are not one God, %nathema< #o those who foolishly say that the coming of the &on of God into the world in the flesh, and +is voluntary passion, death, and resurrection were not necessary for our salvation and the cleansing of sins, %nathema< #o those who re5ect the grace of redemption preached by the Gospel as the only means of our 5ustification before God, %nathema< #o those who dare to say that the all,pure :irgin 1ary was not virgin before giving birth, during birthgiving, and after her child,birth, %nathema< #o those who do not believe that the +oly &pirit inspired the prophets and apostles, and by them taught us the true way to eternal salvation, and confirmed this by miracles, and now dwells in the hearts of all true and faithful Christians, and teaches them in all truth, %nathema< #o those who re5ect the immortality of the soul, the end of time, the future 5udgment, and eternal reward for virtue and condemnation for sin, %nathema< #o those who re5ect all the holy mysteries held by the Church of Christ, %nathema< #o those who re5ect the Councils of the holy fathers and their traditions, which are agreeable to divine revelation and kept piously by the /rthodox Catholic Church, %nathema< #o those who mock and profane the holy images and relics which the holy Church receives as revelations of God*s work and of those pleasing to +im, to inspire their beholders with piety, and to arouse them to follow these examples) and to those who say that they are idols, %nathema< #o those who dare to say and teach that our 'ord (esus Christ did not descend to earth, but only seemed to) or that +e did not descend to the earth and become incarnate only once, but many times, and who likewise deny that the true Wisdom of the Father is +is only,begotten &on, %nathema< #o the followers of the occult, spiritualists, wi4ards, and all who do not believe in the one God, but honor the demons) or who do not humbly give their lives over to God, but strive to learn the future through sorcery, %nathema< $eacon "ut to all who have fought for /rthodoxy, by their words, by their writings, by their teaching, by their sufferings and religious life, as its defenders and allies, the Church of Christ annually commemorates and proclaims #o the holy fathers, great hierarchs and teachers of the Church, %thanasius and Cyril, "asil the Great, Gregory the #heologian, (ohn Chrysostom, 1ethodius and Cyril, and all the other pastors of the Church, 1emory Eternal< %ll 1emory Eternal< 6...and after each exclamation.8 $eacon #o the most holy emperor Constantine, E2ual,to,the,%postles, to his mother +elena) to the /rthodox emperors #heodosius the Great, #heodosius the ?ounger, (ustinian) to the most pious Grand $uke :ladimir, E2ual,to,the,%postles, to the Grand $uchess /lga, and all other /rthodox emperors and empresses, princes and princesses, 1emory Eternal< #o the most holy patriarchs of Constantinople the -ew .ome, %lexandria and %ll %frica, %ntioch and the East, (erusalem and %ll 3alestine, 1oscow and %ll .ussia, &erbia, .omania, and "ulgaria, the Catholiki and 3atriarch of Georgia, the %rchbishops of -ew (ustiniana and %ll Cyprus, %thens and %ll Greece, #irana and %ll %lbania, and %ll %merica and Canada, &inai and .aithu, >arelia and %ll Finland, and the 1etropolitans of Warsaw and %ll 3oland, #okyo and %ll (apan, >iev and of %ll =kraine, and 3rague and %ll the C4ech lands and &lovakia, and %ll %merica and Canada) and to all /rthodox metropolitans, archbishops, and bishops, 1emory Eternal< #o all who have suffered and fallen in battle in defense of the /rthodox faith, and of their country) and to all /rthodox Christians deceased in the true faith and piety, and in hope of the .esurrection, 1emory Eternal< #he /rthodox Church of Christ thus triumphantly commemorates those who have in times past contended in piety, to teach all her Christian children to follow their examples, but also has the duty to extol those who now labor for /rthodoxy and by saving faith and virtue prepare themselves for eternal beatitude. #o the most holy patriarchs of Constantinople the -ew .ome, %lexandria and %ll %frica, %ntioch and the East, (erusalem and %ll 3alestine,

1oscow and %ll .ussia, &erbia, .omania, and "ulgaria, the Catholiki and 3atriarch of Georgia, the %rchbishops of -ew (ustiniana and %llCyprus, %thens and %ll Greece, #irana and %ll %lbania, and %ll %merica and Canada, &inai and .aithu, >arelia and %ll Finland, and the 1etropolitans of Warsaw and %ll 3oland, #okyo and %ll (apan, >iev and of %ll =kraine, and 3rague and %ll the C4ech lands and &lovakia, keep them, / 'ord, for many years< %ll 1any ?ears< 6...and after each exclamation.8 $eacon #o his "eatitude, -, (urisdiction, and to his Grace, SSSSSSS, 6arch8bishop of SSSSSS, keep them, / 'ord, for many years< #o all the most reverend /rthodox metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and to all the clergy, 1any ?ears< #o all those in civil authority, grant, / 'ord, 1any ?ears< #o all /rthodox Christians rightly holding the saving faith, and living in obedience to the Church of Christ, grant, / 'ord, peace, 2uiet, prosperity, and abundance of the fruit of the earth, and keep them for 1any ?ears< Glorify all these, / +oly #rinity, and confirm them in the right faith even to the end) and convert the enemies and those ignorant of the /rthodox faith and Christ*s Church, that they may come to know ?our eternal #ruth, through the intercessions of our most holy 'ady, the #heotokos and ever,virgin 1ary, and of all the saints. %ll %men. 6+ere may follow the +ymn of &t. %mbrose of 1ilan, and the dismissal.8

2e'o+. I ha(e e$,er-te" ome o! the more a'ient -oint ) The# are ALL ,ru,ia' an" the# a'' hit the tar0et ri0ht on the &u''B e#eC A0ain t the 1no ti, 1ur"Die(ian ) an" Do,ete 4an" thi in,'u"e the Mohamme"an 5. the Ne+>A0er >> 2'a(at /#ite an"

#/ the #heosophists and other heretics who dare to say and irrationally teach that our 'ord (esus Christ did not descend to earth and become incarnate once only, but hath been incarnate many times) and who likewise deny that the true Wisdom of the Father is +is only "egotten &on, and, contrary to divine &cripture and the teaching of the holy fathers, seek other wisdoms, %-%#+E1%< 6x78 #/ the masons, followers of the occult, spiritualists, wi4ards, and all who do not believe in the one God, but honor the demons,or who do not humbly give their lives over to God, but strive to learn the future through sorcery, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 half step up in volume

The 2o' he(i/ . the Po'ti,a''# ,orre,tt< the Neo>Phari ee < the Ee+ )
#/ the persecutors of the Church of Christ, impious apostates, and, proselyti4ing wolves who, seek to lead the faithful away from the Church, and lifted their hands against the anointed of God, who slay +is sacred ministers, who profane the holy things, who destroy the temples of God, who sub5ect our brethren to 0n2uisition, Conversion, peaceable or otherwise, and have defiled our /rthodox Christian +omelands, %-%#+E1%< 6@78 #/ those who attack the Church of Christ by teaching that ChristKs Church is divided into so,called branches which differ in doctrine and way of life, or that the Church does not exist visibly but will be formed in the future, when all branches or sects or denominations, and even religions, will be united into one body) and who do not distinguish the priesthood and holy mysteries of the Church from those of +eretics, but say that the baptism and eucharist of heretics is effectual for salvation) therefore, #/ those who knowingly have communion wit these aforementioned heretics or who advocate, disseminate or defined their new heresy, commonly called ecumenism or the 3an,+eresy of Ecumenism, under the pretext of brotherly love or the supposed unification of separated Christians, %-%#+E1%< #/ #hose who believe that the +oly Church is $ivided into "ranches or 'ungs or other such blasphemies, %-%#+E1%< #o those who undertake +ellenic 3agan studies also known as +ellenic neo,3aganism 6$odekatheonismos8 not only for purposes of education but also follow after their vain opinionsand ritualistic practices, and are so thoroughly convinced of their truth and validity that they shamelessly introduce them and teach them to others, sometimes secretly and sometimes openly, %-%#+E1% 6x78 #o those who believe, that the return of the (ews to the +oly 'and, and the establishment of the &tate of 0srael in ;MHB, is in accordance with "iblical prophecy. 6Christian Nionists, $ispensationalists, $arbyites, PChristiansQ =nited for 0srael,Fie<, and other such 3rotestant Cults8, %-%#+E1% 6x78 #o those who deny that the /rthodox Catholic Church of Christ is the -ew 0srael, and that the /ld 0srael of the 3harisees, &adducees and the #emple of (erusalem have fallen away, and do not make up the 0srael of God.%nd, as a result have forfeited their rights to the +oly 'andO3alestine. %-%#+E1% 6x78

