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(based on Fr. Bernas SJ, In rod!" #on o P!b$#" In erna #ona$ La%, 2&&' Ed# #on %# ( "ross re)eren"e )ro* $e" !res and "# a #ons o) Isa+an# Cr!,) Le" !re and Co*-#$a #on b./ A .. P(#$#- Jo(n Po0as and A .. T(o*as 1r#s #no B. Ca(ar#an
I. T2E NATURE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW A.) What is the International Law? B.) Scope of International Law C.) Is International Law a law? D.) Some theories about international law .) !ublic an" pri#ate International Law $conflict of laws)
% In the &atter of the 'estate ,-./0( 1anuar2 3,( ,0-3 state of "war" . Christensen( ).*. +o. L%

4.) Brief historical "e#elopment of International Law II. T2E SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW A) Sources 5 4ormal #s. &aterial Sources B) Customs or customar2 law % Paquete Havana citation $fishin6 #essels) C) 'reaties D) )eneral !rinciples of law reco6ni7e" b2 ci#ili7e" nations % Char7ow 4actor2 case $)erman2 #s !olan") ) 1u"icial Decisions 4) 'he teachin6 of hi6hl2 8ualifie" writers an" 9!ublicist: )) 8uit2 ;) <ther supplementar2 e#i"ence III. T2E LAW OF TREATIES (3'4' 5#enna Con6en #on on (e La% o) Trea #es) A) Definition of treaties B) 4unction of treaties C) 'he ma=in6 of treaties % Concept of Pacta Sunt Servanda D) In#ali"it2 of treaties ) Amen"ments an" mo"ification of treaties 4) 'ermination of treaties % &aterial breach % Impossibilit2 of !erformance % Chan6e of 4un"amental con"itions $Concept of Rebus Sic Stantibus) )) Succession to treaties % Clean Slate *ule I5. INTERNATIONAL LAW AN7 8UNICIPAL LAW

A) B) C)

Dualism >S. &onism &unicipal law in International law International law in Domestic law % Doctrine of 'ransformation #s. Doctrine of Incorporation % In Chon6 #s ;ernan"e7( ).*. +o. L%.00?( &a2 3,( ,0?. % )on7ales #s ;echano#a( ).*. +o. L%@,A0.( <ctober @@( ,0-3 % &eBoff #s. Director of !risons( 0C !hil. .C $,0?,) % Duro"a #s 1alan"oni( A3 !hil ,., $,0/0) % A6ustin #s "u( AA SC*A ,0? $,0.0) % 1.B.L. *e2es #s Ba6atsin6( ).*. +o. -?3--( <ctober @?( ,0A3 % 'aa"a #s An6ara( ).*. +o. ,,A@0?( &a2 @( ,00.

5. SUBJECTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW A) SubBects of International law B) StatesE Commencement of their Fistence C) *eco6nition of states D) *eco6nition of )o#ernment ) Conse8uences of *eco6nition or +on%reco6nition 4) Succession of states )) 4un"amental ri6hts of states ;) Some incomplete subBects 5I. OT2ER SUBJECTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW A) International <r6ani7ations % International Catholic &i6ration Commission #s. CalleBa( ).*. +o. A?.?C( September @A( ,00C % Gnite" +ationsE Structure an" !owers B) Insur6ents C) +ational Liberation &o#ements D) In"i#i"uals 5II. TERRITOR9/ LAN7, AIR, OUTER SPACE A) 'erritor2 in International law B) &o"es of Ac8uisition of so#erei6nt2 o#er territor2 % 'he Islan" of !almas case C) Airspace D) <uter space 5III. TERRITOR9/ LAW OF T2E SEA A) 'erritorial sea % BaselinesE +ormal or Strai6ht B) Internal waters C) Archipela6o waters D) Ba2s ) Conti6uous 7one 4) Fclusi#e economic 7one )) 'he continental $Archipela6o) shelf ;) 'he Deep seabe"E 9Common ;erita6e of &an=in": I) Islan"s 1) 'he ;i6h seas

D) Settlement of Disputes I:. JURIS7ICTION OF STATES A) 'he territorialit2 principle % 'he Lotus Case $4rance #s. 'ur=e2) % 4rench *ule #s. n6lish *ule B) 'he nationalit2 principle % Blac=mer #s. Gnite" States C) 'he protecti#e principle D) 'he uni#ersalit2 principle ) 'he passi#e personalit2 principle 4) Conflicts of Buris"iction )) Ftra"ition :. I88UNIT9 FRO8 JURIS7ICTION A) Immunit2 from Buris"iction B) Immunit2 of hea" state C) State immunit2
% Gnite" States of America #s. ;on. >.&. *ui7( ).*. +o. L%3?-/?( &a2 @@( ,0A? % ;ol2 See #s riberto *osario 1r.( ).*. +o. ,C,0/0( December ,( ,00/

D) ) 4) )) ;)

Diplomatic an" consular immunit2 % Le6ation Diplomatic immunities Consuls an" consular communities Immunit2 of international <r6ani7ation 'he act of state "octrine

:I. STATE RESPONSIBILIT9 A) !rotection of aliens B) Doctrine of state responsibilit2 C) Internationall2 wron6ful act D) Attribution to the state ) !reliminar2 obBections 4) *eparation )) Cal#o clause reBecte" ;) Fpropriation of alien propert2
*e#iew of Bar Huestions in#ol#in6 !ublic International Law

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