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F r o m t h e E d i t o r ’s D e s k

The first editorial by a first time editor is like the first tender step of a

little child – tentative and tenuous but full of hope and possibilities.

The first step symbolizes earnest efforts to emerge from helpless

dependence to a world beyond the mother’s apron string. In our case

too, the first issue is symbolic in ways more than one.

The cover says it all. The image of a butterfly evolving out of an un-

wieldy, ugly pupa typifies the emergence of a bunch of uncut profes-

sionals into managers of tomorrow, ready to take on the world in

their strides. In that sense, the emphatic ‘i CAN’ couched cleverly

within the cover calligraphy sends the message of quintessential

manager loud and clear. The message goes beyond mere symbolism.

The first issue is, in another sense, the measure of men from

‘Nowhere’ to ‘Now Here’. It represents the metamorphosis of the mot-

ley lot from different walks of life to a confident group, ready to face

the world.

Coming to specifics, the first issue includes articles from EPGP ,

PGP students of IIM Indore, the distinguished members of IIM-I fac-

ulty, established alumni of IIMs , luminaries from the corporate world

and significantly from Leon and Harvard business schools. In other

words, genuine efforts have gone into the making of the magazine, to
Editorial Team
cover new grounds and provide a wider perspective so characteristic
V. Narasimham
Deepak Chauhan of the IIM tradition.

Riddhi C
Anupam C
Our next issue, we are confident, will have an even broader canvas
Chandan Pal
and wider horizon.

Design & Layout Thank you and happy reading !

Prabhakar K

Chandan Pal

In This Issue

Team Building and Innovative Leadership Make A Wish On The Shooting Stocks—Bet on
"Chak de is a really inspirational movie…just look at the Indian Market
our hockey, football & cricket teams…they have 4 Try and identify what attracts you the most in this sizzling
started winning in every field after the release of Chak casino. Do not spend too much effort in identifying con-
De…" Bacha Prasad trarian trades – things that do not move. You may pick the odd
winner, but chances are akin to banging your head against a wall
- Abhishek Rajgarhia

IIM-I’s Management Program with a difference.. Capital Account Convertibility—India’s Dilemma

Why can’t a country adopt fixed exchange rate system (i.e.,

Deepak Chander 7 officially fix the exchange rate) or intervene in the foreign ex- 14
change market to ensure stability of exchange rate to moderate
the impact of capital flows? -Prof. Ganesh Kumar Nidugala

Self Organizing Model for Large Ticket

Portfolio Management
Here I have tried to develop a model that provides an Inclusive Banking
integrated automated workflow for managing the large But, have these developments trickled down to masses? Are

ticket portfolio management work - Sonal Sareen these measures adequate to solve our problems of poverty, 16
unemployment, illiteracy and malnutrition? - Rajiv Narayan

The Great Indian Hunt Energy Security-Is the oil shock permanent?
“Hunters are of all ages, some as young as 19 or 20 years If the present rate of economic boom continues, then the daily
old whereas the more experienced ones are above the requirement for oil or oil equivalents is expected to be some- 19
age of 35 and even 40.” - Pranav Agarwal where north of 150 million barrels per day-Dr. Shiv Kumar

Intellectual Property - India’s Key to Survival

Indian Healthcare—Opportunities & Challenges Weak Indian IP Laws is one of the reasons why we do not have
The challenges the sector faces are substantial, from the too many inventors, but a tremendous intellect power
need to improve physical infrastructure to the necessity of
11 Deepak Chauhan
providing health insurance and ensuring the availability of
quality trained medical personnel — Girish Mehta
ENTREPRENEUR’S QUIZ Are you? Financial Dimensions of HRD Decision
….to understand Audits of Human Resource, Social, Envi-
Designed by Ibis Associates 23 34
ronment, Productivity, Efficiency and Value Added are
essential to take fair decisions.. Prof. Dr. V.K Gupta

Courtesy –The Lost Horizon

I have often wondered whether it is too much of an effort 25
to greet another person? - Prof. Abha Chatterjee
Million Dollars or Knighthood
What would you do? asks Harpreet Singh 39

Sudoku Manager
As you play this game, making strategies to fill those blocks, you A Real Life Saga—Motivation
When I was transferred here, a dual feeling operated in my
will find an association between Sudoku and management- 40
mind – a challenge to overcome and a fear of defeat. Little
Riddhi Chokravorty
26 did I know that there was a third twist in the whole set-up-
Anupam Chakravorty

The best way to learn to lead is to do it. There’s a leader within
Job Communication– The Art of Winning
all of us. It’s time we discover it- Sameer Tikko you may have proper qualifications, experience, knowl-
28 43
edge, confidence, and appropriate skills but you may still
find it difficult to get the job... M Ashraf Rizvi

Crisis Unites Humanity While Peace Fosters

Unleash Thy Mind
Discord If research could arrive at some practical methods by which
The prime difference between peace and crisis is not the 30 man could channelise his thoughts more towards visioning 45
qualities they impart to humanity in form of unity or discord;
strategizing and planning for the future, we could safely say
the dichotomy really lies in the way a change is affected
Niraj Mohan

CRM Was, Is and Will be

"Some may say [Siebel and SAP] are the only two vendors
Book Review - Entrepreneurship From Opportunity to
Action : By DAVID RAE 46
people think about. But that's not really the case. There's a 31
wide range of other players out there."-Raju Ganguly Mrinal Srivastava

Crossword 24
SCM Logistics in India
We need companies, who can see the larger picture and
think supply chain as not just a cost centre but also as a 33
strategic initiative….Purnendu Kumar

Quiz Time 42
Team Building & INNOVATIVE Leadership

Introduction: Team and its potential:

People, especially of Western societies today focus on the “bottom-
“Coming together is beginning,
line” in business. There is much focus on the tasks necessary to pro-
duce the expected results. To produce goods and/or services in this keeping together is progress and
competitive work environment demands a high level of integration of
competencies, technologies, and personalities in the work team. working together is success”.
Studies have established that the most productive groups or teams of
employees are the most satisfied and motivated and who tend to be The term ‘team’ is defined by Katzenback & Smith as, “A team is a
the most collaborative. This says bottom-line productivity is influenced small number of people with complementary skills, who are committed
by high levels of motivation, innovation and competence. It is being to common purpose, set of performance goals and approach for
demonstrated that happy employees are productive employees. Or- which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”
ganizations that have satisfied employees have a higher degree of Team potential can be much more than the arithmetic sum of the
productivity and a lower employee turnover, thereby reducing costs. potential of the individuals. It is usually called regarding a team, if the
Synergistic teamwork in an organization does not just happen. When potential of two individual is 1 each, then the potential of the team will
assignments designate a group of people to work together, there is no be 11 and not 2. Thus, a team of people working together can—
guarantee that high levels of production and outcomes will automati-
• Achieve better results than individuals working alone,
cally happen. The integrative relationships between team members
are critical to the long-term success of the team.
• Be more flexible than larger group

Though team is always necessary but its need felt strongly in follow- • Take more risks and explore areas than individuals may
ing conditions: avoid

• When we are trying to deal with a situation/problem, where no- • Generate wider range of ideas than individuals,
body knows the answer. Though an answer is expected to exist. • Help each other grow in skill and confidence,
• When dealing with rapid changes. • Demonstrate commitment not only to the task but to each
• When the task at hand is really very difficult. other.

Team Building & Innovative Leadership

A team differs from a group in many of confusion and uncertainty.

