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Supreme Mathematics My Book of Life 'Peace To Father Allah' Lessons Degrees & Manifestations Chapter !

" #no$le%ge is to kno$& listen an% o'ser(e" #no$le%ge is a 'o%y of accumulate% facts" #no$le%ge is the foun%ation for all things& as the Sun is the foun%ation for our solar system an% man is the foun%ation for his family" " )is%om is the manifestation of ones kno$le%ge& the $ays an% actions one uses to make his or her kno$le%ge to kno$ the truth& such as speaking $isely to the $ise& to the %um' or to possess a $ise Min%" )is%om is the $oman" *" +n%erstan%ing is the mental picture one %ra$s of kno$le%ge $is%om" To see things much clearer for $hat they are& ,not for $hat they present themsel(es to 'e- (isi'le through the all Seeing .ye& $hich is the Min%" +n%erstan%ing is the chil%" /" Culture or Free%om0 Culture is ones $ay of life1 2slam is the culture of free%om an% righteousness& the culture of peace& in $hich all things coinci%e an% li(es in harmony" The Culture is 234o%& 23Self3Lor%3Asiatic3Master" 5" Po$er or 6efinement0 Po$er is the truth& truth in origin only means of refinement1 for to go accor%ing to the truth is to make ones3self kno$n again" Truth is the po$er to resurrect the mentally %ea% from their present state of una$areness an% ignorance of self" 7" .8uality means to 'e e8ual in all aspects of one9s true self" :" 4o% is a $ise man9s e8uality& manifesting 'uil% or %estroy" 2 is self& self is the true reality& son of man 4o%& ,:- the all Seeing .ye& the All in all $ho is Allah the ;riginal man" <" Buil% or Destroy0 Buil% means to a%% on to life a positi(e creation or e%ucation1 %estroy means to kno$ of& take& that $hich is untrue& an% light to the kno$le%ge" =" Born is to 'ring into e>istence a mental 'irth of self" ?" Cipher is the completion of a circle or *7? %egrees of #no$le%ge& )is%om an% +n%erstan%ing" Supreme Alpha'ets !" A 3 Allah is the Supreme Being& the Asiatic Man from Asia the planet earth& 4o% of the +ni(erse& Lor% of All the )orl%s from the highest to the lo$est& the original man& the gi(er an% taker of life" The foun%ation of all life& the Father of reality an% kno$le%ge of the Sun& the follo$ing %iagram sho$s the complete realm or cipher of the Asiatic Man9s 'o%y that keeps e(erything pure& true an% li(ing" The 'lanket of protection is 5 times : this e8uals *7? %egrees" The po$er of 4o%9s $is%om sho$s forth the un%erstan%ing of his e8uality that is a%%e% onto his cipher" A 3 Arm @ : %egrees& L 3 Leg @ : %egrees& L 3 Leg @ : %egrees& A 3 Arm @ : %egrees an% the supreme A 3 Aea% @ : %egrees" " B 3 Be or Born is the realm or state of 'eing 'orn into e>istence& 'e gi(es 'irth to 4o%" Born is to 'e a$are of e(erything 'ecause e(erything is from the sun& moon an% stars or man& $oman an% chil% or the past& present an% future" Born is to 'e complete an% to gi(e 'irth to the culture ,23 4o%-" #no$ing that e(erything is real& one must 'orn his or her kno$le%ge to sho$ 'orn e8uality&

