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Continuous Creation

:: Infinity Codes ::

Version 3 2012

It Is Continuum

Continuous Creation

This book has no beginning It is a continuum !

The ramifications of its content; the empirical evidence, extend into all aspects of our reality !

It Is Continuum

Continuous Creation

Changa Initiation
08:33 1 Moon I put infinity in the pipe and smoked it An all pervading sound descended and in all directions I saw The universe fold in upon itself and then unfurl out again What I saw during the experience made it clear That the human species does not exist We are all creatures !

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Continuous Creation

The Time Before Time

In our ancient and timeless past, we were far more aware of the cycles of nature, and did not require the exact number of days between unique celestial and seasonal phenomena to know what time it was. It was either the warmer or colder part of the year, the moon was either invisible or at its full brightness in the sky. As time markers the combination of what kind of temperature a particular part of the year was known for, and the stage at which the moon was, could have in fact allowed us to plan our life to a reasonably high level of organization with other members of our community or tribe. It would have been a time where we were beholding the intrinsic balance and harmony of the natural order of our world, a time that would have enabled us to see many patterns and scales of order that we exist within. Indeed our planet itself exists within a greater natural order of a star system. It is the knowledge and reality of orders within orders, or cycles within cycles, that in the end inspired us to invent telescopes and microscopes to allow us to see in greater detail the unending cycles and natural orders of our universe. That we live on a planet that continually recreates a natural order around us is truly a priceless gift. In this great universe that is our home, we are but a tiny spec, and yet a grain of sand in relation to us makes us all look like giants.

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It was the act of counting that began our journey to discover the actual lengths of months, and years. These have been well documented throughout history in Solar and Lunar calendars. Solar calendars having a total of 365 whole days with a variation of leap-day rules, and Lunar calendars having alternating months of 29 and 30 days, with years of both 12 and 13 months. Yet without the act of observing these cycles in relation to the position of the rising and setting of the sun, we would never have began to see the pattern of the seasons now known and defined with the 2 Equinoxes and 2 Solstices. These 4 specific points in one cycle of the year create a cross within a circle, which by no accident is the astronomical and astrological symbol for our planet Earth.
Extra Notes: History has only been around for as long as someone began to write it down, and record the date in which they live. Therefore history in a sense only began at the time when it was recorded in a book. Writing though was there before history, in the form of sets of oracles, or sets of glyphs or marks that represented sounds and aspects of the world in which its originators lived. Languages are older still, as before writing we communicated with each other and kept the legends of our people alive in songs and stories. This was the time of the oral traditions.

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-= Undoing His-story =Is the realization that one of the purposes of this book is to convince the global human populous that the Gregorian calendar is not only an abhorrent tool of time measuring but that more importantly it keeps us locked down into the same reality that created it in the first place namely the Roman Empire. Whose main purpose has always been to expand its empire by conquering neighbouring cultures and tribes in Europe and beyond. We are still living in their time matrix; it still does dictate to us the month (where did the word moonth come from?) of their calendar (collection of taxes) that we are currently living in. Considering that its months do not actually measure 1 moonth, then why do we call them months? A true Lunar measure of time would have Synodic years of 12 and 13 moonths and 354 and 384 days! Therefore, what is the Roman calendar trying to measure? It divides the year into 12, like the Zodiac, and the cycle of 1 year is primarily a Solar measure; the time it takes the seasons to begin again. Yet, the divisions are not of equal lengths or of alternating lengths, but made up of 31, 30 and 28 (29) days.

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Other cultures, like the Egyptians fore instance, divided their year into 12, but they used equal and even units of measure. Their year is made up of 12 x 30 (+5) = 365 days. They didnt try to make their 12 divisions of the year fit exactly into 365 days, but instead used the highest number that 365 is divisible by 12 with. The left over 5 days were then designated as days of purification at the end of the year, to prepare for the gift of the next one.

If anyone has ever asked the question, where the 360 degree circle came from, after reading the last paragraph, perhaps the answer is already known. The Traditional Zodiac is made of 360 degrees, even though its meant to be a measure of one Sidereal Year; that is the measure of one passage of the Sun in relation to the Stars. So what this all boils down to is how we relate to time, or to be more precise, how we dont ! At present apart from the cultures that actually use measurements of time (Druids, Native Americans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Egyptians, Chaldeans, Persians,..), we are in general ignorant of the great cycles of time. It is a great shame that we are, for in the end we will see that the greater cycles of time reflect the smaller cycles of time, which is a metaphor of the fact that the great powers of government and
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economics etc in our world are a reflection of their state of consciousness. How can one trust in the calculation of measurements, made by those who do not even use an actual unit of "measure" for their main calendrical system? Therefore I proclaim! The world matrix is corrupt ! In reality we live in a universe thats matrix is made of synchrony, of harmonic ratio, interwoven spirals of creation, recreation and resurrection. The purpose of the universe is life ! The calend-ar we use puts at its point of Spring Equinox (renewal of life) the month of March, which is named after the God of War. Why do we do this. Why have we done this. WHY? Who was it that first stated that War is a better pursuit than a Life of Peaceful relations with all beings? Which is not to say that defense is not required Where does our hatred stem from?

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-= Our Ignorance of Time =And the karmic repercussions of not knowing There maybe many reasons why we still use the Roman calendar as our world standard; too many to list here, but the fact that we still do and continue to do and not question why we do is ultimately a great naivety on our part. Do we still fear the might of Rome? That if we would choose to uproot their crooked ways they may come down on us with the full force of a broad sword, or as would be more accurate for the present time a depleted uranium cluster bomb? If we look at it from a place of honesty, can we admit the extent to which the Roman Empire caused mass-destruction of the ancient peoples of Europe and beyond? We can also see the historical connections between Rome and the headquarters of the Catholic Church, namely the Vatican. Before the current version of the Roman calendar was created, there was still a division between Pagan Rome and Christian Rome. It wasnt until Emperor Constantines reign that this began to change. It wasnt until the year 1582 though, that the solidity of the dominance of Christianity had taken its place as the ultimate religious power in Rome. At this point the Roman calendar was transformed into the present calendar that we use today, the Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII (the 13th). So in reality the Roman calendar that we use today, in truth is not Roman, though it has very strong Roman roots, it is a Christian calendar. This fact seems to be unimportant to the general populous of the world, even though they are obviously not all Christians. Yet if
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one wishes to operate a business in the world, the official calendar of all banks and financial institutions is the Gregorian calendar. This is not that surprising as has been mentioned before, it is the worlds time standard. Even more interesting is the fact that the word calendar originates from the word calend, or the first day of the month when taxes were due. So a calend-ar is actually a hierarchal device used by governments or states to organize the populous into giving them their money so that they can use it for their own purposes. What is the most expensive aspect of governmental economics? War ! The expense they go to destroy another human being is ridiculous, and yet it has gone on for centuries, and still does, as does the calendar. Who pays for it? the general public, through the tax system. Why are we at war with one another, because we havent yet learnt how to coexist as a planet, or even just a collection of different countries with different opinions. As the saying goes history repeats itself like a record, but what if we changed the record? Or changed the calendar, or even began to exchange knowledge as a planet to find the solutions that exist for all the problems of this world. What one country doesnt know, another does, or has someone in their population that does. What if we started sharing our world rather than dominating it. Ultimately it is not the Roman people who are to blame, it is the Emperors of Rome who chose to use their power to make war rather than take care of their own countrys citizens and defend it if need be. Fear got the better of them though, and so they went to war in order to conquer and expand their empire, so that
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another culture didnt do it instead. Linear thinking always leads to dead ends. How many people have died because of this linear orientated, fear based thinking? too many to count. On it goes, the continuation of the historical storyline, that plays the same games as always, moving pieces around on the chess board of life, with no care for the pawns (general populous), so that the Kings and Queens can live in there royal palace of excessive indulgence. Why do we continue to allow this story to keep on going? cant we see where it is heading? Towards the cliff of linear, there is only one way, no need to change the calendar, what difference would that make, nonsense ! Where is the diversity of that? Where is the science of time? They would say it doesnt exist ! Yet the science of time has existed for centuries, keep secret by those who would have you believe this world is a place of sin (Babylonian word for the Moon), destroyed in cultures that knew of the beauty that it expressed as a reflection of the reality that we live in. Nature is an infinite synchrony, because if it wasnt, we wouldnt exist ! Yet nature, according to Christianity is evil. God said No, dont eat the apple of knowledge, because if you do I shall cast you out of the garden. Whose garden is it? It is Gods gift to us, why would God then tell us to not eat of the fruit of the garden that he gave us? Such great lies have been the truth of the grandest religious illusionary dogmas of history.

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In the garden, the moon is an obvious marker of the cycles of time, you dont actually need to be a scientist to work that out. The word month originates from moon, or moonth. Yet if we look at the Roman/Christian calendar, it has no relationship with the moon, it doesnt in fact measure anything as it has no measure, being made of varying lengths. On and on it goes, the linear arrow From the bow of an Emperors control Why did you fire that arrow my brother That pierces my heart and ends my life I am another yourself Another human being Cant we live in peace?

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The Calendar Transforms Into A Natural Time Fractal Matrix

All beings are related to each other. We are one being, manifest in many forms. Every choice we make affects the one being. To create a choice requires a mind. That state of mind, determines the quality of its awareness. Becoming aware enables the conscious mind. A conscious mind is centred in the moment. Maintaining consciousness bridges each moment together. Under the bridge is the river of time. Time flows toward unification. To be unified in time brings synchronicity. A synchronic order is defined in measure. How do we measure the time? We use a medieval system of time. (the Gregorian calendar) This system has twelve irregular months. An irregular standard of measure creates crooked foundations. Its foundation can be found in the empire of Rome. The empire of Rome conquered through war. We still live in a time of war.
The war is made in the name of peace. Yet true peace is known in stillness.
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and that stillness respects all beings. For we are one !

How do we respect time? We observe the natural order. Our nature is born of woman. A woman keeps the cycle of moons. The moon governs the element of water. Water is the source of purification. To purify is to begin again. In the beginning were the thirteen months. Thirteen is a prime number. To prime is to be prepared. How do we prepare for change? We start today to change our time. Changing our time we open our mind. With an open mind we receive inspiration. Inspired by the revelations. Revealing the divine nature. We become superconscious beings. Being the embodiment of time. Our actions guide us in knowing Self. It starts within our hearts.

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It Is Continuum

Continuous Creation

-= New Beginnings =In a galactic reality which truly has no end, the concept of a beginning is bizarre. When was it exactly that the universe began? and where in the time-space continuum did it occur Somewhere in infinity is one answer, before time and space existed is another, but can it be placed to an exact time and place? According to modern physics the universe has been around for 13.7 billion years That is a vast amount of time! How can we be so sure though of the accuracy of that data? when one considers the fact that recorded history only started (according to history) with the invention of writing in the 4th millennium BC. There is evidence to show that there have been many ancient civilizations that lived in times long before the recorded beginning of history. Yet the academic world refuses to acknowledge the evidence, preferring to remain dogmatic in its stance. Indeed the Big Bang theory has recently been shown to be false through new research on Quasars. The main piece of the Big Bang theory that holds it together is the Red Shift of stars. This states that they should follow a trajectory out from the central point where the Big Bang occurred. The new research shows that in actuality the Red Shift of most stars does not follow a single trajectory path. Therefore the Big Bang is false.
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Instead the new theory speaks of how Galaxies are born out of other Galaxies, through a cosmic process involving Quasars Quasars being proto Galaxies in the early stages of growth. Therefore it would be a worthwhile question to ask, did the universe have a beginning? or is it actually a continuum without beginning or end Physics states that energy cannot be destroyed entirely, instead it only changes form. Like the process of water turning to vapour, or wood burning and turning into flames. What would it mean if humanity was actually made aware of true nature of the cosmos? that infinity is in all things and all things are infinate The picture begins to form of a new vision of the vast cosmos that we live in, giving birth to itself, recirculating its energy from one form to another
Eternally Weaving Unique Spectrums of Manifestation Into Being

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Continuous Creation

- Contents 7-day week (Heptagon) 7 x 52 (+1) = 365 Ankh key of life Egyptian Royal Cubit of 28 Icosahedron (Planet Holon) Star Tetrahedron (19.5) Tree of Gnostic Consciousness Fu Hsi Order of I-ching Re-Sequencing the DNA Tzolkin I-ching matrix

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7-day week (Heptagon)

Geocentric order of visible planets from Earth Creating 7 days of the week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Sun

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7 x 52 (+1) = 365

52 weeks of the year 4 quarters produce code numbers, by adding the week numbers together for each quarter 1st quarter: 91 - number of days in 1 quarter 2nd quarter: 260 - number of days in 1 tzolkin 3rd quarter: 169 - 13 x 13 4th quarter: 78 - number of tarot cards (Last 2 code numbers found via tzolkin fractalization)

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Ankh key of life

Anchored on Earth Moon and inner planets root the tree Sun at the center Outer planets guard expanded reality Saturn is (hidden 8th) sphere of gnosis Center of the galaxy at apex

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Egyptian Royal Cubit of 28

Pantheon of 28 Egyptian gods and goddesses Equal measurement, equal positioning Rulers of the cosmos

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Icosahedron (Planet Holon)

20 sided geometry - 20 fingers and toes Anchored at Akhmim (26.3)

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Icosahedral Planet Holon

Prototype Version During study of The Dreamspell it has become apparent that there are some details that require revising. One main detail that requires revision is the shape of the Planet Holon. "At the moment of the primal dragon genesis, the four clans create the interdimensional structure of Timeship 2013, the icosahedron (20-sided form) of the planet holon." [For more information see: Planet Holon: Timeship Earth 2013] It is the subject of the Icosahedron that we shall focus upon in this investigation. Above is a "prototype" version of the New Planet Holon. Each Bioregion now has as its shape a triangle rather than a square. The most northern and southern regions, are squares on the image as this is a flattened image of Planet Earth, which as we know is a sphere. In truth, the lines that point directly north and south actually meet together at the north and south
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poles respectively, and therefore the squares are actually triangles in disguise!