Characteristics of a dynamic team:
ways. A group is physical congregation, Storming (Conflict):--This is the highly
1. Clearly states its goals and objec-
which becomes a team when it acquires conflicting period, during members be-
the below mentioned characteristics: come hostile to each other.
2. Operates creatively
1. Shared values Norming (Cooperation):--- This is the
3. Focuses on results
2. Interdependence period during which the members become
4. Clarifies roles and responsibilities
3. Commitment towards the shared more cohesive, identify with group, and
5. Is well-organized
goal establish close relationship. During this
6. Supports leadership and each
4. Interpersonal skills period, feelings of camaraderie and
5. Mutual trust shared responsibility prevail.
7. Builds upon individual strengths
6. Consistency Performing (Productivity):-- During this
8. Develops team climate
7. Conflict resolution period, work is performed at full potential
9. Resolves disagreements
8. Listening and production/ productivity reaches its
10. communicates openly
9. Consensus peak. The productivity is highest as ques-
11. Makes objective decisions
10. Cooperation tions of leadership and relations are al-
12. Evaluates its own effectiveness
11. Openness or feelings expressed ready well established.
among members Adjournment (Separation):---Now team
Team building and its stages: There
12. Focus on group process may cease to exist as purpose for which it
are following five stages of team build-
So, it is important to establish a “WE” was established is already achieved.
organization rather than a “ME” organiza-
Forming (Awareness):--This is the first
“Ask not what your team stage of team building, during which
Note: Some of the experts don’t consider
can do for you, but what members meet each other with a lot en-
the fifth and last stage as stage of team
building, as it may not at all exist in some
you can do for your thusiasm and get acquainted, establish
of the cases.
ground rules. This is the period with a lot

Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH (Birla Institute of Manage-
Team building and leadership in “Chak
ment Technology) told in an event recently, "To make learning
De” way more effective, we should always evolve innovative ways in teach-
Movie review: Kabir khan (SRK), India’s hockey team captain ing. Chak De is a very stimulating film, and BIMTECH has used it
receives blows of insults after the Indian team loses out to Paki- efficiently to convey the principles of management studies. BIM-
stan in the world cup finals. Moreover, the “khan” factor raises TECH has taken special permission from the producer - Yash Raj
questions on his loyalty to the country and eventually he gets Films to use the clippings of the film at the event."
tagged as a traitor. Seven years later, The Indian women hockey "Chak de is a really inspirational movie…just look at our
team is looking for a coach and of course, the association is not hockey, football & cricket teams…they have started winning
serious about the coach-hunt. It just doesn’t matter - these girls in every field after the release of Chak De…"
are supposed to do the household work and not play international
level hockey. Even if they play, can they ever win? Thus whatever may be the method team building is very important
SRK, inspite of knowing the association’s callous attitude accepts for getting optimum performance of any organization. This is more
the challenge and realizes that his real job is not about coaching, relevant in current environment of cut-throat competition of corpo-
but keeping the entire team function as a single cohesive unit. The rate world.
team had players with big egos, diverse background and different
attitudes. Bacha Prasad did his bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from Bihar
Institute of Technology (BIT) Sindri and M.Tech in Mine Environment from
It is a very good and successful management case study which
Institute of Technology (IT), BHU, Varanasi. He has an experience of over 7
has created ripples in the corporate world, as the theme is some- years in mining industry in various functions. He is currently a student
thing which people can relate to. The multi- cultural diversity and of EPGP at IIM Indore batch of 2007-09

its attendant problems, the work place politics and finally the tri-
umph of ethics and commitment of the team over all odds, make it
look like a fairy tale come true.

IIM-I’s Management Programme with a difference ….

n late 2001, once I was reasonably sure about the future of my consulting start-up in the field of life sciences, I was

contemplating joining a business school. I had options with eminent business schools in India as well as

abroad. My personal situation needed me living in India and I had little good options others than a full time MBA

Deepak Chander graduated in 1996

from the Indian Institute of Technology

Delhi. He has over a decade of diverse

experience in various functions in the

industry. His business exposure

ranges from manufacturing to market-

ing and business. At present, he is

working as Business unit head with

Lanxess AG. Earlier, he was Global

Marketing Manager for one of the

businesses of Rohm & Haas, materials

and specialty chemicals company

head quartered in Philadelphia, USA.

In the year 2001, IIM Indore chose to launch the first semi full-time management graduation program. The design of the

program focused on accelerated learning for the working executives in a classroom based module that would be substanti-

ated through out of the classroom modules. The outline of the program was attractive because, after quick review of the

management fundamentals, it emphasized in detail on application of management principals on real life problems, some-

thing more valuable for the working people.

I opted for the EPGP program at IIM Indore, because of its content and the design that enabled me to learn and apply the

management skills set at the same time in real life situations. I am convinced that students in the EPGP program will be

relatively more proficient in effectively solving the real life problems using B-school management theories than those in any

other MBA program.

‘Self Organizing
Model for Large
Ticket Portfolio
Business Case Idea explained…
The financial institutes, who lend money to commercial clients, ei- The concept is to integrate the whole financial management system
ther to buy a new venture, or spin off, or MBO or LBO and other of the financial institute which comprises the financial to analyze,
requirements institutions require a great deal of financial analysis compare & model to eye there portfolio investments and to search
and constant monitoring the Clients for there credit worthiness and for better investment options.
working under compliance. The idea is to suggest a process that automatically accepts finan-
These lending can be in various formats ABL, CDO, CLO, etc. cials and store them logically to support model on top of it.
These sophisticated lending procedure and mechanism in itself are This knowledgebase is then used by various modules like Risk Mod-
very time consuming and detail oriented leaving portfolio managers ule, Portfolio Module and Business Intelligence module to share the
with very little time for managing and optimizing portfolios. In to- data and develop models and perform analysis automatically.
Building Knowledgebase - The Financials are acquired from vari-
ous sources like SEC, if client is public company and required to file
returns at SEC and from other private institutions and automatically
scanning and feeding in a database which has comparable structure
of financials stored to provide a knowledgebase for further analysis.
Accounts Analysis Module – This module does some basic number
crunching for the system and provides ratio analysis and covenants
Portfolio Analysis Module – This module takes the feeds from
Knowledgebase and develops the intra firm comparison of financials
as well as comparing with the peers. And providing auto-generated
financial comparison reports, also it provides the risk analysis of the
Forecasting and Simulation Tools – The next steps in portfolio
management is to determine how portfolio is going to operate in
day’s scenario, a portfolio manager has to do a lot of manual and future. This tool tries to do the advance forecasting of cash flows,
tedious work which utilizes a lot of his time spreading financials, profits, etc. and assist the portfolio manger in performing simulation
calculating ratios, calculating risk, etc. and is left with little time to and what if analysis.
focus on analyzing them in detail. Market Analysis Module – This Module is an add-on to provide the
Here I have tried to develop a model that provides an integrated portfolio manager with analysis of Industry and country. This module
automated workflow for managing the large ticket portfolio manage- is a central repository which helps in taking more informed and col-
ment work. laborated decisions.

Self Organising Model for Large Ticket Portfolio Management

Business Intelligence & Reporting Module – This module pro- effectively manage credit risk and to rate their commercial custom-
vides all analytical and exceptional reports required by portfolio ers by leveraging the financial information found in their customers'
manager at any level. This also helps in making various slice & dice financial statements. A system which reduces the analysis time of
and pivot analysis reporting. credit analysts and document managers on collecting, managing

Key features of the model: and analyzing their customer’s financial information.
The Portfolio Managers will be able to manage the portfolio in more
The tool automatically picks up the financials and spread it accord- strategically way by use of new and innovative mathematical portfo-
ing to the Accounting standards; the financials are automatically lio optimization and management tools.
stored in database to support comparison amongst each other and It will provide a one automated end to end solution for all the re-
for time series against previous years. quirements of the financial institutes.
The ratios are automatically calculated.
A model picks up the information and tries to calculate the credit Summary:
worthiness and financial strength of the companies based on vari-
ous scoring model. The Model explains an approach of integrating the whole process of
All these tools sum up and logically arranged into an executive portfolio management and supporting portfolio managers to dedi-
dashboard or portfolio dashboard as per relevance and importance. cate there time to analyzing the portfolio rather than managing the
All the KPI as calculated automatically and are strategically located manual process and making the knowledgebase.
on the dashboards. Using the suggested approach the financial institutions can leverage
An automated tool calculates the future projections of the compa- the use of cutting edge IT tools to manage there portfolio in better
nies based on time series and tries to predict the future profits and fashion and optimize them to fullest.
cash flows.
An embedded tool performs the sensitivity analysis and helps the
project managers and executives to do what if analysis and simula-
tion on future credit worthiness, profits, default frequency, cash Sonal Sareen CA, works as Business Consultant in Talent & Organisation
Consulting group at Hewitt Associates. His areas of interest includes financial
flows, etc.
modeling and risk analysis. He is a regular contributor to various magazines
and journals. He can be reached at
Where are we heading for?
With a next-generation financial statements Analysis & management
Application Financial Institutions will be enabled to efficiently and

