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Moorish National Republic Federal Government Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos

Abori inal / !ndi enous" Natural #eoples of the $and %he %rue and &e 'ure Al Moroccans / Americans

Response to ()*R#*RA%%E EN%!%+ *R RE#RESEN%A%!,ESAttention2 AN+ NAME 3AN4 Address )it5" %ownship" 3orou h" etc6 Name )orporate State Attention2 %rustee" Feoffer" etc6

April ./" 01..

Re: Account Number 78888 888889

Responder2 National Name : 3e5" Ex Rel6 S%RA; NAME" Natural #erson / !ndi ene; !n #ropria #ersona (and not #ro Se- Non:&omestic and Non:Sub'ect6 Nationality / Identity2 Moor / Moorish American < Abori inal Natural #erson of the *r anic $and / =%he North Gate> Status2 Abori inal / !ndi enous? &escendant of the Ancient *nes / Moabites / Moors < Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America? Freehold b5 3irthri ht" !nheritance and #rimo eniture Status6 Jurisdiction / Venue2 Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos / Moorish National Republic Federal Government? @nited States Republic" (&e Aure6- )onstitution" %reaties" Article !!!" Section 0? Article ,!? !nternational $aw? Ri hts of !ndi enous #eoples < General Assembl56 Continent2 %erritorial Aurisdiction2 Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America? Geo raphical $ocation < the *r anic $ands of the ;estern Bemisphere (Al Moroccan / Americana-? And Not a sub'ect" forei n" nor artificial" corporate fictional" @6S6 )itiCen (created on paper-6 $*ANS%AR M*R%GAGEE SER,!)ES" $6$6)6 #6 *6 3*8 D1.E A&&!S*N" %E8AS F/11.:D1.E Re2 Account Number 8888 88888 &ear $*ANS%AR M*R%GAGE SER,!)ES? %he unsigned" and unidentified N*%!)E *F &EFA@$% AN& E$E)%!*N %* SE$$ @N&ER &EE& *F %R@S% is =accepted for value6 ! did not find 5our chec enclosed6 %here is no dispute of the facts6 ! reGuest Settlement" and immediate removal from the AN+ NAME )ount5 Recorder>s records of N*%!)E *F &EFA@$% AN& E$E)%!*N %* SE$$ @N&ER &EE& *F %R@S%6 ! also =ReGuest> ad'ustment of this Account? and the immediate closure of !scro"6 Since m5 records indicate that the =#ayoff Settlement> amount provided b5 ;ells Far o Bome Mort a e Services (*R AN+ NAME 3AN4- has been =Redeemed>" please provide the =$riginal %ocumentary %raft Note> that provided the Funds6 !f 5ou are claimin a %ebt still owin " then %isclose and provide the documented Assessment& pursuant to the ='air %ebt Collections #ractices Act() *therwise" as the ='iduciary *older( of this Account" ! am authoriCin 5ou to pa5 it6 Enclosed is a thank 5ou letter from ;E$$S FARG* B*ME M*R%GAGE )*R#6" with their Account Number 8888 88888" for pa5ment in full? the Accepted:for:,alue =Recon+eyance>? H#aid:in:FullI" Accepted:for:,alue =&eed of %rust>? H#aid:in:FullI" Accepted: for:,alue Note for this Account6 #$A)E S%RA; NAME BERE is the ,eneficiary on this Account6 !f there remains an5 further +eiled& hidden& or undisclosed -iens on the %ocumentary %raft .Note/ or an5 outstandin '*-0C ($oan Number 8888 88888- or any other deri+ati+es therefrom" please %isclose and provide them for m5 approval6 +our immediate =Response> to this =Re1uest> is necessar5 for m5 Remedy; and to provide the =Closure> of this !scro"6 +ou have m5 authoriCation to file a Claim with $EN&ER>S A&,AN%AGE" a subsidiar5 of F!RS% AMER!)AN %!%$E !NS@RAN)E )*6 (Attorne5:in: Fact- to clear the title on the propert5 of all such -iens6

!n the event that 5ou %ishonor m5 acceptance of 5our offer" then please 2sho" cause( wh5 a =%ort )laim> should not issue for the tactics 5ou are usin in threatenin to take the propert5 of #$A)E %BE S%RA; NAME BERE %BA% REA&S $!4E +*@RS6 !f ! do not hear from 5ou within ten (.1- da5s of receipt of this Fiduciar5>s ReGuest" ! will take this matter into a Federal forum of =%i+ersity of Citi3enship(6 A Failure to cease collection activit5 until timel5 %isclosure and validation of the %ebt" sub'ects the Collector to Suit for dama es under the 2'air %ebt Collections Act( and voids an5 le al proceedin s includin =Mort a e Foreclosures>6 @ntil then" ! Am2 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
#lace +our Name Bere" AuthoriCed A ent and Attorne5:in:Fact for2 #$A)E +our Name Bere

)opies to2 $*NES%AR M*R%GAGEE SER,!)ES" $6$6) F!RS% AMER!)AN %!%$E !NS@RAN)E )*M#AN+ #$AKA B*ME M*R%GAGE 3AN4" FS3 G6E6 )A#!%A$ M*R%GAGE SER,!)ES" !N)6 ;E$$S FARG* B*ME M*R%GAGE )*R#6 )*M#%R*$$ER *F %BE )@RREN)+ SE)RE%AR+ *F %BE %REAS@R+ !N%ERNA$ RE,EN@E SER,!)E FE&ERA$ B*ME $*AN M*R%GAGE )*R#6 A6 )6 ;A%%" FRE&&!E MA) #*$!)+ SE)@R!%!ES AN& E8)BANGE )*MM!SS!*N #ENNS+$,AN!A &E#AR%MEN% *F )*R#*RA%!*NS

)ER%!F!)A%E *F MA!$!NG +our name here" the undersi ned" in m5 proper person" and over the a e of .L 5ears" do hereb5 certif5 that the followin is true and correct2 ! am not a part5 to the above entitled matter and" on the date stated below" ! served this notice b5 placin a true cop5 thereof in an envelope" which was addressed" as shown above" and then b5 sealin the said envelope and depositin it" with posta e thereon full5 prepaid" and placed it in the @nited States mail at #hiladelphia )ount5" #enns5lvania )ommonwealth" North America6 &ate of mailin 2 April ./" 01.. ! Am2 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
Free National Name : 3e5" AuthoriCed Representative
Natural #erson" !n #ropria #ersona2 Ex Relatione S%RA; NAME All Ri hts Reserved2 @6)6)6 .:01F / @6)6)6 .:E1L? @6)6)6 .:.1E )/o 888 An5 Name Street An5 Name )it5 / %own / 3orou h %erritor5 An5 Name )orporate State 7Kip Exempt9 7888889 ,ia @nited States Mail Non:&omestic

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