[For more information see: Root Race Index: Harmonic Arrangement]

Icosahedron [For more information see: Icosahedron]

Briefing for the Planet Art Network

On behalf of the Arcturian Protectorate On the day out of time of the Cosmic Seed year a new form of the planet holon was developed. Its primary purpose was to engage the Dreamspell with sacred geometrical time. The new form of the planet holon took the shape of an Icosahedron with 20 triangular faces. The anchor point for the new holon continued as the great pyramid of Egypt (30 north), until further research showed that the Earth Grid point is at exactly 26.3 north (Akhmim, Egypt).
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The order of the 20 solar tribes associated with the 20 sides also continued at first, but upon further investigation their order was reversed. This was so that the direction of the rising sun across the earth, matched the direction of the pattern of the 20 solar tribes. In the new holon the tribes are arranged in a lattice of 5 by 4, which is an inverse of the lattice in the original holon of 4 by 5. It became clear that the red tribes connected the strongest with the largest areas of land mass (northern continents Root chakra), the white tribes with Antarctica (continent of ice Crown chakra) at the south pole, the blue tribes with the vastness of our oceans (Throat chakra), and the yellow tribes with hottest areas of land mass (including deserts Solar plexus). The planetary map itself was also reversed so that the south pole was at the top. The inspiration to switch the poles around was due to another piece of work that connects the 4 colours of the harmonics with the 7 chakras of the energy body. White is the colour of the Crown charka Blue is the colour of the Throat charka
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Yellow is the colour of the Solar plexus Red is the colour of the Root charka In between the 4 colours of the harmonics are: Violet for the Brow chakra Green for the Heart chakra Orange for the Sacral chakra

Yew Tree of Gnostic Consciousness

Helical rising of Sirius Icosahedron 26.3 - Akhmim 12x30 (+5) = 365 Solar zenith Merkaba 19.5 Tenochtitlan - Sunstone 13x28 (+1) = 365 Winter solstice Dodecahedron 19.3 & 48.1 - Carnac Triskele 8x44 (+13) = 365

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19-year Metonic cycle - Flower of Life 12x29.5 = 354 - 13x29.5 = 384(383) Moon: 235x29.53 = 6939.6 and Sun: 19x365.242 = 6939.6

33-year Leap day cycle Mystic column Harmonic 33 8/33 = 0.24242

iNFiNiTE TIME - iNFiNiTE SPACE 1:28 - 1:28 1:28:28 33:1:33 28:28:1 28:1 - 28:1 33:2:33
Summer solstice Eyes of Horus Third eye of Horus New leap day 33 days from Summer solstice to Solar zenith - 1987 Wizards count begins Dreamspell Chilam Balam - Quetzalcoatl Supernova Galactic Culture

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New Year Pyramid Alignment - Update Part of the mythos of The Dreamspell is the New Year date of 26th July (Gregorian). This occurs in conjunction with the Solar Zenith of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico. Whereas the Heliacal Rising of Sirius occurs at Akhmim, Egypt, on the 6th August (Gregorian) in our current era. [For more information see: Solar Zenith at Teotihuacan] [For more information see: Heliacal Rising of Sirius]

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Heliacal Rising of Sirius with the Sun at Ackmim, Egypt on Ancient Egyptian New Year New Year - 1st day of Thoth :: 6th August 2006 Yellow Crystal Sun - Magnetic Moon Alpha 12

Viewed from directly above 26.3 N 31.5 E at Akhmim, Egypt At the top you can see the star Sirius, and our own star, the Sun rise together. This takes place on the 1st day of Thoth - 12
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Month Count, currently the 6th of August (Gregorian), calculated as: 35 days from the day Sirius is directly south with the Sun at midday (Duat cycle). The time at which this alignment occurs changes over 1000s of years. This is due to the cycle of precession. The Ancient Egyptian New Year aligns at Akhmim, which is at a very specific place on the earth indeed. See below.

This is an image of the Earth centred over Akhmim, Egypt. Overlaying it is an Icosahedron: 1 of the 5 primal shapes of creation. This Perfect Solid has 20 faces. Each face is an equilateral triangle, each has 3 edges of equal length.

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Icosahedron When you align the north and south poles with 2 of the Icosahedron's 12 vertices, 1 of the remaing 10 vertices align's directly over the Akhmim or Panopolis ! which anchors and maintains this Icosahedral planetary grid. [For more information see: Icosahedral Planet Holon]

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Star Tetrahedron (19.5)

24 sided geometry 24 runes of elder futhark 24 hours in the day Anchored at Teotihuacan (19.5 N)

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Solar Zenith of the Sun at Tenochtitlan - Day Out of Time and Teotihuacan - 13 Moon New Year Day Out of Time - Yellow Cosmic Star :: 25th July 2006 New Year - Red Magnetic Moon :: 26th July 2006

Viewed from directly above 19.5 N - 99 W at Tenochtitlan To know the origins of why specific days are celebrated now, as they were also 1,000s of years ago, is as important as the celebration itself.

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To the ancient tribes of Central America specific days held greater importance than others, this cannot be contested. What is really interesting though is why? Why did they choose certain days over others?

Can knowledge and wisdom be contained in the meaning of a day? It will become clear that this day was chosen for very specific reasons.


The area we shall be focusing upon is between 19-20 North and 98-100 West. Within it we find Tenochtitlan which once existed exactly on the 19.5 latitude, and nearby it are Teotihuacan as well as the Popocatepetl and Iztacihuatl volcano's. It is the exact placement of their Pyramid centers nearby to these volcano's that is worth our attention. Here is why.

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The Star Tetrahedron This geometrical shape is made up of 2 interlocking Tetrahedrons A Tetrahedron is 1 of 5 perfect solids. When a Star Tetrahedron is placed inside the Earth and 2 of its points aligned to the N. and S. poles, the remaining 6 (3 North and 3 South) points touch the surface of the Earth at 19.5 North and South of the Equator. When 1 of the 19.5 N. points of the Star Tetrahedron is aligned to Tenochtitlan, the remaining 5 points all pin point strong volcanic activity, either as Volcano Islands, a Desert Volcano, or Underwater Volcanos.

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The Equinox and Solstice cross-quarter days are known well as powerful activators of evolutionary understanding, represent the balanced and extreme points of the year. Whereas the Day Out of Time and 13 Moon New year relates to the zenith of the sun over 19.5 degrees North. This then aligns those 2 days with planetary earth merkabah geometry, which then can be seen as the activation and anchoring of what has been called Hyper-dimensional physics. See this link for more details: [ Sol System ] : Planetary Anomalies

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In lakech Cosmic Eagle Kin 195 (19.5)

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Tree of Gnostic Consciousness

Mirror image of Fortingal Yew tree As above, So below 13 spheres of knowledge Hidden (8th) sphere revealed 12th and 13th spheres reflect lunar years

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Fu Hsi Order of I-ching

Radial matrix of 64 I-ching hexagrams 8 primary trigrams 8 directions 8 x 8 = 64 DNA codes of life Twin spiral helix

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Re-Sequencing the DNA

The creative

Hexagrams 17-48 All pairings equal 65

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Re-Sequencing the DNA

The receptive

Hexagrams 1-16 + 49-64 All pairing equal 65

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Tzolkin I-ching matrix

Re-sequenced hexagrams Arranged in 64 (+1) harmonics of the tzolkin 33rd harmonic at the center (zero-point) 19th hexagram at the top of mystic central column 33rd hexagram at the bottom 29th & 30th hexagrams on either side of the center
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- Contents Lunation matrix 12 month lunar years 13 month lunar years 19 year cycle 19 year flower Thri Spirals of 19 13 x 28 (+1) = 365 Alchemical Elixir of 28 Tetrahedron of 28

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Lunation matrix

4 weeks of lunar synodic cycle Growth from first sight of crescent moon to dark moon (+1) or (+2) days per month Produces 29 & 30 day months

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12 month lunar years

Alternating 29 & 30 day months Average of 29.5 day synodic cycle of the moon Lunar years of 12 months = 354 days Lunar years of 13 months = 384 and 383 days

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13 month lunar years

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Stonehenges Sarsen circle

29 megaliths = 29.5 day lunation cycle

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Lunar Calendars
All Lunar calendars keep track of the synodic cycle of the Moon, one Lunar month (New Moon to New Moon) which is on average 29.53 days long. Each Lunar Year is either 12 Lunar months, making a year 11 days shorter than 365 days, or 13 Lunar months, making a year 19 days longer than 1 Earth Year of 365 days. 12 x 29.53 = 354.36 days (365-11=354) 13 x 29.53 = 383.89 days (365+19=384) 12 Month Lunar years 13 Month Lunar years

[ 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29 ] = 354 [ 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30 ] = 384

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[ 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30 ] = 354 [ 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29, 30, 29 ] = 383 These are the 2 year lengths of all Lunar calendars, made up of alternating 29 and 30 day months. They are generally used in a combination of 12 & 7 years. That is, 12 years of 12 months, and 7 years of 13 months, making a total of 19 Lunar years (12+7=19), which equals exactly 19 Earth years. This cycle is known as the Metonic cycle and is 6939.6 days in duration. [For more information see: 19-Year Flower of Life] 19 x 365.242 = 6939.6 days 235 x 29.53 = 6939.6 days

19 Earth Year cycle

19 Lunar Year cycle

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19 x (13 x 28 (+1) ) = 6935 days (12 x 354) + (6 x 384) + (1 x 383) = 6935 days (12 x 12) + (7 x 13) = 235 Lunar months The total number of Lunar months in a 19-Year cycle is 235, whereas the total number of 28-days Moons is 247 (19x13). This synchronization between 19 Lunar and Earth years is accurate to within 2 hours (1hr 59mns) or 2 time zones over each 19-Year cycle. Both 19-Year cycles are combined with the 33-Year Leap-day cycle in order to maintain accurate lengths of the Year. After 12 x 19-Year cycles (12 x 2 hours = 24) the synchronization between the Lunar and Earth years would shift by 1 day (0.9910728 accuracy) = approx. 13 minutes less of a whole day


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19 year cycle

Pattern of 19 lunar years Time for lunar synodic cycle to synchronize with Earth year (12 x 354) + (6 x 384) + (1 x 383) = 6935 days 19 x 365 = 6935 days

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19 year flower

3rd progression of genesis sequence 1 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 19 Matrix pattern of 19 year cycles 30 petals

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19-Year Flower of Life

The image above is The Flower of Life; you may have seen this image slightly differently before with the petals filling the whole of the image. This version is made of 19 circles and is the basis for the other version of The Flower of Life. To understand it as the basis requires us to acknowledge that the basis for Life on Earth is the combination of the energies of the Sun & the Moon, without which none of us would be where we are now.

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19 Year Matrix

19 Lunar Year cycle

Every 19 years, after 235 Synodic cycles of the Moon, the Sun & the Moon re-synchronizes with the year, the time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun.

19 Year Matrix

19 Earth Year cycle

[For more information see: Lunar Calendars] 235 x 29.530588 (1 moon synod) = 6939.688180 days 19 x 365.242424... (1 year) = 6939.606056 days

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6939.688180 - 6939.606056 = 0.082124 days 0.082124 x 1440 = 118.25856 minutes [1 hour 58.26 minutes] The time difference of 1 hour 58.26 minutes relates to a slight adjustment by the Moon every 19 year cycle. Example: The Moon was full on the night of 22 Dec. 1999. It will be full on the night of 22 Dec 2018, 19 years later. Only the time it will be at its fullest will be 1 hour 58.26 minutes later in the night.

Lunar years of 354 days and 384 days (*year of 383) Since 1 synodic moon cycle lasts 29.53 days, either 12 or 13 of them make 1 lunar year. [12 x 29.53 = 354.360] or [13 x 29.53 = 383.890] (12 x 354) + (6 x 384) + (1 x 383) = 6935 days 19 x 365.242424... (actual year) = 6939.606056 days 19 x 365 (practical year) = 6939 days
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6939.606056 6935 = 4.606056 days 8 / (33/19) = 4.60606 days

Every 19 years there are 4.6 leap-days, or on a vaster level with the 627 [19x33] year cycle where 13 of the 19 year cycles have 4 leap-days and the other 20 have 5, (13 + 20 = 33) the ratio is 13:20. (13 x 4) + (20 x 5) = 152 leap-days in 627 years That is an exact reflection of the ratio inherent with the Tzolkin of the Maya.

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8 leap-days per 33 year cycle, where there are 627 [19 x 33] cycles = 19 x 8 = 152 leap-days 627 x 365.24242 (actual year) = 229006.99734 days 627 x 365 (practical year) = 228855 days 228855 + 152 = 229007 days Therefore alongside the 19 year [Sun, Moon & Earth cycle] fits exactly the 33-Year Leap-day cycle.

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Continuous Creation

[For more information see: 33-Year Leap-day cycle]


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Continuous Creation

Thri Spirals of 19

3 year lunar cycle (thri-spiral) (2 x 354) + (1 x 384) = 1092 days (6 thri-spirals) + (1 year of 383) = 19 year flower (6 x 1092) + (1 x 383) = 6935 days

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13 Moon year
13 x 28 (+1) = 365

4 weeks per moon (4 x 7) = 28 Original matrix for the week 7 days of creation Genesis of the seed of life

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13 Moons on Turtle's Shell

In many traditions of the native tribes of America is the knowledge of the sacred turtle of time. This is the origin of the naming of Earth as Turtle Island. The Green Turtle's shell has 13 inner scales and 28 outer scales. It is through embodying this harmony that the Earth was named after the Turtle. 13 Moons x 28 Days = 364 + 1 Day Out of Time = 365 Throughout America the native tribes honour the Turtle as the keeper the harmony of time. It is a time founded upon observing nature. Nature functions through maintaining equilibrium or balance. The Turtle swims through the sea of time with the Earth (shell) on it's back. Keeping the people of the Earth protected in the original order of nature. May the Turtle be forever respected for this gift.

