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The 20 Things You Need To Let Go To Be Happy

WELLNESS ASHLEY FERN JUL 19, 11:44AM Everyone has one common oa! "n !"#e: $o ach"eve $r%e ha&&"ness' (he )" se!ves' We &%$ !"m"$a$"ons on o%rse!ves every*ay, ,he$her "n$en$"ona!!y or %n"n$en$"ona!!y' (here are so many ,ays ,e can a!!ev"a$e $hese res$ra"n$s' Remem)er, !"#e can e"$her )e some$h"n yo% em)race or some$h"n yo% h"*e #rom' S$o& ma+"n $h"n s com&!"ca$e* an* -%s$ !"ve yo%r !"#e' .$ ,o%!* )e so m%ch s"m&!er an* more en-oya)!e "# ,e !earne* $o -%s$ re!ease cer$a"n !"m"$a$"ons' Le$/s $a+e a !oo+ a$ $he $h"n s yo% nee* $o !e$ o o# "n or*er $o )ecome a ha&&"er &erson' es$

#ac$or ho!*"n %s )ac+ #rom ach"ev"n o%r *reams "s, s"m&!y an* sa*!y, o%r o,n

1. The Approval Of Others

Who "ves a sh0$ ,ha$ o$her &eo&!e $h"n+1 .# yo% are ha&&y ,"$h $he *ec"s"ons yo% have ma*e, $hen ,hose )%s"ness "s $ha$ )%$ yo%r o,n1 (h"n+ o# ho, m%ch yo% co%!* ach"eve "# yo% s$o&&e* !e$$"n o$her &eo&!e/s o&"n"ons *"c$a$e $he ,ay yo% !"ve yo%r !"#e' 2o yo%, an* en a e "n ,ha$ever ac$"ons yo% $h"n+ m" h$ )e$$er yo%r !"#e'

2. Anger/Resentment
An er ,"!! ea$ a$ yo% #rom $he "ns"*e' Learn ho, $o ma+e &eace ,"$h $hose ,ho have ,ron e* yo%' (h"s "sn/$ a)o%$ !e$$"n $he o$her &erson o## $he hoo+3 "$/s a)o%$ a!!ev"a$"n $he &a"n $ha$ resona$es ,"$h"n yo%' 4ee& "n m"n* $ha$ he ,ho an ers yo%, con$ro!s yo%' Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.

3. Negative Body Image

(here "s on!y one &erson/s o&"n"on yo% sho%!* )e concerne* ,"$h ,hen "$ comes $o yo%r )o*y an* $ha$ "s yo%' No one &erson *e$erm"nes ,ha$ $he 5correc$6 )o*y $y&e "s' .# yo% are com#or$a)!e "n yo%r o,n s+"n, an* yo% are hea!$hy, $hen $ha$ sho%!* )e $he on!y $h"n $ha$ ma$$ers' 2o no$ !e$ o$hers $e!! yo% $ha$ yo%/re no$ )ea%$"#%! )eca%se "# yo% )e!"eve yo% are, $hen yo% are'

4. Idea Of A erfe!t artner

(here "s no s%ch $h"n as a &er#ec$ &ar$ner, so $hro, yo%r chec+!"s$ o%$ $he ,"n*o,' .n !"#e, ,ha$ &reven$s %s #rom mov"n #or,ar* "s !oo+"n a$ $he &er#ec$ "ma e o# a &ar$ner ,e concoc$ "n o%r m"n*s' F"n* $he r" h$ &erson #or yo%: one $ha$ yo% can

!ove ,"$h a!! yo%r hear$, one yo% #ee! com#or$a)!e ,"$h an* one $ha$ acce&$s yo% #or $he &erson yo% are' (he sooner yo% rea!"7e $here "sn/$ one &er#ec$ &erson o%$ $here #or yo%, $he )e$$er o## yo% ,"!! )e' Hes not perfect. You arent either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can ma e you laugh at least once, causes you to thin twice, and if he admits to being human and ma ing mista es, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isnt going to !uote poetry, hes not thin ing about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he nows you could brea . "ont hurt him, dont change him, and dont e#pect for more than he can give. "ont analy$e. %mile when he ma es you happy, yell when he ma es you mad, and miss him when hes not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys dont e#ist, but theres always one guy that is perfect for you. Bob Marley

". erfe!t #ife

J%s$ !"+e $here "s no &er#ec$ &ar$ner, $here "s a!so no$ a &er#ec$ !"#e' L"#e "s ,ha$ yo% &%$ "n$o "$, so "# yo% are no$ ,"!!"n $o ,or+ har* an* &%$ #or$h e##or$, yo% ,"!! mos$ !"+e!y en* %& m"sera)!e' (he cho"ces yo% ma+e ,"!! *"rec$!y re#!ec$ $he !"#e yo% !ea*' .$ "s %& $o yo% $o crea$e $he )es$ &oss")!e ,or!* #or yo%rse!#'