The Great
eep within the masses of lands and mountains, lakes trying to introduce more number of deer into the forest, but as with
and rivers, hidden deeply yet easily accessible is the everything else Indian the demand far outstrips the supply.
Biggest and Largest Jungle, the meanest place in this Recently there have been some queer developments in this jun-
country. A jungle that is full of deer to hunt, dense trees protect gle. Many hunters who were at it for multiple seasons have now
the most coveted and biggest ones. To get to the innermost left for other jungles in foreign lands. Some have left the hunt all
realms of the jungle, one needs to cross many tests, fight other together whereas the more determined ones come back year after
hunters, display their superiority. year hoping for better success. There are numerous hunting
Every hunter who gets to the far end of the jungle and lands one schools that train and coach the hunters on the skills, tricks and
of these big deer is destined to make it big, enjoy the admiration loopholes of the entire process.
and laurels of his peers. The hunting season is from the second There are many who have bagged multiple deer in the past. How-
week of November to the end of April. Many people are known to ever as rules have it, no person can take home more than one
practice and train for months on end before the season begins, and the hunter is forced to make a choice. Another interesting
perhaps for a year or two that people prepare for the hunt and observation is the introduction of new deer and foreign deer into
give it their best. the Indian jungle. This has dramatically changed the scenario and
Hunters are of all ages, some as young as 19 or 20 years old increasingly giving the erstwhile kings a run for their money.
whereas the more experienced ones are above the age of 35 and Few people know what will happen with this jungle in the near
even 40. Last season there were more than 2,00,000 hunters who future. One thing that is for sure is that it will last, last long and
tried their hand at the hunt. The number of deer were also high, wide, it will grow, grow large and big, it will thrive, thrive like never
but most of them vie for the top ones, the biggest and fastest before. Hunters will increase and so will the hunted. The seasons
deers, which dwell only in the furthest part of the jungle. will keep rolling; the trophies will keep coming up.
In, fact they are so deep into the forest that hunters begin their This is after all THE GREAT INDIAN HUNT!
hunt in the beginning of the season only to hunt down the deer in
the month of March and April. There are no more than 2000 such Pranav Agarwal
PGP Batch of 2008
deer and last year’s hunters have not returned again. Generally
IIM Indore
the ones who hunt down these top prizes never come back for “Pranav is a second year student at the Indian Institute of Management
more. It is almost a nirvana for hunters. Indore and loves travelling, listening to music and blogging."For comments
mail him at
For those who are not as lucky to reach the furthest end of the
forest, there are many many more deer at all parts of the forest.
The government is not far behind on this too. They have been

Indian tance to drugs. India is witnessing a boom
health- of another kind that is a rapid growth in
care in- lifestyle related ailments like heart attacks
dustry is and diabetes. It is estimated that at least
poised for unprecedented growth. The 3-4% of India’s population suffers from
industry has never seen any downtrend, diabetes and a similar number with heart
and is expected to witness continuous related disorders. Combined with the
growth. There are many factors for this availability and affordability of related treat-
growth: ment, this shall fuel the growth to health-
care for many more years to come. Medi-
Large population: The population is cal insurance, currently not a very impor-
growing at the rate of 2 percent per annum tant factor, may give a huge growth impe-
and is a major factor. More people imply tus to the Indian healthcare industry. In
more healthcare requirements. next 3-5 years, insurance may bring cash-
Growing affluence and spending power: less transactions, as well as medical insur-
There are two kinds of healthcare spend- ance based diagnostic testing and hospi-
ing: discretionary spending and compul- talization to a large group of people. In the
sory spending. Discretionary spending will wake of liberalization, health insurance is
grow as the affluence grows and will lead projected to grow to $5.75 billion by 2010,
the growth of the healthcare industry according to a study by the New Delhi-
GDP Growth: The economy is booming. based PHD Chamber of Commerce and
Over the past four years, the GDP growth Industry.
rate has been over 8 percent on average, Outsourcing Opportunity: Healthcare
and is expected to remain between 6-7 outsourcing as expressed through pathol-
percent for the next 15 years as well. This ogy samples, tele-radiology, and clinical
means more money with the people and trials and by means of telemedicine will
even if one takes poor percolation, masses also be a significant factor driving the
having money to spend on discretionary growth of healthcare in India in the future.
healthcare needs. While outsourcing of pathology samples to
Affordability and availability of quality India has not met with a huge success so
healthcare: Increase in the number of far, the early successes of telemedicine
hospitals has ensured easy access to and clinical trials pioneers have led to
healthcare. This trend is specifically increased acceptance and proliferation of
brought by the private sector through such centres.
opening medi-cities and specialty health-
care centers. Several multi-specialty hos- Today there are approximately 120 tele-
pitals are coming up in metros that are medicine centres throughout India. The
attracting foreigners to come to India for Asian Heart Institute (AHI) is planning to
healthcare needs. The medical tourism establish 60 more telemedicine satellite
boom is around the corner, possibly in the centres across the interiors of Maharash-
next 3-5 years. tra. The government has also made a
Growing disease burden: Another factor major commitment to the growth of tele-
driving the growth of India’s healthcare medicine. The Indian Space Research
sector is a rise in both infectious and Organization (ISRO) plans to establish 100
chronic degenerative diseases. While telemedicine centres across the country.
ailments such as poliomyelitis, leprosy, ISRO has already connected 25 major
and neonatal tetanus will soon be elimi- hospitals in the mainland and plans to link
nated, some communicable diseases once at least 650 district hospitals by 2008. The
thought to be under control, such as den- government also is reducing import tariffs
gue fever, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, on infrastructure equipment. And while
malaria, and pneumonia, have returned in India has yet to pass legislation on tele-
force or have developed a stubborn resis- medicine related issues, the Ministry of

Indian Healthcare: Opportunities & Challenges
Information Technology has developed medical equipment, higher depreciation on another 8-10 years. As far as the numbers
“Recommended Guidelines & Standards life-saving medical equipment (40%, up are concerned, we will definitely not witness
for Practice of Telemedicine in India,” from 25%), and a number of other tax in- a sharp decrease in the number of laborato-
with the goal of standardizing digital com- centives. ries. Out of the 50,000 laboratories, around
munication in telemedicine. The Medical 30,000-35,000 should remain in the next 10
Council of India has formed committees to As of now India does not suffer from lack of years.
explore this and other legal aspects of tele- trained manpower in healthcare because
medicine. has a large number of medical colleges in There are five or six segments within this
public and private sector. Some of them are market, out of which biochemistry, hematol-
Similarly in clinical trials, Indian companies world class and their students are highly ogy, and immunology are the three main
have established themselves as reliable respected for their skills. However, quality segments. They comprise close to 90 per-
provider of quality services in lower strata of of medical education needs to improve cent of the overall pathology testing market.
the business namely bioequivalence based drastically if one wants good personnel to Biochemistry and hematology involve basic
trials and are inching their way up into high come out of these institutions. This is one testing and together form the bulk of total
end areas like phase 1, 2 and 3 trials. area where improvement is needed and testing. Immunology is set to double in size
appropriate steps shall be taken to plug the while the other two will continue at the exist-
Lastly, the public private partnership in deficiencies. ing growth rate. New areas like molecular
healthcare shall lead to availability of quality biology have a small base and are set to
healthcare to masses at affordable grow at an approximate rate of 30-35
price. Combined with spread of percent.
insurance (likely to be provided by
the government to the masses), this Conclusion
will fuel the growth of healthcare for
decades keeping in mind the huge The Indian healthcare sector can be
population. viewed as a glass half empty or a
glass half full. The challenges the
Technology and Skilled Man- sector faces are substantial, from the
power: “The enabling factors for need to improve physical infrastructure
Growth” India is largely advanta- to the necessity of providing health
geously placed on both accounts. insurance and ensuring the availability
of quality trained medical personnel.
As far as the availability of the latest medi- Diagnostic Services Business in India But the opportunities are equally compel-
cal equipment is concerned, India is at par ling, from a huge domestic market to lucra-
with its counterparts. Therefore, there are Widely regarded as the least glamorous tive outsourcing business. For companies
hardly any limitations or challenges. The part of the whole healthcare spectrum but that view the Indian healthcare sector as a
rebuilding of India’s healthcare infrastruc- holding tremendous potential, the Diagnos- glass half full, the potential is enormous.
ture, combined with the emergence of medi- tic testing business in India is still in unor-
cal tourism and telemedicine, will drive ganised sector and there are only three or
strong demand for medical equipment. four organized players in this business,
Leading international companies market controlling only around 10-12 percent of the
most high value medical equipment, while total diagnostic testing market. The balance
only consumables and disposable equip- 88 percent is still in the hands of individual Mr. Girish Mehta, President and SBU Head of
Wellspring, a fully owned subsidiary of Nicholas
ment are made locally. Many international small laboratories.
Piramal India Limited is a product of IIT Mumbai
companies have expanded their operations and IIM Kolkata. He has a rich experience of over
in the Indian market in recent years and There are close to 50,000 laboratories that 17 years in different industries. He started his
career in marketing, followed it by a long stint in
established manufacturing facilities to as- operate under their own rules and regula-
management consultancy and then took up the
semble equipment for the domestic market tions. In comparison to the developed coun- challenge of establishing Wellspring. He is cred-
and export sales. The competition is ex- tries, regulation is a major limitation in India. ited with establishing Wellspring as one of the
largest players in a short period of 4 years with
pected to intensify with the entry of more Other issues include varied pricing points turnover of more than 150 Crores.
global firms into the medical equipment and quality. The sector is witnessing
marketplace. The government is encourag- changes and is on a path of getting organ-
ing the growth of this market, through poli- ized. However, it would be fair to say that
cies such as a reduction in import duties on the current scenario would continue for


