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Qiyamah Jannah & Jahanum Written By Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahmatullah Alaihi

Table Of Contents
Accounting Of Deeds On The Day Of Judgement Remembering Jannah And Jahannam The Minor Signs Of Qiymah The Major Signs Of Qiymah The Day Of Resurrection The Bounties Of Jannah The Trials And Tribulations Of Jahannam lossary Accounting of deeds on the day of udgement Ras!lullh sallallhu alayhi wa sallam said" #$o %erson &ill be able to mo'e from his %lace on the day of judgement until the follo&ing four (uestions are not %osed to him" )*+ ,o& did he s%end his life- ).+ ,o& much did he %ractice on the mas'il that he had /no&ledge of- )0+ 1rom &here did he ac(uire his &ealth and &here did he s%end it- )2+ 3n &hat did he utilise his body-# 3n short4 did he do all this according to the Sharah or according to the dictates of his desires5 Ras!lullh sallallhu alayhi wa sallam said" #All rights &ill ha'e to be fulfilled on the day of judgement so much so that a hornless goat &ill ta/e its recom%ense from a goat &ith horns5# That is4 if the latter /illed the former unjustly5 Remembering annah and ahannam 3n a sermon4 Ras!lullh sallallhu alayhi wa sallam said" #There are t&o things &hich are 'ery great 6 do not forget them5# That is4 jannah and jahannam5 7%on saying this4 he began &ee%ing %rofusely so much so that his blessed beard got &et5 ,e then said" #3 s&ear in the name of that being in &hose hands is my life that if you &ere to come to /no& that &hich 3 /no& about the hereafter4 you &ill go a&ay into the jungles and &al/ around %ouring sand o'er your heads5# $ote" O &omen8 9e ha'e no& mentioned *:* Ahd;th5 Many other Ahd;th ha'e been mentioned at 'arious %laces in this boo/5 Our belo'ed Ras!l sallallhu alayhi wa sallam said" #3f anyone from my ummah learns 2: Ahd;th and thereafter %asses them on to others4 he &ill rise &ith the ulam on the day of judgement5# Ma/e an effort to read these Ahd;th to others5 Insh Allah4 you &ill also rise &ith the ulam on the day of judgement5 Such a great bounty can be attained &ith great ease5

The minor signs of !iy"mah The follo&ing minor signs of qiymah ha'e been mentioned in the ,ad;th" *5 <eo%le &ill begin considering Allah=s &ealth to be their o&n &ealth5 They &ill find it e>tremely difficult to %ay their zakaat5 They &ill consider the &ealth &hich has been entrusted to them as an amnah to be their o&n &ealth5 .5 The husband &ill obey his &ife4 disobey his mother4 consider his father to be an outsider4 and consider an outsider to be his relati'e5 05 ?no&ledge of the Dn &ill be ac(uired in order to earn a li'elihood5 25 @eadershi% and %olitical %o&er &ill be gi'en to those &ho are un(ualified5 That is4 to those &ho ha'e no self6honour4 no manners4 and those &ho are there for their o&n benefit5 Tas/s &ill be handed o'er to %ersons &ho are not suitable for those %articular tas/s5 A5 <eo%le &ill honour and res%ect o%%ressors out of fear of being harmed5 B5 Alcohol &ill be consumed o%enly5 C5 The custom of singing and dancing &omen &ill become rife5 Drums4 fiddles4 tambourines and other musical instruments &ill become rife5 D5 The later generations &ill begin criticiEing and s%ea/ing ill of their %ious %redecessors5 F5 Ras!lullh sallallhu alayhi wa sallam said that at such a time4 e>%ect the follo&ing %unishments" a red hurricane &ill come and some %eo%le &ill be dra&n into the ground5 Stones &ill rain do&n from the s/ies5 The a%%earance of %eo%le &ill be transformed4 i5e5 they &ill be turned into %igs and dogs5 Many other calamities &ill follo& one after the other in (uic/ succession just as &hen a string of beads brea/s u% and the beads begin falling off in (uic/ succession5 *:5 ?no&ledge of the Dn &ill decrease5 **5 @ies and lying &ill be considered to be an art )to be admired+5 *.5 The im%ortance of amnah &ill disa%%ear from the heart5 *05 Hay' and shame &ill disa%%ear5 *25 The kuffr &ill ha'e %o&er o'er e'erything and false &ays &ill a%%ear5 *A5 Once all these signs a%%ear4 the Ghristians &ill ha'e control o'er all the countries5 At that time4 a %erson from the %rogeny of Abu Sufyn &ill be born5 ,e &ill /ill many