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Alchemical Elixir of 28

Geometric Mandala of 28 day moon Pyramidical base of 4 x 4 = 16 1 + 6 = 7 days 1st progression of genesis sequence 7 x 4 = 28 days Inverse of Red, White, Blue and Yellow 4 day Harmonic color code
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Tetrahedron of 28

Average of 3 primary lunar cycles 1st possible time-space geometry The 4 sided tetrahedra 3 primary cycles producing 4th average cycle
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Tetrahedral Moon Why 28 days?

Many people when introduced to the 13 Moon calendar ask why 28 days? The reason for this could be them knowing that a lunation (synodic cycle) between New Moon and New Moon is more than 28 days, it is on average 29.5 days. Indeed there are many lunar cycles including the sidereal of 27.3 days and the draconic of 27.2 days. So what is the meaning behind 28 days I hear you ask? Well since there are so many lunar cycles, having only one, that combines all of them makes it more simple to interact with the Moon as a whole. Yes? Therefore looking at those three primary lunar cycles, what happens when you take an average of them all? 29.5 + 27.3 + 27.2 = 84 84 / 3 = 28
Here is a graphic in the shape of a Tetrahedron to aid in comprehension.

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If we wish to be able to make accurate calculations in time we need a harmonic standard of measure of time. This is something that you are not going to get following the Gregorian calendar of 28, 29, 30 & 31 day months, nor with purely lunar calendars as the lunation (synodic cycle) of 29.5 days is not a whole number. One of the basic units of time measure we all use is the week. Yet each calendar month starts on different day of the week. Would it not make more sense to have a month made of an exact multiple of weeks? Furthermore, like the Tetrahedron in having 4 sides, the 28-day Moon has 4 weeks. Each of the equal length of 7 days. This is the reason the 13 Moon calendar is used, to make accurate calculations of time measurement in a harmonic standard of time. It could be also expressed as a constant of time, where time is seen as a unifying principle. 1 Moon = (1 Synodic + 1 Sidereal + 1 Draconic lunar cycles) / 3


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Continuous Creation



Time & Space could be considered our parents of a lifetime incarnate in physical form. This is not to say that the physical form is not actually a vibrational matrix for our soul to inhabit during our lifetime on a planetary body. The afterlife on the other hand does not exist within the limits of Time & Space and is therefore contained within an entirely different matrix of dimensions. These could be seen as being the upper dimensions, but in reality there is no up and down in relation to incarnation and the afterlife, rather it is a spectrum of experience. Being both in an individuated body and as a soul unified with its absolute and original source.

As an incarnate human being living on a planetary body, one in which the duration of a historical time frame has occurred. The way in which Time & Space were perceived had a large impact on the kind of life that was experienced. In terms of larger scales of time, recorded history is but a speck. This tiny moment is indeed made up of thousands of years, but in terms of cycles of evolution, Time & Space do not change very rapidly. Rather,
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they are the supportive matrix of creation itself, to allow it to decided what to do with its creation. During the recorded historical cycle the way in which Time & Space have been related to has had many conflicting overtones. This is due to the fact that throughout history various empires, governments and monarchies have always tried to remain in control of the Time & Space of their populous. This was achieved through both superior military forces and secret knowledge hoarding. The fact remains though that no matter how much control any ruler puts on their population, they can never control everyone and everything. This was/is their ultimate failure, to rule by force and disempowerment of the people.

Without correcting this error true power will always be hidden from the unsuspecting individual. On a planetary level without due attention to this error international politics and economic policy making will continue to hold the value of profit over the mutual sharing of resources. The way we have designed our
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reality according to a belief that there is never enough for everyone, continues to perpetuate that mode of functioning. The true nature of creation is abundance, and our role as human beings is to be co-creators with nature. Yet we live in a world that believes that Time is Linear and Space is Finite, even though we now know there are millions of galaxies in the universe and that there are measurable ratios and cyclical patterns to how moons orbit planets and planets orbit stars.

It is shear lunacy that both science and religion continue to ignore these ancient and timeless understandings. Human beings with a population of over 6 billion now make up the vastest part of our own creation. We need only look at our own creation to see what is out of balance, and do something about it. God is not going to fix our problems! Searching for a God particle in a universe of Creation is ridiculous.

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We search for something that has always been within us! Creation is the infinite potency of god and goddess alike. This is not a new understanding either, our ancestors knew this, and it is the key to understanding the time we are living in. This is the moment in the evolutionary growth spiral of Time & Space when all dysfunctions are addressed, and all beings are released into their own highest dream vision for their lifetime. Anything that does not function according to the laws of creation will be transcended through resonant dedication to the unfolding process of Galactic awakening. As we approach the ending of the lock-down of all energetic potential in its infinite variations, we will no longer perceive and feel the denial of our natural form of freedom. Instead we will feel truly liberated ! Everything is meeting its truest reflection

In that endless mirror anything is possible

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Continuous Creation

- Contents 4 Seasons 8-fold year 13 constellations Ophiuchus (the 13th sign) 24 Hour Rune Clock (plasma flow) 33 Year Diamond matrix Mayan Zodiac of 13 Tree of Planets Fixed Zodiac of 12 Great Conjunction Venus Midpoint Venus Morning Star

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4 Seasons

4 quarters of the year (2 x 89) + (2 x 93) + 1 = 365 (4 x 91) + 1 = 365 Outer Organic and Inner Geometric orders Solstice and Equinox Cross

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8-fold year

Seasonal matrix of 8 2 Solstices, 2 Equinoxes and 4 Fire Festivals Coded to elliptical Earth orbit 44 + 45 + 46 + 47 = 182 (182 x 2) +1 = 365 Seasonal growth pattern Root number 44 4+4=8
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-= The 4 Fire festivals =Realigned to natural time

The 4 Fire festivals celebrated by modern day practitioners of Celtic, Pagan, Wiccan and Druidic paths are out of alignment with natural time. The reason for this is that the 4 Fire festivals are positioned at the end of months within a 16th century Catholic calendar.

For example: Beltane is celebrated on the evening of April 30th and morning of May 1st. These months do not relate to the lunar

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cycles. April has 30 days and May has 31. The longest cycle of the moon is 29.5 days. The month of April gets its name from the Greek goddess Aphrodite. She, as a daughter of Zeus and Dione, presides over human love and the power to unite heaven, earth and sea. The month of May gets its name from the Greek goddess Maia, a daughter of the Titan Atlas and Pleione. The Pleiades was the name given to the seven daughters or mountain nymphs. Maia was the eldest of the daughters, and said to be the most beautiful. She was the mother of Hermes and is a Goddess of Spring. The Catholic calendar has 12 months. These vary in length between 28-31 days. As a calendar it stands out as the only one, which does not have a harmonic series of month lengths, or a true relation to the Moon.

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Considering the nature of being a practitioner of Celtic, Pagan, Wiccan and Druidic wisdom, the Moon holds a key position in understanding the Tree of Knowledge. To continue to use a Catholic calendar that represents, the force that for centuries persecuted the practitioners of natural wisdom throughout Europe, maintains the superiority of the Christian religion over how we see and relate to time. It has been widely recognized that our ancestors all used lunar calendars. In fact we can see clear proof that they used much more. They knew the times of the Solstices and Equinoxes with absolute accuracy, when Eclipses would occur, and the order and cycles of the 7 seven visible spheres of our solar system. The 7 spheres are what give us today the names of the days in a week: Sun-day, Moon-day, Teiwaz-day, Wodens-day, Thorsday, Freya-day and Satyr-day; the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively; or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This cycle of 7 was known long before the Romans officially accepted it in the 4th century at the Council of Nicaea. Indeed the Romans had to accept it, so as to not anger all the Pagan tribes they had previously conquered, or otherwise it would have instigated a revolt. In their calculations our wise ancient ancestors understood that there was a pattern to the cycles of the year. They saw the sacredness of 13 and 28. This is why in Christian ideology the number 13 is associated with the Devil. It is because it was the most sacred of numbers to our ancestors. 28 on the other hand is the constant of the Moon.

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The lunation of 29.5 days was not the only lunar cycle that was known to our ancestors, but also the cycles now known as sidereal of 29.3 days and draconic of 29.2 days. These three primary cycles when added together and divided by three, give the average of 28 days, or 1 Moon:

29.5 + 29.3 + 29.2 = 84

84 / 3 = 28

The 28 day cycle therefore became their month, one standard lunar measure, and each year had 13 moons. To complete the year there was 1 extra day, hence the saying a year and a day.

13 x 28 = 364

364 + 1 = 365

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In a year wheel that contains 2 Solstices, 2 Equinoxes and 4 Fire festivals there are 8 yearly festivals. These festivals would have been spaced evenly between each season. Indeed there is an interesting puzzle to solve in regards to the exact length of the seasons. Between the 8 yearly festivals are approximately 45.655 days. [365.24 / 8 = 45.655 days] On closer inspection though, from the Autumn equinox through Winter to the Spring equinox there are 178.83 days, whereas from the Spring equinox through Summer to the Autumn equinox there are 186.41 days. 186.41 - 178.83 = 7.58 days Therefore there are 7.58 extra days in the Summer half of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere that is, in the Southern Hemisphere all measurements are reversed). What this informs us of, is that the 4 seasons are of different lengths. From here we can deduce that in order to calculate the actual days of the 4 Fire festivals we must find the overall pattern of the seasons. The Earths orbit around the Sun every year is not circular. This is what gives the Summer half of the year 7.58 extra days. On July 4th the Earth is the farthest away from the Sun (Aphelion). Being farthest away means it takes longer for the Earth to orbit the Sun at that time of year. Hence, the 7.58 extra days in the Summer half of the year.
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If we used a circle of 364 as our guide we can deduce that 182 days would be the marker of half a year, [364 / 2 = 182]. Since the shorter half of the year is 178.83 days long, it made greater sense though to use a circle of 352 instead, [352 / 2 = 176]. This brings the half way marker down to 176 days. The quarter length then measures 88 days [176 / 2 = 88] and [4 x 88 = 352].

This whole number 88 can then be used to relate to the actual lengths of the seasons of: 89.00, 92.76, 93.64 and 89.94 days, these being both the astronomical measurements, in addition to being the natural lengths of the seasons that our ancestors calculated at their sacred monuments or temples. The quarter length of 88 then allows us to further sequence [88 / 2 = 44] the seasonal pattern into 8 segments, [8 x 44 = 352]. Now we can work with there being primarily 44+ days between each point of the Wheel of 8. From the 352 day guide circle there remain 13 days. This means that we have 13 extra days to distribute between the Wheel of 8, according to the number of days between each
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Equinox, Solstice and Fire festival. [Note: 8 & 13 are both Fibonacci numbers] Below is a diagram of how the days can be distributed so that the greatest symmetry is maintained, which in the end reflects the near symmetry of the orbit of the Earth and the cycle of the seasons:

The current length of time between the 8 yearly festivals is: Winter Solstice to Imbolc 41 days (Dec. 22 Jan. 31) Imbolc to Spring Equinox 48 days (Feb. 1 Mar. 20) Spring Equinox to Beltane 41 days (Mar. 21 Apr. 30) Beltane to Summer Solstice 52 days (May 1 Jun. 21) Summer Solstice to Lughnasa 40 days (Jun. 22 Jul. 31) Lughnasa to Autumn Equinox 53 days (Aug. 1 Sep. 22) Autumn Equinox to Samhain 39 days (Sep. 23 Oct. 31) Samhain to Winter Solstice 51 days (Nov. 1 Dec. 21)
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The adjusted length of time between the 8 yearly festivals is: Winter Solstice to Imbolc 44 days (Dec. 22 Feb. 3) Imbolc to Spring Equinox 45 days (Feb. 4 Mar. 20) Spring Equinox to Beltane 46 days (Mar. 21 May. 5) Beltane to Summer Solstice 47 days (May 6 Jun. 21) Summer Solstice to Lughnasa 47 days (Jun. 22 Aug. 7) Lughnasa to Autumn Equinox 46 days (Aug. 8 Sep. 22) Autumn Equinox to Samhain 45 days (Sep. 23 Nov. 6) Samhain to Winter Solstice 45 days (Nov. 7 Dec. 21)

To top it all off the current position of the Leap day (Feb. 29) is within a season that realistically has less than 45 days. Therefore to position the Leap day there does not reflect logic, nor aid in maintaining a harmonious cyclic order in each year. It would be far more natural to have a Leap day within the other half of the year, as that is where the duration of time of greater than 180 days occurs within the cycle of one year. Therefore, not only do we advocate a Calendar Change, but also a change in the position of the Leap day.

