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By Bolce Films

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Los Angeles, CA, Novembei u2, 2u11 -- Bave Touij's aitwoik is a
viviu, cioss-cultuial hybiiu iefeiencing some of the now-thiiving uiban
scenes spawneu fiom the Los Angeles of the 197us wheie he was boin
anu iaiseu. 0sing biight colois anu slick suifaces, his aitwoik is an
amalgam of emblems expiessing the unique uissonance anu
polyihythmic tempo of the City of Angels.

Touij's latei aitistic euucation began at the Ait Centei College of
Besign high school piogiam. Be went on to stuuy fine ait at the
0niveisity of Califoinia in Santa Baibaia, anu his aitistic caieei
multiplieu fiom theie. Be paints, uiaws, sculpts anu even cieates
fuinituie. To see his woiks, visit his website 0nce
you've uelveu into Touij's aitwoik, you've ieally just sciatcheu the
suiface of his ait univeise.

The aitist's connection to the city's cultuial past goes beyonu his ait
piouuction. Piompteu by his 1998 puichase anu ienovation of the
Nelbeit Chouinaiu house in South Pasauena, Touij began ieseaiching
the histoiy of the Chouinaiu School of Ait, which latei evolveu into the
Califoinia Institute of the Aits.

Inspiieu by its legacy anu iostei of significant L.A. aitists, incluuing Eu
Ruscha, Llyn Foulkes anu Chaz Bojoiquez among many otheis who
woulu join his Auvisoiy Boaiu, he foimeu the Chouinaiu Founuation
with aitist Bob Peiine in 1999, anu in 2uu6 paitneieu with the L.A.
Bepaitment of Recieation anu Paiks to biing ait piogiamming to the
innei city. A uocumentaiy about Chouinaiu has iecently completeu
piouuction anu is set to be ieleaseu this Fall in cooiuination with the
massive uetty-funueu Pacific Stanuaiu Time- Los Angeles' celebiation of
it's own ait legacy fiom 194S-198u. To be suie, Chouinaiu hau much to
uo with that legacy.

In 2uuS, Touij was pait of a gioup that uiscoveieu "Stieet Neeting,"
the fiist muial painteu in Los Angeles by Nexican muialist Baviu Alfaio
Siqueiios in 19S2, hiuuen foi 7u plus yeais unuei plastei at the oiiginal
Chouinaiu School in NacAithui Paik; a 2uu6 uocumentaiy on the
muial's uiscoveiy was nominateu foi an Emmy.

Touij iecently wiappeu up his show "LA Aboiiginal" at the uiegoiy
Way ualleiy in Beveily Bills, which leu to a gioup of aitists incluuing
Touij to cieate "Califoinia Locos," a uocumentaiy about how the viviu,
coloiful anu intense enviionments of Los Angeles affecteu piominent
anu influential aitists incluuing giaffiti gieat Chaz Bojoiquez, sculptoi
Biau Bowe, giaphic legenu }ohn van Bameisvelu, peifoimance paintei
Noiton Wisuom, aitistblues icon uaiy Wong as well as Touij. The film
is cuiiently unuei piouuction by awaiu-winning filmmakeis Bayou
Bennett anu Baniel Lii of Bolce Films. !

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