sayyids and e>ercise his %o&er and rule o'er Syria and Hgy%t5 3n the meantime4 the Muslim ruler of ByEantine &ill &age a &ar &ith a grou% of Ghristians and ma/e %eace &ith another grou%5 The &arring grou% &ill in'ade 3stanbul and rule o'er it5 The ruler of 3stanbul &ill flee to Syria4 join forces &ith that grou% &ith &hich he had made %eace4 and engage in a se'ere &ar &ith the &arring grou%5 The Muslim army &ill gain 'ictory5 9ithin a fe& days4 one of the Ghristians &ho had hel%ed the Muslim ruler &ill come to the latter and tell him that &e gained 'ictory through the blessing of our #cross#5 The Muslim &ill re%ly that &e gained 'ictory through the blessing of 3slam5 This con'ersation &ill get more serious to the e>tent that each %erson )the Muslim and the Ghristian+ &ill call his follo&ers and a fight &ill ensue5 The Muslim ruler &ill be martyred and Syria &ill also fall under the rule of these Ghristians5 This Ghristian grou% &ill ma/e %eace &ith the grou% that &as at &ar &ith the Muslims )in the beginning+5 The fe& Muslims &ho are left &ill go to Madinah5 The Ghristians &ill e>ercise their %o&er and rule u% to ?haybar )a %lace outside Madinah+5 The Muslims &ill then decide to search for 3mam Mahdi so that they may o'ercome all these difficulties5 At that time he &ill be in Madinah4 but out of fear of being made ruler4 he &ill go a&ay to Ma//ah5 All the %ious %eo%le of that time &ill search for him5 Many im%osters &ill claim to be 3mam Mahdi5 But the genuine 3mam Mahdi &ill be ma/ing tawf of the Ka'bah and &ill be bet&een the Hajr ! Aswad and the "aqm ! Ibrhm5 A fe& %ious %eo%le &ill recogniEe him and im%ose u%on him to become the ruler and they &ill gi'e him the bay'ah5 9hile gi'ing him the bay'ah4 a 'oice from the s/ies &ill come do&n and it &ill be heard by all those &ho &ill be %resent o'er there5 This 'oice &ill say that this %erson is the khalfah of Allah )i5e5 he has been chosen to be the ruler+ and that he is 3mam Mahdi5 The ma or signs of !iy"mah 7%on the a%%earance of 3mam Mahdi4 the major signs of qiymah commence5 Once the incident of his bay'ah becomes /no&n to e'eryone4 the Muslim armies that &ere based in Madinah &ill go to Ma//ah5 All the %ious %eo%le of Syria4 3ra( and Iemen &ill go to his ser'ice5 Many other Arab armies &ill rally around him5 Once this becomes /no&n to all the Muslims4 a %erson from ?hursn &ill come &ith a large army in order to assist 3mam Mahdi5 The name of the %erson &ho &ill be the leader of the front section of this army &ill be Mans!r5 On his &ay to&ards 3mam Mahdi4 he &ill /ill many kuffr5 The %erson &hom &e had mentioned %re'iously that he &ill be from the %rogeny of Ab! Sufyn and that he &ill be an enemy of the sayyids 6 he &ill send an army to fight 3mam Mahdi since 3mam Mahdi &ill also be a sayyid5 Once this army reaches a desert on the outs/irts of Madinah4 it &ill rest at a mountain5 Once this army reaches this mountain4 all the troo%s &ill sin/ into the ground5 Only t&o %ersons &ill sur'i'e5 One of them &ill go and inform 3mam Mahdi of &hat trans%ired &hile the other &ill go and inform the Sufyn; )the %erson from the %rogeny of Ab! Sufyn+5 The Ghristians from all around &ill gather their troo%s and %re%are to fight the Muslims5 This army &ill ha'e D: flags and there &ill be *. ::: soldiers under each flag4 thus totalling FB: :::5

