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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Alan Matthews

This report is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering (DT008) of the Dublin Institute of Technology April 2013

Supervisor: Mr Paul Tobin School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Tony Kelly for his suggestions and input on the windowing comparator, and Mr Seamus Rooney for getting equipment and parts at any hour and most of all Mr Paul Tobin, for his time, effort and patience in guiding and motivating me towards the completion of the project. His help and expertise on Chaos Theory, Signals And systems, Electronics and the Orcad PSpice platform simulations, were invaluable, and his contribution to the project was far beyond what was required or expected of him.

This final year project is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronic and Communication Engineering It is entirely my own work and has not been submitted to any other university or higher education institution, or for any other academic award in this University. The work was done under the guidance of Mr Paul Tobin. Furthermore, I took reasonable care to ensure that the work is original, and, to the best of my knowledge, does not breach copyright law, and has not been taken from other sources except where such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text. Signed _____________________________________________________ D.I.T Student Number _________________________________________ Date _______________________________________________________ 5/2/13 Page | 2

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Table Of contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 2 DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 3 ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 4 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 7 THE NOS-HOOVER GENERATOR:................................................................................................................. 8 THE PEAK DETECTOR.................................................................................................................................. 8 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................ 11 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................ 12 SYSTEM DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................... 18 GROUP DELAY .................................................................................................................................... 19 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................... 26 SINE WAVE TEST RESULTS......................................................................................................................... 26 CHAOTIC SIGNAL TESTS RESULTS. ............................................................................................................... 31 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................... 34 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 36 REVERENCES/APPENDIX ................................................................................................................... 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................ 37 Appendix 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 37 Appendix 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 39 Appendix 3 ..................................................................................................................................... 40


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


The principle objective of this paper was to design, simulate, and build a unit to detect peaks in a chaotic signal. Some challenging aspects of this project are that the peaks do not occur on a regular basis hence regular sampling cannot be used. Each part of the designed system was simulated separately using the spice engine in Orcad PSpice platform. The system successfully detects peaks in chaotic and complex signals.

This project involved investigating chaotic oscillation. This was achieved by simulations, leading to a constructed circuit involving a peak detector. Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to slight changes in conditions, so that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences. Chaos theory is applied in many scientific disciplines including communications, random number generators and encryption systems. Chaos: Nonlinear systems have various complex behaviors that would never have been anticipated in (finite-dimensional) linear systems. Chaos is a typical behavior of this kind. In the development of chaos theory, the first evidence of physical chaos was Edward Lorenzs discovery in 1963. The first underlying mechanism within chaos was observed by Mitchell Feigenbaum, who in 1976 found that when an ordered system begins to break down into chaos, a consistent pattern of rate doubling occurs. There is no unified, universally accepted, rigorous definition of chaos in current scientific literature. The term chaos was first formally introduced into mathematics by Li and Yorke. Since then, there have been several different but closely related proposals for the definitions of chaos. A hallmark of chaos is its fundamental property of extreme sensitivity to initial conditions. Other features include the embedding of a dense set of unstable periodic orbits in its strange attractor.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Extreme sensitivity to initial conditions: The first hallmark of chaos is its extreme sensitivity to initial conditions associated with bounded (or compact) region of orbital patterns. It implies that two sets of slightly different initial conditions can lead to two dramatically different states of system orbit after some time. This so called butterfly effect states that a butterfly flapping its wings in china may alter the initial conditions of a global dynamical weather system, thereby leading to a significantly different weather pattern in Argentina at a future time. In other words, for a dynamical system to be chaotic it must have a large set of such unstable initial conditions that cause orbital divergence. (Wiley, 1999) Strange attractors: Attractors are typical in nonlinear systems. The most interesting attractors, very closely related to chaos, are the strange attractors. A strange attractor is a bounded attractor that exhibits sensitive dependence on initial conditions but cannot be decomposed into two invariant subsets contained in disjoint open sets. Most chaotic systems have strange attractors however not all strange attractors are associated with chaos. (Wiley, 1999) Figure 1 Example of a Nos Hoover strange attractor




-2.0V -2.0V V(Z)





0V V(X)







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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Bifurcation