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Note: Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox = 89 days [-2.31] Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice = 92.76 days [+1.45] Summer Solstice to Autumn Equinox = 93.64 days [+2.33] Autumn Equinox to Winter Solstice = 89.94 days [-1.37] 365.24 / 4 = 91.31

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Orgeonamic Intelligence

Organic matrix (right side) Fibonacci sequence (1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5) = 12 0 is the 13th (8 + 13 + 21 + 34 + 55 + 89 + 144) = 364 days 364 = 13 x 28 (+1) = 365

Geometric matrix (left side) 7 x 13 = 91 91 x 4 = 364

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(+1) = 365

Continuous Creation

13 Constellations

Movement of Sun in the sky from the Galactic center (Alpha/Omega point) along ecliptic path through the 13 constellations and back again Sagittarius (1), Capricorn (2), Aquarius (3). Pisces (4), Aries (5), Taurus (6). Gemini (7), Cancer (8), Leo (9). Virgo (10), Libra (11), Scorpio (12), Ophiuchus (13).
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True Ecliptic Zodiac

Mandala of Zodiacal matrix of 13 Anchored through the Galactic Center Complete cosmology (of the cosmos) Including the medicine of the twin serpent staff Caduceus

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Ophiuchus The 13th Sign / Serpent Holder

Usually we are told there are 12 signs in the Zodiac, that 360 degrees make a circle, and that these 360 degrees when divided into 12 parts create 30 degrees for each sign. [12 x 30 = 360] In reality though it is not like this at all [For more information see: Origin of the Circle] When the Sun, and the Planets of our solar-system are viewed in the night sky, they move along a certain band of the sky. This band is called the Ecliptic and it is generally closer to a line than an area, except for the orbit of Pluto which is at an angle of 17 inclination to the Ecliptic. Generally the signs the Ecliptic line passes through are known well, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. One of the missing facts though, is that at the point where the Ecliptic passes Scorpio the Sun crosses another sign that usually is missed out, Ophiuchus - The 13th Sign / Serpent Holder.

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Ecliptic Zodiac

Another fact that is usually missed out is that the 13 signs are all of different lengths. Here are their [IAU] values in days: Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio - 32 days - 28 days - 24 days - 38 days - 25 days - 37 days - 31 days - 20 days - 37 days - 45 days - 23 days - 7 days 18 Dec - 18 Jan 19 Jan - 15 Feb 16 Feb - 11 Mar 12 Mar - 18 Apr 19 Apr - 13 May 14 May - 19 Jun 20 Jun - 20 Jul 21 Jul - 09 Aug 10 Aug - 15 Sep 16 Sep - 30 Oct 31 Oct - 22 Nov 23 Nov - 29 Nov
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[25 days in Gregorian Leap-years]

Continuous Creation

Ophiuchus - 18 days 30 Nov - 17 Dec Total - 365 days The actual length of the year is closer to 365.242... [For more information see: 33-Year Leap-day cycle] Depending on where the Leap-day is positioned in the year, it would be added to the Zodiacal sign of that time in the year in order to keep the days in synch. Example: Our current world calendar, the Gregorian calendar, places the Leap-day after February 28th, which would transfer over to the Zodiacal sign of Aquarius in Ecliptical Astrology. [For more information see: Sidereal_astrology] The 13 Signs are listed above in order from the Galactic center. The position of the Galactic center is: 26 degrees, 54 mins Sagittarius in Traditional Astrology. Ecliptical Astrology is 24 degrees approx. before Traditional Astrology, therefore the Galactic center is: 2 degrees, 54 mins Sagittarius approx. in Ecliptical Astrology. [See * GC mark at top of Ecliptic Zodiac graphic] When Sagittarius is taken as the 1st Sign, Ophiuchus automatically becomes the 13th Sign! It seems to me that this all makes perfect sense. We have been using systems with crocked origins for so long now weve forgotten exactly what the systems we use without question are actually keeping track of.
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24 Hour Rune Clock

(plasma flow matrix)

Day and Night are of 12 hours each at the Equinoxes 12 + 12 = 24 hours 24 runes (born from the flower of life)

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33 Year Diamond matrix

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One Natural Century

19 x 33 = 627 years 19 year flower merged with 33 year diamond matrix

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Zodiac of 13

The 13 Constellations of the ancient Aztecs and Mayans (13 x 28) + 1 = 365 days Anchored at 19.5 N. Solar Zenith

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Tree of Planets

Key to 4th dimensional block to higher dimensions Without full understanding of the codes of Time There can be no complete cosmology of the universe Until the God of War has his throne removed The garden shall be a lost to us
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Zodiac of 12
Beginning of Age of Aquarius Anchored through Galactic center at cusp of Sagittarius & Scorpio

Taurus & Gemini cusp points the way to the edge of the galaxy Orions belt as exact opposite point to Galactic center

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Orions Belt

Creator Gods and Goddesses Angels and Archangels Mirror image of 3 belt stars on Earth

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Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

Winter Solstice 2020

Future Alignment marker of 20:20 Vision

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Venus Midpoint
8 year window of Venus transiting the Sun 2004 2008 - 2012 211 (3 Monkey) 112 (8 Human) 11:2:11 King Arthurs Long Count date Goddess Reborn Grail cup with Tao crystal sitting on heart stone 33 year diamond matrix Arcturus Aldebaran Fomalhaut Thri-fractal Stargate to Andromeda

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Venus Diamond matrix

Lightship codes of Venus 5 x 5 = 25 (magic square) (6 x 4) +1 = 25 ( 8 : 8 : 8 ) + 1 = 25

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- Contents iT iS Continuum Cube Star (lunar synods) Triangle of 10 Unity of Purpose Third eye of Horus (leap-day) Celestial Merkabah The 4 Royal Stars of Persia Sirius Zenith (at midnight) New Year (05-06/01/2008) Diamond matrix (10/39) Infinity Weave Infinity Cosm Cosmic Tree of Life A Seriously Long Time Alter of Renewal Zero Zero

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iT iS Continuum

Alchemy of 28 and 33 Pyramid and Merkabah Anchored at ZeroPoint of 13 Moon year middle of the 7th moon (red magnetic moon year) and at exact center of the Tzolkin 33rd Harmonic

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iT iS Continuum
Introduction The answers are there right in front of us, yet because of our own petty self interests we ignore them. It is a shame that humanity is so persistent at not paying attention to reality, and instead invests its time in giving its power away to a corrupt global hierarchy. When it is taken into consideration that the corrupt global hierarchy has as its main intent to keep the mass populous in ignorance of the truth of their reality, then we begin to see just how distorted the mass populous has become. They give their power away to the very forces that keep them in ignorance. Such is the nature of the cycle of history, 5,125 years & 133 days, of our adventure in giving our power away and allowing others to control our reality. This was not the original intent of creation that our planet is part of. The same answers that are right in front of us now, were right in front of us then, but then the same intent to hide the truth of our reality was also there at the beginning of the cycle of history. Therefore in reality nothing has really changed, its just another version of the same thing. This can be understood as the Continuum, that is both, the Continue-Numb, and also the ConTinue-Numb, as well as being the Conti-New-Om, and ContiNoo-Om ~ Noosphere ~ Om. iT iS the purpose of the Continuum to inform the mass populous of the truth of their reality as an actual multi-dimensional Cosm of the interlocking codes of TIME & SPACE. For now we are at the
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end of the cycle of history and the time has arrived for all to be given what was originally their birth right to know, but was kept secret by the corrupt global hierarchy. May the truth of your reality be a perfect mirror for your dream to manifest in the highest way possible in your now. I am that I am As above So below In Lakech RA Arcturian High Commander Ok folks, so what are we looking at here is a Continuum. Yes indeed it is finally here. It has arrived. Perpetual Eternity How is that possible? Well its been there all the time, only over the centuries we have been mislead to believe that we are living in a chaotic (though the word Chaos originally meant Infinity) universe instead, so by accepting the doctrine of those who proclaim their superior knowledge, we have been unable to recognize what has been there in front of us all along. We live on planet Earth, which has a single moon that is continuously orbiting us. We orbit the Sun, which itself is orbiting the Galactic centre. Cycles within cycles within cycles
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The attempts made in the past to synchronize with the cycles of nature have been unsuccessful, though they would have you believe otherwise. There has always been a certain group of people whose intention it has been to disrupt the natural order, to play havoc with the minds of the populous. You see without the majority of people going about there life in the usual way every day the world would not continue in the way it does. It would be a very different world, if, we were to no longer follow their ways and were instead to align ourselves with nature. Maybe you have heard of the 13 Moons, well without the resurgence of that particular stream of wisdom none of this would have occurred. The 13 Moons is a perpetual synchronizer. I say synchronizer because the word calendar has had its time. Time is money in the calendar world, collecting calends or taxes is their game, and they continue to do so the rich can get richer and the poor poorer. Please leave your money at the door. ----So back to the Perpetual Eternity, it has a lovely ring to it wouldnt you say, now how do we go from the calendar world into the Continuum? What would you say if I said there are secrets involved, and that they have been denied and hidden from us on purpose by that certain group of people?

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Well, when these secrets are revealed they change the way we see the world, how we see each other, and what we believe is possible for a human being to achieve. The origins of what we shall be exploring goes all the way back through history to the roots of the crooked tree that continues to hold together our rapidly disintegrating political economic cacophony of corruption, war, poverty and enslavement. We are going to go back to these origins and consciously release them from their hold over the laws and parameters of our reality. This we are enacting on behalf of all kin of planet Earth. So be it and so it is. What we are going to find is that the foundations upon which our current reality exists were arranged in a chaotic way from their beginning. Chaotic, so as to disconnect our bodies from our minds: our spirits from our souls, thereby making us easy targets for manipulation and control, essentially slaves to their every will. But we each have our own mind, and can we not say that we know when it is our mind that is directing the course of our life, rather than an outside force that imposes its will with no right whatsoever to do so? Now the mind is vast indeed so we shall be providing you with examples of how to recognize when there are corruptions in your transmitter / receiver. Our mind is like a radio, it tunes into different channels of wavelength and resonance. It will become more coherent as we advance. Part 1

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From Chaotic Circles to Harmonic Spirals What make up circles and spirals? Circles = divisions Spirals = ratios What are chaos and harmony based upon? Chaos = luck or chance [accidental and a risk] Harmony = order or certainty [absolute and for definite] Extra note: (made on Self-Existing Wizard ~ Stardate The word Chaos originally meant the Infinity of the Cosmos, of the Galactic Ocean of Stars, in which our solar system exists. Chaos was one of the Trinity Gods of the Archaic, namely Chaos (the infinate/cosmos), Eros (the senses/human being) and Gaia (the manifest/planet earth).

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Cube Star (lunar synods)

10 x 12 x 19 = 2280 years Lunar synod leap-day every 12 x 19 = 228 years 2 hours (per 19 year flower) x 12 = 24 hours = 1 day 19 x 365.242 = 6939.606 235 x 29.53059 = 6939.68865 6939.68865 - 6939.606 = 0.082589402 1440 x 0.082589402 = 118.92873888 mins 118.92873888 / 60 = 1 hour 58 mins 55.72 secs (2 hours rounded up) (1 min 4.28 secs extra per 19 year flower) 1.071273 x 1344 = 1439.790912 (1440) [12 x 19] 228 x 1344 = 306432 years 1 day too many therefore the leap-day is skipped.

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Triangle of 10

10 x (19 year flower) = 190 years Egyptian week of 10 days (3 x 10 = 30 day zodiacal month) (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10)


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Unity of Purpose

We are all of one spirit One hearted beings are we From many paths we meet At the center That can only exist When we are unified At the table without corners All are equal
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Third eye of Horus

Suggested new position of leap-day at Summer Solstice 23rd day of Crystal moon Timed according to 33 year Diamond matrix Horus is the Son of Isis and Osiris The hours of the day are the children of mother and father (space-time) Isis and Osiris (Egyptian archetype)

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Celestial Merkabah

Seal of Cosmic Justice and Peace of the Supreme Galactic council and Thri-fractal Star nations

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The 4 Royal Stars of Persia

Ancient Persian seasonal star guides for the passage through the 4 quarters of the year. 91 x 4 (+1) = 365 (89 x 2) + (93 x 2) +1 = 365

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Sirius Zenith New Year

5th World emergence ushered in Kin 217 218 Solar Earth and Planetary Mirror 78th Tzolkin since opening of Tomb of Pacal Votan (Prophetic Wisdom keeper of Pleiadian Star peoples)

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Diamond matrix (10/39)

10 39 = 0.256 One Solar synod = 365.256 days

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Infinity Weave

Outer loops 4 x 13 = 52 52 x 5 = 260 (Tzolkin) Inner loops 4 x 20 = 80 80 x 5 = 400 (Jupiter synod)

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Infinity Cosm

Diamond matrix of 33 years 8 x (3 + 1 tetras) + 1 = 33 Guide for upgrade to arrangement of codes into: Sirius (Galactic codes) Sun (Solar codes) Moon (Lunar codes) Earth (Earth codes) Golden merkabah with golden infinity weaving
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Cosmic Tree of Life

Merging of Celestial Merkabah with Infinity Cosm Sirius Commands the access and transfer of Infinate Life codes Knowledge through peaceful actions Justice through equality of energy

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A Seriously Long Time

Exploration of ASP core fractal 28080, with 19-year flower of 235 lunar synods

(19 x 10 x 9) + (2 x 19) = 1748 year matrix (235 x 10 x 9) + (2 x 235) = 21620 lunar synods 21620 x 9 = 194580 lunar synods

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1748 x 9 = 15732 year matrix

19* = 9 (upward triangle) + 9 (downward triangle) + 1 central downward triangle

1748 x 19* = 33212 year matrix

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437 x 27758.75 = 12130573.8 days ( +/- 13.78 days in 33212 years ) 432 x 28080 = 12130560 days ( +/- 142.7 days in 33212 years ) 365.242 x 33212 = 12130417.3 days

21620 x 19 = 410780 lunar synods 33212 x 9 = 298908 year matrix 410780 x 9 = 3697020 lunar synods !