3mam Mahdi &ill lea'e Ma//ah and go to Madinah &here he &ill 'isit the gra'e of Ras!lullh sallallhu alayhi wa sallam5 ,e &ill then de%art for Syria5 Before he can reach Damascus4 the Ghristian army &ill confront him5 3mam MahdiJs army &ill be s%lit into three grou%s5 One grou% &ill flee from the battlefield4 one grou% &ill be martyred and the third grou% &ill gain 'ictory5 This martyrdom and this 'ictory &ill ta/e %lace as follo&s" 3mam Mahdi &ill %re%are the army to fight the Ghristians5 Many Muslims &ill s&ear to each other that they &ill not mo'e from the battlefield until they gain 'ictory5 3n this &ay4 many of them &ill be martyred5 A fe& of them &ill sur'i'e5 3mam Mahdi &ill ta/e them and incor%orate them into his army5 The follo&ing day the same thing &ill occur4 i5e5 many of them &ill be martyred after ha'ing ta/en an oath &hile a fe& &ill sur'i'e5 This &ill also occur on the third day5 H'entually4 on the fourth day these fe& sur'i'ors &ill fight and Allah &ill grant them 'ictory5 After this4 the kuffr &ill ha'e no ho%e of %olitical leadershi%5 3mam Mahdi &ill commence re6organiEing the country and sending his armies all o'er5 Once he accom%lishes all these tas/s4 he &ill go to in'ade 3stanbul5 9hen he lands on the shores of ByEantine4 he &ill ta/e C: ::: %eo%le from the Ban! 3sJh(5 They &ill board 3mam MahdiJs shi%s and together &ith him4 they &ill ma/e %lans and strategies as to ho& they &ill con(uer 3stanbul5 9hen they reach the cityJs &alls4 they &ill chant #Allhu Akbar Allhu Akbar# in a loud 'oice5 Through the barakah of this 'oice4 the cityJs &alls &ill colla%se4 the Muslims &ill enter the city and /ill the kuffr5 They &ill then administer the country &ith great justice5 About B6C years &ill ela%se from the time that the %eo%le had gi'en the bay'ah to 3mam Mahdi till the time of this 'ictory5 9hile 3mam Mahdi is busy &ith the administration of the country4 a false rumour &ill s%read that Dajjl has made his %resence in Syria and that he is causing strife in your )3mam MahdiJs+ family5 7%on hearing this4 3mam Mahdi &ill tra'el to&ards Syria5 ,e &ill send a fe& riders ahead of him so that they may be able to establish the truth5 One of them &ill return and inform him that this rumour &as false and that Dajjl has not made his a%%earance as yet5 3mam Mahdi &ill feel at ease u%on hearing this5 ,e &ill continue his journey to&ards Syria4 but &ill slac/en his %ace and ma/e se'eral sto%s along the &ay ins%ecting the administration of the country as he %roceeds5 ,e &ill then reach Syria5 9ithin a short %eriod of time4 Dajjl &ill ma/e his a%%earance5 ,e &ill be from the Je&s5 ,e &ill first ma/e his a%%earance in Syria and 3ra( and claim %ro%hethood5 ,e &ill then %roceed to 3sfahan &here C: ::: Je&s &ill join him5 ,e &ill then ma/e claims of di'inity5 ,e &ill tra'el through se'eral countries until he reaches Iemen5 During the course of his tra'els4 many kuffr &ill join him5 H'entually he &ill sto% at a %lace near Ma//ah5 ,o&e'er4 because of it being safeguarded by angels4 he &ill not be able to enter Ma//ah5 ,e &ill then try to enter Madinah but &ill not be able to do so because it &ill also be guarded by angels5 Madinah &ill e>%erience an earth(ua/e three times5 All those &ho &ere &ea/ and negligent in Dn &ill come out of Madinah out of fear for the earth(ua/es5 Once they

come out4 they &ill be tra%%ed by Dajjl5 There &ill be a %ious man in Madinah &ho &ill debate &ith Dajjl5 The latter &ill go into a rage and /ill this %ious %erson and bring him to life again5 Dajjl &ill as/ him" #$o& do you belie'e that 3 am god-# ,e &ill re%ly" #$o& 3 am more con'inced that you are Dajjl5# Dajjl &ill try to hit him but &ill be unable to do so4 nor &ill he be able to influence him in any &ay5 Dajjl &ill then lea'e for Syria5 9hen he &ill a%%roach Damascus4 3mam Mahdi &ill already ha'e been there4 ma/ing %re%arations for &ar5 The time of asr salt &ill a%%roach4 the muadhdhin &ill call out the adhn and the %eo%le &ill be busy ma/ing %re%arations for salt5 Suddenly4 KLs