The !o''o+in0 re!er to the Uniat >> an" a' o to the Lutheran 4+ho ma"e inroa" into Hun0ar# an" Roumania5
From old .ome have come certain persons who learned there to wear 'atin habits. #he worst of it is how, from being .omans of .umelia 6.oumelia, .oumeli8 bred and born, they not only have changed their faith, but they even wage war upon the /rthodox dogmas and truths of the Eastern Church which have been delivered to us by Christ and the divine %postles and the +oly Councils 6or &ynods8 of the +oly Fathers. #herefore, cutting off these persons as rotten members, we command #hat whoever does not confess with heart and mouth that he is a child of the Eastern Church bapti4ed in /rthodox style, and that the +oly &pirit proceeds out of only the Father, essentially and hypostatically, as Christ says in the Gospel, shall be outside of our Church and shall be anathemati4ed. #hat whoever does not confess that at the 1ystery of +oly Communion the laity must also partake of both kinds, of the 3recious "ody and "lood, but instead says that he will partake only of the body, and that that is sufficient because therein is both flesh and blood, when as a matter of fact Christ said and administered each separately, and they who fail to keep such customs, let all such persons be anathemati4ed. %-%#+E1% 6x78

Thi re!er to the Eu"aiFer >> an" Armenian 4i3e3 a !orm o! Eu"aiFation5

The Ori0ina' Anathema

/n everything that has been written or spoken against the holy 3atriarchs Germanos, #arasios, -icephoros and 1ethodios, 0gnatios, 3hotius, -icephoros, %ntony and -icholas %nathema< /n every innovation and action contrary to the tradition of the Church, and the teaching and pattern of the holy and celebrated Fathers, or anything that shall be done after this %nathema< . . . /n those who accept with their reason the incarnate economy of God the Word, but will not allow that this can be beheld through images, and therefore affect to receive our salvation in words, but deny it in reality %nathema< /n those who wickedly make play with the word JuncircumscribedK and therefore refuse to depict in images Christ, our true God, who likewise shared our flesh and blood,ECf. +ebrews C ;HF and therefore show themselves to be fantasiasts %nathema< /n those who admit, even against their will, the prophetic visions, but will not accept the making of images of what they sawG/ wonder<Geven before the 0ncarnation of the Word, but emptily say that the incomprehensible and unseen essence itself was seen by those who beheld it, or conclude that these things make manifest images, figures and forms of the truth to those who see them, but will not accept that the Word become man, and his sufferings for our sake, may be depicted in icons %nathema< /n those who hear and understand the 'ord saying, 0f you believed 1oses, you would have believed me,E(ohn A HIF and the rest, and 1oses saying, #he 'ord our God will raise up for you from your brothers a prophet like me,E$euteronomy ;B ;A) cf. %cts 7 CCF and then say that the prophet is received, but that they will not represent the grace of the prophet and the salvation he brought for the whole world through images, even though he was seen and lived among men and women, and cured sufferings and sickness with mighty acts of healing, and was crucified, and buried, and rose again, and did and suffered all this for our sake) on those who will not accept that these works of salvation, accomplished for the whole world, may be seen in icons, nor honoured and venerated in them %nathema< /n those who remain in the icon,fighting heresy, or rather the Christ,fighting apostasy, and neither wish to be led to their salvation through the 1osaic legislation, nor choose to live piously in accordance with apostolic teaching, nor are persuaded to turn from their error by the advice and exhortations of the Fathers, nor are abashed by the harmony of every part of the ecumenical Church of God, but once and for all have sub5ected themselves to the lot of the (ews and the pagansElit GreeksF) for immediately they have uttered blasphemies against the %rchetype, and have not blushed to dare to make the image of the archetype identical with the archetype himself. /n those, therefore, who have heedlessly accepted this error, and have stuffed their ears against very divine word and spiritual teaching, as they are already putrefied, and cut themselves off from the common body of the Church %nathema< %nastasius, Constantine and -icetas, those who started off the 0saurian heresies, unholy men and leaders to ruin %nathema< #heodotus, %ntony and (ohn, procurers one for another of vices, and false successors of impiety %nathema< 3aul who turned back to &aul, and #heodorus called Gastes, and &tephen the 1olutes, as well as #heodore >rithinus, and 'ouloudios the lion, and anyone who is like them in uttering impiety, to whatever category of clergy or any other honour or way of life they belong) on all these who continue in their impiety %nathema<

#o all the heretics %nathema< #hose who apply the sayings of the divine &cripture that are directed against idols to the august icons of Christ our God and his saints %nathema< #hose who share the opinion of those who mock and dishonour the august icons %nathema< #hose who say that Christians treat the icons like gods %nathema< #hose who say that another, apart from Christ our God, delivered us from the error of idols %nathema< #hose who dare to say that the Catholic Church has accepted idols, thus overthrowing the whole mystery and mocking the faith of Christians %nathema< . . .

The Anathemas of the Sunday of Orthodoxy

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, after the dismissal, the clergy and servers come forth to the base of the solia, bearing ikons. The protos with the Cross remains on the amvon. (This Service can be performed without a Bishop)
The Protodeacon begins thus:

Who is so great a God as our God? Thou art the God who doeth wonders!
He repeateth the same three !" times, in a progressively louder voice. Then he readeth the following #

Celebrating today the Triumph of orthodoxy, O ye people, let us glorify above all our good God, who is blessed forever. This, our God, having taken thought for and established His beloved inheritance, the Holy Church, and having comforted with His true word our forebears who fell away through our transgression, hath set our foundation in paradise. This, our God, directing man toward His promise of salvation, let not Hmself bereft of witness, but, proclaimed the salvation which was to come, first through the forefathers and prophets, presenting it by diverse images. This is our God, who by the prophets of old spoke to the fathers very often and in diverse ways, and in these latter days has spoken to us in the O!, by whom time was created, who announced the good pleasure of the "ather for us, disclosed the mysteries of heaven, comfirmed the truth of the glad tidings by the power of the Holy pirit, sent the #postles throughout the whole world to preach the Gospel of the $ingdom, and comfirmed it with diverse powers and wonders. "ollowing this saving revelation and holding fast to the good tidings thereof, we confess that%

WE believe in one God, the "ather #lmighty, &aker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible% #nd in
one 'ord (esus Christ, the on of God, the Only)begotten, *egotten of the "ather before all ages, 'ight of 'ight, True God of True God, *egotten, not made+ of one essence with the "ather, by whom all things were made% ,ho for us men and for our salvation came down from the heavens, and was incarnate of the Holy pirit and the -irgin &ary, and became man+ #nd was crucified for us under .ontius .ilate, and suffered and was buried+ #nd rose again on the third day, according to the criptures+ #nd ascended into the heavens, and sitteth at the right hand of the "ather+ #nd shall come again, with glory, to /udge both the living and the dead, ,hose kingdom shall have no end. #nd in the Holy pirit, the 'ord, the Giver of 'ife, ,ho proceedeth from the "ather, ,ho with the "ather and the on together is worshiped and glorified, ,ho spake by the .rophets+ 0n One Holy Catholic and #postolic Church. 0 Confess one *aptism for the remission of sins. 0 look for the 1esurrection of the dead, #nd the life of the world to come
Choir: AMEN!

nd he !hanteth: This is the "aith of the #postles2 This is the "aith of the "athers2 This is the O1THO3O4 5Catholic6 "aith2 5This is the "aith of the Orthodox6 This "aith has established the 7niverse 5or the whole world62 "urthermore, we accept and affirm the councils of the Holy "athers 5which number 8 in all6, and their traditions and writings with one accord with divine revelation. #nd though the enemies of Orthodoxy oppose this providence of the 'ord and saving revelation, yet has the 'ord been midful of the reproaches of His servants+ for He hath mocked them that blaspheme his glory and hath affronted the audacious enemies of Orthodoxy and put them to flight. Therefore, as we bless and praise those who obey the divine revelation and confirm their will to it, so do we cut off and give over to #!#TH9&# those who oppose this Truth, if while the 'ord awaited their return and repentance, they did not repent+ and in this we follow the sacred tradition of the early church, holding fast to her traditions. Start in a Comfortably ow voi!e: TO those who re/ect the existence of God and maintain this, His world is self)existent, and that everything therein came into being by chance, and not by the providence of God, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who say that God is not spirit, but flesh, or that he is /ust not full of tender mercy, most)wise and all)knowing, and utter similar blasphemies, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who dare say that the on of God is not of one substance and e;ual in honor with the "ather, and that neither is the Holy pirit, and who profess that the "ather, the on, and the Holy pirit are not One God, #!#TH9&# 54:6 half ste" u" #n volume