ssentially, the Stock markets globally are a casino, and to spot the right baskets to be in and then not ask questions. Intelli-
that is what makes it exciting and interesting for the gent analysis and rational thought are always useful companions in
public at large. All of us out here, need an adrenalin any market, but once you have placed your bet on the right stock,
boost and the clientele at the Indian Casino is growing very rapidly, give it a wide berth. More often than not the stock will climb to
with online trading and dedicated call centers being set up by In- valuation levels that will look absurd to you. Never mind, pat your-
dian brokerages to facilitate more and more participation. The self on the back, take credit for it and do not even think of fighting
market base is getting thicker and younger and we have witnessed the trend. Enjoy the profits and do not regret if you left the party a
new record volumes being set and beaten in the run up so far. bit too soon, it does not matter. Strange things happen in a bull
Some of our top honchos have made their way to the Forbes Top market so do not short what you do not understand. Just step
10 and India has finally stepped into the global boardroom, all aside respectfully if you do not have the heart to participate, you
geared to make its mark on the global economy. may not make money but you will not lose either. Try and identify
It has been a magnificent cruise for the BSE-30 Scrip Index what attracts you the most in this sizzling casino. Do not spend too
(Sensex) to 20000 level currently and as I write this article, I am much effort in identifying contrarian trades – things that do not
betting on the Sensex to at least double from the current levels by move. You may pick the odd winner, but chances are akin to bang-
2010. There may be occasional hiccups as it rises which is essen- ing your head against a wall. Also, do not rely on news or media.
tial for the market in its own way. We all might reason that nothing They will only comment on what is the current trend, and are mas-
much has changed in India yet, what makes the Sensex touch the ters at changing sides. By profession they can never be loyal to
20000 mark and still looking up? At first glance the Indian market what they say and mean. And most importantly, do not bet if you
appears expensively priced both on an absolute and relative basis, are afraid to lose and unable to trust your own instincts. If we have
to other emerging markets. Yet these static comparisons do not bet on own instincts, there is satisfaction in even losing, lot to learn
take into account the higher growth projected for the Indian econ- and nobody to blame. As individuals, the idea is to make money,
omy. With such a fast growing market, it is important to value the lose little, never to be the first in class. We are hardly fund manag-
future growth prospects. The Attitude and mindset of India has ers, only ordinary folks getting lucky from a bull run.
changed. Better industry prospects in the wake of the govern-
Abhishek Rajgarhia holds a bachelors degree in Chemical engineering
ment’s greater emphasis on accelerating infrastructure growth are from Thadomal Shahani Engg College in Mumbai. He has gained vast
the obvious explanations. There are a whole lot of things happen- business exposure through family enterprises comprising of manufactur-
ing and trading activities and is serving a telecom company as Network
ing in this direction such as development of SEZ’s, power projects,
Commercial. He is currently a student of EPGP at IIM Indore class of
privatization of projects related to infrastructure development are 2009.
the major ones and not to forget the financial reforms.
Here I would like to highlight some rules I believe for investing in a
bull run. It might be a dream come true for some wise investors,
while it must have been harrowing for some traders who were
trying to fight the roaring ticker. The thing to do in a bull market is

Prof. Ganesh Kumar Nidugala

Why can’t a country adopt fixed exchange rate system

(i.e., officially fix the exchange rate) or intervene in the
foreign exchange market to ensure stability of exchange
rate to moderate the impact of capital flows?

Capital Account Convertibility

India’s Dilemma
hy is capital account con- sudden capital outflows can cause steep capital flows. In absence of exchange rate
vertibility such a thorny issue changes in exchange rate putting the econ- guarantee of some sort, foreigners may not
for policy makers? Isn’t it omy out of gear for several years. be interested in investing capital for the fear
simple – foreign capital can boost invest- of losing their capital via the exchange rate
ment in the country and produce faster Why can’t a country adopt fixed exchange changes.
growth? Well, after all it is not that simple. rate system (i.e., officially fix the exchange
Like any medicine it has its side effects. rate) or intervene in the foreign exchange The impossible trinity says that all the three
When we say foreign capital it can take market to ensure stability of exchange rate things are not feasible. For instance, if a
different forms. One broad classification is to moderate the impact of capital flows? country liberalizes capital flows but wants to
based on the duration of the flows. Based This is where we have to understand Fren- have exchange rate stability, it has to give
on this you can have short-term flows and kel’s (1999)1 ‘principle of impossible trinity’. up its monetary policy independence.
long term flows. Under long-term flows we As per this principle a country can not have Why? As the central bank buys foreign
mainly have foreign direct investment (FDI). all the three choices – monetary policy inde- currency (due to excessive capital inflows)
FDI is considered to have smaller side ef- pendence, liberalized capital flows and to prevent the domestic currency from ap-
fects when compared to short-term capital exchange rate stability. preciating the domestic money supply rises.
flows. The short-term capital flows viz. capi- This can cause inflation. Similarly when
tal that goes into stock markets, bond mar- Developing countries ideally would like to capital starts to go out of the country, selling
kets or short-term loans can flow in easily have the benefit all three things –free capi- foreign currency to maintain exchange rate
but they can also flow out quickly. When tal flows, independent monetary policy, and stability can lead to fall in domestic money
expectation of devaluation of the local cur- exchange rate stability. Developing econo- supply. This can push up interest and throw
rency builds up, foreigners may suddenly mies which are growing fast or which intend the economy into recession. Thus, the cen-
pull out capital. Opening up for capital out- to grow fast need capital. Opening for capi- tral bank loses control on money supply or
flows for domestic residents adds another tal flows and prospect of growth attracts we can say it loses monetary policy inde-
dimension to the problem. When the local capital. The objective of faster growth also pendence.
currency is expected to depreciate, given necessitates independent monetary policy
the chance even the residents would like to so as to gear the interest rate and channel Another issue related to capital inflows is
take out capital and bring back later on credit to finance the growth. Exchange rate what is called as the possibility of ‘Dutch
when currency has been devalued. Who stability is deemed to be important for inflow Disease’. This problem was named after the
does not want to make a quick buck? Such of foreign capital, particularly, the portfolio problem Netherlands had to go through

Frenkel, Jeffrey (1999): No Single Currency Regime is Right for All Countries or at All Times, NBER Working Paper 7338

Capital Account Convertibility: India’s Dilemma
when it discovered significant oil reserves What has been India’s experience so far The appreciating rupee is beginning to
and exported oil and related products. The with freeing up capital flows? While the cause some sort of Dutch disease. Al-
resulting inflow of foreign exchange led to trinity (monetary policy flexibility, exchange ready, by the government’s own admission
appreciation of country’s currency. Appre- rate stability and openness to capital 20 lakh jobs may be lost in the export
ciation hurt the domestic manufacturing flows) cannot co-exist in their extreme sector (reported in leading Indian dailies)
sector. Even excessive capital inflows and form, Indian experience suggests that it is due to the recent appreciation of rupee.
resulting appreciation can also lead to the possible to have monetary policy flexibility Loss of jobs cannot be swept under the
same problem. with limited openness to capital flows and
some stability in exchange rates. The

India’s dilemma Reserve Bank of India ensures that volatil-

India implemented economic reforms since ity in exchange rate is not extreme while

1991. However, India retained control on the country allows restricted access to

capital flows, particularly the short-term foreign capital. Till a year ago, the capital

carpet in a democratic country like ours.

