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Mindy Haukedahl Minnesota State University, Mankato February 23, 2013

PROGRAM FOUNDATION LEARNING PLAN Part A: Learning Plan Data Analysis In order to create a learning plan regarding the 16 Core Leadership Competencies, I created a survey and asked three educational colleagues to rate my abilities based on

unsatisfactory, satisfactory, proficient, exemplary, and not applicable in my current position with South St. Paul Public Schools. After collecting the data, I was able to create a chart that took the four individual responses and placed them onto a horizontal bar graph that displayed the percent of evaluators and what their scores were. For example, looking at Communication, 100% of the evaluators scored me with exemplary, so there is only one line displaying the 100% in the color corresponding with exemplary. (See Figure 1) I was then able to take the data received and create a chart that would visually display the similarities and differences between self-rating scores and the scores of the evaluators. By doing so, I took the average data from the three evaluators and then added my self-reflection overlapping the original chart. The collaboration of the two charts into one allows me to visually compare how I view my abilities with the collected averages of how my colleagues view me and display areas that are discovered to reflect growth and areas that further need to be developed. (See figure 2) In addition to the graphs representing data, I have also included additional charts that represent areas of strength and areas of recommended growth. (See figures 3 and 4). The three evaluators were asked to rank the top three areas of strength as well as three areas of weakness based on my performance. The data in the charts allow viewers to see the differences between self-reflection versus external displays of abilities.


Answers by Individual Respondent

K-12 Leadership Monitor Student Learning Instructional Leadership Safety and Security Judgment and Problem Analysis Values and Ethics of Leadership Human Resource Management Instructional Management Curriculum Planning & Development Community Relations Communication Political Influence & Governance Policy and Law Diversity Leadership Organizational Management Leadership 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 N/A Exemplary Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Figure 1: Answers to 360 leadership survey by individual respondent


Figure 2: Dual-series chart with numerical values assigned to ratings

Major Areas of Strength

3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Number of Responses

Self Others

Figure 3: Major areas of strength as reported by self and respondents.


Major Areas of Growth

2.5 Number of Responses 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Self Others

Figure 4: Major areas for growth as reported by self and respondents. Strengths When looking at the data, it is interesting to view the correlations between what are determined to be strengths from a personal reflection as well as what are selected to be strengths from the evaluators. I selected my areas of strength as being Communication, Values and Ethics of Leadership, and Safety and Security. Because of my current role as a school guidance counselor, these are three areas that I feel are crucial when establishing a climate of confidentiality and trust, therefore, I feel they are my greatest personal strengths when considering the 16 different competencies. These same three competencies were also selected as top strengths by the evaluators. All three of the evaluators selected exemplary for Communication and Values and Ethics, which correlates with the responses that were self-selected. I was surprised by the different opinions in the area of Safety and Security. I scored myself proficient in this category, whereas the three evaluators scored me: not applicable, proficient, and exemplary. Perhaps it is because there was

PROGRAM FOUNDATION LEARNING PLAN no definition included in the survey as to what constitutes as Safety and Security, therefore each evaluator was left to form their own opinion as to what the definition was and scored according to a lack of explanation. The evaluators also selected various competencies to be of strength that I did not personally feel were part of my stronger ranked skills. These competencies are: Organizational Management, Community Relations, Judgment and Problem Analysis, and the Monitoring of Student Learning. It is beneficial to know that colleagues view areas of strength that I personally did not

select as top competencies. This gives me a sense of pride in knowing that I am stronger in more competencies than I originally thought and how I selected my personal responses. It feels good to know that the work I am doing is noticed and that what I feel are my areas of strength are also viewed that way by my colleagues. Growth Areas Internalizing the data from the major areas of growth is very interesting. The top three areas that I selected as areas in need of further development are Policy and Law, Political Influence and Governance, and Human Resource Management. These three competencies were easily selected as personal areas of weakness because they are areas I have not fully developed and are definitely areas that I believe I need more knowledge in. I selected satisfactory for all three areas because I think that I possess the necessary information in order to do my job, but I do not think I am proficient by any means in these three areas and my colleagues scores were similar. Because the evaluators were asked an to answer a question regarding the top three areas of weakness, it is confusing to read the responses that were written and then compare them with


the scores that were selected in question #1 where they needed to score based on: not applicable, unsatisfactory, satisfactory, proficient, and exemplary. The data does not match the selection in question #1 and the written responses. For example, in question #1, the three evaluators selected the scores proficient, proficient, and satisfactory for the competency of Policy and Law. However, in question #3 two of the evaluators wrote that Policy and Law are areas considered to be weak. Therefore, how are there two proficient scores, when they are deemed as areas needing further development? In my opinion, I do not think that an area determined to be weak should receive a score of proficient. However, when looking at the questions of the survey, there was no explanation as to what constitutes a certain score, so even though an area might be scored proficient, it could still be an area that needs to be further developed. A few other competencies that were considered as areas of weakness by my colleagues are Curriculum Planning and Development for the Success of all Learners, Instructional Management, and K-12 Leadership. This is not surprising because they are areas that I do not work with or am tested to display any attributes that would fit into these competencies. Plan of Action Based on the results of the 360 survey, there are many steps that I plan to take to address all areas of competency to ensure that I become an effective leader. The first step will be the time spent with school administrators through the South St. Paul Public School district. By spending time observing, asking questions, and receiving information and feedback from various administrators I feel as though my areas of weakness will further be developed as well as current areas of strength will continue to be utilized and expressed. I plan to spend time with as many different administrators as possible throughout the district. Spending time with these administrators will give me a look into the daily life in a role that is very different from my