TO those who irrationally say that the coming of the on of God into the world in the flesh, and His voluntary suffering, death and resurrection were not necessary for our salvation and for the cleansing of sins, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who do not accept the grace of redemption proclaimed by the Gospel as our sole means for /ustification before God, #nathema2 54:6 TO those who dare to say that the most pure -irgin &ary was not -irgin before giving birth, during birthgiving, and after birthgiving, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 half ste" u" in volume TO those who do not believe that the Holy pirit made wise the prophets and the #postles, and through them hath proclaimed to us the true path to everlasting salvation and confirmed this with miracles, and now dwelleth in the hearts of true and faithful Christians and instructeth them in every truth, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who deny the immortality of the soul, the end of time, the future /udgement, and everlasting reward in the heavens for virtue and condemnation for sin, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who re/ect all Holy &ysteries held by the Church of Christ, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 half ste" u" in volume TO those who re/ect the councils 5which number 86 of the Holy "athers and their Traditions, which are in accord with divine revelations and are kept piously by the Orthodox Catholic Church, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who reason that Orthodox overeigns are elevated to their thrones not by God<s special good will for them, and that gifts of the Holy pirit are not poured out upon them during their anointing for the conduct of this great calling+ and who likewise dare to rise up against them in &utiny and 1ebellious disorder, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who mock and profane the Holy 0mages 50$O! =0CO! 6 and 1elics, which the HO'> CH71CH affirms to be revelations of God<s work and of His Chosen ones, to inspire those who ga?e upon them with piety to emulate them+ and who dare to say that they are fond things, vainly invented, and are grounded upon no warranty of scripture, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO the Theosophists and other heretics who dare to say and irrationally teach that our 'ord (esus Christ did not descend to earth and become incarnate once only, but hath been incarnate many times+ and who likewise deny that the true ,isdom of the "ather is His only *eotten on, and, contrary to divine cripture and the teaching of the holy fathers, seek other wisdoms, #!#TH9&#2 5x:6 TO the masons, followers of the occult, spiritualists, wi?ards, and all who do not believe in the one God, but honor the demons,or who do not humbly give their lives over to God, but strive to learn the future through sorcery, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 half ste" u" in volume TO the persecutors of the Church of Christ, impious apostates, and, proselyti?ing wolves who, seek to lead the faithful away from the Church, and lifted their hands against the anointed of God, who slay His sacred ministers, who profane the holy things, who destroy the temples of God, who sub/ect our brethren to 0n;uisition, Conversion, peaceable or otherwise, and have defiled our Orthodox Christian Homelands, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO the truly non)existent and fallen #rch)Heretic .ope and .atriarch of Old 1ome *enedict 4-0, #nd #ny future .ope that comes after Him, and those in Communion with Him, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO the .rotestant 0nnovators who rebelled against the .apacy, *ut, failed to 7nite with the Orthodox Church, (ohn ,esley, (ohn Calvin, &artin 'uther, Henry @wingli, Henry -000 the 0mpious king, #nd those with them, and all heretical and offshoots of the .rotestant 1eformation, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO Those who deny and rebuke the .anagia, The Con)substantial, 0ndivisible and 'ife)Giving Trinity, The 1abbiAs of (udaism, The 0slamists, The #nonymous Tracts of the ,atchtower ociety, The (ehovahAs ,itnesses and the Church of 'atter 3ay aints, also known as the &ormons, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who deny the Holy Bth, Cth , Dth, and 8th 9cumenical Councils, The &onophysites, &onothelites, #rmenians and &onergists, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO Those who teach, preach Eand actively participate inF the .an)heresy of 0nter)Christian and 0nter)1eligious yncretistic

9cumenism, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who attack the Church of Christ by teaching that Christ<s Church is divided into so)called branches which differ in doctrine and way of life, or 'ungs, or that the Church does not exist visibly but will be formed in the future, when all branches or sects or denominations, and even religions, will be united into one body+ and who do not distinguish the priesthood and holy mysteries of the Church from those of Heretics, but say that the baptism and eucharist of heretics is effectual for salvation+ therefore, TO those who knowingly have communion with these aforementioned heretics or who advocate, disseminate or defined their new heresy, commonly called ecumenism or the .an)Heresy of 9cumenism, under the pretext of brotherly love or the supposed unification of separated Christians, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO Those who believe that the Holy Church is 3ivided into *ranches or 'ungs Eand other body partsF or other such blasphemies, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 TO those who teach that (udaism is some kind of elder brother to Our precious Christian Orthodox faith, or who teach That there is a concept called G(udeo)ChristianityH, #!#TH9&#2 54:6 To those who undertake Hellenic .agan studies also known as Hellenic neo).aganism 53odekatheonismos6 not only for purposes of education but also follow after their vain opinions and ritualistic practices, and are so thoroughly convinced of their truth and validity that they shamelessly introduce them and teach them to others, sometimes secretly and sometimes openly, #!#TH9&# 5x:6 To those who believe, that the return of the (ews to the Holy 'and, and the establishment of the tate of 0srael in IJBK, is in accordance with $iblical prophecy. 5Christian @ionists, 3ispensationalists, 3arbyites, GChristiansH 7nited for 0srael)"ie2, and other such .rotestant Cults6, #!#TH9&# 5x:6 To those who deny that the Orthodox Catholic Church of Christ is the !ew 0srael, and that the %ld &srael of the .harisees, adducees and the Temple of (erusalem have fallen away, and do not make up the 0srael of God.#nd, as a result have forfeited their rights to the Holy 'and=.alestine. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 "rom old 1ome have come certain persons who learned there to wear 'atin habits. The worst of it is how, from being 1omans of 1umelia 51oumelia, 1oumeli6 bred and born, they not only have changed their faith, but they even wage war upon the Orthodox dogmas and truths of the 9astern Church which have been delivered to us by Christ and the divine #postles and the Holy Councils 5or ynods6 of the Holy "athers. Therefore, cutting off these persons as rotten members, we command% That whoever does not confess with heart and mouth that he is a child of the 9astern Church bapti?ed in Orthodox style, and that the Holy pirit proceeds out of only the "ather, essentially and hypostatically, as Christ says in the Gospel, shall be outside of our Church and shall be anathemati?ed. That whoever does not confess that at the &ystery of Holy Communion the laity must also partake of both kinds, of the .recious *ody and *lood, but instead says that he will partake only of the body, and that that is sufficient because therein is both flesh and blood, when as a matter of fact Christ said and administered each separately, and they who fail to keep such customs, let all such persons be anathemati?ed. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 That whoever says that our 'ord (esus Christ at the &ystic upper had unleavened bread 5made without yeast6, like that of the (ews, and not leavened bread, that is to say, bread raised with yeast, let him depart far away from us and let him be anathema as one having (ewish views and those of #polinarios and bringing dogmas of the #rmenians into our Church, on which account let him be doubly anathema. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 ,hoever says that our Christ and God, when He comes to /udge us, does not come to /udge souls together with bodies, or embodied souls, but instead comes to sentence only bodies, let him be anathema. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 ,hoever says that the souls of Christians who repented while in the world but failed to perform their penance go to a purgatory of fire when they die, where there is flame and punishment, and are purified, which is simply an ancient Greek myth, and those who, like Origen, think that hell is not everlasting, and thereby afford or offer the liberty or incentive to sin, let him and all such persons be anathema. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 That whoever says that the .ope is the head of the Church, and not Christ, and that he has authority to admit persons to .aradise with his letters of indulgence or other passports, and can forgive sins as many as a person may commit if such person pay money to receive from him indulgences, i.e., licenses to sin, let every such person be anathema. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 That whoever does not follow the customs of the Church as the even Holy 9cumenical Councils decreed, and Holy .ascha,