$. %o&'re (oing To Be Ri!h

(oo many &eo&!e !"ve $he"r !"ves ,"$h $he $ho% h$ $ha$ $hey ,"!! )e m"!!"ona"res' Wh"!e $h"s can )e a rea!"s$"c oa! #or some, "$ "s no$ some$h"n $ha$ can )e ach"eve* ,"$ho%$ har* ,or+ an* *e*"ca$"on' S$o& !e$$"n money )e yo%r so!e mo$"va$or3 #"n* a career yo% are &ass"ona$e a)o%$ an* "mmerse yo%rse!# "n "$ com&!e$e!y'

). The Idea That (ood *ort&ne +ill Arrive At %o&r ,oorstep

Yo% nee* $o o o%$ "n$o $he ,or!* an* ac$"ve!y !oo+ #or #%!#"!!men$' Yo% canno$ $a+e a )ac+sea$ "n !"#e an* e8&ec$ $h"n s $o ha&&en #or yo%' A&&rec"a$e $he !"#e yo% !"ve, an* )e ra$e#%! #or ,ha$ yo% have' 9a!%e each m"n%$e o# every *ay' L"ve !"+e $here/s no $omorro,, an* ma+e $he mos$ o%$ o# any s"$%a$"on'

-. ./!&ses
Ma+e no $"me #or e8c%ses' Yo% ,an$ $o ,or+ o%$, )%$ yo% *on/$ have $he $"me1 Wa+e %& ear!y an* e$ yo%r ym on' E8c%ses are on!y ra$"ona!"7a$"ons $ha$ ma+e yo% #ee! )e$$er a)o%$ yo%rse!# #or no$ *o"n some$h"n yo% ,an$:nee* $o )e *o"n ' Yo% *es"re res%!$s1 S$o& )"$ch"n , an* s$ar$ *o"n '

0. Tho&ghts Of %o&r ./

(h"s &erson "s yo%r e8 #or a reason' .# yo% are o"n $o $h"n+ o# h"m or her a$ a!!, $ry an* $h"n+ on!y a)o%$ $he !essons $he e8&er"ence $a% h$ yo%' 2o no$ !"n er on any o!* #ee!"n s, as $h"s ,"!! on!y &reven$ yo% #rom )e"n ha&&y ,"$h someone e!se "n $he #%$%re'

11. 2t&33ornness
. +no, "$/s har* $o a*m"$, )%$ some$"mes yo% are -%s$ ,ron ' ;$her &eo&!e have -%s$ as m%ch ca&a)"!"$y as yo% *o "n &rov"*"n $he correc$ ans,er, so s$o& )e"n s$%))orn an* -%s$ em)race "$' (he !ess s$%))orn yo% ac$, $he more o&en yo% are $o !earn"n ne, $h"n s' (h"n+ o# a!! yo% co%!* )e e8&ose* $o "# yo% s$o&&e* )e!"ev"n "n o&"n"ons o$her $han yo%r o,n'

11. ro!rastination
S$o& $h"n+"n yo% ,"!! #"na!!y e$ $o ,ha$ever $as+ "s a$ han* $omorro,' L"ve "n $he &resen$, an* e$ yo%r sh0$ *one ,hen "$ nee*s $o )e *one' Ma8"m"7e yo%r $"me $o $he )es$ o# yo%r a)"!"$y' <om&!e$e each $as+ yo% nee* $o as soon as yo% can' (h"s a!!o,s yo% $o #ee! #ree #rom ,orry an* s$ress )y e$$"n $h"n s o%$ o# $he ,ay as soon as &oss")!e' Yo% a!so a!!o, yo%rse!# more #ree $"me $o en-oy $he $h"n s yo% !ove'

12. %o&r Baggage

We have a!! )een h%r$ one $"me or ano$her )y someone ,e !ove*, or ,e $ho% h$ ,e !ove*' <arry"n ne a$"ve #ee!"n s "n$o #%$%re re!a$"onsh"&s ,"!! on!y &rove $o )e *"sas$ro%s' No $,o &eo&!e are $he same, so "$/s %n#a"r $o ho!* a #%$%re &ar$ner $o a s$an*ar* se$ )y an e8' (ry $o )e "n each ne, re!a$"onsh"& ,"$h a c!ean s!a$e'

13. Negativity

Wha$ yo% &%$ o%$ "n$o $he %n"verse ,"!! come )ac+ $o yo%, so chan e $he ,ay yo% $h"n+, "mme*"a$e!y' S$o& $h"n+"n o# !"#e as a !ass ha!# em&$y, )%$ ra$her, ha!# #%!!' Yo% have so m%ch $o )e ra$e#%! #or, "# on!y yo% $oo+ a momen$ $o a&&rec"a$e "$' Any$h"n "s &oss")!e "n $he m"n* o# a &os"$"ve $h"n+er'