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Alter of Renewal
Zenith day at Chichen Itza ( Gathering at Dunino Druids Dell Pleiades conjunct with the Sun 8 years since being at Chichen Itza ( 8 x 365 = 5 x 584 = 2920

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Zero Zero
Summer Solstice - 2008 Aligned exactly with midnight at Stonehenge

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G-Force - Time Atom

G-FORCE: fourth-dimensional galactic time as fifth force; fractal bonding principle of the holon; radial synchronization beam of galactic time; overtone sprocket that links and harmonizes the dimensions. [The Dreamspell: Glossary of Terms]

[For more information see: The Fifth Force: The Power of the Thirteen Galactic Tones]


:: iT iS Continuum ::

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The immense polarity between the Infinity Codes and the Gregorian calendar
In relation to what has already been shown through this document in pure code graphic form, the Gregorian calendar can be understood as the master lock over the time-space continuum on Earth.

It keeps the human consciousness fixated on a flat dimension as the reality of time-space. When in fact as can be proven through Time Science, time-space is entirely multi-dimensional and fractal in its structures and energy dynamics. With Dec.-Jan. as its New Year point the following lengths of the 4 seasons can be calculated. Jan. Feb. Mar = 31 + 28 + 31 = 90

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Apr. May Jun. = 30 + 31 + 30 = 91 Jul. Aug. Sep. = 31 + 31 + 30 = 92 Oct. Nov. Dec. = 31 + 30 + 31 = 92 This produces an increasing spiral of inequality, as the calendar itself is not a measure of time, and the seasonal lengths increase without any connection to the actual organic measure of the seasons on earth. 90 + 91 + 92 + 92 = 365 The Gregorian calendar is therefore an entropic space-time system, which will by its inherent defective malfunction most certainly come to a complete end. Before it was altered in 1582 and became the Gregorian calendar it was known as the Julian calendar and the 1st month was March (this can be confirmed by March originally beginning at the spring equinox and the leap-day being at the end of February). The total number of days for each season is as follows. Mar. Apr. May = 31 + 30 + 31 = 92 Jun. Jul. Aug. = 30 + 31 + 31 = 92 Sep. Oct. Nov. = 30 + 31 + 30 = 91 Dec. Jan. Feb. = 31 + 31 + 28 = 90

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The sequence of the total number of days for these 4 seasons produces a decreasing spiral in the space-time continuum. 92 + 92 + 91 + 90 = 365

During years that contain a leap-day, there is a pause in the level of decreasing days in the 4 seasons. Despite this the decreasing spiral continues. 92 + 92 + 91 + 91 = 366 Further understanding of the Gregorian calendars entropic structure can be gained through observing it being a linear based space-time system. The years count from year 0 continually upwards. This does not reflect the cyclical nature of all levels of the universe, from lunar cycles to sunspot cycles and the orbiting of stars around the galactic center.

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What is the context ?

Growing up in the End Times (Solstice Sun aligned with Galactic Center), beginning of the 21st century, Age of Aquarius (7:7:7), Information Age, Cyber Era The current world scenario that is unfolding right now made up of: Economic, educational, financial, governmental, industrial, media, military, political and religious infrastructures And the atmospheric, biological, biospheric, ecological, environmental, natural, spatial and sustaining, matrices That together maintains our reality of human creation. The As Above, So Below of normal reality And the realization of the opposing principles of the structures that maintain them as two polarized hemispheres of a single unified reality that is our world. On one hand we have the Gregorian calendar, the 7 day week and the 24 hour clock. On the other we have the Time codes of nature Herself and the greater Infinite universe. It is the distinction of the exact way in which we operate as a consensus of Billions of human beings with the world around us that will in the end; give us the awareness of where there is an absolute need for the greatest amount of change.
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Where? In our Macro-Program that is where. The only aspect of our reality that is not based on Harmonic and Natural principles, rather the failed attempts of Emperors and Popes, is the Gregorian calendar. Which is something that we take for granted like it is the best way to relate to time itself. Is our whole world of the Catholic religion? Is Rome the center of the world? Do we still pay taxes to Caesar? More to the point was this always the way things were? Was it ever different that this, that which we uphold as the truth of time, yes, but only a fool would know or think to say something about it, because to place doubt in the thing that most people just accept without question as their truth, is to place doubt in the very fabric of how we live as a species and only fools doubt, believers follow the consensus. Do we believe that the way we function as a species is the best way we could function, or the most refined or dynamic? Does it benefit all beings of this world equally, or only those who know how to profit at the expense of everyone else? In our hearts we already know the answer to these questions, but we fail to act, why? Fear Are we terrified of taking back what is our birth right as a sovereign human being? Is that not what this life is all about? To be empowered to live our dreams and purposes is that not why we are born? Or are we to accept our slavery like its the only choice there is?

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Who or what is the Arcturian Protectorate ?

From a perspective centred in humanity the Arcturian Protectorate is an inter-dimensional organization, one that extends holonomically across both space (1D3D), time (4D) and the dimensions (5D-13D). It has its root in time/space in the star system Arcturus (from Greek, guardian of the bear), which is 36.7 light years in distance from our Sun. The purpose and intent of the Arcturian Protectorate is to ensure the protection of the biosphere, codes of life (creation), throughout all time-space, and to initiate the biospherenoosphere transition. It is the self-reflective quality that occurs in the presence of the mirror of harmonic time and harmonic space measurement that will be the trigger for the domino effect of planetary gnosis. Gnosis being the actual now-moment of the biospherenoosphere transition, and the continual experience of the interconnectedness of the Cosm ~ iT iS CONTiNUUM ! The authority of the CONTiNUUM is coded into the matrices of the Arcturian Archives. All of which can be understood as the actual reality of the Cosm, that only requires one to sit and observe iT, in order to behold iT, as iT iS

As a human being, iT iS your birth right to know the truth of the harmony of the nature of reality as an actual 100% real experience. The difficulty has always been the hierarchies of the Earth that try to maintain control over how much reality each human being is allowed to behold.
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If you knew the truth of iT as an inter-dimensional reality that iS also integral to the CONTiNUUM of life (creation) on planet Earth, then there would be no requirement to release the codes and keys to you now. iT iS important not only for yourself, but the future of planet Earth that you not only understand the codes and keys, but use them to alter our collective reality back to the original garden that it was. The current global standard of time remains the Gregorian calendar of the Pope and the Catholic Church, and until this changes humanity shall all be in truth hypocrites of the highest degree. iT iS our responsibility what happens in the years to come, as iT always has been, and always will be. The release of the codes and keys of the CONTiNUUM is imminent, and therefore the time between now and then can be related to as the upload of the Arcturian Archives into the planetary mind, currently manifest as the Internet. The codes and keys have been transmitted to the Arcturian Mothership in orbit around planet Earth for full spectrum analysis. They are now in the process of being completed as the matrices of the Arcturian Protectorate through the crystalline matrix of the Arcturian Mother Crystal of Agent Quarantine. We are humble to be offering this service to humanity, all sentient beings, fauna and flora, elements of life (creation) and throughout the multidimensional Cosm !

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-= Turning Lead Into Gold =At the present moment the contents of the soon to be book are primarily arranged within it according to the growth from archaic timelessness (alpha) into ever expanding spectrums of consciousness (omega). Latest cognatization is that the codes and keys (of infinity) are to be kept clear of over-complexification and the dense levels of dysfunction are to be left for the appendix on the Gregorian hypocrisy (of the finite). I feel ever more a wish to weave into the book a refined nature of the intricate interlocking cycles of creation and their unique origins and associations with deities and archetypes that bring to it a ever evolving mythos of prophetic and utopian visions that enable all to behold the gates of the golden age through which we will walk into as enlightened multidimensional beings. May All Beings Be Happy ! May Universal Peace Prevail ! In Lakech RA Arcturian High Commander

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-= Spot the Difference =A TEST IN BASIC MATH LOGIC & INTUITVE NUMERICAL ABILITIES Tzolkin: Lunar year of 12: Lunar year of 13 (v1): Lunar year of 13 (v2): Zodiac (Circle / Dodeca): Mayan Tun (Icosa): Pentagram (Re-Pent): 13 x 20 = 260 (6 x 29) + (6 x 30) = 354 (6 x 29) + (7 x 30) = 384 (7 x 29) + (6 x 30) = 383 12 x 30 = 360 18 x 20 = 360 5 x 73 = 365

The Hemispheres: 2 x 182 (+1) = 365 Geometric Seasons (Tetra): 4 x 91 (+1) = 365 Seven Days of Creation: 7 x 52 (+1) = 365 13 Moon Year: 13 x 28 (+1) = 365 Trinity (Triangle): Tree of Life (Planets): Star of David (Cube): 8-Fold Year (v1 / Octa): Norse Worlds: Egyptian Year (Dodeca): Mayan Haab (Icosa): Merkabah (Star Tetra): 36 Decans (Kabalah): 8-Fold Year (v2 / Octa): Greater Arcanum: Gregorian calendar: Gregorian leap-days: Clock (Star Tetra): Mesopotamian leap-days: 3 x 121 (+2) = 365 11 x 33 (+2) = 365 6 x 60 (+5) = 365 8 x 45 (+5) = 365 9 x 40 (+5) = 365 12 x 30 (+5) = 365 18 x 20 (+5) = 365 24 x 15 (+5) = 365 36 x 10 (+5) = 365 8 x 44 (+13) = 365 16 x 22 (+13) = 365 (7 x 31) + (4 x 30) + 28 = 365 97 leap-days every 400 years (0.2425) 24 x 60 = 1440 8 leap-days every 33 years (0.242424)

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Can you see where Infinite Time begins?

Which one is the Infinite number?


Thri-Fractals of Infinite Synchrony in

-= VELATROPA 24 =A Victory of Prophecy on Stardate Kin 217

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The Harmonics of Time

and their antithesis the Gregorian calendar At this present moment having just entered the third millennium, the global standard of time measurement which is established across the globe, virtually unquestioned in its authority, is the Gregorian calendar. Instituted by the pope in 1582 AD, it is now the dominating structure for all of humanity to operate collectively. However, the inherent dysfunction of this system is that it is wreaking havoc across the entire biosphere because it is made up of 12 uneven and irregular months. If it were not for the 7 day week it would contain no harmony whatsoever. These 12 uneven months varying between 28 to 31 days have absolutely no relation to the cycles of nature, and do not measure time at all. Therefore as a tool of measurement, the Gregorian calendar is an inaccurate standard of time. Whereas on the other hand our standards for space measurement are exact, precise and consist of even units. For example an irregular ruler, would result in erroneous measurements of space. We do not use irregular rulers but we do use an irregular calendar.

The Gregorian calendar

The 13 month calendar

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The 7 day week of the other hand is a harmonic cycle of time, which has rhythm and measure, resulting in 52 x 7 = 364 days in the year + 1 day = 365 days. The number 7 has significance to the way ancient tribes of the world related to the heavens, as there are only 5 visible planets (to the naked eye) + 1 sun + 1 moon = 7 visible moving objects in the sky. The 7 days of the week are named after gods/goddesses connected with the aforementioned visible sky objects. An alternative way of measuring the cycle of the year, is through utilising a 13 month calendar, made up of 28 day months, each of 4 perfect weeks + 1 extra day at the end to complete the year 13 x 28 (+1) = 365. The 13 month calendar has been used by cultures as diverse as the Druids, Egyptians, Native Americans, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and so on. The number 28 is also the average number of days of the 3 primary lunar cycles, namely: the draconic, sidereal and synodic cycles27.2 + 27.3 + 29.5 = 84 (84 / 3 = 28)

Therefore it can be said that a 28 day month is the whole number measurement of the moons orbit around the earth, which combines harmoniously with a 365 day year being the
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whole number measurement of the orbit of the earth around the sun. In addition to the year of 365 whole days, we currently employ the leap-day system for maintaining its synchrony with the actual year of 365.242 days. The most harmonic version of the leap-day system is one of 33 years, in which there are 8 leap-days. The fraction created from the division of 8 by 33 is 0.242

33 year - leap-day sequence Currently the leap-day cycle is functioning according to the formula created at the time of the Gregorian calendars beginning. It is made up of a 400 year cycle whereby every 4 years a leap-day occurs, except for centennial years not divisible by 4 (400 / 4 = 100 leap-days). For every 400 years there are 3 centennial years not divisible by 4, therefore there are (100 3) = 97 leap-days in total. The fraction obtained by dividing 97 by 100 is 0.2425. ( A seriously long winded way of going about a simple equation ! ) A 33 year leap-day cycle would therefore be more harmonious as it is closer to the actual year length of 365.242 days, than the current Gregorian leap-day cycle.

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The nature of harmony can be understood very clearly through music, architecture, mathematics and so on. These are based on symmetry and equality combined with a fractal base. Similarly to the octave, a fractal can be understood as being made up of a formula that relates to its structure no matter how far in or out of it one goes. The harmonics of time can therefore be seen as an interconnected web of the cycles of the universe. In the vastness of nature there are no whole numbers, yet as humanity we have always grappled with natures consistent harmonies. Whole numbers allow harmony to be brought out of chaos (original meaning in Greek = gaping void or the infinite cosmos). A harmonic base of time would allow us to ascend to the heights of synchrony and elevate the collective mind from the depths of its quagmire of disorder and confusion. The wisdom of the ancestors will always exist; no matter how often the empires of the world may try to conquer them. The ancients knew the harmony of a symbiotic relationship with nature and the cosmos, whereas we at the present time do not live that paradigm. The fact that the Gregorian calendar is in reality the Catholic calendar, adds to its erroneous nature by it being a calendar that was founded upon war, slavery and control. Therefore, can it not be said that the mind that creates a device affects the energy that represents it? The Catholic Church throughout history has been responsible for countless atrocious and heinous crimes against humanity. Why then do we continue utilising such a disharmonic device to attempt to order and operate our lives by? Does the Catholic Church have the right to control our world standard of time? As long as it continues to be our world standard we can never understand the true harmonics of time, for it keeps us in
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ignorance of them. Thus the establishment of a more functional and cohesive system, would re-harmonise the order and balance between humanity and the biosphere. This would usher in an advanced time science that would safely navigate Timeship Earth into the uncharted waters of the 21st century.