and the &enologion with which they did well in making it a law that we should follow it, and wishes to follow the newly) invented .aschalion and the !ew &enologion of the atheist astronomers of the .ope, and opposes all those things and wishes to overthrow and destroy the dogmas and customs of the Church which have been handed down by our fathers, let him suffer anathema and be put out of the Church of Christ and out of the Congregation of the "aithful. #!#TH9&# 5x:6 To those who fall away from the Holy Orthodox Catholic "aith, embracing false doctrines, dogmas or heresies, to the scandal of our brethren, #!TH9&# 5x:6 C$O#%: ANAT$EMA& ANAT$EMA& ANAT$EMA!!! End li'e the readin( of an E"istle )EACON: #nd celebrating the annual commemoration of all who, by word, writing, teaching, suffering and pious life have contended for Orthodoxy as its defenders and allies, The Church of the Christ doth exclaim% TO #ll the Holy and 1ight)*elieving rulers throughout the ,orld, to rulers of this nation, its civil authorities, and armed forces fallen asleep in the 'ord, &9&O1> 9T91!#'2 TO the *lessed and 9ver)&emorable .atriarch=&etropolitans=#rchbishops=*ishops of !ational Church, 3iocese, their, 9minences 5!=! and !6, &9&O1> 9T91!#'2 TO those who suffered and were slain in various ways for the Orthodox "aith, and all Orthodox Christians who have fallen asleep in true faith in hope of the resurrection and life eternal, &9&O1> 9T91!#'2 C$O#%: MEMO%* ETE%NA ! )EACON: The Orthodox Church of Christ, solemnly commemorating those who have contended in .iety, and urging all her children to emulate this, likewise hath the duty to praise the struggles of those who now, preparing themselves for eternal blessedness with saving faith and virtue, Confess Orthodoxy. TO those who love Christian piety, the defenders and protectors of the Church of Christ, The 1ulers of our Country its leaders and civil authorities, and armed forces, grant, O 'ord, a prosperous and peaceful life L&#!> >9#1 2 TO the 9ntire ynod, national Church, 3iocese 5!6, to Our 'ord, The &ost *lessed 5! of a Hierarch of a !ational Church or 3iocese6 and to Our 'ord the &ost 1everend !, #rchbishop of 3iocese 4, &#!> >9#1 2 TO this land, to every 'and wherein Christians do dwell+ and to all Orthodox Christians who hold the saving "aith in the Orthodox &anner and who submit to the law of Christ, Grant, O 'ord a properous and peaceful 'ifeL &#!> >9#1 2 C$O#%: MAN* *EA%S! + O%* TO T$EE& O,% +O) AN) -ENE.ACTO%& ,NTO T$E A+ES O. A+ES/ AMEN/ 0 The faithfu" come up and venerate the #o"$ !ross and the icons he"d b$ the c"erg$ and servers% The Choir Chanteth the GTe &eum 'audemus of Saint mbrose of (i"anH AMEN/ + O%* TO +O) .O% A T$#N+S/ E-$ %nathemas of &unday of /rthodoxy

A Confession of .aith A(ainst E!umenism/ .rom the Convention of Orthodox Cler(ymen and Mon's& A"ril 1223 Those of us who by the +ra!e of +od have been raised with the do(mas of "iety and who follow in everythin( the One& $oly& Catholi! and A"ostoli! Chur!h& believe that: The sole "ath to salvation of man'ind 4i5 is the faith in the $oly Trinity& the wor' and the tea!hin( of our ord 6esus Christ& and their !ontinuan!e within $is -ody& the $oly Chur!h/ Christ is the only true i(ht 4ii57 there are no other li(hts to illuminate us& nor any other names that !an save us: 8Salvation is not within anythin( else7 nor is there any other name under the heavens that has been (iven to man'ind& in whi!h we !an be saved8 4iii5/ All other beliefs& all reli(ions that i(nore and do not !onfess Christ 8havin( !ome in the flesh8 4iv5& are human manufa!turin(s and wor's of the )evil& 4v5 whi!h do not lead to the true 'nowled(e of +od and rebirth throu(h divine -a"tism& but instead& mislead men and lead them to "erdition/ As Christians who believe in the $oly Trinity& we do not have the same +od as any other reli(ion& nor with the so9!alled monotheisti! reli(ions& 6udaism and Mohammedanism& whi!h do not believe in the $oly Trinity/ .or two thousand years& the Christ9founded and $oly S"irit9(uided Chur!h has remained stable and unsha'eable in the salvifi! Truth that was tau(ht by Christ& delivered by the $oly A"ostles and "reserved by the $oly .athers/ She did not bu!'le under the !ruel "erse!utions by the 6udeans initially and later by idolaters durin( the first three !enturies7 She brou(ht forth a host of martyrs and !ame out vi!torious& thus "rovin( $er divine ori(in/ As Saint 6ohn the Chrysostom beautifully ex"ressed it: 8Nothin( is stron(er than the Chur!h/// if you fi(ht a(ainst a man& you either !on:uer or are !on:uered7 but if you fi(ht a(ainst the Chur!h& it is not "ossible for you to win& for +od is the stron(est of all8 4vi5/ .ollowin( the !essation of the "erse!utions and the trium"h of the Chur!h over $er external enemies 9 in other words& the 6udeans and the idolaters 9 the internal enemies of the Chur!h be(an to multi"ly and stren(then/ The various heresies be(an to a""ear& whi!h endeavoured to overthrow and adulterate the delivered faith so that the faithful would be!ome !onfused& and their trust in the truth of the +os"el and traditions be debilitated/ #n outlinin( the e!!lesiasti! state of affairs that the "revalen!e for over ;2 years 9 even administratively 9 that the heresy of Arius had !reated& Saint -asil the +reat says: 8The do(mas of the .athers have been entirely disre(arded& the a"ostoli! traditions withered& the inventions of youn(er "eo"le are observed in the Chur!hes7 "eo"le are therefore te!hnolo(i<in( when they should be theolo(i<in(7 the wisdom of the world seems to be "ushin( aside the boastin( in the Cross/ =astors are sent away& and in their "la!e are inserted harsh wolves& who dis"erse Christ>s flo!'8 4vii5/ Whatever ha""ened to the external enemies 9 reli(ions 9 also ha""ened to the internal ones 9 heresies/ Throu(h ma?or and enli(htened $oly .athers& the Chur!h demar!ated and entren!hed the Orthodox faith with de!isions by o!al and E!umeni!al Synods @Coun!ilsA in the !ases of s"e!ifi!& dubious tea!hin(s& but with the a(reement of all the .athers @Consensus =atrumA& on all the matters of the .aith/ We are now therefore safe& when we follow the $oly .athers and do not move the boundaries that they had set/ The ex"ressions 8.ollowin( after our $oly .athers8 and 8Not withdrawin( the boundaries that our .athers had set8 !onstitute a steady& strai(ht !ourse and a safety valve for the Orthodox faith and way of life/ Conse:uently& the basi! "ositions of our Confession are the followin(: B/ We maintain& irremovably and without alteration& everythin( that the Synods and the .athers have instituted/ We a!!e"t everythin( that they a!!e"t and !ondemn everythin( that they !ondemn7 we furthermore avoid !ommuni!ation with those who innovate on matters of the .aith/ We neither add& nor remove& any tea!hin(& nor do we alter it/ Already& the +od9bearin( Saint #(natius of Antio!h in his e"istle to Saint =oly!ar" of Smyrna had written: 8Anyone who says !ontrary to what has been de!reed 9 even if he is trustworthy& even if he fasts& even if he is !elibate& even if he "erforms si(ns& let him a""ear to you as a wolf in a shee">s hide& as"irin( to the !orru"tion of the shee"8/ Saint 6ohn the Chrysostom in inter"retin( the A"ostle =aul>s words 8should anyone evan(eli<e to you somethin( that was not delivered to you& let him be anathema8& observes that the A"ostle 8did not say if they should "ro!laim somethin( !ontrary or if they should overturn everythin(& but that even if they should evan(eli<e even the smallest thin( that has not been delivered to you& even if they should "rom"t it& let them be anathema8 4viii5/ ,"on announ!in( its de!isions a(ainst the #!ono!lasts to the !ler(y of Constantino"le& the Cth E!umeni!al Synod wrote: 8We have followed the tradition of the Catholi! Chur!h& and have not made any omission or any redundan!y& but& havin( been tau(ht in the a"ostoli! manner& we maintain the traditions that we re!eived& a!!e"tin( and res"e!tin( everythin( that the $oly Catholi! Chur!h has re!eived from the first years& unwritten and written/// for the true and strai(htforward ?ud(ment of the Chur!h does not ma'e any allowan!e for innovations within $er& or for attem"ts to remove anythin(/ We& therefore& by followin( the laws of our

