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Discussion Topics: FCE

1. Why do people have accidents: hurried, careless, angry, tired, incompetent, lazy? . Which are the !est t"o "ays o# promoting a seaside to"n: advertising campaign, #estival, !etter transport, special accommodation o##ers, open$air mar%et? &. What are your priorities "hen choosing a house: price, size, condition, location, garden, neigh!ours? '. When are animals most use#ul: pets, dairy, research, nature, zoo, #ood? (. What is the !est "ay o# using land a#ter a #orest #ire: agriculture, natural recovery, nature reserve, sa#ari par%, ne" to"n, industrial area? ). What %ind o# !oo% "ould you "rite: childhood, adventure, !iography, science #iction, romance, mystery? *. Which are the most and least interesting o# these +o!s: ne"spaper editor, sports reporter, #reelance photographer, art critic, sound engineer, #ilm director? ,. Which are the t"o !est "ays o# %eeping healthy: controlled diet, %no"ing ho" to rela-, avoiding stress, ta%ing up a sport, choosing an en+oya!le +o!? .. What attracts people to e-pensive cars: com#ort, speed, image, pleasure, sa#ety? 1/. Which o# these do you value most and least: po"er, "ealth, good #riends, reputation, independence, health? 11. What are the t"o greatest causes o# crime: !ad up!ringing, poverty, opportunity, greed, +ealousy, !ad la"s? 1 . What "ould money ma%e you: generous, greedy, secure, insecure, adventurous, satis#ied? 1&. What do you pre#er to spend money on: clothes, music, travel, parties, going out, #riends? 1'. Which t"o "ould you most li%e to achieve in li#e: o"n a company, help others, have a #amily, important invention, ma%e a #ortune, !ecome po"er#ul? 1(. Which is the hardest part o# education: amount o# learning, standards re0uired, e-ams system, lac% o# suita!le #acilities, unsuita!le material? 1). 1n "hat order "ould you ta%e care o# these to survive on an island: escaping, #ood, "ater, shelter, #ire, "eapons? 1*. What ma%es you 2omanian: language, education, religion, attitude, #amily li#e, history? 1,. 1s it good to !e #amous? Consider: in#luence, lu-ury, #alse #riends, special treatment, sa#ety. 1.. 1s competition !etter than cooperation? Consider: relationships, results, attitudes, motivation, e##ect on society. /. What #rightens you most: hospital operation, thunderstorm, #ire, sin%ing ship, attac%, spiders? 1. What do you "ant a #riend to !e 3choose three4: sincere, generous, relia!le, #le-i!le, clever? . Choose one innovation to improve the "orld: non$polluting #uel, "orld language, cancer cure, time travel, "orld peace, colonising another planet? &. Which +o!s "ould you most and least li%e to do #or a day: am!assador, managing director, car designer, #ashion model, pilot, +udge? '. 5o" relia!le are these sources o# in#ormation: television, ne"spapers, 1nternet, #riends, !oo%s, government? (. 5o" do you deal "ith mista%es: o"n up straight a"ay, o"n up i# you have to, !lame others, deny responsi!ility, get angry and leave? ). What6s the !est "ay to improve a college: sports hall, language la!oratories, ne" computer system, renovated !uildings, canteen, trips a!road?

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