PROGRAM FOUNDATION LEARNING PLAN current position. I feel that it is vital and extremely beneficial that I spend time in different schools and with different principals and administrators as each person will have a unique personality and leadership style that I want to learn from. I will spend time with the high school principal, two elementary principals, a dean of students at the secondary building, and the director of alternative education to observe all of their leadership styles as well as to build on

areas of weakness based on learning from each individual administrator. I will value the learning process and take all of the various leadership styles that I observe and create and expand on my own personal style of leadership. According to the Strengths Based Leadership assessment, my top five areas of strength are: Empathy, Responsibility, Developer, Relator, and Includer. I will learn about my strengths and while completing practicum hours, I will apply my top styles into a position of leadership as well as learn how even though I may not excel in different areas of strength, I can still embrace them. South St. Paul is an exemplary school district full of powerful educators and leaders and I think that the time I spend with such a variety of administrators and leaders will prepare me to be the most effective leader that I possibly can become. Another step that I will take will be completing the necessary courses through Minnesota State University, Mankato. All of the classes are part of the administrative licensure program that will prepare me for an administrative position. These classes include Legal Issues in Administration and Advance School Administration Finance, along with many others that will teach me topics that are unfamiliar to me. Taking classes, reading materials, participating in discussions, and conducting research on various topics will better prepare me to be an effective leader and administrator. As part of my personal growth goals, I plan to be involved in committees through South St. Paul Public Schools. I have recently agreed to join the districts equity committee and feel

PROGRAM FOUNDATION LEARNING PLAN that this will also prepare me to better understand equity in our district and can share valuable information with colleagues at the alternative high school. Collaboration with other district employees will be beneficial as each individual brings attributes to a group.

During my seven years working for the South St. Paul Public Schools district, I have built relationships with many members of the school board. I plan to continue building these relationships and spend time with board members to learn more about policies and important things that are going on in our schools. In addition to my relationships with the school board members, I will be attending school board meetings. I want to be a valuable and well-educated participant and employee of the district and feel that attending these meetings is crucial.

PROGRAM FOUNDATION LEARNING PLAN Appendix: Raw Data from Surveys Appendix A: Survey question 1. 1. Please evaluate the interns knowledge and skills in the following areas:
Competencies Leadership Organizational Management Diversity Leadership Policy and Law Political Influence and Governance Communication Community Relations Curriculum Planning and Development for the Success of all Instructional Management for the Success of all Learners Human Resource Management Values and Ethics of Leadership Judgement and Problem Analysis Safety and Security Instructional Leadership Monitor Student Learning K-12 Leadership
Response Count

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Proficient Exemplary N/A

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

25% 25% 0% 50% 75% 0% 0% 25% 25% 50% 0% 0% 0% 25% 25% 50%

50% 50% 75% 50% 25% 0% 50% 25% 50% 25% 25% 25% 50% 25% 0% 0%

25% 25% 25% 0% 0% 100% 50% 50% 25% 0% 75% 75% 25% 25% 75% 0%

0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 0% 25% 25% 0% 50%

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Appendix B: Raw Data from Respondent Question 2 2. Please list the interns three major leadership strengths:

Mindy is excellent at details and organization of materials and data. She is an effective communicator and she follows through tasks in a timely manner. She has a strong value system that is evident in her work. 1/28/2013 4:25 PMView Responses Monitoring student learning, judgment and problem analysis, community relations, and values and ethics of leadership 1/28/2013 9:15 AMView Responses Ability to communicate, values and ethics, community relations, safety and security, and empathy for all students 1/25/2013 1:24 PMView Responses Communication Community Relations Safety and Security 1/25/2013 1:09 PMView Responses


Appendix 3: Raw Data from Respondent Question 3 3. Please list the interns three areas of recommended growth.

4. The area that Mindy needs development is the overall workings of a school district - at a district level. That would include policy and law, overall K-12 leadership and human resource management. 5. 1/28/2013 4:25 PMView Responses 6. K-12 leadership, instructional leadership, human resource management 7. 1/28/2013 9:15 AMView Responses 8. Policies, political influence, and Curriculum Planning 9. 1/25/2013 1:24 PMView Responses 10. Policy and Law Political Influence and Governance and Human Resource Management 11. 1/25/2013 1:09 PMView Responses

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