Considering the recent remarks made by
the govt. about the need to moderate capi-
tal flows, it is unlikely that full capital ac-
count convertibility is going to be imple-
mented any time soon. Should any of the
developing countries face another bout of
currency instability, the issue of capital
account convertibility will once again go
into the back burner. What is the most
likely scenario then? We might move to-

capital flows. Even the liberalization of inflows into India have not been significant wards greater openness to capital move-

foreign direct investment flows was imple- (around $5 billion p.a.) when compared to ments with authorities playing cat and

mented gradually. India was supposed to such flows into developing countries mouse game with the issue of capital ac-

implement capital account convertibility in (China for example gets $50 billion p.a.). count convertibility.

1999-2000 as per the earlier report of One of the reasons for this is of course

Tarapore committee report (1995). How- capital controls. Another reason could be Prof. Ganesh Kumar Nidugala is fac-
ulty in Economics Area. His work
ever, series of financial crises, including the fact that exchange rate variability intro-
experience includes teaching at
the Asian financial crises, made India put duced the element of risk for foreign inves- T.A.Pai Management Institute, Mani-
tors and Indian firms that would like to pal (1993-97), IIM Indore (1997-2001)
capital a/c convertibility on hold. Many
and Stansfield School of Business,
observers identified capital account con- access foreign capital and foreign firms
Singapore (2001-2007). He is a Fellow
vertibility as one of the prime causes of that want to invest in India. (Economics) of IIM Ahmedabad. He
was awarded with Ford Foundation
crisis in the emerging economies. Also, the Post Doctoral Fellowship in Econom-
signposts set out in the report such as Quite recently (2006-7) India has been ics (1996-97) under which he pursued
fiscal deficit and inflation, were not facing problems of huge amount of capital research and course work at Univ. of
Southern California, Los Angeles,
achieved. Now that India’s Balance of inflows and had to implement measures
Payment position looks healthier, once such as controls on P-note issues in order
to moderate capital flows. RBI’s rising He has published research papers in
again the issue of capital account converti-
Economic and Political Weekly, The
bility has taken the center stage aided by reserves (currently at over $260 billion) is
Indian Economic Journal, Indian Eco-
the recommendations of the new Tarapore an indication of the capital inflows into the nomic Panorama etc.

Committee report (2006). As per this re- country. The Rupee has appreciated by
His Areas of interest are: Macroeco-
port, the revised date line for implementing around 15% against the US$ over the past nomics, Monetary economics, Inter-
capital account convertibility is 2010-11. one year. In absence of the intervention by national trade and finance, Options
and futures.
the RBI things could have been worse.


Introduction down to masses? Are these measures It has been realised that there is a large
We know that India is a very large country adequate to solve our problems of poverty, section of population who are still left out
in terms of population and other diversi- unemployment, illiteracy and malnutrition? of the present economic growth process.
ties. Progress and prosperity of all the There is no doubt that the recent develop- This makes them stagnant and impover-
countrymen has always been a challenge ments have been able to improve the living ished. The only way to improve their lot is
for the policymakers in the Indian econ- standards of a particular section of society. to bring them into the economic main-
omy. In the last decade we have been able Hence, the present economic direction is stream. This will help them to grow at the
to achieve high growth potential in our beneficial to the country and our people. rate of economy. This can be achieved in
economy due to large scale liberalisation, But, it remains a fact that 70% of our popu- two ways. One of them is fiscal, in which
lation live in rural areas on a paltry income, the governments take various measures.

globalisation and technological break- 55% of our work force depends on farming The other one is monetary and credit

throughs. This has enabled us to ride on which is heavily dependent on erratic mon- measures. Reserve Bank of India, National

GDP growth rate of above 9%, BSE sen- soon, 28% of our population live below the Bank for Agricultural and Rural Develop-

sex sailing over 20000 mark, foreign ex- poverty line, 39% people in our country are ment, Small Industries Bank of India, Na-

change reserve above $230bn, large illiterate. We rank 126 in human develop- tional Housing Bank act as facilitators in

scale investment by foreign institutional ment index (HDI). 18% of our people do this sector. The commercial banks and

investors in equity and debt market and not have access to safe drinking water, cooperative banks, with more than 40,000

capital inflows by foreign direct investors. 10% of the work force is underemployed or branches spread all over the country and
unemployed makes us think of the innova- more than 500,000 employees in its mani-

But, have these developments trickled tion in the present scenario. fold, are the main players of the credit and
monetary policies.

Inclusive Banking

Role of the banks vide credit to needy farmers for pur- government has already incurred a
The banks play a major role in the econ- chase of agriculture inputs like high heavy cost on education, the banks
omy. They play the balancing act by taking variety seeds, fertilisers and irrigation. have nothing much to do except edu-
money as deposit from those who have To reduce the dependence of farmers cating them about the power of knowl-
surplus to be lent for productive purpose or on monsoon, farmers should be en- edge. The banks should encourage
to raise standard of living. Hence the banks couraged to use micro-lift water irriga- establishment of a well furnished
can help inclusion of people in the eco- tion and rain-water harvesting tech- health clinic for treatment of diseases,
nomic mainstream in the following way. niques. Mechanisation of farming maternity health and family planning
1) Saving habit: - At present the poor activities should be encouraged by awareness among the poor. Voca-
expend what they earn or put their banks by providing credit facilities for tional training and training for use of
money with someone who seldom purchase of tractor, power tiller, culti- information technology to the edu-
elope the money. The banks can in- vator, leveler, thrasher, etc. The banks cated poor youth to cater the skill
culcate saving habit among the poor should arrange for procurement of requirement to corporate and entre-
households by opening their accounts high yield variety cattle, cattle feed, preneurial development can be sup-
at zero or very small balance. This poultry, fish prone etc. ported and financed by the banks.
way people are able to park their 5) Non farm sector development: - 7) Marketing and linkage: - The banks
money securely and meet their future Rural and urban artisans should be should provide adequate support to
exigencies. The banks can do this by encouraged for establishment for establish linkage of farming products
adopting the villages in rural areas village and cottage industries and and artisans’ product to be sold at
and clusters in urban areas. credit can be provided to them for remunerative price. Development of a
2) Change in attitude: - The banks must purchase of equipments and other well established rural ‘haats’ is neces-
perceive the poor as a creditable lot. inputs. Establishment of food- sary for the buyer and seller of the
We are aware that the poor take processing industries will help the area so that the people are able get
money from moneylenders at hefty farmers to grow cash crops like sugar- things of need at affordable cost and
rate of interest and repay them at any cane, oilseeds etc. Educated youths the sellers get remunerative price of
cost. If they can be creditable at such should be encouraged to take on their products in their vicinity.
a high rate of interest then they can entrepreneurial ventures individually 8) Encouraging manufacturing: -
easily repay the loan to the bank. or in a group. Formation of self help Banks should encourage establish-
Hence, the banks should feel free to group (SHG) of poor, particularly ment of industry and manufacturing
lend to the poor for production as well women should be encouraged and units to absorb the surplus labour in
as consumption. credited for their productive activity. the rural and urban sector. The small
3) Agriculture development: - The 6) Education and health: - Since the scale industries and the medium scale
banks should encourage agriculture
graduates to establish agri-clinics in
rural areas, so that the farm-
ers are able have correct To the corporate
To the society To the Bank
knowledge of the quality of
soil of their land and get Increase in consumer base for
Poverty Alleviation Increase in business
goods and services due
proper consultancy regarding
crop production. The banks
Increase in productions and
Employment generation Increase in profit
should lend to agriculturists sales
for purchase of up-to-date
equipments for soil testing, Rise in standard of living Fulfillment of social objective Increase in profit
vermi-culture etc. The banks
should encourage veterinary
Increase in productivity of labor,
doctors to establish clinics for as more people are taken into Customer loyalty Availability of skilled manpower
treatment of cattle and con- economic mainstream
sultancy regarding up-
Fulfillment of corporate social
keeping of cattle. Literacy Fulfillment of social goals
4) Provision of inputs to farm-
ers: - The banks should pro- Better civic amenities