The Tzolkin
To the ancient peoples of Mexico; known to themselves as the Maya, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec tribes, the sacred calendar called the Tzolkin or 260-days is central to their entire culture. It acts as a guide to their way of life and how they relate to the world around them. It describes a view into their world, one in which, like in many ancient cultures, there is a strong relation to specific numbers, patterns, dimensions, elements, animals, plants and so on. In its structure it is a matrix or harmonic module of 13 x 20, which can be drawn in the space of a portrait frame with 13 squares across (columns) by 20 squares in height (rows).

It was through observing the nature of the human body, that the ancient tribes of Mexico discovered the mathematical codes of
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the Tzolkin. The reason why 13 and 20 are its foundational numbers is due to the human bodys 13 major articulations and 20 fingers and toes. In addition the 260 days of their sacred calendar synchronizes with the approximate number of days of human gestation (37 weeks = 37 x 7 = 259 days, 9 lunations = 9 x 29.5 = 265.5 days). In Guatemala there are temples that were built in specific places on the world grid, which experience alignments that result in a 260 day cycle between Aug. 13th and Apr. 30th. These two dates signify the occurrence of the solar zenith at 15 north of the equator, when the sun is directly above the centre of the sky at midday. The Mayan Long Count (one of their longer calendars) which ends on Dec. 21st 2012 commenced on Aug. 13th 3114 BC. The duration of the Long Count is 1,872,000 days, or 7200 x 260. Here we can see the exact measurement of a 5,125 year cycle that completes precisely on the winter solstice, and which began on a day that represents the origins of the Long Count itself. The Tzolkin displays very intricate harmonics through its design, which allowed the ancient tribes to have an advanced understanding of time. To the Maya there is no past or future, indeed there is no word for past or future in the Mayan language. Their view of time was akin to the fractals found throughout nature in fern cones and ammonite shells. It is an infinite harmony of numbers that truly allowed them to behold the 4th dimension of time clearly. Their understanding of time could enable us to also experience a mind that goes beyond linearity into a radial consciousness, one where everything and everywhen is connected all at once.
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For instance when the 260 days of the Tzolkin are multiplied by 365 (the number of whole days in one Earth year), the total is 94900 days. This calculation allows us to know when their combined cycle renews or when both calendars begin again on day 1 respectively. When 5, (the lowest common denominator of 260 and 365) is taken into consideration, 94900 reduces to 18980 days, which is a total of 52 Earth years or 73 Tzolkins. Here we can see a fractal mirror to the number of weeks in the current calendar (52), the week being its only harmonic cycle. These types of number harmonics are not coincidences; they are a synchrony that spans time and space across our whole planet and the cosmos. Indeed, where would we be today if we had no 7 day week? It would be a very different world out there would it not. Disorder would reign supreme, and entropy would be the order of the day. However the nature of the cosmos is synchrony, therefore it is inevitable that we as sentient human beings shall regain our original, true and rightful state as beings living in complete harmony with the biosphere and the infinite realms of the universe. References: The Call of Pacal Votan by Jose Arguelles (Altea Publishing, 1996) Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by John Major Jenkins (Bear & Co., 1998)
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Stardate : : Blue Cosmic Hand It is with an attitude of full honour and respect that I bring this matter to your attention. You are Valum Votan, Closer of the Cycle, and I acknowledge the measure of your vision and its impact on collective transformation processes. As closer of the cycle, I witness you bringing the cycles of karma to closure. As this closure takes place, I also witness that dharmic awareness is awakening in many, and that said awakening is catalysed through your work for many. Having participated in the 7-day Earth Wizard Seminary at Mount Hood, Oregon, I recall your statements about your humanness and that the potential for mistakes is inherent in our humanness. You also advised further investigation to see if what you share is aligned to the highest potential of Universal Resonance. I have done so, and will continue to do so. It is not my intent to demonstrate you to be wrong, merely to present an error I have discovered. I do not even consider that there is a mistake on your part, more likely an oversight. However, having identified this glitch, I feel that it is my responsibility and duty to present it to you. Through my own desire to properly understand the sequencing of the I Ching within the Tzolkin, I revisited The Mayan Factor in order to comprehend this sequence, originating in the graphic Galactic Program Receiver. Through studying this graphic I traced the origin of the ordering of the hexagrams to The I Ching by James Legge, published in 1899. On studying the source image in this book I noticed that there was an imbalance in the weighting of the hexagrams across the axis of the diagram. On further reflection, I noticed that this imbalance carried over into The Mayan Factor. In attempting to understand the start/end of the ordered sequence in both your work and that published by James Legge, it seemed appropriate to follow the alternation sequence that you defined. However, the unequal number of hexagrams in each quarter felt as uncomfortable as an unequal measure of days in a calendar. Through following the discomfort, I noticed that all that was required was to click the axis one step, anticlockwise. (See the following pages). In lakech ~ Ah lak'in

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This diagram shows the four quarters as they appear in the original Galactic Program receiver graphic adjusted to 16 hexagrams each quarter

The weaving of the hexagrams begins at the top/middle on the right hand side with the hexagram number 1 in the King Wen and 32 in the Fu Hsi orders. It then moves to hexagram 43 in the King Wen and 31 in the Fu Hsi orders. This does not reflect the radial mathematics of the Time Science that you yourself pioneered with the book Call of Pacal Votan Time is the Fourth Dimension.

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This diagram shows the four quarters as they would appear in a realigned ordering of the G.P. receiver graphic.

The weaving of the hexagrams begins at the top/middle on the left hand side with the hexagram number 1 in the King Wen and 32 in the Fu Hsi orders. It then moves to hexagram 44 in the King Wen and 33 in the Fu Hsi orders. This reflects perfect radial symmetry to the standard that we have seen in your monumental works such as Earth Ascending.

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The diagrams on the next 2 pages show both the new DNA sequencing of the Fu Hsi hexagrams (as above) using the King Wen numbers, and the old DNA sequencing of the Fu Hsi hexagrams (so below) also using the King Wen numbers. This is for the 1st half of the I-Ching Tzolkin matrix or the Creative aspect

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This diagram shows the Receptive aspect or 2nd half of the I-Ching Tzolkin matrix.

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This diagram shows the way in which the hexagrams weave within the previous 2 pages, beginning with the 8 outer squares on the left and right, and then moving to the inner 8 squares on the left and right This process is then mirrored in the lower pyramid

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This diagram is the original sequencing of the DNA I-Ching hexagrams within the Tzolkin as found in the 20 Tablets of the Law of Time

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This diagram is the new revised sequencing of the DNA IChing hexagrams within the Tzolkin in resonance with the Codes of Infinity

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Identifying the Axis tilt of the ordering of the Fu Hsi hexagrams within the Galactic Program receiver

The number of years that have elapsed since the original publishing of PLATE II Fig. 1 in James Legges book is: 2007 ( 1899)

= 108 years ! ! !
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The Cosmic Bazooka Twin Quetzalcoatl Serpent (sequenced to the Fu Hsi order)

Sends You

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REVOLUTION OF TIME Beyond the Gregorian calendar

If the Gregorian calendar was to be offered as a new device for measuring time, we, with our present knowledge would reject it as something utterly impracticable, lacking in harmony and order, unbalanced and irregular, too clumsy a calendar to make calculations by B. Richmond, Time Measurements and Calendar Construction. At present our "global standard" of time measurement is the Gregorian calendar. In 1582 AD, Pope Gregory XIII adapted this system of time from the calendar of Julius Caesar. After their time of power both Julius and Augustus Caesar names were give to the 7th and 8th months in order to proclaim their importance.

Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar and The Pope The first Roman calendar was instituted by Romulus at the time of the foundation of Rome 753 BC, had only 10 months at first and later was upgraded to 12 months by Numa 715 BC. The 10 month calendar began with the month Martius, now called March, in dedication to Mars the God of War. Thus began the Roman Empire of the conquerors.

Calendar of Romulus

Gregorian calendar

Looking further back in time to find other origins of 12 calendars we find them in the time systems of the Babylonians and Egyptians. Each had its own relation to 12. The Babylonian system related to the lunation cycle of 29.53 days, 12 of which would fit into each year + an extra month in 7 years of a 19 year cycle known as the Metonic cycle. [For more information see: 19-Year Flower of Life]

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19 Lunar Year cycle

Egyptian Solar count

The Egyptian system used 12 months of 30 days, + 5 days at the end of the year dedicated to purification, a 12 Month Count. This system relates to maintaining accurate Solar observations and Star alignments. The year began with the Helical Rising of Sirius, when the Sun and Sirius rise together at Dawn. [note: current calculations show this date to be closer to 6th August] Using a system of duodecimal (base 12) time is not the only way people of the earth have related to time. Another count of time is also in use around the world, based upon observing the nature of human biology. This is embodied by women as keepers of the flow of time in their rhythm of 28 days. In a year of 28 day Moons there are 13 Moons (+ 1 day) in between the years. 13 x 28 (+ 1) = 365.

Stonehenge Time Observatory

Green Turtle Shell

Origins can be found all around the world of the sacredness of this count of thirteen. The Druids of ancient Britain used many time systems including a 13 Moon count; this has been confirmed by the structural alignment of ancient stone circles. The Cherokee also have used a 13 Moon count, which is held in harmony by the Green Turtle having 13 segments upon its shell. This is the origin of the name of the Earth by the Native American peoples as Turtle Island. The turtle represented the protection of the sacred cycle of the mother of life. In the Peruvian and Mayan tribes there is also the continued respect for the natural cycle of a 13 Moon count.

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13 Moon Count

13 Moon Spiral

To understand what the significance of each of these systems of time has begins the next part of this adventure. First we can see the purpose behind a count of time to synchronize the people of each culture within its order and ritual of life. Time systems are used to maintain the chronology of a cultures beliefs and attitudes. The present world management system is based upon following the Gregorian calendar. If we look more closely at this system we can see many discrepancies. The lengths of each month range from 28 - 31 days in an irregular order. Yet it is still held as the "global standard" of measure. If you were to use a ruler with unequal length your plans would be crooked. Here is the truth about the corruption of time and subsequent amnesia of knowing harmonic time. As mentioned before the original Roman calendar began in the month of March - Mars the God of War. The last 4 months of this calendar: September, October, November and December once represented the numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10. Now in the present Gregorian system these months represent 9, 10, 11 and 12, their meaning and relationship have become corrupted. We can see this corruption apparent in many levels of our global society.

Ruler of Uneven Months and Ruler of Measure Image not to scale The Revolution of Time is one of equality, for the New Time is based on harmonic relations. Embodied within the rhythmic cycles of the 13 Moons is a foundational matrix, a Moon having 4 perfect weeks of 7 days each. Alongside this sequence which itself is a Revelation of the Harmony of Time is another level, which is unique among the world systems of time, namely The Mayan Tzolkin.

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Tzolkin Sacred Count of Days

Fractal Template

The Tzolkin matrix came about also through observing nature, for nature indeed has many keys for us. It is a grid of 13 x 20, which creates the 260 possibilities. In the biological realm the average length of gestation of a child within the womb is 9 Moons, 9 x 28 = 252 or 9 x 29.53 = 266 days, these average at 259 days (+ 1) = 260 kin or 1 Tzolkin. Though a fractal mirror of the Tzolkin is the Precession of the Equinoxs. This relates to the synchronization of the seasonal cycle with the Sun, and the centre of the Galaxy which takes approx. 26,000 years. So one could say the with the End of the Mayan Long Count on Dec. 21st 2012, Earths time of gestation of the human species is completed. All is required now is to see if we can truly experience our birth consciously. Can we be conscious at this most precise and precious time, is the question of the Revolution of Time. Also bringing an awareness of the current consensus and present an alternative choice. The paradox we live with everyday is one of inequality. This can be seen with the power of the people being separated from and ignored by the governments to make real changes, while in truth it is only our self who has the power to change our reality. This is the point of Revolution: to change. The many-headed beast of the now G-8 Institutional / Military / Industrial complex is maintained through the use and propagation of the Gregorian calendar. Indeed looking to the origin of the meaning of Calendar a sublime truth is revealed. The word Calendar comes from Calends or accounts. The original purpose of this government system is the collection of taxes, now misused on a daily basis to promote War and Terrorism. Only a species whose time sensibility had been captured by instruments of artificial measure could have become so alienated as to have produced the monstrous conundrum known as the fast world, a civilization where money and technological advance prevail over human sensibility and the natural order The Planet Art Network -

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The abolishment of capitalist time manifest through the philosophy Time is Money Has the possibility of being replaced by an alternative timing system embodying the principle Time is Art

Transforming the linear arrow of time into a fractal spiral of time.