Another finding of chaos theory is bifurcation theory. A bifurcation is a place or point of branching or forking into qualitatively new types of behavior. It is usually a sudden change, rather than a slow and gradual evolution. The name "bifurcation" was first introduced by Henri Poincar in 1885 in the first paper in mathematics showing such a behavior. As a complex system functions, over time, tiny changes (such as a single photon of energy, or a slight fluctuation in temperature) can be repeated to a size that will result in a bifurcation and the system will then take a new direction. In recent years, much effort has gone into the analysis of the bifurcation structure in DC/DC electrical power converters with relay control or pulse-width modulation. By virtue of their lower weight and costs such converters are gradually displacing the traditional transformer systems, particularly in spaceships, aircrafts, trains, etc. A typical bifurcation map is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Typical bifurcation map



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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


The principle objective of this project was to design, simulate, and build, a unit to detect peaks in a chaotic signal. Peak detection is important in that it allows us to plot a bifurcation diagram continuously as opposed to discreetly. This project involves sampling the peak output of a chaotic oscillator, using standard electronic components .There are be four main stages to this project 1. Simulate the system using analog behavioral mode (ABM) parts 2. Design the system using standard electronic parts 3. Simulate and test the system using the spice engine in Orcad PSpice platform. 4. Physically build and test the system. 1. A project brief was supplied that contained an analog behavioral mode (ABM) circuit example for implementing the three main equations of this system (discussed in the next section). ABM parts are useful in that they may contain mathematical and conditional expressions that consist of circuit voltages, currents, time and other simulation parameters. ABM is an extremely powerful feature which provides an efficient way to macro model signal processes through non-linear mathematical and conditional expressions. For instance, if you require a comparator for a circuit, instead of modeling the inner working of the comparator, the simple "if (Vin1 > Vin2, 10, 0)" expression can be used. ABM-based voltage and current sources are based on mathematical expressions of circuit voltages and currents. 2. The outputs and setup of the ABM circuit was used as a base to design the system using standard electronic components. 3. The unit to detect peaks in a chaotic signal was simulated and built in the spice engine in Orcad PSpice platform. 4. The system on a prototype board and thoroughly tested The major challenge of this project is that the peaks do not occur on a regular basis. To achieve peak detection, the signal was delayed twice in order to make a comparison. The standard method for achieving a comparison is to use a sample and hold system. However, the sample and hold circuits are essentially used in linear systems and if the input values are permitted to change during this comparison process, the resulting conversion would be inaccurate and possibly completely unrelated to the true input value. In this system the natural delays in an operational amplifier were used to give the delay. 5/2/13 Page | 7

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Originally this project was a two-man project of which one person was to design the nose Hoover generator and the other was to design the peak detector.This project concentrates on the peak detection but a Nos Hoover signal was still required for simulations.

The Nos-Hoover generator:

The Nos Hoover differential equation can be broken into three first-order coupled equations:

Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 (

) )

( ( ) ) ( ( ) )

The Z signal is the outputted chaotic signal witch shall be used in our simulations as it is unipolar and bounded.

The Peak detector

This aim of this project was to sample the chaotic output using a peak meter. The peaks do not occur at regular intervals hence regular sampling could not be used. For the production of bifurcation plots for analogue systems, one needed to plot the maximum value only of the z-output if a meaningful bifurcation diagram is to be displayed. In order to correctly capture the peak output of the chaotic signal, the signal needs to be delayed twice as shown in Figure3, Figure 3 Delayed Signals
4 .0 V 2 .0 V 0V V (C ) 4 .0 V 2 .0 V 0V V (B )
4.0V 2.0V SEL>> -1.0V 820us V(A)

Peak @ (843.703us,3.032V)

Signal C Signal Delayed Twice

Peak @(843.465us,3.032V)

Signal B Signal Delayed Once

Peak @ (843.345us,3.032V)
830us 840us 850us

Signal A Orginal Signal

860us 870us Time 880us 890us 900us 910us 920us

As seen in Figure 4 a peak occurs when the signal is no longer rising and is falling in the next instance (i.e. when ). The output of these delays forms a window where the required peak occurs. Page | 8


Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 4 Window where B>A & B>C


Orginal Signal A

Window Where B > A & B > C

Signal Delayed Twice Signal C



Signal Delayed Once Signal B

3.020V 843.0us V(A)

