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Created by I Ketut Aria Pria U Subject Keyword : : Arsitektur kapal : Catamaran ;

Description :
Studi 2-dimensi tahanan kapal katamaran dilakukan menggunakan sepasang elipse dan yang diamati adalah pengaruh jarak pisah benda (body separation) S/L: 0.27, 0.37, 0.47 dan 0.57 dan perbandingan panjang dan lebar maksimum benda (L/D). Informasi tahanan yang disajikan adalah tahanan total, tahanan gesek, gaya samping, gaya induksi dan faktor bentuk. Hasil akhir memperlihatkan bahwa paket program CFX memberikan hasil yang cukup memuaskan setelah dilakukan validasi dengan data analitis dan data lain yang sudah dipublikasikan a.l. dari Katz dan Plotkin. Dibuktikan pula bahwa tahanan konfigurasi 2 elipse adalah lebih besar dari jumlah tahanan 2 elipse yang diukur terpisah dan ini menandakan adanya interferensi di antara kedua elipse. Pada akhirnya dipandang perlu untuk mengembangkan studi ini dengan pembuat grid yang lebih baik dan meneruskan analisa ke arah pendekatan 3-dimensi.

Description Alt:
A study into 2-dimensional catamaran resistance was carried out using a pair of ellipse in proximity and the investigation was focused on the effect of body separation S/L: 0.27, 0.37, 0.47 and 0.57 and ratio of body length against maximum width (L/D). Resistance information was presented and included total resistance, skin friction, side-force, induced drag and form factors. Final results indicated that CFX code provided significant output in comparison with analytical data and other published data e.g. by Katz and Plotkin. It was also proved that the resistance of two ellipses configuration was higher than twice of the resistance of two ellipses measured separately and this indicated the existence of resistance interference between the two ellipses. At the end, it was found to be very important to develop the study using better grid generator and then led to 3-dimensional approach.

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: 16/01/2008 : Text : pdf ; 63 pages : Indonesian : ITS-Research-3100005066050 : 3100005066050 : ITS 623.84 Ike k : ITS community only : Copyright @2005 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrievel system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS Library

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