Inclusive Banking

industries are best suited for employ- Micro Finance institutions:- The banks
ment generation. can act through micro finance institutions
operating in the area. These institutions act Mr. Rajeev Nayan is a practicing banker. He has
been associated with Central Bank of India for
Channels of banking services as bridge between banks and people re-
over 15 years. He is B.Sc.(Honours) in Electron-
The banks can serve the far flanged areas mote areas by providing the credits they ics from Magadh University, Bodh Gaya and
receive from banks to poor at some margin. CAIIB from Indian Institute of Banking and Fi-
through the following means:-
nance. Currently he is pursuing Executive Post
Through branches: - The nationalised Graduate Programme in Management at Indian
banks, the regional rural banks and the Conclusion Institute of Management, Indore.

cooperative banks have already opened Thus we conclude that if India has to sus-
their branches in the remote areas. They tain a high GDP growth of above 9% for the
need only train their personnel for social next decade inclusion of large masses into
sensitisation and inclusive banking. economic mainstream is necessary.
Mobile ATMs:- Banks can use the services This inclusion not only raises the output but
of mobile ATMs for their reach to rural ar- also improves the socio economic indica-
eas. Biometric ATMs, which uses finger tors like literacy, awareness, health and
prints, retinal movements for identification standard of living which will keep us on
for the customers are best suitable for high HDI. The banks can play a major role
these areas. in achievement of the inclusion process.

In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. Look
SHARE MARKET at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I
Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced will sell them to you at Rs35 and when the man returns from the
to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for Rs10. The villag- city, you can sell it to him for Rs50."
ers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to The villagers squeezed up with all their savings and bought all
the forest and started catching them. the monkeys.
The man bought thousands at Rs10 and as supply started to Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys
diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced everywhere!!!
that he would
now buy at
Rs20. This re-
newed the ef-
forts of the vil-
lagers and they
started catching
monkeys again.
Soon the supply
diminished even
further and peo-
ple started going
back to their
farms. The offer
rate increased to
Rs25 and the
supply of mon-
keys became so
little that it was
an effort to even
see a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at Rs50!
However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his
Welcome to the "SHARE" Market!!!!!
assistant would now buy on behalf of him.


E n e r g y S e c u r i t y

could feel the heat of the oil and Iran, and terrorist attacks in Saudi as it is taking longer to find new reserves
literally as well as figuratively Arabia have all contributed to the unreal and costing more to exploit what can be
on the sight of French Fries escalation in oil prices. Mindful of these extracted.
dancing in hot, boiling oil at the myriad of factors, the IMF did not hesitate
Mc Donalds. Oil governs the voting power, to call the energy situation a state of OPEC has clearly signaled that they are
currency fluctuation, the government “permanent oil shock”. happy keeping prices at historically high
budget, the FDI and the energy sector. levels provided economic growth is not
DCF has shown that global equity markets choked. Many countries within and outside
With the advent of Gulf War, Oil publicly have valued the oil sector at anywhere OPEC are finding it politically impossible to
became the most significant eco-political from $30 to $40 per barrel up from $18/ turn on the production as concern for the
factor for all the national economies. It barrel not too long ago. This means that future outweigh the short term economic
seemed to be going even more powerful the upstream, midstream and downstream gain. Thus the notion that supply can keep
than religion till the deadly September 11. industries have adjusted prices upwards up with demand is no longer a reasonable
The Oil Ministry had become the hottest for acquisitions. assumption.
portfolio for any government. However,
ultimately the axe fell on consumer on In 2005, India signed a long term agree- Unless the global economy stalls or alter-
various oil and related products. The sub- ment for LNG with Iran at prices in excess nate energy sources are brought on
sidized oil products became a white ele- of 40% than what Iran offered a few stream, the ridiculously high price in oil is
phant for the public sector Oil refining & months earlier. These trends clearly show here to stay.
distribution companies. that these are not mere blips on the price
radar screen; they are indicative of a mam-
Oil is hovering at close to $100/ moth structural shift in the energy sector. If Dr. Shiv Kumar is a B-tech from BITS Pilani,
PGL from Harvard and PHD in Chemical Engi-
barrel.Since 2004; the energy sector has the present rate of economic boom contin-
neering. He has an experience of more than 25
entered a new watershed era where the ues, then the daily requirement for oil or oil years. He is presently the Sr. Vice President for
mismatch between supply and demand is equivalents is expected to be somewhere Global Sales for Tyco Thermal Controls (TTC) a
part of an USD 18Bn Tyco International. He has
real and widening. Botched US policy in north of 150 million barrels per day. The
been associated with TTC for more than 20
the Middle East, increasing demand from present capacity with no slack is around years and operates from Houston, US.
China and India, political tension in oil 95million barrels per day. This mismatch
exporting countries like Nigeria, Venezuela does not forebode well for future oil prices

“Intellectual Property - ideas and the people who generate them - is the new coin of the realm, with innovative
capacity the key driver of future economic growth, productivity gains and wealth creation.” Bruce P. Mehlman.

ow nations create wealth is A strong Intellectual Property regime not only intellectual property protection environment
changing. And while it may still encourages the local talent and channelizes creates investment friendly conditions, which
take years before we find any resources, but also helps in getting foreign in turn promotes R & D.
replacement for oil, the impact of innovation investment in cutting edge areas, thereby
on our society is already profound and unmis- helping the country to compete successfully in Needless to say, the country having a very
takable. So profound that in today’s world the world markets. This is especially true in high strong IP regime attracts maximum invest-
health of a country’s economy can be gauged technology area, where investment is required ment from foreign and local investors. The US
not only from parameters such as GDP, Pur- in development of new technologies and prod- is able to attract large investment in R & D
chasing power parity and the likes but also ucts. because it enjoys a very good Intellectual
from the two parameters related to intellectual property climate see (Fig.1).
Property. These are the strength of the Intel- The main motivation for investment in R & D is
lectual Property Laws existing and the number to realize profits and promote newer technolo-
In fact in the US, many Indians have made
of patents filed in the country. gies to capture the market. A strong national
millions of dollars because of the friendly IP

Intellectual Property: India’s Key to Survive

regime which has been existing there. tremely high. But this success of Indians is that local companies are unwilling to invest
That is why we hear of persons like Kan- restricted to Silicon Valley only; Indians in in R & D when there is a significant
wal Rekhi of Exclean, Jagdeep Singh of India played second fiddle to their counter- amount of software piracy. Even in the US,
Infinera, Sabeer Bhatia of Hotmail fame parts in California and could get less bene- where the IP regime is quite good as com-
and host of others. Jagdeep Singh fits of IT revolution. pared to other parts of the world, it takes
founded two Networking companies Air- 2-3 years for an IT company to realize
Soft and Lightera Networks; he sold them Weak Indian IP Laws is one of the reasons profit after it launches new products. This
both for $ 625 million, then teamed up with why we do not have too many inventors, shows that piracy has a chilling effect on
Drew Perkins and David Welch and devel- but a tremendous intellect power. We have the fortunes of a startup company. The
oped the world’s first integrated photonic nobody to blame but our weak Intellectual situation is worse in other parts of the
circuit, which has revolutionized the way Property Laws. world.
light behaves in Optical Communication
Networks. He attracted investment to the Intellectual property becomes important According to Prof. Mansfield who is a lead-
tune of US $ 90 million because the poten- especially for small firms investing into ing authority on the economics of techno-
tial of the technology developed was ex- newer technologies. It has been observed logical innovation and economic develop-