843.1us V(B) V(C)




843.5us Time






The outputs of these delays needed to be compared to see when the peak occurred. As stated above a peak occurs when signal B is greater than signal A and also greater than signal C. Using analog behavioral mode (ABM) parts, a simulation was run on the spice engine in Orcad PSpice platform, this allowed a model of the required if statement to be simulated implemented in Figure 5. The statement simulated was if signal B is greater than signal A and if signal B is greater than signal C output signal, if not Output 0. The resulting output is shown in figure 6. Figure 5 The setup of the ABM simulation


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 6 Output of ABM Simulation




Pulse width varying with width of peak Output of if statment


0V 0.50ms V(B)

0.55ms V(C) V(A)

0.60ms V(OUT)



0.75ms Time






As can be seen in figure 6 the output of the If else statement output a pulse of the same magnitude as the signal at each peak, the width of the pulse also varied depending on the sharpness or shallowness of the peak. To compare the signals, a window comparator was used. A window comparator is a device, consisting of voltage comparators, which outputs indicates whether the measured signal is within the voltage range bounded by two different thresholds (an "upper" threshold and a "lower" threshold). The outputs from the comparator were applied to an AND gate. This will output a pulse when both comparators are outputting a high. The output pulse from the gate was applied to an electronic switch, which sampled the applied analogue signal.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


William Graham Hoover and Nos Shuichi met accidently for the first time on a train platform in Paris in 1984. William Hoovers plane had been diverted to Orly Airport from Charles de Gaulle. William Hoover had been excited by the new ideas Nos Shuichi described in his two fundamental papers of 1984. Hoover and Nos had arranged to meet, and had several hours of discussions of Nos work on a bench in front of Notre Dame Cathedral. Shortly thereafter Hoover wrote a paper stressing the importance of what is called the Nos Hoover version of his dynamical equations In the two papers, Nos introduced and applied new algorithms for deterministic timereversible simulations of isothermal systems. His new dynamics exactly reproduced Gibbs canonical ensemble. This was an intellectual feat! For 100 years dynamics and statistics were regarded as two distinct approaches. Nos united them. Today the applications of this development are well known, widespread, and far from exhausted. At equilibrium Noss 1984 revolutionary thermostat idea linked Newtons mechanics with Gibbs statistical mechanics. His work expanded the scope of isothermal and isobaric simulations. Nose-Hoover dynamics has subsequently facilitated the simulation and detailed understanding of nonequilibrium problems. The fractal phase-space distributions, and their close link to the Lyapunov spectrum, provide a novel explanation of irreversibility and a rich eld for exploration. (Hoover W. G., 2005)


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Simulation of chaotic generator Circuit using analogue behavioural models
As discussed above the system for this chaos project has the following three equations Equation 4

This equation is implemented using ABM parts as shown in Figure 7.and the output is shown in Figure8: Figure 7 ABM implementation of equation 4

Nos-Hoover Generator
-Invert_tau1 Y mX
IC = 0

-X = -Int(P(Y)

The output X is the Intergral of signal y with respect to T Figure 8 the output of equation 4 implementation




-2.0V 0s V(x) Time 0.1ms 0.2ms 0.3ms 0.4ms 0.5ms 0.6ms 0.7ms 0.8ms 0.9ms 1.0ms 1.1ms 1.2ms 1.3ms 1.4ms 1.5ms


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 9 the Plot of the orbits, V(Y) on V(x)





-4.0V -2.0V V(Y)





0V V(x)






Note above the signal is reasonably regular and the plot of the orbits is regular Equation 5 ( ) ( ) ( )

This equation is implemented using ABM parts as shown in Figure 10 and the output is shown in Figure 11. Figure 10 ABM implementation of equation 5

Nos-Hoover Generator

Y = -Int(X - Y.Z)
-Invert_tau1 Y IC = 1.5

The output Y is the integral of X +Y.Z. Figure 11 ABM implementation of equation 5 output




-3.0V 0s V(Y) Time 0.2ms 0.4ms 0.6ms 0.8ms 1.0ms 1.2ms 1.4ms 1.6ms 1.8ms 2.0ms 2.2ms 2.4ms 2.6ms 2.8ms 3.0ms


