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and STEYAERT, M.s.J.: Switched-opamp: An approach to realize full CMOS switched-capacitor circuits at very low power supply voltages, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 1994, SC-29, (8), pp. 936-942 F E R R I , G , COSTA. A., and BASCHIROTTO, A.: A 1.2V rail-to-rail switched buffer. Proc. ICECS, Lisbon, POrtUgdl, 1998, pp. 4548 BRANDT, B., FERGUSON, P.F., and REBESEHINI, M.: Analog circuit design for AX ADCs in NORSWORTHY, s.R., SCHREIER, R., and TEMES,G.C. (Eds.): Delta-sigma data converters (IEEE Press, 1997), Chap. 11 BASCHIROTTO, A., and CASTELLO, R.: A 1 V 1.8-MHz CMOS switched-opamp SC filter with rail-to-rail output swing, IEEE .I. Solid-State Circuits, 1997, SC-32, ( 1 2), pp. 1979-1986

constraint has been presented in [2]:

Perturbations of eqns. 1 - 3 result in

Unified model of PWM switch including inductor in DCM

Sung-Soo Hong
The conventional small-signal circuit model in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) shows large discrepancies at high frequencies. A new unified small-signal circuit model of the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) switch including inductor in the DCM is proposed to overcome the inaccuracy of the conventional small-signal circuit model.

Substituting 2,from eqn. 6 into eqns. 4 and 5, and applying the volt-second balance equation, results in

= k,,6,,

+ k,,6,, + rcT, + k,dJ1



Introduction: Several techniques have been proposed for modelling pulsewidth modulation (PWM) converters operating in the discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). The models can be classified into the reduced order and full order models, according to whether the inductor current dynamics are eliminated. The reduced order models can be useful in the control loop design with small bandwidth. However, large discrepancies are observed at high frequencies, especially in the phase responses. Since the full 1 include the inductor current dynamics, these order models in [l, 2 are more accurate than the reduced order models. The model in [ 11 is more convenient because it obtains small-signal circuit models of PWM converters by replacing only switching part with its small-signal circuit model. However, the model in [1] still shows large discrepancies at higher frequencies [2]. Even though the model in [2] is more accurate than the model in [l], a circuit model has not been presented. The purpose of this work is to develop a new unified small-signal circuit model of the PWM switch including inductor operating in the DCM, which is accurate at high frequencies. Small-signal circuit modelling: In this Section, a new unified smallsignal circuit model of the PWM switch including inductor is developed, which is useful for the analysis of different PWM converters. Since the small-signal model is derived by perturbing averaged relationships, the equations describing the averaged motion of PWM converters are required.

r, =

2LFs D2

The resultant small-signal circuit model of PWM inductor in the DCM is shown in Fig. 2.



- n p;

Fig. 1 Boost converter example

Even though the averaged model of the PWM switch including inductor in [3] has been developed for the buck converter, this model can be applied to buck-boost and boost converters. Fig. 1 shows the notations for the boost converter example. Regardless of converter types, the following equation holds [3]:

Fig. 2 Unijkd small-signal circuit model o f PWM switch including inductor

ubp = dlvap + (1- d l - d2)vcp (1) Meanwhile, in order to describe converter behaviour fully, a duty-ratio constraint is needed. The following accurate duty-ratio

DC analysis: The boost converter is analysed here. For a given output current Z , , the following equation is satisfied:
I P = -I,



7th January 1999

Vol. 35

No. 1

Since the inductor is considered as a short circuit under D C conditions, the following equation holds:

= VC&


From eqns. 17 and 18, and Kirchoffs current law, the following equation can be derived:
v,plo and 1 , = -1fcpIo IC = V*C