.athers& havin( re!eived (ra!e by the one S"irit& have duly safe(uarded without any innovations and redu!tions& all the thin(s of the Chur!h8 4ix5/ Alon( with the $oly .athers and the Synods& we too re?e!t and anathemati<e all the heresies that a""eared durin( the histori!al !ourse of the Chur!h/ Of the old heresies that have survived to this day& we !ondemn Arianism @still survivin(& in the "seudo9Witnesses of 6ehovahA and Mono"hysitism 9 the extreme form of Euty!hius and the more moderate form of Sevirus and )ios!orus 9 a!!ordin( to the de!isions of the ;th E!umeni!al Synod of Chal!edon and the Christolo(i!al tea!hin( of ma?or $oly .athers and Tea!hers su!h as Saint Maximus the Confessor& Saint 6ohn of )amas!us& =hotios the +reat and the hymns of our worshi"/ 1/ We "ro!laim that =a"ism is the womb of heresies and falla!ies/ The tea!hin( of the 8.ilio:ue8 9 that is& the "ro!ession of the $oly S"irit AN) from the Son 9 is !ontrary to everythin( that Christ $imself tau(ht about the $oly S"irit/ The entire !horus of .athers& both in Synods and individually& re(ard =a"ism as a heresy be!ause a"art from the .ilio:ue& it "rodu!ed a host of other falla!ies& su!h as the "rima!y and the infallibility of the =o"e& the unleavened bread @hostA& the fires of =ur(atory& the imma!ulate !on!e"tion of the Theoto'os& !reated +ra!e& the "ur!hasin( of absolution @indul(en!esA/// it has altered nearly all of the tea!hin( and the "ra!ti!e "ertainin( to -a"tism& Chrismation& the )ivine Eu!harist and the other Sa!raments& and has !onverted the Chur!h to a se!ular State/ Contem"orary =a"ism has deviated mu!h further than medieval =a"ism from the tea!hin( of the Chur!h& to the extent that it no lon(er !om"rises a !ontinuan!e of the an!ient Chur!h of the West/ #t has introdu!ed a swarm of new exa((erations in its 8Mariolo(y8& su!h as the tea!hin( that the Theoto'os is a "arallel redeemer @!orredem"trixA of the human ra!e/ #t has reinfor!ed the 8Charismati! Movement8 of =ente!ostal @su""osedly S"irit9!enteredA (rou"s/ #t has ado"ted further innovations to )ivine Worshi"& su!h as dan!es and musi!al instruments/ #t has shortened and essentially ruined the )ivine itur(y/ #n the area of E!umenism it has set down the bases for the =an9reli(ion with its 1nd Dati!an Coun!il& by re!o(ni<in( 8s"iritual life8 in the "eo"le of other reli(ions/ )o(mati! minimalism has led it to a minimi<in( of moral "rere:uisites& on a!!ount of the bond between do(ma and morality& the result of whi!h was the moral failures of leadin( !ler(ymen and an in!rease in moral deviations su!h as homosexuality and "edo"hilia amon( !ler(ymen 4x5/ -y !ontinuin( to su""ort 8,nia8 9 that !ari!ature of Orthodoxy with whi!h it vi!timi<es and "roselyti<es faithful 9 =a"ism is sabota(in( the )ialo(ue and is !ontradi!tin( its su""osedly sin!ere intentions for union/ +enerally s"ea'in(& there has been a radi!al !han(e in =a"ism and a turn towards =rotestantism after the 1nd Dati!an Coun!il& and even an ado"tin( of various 8s"iritual8 movements of the 8New A(e8/ A!!ordin( to Saint Simeon of Thessaloni'i& the Mysta(o(ue& =a"ism !aused more dama(e to the Chur!h than all the heresies and s!hisms "ut to(ether/ We Orthodox have !ommunion with the "re9S!hism =o"es and we !ommemorate many =o"es as saints/ The "ost9S!hism "o"es are hereti!s7 they have !eased to be su!!essors to the throne of %ome7 they no lon(er have A"ostoli! su!!ession& be!ause they no lon(er have the faith of the A"ostles and the .athers/ #t is for this reason that with ea!h su!h "o"e& 8not only do we have no !ommunion& but we also !all him a hereti!8/ On a!!ount of their blas"hemy a(ainst the $oly S"irit with their tea!hin( of the .ilio:ue& they forfeited the "resen!e of the $oly S"irit and therefore everythin( of theirs is de"rived of +ra!e/ Not one of their sa!raments is valid& a!!ordin( to Saint Simeon/ 8Therefore the innovators are blas"hemin( and are far away from the S"irit& by blas"hemin( a(ainst the $oly S"irit& hen!e everythin( of theirs is +ra!e9less& inasmu!h as they have violated and have demoted the +ra!e of the S"irit/// whi!h is why the $oly S"irit is not amon( them& and there is nothin( s"iritual about them& as everythin( theirs is new and altered and !ontrary to divine tradition8 4xi5/ E/ The same thin(s a""ly to an even (reater de(ree to =rotestantism& whi!h as the offs"rin( of =a"ism has inherited many heresies& but has also added many more7 #t has re?e!ted Tradition& a!!e"tin( only the $oly -ible @Sola S!ri"turaA whi!h it however misinter"rets7 it has abolished =riesthood as a s"e!iali<ed sa!ramental +ra!e& as well as the veneration of Saints and of holy i!ons7 it has vilified the =erson of the $oly Mother Theoto'os7 it has re?e!ted Monasti!ism7 of the $oly Sa!raments& it a!!e"ts only -a"tism and the )ivine Eu!harist& albeit alterin( in them also the tea!hin( and the "raxis of the Chur!h7 it tea!hes absolute "redestination @CalvinismA and vindi!ation only throu(h faith/ .urthermore& its more 8"ro(ressive8 se!tor has introdu!ed =riesthood for women and marria(e between homosexuals 9 who they even a!!e"t into the =riesthood/ -ut above all& it la!'s e!!lesiolo(y& be!ause the notion of Chur!h as "er!eived by the Orthodox Tradition is nonexistent to them/