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 12 The Plot of the orbits(Y) on W (z)





-2.0V -2.4V V(Z)






0V V(y)







Note above the signal is oscillating. Equation 6 ( ) ( ) ( )

This equation is implemented using ABM parts as shown in Figure 13 and the output is shown Figure 14 Figure 13 ABM implementation of equation 6

Nos-Hoover Generator

z = -Int(-1+y*y)

-Invert_tau1 Y Z IC = 1
The output Z is the integral of (a constant) plus Y squared.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 14 ABM implementation of equation 6 output






-2.0V 0s V(Z) Time 0.2ms 0.4ms 0.6ms 0.8ms 1.0ms 1.2ms 1.4ms 1.6ms 1.8ms 2.0ms 2.2ms 2.4ms 2.6ms 2.8ms 3.0ms

Figure 15 the Plot of the orbits, V(x) on V (z)





-2.0V -2.0V V(Z)





0V V(X)






The above Nos Hoover Z signal is chaotic in nature and will be used as the basis of the signal which will be detected. The plot of the orbits is a strange attractor.

Through experimentation, it was discovered that a DC level shifter was required. 2V level shift was added to The Z signals to make it unipolar. Below is the ABM Implementation of the new level shifted signal shown in Figure 16 and the output shown in Figure 17.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 16 ABM implementation of equation 3 with level shift


Nos-Hoover Generator

z = -Int(-1+y*y)

-Invert_tau1 Y IC = 1
2 Vlev elshif t


Figure 17 ABM implementation of equation 6 with level shift output





0V 0s V(A) Time 0.2ms 0.4ms 0.6ms 0.8ms 1.0ms 1.2ms 1.4ms 1.6ms 1.8ms 2.0ms 2.2ms 2.4ms 2.6ms 2.8ms 3.0ms

Figure 18Plot of V (Z) on V(X) produces the same strange attractor.





0V -2.0V V(A)





0V V(X)






Note above in Figure 14 and Figure 17, the outputs appear the same just level shifted to make it unipolar. 5/2/13 Page | 16

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Simulation of chaotic peak detector using analogue behavioural models

This aim of this project was to sample the chaotic output using a peak meter. The peaks do not occur at regular intervals hence regular sampling could not be used. In order to correctly capture the peak output of the signal, it needed to be delayed twice and the output of these delays compared. Using ABM Parts this was achieved by using an if-else statement if B>A and B>C output signal A else output 0. The implementation is shown in Figure 19 and the output is shown in Figure 20. Figure 19 ABM Implementation of Peak Detection

Alan Matthews DT008/3 Nos Hoover System

IN1 OUT IN2 EXP1 = {if ((V(B)>V(A))&(V(B)>V(C)),v (A),0)} Delay RW A in out Delay 1 B Delay RW1 in out C Peak

Delay 2

Figure 20 peak detection





0V 0s V(A) 0.1ms 0.2ms V(PEAK1) 0.3ms 0.4ms 0.5ms 0.6ms 0.7ms Time 0.8ms 0.9ms 1.0ms 1.1ms 1.2ms 1.3ms 1.4ms 1.5ms


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


The above is an ideal system as it uses ABM parts to simulate an equation and the if-else statement giving the ideal output this forms the basis for the circuit design which will be broken down into parts below

System design
The system design was broken down into parts. They are as follows: I. II. III. The delay design The comparator window sampler The switch

Each section had its own challenges and each part affected the overall system performance.


The delay Design

A Texas Instruments TL084 Quad JFET operational amplifier was selected as the amplifier

for the Delays. This delay system works by running the signal through each of the four amplifiers, each run through an amplifier adds a couple of ns to the delay of the signal, this is dependent on signal and slew rate which will be discussed later. As can be seen below they are set up as unity gain. This is to preserve the amplitude for the comparator. The Delay setup can be seen below in Figure 16. Figure 21 Delay setup

R10 Zb 5 4 U4B +

R12 R11 8 TL084 13 100k 100k 11 neg VOUT 12 + 4 U4D pos V+ 14 2 3

pos V+ OUT 7

R9 100k

100k 11 neg VOUT

4 pos U3A V+ + OUT 1

- 11 neg VTL084


+ 4 U4C

pos V+

- 11 neg VTL084

The Tl084 was selected for several reasons, it has Low Total Harmonic Distortion typically 0.003%, and it has a High Slew rate typically 13 V/s, Availability and cost, as always, were a factor. 5/2/13 Page | 18

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


This design took advantage of the natural delays in an operational amplifier to give the delay. The expected delay was measured by analyzing the group delay.