Intellectual Property: India’s Key to Survive

ment, stronger Intellectual Property rights also shows the strength of a company. then India’s vast technical and scientific
not only goes had in glove with economic Large global corporations like IBM, Canon, manpower can help it to become a global
development and rising incomes, but is a Mitsubishi, Sony Fujitsu, invests heavily center in R & D and the next technology
direct and important determinant of the into developing and patenting their prod- revolution will happen right next to our
willingness for foreign capital to enter local ucts and make big bucks by selling off the door in India.
markets. In fact if India had the proper technology or the services.
Intellectual Property Laws, perhaps it Deepak Chauhan holds a bachelors de-
gree in Electronics & Communication
would be the holder of the largest Intellec- As we sit on another slow down in world
engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia in
tual Property and a more prospering na- economies, its time to rethink and realign New Delhi and post graduate certificate
tion. strategy and focus on product develop- in management from IIM Calcutta. He has
over 9 years of experience in manage-
ment. The Indian companies should focus
ment and business consulting, helping
According to a leading IP firm, if the US on development and enhance their patent organizations design and re engineer
level of IP protection exists a product will portfolio to earn profits in coming future processes for business continuity and
accelerated growth. He is currently a
be approved, developed and launched as and this is the right time to look inward and student of EPGP at IIM Indore class of
per schedule, but if the level of IP protec- re-strategise. 2009.

tion is that of China (Fig.1), then it will take

80 % more time to be launched. This The 21st century will no doubt be defined
clearly shows that piracy rates keep the by nation’s ability to innovate and harness
technology away from the market. the power as this is directly going to affect
their national prosperity and global influ-
Apart from pulling resources IP portfolio ence. If India adopts a good IP regime,

∗ "I think there is a world market for maybe five

Union internal memo, 1876

computers." -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, ∗ "The wireless music box has no imaginable commer-

1943 cial value. Who would pay for a message sent to no-

∗ "Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5

body in particular?" -- David Sarnoff's associates in

response to his urgings for investment in the radio in

tons." -- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relent-
the 1920's
less march of science, 1949

∗ " I have travelled the length and breadth of this coun-

∗ " The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in

order to earn better than a 'C,' the idea must be feasi-

try and talked with the best people, and I can assure
ble." -- A Yale University management professor in
you that data processing is a fad that won't last the
response to Fred Smith's paper proposing reliable
year." -- The editor in charge of business books for
overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found
prentice Hall, 1957
Federal Express Corp.)
∗ "But what it good for?'-- Engineer at the Ad-
∗ "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." --
vanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,
Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895
commenting on the microchip

∗ "There is no reason anyone would want a computer

∗ "Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military

value." -- Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of

in their home." -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and
Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre
founder of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977

∗ "This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be

∗ "Everything that can be invented has been invented."

-- Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Pat-

seriously considered as a means of communication.
ents, 1899
The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western

Designed by Ibis Associates

Are you the right type of group or individual to develop a business?

This quiz is designed to show you the range of qualities which research on successful businesses shows are necessary to be an effective en-
trepreneur. Entrepreneurs require different skills at different stages of the business; this is why groups have more success than the lone individ-
So, if you are a group, answer it as a group; if an individual as an individual.
Do be honest. It is only worthwhile if honestly answered. Get a friend or someone else objective to answer it - we don't want to be responsible
for the break up of relationships! If you are answering as a group, get an outsider who knows you all to answer.
Don't think that this is the final answer. It is only a broad guideline, and designed to raise more questions than it answers. All types of individu-
als and concepts succeed against apparently insurmountable obstacles - as long as you are aware of them, this quiz will have fulfilled its pur-
The right person is only one element in the mix of the successful business. The right people have to have the right idea, and the right plan. This
quiz is no substitute for the detailed planning which must be completed next. Start up businesses require a lot of planning and thought to get
them right - don't skimp on it.

Strongly Strongly
Question Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

Can you accept a high level of uncertainty in your working day?

Can you easily cope with disappointment?

Can you sell?

Do you have hands on experience of managing budgets?

Do you have hands on experience of managing projects to time & budget?

Are you happy to work long hours?

Can you work without a large income in discomfort?

Are you ambitious to create your own future?

Will you listen to advice from anybody?

Have a supportive networks of friends, family and expert advisors?

Are you forward looking?

Do you like dealing with new ideas?

Do you take decisions easily?

Do you find it easy to work with other people?

Do you find that you can keep detailed records?

Do you delegate easily?

Do you like the details of monitoring progress?

Can you manage meetings well?

For strongly agree: Give 10 marks.
Food For Thought
For agree: Give 6 marks.
For neutral: Give 4 marks.
For disagree: Give 2 marks.
For strongly disagree: Give 0 marks.

Score 180: You and your group are
too perfect! Get someone else to
analyse your strengths and weak-
Score 110-178. You and your group
have the mix of the right qualities to
become and entrepreneur. But re-
member that this is only the start of a
long and difficult journey. You must
have the right idea – check out the
business concept quiz, and the right
plan – which Business Plan Pro will
give you – and then the right monitor-
ing system for when the business
plan is established
Score 82-110: You have many of the
right qualities to become an entrepre-
neur, but there are gaps which need
strengthening. Think about building a
team to help you achieve the balance
of attitudes and skills that you need
in an effective business.
Score 36- 80: Becoming an entrepre- ACROSS DOWN
neur is probably not for you. Sit back 3 Grow weak and thin or waste away physi- 1 A hidden storage space for weapons or
and think about the demands that it cally. ammunitions.
will place upon you and your family. 7 A monument constructed to honour war 2 Edible bulb of an onion plant.
dead soldiers. 4 Of a moderate purple colour.
8 Malicious burning or destroying of property. 5 Adolf Hitler's German name.
10 The writing point of a pen. 6 Deprive of necessity and cause suffering.
13 The second largest of Jupiter's satellite. 9 A selfish person unwilling to give or spend.
14 A colourless liquid used in perfumery 11 An expanse of scenery which can be seen
Anagram of enroll. in a single view.
15 Perform without preparation. 12 The outer and thinner of the two bones of
19 A quiet lull song intended to make child go the human leg between the knee and the
to sleep. ankle.
21 The capital of Honduras. 16 An iron that was heated by putting it on
22 A chamber in which piston moves. stove.
23 An Example regarded as typical of its 17 A spring flowering shrub or small tree of
class. A bit of tissue or blood or urine taken the genus crategeus.
for diagnostic purposes. 18 The condition of being unable to speak.
24 One of Santa's reindeer with shiny red 20 To growl of snarl as a dog does.

Prof. Abha Chatterjee

The Lost Horizon

ommunication changes across peo- airplanes. Or everywhere where there are peo-
ple, climes and culture. It has recently ple close enough in order to hear what one is
been strongly impacted by technol- saying.
ogy. Then, how can we keep abreast of the
changing ways in which we are expected to This is true for all written communication as well
communicate – are there some universals or do – not just the oral. It is hard to imagine writing to
we change our style and manner according to one’s peer in all capitals (equivalent to shouting
the person we are communicating with? verbally) just because the “caps lock” got
unlocked and because one finds it expedient to
By no means can we totally change ourselves send off the email without taking the trouble to
like chameleons each time we communicate… redo it.
can you imagine how many personalities we
would have to become each day or even each Similarly, is there a correct way to greet an ac-
moment? quaintance when one is no longer a part of the
team that was, an office colleague who is now in
We shall focus here, on one aspect that could another department? I have often wondered
be universal yet changing…courtesy and polite- whether it is too much of an effort to greet an-
ness, an essential part of any good communica- other person? Both non-verbal and verbal greet-
tion. We may ask ourselves why in this century ings can be brief but sincere. It is awkward to
we should be concerned with what was polite just pass by and avoid eye contact.
and is no longer so, or what was accepted as a
norm of behaviour (opening of doors for ladies) Apparently, the survey of 35 cities in 2006
is now perceived as a western import in India - showed that Asians in general were less polite
of doubtful vintage. and Mumbaikars in particular, were the least
courteous. There were responses to this pro-
Of course, it could be true to a certain extent, testing that the three tests set were “western” in
given that more women are at the workplace their criteria. To avoid cross-cultural blunders
and consider themselves equal in every way. and to practice polite behaviour in any age or in
Opening of doors though, could be something any given situation the rule of thumb could be to
anyone could do if another person is laden with behave naturally and put the other person first.
things or even just behind one, when one is This is the simplest definition of courtesy -
entering through a door. It may not be limited to across time and boundaries.
gender at all in this day and time. It indicates a
courteous attitude, nevertheless, appreciated by
Prof. Abha Chatterjee is faculty in the area of General
all. Management. She teaches Business Communication
and Business Ethics. She has international as well as
national research publications in refereed journals such
If we take the cell phone and its usage in public
as International Journal of Ethics, Teaching Business
places we are bound to be surprised at how it Ethics and IJTD. Her research interests are in the
has changed every place and situation. If tele- domain of cross-cultural studies. She regularly con-
ducts Management Development Programmes and in-
phone etiquette exists then it should demand company training programmes in Managerial Commu-
that the usage be limited to professional and nication and Business Ethics.