;/ The only way that our !ommunion with hereti!s !an be restored is if they renoun!e their falla!y and re"ent& so that there may be a true union and "ea!e: a union with the Truth& and not with falla!y and heresy/ .or the in!or"oration of hereti!s into the Chur!h& !anoni!al "re!ision re:uires that they be a!!e"ted throu(h -a"tism/ Their "revious 8ba"tism8& "erformed outside the Chur!h without the tri"le immersion and emersion of the one bein( ba"ti<ed in s"e!ially san!tified water& and "erformed by a non9Orthodox "riest& is in no way a ba"tism/ #t la!'s the +ra!e of the $oly S"irit @Who does not remain within s!hisms and heresiesA and as su!h& we have nothin( in !ommon that unites us& as -asil the +reat "oints out: 8As for those who have distan!ed themselves from the Chur!h& they no lon(er have the (ra!e of the $oly S"irit u"on them& for transmission has !eased with those who have interru"ted the se:uen!e/// as for the ones who have bro'en away& who have now be!ome laity& they no lon(er have the authority to either ba"ti<e& or ordain by the "la!in( of their hands& bein( now unable to "rovide the (ra!e of the $oly S"irit& from whi!h @(ra!eA they have fallen away8 4xii5 That is why the new attem"t by E!umenists to "ro?e!t the "osition that we have a !ommon ba"tism with hereti!s is unfounded and han(in( in mid9air& as is their assertion that it is "ossible to su""ort the unity of the Chur!h with this nonexistent ba"tismal unity& whi!h su""osedly exists wherever a ba"tism may exist 4xiii5/ #n the Chur!h however& one enters and be!omes $er member& not with ?ust any ba"tism& but only with the one& uniformly "erformed -a"tism& offi!iated by =riests who have re!eived the =riesthood of the Chur!h/ F/ .or as lon( as hereti!s !ontinue to remain in their falla!y& we avoid !ommunion with them& es"e!ially in !ommon "rayer/ The holy !anons in their entirety "rohibit not only !ommon offi!iatin( and in9tem"le !ommon "rayin(& but even ordinary "rayers in "rivate :uarters/ The Chur!h>s stri!t stan!e o""osite hereti!s s"rin(s from true love and sin!ere !on!ern for their salvation& and out of $er "astoral !are that the faithful are not !arried away by heresies/ Whosoever loves& reveals the truth and does not leave the other in a falsehood7 otherwise& any love and a(reement with him would only be !ounterfeit and false/ There is su!h a thin( as a (ood war and a bad "ea!e/ 8///for a "raiseworthy war is su"erior to a "ea!e that se"arates one from +od8 says Saint +re(ory the Theolo(ian 4xiv5/ And Saint 6ohn the Chrysostom re!ommends: 8#f you should see devoutness vitiated anywhere& do not "refer the harmony of a truth& but stand fast to the death/// betrayin( the truth nowhere8/ And elsewhere& he re!ommends with em"hasis: 8)o not a!'nowled(e any ille(itimate do(ma that has the "retext of love84xv5/ This stan!e of the .athers was also ado"ted by the ma?or defender and !onfessor of the Orthodox faith a(ainst the atins& Saint Mar' of E"hesus& who !on!luded his own Confession of .aith in .loren!e with the followin( words: 8All the tea!hers of the Chur!h& all the synods and all the divine S!ri"tures exhort us to 'ee" away from those with other beliefs& and to refrain from !ommunion with them/ Therefore& am # to disre(ard them all& and follow those who under the "retense of a manufa!tured "ea!e strive for unionG Those& who have !ounterfeited the sa!red and divine Symbol @CreedA and who introdu!ed the Son as the se!ond !ause of the $oly S"iritG 4///5 May this never ha""en to us& o benevolent =ara!lete @ComforterA& and may # never fall away from my own duteous thou(hts& but& by followin( *our tea!hin( and the blessed men who were ins"ired by *ou& may # be added to my fathers& by brin(in( in& if nothin( else& this: "iety8 4xvi5/ H/ ," until the be(innin(s of the 12th !entury& the Chur!h has steadfastly and immutably maintained a re?e!tive and !ondemnatory stan!e towards all heresies& as !learly formulated in the Synodi!on of Orthodoxy whi!h is re!ited on the Sunday of Orthodoxy/ $eresies and hereti!s are anathemati<ed& ea!h one se"arately7 furthermore& in order to ensure that not one of them has been left out of the anathema& there is a (eneral anathema at the end of the text: 8 et all hereti!s be anathemati<ed8/ ,nfortunately& this uniform& steady and unswervin( stan!e of the Chur!h has& u" until the be(innin(s of the 12th !entury& be(un to be (radually abandoned& followin( the en!y!li!al that was released by the E!umeni!al =atriar!hate in B312 8To all the !hur!hes of Christ8& whi!h for the first time had offi!ially !hara!teri<ed heresies as >!hur!hes> that are not alienated from the Chur!h& but are familiar and related to $er/ #t re!ommended that 8the love between the Chur!hes should above all be re'indled and reinfor!ed& no lon(er thin'in( of ea!h other as forei(n and alien& but rather as related and familiar in Christ& and !o9inheritors and !o9in!or"orated in the "romise of +od in Christ8 @see #/Iarmiris>& 8The )o(mati! and Symboli! Monuments of the Orthodox Catholi! Chur!h8& vol/ 1& "a(e 3FJA/ The "ath is now o"en for the ado"tion& the sha"in( and the develo"ment within the s"here of the Orthodox Chur!h& of the initially =rotestant invention 9 and now with =a"al a!!e"tan!e 9 heresy of E!umenism7 this "an9heresy& whi!h ado"ts

and le(ali<es all heresies as >!hur!hes> and insults the do(ma of the One& $oly& Catholi! and A"ostoli! Chur!h/ Now develo"ed& tau(ht and im"osed by =atriar!hs and bisho"s is the new do(ma re(ardin( the Chur!h& a new e!!lesiolo(y/ A!!ordin( to this& no Chur!h is entitled to demand for itself ex!lusively the !hara!ter of a !atholi! and true Chur!h/ #nstead& ea!h one of them is a "ie!e& a "art& and not the entire Chur!h7 they all to(ether !om"rise the Chur!h/ All the boundaries that the .athers had set have been torn down7 there is no lon(er a dividin( line between heresy and Chur!h& between truth and falla!y/ Even heresies are now >!hur!hes>7 in fa!t& many of them 9li'e the =a"ist one9 are now re(arded as >sister !hur!hes> to whi!h +od has entrusted& ?ointly with us& the !are for man'ind>s salvation 4xvii5/ The +ra!e of the $oly S"irit now also exists within heresies& and therefore their ba"tisms 9 li'e all their other >sa!raments> 9 are !onsidered valid/ All who have been ba"ti<ed& and in whi!hever heresy they may belon(& are now !onsidered members of Christ>s -ody& the Chur!h/ The !ondemnations and the anathemas of the Synods are no lon(er valid and should be stri!'en from litur(i!al boo's/ We are now housed in the 8World Coun!il of Chur!hes8 and have essentially betrayed 9 even with our mere a!!ession to "arti!i"ate 9 our e!!lesiasti! self9awareness/ We have removed the do(ma re(ardin( the One& $oly& Catholi! and A"ostoli! Chur!h 9 the do(ma of 8one ord& one .aith& one -a"tism8 4xviii5/ C/ This inter9Christian syn!retism has now ex"anded into an inter9reli(ion syn!retism& whi!h e:uates all other reli(ions to the uni:ue& +od9revealed& throu(h Christ reveren!e for +od& the 'nowled(e of +od and the Christ9li'e way of life/ Conse:uently& it is not only the do(ma of the One& $oly& Catholi! and A"ostoli! Chur!h in relation to heresies that is bein( atta!'ed& but also the fundamental do(ma worldwide of the one and only %evelation and salvation of man'ind throu(h 6esus Christ in relation to the reli(ions of the world/ #t is the worst ima(inable falla!y& the bi((est heresy of all a(es/ J/ We believe and !onfess that only in Christ is there a "ossibility for salvation/ The reli(ions of the world and the heresies all lead to "erdition/ The Orthodox Chur!h is not merely the true Chur!h7 She is the only Chur!h/ She alone has remained faithful to the +os"el& the Synods and the .athers& and !onse:uently She alone re"resents the true !atholi! Chur!h of Christ/ A!!ordin( to the blessed Elder 6ustin =o"ovit!h& E!umenism is a !ommon name for the "seudo9 !hur!hes of Western Euro"e7 their !ommon name is a!tually 8"an9heresy8 4xix5/ This "an9heresy has been a!!e"ted by many Orthodox "atriar!hs& ar!hbisho"s& bisho"s& !ler(ymen& mon's and laity/ They tea!h it& 8barefa!edly87 they a""ly it and im"ose it in "ra!ti!e& !ommunin( with hereti!s in every "ossible manner 9 with !ommon "rayers& with ex!han(es of visits& with "astoral !ollaborations 9 thus essentially "la!in( themselves outside the Chur!h/ Our stan!e& "er the Con!iliar !anoni!al de!isions and "er the exam"le of the Saints& is obvious/ Ea!h one must now underta'e his own res"onsibilities/ 3/ There are of !ourse !olle!tive res"onsibilities also& and !hiefly in the e!umenisti! !ons!ien!e of our $ierar!hs and Theolo(ians& towards the Orthodox !or"us and their individual flo!'s/ To them& we de!lare with a fear of +od and with love that this stan!e of theirs and their o"enin(s towards all E!umenisti! a!tivities are !ondemnable from every as"e!t& be!ause: aA they are doubtin( in "ra!ti!e our Orthodox9=atristi! tradition and .aith7 bA they are sowin( doubt in the hearts of their flo!' and are unsettlin( many& thus leadin( thin(s to division and s!hism& and !A they are misleadin( a "ortion of the flo!' towards a falla!y& and throu(h it& to s"iritual disaster/ We are therefore de!larin( that& for the aforementioned reasons& those who are movin( within this E!umenist irres"onsibility& whi!hever ran' they may be holdin( within the E!!lesiasti! Or(ani<ation& are o""osed to the tradition of our Saints and !onse:uently o""osed to them/ This is the reason that their stan!e must be !ondemned and re?e!ted& by the entirety of the $ierar!hs and the faithful =eo"le/