Group delay
Group delay is a useful measure of time distortion, and is calculated by differentiating, with respect to frequency, the phase response versus frequency of the device under test (DUT). Another way to say this is that group delay is a measure of the slope of the transmission phase response. The linear portion of the phase response is converted to a constant value (representing the average signaltransit time) and deviations from linear phase are transformed into deviations from constant group delay. The variations in group delay cause signal distortion, just as deviations from linear phase cause distortion. All signal components are delayed when passing through a device such as an amplifier or a loudspeaker. The signal delay can be (and often is) different for different frequencies. The delay variation meant that signals consisting of different frequency components suffer delay (or time) distortion. A small delay variation is usually not a problem, but larger delays can cause trouble such as poor fidelity and inter-symbol interference. High speed modems use adaptive equalizers to compensate for group delay. (White, 1999) Given a linear system block with frequency domain transfer function Equation 7 ( ) ( )
( )

) written as

Then the group delay is defined as Equation 8 ( )

( )

That is, it is the negative of the rate of change of phase with frequency. The quantity has the dimension of time. This delay element has a transfer function of Equation 9 ( )

It can be seen that the group delay is T for all frequencies. By analogy with this then it is implied that the group delay is in some way related to signal delay. The group delay may also be referred to as envelope delay. The reliable determination of group delay requirements for any particular communications system must come from some analysis or simulation or measurement of the system when subjected to 5/2/13 Page | 19

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


group delay variation. These days, simulations are frequently the simplest way of determining the sensitivity to group delay variations (White, 1999) The system was analysed for group delay in the spice engine in Orcad PSpice platform,for both the first to Second (A to B) delays and the overall Delay (A-C).The results are shown in Figure 22. Figure 22 Group delay With Ideal matched resistors
1 .0 u s

Group Delay From A To C

0 .5 u s



S E L>> 0s G (V (C ))

Group Delay From A To B




0s 1.0Hz G(V(B))



1.0KHz Frequency





As seen above in figure 22 the group delay stays reasonably stable until about 1 MHz.


The comparator window sampler

The output of each comparator in the lm179 is an open (uncommitted) collector .This means

two or more outputs can be tied together to achieve a logic OR function. This added to a pull-up resistor to 5v allows for when B>A and when B>C. This forms the basis for our windowing sampler. The LM139 series consists of four independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2mv max for all four comparators. These were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. The lm139 was designed to specifically interface with TTL and Cmos logic. The setup is shown below in Figure 23 and the output in Figure 24.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Figure 23 Comparator sampler

pos5 B7 U1A 3 +

V+ Vgnd


1 R11 10k

- 12

U1B pos5 3 + V+

C 4

- 12


Figure 24 output of comparator






Output of Comparaor(701.767us,1.2581V)

0V 660us 670us 680us V(U1A:OUT) V(B) V(A)

690us V(C)




730us Time








In order to eliminate switching due to noise and to provide a cleaner pulse to the switch the output signal is ANDed with 5V, as can be seen in Figure 26. This provided a much cleaner pulse. The setup is shown below in Figure 25.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 25 Comparator with and gate


Nos-Hoover Peak Detector

pos5 B7 U1A 3 + pos5 V+ Vgnd 1 U24A R11 1 10k 7408 2

LM139 OUT A 6 - 12

3AND Output

U1B pos5 3 + V+ LM139 OUT Vgnd

C 4

- 12

Figure 26 output of and gate and Comparator compared

2 .0 V

Output Of And Gate

1 .0 V

0V V (T E S T 2 )

Output of comparator

SEL>> 0V 0s V(U1A:OUT)