14. 4&dgmental Tho&ghts

Why *o &eo&!e #ee! $he nee* $o cons$an$!y ,orry a)o%$ ,ha$ "s o"n on "n o$her &eo&!e/s !"ves1 .# ,e s&en$ as m%ch $"me ,orry"n a)o%$ o%r o,n )ehav"ors as ,e *o ,orry"n a)o%$ $hose o# o$hers, o%r !"ves ,o%!* )e a ,ho!e !o$ more mean"n #%!' Yo% have no "*ea ,ha$ "s o"n on "n ano$her &erson/s !"#e, so ,ho are yo% $o &ass -%* men$ on $he ,ay $hey ac$1

1". 4ealo&sy
Ha&&"ness "s no$ hav"n ,ha$ yo% ,an$3 "$/s ,an$"n ,ha$ yo% have' S$o& envy"n o$hers an* !earn $o a&&rec"a$e ,ha$ yo% have' Everyone/s !"#e "s %n"=%e3 yo% have cer$a"n $h"n s $o o##er $ha$ o$hers canno$' When ,e ac$ "n a -ea!o%s manner, a!! ,e *o "s )r"n ne a$"ve #ee!"n s "n$o o%r !"ves' (here "s a)so!%$e!y no$h"n $o a"n #rom )ehav"n $h"s ,ay'

1$. Inse!&rity
Ha&&y &eo&!e $en* $o have e8$reme!y h" h !eve!s o# se!#>es$eem' (hey acce&$ ,ho $hey are an* ,or+ "$ every*ay o# $he"r !"ves' (hey ra*"a$e con#"*ence, #!a%n$ $he"r &r"*e an* "ve o## &os"$"ve v")es' (here "s no reason $o )e "nsec%re "n !"#e' .# $here are $h"n s yo% are se!#>consc"o%s a)o%$, o o%$ "n$o $he ,or!* an* see+ $o chan e $hem' ;n!y yo% have $he a)"!"$y $o crea$e $he )es$ vers"on o# yo%rse!#'

1). ,epending On Others *or 5appiness

A$ $he en* o# $he *ay, $he on!y &erson yo% can co%n$ on 1?? &ercen$ o# $he $"me "s yo%rse!#' 2o no$ ma+e $he %n#or$%na$e m"s$a+e many &eo&!e *o an* &%$ yo%r ha&&"ness "n $he han*s o# o$hers' A re!a$"onsh"& "s no$ o"n $o #%!#"!! $he vo"* "# yo% can/$ even ma+e yo%rse!# ha&&y' Yo% nee* $o ach"eve ha&&"ness on yo%r o,n )e#ore yo% can #"n* someone e!se $o share "$ ,"$h' (h"s crea$es a *e$r"men$a! *e&en*ency $ha$ ,"!! &reven$ yo% #rom )ecom"n se!#>s%##"c"en$'

1-. The ast

S$o& !"v"n "n $he &as$@ (here "s v"r$%a!!y no$h"n yo% can a"n "# yo% ,a!!o, "n m"s$a+es yo% have &rev"o%s!y ma*e' (a+e &as$ m"s$a+es as !essons !earne*, an* move #or,ar*' Yo% canno$ ,ho!ehear$e*!y move on $o a )e$$er #%$%re "# yo% are cons$an$!y !oo+"n )eh"n* yo%' (h"n s ha&&ene*, an* $ha$/s $ha$' (a+e $hem ,"$h a ra"n o# sa!$ an* move on'

10. The Need *or 6ontrol

Some$"mes yo% -%s$ nee* $o !e$ !"#e ha&&en $he ,ay "$ "s mean$ $o' Yo% canno$ s&en* yo%r !"#e s$ress"n a)o%$ $h"n s $ha$ are o%$s"*e o# yo%r con$ro!' (ry $o re!a8, an* !e$ $h"n s &!ay o%$ na$%ra!!y' Em)race $he %n+no,n, as $h"s "s ,here yo% ,"!! )e s%r&r"se* $he mos$' Le$ yo%rse!# )e ,h"s+e* "n$o %n#oreseen en*eavors, an* re!"sh "n $he e8c"$emen$ $hey )r"n '

21. ./pe!tations
Mana "n yo%r e8&ec$a$"ons "s $he +ey $o ha&&"ness' .# yo% !e$ o o# e8&ec$a$"ons, yo% ,"!! never )e *"sa&&o"n$e*' ;#$en, ,e $en* $o )e!"eve $ha$ $he ,ay ,e $rea$ o$hers ,"!! )e $he ,ay ,e are $rea$e* "n re$%rn' Un#or$%na$e!y, $h"s *oes no$ a!,ays ha&&en' 2o no$ e8&ec$ a cer$a"n res%!$ #rom any "ven s"$%a$"ons' Ao "n$o an e8&er"ence ,"$h an o&en m"n*' (h"s ,"!! a!!o, yo% $o #%!!y "mmerse yo%rse!#, ,"$ho%$ $he &ress%re o# !"v"n %& $o &reconce"ve* no$"ons'

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