alayhis salm &ill descend from the hea'ens &ith both his hands on the shoulders of t&o angels5 ,e &ill land on the eastern minrah of the jm!' musjid5 A ladder &ill be %laced and he &ill come do&n5 3mam Mahdi &ill &ant to hand o'er authority of all the &ar %re%arations to him but he &ill tell him to /ee% it &ith him and inform him that he )KLs alayhis salm+ has come s%ecifically to /ill Dajjl5 The follo&ing morning4 3mam Mahdi &ill get his troo%s ready for battle5 KLs alayhis salm &ill as/ for a horse and a s%ear and ad'ance to&ards Dajjl5 The Muslims &ill attac/ DajjlJs army and a se'ere battle &ill ensue5 KLsJs alayhis salm breath &ill ha'e this effect that it &ill reach &here'er his eyes can see5 Any kfir &ho gets e'en a &hiff of his breath &ill be destroyed there and then5 7%on seeing KLs alayhis salm4 Dajjl &ill flee5 KLs alayhis salm &ill follo& him until he &ill catch u% &ith him at a %lace called Bb @ud and /ill him &ith his s%ear5 The Muslims &ill begin /illing DajjlJs troo%s5 KLs alayhis salm &ill then go from city to city and console all those &ho &ere harmed by Dajjl5 Through the bounty of Allah4 there &ill be no kfir left behind5 3mam Mahdi &ill then %ass a&ay and all the affairs of the country &ill fall into the hands of KLs alayhis salm5 Thereafter4 Iaj!j and Maj!j &ill a%%ear5 Their %lace of domicile &ill be in the e>treme north &here there is no ci'iliEation and &here the sea is com%letely froEen on account of the e>treme cold5 3n com%liance &ith the order of Allah4 KLs alayhis salm &ill ta/e the Muslims to Mount T!r5 Iaj!j and Maj!j &ill cause a lot of turmoil5 H'entually Allah &ill destroy them and KLs alayhis salm &ill descend from the mountain5 After forty years4 KLs alayhis salm &ill %ass a&ay and &ill be buried &ith Ras!lullh sallallhu alayhi wa sallam5 A %erson from Iemen from the tribe of QahJtn by the name of Jahjh &ill ta/e o'er the mantle of leadershi%5 ,e &ill rule &ith justice and religiousness5 Se'eral rulers &ill come after him5 radually4 good deeds &ill decline and e'il &ill begin to gain the u%%er hand5 At that time4 a ty%e of mist or smo/e &ill en'elo% the s/ies and thereafter descend onto the land &hereby the Muslims &ill catch a cold and the kuffr &ill fall unconscious5 The s/ies &ill become clear after forty days and the days of d al ad'h &ill fall soon thereafter5 After the tenth )of Dhul Hijjah+4 a 'ery long night &ill come5 3t &ill be so long that tra'ellers &ill become restless4 children &ill become tired and &eary on account of slee%ing too much4 and graEing animals &ill begin clamouring to go to the fields to graEe5 ,o&e'er4 da&n &ill not brea/5 H'eryone &ill become restless out of fear and an>iety5

Once this night e(uals three nights4 the sun &ill a%%ear 'ery dimly from the &estern horiEon5 At that %articular time4 no oneJs Imaan )acce%ting 3slam+ or re%entance &ill be acce%ted5 Once the sun reaches the %osition that it normally ta/es at mid6day4 it &ill begin returning to the &est and it &ill set as it normally does5 Thereafter4 it &ill continue rising normally according to its normal brightness5 A fe& days later4 Mount Saf4 &hich is situated in Ma//ah4 &ill be destroyed by an earth(ua/e5 1rom there4 an animal of strange a%%earance and sha%e &ill a%%ear and begin con'ersing &ith %eo%le5 This animal &ill tra'el the entire earth 'ery s&iftly5 3t &ill ha'e the staff of M!s alayhis salm &ith &hich it &ill dra& an illuminated line across the foreheads of the belie'ers5 The result of this &ill be that the belie'ersJ faces &ill become illuminated5 As for the kuffr4 it &ill stam% them on their noses or nec/s &ith the ring of Sulaymn alayhis salm &hereby their faces &ill become dar/5 Once this animal com%letes this tas/4 it &ill disa%%ear5 Thereafter4 a lo'ely breeEe &ill blo& from the south &hereby something &ill come out from the sides of the belie'ers