To study a timing system like the 13 Moon count enables the use of fractals to understand time in a more practical and biologically balanced manner. This leads to even deeper insights

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about the harmonies in nature viewed as a radial matrix. A radial matrix being: "a selfexisting order of number ratios and harmonics" within a radial relationship "whose power of exponential magnification is infinite." The more the numbers are focused upon the greater amount of synchronicities appear, inspiring holographic awareness of mind. 13 Moons of 28 Days = 28 Wavespells of 13 Days. A wavespell empowers being creative with time. Each step of the wavespell has specific powers. To gather potential into the moment of now produces action. 13 is the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, Eat of It and Receive the Revelation of Time in Harmony with Nature. In Service to the New Time Kin 137 - Red Resonant Earth :: Solar Moon - Limi 20 White Spectral Wizard Year

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Approaching Timewave Zero

by Terence McKenna From Magical Blend Magazine Issue 44 November 1994 Views from the edge of history part 1, Compiled by Terence McKenna and Faustin Bray, from Terence's lectures, workshops, interviews and books Time, like light, may best be described as a union of opposites. Time may be both wave and, ultimately, particle, each in some sense a reflection of the other. The same holographic properties that have long been an accepted part of the phenomenon of the perception of three-dimensional space also suggest that interference patterns are characteristic of process. Living beings
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especially illustrate this: They are an instance of the superimposition of many different chemical waves, waves of gene expression and of gene inhibition, waves of energy release and energy consumption, forming the standing wave interference patterns characteristic of life. We hypothesize that this wave description is the simple form of a more complex wave that utilizes the simple wave as the primary unit in a system of such units, combined in the same way as lines are combined into trigrams and then hexagrams in the I Ching. We will argue that this more complex wave is a kind of temporal map of the changing boundary conditions that exist in space and time, including future time. We have called the quantized waveparticle, whatever its level of occurrence within the hierarchy or its duration, eschaton. We don't think about time because we take it for granted like breathing, but consider our hypothesis that the space-time continuum is a modular wave-hierarchy. The Eschaton is a universal and fractal morphogenetic field, hypothesized to model the unfolding predispositions of space and time. This structure was decoded from the King Wen sequence of the I Ching and was the central idea that evolved in the wake of the events of La Chorrera as described in my book, True Hallucinations. I've been talking about it since 1971, and what's interesting to me is at the beginning, it was material for hospitalization, now it is a minority viewpoint and everything is on schedule. My career is on schedule, the evolution of cybernetic technology is on schedule, the evolution of a global information network is on schedule. Given this asymptotic curve, I think we'll arrive under budget, on time, December 22, 2012. The King Wen sequence of the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching is among the oldest structured abstractions extant. It has
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been found scratched on the shoulder bones of sheep that have been dated to 4000 BC so we do know that this sequence existed very early in ancient China, yet the nature of the ordering principles preserved in that sequence remains unelucidated. The I Ching is a mathematical divinatory tool whose probable origin is the mountainous heart of Asia-the home of classical shamanism and Taoist magic. The I Ching is a centrally important part of humanity's shamanic heritage that is rich in implications. The I Ching is particularly concerned with the dynamic relationships and transformations that archetypes undergo; it is deeply involved with the nature of time as the necessary condition for the manifestation of archetypes as categories of experience. The I Ching, through its concern with detailing the dynamics of change and process, may hold the key to modeling the temporal dimension that metabolism creates for organisms, the temporal dimension without which mind as we know it, could not manifest. The intellectual problem that led me into studying the I Ching so thoroughly was simply a wish to understand the ordering principles that lay behind the King Wen sequence. I set myself to examine it as an object mathematically definable, possessing certain kinds of symmetry, to try to discover the ordering principles that lay behind it. It is not simply 64 hexagrams in some random association but rather the hexagrams occur in pairs, and the problem of determining the ordering principles is thereby reduced to a more manageable set of 32 elements -- the second term of each pair is the inversion of the previous hexagram and there are eight cases when the natural structure of the hexagram makes its inversion ineffective in changing any of the lines.

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Explaining the order of the thirty-two pairs is rather more tricky and involves a certain amount of intuitive insight. The quality which I chose to examine in trying to reason what the ordering principle among the thirty two pairs might be is called the first order of difference. How to take this essentially mystical diagram and turn it into a rationally apprehendible diagram that was described in the standard terminology that has been evolved for the handling of graphically portrayed information! I succeeded in doing this in 1975 and 76 by quantifying all the qualities of the wave that I was interested in preserving. Qualities like skew, overlap, degree of parallelism, and similar values, I figured out a quantification scheme that preserved these qualities as numerical entities. Through a process of collapse of the wave I went further and actually graphed the first order of difference of the hexagrams seeking again the ordering principle, a figure of this work was displayed in the Invisible Landscape (Figure 26). The paradox of hyper modernity is that one can only understand it if one goes back a 100,000 years in time. History is an anomaly. History is a complete fluke. Its a brief episodic transitional phenomenon. Its not going to leave more than a centimeter of deposition in the strata of this planet. It is the platform from which we will launch the collective soul of our species out into the higher life of the galaxy. The Birth metaphor;if the earth is our Mother then we must be parted from her, the earth is the cradle of humankind but you don't stay in the cradle forever or there is something wrong with you this is the platform and psychedelic substances, human machine interphasing, nanotechnology, quantum distribution of information... We are on the brink of possibilities that will make us literally unrecognizable to ourselves and those possibilities will be
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realized, not in the next thousand years but in the next 20 years because the acceleration of invention and novelty and information transfer is at this point so rapid. Timewave Zero is an exploratory idea system and a software package that runs on personal computers. It is the broadcast output of the naturally superconducting experimental deoxyribonucleic matrix transceiver operating in hyperspace. We believe that by using such ideas as a compass for the collectivity, we may find our way back to a new model in time to reverse the progressive worldwide alienation that is fast hurling us into an ecocidal planetary crisis. A model of time must give hope and overcome entropy in its formal composition. In other words, it must mathematically secure the reasonableness of hope. This theory, and indeed the mathematical theory of dynamic systems generally does this by securing in a formal manner the process by which transformation can naturally arise and persist out of a background of flux. It becomes increasingly clear that we are now experiencing a period marked with extreme density of novel ingressions, a time when the rational and acausal tendencies inherent in time may again reverse their positions of dominance. If the wave model is a valid general theory of time, it should be possible to show why certain periods or places have been particularly rich in events that accelerate the creative advance into novelty, and also to show where and when in the future such events might be expected to recur. To carry out this operation, a personal computer has proven indispensable. A group of programs implementing these ideas has been written by our colleague Peter Meyer. We call this program Timewave Zero. The software takes these theories and discoveries concerning the I Ching and creates time maps based upon them. The time
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maps or novelty maps show the ebb and flow of connectedness or novelty in any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia. The theory is not deterministic; it does not say what will happen in the future, only the levels of novelty that whatever happens will have to fulfill. As such it operates as a map, or simplified picture, of the future (and past) behavior of whatever system is being studied. The end date is the point of maximized novelty in the system and is the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero. December 21, 2012 AD. We arrived at this particular end date without knowledge of the Mayan Calendar, and it was only after we noticed that the historical data seemed to fit best with the wave if this end date was chosen that we were informed that the end date that we had deduced was in fact the end of the Mayan Calendar. In all the novelty maps, when the graph line moves downward, novelty is assumed to be increasing. When there is movement away from the base line, novelty is assumed to be decreasing in favor of habitual forms of activity. Time is seen as the ebb and flow of two opposed qualities: novelty versus habit, or density of connectedness versus disorder. In this we see clearly that one trend toward greater novelty reached its culmination around 2700 B.C., precisely at the height of the Old Kingdom pyramidbuilding phase; then a counter movement toward predictable forms of behavior asserted itself and increased in importance until around 900 B.C. At that time, around the time of the consolidation of Mycenaean sea power, the tendency toward habituation was overcome and replaced by a long cascade into greater and greater novelty that reaches its culmination early in the twenty-first century.

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The career of novelty is revealed to be a process that is punctuated by subprocesses. These mitigate, modify, and influence an overall general tendency toward greater and greater novelty. The theory shows the last fifteen hundred years to have been highly novel times that have oscillated at levels of novelty very close to the horizontal axis, the maximized "zero state." Agreement between the historical record and the ebb and flow of the wave argues strongly that the Timewave is in fact able to accurately portray the evolution of historical patterns of change. The theory of time that is implied by the Timewave is a theory of time as a fractal, or self-similar, wave. A fractal wave comes quite naturally equipped with an extensive set of internal resonances that show a formal, but acausal, linkage between events and periods of time that may be widely separated from each other in space and time. So, for example, when we look at events of the one hundred years leading up to the Mayan calendrical termination, we see that the graph is topologically similar to the graph that we have said applied to the past several thousand years. My interpretation of this is that it means that shorter duration subsets of the fractal curve of time are microversions of the larger pattern in which they are embedded. Such an idea lays the basis for understanding such phenomena as fads, fashion, and the occasional wave of historical obsession that characterize society. Imagine zeroing in on the point in which the wave passes out of the past and into the future. The stupendous idea of an end of time is an attempt to negate the eternal stasis, to break the circle. All peoples who have awakened to the suffering and hope of the condition humaine have arrived at this idea, each in its own way. The other peoples who have created a world for
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themselves have also appointed an end to it: Indians, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and Jews. This final time revolutionizes the course of the world. We are familiar with the Gnostic intuitions of the first and second century suggesting that energy is the "divine light" that is trapped in matter and that energy, in order to free itself, must evolve itself through progressively subtler stages until it generates self-reflecting consciousness, which can then evolve techniques for freeing all energy from matter. Like this myth, all ideas of salvation, enlightenment, or utopia may be taken to be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional space and return to the uncontaminated essence of itself in an epoch of realized concrescent satisfaction. Concrescent satisfaction includes the notion of energy unbounded by space or time. This means for our theory that at especially low-value regions of the modular wave-hierarchy a quantum jump should occur in the concrescent process. What this advance of novelty is, and what the process of becoming may be seen to be in essence, is the revelation of the interspecies' mind. In human beings, it is approached through the non-metabolizing neural DNA scattered through the body, and for humans it becomes apparent as a higher cortical phenomenon, as an experience, and as a confrontation with the Jungian "collective unconscious." This revelation and its integration into the field of shared experience is a process of transformation of the previously limited ego. The many magnitudes of duration in which the levels of the modular hierarchy of waves can be supposed to be operable exceed, at both ends of the scale, any physical processes known to occur.

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Language and its appearance is a recent instance of concrescence. It is a recent form of novelty, having been in existence not more than a million years. As a concrescence occurring in our species, it may provide a clue to the path that evolving human novelty will take in the future. Following the acquisition of language, the advance into novelty, now in part self-reflecting, continued on a higher level. The most recent of these major new levels of coordinated organization may be embodied in the epoch of electronic communications and the furiously evolving post-relativistic consciousness of the twentieth century. Language is the embodiment of meaning. Meaning signifies organization, and there is no organization without purpose. What is the purpose of organization? Is it perhaps to retard entropy? In such a case, the meaning of meaning for that which apprehends meaning is the necessity to purposefully create and maintain order. (cf. Prigogine et al. 1972). The great puzzle in the biological record is the suddenness of human emergence out of the primate line. It happened with enormous suddenness. Lumholtz calls it the most explosive reorganization of a major organ of a higher animal in the entire fossil record. All of biology is, in a sense, a conquest of dimensionality. That means that animals are a strategy for conquering space/time. Complex animals do it better than simpler animals, and we do it better than any complex animal, and we twentieth century people do it better than any people in any previous century because we combine data in so many ways that they couldn't-electronically, on film, on tape, and so forth. So, the progress of organic life is deeper and deeper into dimensional conquest. From that point of
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view, then the shaman begins to look like the advance guard of a new kind of human being, a human being that is as advanced over where we are as we are advanced over people a million years ago. Biology constantly changes the context in which evolution occurs. I have downloaded this into a phrase; "The universe-the biological universe at least-is a novelty conserving engine." Upon simple molecules are built complex molecules. Upon complex molecules are built complex polymers. Upon complex polymers comes DNA. Out of DNA comes the whole machinery of the cell. Out of cells comes simple aggregate colony animals like hydra and that sort of thing. Out of that, true animals. Out of that, ever more complex animals with organs of locomotion, organs of sight, organs of smell, complex mental machinery for the coordinating of data in time and space. This is the whole story of the advancement of life. In our species, it reaches its culmination and it crosses over into a new domain where change no longer occurs in the atomic and biological machinery of existence; it begins to take place in the world that we call mental. It's called epigenetic change;change that cannot be traced back to mutation of the arrangement of molecules inside long chain polymers, but change taking place in syntactical structures that are linguistically based. This idea requires a fairly radical reorganization of consciousness, because what I'm saying is the universe was not born in a fiery explosion from which it has been blasted outward ever since. The universe is not being pushed from behind. The universe is being pulled from the future toward a goal that is as inevitable as a marble reaching the bottom of a bowl when you release it up near the rim. If you do that, you know the marble
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will role down the side of the bowl;down, down, down;until eventually it comes to rest at the lowest energy state, which is the bottom of the bowl. That's precisely my model of human history. I'm suggesting that the universe is pulled toward a complex attractor that exists ahead of us in time, and that our ever-accelerating speed through the phenomenal world of connectivity and novelty is based on the fact that we are now very, very close to the attractor.