100us Time






As can be seen above in figure 26 the output signal witch shall act as the clock for the switch is a much cleaner pulse.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 27 Switch input

pos5 B7 U1A 3 + pos5 V+ Vgnd pos5 V+ Vgnd 2 1 R11 10k 1 2 7408 3Output R12 50


LM139 OUT A 6 - 12 U1B 3 +


pos U2A 14 CD4016B VDD 2 C 1 Peak IN OUT 13 V VC VSS RL11 7 neg


LM139 OUT C 4 - 12

In building this circuit it was discovered that applying signal C (which has been delayed twice), to the input of the switch compensates for delays in the system which were unavoidable. The signal C is the same amplitude and shape as the original signal. Figure 28 The output of the switch Vrs Nos Hoover signal



0s V(ZBS)

50us V(C)




250us Time






In building this circuit it was discovered that the input impedance of the lm139 was loading the input signals to the circuit, a resistor was added to each signal line to the value of 4.7k. The new system is shown in Figure 29 and the output in Figure 30


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 29 the new circuit with added resistors


Nos-Hoover Peak Detector

pos5 7 U1A 3 +

V+ Vgnd

R16 R17 B 4.7k A 4.7k

LM139 OUT 6 - 12 5

R20 10k U24A 1 2 2 7408 3Output

R19 50

U1B pos5 3 + V+ LM139 OUT V-

pos U2A 14 CD4016B VDD 2 C 1 Peak IN OUT 13 V V VC VSS 10k RL11 7 neg

R18 C 4.7k

- 12


Figure 30 the new circuit output


Nos Hoover signal

Detected peak



0.75ms V(C)

0.80ms V(PEAK)



0.95ms Time






In the new system, one can see there was a widening of the pulse very slightly. This was due to a widening of the window by addition of resistors to the inputs to combat loading. A voltage regulator (Lm 7805) was used to convert +12V DC to +5V DC eliminating the need for a separate supply. It was set up as shown in Figure 31 and Figure 32 .The capacitor are used for filtering out erroneous signals and to help the regulator have a cleaner output. Otherwise, spurious signals may have been added to the output, which can cause the 5V rail to be noisy. The capacitor improves the transient response. When a large load is connected is connected there is a voltage trough and then when the load is disconnected there is a voltage spike. Adding a capacitor in parallel improves the situation as it will provide power during turn on/turn off and absorb the spike. The capacitor values where chosen from the manufactures recommended setup in the spec sheet. 0.1fdecoupling capacitors were also added to all supplies to reduce the effects stated above.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 31 Setup of voltage regulator.


In the prototype, Figure 32, All Black Wires are Ground, Blue wires are -12 V, and Green Wires are signal wires. The build was completed on a Prototype board a PCB would greatly reduce noise and transmission line delay in the system. However, as this is a continually evolving system the decision was made to stay with the breadboard design until any improvements suggested in the discussion could be implemented or tested. Figure 32 circuit setup Chaotic Peak Detector

Tl084 Delays






Clock Signal

Lm139 Comparator

7408 And Gate


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


The circuit was built as described above and tested

Sine Wave test Results

Figure 33 test of delay @ 70 kHz 2Vpp with a 1V offset


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 34 test of second delay @ 70 kHz 2Vpp with a 1V offset


Figure 35 test of Total delay @ 70 kHz 2Vpp with a 1V offset


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


The amplitude of the above has been shifted slightly to better display the delay but there is a amplitude difference of approximately 0.2V, The delay from A to B can be seen in figure 33 the delay signal B to C can be seen in figure 34, The measurement above in figure 35 is the total delay. There is also switching noise evident on the C signal. Figure 36 Test of lm139 comparator output@70khz 2vpp with an offset of 1V

As seen above in Figure 36, the frequency of the pulses is @ 72.162 KHz for a 70 KHz sine wave input. This will be discussed further in the discussion section below but may be due to a delay in the comparator.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 37 Test of and gate output@70khz 2vpp with an offset of 1V


As seen above in figure 37 the frequency is now measured @ 73.562Khz. This is due to delays in the comparator and the AND Gate. This is the main reason for inputting Signal C into the Switch to be sampled as the Signal delayed twice compensates for delays in the comparator and AND gate.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 38 Test of peak detection @70kHz 2vpp with an offset of 1V


Above in figure 38 the peak detection is shown with the switching noise highlighting the timing of the peak and output appears correct.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Chaotic signal tests Results.

