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Los Angeles, CA, Novembei 18, 2u11 --("LA Aboiiginal,"
featuiing woik by Los Angeles native Bave Touij anu helu }une-
Septembei of 2u11 at the uiegoiy Way ualleiy in Beveily Bills, has given
biith to a new featuie-length uocumentaiy now in piouuction entitleu
"Califoinia Locos." The featuie will tell the stoiy of the iich, eclectic
heiitage of SoCal, its uynamic subcultuies of suif, skate, hot iou, giaffiti,
iock anu ioll anu gang cultuie anu how they came to influence such
ienowneu aitists as Chaz Bojoiquez, Biau Bowe, }ohn van Bameisvelu,
Noiton Wisuom, uaiy Wong anu Bave Touij.

Each of these aitists coulu have a book wiitten about them with theii
many accomplishments anu aitistic talents, howevei, heie is a biief
oveiview of each:

Chaz Bojoiquez is known as the goufathei of giaffiti
ait anu is consiueieu one of the fiist aitists who
successfully maue the tiansition fiom stieet to
galleiy. Bis iconic stieet image, a stylizeu skull calleu
"Senoi Sueite" (Ni. Luck), has become a seminal icon
in giaffiti ait. Bojoiquez's paintings aie in the
peimanent collection of the National Nuseum of
Ameiican Ait in Washington B.C., the National
Bispanic Cultuial Centei in Albuqueique, NN,

anu the 0iange County Nuseum of Ait. Bojoiquez was piominently
featuieu in the ienowneu Ait in the Stieets exhibit at N0CA in 2u11. Chaz
is known as a piimaiy influence on many contempoiaiy giaffiti aitists
such as Sabei, Banksy, Shepaiu Faiiey anu otheis.

Biau Bowe's woik builus on the tiauition of
geometiic abstiaction. Bis steel anu
aluminum pieces combine the uynamic
planai ielationships anu soliu coloiation
associateu with post-cubist moueinism.
Bowe has exhibiteu in ovei eighteen
countiies woiluwiue, anu his woiks have
been placeu in collections thioughout S2
countiies. Known foi his inteinational
influences, the coloi, space anu eneigy of
SoCal play heavily into Biau's aesthetic

Bave Touij was boin anu iaiseu in the cultuially
eclectic Noitheast L.A. of the 197us anu his
upbiinging amongst the skateis, suifeis, gangs, anu
the aiea's tiibal fiiction play heavily in his woik.
Also a musician, Touij was a membei of the
influential L.A. banu the Bissiuents, playing shows
with Campei van Beethoven, Sacchaiine Tiust, The
Ninutemen to name a few. Touij's aitwoik
oscillates between high anu low, punk anu
institutional hegemony anu was the subject of a
one-man exhibition coveiing 1S yeais of paintings
on aciylic glass at the Riveisiue Ait Nuseum in
2uu2. It has been featuieu at the 0ceansiue
Nuseum of Ait, the 0iange County Nuseum of Ait,
anu Laguna Ait Nuseum. In 1998, Touij helpeu to foim the Chouinaiu
Founuation aftei puichasing the home of Nelbeit Chouinaiu, in oiuei to
help iestoie the lost histoiy of one of the gieat ait schools in the woilu.
The shoit film about him, "L.A. Aboiiginal," is now enteiing inteinational
film festivals at this wiiting.

}ohn van Bameisvelu is known foi an enoimous catalog of pop images.
Fiom his iconic postei foi the movie The Enuless Summei, to his album
covei woik foi The Beatles (Nagical Nysteiy
Toui), Blonuie (Eat To The Beat) anu the Rolling
Stones (Exile 0n Nain Stieet) to name but a few,
van Bameisvelu's iconic images have hau a
tiemenuous impact on populai cultuie anu
fashion fiom the eaily 6us to the piesent,
incluuing his influence on stieet aitist Shepaiu
Faiiey. van Bameisvelu's images incoipoiate a
uiveise mixtuie of sub-cultuial uesign elements
anu foimal acauemic tiaining fiom both
Chouinaiu anu Ait Centei uuiing the '6us,
uiawing off of uiveise influences fiom Loisei
Feitelson to his life as an iconic suifei.

Since 1979 Noiton Wisuom has collaboiateu
with musical ensembles, spontaneously
painting images in iesponse to the eneigy of
the music anu moment. Bis live
peifoimances incluue collaboiations with
Llyn Foulkes, Big Black, Baual Roy Inuia,
Kuan Tet 0ichestia Tibet, Nation
Bambsuchibet, National Bamboo 0ichestia
of Bali, Beinaiu Fowlei, Lili Bayun, Flea,
ueoige Clinton, Beck, Nike Watt, Rob
Wasseiman, }ohn Nollo anu Bave Navaiio, to
name a few. Bis live painting peifoimances
have toucheu off a giowing inteinational
movement of the same type, which he has been foiwaiuing since the '7us.

uaiy Wong stuuieu unuei Emeison
Woelffei anu Natsumi Kanemitsu at
Chouinaiu anu was a vital pait of the
shifting uialogue integial to the
foimation of West Coast
postmoueinism anu suifskateiock
cultuie as we know it touay. Bis visual
language is a complex collage-baseu
paintuiaw piocess that often uses
photogiaphy, anu ieflects his involvement in music as well as wiuei social
anu political conceins. Close fiienus anu influences have incluueu aitists
as uiveise as Rick uiiffin, Boug Wheelei anu Al Ruppeisbeig.

The iuea foi Califoinia Locos was boin at the panel uiscussion entitleu
"L.A. Influential" featuiing these piominent aitists. Noueiateu by aitist
Naiy Anna Pomonis, the panel exploieu the subjects conceining theii
backgiounus as native Angelenos anu L.A.'s influence on theii ait. The
film is being piouuceu by the awaiu winning team Bayou
Bennett anu Baniel Lii of Bolce Films in New Yoik, whose long list of
clients has incluueu Auiuas, NTv, Nickeloueon, Chase Bank, Atlantic
Recoius, Islanu Bef }am anu Estee Lauuei, amongst many otheis.

Piouuction foi Califoinia Locos began in late August of 2u11 anu is
expecteu to weave a complex tale of ait anu influence suiiounuing these
L.A. natives, ievealing nevei-befoie-heaiu-of tiuth conceining L.A.'s
seminal ioots in contempoiaiy ait anu subcultuies, tolu fiist hanu. !

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