to kno$le%ge po$er& or e8uality as 'eing real" *" C 3 See is to kno$le%ge $is%om 'eing 'orn an% gain a clear picture& $hich $ill 'e the un%erstan%ing" To see is to 'e e8uippe% $ith sight 'oth insight an% eyesight& C is the cream" /" D 3 Di(ine is kno$le%ge an% $is%om 'eing un%erstoo%& sho$ing its completion an% manifesting a perfect state of e>istence e8uating the culture $hich is 234o%& Di(ine 'eing that $hich is sacre%" 5" . 3 .8uality is to 'e e8ual $ith all society an% nations of the earth& sho$ing an% pro(ing $ith the po$er of e8uality that $e are the fathers of ci(iliBation& also& to e8ual all nations $ith the science of e%ucation" .8uality is the $oman" 7" F 3 Father Allah is the father of the fi(e percent nation also the father of ci(iliBation an% the 4o% of the +ni(erse" Fat3Aer or the e8uality of man $ith $oman in that father $ill manifest into po$er 'uil%& PeaceC :" 4 3 4o% is 'eing himself at all times& 'y kno$ing his e8uality as 4o%& %ealing e8ual $ith the kno$le%ge kno$n only to Allah& Supreme Being& Asiatic Min%& for man is 4o% an% this is Self $ho is Allah" <" A 3 Ae or Aer is the man or $oman $ho has kno$le%ge of self an% is 'uil%ing a strong foun%ation" Ae $ho is 4o%& she $ho is the .arth& the $oman planet to 'ring a'out the 4o%s an% .arths an% teach them at 'irth& Ae or Aer $ithout the kno$le%ge of self cannot 'uil% 'ut only %estroy an% or take many other li(es" =" 2 3 2slam is self an% self is 4o%" )oman is earth an also life $hen a%(ocate% for the same cause& to 'e re'orn into the kno$le%ge of self" 2 is self& self is the true reality son of man 4o%" !?" D 3 Dustice is the star& meaning your re$ar%& regar%less of $hether it is one of happiness or sorro$" These are re$ar%s an% or penalties& also kno$le%ge a%%e% on to the cipher& ,6.)A6D-& Dust 2 C .8uality $ith $hich 2 ha(e 'een 'lesse%& ,P.EALTF-& Dust 2ce to 'e froBen at * %egrees" !!" # 3 #ing& 4o% is the #ing of kings meaning that 4o% is the only true #ing there is& 6uler of a king%om is the e8ui(alent of 4o% for this is Self or the Father Ae" The #ing 6ules 'ecause he is )ise an% Gust& one $ho kno$s the le%ge of his kno$le%ge for his $or% is life" 2n the 'eginning $as the $or% an% the $or% is life" ! " L 3 Lo(e Aell or 6ight ,Lor%-& lo(e is the emotion that 4o% 'lesse% the $oman $ith& many man an% $oman possess this emotion an% to those $ho ha(e faile% to cope $ith it ha(e pro(en lo(e to 'e a han%icap& lo(e to those $ho ha(e gotten o(er this 'ur%en realiBe that lo(e is un%erstan%ing an% not t$o separate 8ualities" +n%erstan%ing 'rings on lo(e or hate lo(e 'rings on un%erstan%ing" Aatre% can 'e cause% 'y $hat you un%erstan% or %on9t un%erstan%" Those $ho ha(e realiBe% the truth of lo(e ha(e pro(en that he is a Lor%" Lor% is the e8ui(alent of 4o%& #ing& Ae& Father an% there'y a'i%es in para%ise ,Aea(en-" Aell is the home of the ignorant& those $ho lack kno$le%ge of self" 4o% sho$s his lo(e 'y manifesting the kno$le%ge of himself through his $is%om& $hich re(eals the hell one must go through in or%er to 'e right" #no$le%ge the $is%om to 'ring a'out an un%erstan%ing for lo(e 'rings forth lo(e" !*" M 3 Master is one $ho possesses *7? %egrees of kno$le%ge& $is%om an% un%erstan%ing" The e8ui(alent of Lor%& Ae& #ing& Father& 4o% that is 2& Also& one $ho kno$s the le%ge of his un%erstan%ing ena'ling him to manifest the culture $hich is 234o%& to kno$le%ge un%erstan%ing" !/" E 3 Eo$& Eation .n% 3 Eo$ is the time to get kno$le%ge of self or en% in a pit of ignorance" Eation 3 the +nite% Asiatic people& %ark an% light& the pale person is in a race $ith time no$ to

a(oi% the $rath of the Asiatic Eation ,4;D-" #no$le%ge the culture to sho$ the po$er" !5" ; 3 Cipher is a person place or 'eing& a circle that consists of *7? %egrees or a cycle of life& C323Po$er3Aer& Aer3Po$er323C" !7" P 3 Po$er is strength& energy& an% magnetism" Truth is the ultimate po$er& star or chil%" #no$le%ge e8uality is po$er1 therefore& kno$le%ge itself is e8uality" !:" H 3 Hueen is the $oman factor of life" Mother of the $om'& she is 8ueen for she is kno$le%ge go%& 'uil% or %estroy& an% or e8uality $is%om" !<" 6 3 6ule ,6ighteous& 6ight 6uler- is a gui%e $hich 4o%& the Asiatic man& uses to keep e(erything right an% e>act" 6ighteous are the Asiatic people accor%ing to nature" 6ight is the proper nature of things an% people" 6uler is one $ho lea%s a #ing an% or Hueen $hen the #ing is not physically present" !=" S 3 Sa(iour ,Self- is the one possessing the po$er of 4o% an% resurrects the people after first sa(ing self" ;ne $ho sa(es all $ho $ant to 'e sa(e% an% a%% on to self& self is the true reality of one& 'e it man or $oman" ?" T 3 Truth or S8uare 3 Truth is un%erstan%ing the reality of $is%om" Allah sho$s his po$ers an% pro(es his po$ers& an% presents the truth regar%less of $hat angles of a s8uare" Einety %egrees to each angle& four times ninety e8uals three hun%re% si>ty" The s8uare is a multiple of four an% the cu'e is si>" !" + 3 +ni(erse 3 The uni(erse is the home of gala>ies& $hich is home to our solar system" The uni(erse o$ns an% 'elongs to all Asiatic men an% $omen" + 3 ,Fou- an% 2 (erse" Fou is pertaining to the $oman $hen %ealing in completing the home ,Chil%-" Fou also means self& #ing& Sa(ior& Hueen& her& $oman" " I 3 Iictory 3 To o'tain the kno$le%ge& $is%om an% un%erstan%ing& a man that is 'lin%& %eaf an% %um' has to take on the Seal of Iictory to $in" *" ) 3 )is%om is $ise $or%s spoken 'y a $ise man& this is po$er& $hen Allah speaks it is calle% $is%om& for $hen Ae speaks& it is like an ocean that $oul% ne(er go %ry" )is%om is the $oman" /" J 3 +nkno$n is the i%entity of self& $oman& man& an% 4o% 'ecause they are not $ise to their true culture" J in genetics is the female factor or chromosome" 5" F 3 )hy the 8uestion most aske% to Gustify& $hy %oes he like the %e(ilK )hy %oes the %e(il call our people AfricanK )hy are there so many of our people still %ea%K This is 'ecause of their o$n %oing& not accepting 4o%" 2n genetics& the male factor or chromosome is F" 4o% kno$le%ge on the F has three points& foun%ation& right point an% left point" 7" L 3 Lig& Lag& Lig 3 meaning kno$le%ge an% un%erstan%ing are alike an% Bag is un3a3like" MT$el(e De$elsM !" #no$le%ge " )is%om *" +n%erstan%ing /" Free%om