and &ith &hich they &ill die5 Once all the Muslims die4 the kuffr &ill gain control of the entire &orld5 They &ill destroy the Ka'bah4 hajj &ill be ceased4 the Quran &ill be remo'ed from the hearts and from %a%er5 1ear of Allah and oneJs natural modesty &ill be remo'ed5 There &ill be no one to ta/e the name of Allah5 There &ill be a lot of %ros%erity and abundance in Syria5 <eo%le &ill start heading to&ards Syria on camels4 'ehicles and on foot5 1or those &ho &ill remain4 a ho&ling fire &ill start and dri'e them to&ards Syria5 The &isdom behind this is that on the day of resurrection4 all the creation &ill be gathered in this country5 Thereafter this fire &ill disa%%ear5 At that time4 the &orld &ill %rogress tremendously5 Three to four years &ill %ass in this &ay &hen all of a sudden4 on the morning of a 1riday on the *:th of "uharram4 &hen all the %eo%le &ill be %reoccu%ied in their &or/4 the trum%et &ill be blo&n5 initially4 the sound &ill be soft5 radually it &ill get louder until e'eryone &ill die out of %anic and horror5 The land and the s/ies &ill be blo&n into smithereens and the entire uni'erse &ill be destroyed5 The time s%an from the rising of the sun from the &est till the blo&ing of the trum%et &ill be *.: years5 After this4 the day of resurrection &ill commence5 The day of resurrection# Once this entire uni'erse is destroyed4 2: years &ill %ass in this tran(uility5 Allah TaJala &ill then issue the order for the trum%et to be blo&n a second time5 The earth and the s/ies &ill come bac/ into e>istence and the dead &ill rise from their gra'es5 All of them &ill be gathered in the %lains of (iyaamah5 The sun &ill be 'ery close4 the heat of &hich &ill cause the brains of %eo%le to boil and they &ill %ers%ire according to their sins5The %eo%le &ill be standing in this heat4 hungry and thirsty4 e>tremely &orried5 As for those &ho &ere %ious4 the ground &ill be turned into fine flour for them &hereby they &ill satiate their hunger and they &ill go to the ,7AD6H6?A7T,AR in order to (uench their thirst5

Once the %eo%le get tired of standing in the %lains of (iyaamah4 they &ill all go to hadrat Aadam )alayhis Salaam+ and thereafter to other %ro%hets re(uesting them to intercede on their behalf so that the accounting of their deeds could be accom%lished (uic/ly5 All the %ro%hets &ill %resent some e>cuse and &ill not ma/e any %romise of intercession5 H'entually4 all the %eo%le &ill go to Rasulullah ) sallallahu alayhi &asallam+ and ma/e the same re(uest to him5 On the orders of Allah TaJala4 he &ill acce%t this re(uest4 go to Ma(aam6e6Mahmud and intercede on their behalf5 Allah TaJala &ill re%ly " # 3 ha'e acce%ted your intercession5 After manifesting myself in the land4 3 &ill no& commence &ith the accounting of deeds # Many angels &ill begin decending and surrounding the %eo%le from all sides5 Thereafter4 the throne os Allah TaJala &ill descend and his s%lendour and manisfestation &ill be on it5 The accounting of deeds &ill commence and the boo/s of deeds &ill be distributed5 The belie'ers &ill recei'e their boo/ of deeds in their right hands &hile the disbieli'ers &ill recei'e them in their left hands5 These boo/s of deeds &ill land automatically into the hands of the res%ecti'e %ersons5 The scale &ill be brought &hereby all the good and e'il deeds &ill be &eighed and established5 The order &ill then be gi'en for e'eryone to cross the bridge called # siraat#5 Those &hose good deeds &ere hea'ier in the scale &ill cross the #siraat# and enter %aradise5 As for those &hose e'il deeds &ere hea'ier and Allah did not forgi'e them5 &ill fall into hell5 Those &hose goods deeds and e'il deeds are e(ual4 &ill go to a %lace called #aJraaf# &hich is bet&een jannah and jahannam5 They &ill stay o'er there5 Thereafter4 Rasulullah ) sallallahu alayhi &asallam+4 the other Ambiyaa )alayhimus salaam+4 