Figure 39 Lorenz signal Delay from A to b

Figure 40 Delay at the peak A to B


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


As seen above in figure 40 The delay of the peaks were measured to be 232ns which is approximately as measured in the spice engine in Orcad PSpice for group delay allowing for a factor of error. Figure 41 Lorenz signal Delay from A o C


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 42 Delay At peak A to C


As seen above in figure 42. The delay at peak was measured to be 491.564ns, which is approximately, what was measured in the spice engine in Orcad PSpice for group delay allowing for a of factor error.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector Figure 43 Lorenz signal Detection


As can be seen above in figure 43, the system detects the peaks of a complex Lorenz signal.

During the process of building this circuit, it was discovered that the amplitude of the signal in the delays is amplified at higher frequencies. This may be due to the slew rate of the Tl084 and variance in resistors. To compensate for this one of the 100k resistors in each delay was swapped for a 90.2k and 82k resistor respectively. This solved the amplification problem for the chaotic signal but an ideal system would have one variable resistor in place on each delay to allow adjusting for amplitude matching for different signals. There are several problematic delays in the circuit, the largest of which appears to be in the SN74LS08 chip. This may be due to the propagation delay of the chip. Wires have an approximate propagation delay of 1ns for every 6 inches (15 cm) of length. Logic gates can have propagation delays ranging from more than 10 ns down to the picosecond range (Balch, June 20, 2003) depending on the technology being used. According to the spec sheet this chip has a propagation of between 35ns and 70ns when the supply is 5V. 5/2/13 Page | 34

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


The group delay measured in simulation in the spice engine in Orcad PSpiceed was approximately equal to the delays measured in experimentation. The differences may be accounted for by the problems with the amplitude variances in the delay. The simulation was re-run to take account of the resistors swapped out the results are below in Figure 45. Figure 44 Group delay with 82 and 90.2k resistors
1 .0 u s

Group Delay From A To C

0 .5 u s



0s G (V (C ))

Group Dlay From A to B




SEL>> 0s 1.0Hz G(V(B))



1.0KHz Frequency





There is an increase in group delay of 8ns for one delay and 12ns for the total delay for the change in resistance. This does not explain all the changes in delay of the system but it does show that the value of resistors and amplitude of the wave has an effect on the delay that combined with other delays added in to an non ideal system should account for most of the slight errors in delay circuit. The chaotic signals have a very fast rate of change. The system preforms best for sine waves at higher frequencies (100k upwards) as the rate of change of that signal from say 0V to +2V is approximately equal to the rate of change of a chaotic signal whose frequency may appear be in the lower frequencies range. An addition to the system which should improve performance is to replace the three 4.7k resistors on the inputs to the comparators with variable resistor. This would allow compensation for loading in the circuit while also allowing control of the size of the sample window, i.e. allowing adjustment of the system to work with other complex and non-complex signals.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


From experimentation, it was shown that the design functioned for a range of chaotic signals but there are several improvements that could be made. In the delays the variances of the resistors 5% have an effect on the amplitude of the waveform introducing slight gain which in turn has an effect on the group delay as seen above in the discussion. A variance in the resistors adds approximately 10% to the delays. The variance in amplitude affected the output of the comparator. Ideally 1% resistors would be used and a Variable resistor added to enable fine tuning of the delays. The use of a PCB as opposed to a breadboard would reduce noise in the system significantly. A well laid out board would reduce transmission lines thus reducing some of the delays in the system. Since no Nos Hoover generator was constructed it was not possible to actually test this system with the Nos Hoover signal but it functioned correctly for a Lorenz signal and other complex signals. So there is no particular reason that it should not function for the Nos Hoover. As with any project of this type it is never really complete, it can always be improved or refined but given the time constraints it performed well.