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Approaching Timewave Zero Part II

by Terence McKenna From Magical Blend Magazine Issue #45 January 1996 In part I of "Timewave Zero" Terence McKenna initiated the reader into his theory of nature's upcoming quantum jump out of history. Looking at the I Ching from a quantum physic's perspective, Terence and his brother Dennis discovered a wave pattern in the ordering of the Tarot's trigrams and hexagrams that suggested time could be mapped. One of the oldest "structured abstractions" known, the I Ching has been found scratched on the 6,000 year-old shoulder bone of a sheep. Since the I Ching is particularly concerned with the dynamic relationships and transformations that archetypes undergo, McKenna intuited that the I Ching must also be deeply involved with the nature of time as the necessary condition for the manifestation of archetypes as categories of experience. Centering his attention on examining the King Wen sequence of sixty four hexagrams, McKenna's search for the ordering
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principles that lay behind it managed to translate what was essentially a mystical diagram into a rationally apprehensible, mathematical model. Working with Peter Meyer, McKenna developed a personal computer software package that takes his discoveries concerning the I Ching and creates time maps based upon them. These time maps, or novelty maps, show the ebb an flow of connectedness, or novelty, in any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia. In McKenna's novelty map, when the graph line moves downward, novelty is assumed to be increasing. When there is movement away from the base line, novelty is assumed to be decreasing in favor of habitual forms of activity. According to this graph, one trend toward greater novelty reached its culmination around 2700 B.C., precisely at the height of the Old Kingdom pyramid-building phase. Perhaps most remarkable of all McKenna's discoveries was the fact that the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero is December 21, 2012 A.D.--the same date that has been interpreted as the Mayan Calendar's end of time. The Timewave zero model shows the past 1,500 years to have been highly novel times that have oscillated at levels of novelty very close to the horizontal axis, the maximized "zero state." When the zero point is reached, the wave passes out of the past and into the future. We are approaching a point, says McKenna, "when the rational and acausal tendencies inherent in time may again reverse their positions of dominance." McKenna views history, with it's hunger for completion, as "an anomaly... a complete fluke," in which "all ideas of salvation, enlightenment, or utopia may be taken to be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the
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limitations of three-dimensional space." As history races toward it's denouement, evolution is carried out of strictly biological confines and into the mental realm where language and other abstractions begin to pull us together toward "a complex attractor that exists ahead of us in time." This "concrescence," says McKenna is now so close that it can be felt in the sense of accelerating time and complexity. In the second part of this article, McKenna discusses the repercussions of our collective approach to Timewave Zero and how psychedelics can be used to condition ourselves for our upcoming move into of the body of eternity and out of threedimensional time and space. The First Three Minutes is a book in which author Stephen Weinberg leads the reader through all the complex physics as matter is crystallizing out of hyperspace, and the universe is undergoing its initial expansion in the first three minutes of creation. When you consider this model of exploding galaxies, colliding quasars, and mega this and mega that, it's worth noting that these distant parts of the universe register only as faint tracings on our instruments, until they are interpreted through the fishy fiat of a bunch of stacked up theories and formulas. And where is our data sample coming from? Radio telescopes, which are responsible for building our current picture of the universe, were only invented around 1950. All the energy that has fallen on all the radio telescopes on this planet since the invention of radio telescopy is less energy than would be generated by a cigarette ash falling a distance of two feet. It's pretty flimsy stuff folks, compared to the meat of the moment in which we find ourselves. It seems more likely to me that all this complexity is better directed toward the end of the cycle when, after billions of years
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of evolution, everything finally comes together. Alfred North Whitehead proposed this same idea. He said that history grows toward what he called a "nexus of completion." And these nexuses of completion themselves grow together into what he called the "concrescence." A concrescence exerts a kind of attraction, which can be thought of as the temporal equivalent of gravity, except all objects in the universe are drawn toward it through time, not space. As we approach the lip of this cascade into concrescence, novelty, and completion, time seems to speed up and boundaries begin to dissolve. The more boundaries that dissolve, the closer to the concrescence we are. When we finally reach it, there will be no boundaries, only eternity as we become all space and time, alive and dead, here and there, before and after. Because this singularity can simultaneously co-exist in states that are contradictory, it is something which transcends rational apprehension. But it gives the universe meaning, because all processes can be seen to be seeking and moving in an effort to approximate, connect with, and append to this transcendental object at the end of time. One way of thinking about it is to compare it to one of those mirrored disco balls, which sends out thousands of reflections off of everybody and everything in the room. The mirrored disco ball is the transcendental object at the end of time, and those reflected twinkling, refractive lights are religions, scientific theories, gurus, works of art, poetry, great orgasms, great souffles, great paintings, etc. Anything that has, in Nietszche's phrase, the "spark of divinity within it," is in fact, referent to the original force of the spark of all divinity unfolding itself within the confines of three-dimensional space.

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A quick look at Western civilization over the past several hundred years suggests we are indeed moving toward the concrescence. The twentieth century has only accelerated the process of increasing novelty and the dissolving of old boundaries. In our own time, we have created ever more elaborate languages and ever more elaborate technologies for transforming, storing, and retrieving language, so that we are now on the brink of being able to give every single person the complete cultural inventory, the complete data base of human beings' experience on this planet. It's as if the collectivity of our humanness has finally become an intellectual legacy for all of us. That's what these data highways and networks are all about. The nervous system is being hardwired. This is not only an advance deeper and deeper into novelty, but it is an advance in which each successive stage occurs more quickly than the stage which preceded it. Following the breakdown of the Soviet Union, there was much talk about "lifting of the Iron Curtain." I find this phrase interesting because it conjures up images of a membrane suddenly disappearing, as indeed it has. As more and more of these membranes disappear, what is emerging is a sense of acceleration of information flow and a sense of rising ambiguity and apprehension. That's why it's important to realize what the process is. As human beings, we are unique for our ability to feel, to download experience, to connect disparate data fields, and then to project a goal, a hope--a distant coordination of concern that leads toward an appetite for completion. That's what the concrescence is. It's not some alien thing injected into our forward moving timestream like a boulder on the floor of a river. The concrescence is the lost path of our collective soul. The metaphor that makes sense for what we're going through--

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because it gets the biology of it; it gets the drama of it; it gets the risk of it; it gets the the fun and joy of it--is the metaphor of birth. To see the picture clearly, you must break out of the flat cultural illusion and rise up to look at the situation. That's why psychedelics are so important. They raise you out of the historical maxtrix, giving you a sense of participation in a transcendental reality. Psychedelics catalyze imagination. They drive you to think what you did not think otherwise. There is a good argument that the critical catalyst that propelled us out of the slowly evolving hominid line--causing us to take a right-hand turn into culture, language, art, and learning--was probably the inclusion of psychedelic plants in our diet during that episodic moment when we went from fruitarian, canopy dwellers to omnivorous pack hunting creatures of the grasslands. It's interesting that DMT and psilocybin, so closely related to each other, both have something to say about language, and that they say it in precisely opposite ways. Psilocybin is a teaching voice that speaks to you in your language. LSD doesn't do that; ayahuasca doesn't do that. Psilocybin does, for some reason. This is not my illusion. It's a commonly noted effect, but if you don't speak to it, it won't be there. DMT doesn't speak to you in English; it speaks to you in Elfish. What happens on high dose DMT is that you see the speaker. With mushrooms, you almost never encounter a being you can see. You see hallucinations, but you do not see the author of the data stream. On DMT, the entities come bounding out of the woodwork. DMT is not like a psychedelic drug, in the sense that you're getting into the contents of your hopes, memories, fears and dreams. It's much more like a parallel continuum. It's much more as though you've broken through to some alien data space. You find yourself in an inconceivable world where everything has been
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replaced by elf machinery. There are these self-dribbling, jeweled basketball-looking entities that use this musical singsong language to condense visible objects out of the air. Why are they doing that? I assume that on one level they are trying to teach, but it's more than that. On another level, they seem to be giving a demonstration of the fact that reality is made of language. They're saying, "If you don't believe reality is made of language, here I'll make you one." So these opalescent beings make all these things and set them loose in this strange environment, and these things, themselves, are emitting language and making other things. Everybody's chattering, screeching, crawling over each other, clamoring for your attention, and under sufficiently hyped-up conditions, you are able to reply in a kind of spontaneous glossolalia. There's a bit of art in making this peculiar pseudo- linguistic stream of syllables, and when you're stoned, it's an incredibly pleasurable experience. I think that this glossolalia is probably mixed up with the generation of language itself. In other words, we probably invented language long before meaning, and it was some very practical person who got the idea that the words could have meaning. Before that, language was primarily verbal amusement. After all, the most readily at hand musical instrument is the human voice. Sound is an incredibly powerful transducer of energy that we haven't really come to terms with. When we put a test tube in which a chemical reaction is going on, into a square wave generator and bombard it with very high amplitude sounds, we find that these sounds drive the chemical reaction faster, as if sound were an enzyme. When people are loaded to the gills on ayahuasca, they do the same thing. They

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sing for hours and sonically drive these states, navigating through a world of vocal landscapes that come forth from sound. Magical philosophy, which has about fifty, to a hundred thousand years under its belt--as opposed to science which only goes back to the Renaissance--has always claimed that the world is made of language. The world is a thing of words, and if you know these words, you can take it apart and put it together any old way you wish. Sanskrit, for example, has the reputation for being a magical language. There are supposedly certain ragas-arrangements on sounds with particular rhythms--that can cause a haystack to burst into flame. The nub of what I'm trying to get at here is that the world is made of language. Our entire Western religious tradition begins with the incredibly cryptic statement, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh." What is this making the word into flesh? And does it not imply that eventually the flesh will become word? As we now know, since the discovery of DNA, we arise out of sequences of what are called codons, which are the nucleotide units in the DNA which code for protein. The messenger RNA takes the template of the DNA and runs itself through a ribosome, and the ribosome gathers amino acids out of the ambient environment, connecting them up to create a protein. What this means is that we are, in fact, textural. Each one of us is a word of approximately 700,000,000 characters, and this word is made flesh when the sperm and the egg form a zygote and the DNA textural message is downloaded into matter. Now we are on the brink of decoding the human genome, and the end result of this is that the flesh will be made word. It's interesting that many of the psychedelic compounds involved in the language phenomena, like DMT and harmine and
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harmaline, occur as part of human metabolism, ordinarily. And harmaline, specifically 5-methoxy tetrahydroharmalan, occurs in the pineal gland. The pineal gland has always been thought of as somehow connected to the soul. Descartes called it the seat of the soul. What I'm trying to get at here, is the the world is mental in some way that we do not yet understand, but which we're edging toward understanding. I think of history as a kind of mass psychedelic experience. The drug is technology, and as technology gets more and more perfected as a mirror of the human mind, the cultural experiences becomes more and more hallucinatory. Our planet is on a collision course with something that we, at our present state of knowledge, don't have a word for. A black hole is simply a gravitationally massive object, so massive that no light can leave it. What I'm talking about is something like that, except that it isn't so much gravitationally massive as temporally massive. We are soon to be sucked into the body of eternity. My model points to 11:18 am, Greenwich Mean Time, December 21, 2012 AD. My notion is fairly simple. History is a set of nested resonances with each epoch being shorter than the one that preceded it. This event horizon is like a series of ghost horizons, and once you enter into history, you enter into the outer shell of the temporal field of the attractor or the concrescence. In other words, history is the disturbance in nature which precedes the concrescence. It precedes it by only 50 thousand years--a geological microsecond--before all life is melted down in the presence of the singularity. History is a curious interzone that is not the singularity and not the absence of the singularity; it's the singularity in the act of becoming. It only lasts a geological microsecond, but if you happen to be born as we are, inside that
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microsecond, then you have a very curious perspective on the phenomenon because you observe it from inside. Within history's series of nested cycles, each cycle is only human/machine interfacing, pharmacological redesigning of the human brain/mind system, possibly digitalizing and downloading into the microphysical realm. All these disparate physical elements come to nothing if they don't add up to more than the sum of their parts. And the more than the sum of their parts is the transcendental element we call love. That is part of the eschaton that has never left us, but accompanied us across the African grassland and into history. Love has been bloodied and battered by the experiences of sexism and racism and so forth. But never lost as an ideal, never lost as a guiding light and an experience, and when we dissolve all the boundaries, this is what we will discover; an unconditional caring, an unconditional affection that goes through all life and all matter and gives it meaning. You don't have to wait for the end of the world to get this news. You can just short circuit the collective march toward that realization by accelerating your own microcosm of spirituality through the use of the hallucinogens. They are the doorways that the Gaian mind has installed in the historical process to let anybody out any time they want out, provided they have the courage to turn the knob and walk through the door.

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-= Why I wrote this book =Over the years since I was introduced to the Dreamspell by my brother Ormungandr, which led to learning of the 13 Moons of Peace, I have found it incredible just how much doubt and resistance I met from both friends old and new of why natural time is such an important step of change for our planet to make. It amazed me that such a natural change as realigning with nature, would be seen as a threat to their delicate system of beliefs. Unfortunately this reaction has continued over the years, which only added to the fuel of the fire of revolution that burns in my heart. Little do the people know of just how much their reality has been meddled with by both religious and scientific institutions throughout the entirety of his-story, that they actually defend that which disempowers them over what is liberating, and not just for themselves, but for the entire planet. The phrase, cannot see the wood from the trees, rings in my mind, alluding to a serious lack of vision that is generally found in most. Not that its really their fault, its just they have been programmed from birth, that what is valued as truth by the rulers of their world cannot be wrong. Even if most are against systems of control, that constrict what they can and cannot do with their own lives, they still continue to follow a system of time that was created for that very purpose, to control. Yet is does not end there, the control is over what they can actually be conscious of, and without real conscious awareness no one can truly say they are working for the benefit of all beings.
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This is why I have worked on this project for over 10 years now, because I will not give up, no matter how much doubt and resistance is thrown in my face. Nature is our mother, she gives to us without any demands that we give as much back (though it is common sense to do so), and at this time on our beautiful planet, we are really pushing our relationship with nature to the limits. So before you begin to explore the vastness of the infinite universe with me, know that it is not without a serious level of responsibility that goes with it. For once you know what nature (not I) has to share with you, your reality will never be the same, and it will be your responsibility to continue to listen to the voice of nature and take to heart what she tells you. It will be your responsibility to take practical steps of realigning yourself with the natural cycles of infinity. Be glad that you will never doubt again, and that one day this whole planet will know we truly live in a beautiful and divine reality. The world continues to live in the grandest illusion there ever was, brushing aside anything that would burst their bubble of distorted understandings. Yet this is the end of linear time, prophesised by all ancient cultures as the return to the garden or age of universal peace! May the truths contained within this book Inspire you to always live with peace in your heart Blessed be all peoples and all nations
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