5" Dustice 7" .8uality :" Foo% <" Clothing =" Shelter !?" Lo(e !!" Peace ! " Aappiness ;ne Aun%re% & T$enty Degrees !3!? M Stu%ent .nrollment !3*7 M .nglish Lesson Eo" C! !3!/ M Lost Foun% Muslim Lesson Eo" ! !3/? M Lost Foun% Muslim Lessons Eo" !3!! M A"F" M Actual Facts !3?= M S"F" M Solar Facts ! ? M Degrees M This is the $ay Father Allah gi(es ! ? %egrees to his Fi(e Percent Eation Plus Degrees )ritten By Arman%o J 2n regar%s to the plus %egrees $ritten 'y Arman%o J $hile in Belle(ue Aospital $ith The Father 'Allah'" The Father ha% Arman%o J issue them out to the first 'orn 4o%s of the Fi(e Percent Eation& The Father %i% not issue them out" Arman%o ga(e se(eral copies of the plus %egrees to First Born +huru $hen he arri(e% at Belle(ue Aospital to see the Father" The rest of the copies ,of the plus %egrees- $as gi(en to First Born& Al3Damal 'y Arman%o J" +huru an% Al3Damal $as tol% 'y Arman%o J that Allah the Father ha% %ictate% these plus %egrees to him ,Arman%o J- an% he ha% $ritten them %o$n for the first 'orn of Allah's Fi(e Percent" Ae sai% that Allah ha% 'uil% $ith him on 'the science of e(erything in life' an% from this kno$le%ge& he $rote %o$n the other plus %egrees that %o not ha(e Allah's name on the title" Those plus %egrees Arman%o $rote 'ase% on $hat he kne$& an% from $hat the Father taught him in that short amount of time" Most of the information $as %ictate% to Arman%o J 'y the Father Allah an% the information in these plus %egrees $as authoriBe% 'y the Father for %istri'ution" )hen the Father $as 'uil%ing $ith his first 'orn& he tol% the 'rothers to 'Burn These Degrees' for they are A%(ance plus %egrees" )hen the 'rothers in Me%ina got the $or% from Allah 'y $ay of the first 'orn& they thought the Father meant to physically 'urn the %egrees" )hen Allah came home he Bom'e% his chil%ren of Me%ina $hen he foun% out that they actually took $hat he sai% literally" The Father sai%1 ')hat 2 meant $as for the 4o%s to 'e like the Sun that %ra$s $ater up into the .arths atmosphere& an% in the process remo(es all the impurities that e>ist in the $ater'" The 4o%s are to Sho$ an% Pro(e their Supreme Po$er an% Force 'y %ra$ing up the %egrees Arman%o J $rote an% 'uil% or %estroy" The 4o%s $ho are the first to recei(e the %egrees that Arman%o J $rote are1 First Born +huru& First Born Al3Damal& First 'orn Black Messiah an% First Born Prince" !?N!?N!=7/ the %ate that the nation $as foun%e%0 Dumar& +ni(ersal Shaamgau%& Du'ar& Born Allah& #no$le%ge Allah& also other 4o%s an% .arths ha% an% 'orn the %egrees an% lessons to others in the Fi(e Percent Eation" )e teach Supreme Mathematics& Supreme Alpha'ets& ! ? Lessons an% the Plus Degrees from Arman%o J& o(er the years from !=7/ 3 !=7=& the Father Allah ma%e changes in the

Lessons an% Degrees" Allah the Father proclaime% ! ? Lessons as the nations %octrine an% teachings an% $e shall as a nation sho$ an% pro(e ! ? Degrees" Allah Born Buil% that0 Ae %i% not recei(e #no$le%ge of Self until Septem'er !=7/& that 4ykee Mathematics Allah sparke% +ni(ersal Shaamgau% an% the first Born of Me%ina in the month of Decem'er !=& !=7/& an% that he %i% not spark Dumar in Mecca& until !=75 an% that Al Da''ar& 4o% Supreme an% he ,Allah B- %i% not ai% Du'ar $ith his lessons until !=75" Copyright O !==! Allah .l All 6ights 6eser(e%

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