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Reverences/appendix Bibliography Balch, M. (June 20, 2003). Complete Digital Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture. McGraw-Hil. Hoover, W. G. (1985). Canonical dynamics: Equilibrium Phase distributions. American Physical Socity. Hoover, W. G. (2005). NoseShuichi In Memorium. Nos. (1984). A unified Formulation of the constant temprature Molecular-dynamics Methods. Journal of chemical phyics. Weisstein, E. W. (n.d.). "Logistic Map.". MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. . White, P. (1999). Group Delay Explanations and Applications. Wiley. (1999). Wiley Encylopedia of Electrical and Electroics Engineering (Vol. 3). (J. G. Webster, Ed.) New York: Kim H. Kelly.

Appendix 1 Figure 1 Example of a Nos Hoover strange attractor .............................................................. 5 Figure 2 Typical bifurcation map .............................................................................................. 6 Figure 3 Delayed Signals ........................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4 Window where B>A & B>C ....................................................................................... 9 Figure 5 The setup of the ABM simulation ............................................................................... 9 Figure 6 Output of ABM Simulation ....................................................................................... 10 5/2/13 Page | 37

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Figure 7 ABM implementation of equation 1 ......................................................................... 12 Figure 8 the output of equation 1 implementation .................................................................. 12 Figure 9 the Plot of the orbits, V(Y) on V(x)........................................................................... 13 Figure 10 ABM implementation of equation 2 .................................................................... 13 Figure 11 ABM implementation of equation 2 output ........................................................ 13 Figure 12 The Plot of the orbits(Y) on W (z) .......................................................................... 14 Figure 13 ABM implementation of equation 3 .................................................................... 14 Figure 14 ABM implementation of equation 3 output ....................................................... 15 Figure 15 the Plot of the orbits, V(x) on V (z) ......................................................................... 15 Figure 16 ABM implementation of equation 3 with level shift .......................................... 16 Figure 17 ABM implementation of equation 3 with level shift output .............................. 16 Figure 18Plot of V (Z) on V(X) produces the same strange attractor. ............................ 16 Figure 19 ABM Implementation of Peak Detection ................................................................ 17 Figure 20 peak detection .......................................................................................................... 17 Figure 21 Delay setup .............................................................................................................. 18 Figure 22 Group delay With Ideal matched resistors .............................................................. 20 Figure 23 Comparator sampler ................................................................................................ 21 Figure 24 output of comparator ............................................................................................... 21 Figure 25 Comparator with and gate ....................................................................................... 22 Figure 26 output of and gate and Comparator compared ......................................................... 22 Figure 27 Switch input ............................................................................................................. 23 Figure 28 The output of the switch Vrs Nos Hoover signal ................................................... 23 Figure 29 the new circuit with added resistors ........................................................................ 24 Figure 30 the new circuit output .............................................................................................. 24 Figure 31 Setup of voltage regulator. ...................................................................................... 25 5/2/13 Page | 38

Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Figure 32 circuit setup ............................................................................................................. 25 Figure 33 test of delay @ 70 kHz 2Vpp with a 1V offset ........................................................ 26 Figure 34 test of second delay @ 70 kHz 2Vpp with a 1V offset............................................ 27 Figure 35 test of Total delay @ 70 kHz 2Vpp with a 1V offset .............................................. 27 Figure 36 Test of lm139 comparator output@70khz 2vpp with an offset of 1V ..................... 28 Figure 37 Test of and gate output@70khz 2vpp with an offset of 1V ..................................... 29 Figure 38 Test of peak detection @70kHz 2vpp with an offset of 1V .................................... 30 Figure 39 Lorenz signal Delay from A to b ............................................................................ 31 Figure 40 Delay at the peak A to B.......................................................................................... 31 Figure 41 Lorenz signal Delay from A o C ............................................................................. 32 Figure 42 Delay At peak A to C ............................................................................................. 33 Figure 43 Lorenz signal Detection ........................................................................................... 34 Figure 44 Group delay with 82 and 90.2k resistors ................................................................. 35

Appendix 2 Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 Equation 4 Equation 5 Equation 6 Equation 7 Equation 8 Equation 9 ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .............................................. 8 ( ( ) ......... 8 ) ... 8

............................................ 12 ( ( ) ....... 13 ) . 14

) .................................................................................... 19

................................................................................................... 19 ................................................................................................... 19


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Nos Hoover Peak Detector


Appendix 3

Tl084 datasheet

Lm139 Datasheet

Sn74ls08 Datasheet

CD4016be Datasheet

7805 Datasheet


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