The frequency responses of eqn. 22 and the control-to-output transfer function employing the proposed circuit model are shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen in the Figure, there is no discrepancy between the frequency responses of the mathematical model in [2] and the proposed circuit model. This means that the proposed small-signal circuit model of the PWM switch including inductor in the DCM is more accurate than the small-signal circuit models in [l].
Conclusions: Conventional small-signal circuit models in the DCM show large discrepancies at high frequencies. The model in [2] is more accurate than the conventional models. However, an accurate circuit model has still not been reported. In this Letter, a unified small-signal circuit model of a PWM switch including inductor has been developed, which is more accurate than the previous circuit model. The accuracy of the proposed model has been verified by showing that there is no discrepancy between the frequency responses of the mathematical model and the proposed model.
0 IEE 1999
4 November 1998 Electronics Letters Online No: I9990069

The volt-second balance relation for the inductor gives VucD, = V c p D 2 From eqns. 3 and 20, the duty ratios can be obtained as

This process can be easily followed for buck and buck-boost converters. All the results are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1: DC values



Sung-Soo Hong (Satellite Research Laboratory, Injormation and Communication Research Center, Hyundai Electronics Industries Co. Ltd., San 136-1, Ami-ri, Bubal-rub, Ichon-si, Kyoungki-do, 467-701, Korea)


'Simplified analysis of PWM converters using model R.: 'Modeling

of PWM switch, Part 11: Discontinuous conduction mode', IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 1990, 26, (3), pp. 497-505 2

of PWM converters in discontinuous conduction mode - A

reexamination'. IEEE Power Electron Spec. Conf. Rec., 1998, pp. 6 15-622 3 HONG, s.s., IO, B.R., and YOUN, M.J.: 'Duty cycle generator for average model of buck converter with current-mode control - using analog behavioral modeling of PSPICE', IEEE Trans. Power Electron., 1996, PE-11, (6), pp. 785-795

Model validutions: The accuracy of the circuit model proposed in this Letter is verified by comparison with the mathematical model presented in [2], through computer simulations in the case of the boost converter. The parameters are: V, = 5V, V, = 18.35V, L = SW, C = 40p.F, R = 20Q F, = 100kHz. In [2], only the following numerical result is given for the control-to-output transfer function without deriving the analytical expressions of the small-signal model from the averaged model: v^o(s) 21.82(1 - ~/281609) (22) z(s) (1 ~/2965.57)(1+ ~/761503)

Adaptive multiwavelet prefilter

Yang Xinxing and Jiao Licheng
In conventional wavelet transforms, prefdtering is not necessary due to the lowpass property of a scaling function. This is no longer true for multiwavelet transforms. A novel adaptive multiwavelet prefilter is presented which is designed to overcome this problem. Simulation results show that the approximation accuracy of the prefiltering algorithm is satisfactory.



3 10 f, Hz


5 10


Fig. 3 Comparison of control-to-output transfer function employing proposed circuit model with mathematical model in [2]

proposed circuit model ........... mathematical model

Introduction: In the last 10 years, single wavelet transforms have been widely developed and applied owing to their time-frequency local property and fast transform algorithm (Mallat algorithm). Certain properties of wavelets such as orthogonality, compact support, linear phase, and high approximatiodvanishing moments of the basis function, are found to be useful in image compression applications. Unfortunately, all real-valued scalar (uni-) wavelets (with only one scaling function and one mother wavelet) can never possess all the above properties simultaneously. To overcome these drawbacks, more than one scaling function and mother wavelet (so-called multiwavelets) need to be used. Recently, new 31. theories concerning multiwavelet have been developed [1 Although, multiwavelets have many advantages over single wavelets in theory, unlike scalar wavelets, Mallat's multiresolution decomposition and reconstruction algorithms cannot be employed directly. Therefore it is necessary to initialise multiwavelets in order that proper discrete decomposition algorithms can be developed. Recently, a few prefilter design methods have been presented [4 - 61. In this Letter, a novel adaptive multiwavelet prefilter is designed to carry out discrete decomposition. Simulation results show that the approximation accuracy of the prefiltering algorithm is satisfactory and that the design method is simple.


7th January 1999

Vol. 35



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