the aalim4 the &ali4 the martyr4 the haafiE of the (uraan4 and other %ious ser'ants &ill intercede on behalf of the sinners5 Their intercession &ill be acce%ted5 The %erson &ho has e'en an iota of imaan in his heart &ill e'entually come out of jahannam and admitted into jannah5 Similarly4 those &ho &ere made to remain at #aJraaf# &ill be admitted into jannah5 Only those &ho are absolute /uffaar and %olytheists &ill remain in jahannam5 Once all in inhabitants of jannah and jahannam ha'e ta/en their res%ecti'e %laces4 Allah TaJala &ill %lace #death# in form of a ram bet&een jannah and jahannam5 All the inhabitants of jannah and jahannam &ill be able to see it5 3n the %resence of all of them4 Allah TaJala &ill ha'e this ram slaughtered and announce that no& no death &ill o'ercome the inhabitants of jannah5 All of them &ill ha'e to remain in their res%ecti'e %laces fore'er5 9hen they hear this4 there &ill be no limit to ha%%iness that hte inhabitants of jannah &ill e>%erience5 And there &ill be no limit to sorro& and grief that the inhabitants of jahannam &ill e>%erience5 The Bounties Of Jannah *5 Rasulullah ) sallallahu alayhi &asallam said the Allah TaJala says" # 3 ha'e %re%ared and /e%t aside bounties for my %ious ser'ants &hich no eye has set on4 no ear has heard about4 nor did it occur in anyoneJs heart .5 Rasulullah )sallallahu alayhi &asallam+ said" The building of jannah ha'e one bric/ made of gold and the other made of sil'er5 The cement the joins one bric/ to the other is

made of mus/5 The %ebbles of jannah are %earls and sa%%hires5 The soil of jannah is saffron5 The %erson &ho enters jannah &ill enter in %eace5 ,e &ill not see or e>%erience any sorro& or grief5 ,e &ill li'e there fore'er and ne'er die5 The clothes of the inhabitants of jannah &ill ne'er get dirty5 $or &ill their youth be terminated# 05 Rasulullah )sallallahu alayhi &asallam+ said" #there are t&o gardens in jannah &here e'erything is of sil'er5 There are another t&o &herein e'erything &ill be of gold5There are *:: stages in jannah and the distance of from one stage to the ne>t is e(ual to the entire e>%anse of the earth and s/ies5 i5e5 a distance of A:: years journey5 The bar/ of all the trees in jannah are nade of gold5 The highest stage of jannah is firdaus5 3t is from here that the four ri'ers of jannah begin their course5 The four ri'ers are of mil/4 honey5 %ure &ine and &ater5 The Trials And Tribulations Of Jahannam Rasulullah ) sallallahu alayhi &asallam+ sail" # Allah TaJala fanned jahannam for a thousand years until its colour turned red5 Thereafter he fanned it for a thousand years until its coulur turned &hite5 ,e then fanned it for another thousand years until it turned blac/ in color5 $o& it is absolutely blac/5 3f a hea'y stone is dro%%ed from one side of jahannam4 it &ill continue descending for se'enty years until it reaches the bottom of it5 The %erson &ho &ill recei'e the lightest %unishment in jahannam &ill be the %erson &ho &ill be made to &ear shoes of fire &hereby his brains &ill boil li/e a cauldron5 ,e &ill be under the assum%tion that he is recei'ing the most se'ere %unishment5 The sna/es of jahannam are as large as camels5 3f one of them had to bite once4 its %oison &ill continue rising for 2: years5 The scor%ions are as large as a %ac/ saddled mule5 3f it had to bite once4 the effect of its %oison &ill last for 2: years5 Once4 after ha'ing %erformed the salaah4 Rasulullah ) sallallahu Alayhi 9asallam + climbed the %ul%it and said # 9hile 3 &as in my salaat5 3 sa& Jannah e>actly as they are5 3 ha'enJt seen anything better than jannah5 $or ha'e 3 seen anything more harmful than jahannam5

$lossary AD,AA$ 6 the call to salaat AMAA$A, 6 trust DHH$ 6 Religion $7R 6 light R7?7 6 The bo&ing %osition of salaat M3?R 6 remembrance of A@@A,

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