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Lesson Plan Food prices and quantities

Warm Up Have students say their name, country, and favorite food. (teacher goes firstbe dramatic i.e., I LOVE broccoli!). Write foods students say on the white board (ask students to help with spelling) Vocabulary Review -- Write Vegetable Fruit and Meat on the board. Go down the list of foods on the board and have student identify if its a veggie, fruit, or meat. For things thats dont fit in one of the categories, (ricegrains category, breadbakery category) try to solicit other categories (think in terms of a grocery store) New Vocabulary Presentation -- Distribute vocabulary page (142). Have students fold the page so they cant see the words at the bottom. Working with a partner, have then try to think of the name for each food item. After everyones finished (or 10 minutes), go over the list together. Ask for the name of each item, repeat it to the whole class, and have the whole class repeat it back. Practice -- Review the whole list randomly (#3, #6, #1, etc), saying What is #1? Wheres the coffee? Structure Presentation -- Ask the student how you can ask the price of an item (point out that often in the US there is no price tag). How much is _______? How much are____? Vocabulary & Structure Practice -- Have students practice asking How much is the ____? with each food item on pg. 142 (for #5 Eggs, introduce How much are the eggs? Tell them that when its more than one, use are. For #7, explain crazy English for food, always use chicken (singular) for the live animal, can be singular or plural. Also for hotdog (#2) and a hamburger (#6) tell students to use a instead of the. Vocabulary & Structure Practice -- Ask class How much is the bread?, write their answers on the board. Introduce complete answer (Its $1.59.) Vocabulary & Structure Practice -- Practice saying and writing prices using things in the classroom. Ask students, How much is the chalk? write the answer on the boardreview the correct way to write dollar amounts (numbers, not words) Quantities Presentation Write Tomatoes - $1.25 a lb. on the board. Ask class what lb. stands for. Do the same for celery 79 ea. Quantities & Prices Practice Distribute pg. 151 handout. Practice four q&a dialogs as a class. Review How much is? vs. How much are? Quantities & Prices Practice With whole class, review the names for the six fruit/veggie items on pg. 151. Students write the price (with quantity) next to the name of that item. When they finish, students can compare answers. Vocabulary & Structure Practice -- Ask each student to price their food items on the pg 142 handout, writing the price at the bottom of each picture. When everyone is finished, ask a few students How much is the tea? How much is the cake mix? For fun, you can ask every student the price for one item and compare. Vocabulary & Structure Practice -- Have students work with a partner to ask and answer questions about prices of each of their food items. Student A asks, How much is the fish? Student B answers: Its $3.27. Student A writes down the price he or she hears. Application Distribute copy of Shoppers circular (Produce Compare & Save! Ask students for prices

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