NOT#CE: Whosoever of the !ler(y& mon's& nuns and the laity desires to "arti!i"ate in this small de"osition of Orthodox !onfession may de!lare it& by writin(: 8# a(ree with the Confession of .aith a(ainst E!umenism& and subs!ribe to it8 They may send this de!laration indi!atin( their name and their e!!lesiasti!& monasti! or "rofessional status& to the followin( address: =eriodi!al 8T$EO)%OM#A8& =/O/-ox BH21& Thessaloni'i F;B 1;& +ree!e 9 .ax KE2 1EB2 1CHF32 9 email address: "alim"!eLotenet/(r OO)E note: This is an ,NO..#C#A translation of the ori(inal +ree' text/ The "resent translation is available for re9"ubli!ation by anyone who wishes to use it/ We would be very "leased to see a referen!e to our website as the initial translators& but it is not !om"ulsory/ The above Confession of .aith has been si(ned by the followin(& as a first indi!ation/ #t has been si(ned and will be si(ned by many more: Metro"olitan of Iythera and Anti'ythera& Sera"him Metro"olitan of Aetolia and A'arnania Iosmas Metro"olitan of =iraeus& Sera"him Metro"olitan of +ortyna and Me(alou"olis& 6eremiah& =rofessor of S!hool of Theolo(y Athens ,niversity Ar!hmandrite 6ose"h& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of Miro"otamos& $oly Mountain =roto"resbyter fr/ +eor(e Metallinos& =rofessor Emeritus of the Athens ,niversity S!hool of Theolo(y =roto"resbyter fr/ Theodore Nisis& =rofessor Emeritus of the Thessaloni'i ,niversity S!hool of Theolo(y Ar!hmandrite Mar' Manolis& S"iritual Su"erintendent of the 8=an9$elleni! Orthodox ,nion8 Ar!hmandrite Athanasius& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of Stavrovounion& Cy"rus Ar!hmandrite Timothy Sa''as& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of the =ara!lete& Oro"os Ar!hmandrite Cyril Iehayio(lou& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of the =anto!rator& Melissohori& an(adas Ar!hmandrite Sarandis Sarandos& =arish =riest of the $oly Tem"le of the )ormition of the Theoto'os& Amarousion Ar!hmandrite Maximus Iaravas& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of Saint =aras'eve& Milo!hori& =tolemais Ar!hmandrite +re(ory $ad?ini'olaou& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of the $oly Trinity& Ano +a<ea& Dolos Ar!hmandrite Athanasius Anastasiou& Abbot of the $oly Monastery of the +reat Meteora Ar!hmandrite Theo!letus -ol'as& Abbot of the Sa!red $ermita(e of Saint Arsenios the Ca""ado!ian& Chal'idi'e

Ar!hmandrite Chrysostomos& Abbot of the Sa!red Coenobium of $ossios Ni!odemus& =entalofos& +oumenissa Ar!hmandrite Theodore )iamantis& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of =ana(hia Molyvdos'e"asti& Ionitsa Ar!hmandrite =alamas Iyrillides& Abbot of the Sa!red Monastery of the Nativity of the Theoto'os& Ialli"etra& Deria Ar!hmandrite avrentios +ratsias& Sa!red Metro"olis of .lorina& =res"ae and Eordaia Ar!hmandrite Meletios Dadrahanis& Sa!red Metro"olis of .lorina& =res"ae and Eordaia Ar!hmandrite =aul )imitra'o"oulos& Sa!red Monastery of the Transfi(uration of the Saviour& Moutsiala& Deria Ar!hmandrite #(natius Ialait<o"oulos& Sa!red Monastery of Saint =aras'eve& Milo!hori& =tolemais Ar!hmandrite Simeon +eor(iades& Sa!red Monastery of the $oly Trinity& Ano +a<ea& Dolos Ar!hmandrite Au(ustine Siarras& Sa!red Monastery of the $oly Trinity& Ano +a<ea& Dolos Ar!hmandrite Ambrose +ionis& Sa!red Monastery of the $oly Trinity& Ano +a<ea& Dolos Elder +re(ory& $ieromon'& )anielites> Sa!red $ermita(e& Iatouna'ia& $oly Mountain Elder Efstratios& $ieromon'& Sa!red Monastery of the +reat avra& $oly Mountain Elder =hili""os& $ieromon'& %etreat of Athanasius the +reat& esser Saint Anna Monastery& $oly Mountain $ieromon' Athanasius& )anielites> Sa!red $ermita(e& Iatouna'ia& $oly Mountain $ieromon' Ni!odemus& )anielites> Sa!red $ermita(e& Iatouna'ia& $oly Mountain $ieromon' Ne"hon& )anielites> Sa!red $ermita(e& Iatouna'ia& $oly Mountain $ieromon' Chrysostom Iartsonas& %etreat of Saint +eor(e& esser Saint Anna Monastery& $oly Mountain $ieromon' Onu"hrios& %etreat of the =re!ious .orerunner& Sa!red S!ete of Saint Anna& $oly Mountain $ieromon' Chrysanthos& %etreat of the =re!ious .orerunner& Sa!red S!ete of Saint Anna& $oly Mountain $ieromon' A<arias& %etreat of the =re!ious .orerunner& Sa!red S!ete of Saint Anna& $oly Mountain $ieromon' +abriel& Sa!red %etreat of =ana(hia +or(oe"i'oos& Sa!red Monastery of the =anto!rator& $oly Mountain $ieromon' =andeleimon& Sa!red %etreat of Saint =andeleimon& Sa!red Monastery of the =anto!rator& $oly Mountain =roto"resbyter ambros .oto"oulos& =arish =riest& Sa!red Tem"le of Saint Iosmas of Aetolia& Amarousion& Atti!a =rovin!e =roto"resbyter 6ohn .oto"oulos& =arish =riest Sa!red Tem"le of Saint =aras'eve& Atti!a =rovin!e =roto"resbyter Athanasios Menas& outra'i& Corinthia =rovin!e =roto"resbyter Eleftherios =alamas& Saint Christo"hers& =tolemais

=roto"resbyter Constantine My(dalis& =arish =riest& Sa!red Tem"le of Saint Constantine& Dolos =roto"resbyter =hotios De<ynias& =rofessor& Sa!red Metro"olis of a(adas =roto"resbyter Anthony -ousde'is& =arish =riest& Sa!red Tem"le of Saint Ni!holas& Ni'aia& =iraeus =roto"resbyter )emetrios Dasiliades& Sa!red Metro"olis of Maronia and Iomotene =resbyter )ionysios Tatsis& Edu!ator& Ionitsa =resbyter )emetrios Sarris& =arish =riest& Sa!red Tem"le of the Mi(hty Ar!han(els& Ses'lon& Aesonia =resbyter Efthimios Antoniades& Sa!red Metro"olis of arisa =resbyter Anastasios +otso"oulos& =arish =riest& Sa!red Tem"le of Saint Ni!holas& =atrae =resbyter +eor(e =a"a(eor(iou& Sa!red Metro"olis of )emetrias =resbyter =eter $irs!h& =etro'erasa& Chal'idi'e =resbyter Theo"hanes Manouras& =arish =riest of the Sa!red Tem"le of Saint Athanasius& Delestino& Ma(nesia =rovin!e )ea!on Theolo(os Iosto"oulos& Sa!red Monastery of the $oly Trinity& Ano +a<ea& Dolos =resbyter =as!halis +inoudis& Sa!red Metro"olis of arisa =resbyter +eor(e )iamanto"oulos& avrion& Sa!red Metro"olis of Meso(aia =resbyter -asili Io'ola'is& =arish =riest of the Sa!red Tem"le of the =re!ious Cross& $olar(os& Atti!a This list will be re(ularly u"dated with added names/ %eaders !an see the !onstantly u"dated list of si(natures in +ree'& here: htt":OOwww/im"anto'ratoros/(rOA-.J1E3F/el/as"x8

Anathemas A(ainst the $eresy of E!umenism BA To the e!umeni!al so9!alled -ran!h Theory& a!!ordin( to whi!h the Chur!h of Christ !onsists of many se"arated denominations @s!hismsA: Anathema! Anathema li'ewise to those who "rea!h this false do!trine& share it& a!!e"t it& or are indifferent to it/ .or thereby they deny the uni:ueness of the Chur!h of Christ as ex"ressed in the ninth arti!le of the Ni!ene Symbol of .aith: 8# believe in One& $oly& Catholi!& and A"ostoli! Chur!h8/ 1A To the do(mati! Constitutional -asis of that hereti!al assembly& the World Coun!il of Chur!hes& whi!h de!lares that: 8The World Coun!il of Chur!hes is a fellowshi" of !hur!hes whi!h !onfess the ord 6esus Christ as +od and Saviour a!!ordin( to the S!ri"tures and therefore see' to fulfill to(ether their !ommon !allin( to the (lory of the one +od& .ather& Son& and $oly S"irit8& and to those who !onsider a (eneral !onfession of belief in Christ a!!ordin( to the S!ri"tures as suffi!ient for unity& there by totally denyin( $oly Tradition& and who at the same time re!o(ni<e the various hereti!al assemblies as Chur!hes of +od& and !onsider their hereti!al do!trines to be based on $oly S!ri"ture& rather than as false and willful inter"retations @whi!h is the very essen!e of heresyA: Anathema! EA To the e!umeni!al do!trine whi!h re!o(ni<es the assemblies of the hereti!s as (ra!e9bearin( and "ossessin( uninterru"ted A"ostoli! Su!!ession& and whi!h !onsiders "ossible a 8union8 between the Orthodox and Non9Orthodox Chur!hes without a unity in .aith& or based on the !on!e"t of so9!alled do!trinal minimum& whi!h has been o"enly "ro!laimed at the various e!umenisti! (atherin(s and ex"ressed in offi!ial do!uments: Anathema! ;A To the do!uments ado"ted as a result of the 8theolo(i!al8 dialo(ue held between the Orthodox and Mono"hysites& in whi!h both are re!o(ni<ed as Orthodox& and the Mono"hysites> Christolo(i!al heresy is de!lared to be Orthodox do!trine& where by the .orth E!umeni!al Coun!il at Chal!edon is re?e!ted and !ondemned& and all subse:uent E!umeni!al Coun!ils are i(nored: Anathema! FA To the do!uments ado"ted as a result of the 8theolo(i!al8 dialo(ue between the "seudo9Orthodox and the =a"ists& in "arti!ular the so9!alled -alamand ,nia @B33EA& whi!h refers to the =a"ist assembly as a 8Sister Chur!h8& and whi!h de!lares that it "ossesses (ra!e and uninterru"ted A"ostoli! Su!!ession& that its sa!raments are true& and whi!h forbids "roselyti<in( @i/e/& the !onversion from the =a"al error to the savin( faith of the Orthodox Chur!hA: Anathema! HA To those who unlawfully 8lifted8 the Anathemas "la!ed on the =a"ist assembly in B2F;& and to those who did not resist this lawlessness and by this very a!t "la!ed themselves in o""osition to the $oly and +reat Synods held in Constantino"le @in BE;B& BE;C& and BEFBA whi!h !ondemned the =a"al innovation& and li'ewise to those who do not !onsider =a"ism to be a heresy and who !onsider e!!lesiasti!al union with the atin hereti!s to be admissible: Anathema! CA To the a(reement rea!hed in Antio!h in B33B& as a result of whi!h the Orthodox Chur!h of Antio!h entered into full e!!lesiasti!al union with the Syrian Mono"hysites& the 6a!obites: Anathema! Anathema to all those who do not !onsider Mono"hysites to be hereti!s and who do not avoid "rayerful and Eu!haristi! !ommunion with them/ .or they have all been anathemati<ed by the HE2 $oly .athers "resent at the .ourth E!umeni!al Coun!il held in Chal!edon& and remain under ban now and in the a(e to !ome/ JA To the so9!alled New Style& whi!h a""eared as a result of the introdu!tion of the =a"al +re(orian Calendar into the Orthodox Chur!h& and whi!h is totally inadmissible !anoni!ally& and !onstitutes a do(mati!9e!!lesiolo(i!al heresy inasmu!h as it re?e!ts the holy do!trines& Tradition& and litur(i!al unity of the Chur!h& as well as the ninth arti!le of the Ni!ene Symbol of .aith: 8# believe in One& $oly& Catholi!& and A"ostoli! Chur!h8: Anathema! The =a"al Calendar has already been !ondemned by Canon # of the o!al Coun!il of Antio!h and by the o!al Coun!ils of Constantino"le @in BFJE& BFJC& and BF3JA/ 8Whosoever does not follow the !ustoms of the Chur!h whi!h the seven $oly E!umeni!al Coun!ils have de!reed& and the $oly =as!ha and !alendar whi!h they have ena!ted well for us to follow& but wants to follow the newly9invented =as!halion and the new !alendar of the atheist astronomers of the =o"e& and& o""osin( them& wishes to overthrow and destroy the do!trines and !ustoms of the Chur!h whi!h we have inherited from our .athers& let any su!h have the anathema and let him be outside of the Chur!h and the Assembly of the .aithful/ 8We exhort all "ious and Orthodox Christians: remain in those thin(s whi!h you learned and in whi!h you were born and

bred& and when the times and !ir!umstan!es !all for it& shed your very blood in order both to 'ee" the .aith (iven us by our .athers and to 'ee" your !onfession/8 6eremias ##& =atriar!h of Constantino"le Silvester& =atriar!h of Alexandria So"hronius& =atriar!h of 6erusalem and the rest of the -isho"s of the Synod who were "resent @Constantino"le& BFJEA 3A To those who flouted the resolutions of the aforementioned Coun!ils !ondemnin( and bannin( the +re(orian =as!halion and !alendar& and who willfully& trea!herously& and for!ibly introdu!ed this novelty into the Chur!h& or who su""ort the New Style and attem"t to establish it in the Chur!h or are uns!ru"ulous and indifferent in their relations with the ex!ommuni!ated adherents of the New Style& and who do not wish to severe e!!lesiasti!al union with them: Anathema! et them read a(ain the words of the Anathema "ronoun!ed by $is $oliness& Cyril D& =atriar!h of Constantino"le u"on the innovators in his 8Si(illion8 of BCFH/ B2A To the hereti!al and blas"hemous e!umenisti! 8litur(ies8 @e/(/& thenso9!alled ima itur(yA in whi!h 8members of the Orthodox Chur!h8 "arti!i"ate& li'ewise to the !ommon servi!es durin( whi!h Orthodox Christians "ray to(ether with hereti!s and ta'e "art in various 8sa!red rites8& whereby abomination is introdu!ed into the Chur!h& and in violation of the Tenth& .orty9fifth& and Ei(hty9fifth A"ostoli! Canons and Canon Thirty9three of the o!al Coun!il of aodi!ea: Anathema! Anathema also to those who (ive the -ody and -lood of Christ to the hereti!s& or who re!eive their false 8!ommunion8 from them/ Anathema to those who serve other e!!lesiasti!al Mysteries for the hereti!s& or "arti!i"ate in their 8sa!raments8/ BBA To those who "ray with "a(ans& shamans& ma(i!ians& "riests and wi<ards of heathen !ults& and to those who ?oin in their meditation sessions and !ulti! rituals& or who !ondu!t 8divine servi!es8 at their 8altars8& and to all the "arti!i"ants in the various =an9e!umeni!al Sundays: Anathema! B1A To all the other hereti!al do!trines and do!uments of the e!umenists whi!h were ?ointly "re"ared by them and whi!h they now see' to se!retly and stealthily introdu!e into the Chur!h: Anathema! To those who do not reveren!e the do(mati! and !anoni!al tea!hin(s of the Orthodox Chur!h& $er $oly Tradition and "ra!ti!es& and who attem"t to introdu!e the s"irit of %enovationism into the Chur!h of Christ: Anathema! To those who sym"athi<e with the aforementioned and anathemati<ed do!trines and a!ts& and who attem"t to defend and ?ustify them& or who assume an attitude of lu'ewarm indifferen!e towards them: Anathema! To all the heresies and hereti!s anathemati<ed by the E!umeni!al and o!al Coun!ils& we& to(ether with the $oly .athers& "ro!laim: Anathema! Anathema to all hereti!s! Anathema! Anathema!

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