short conversations - in lifts, staircases and

tart Playing Sudoku, if you nal grid has some of the squares filled with center. Again, you need to make sure what
want to become a manager. the digits from 1 to 9 and the goal is to com- you do align with what other teams (both in
Neither this is a marketing ploy plete the grid so that every row, column and higher management and lower manage-
nor a gimmick; it is a fact which outlined 3 x 3 sub-grid contains each of the ment) do which means the four blocks at
all the budding CEOs and managers should digits exactly once. A valid puzzle admits the four corners (2 TOP CORNER GREY
know. exactly one solution. BLOCKS AND THE 2 BOTTOM CORNER
Well the general opinion about the game - As you play this game, making strategies to
"Oh it is just a fashion”, "Impress people fill those blocks, you will find an association Each number in Sudoku belongs to a slot in
around you", "It’s just filling up some empty between Sudoku and management. Picture the block, and similarly each member
boxes with digits, so nothing really great it like this - the central block (BLUE BLOCK) (number) in the team needs to know what
about it”. But that is what this article is represents the team you are managing in their responsibility (slot) is. There are also
about, to show you the hidden qualities of your organization. others associations - such as the need to
this game. I am sure after reading this arti- rethink strategy and move resources
cle, the very perspective about this game For assumption purpose, place yourself in (numbers) around etc
will change. the role of a middle level manager. Upper
center block (WHITE BLOCK) represents The very fact that Sudoku has a unique
Let’s recap of what we already know about the management team that you report to solution, the player is focused about the
this game and a brief intro for those people and the lower center one (DARK GREEN objective. Similarly in an organization the
who are planning to work out their grey cells BLOCK) represents the team that report to managers should have clarity on the organi-
in Sudoku. you. Just like the numbers in Sudoku need zation’s mission, vision and values. Once
to align vertically and horizontally, you and the manager is clear about them, he can
Well, Sudoku itself is believed to be an your team need to ensure that enterprise easily motivate his team to achieve the
abbreviation of a Japanese phrase “Suji wa strategy aligns up and down the manage- objectives.
dokushinsha ni kagiru” meaning “the digits ment chain, and that members of your team
must remain single”. So Sudoku or Su Doku work toward executing the strategy. Your This puzzle teaches us that as managers,
was a safer bet! Basically, the name refers team also needs to coordinate with peer we should not take non-calculative risks.
to the fact that only of each digit can occur teams and this would be the two other hori- There is only one place for any number in
in each row, column or 3 x 3 box. The origi- zontal blocks (LIGHT BLUE BLOCKS) in the that puzzle. Though two or three options/

Sudoku Manager
locations will be available, you have to do a erroneous numbers will be derived from the
lot of permutations and combinations in first. Erroneous numbers will be consistent 2. Think – Sudoku is a logic based game
logical thinking to get the correct place for with one another, creating a false confi- that requires that the player use local rea-
that number. This is also true with real life dence that all is well. Only at the very end soning. Life is the same way. Use logical
situations. Before taking any speculative will it become obvious that a mistake was reasoning in your approach to management
risk in business, analyze those risks thor- made. If a mistake is found, it may be nec- and business problems. There is always an
oughly and then reach a solution. You se- essary to start over, re-verifying every num- answer.
lect a number, which may look correct, be- ber. The analysis of failure in business sce-
cause of another logic leading to that space. narios must comply with a more complex 3. Beware of illusions – Things are not

But if the logic itself is wrong, you must be reality, and one error may lead to erroneous always what they seem and Sudoku

prepared to change your mindset (in this conclusions. The mistake may not be obvi- teaches this in the simplest of ways. This is
not a game that requires math
however it “looks” like it is a
math inspired game. Things are
not always what they seem to

4. Look ahead – In Sudoku part

of the game is to try and deter-
mine where the future numbers
will go. In an organization we
should plan for the future and
plan ahead so that we meet our
targets in time.

5. Remember where you came

from – Backtracking is a huge
part of the game of Sudoku. If
you don’t know which numbers
you have placed, you can’t
move on. It is the same way in
business too. If you don’t know

case, the logic itself) and erase the number ous, even at the very end. So be careful where you have come from, you will not be

to move to its original location. In the same with each step. Avoid reading unwarranted able to determine where you are headed to.

way, if the manager’s ideas and thoughts significance into an observation that sup-
6. Sometimes you have to scan the hori-
are not fetching desired results in the de- ports a desired output. On the other hand,
zon – Scanning in Sudoku is done for a
sired time frame, he should not hesitate to do not discount an observation that does
simple reason, you must know the lay of the
change his methodology to reach the goal. not fit an otherwise satisfying conclusion.
land. In day to day activity of a manager,
The Managers learn flexibility from this. Trust that all the facts will fit and make
you also have to “scan” before making a
We are human beings and we are bound to sense when the problem is understood.
move so that you know what you are deal-
do some mistakes .As a manager there are
ing with. In the simplest of terms, look be-
times when we commit mistakes and fail in Finally a manager needs a drill down on the
fore you leap.
achieving the desired targets/ goals. So it is group of lessons that Sudoku teaches and
very important that a manager does a fail- which can be applied to every day life and So what are you all managers waiting for,
ure analysis and makes sure that from next how we should be living it. start “Sudokuing” and sharpen your man-
time onwards he will not commit the same agement skills.
mistake. To quote Akio Morita, the co- 1. Accept the challenge in your business
– Sudoku is one of those games that refuse Riddhi Chakravorty holds a bachelors degree in
founder of Sony Corporation – “Don’t be
Mechanical engineering from R.V.College of Engi-
afraid to make a mistake. But make sure to be ignored. It lures you in and then does-
neering, Bangalore. He has over 5 years of experi-
you don't make the same mistake twice”. In n’t let go. It is exciting and you do not give ence in Global IT projects with expertise in ERP
up until you have cracked the solution. So consulting, managing clients and custom software
Sudoku, a square filled in incorrectly will go
development. He is a 6 Sigma Green belt certified
unnoticed. The process will continue nicely, the first lesson Sudoku teaches is to accept
professional. He is currently a student of EPGP at
happily building on false information. More the challenge. IIM Indore class of 2009.



Clearly state the approach that needs to productivity, innovation and revenue
hak De! Just a few months ago be followed to realize the vision. achievements. You're operating at such a
these two words entered our Communicate- The “Why” & “Benefits” of high level of efficiency that you're giving
psyche as being synonymous with war cry. the direction budget back to the corporation - and
The movie just shows how, SRK, trans- Make the team understand why we have you're still beating your goals.
formed a bunch of girls, who were playing taken a certain approach out of the possi- You're achieving what you always
in their individual silos and looking for ble alternatives. What are the pros & dreamed could be achieved. And not only
personal glory, into winners. In fact, Chak cons ? Enroll and engage in conversation that, but it's actually easier than you
De has become a popular slogan for moti- and communication. Sit back. Listen. Take thought. Because the classic command
vating and exhorting people, be it in corpo- in as much as you can. Look for trends and control management model - which,
rate boardrooms, sports or any other in- and themes. Find out where the possibili- contrary to popular belief still applies even
dustry. Chak De is the new management ties are - the connects and disconnects in our most progressive 21st century com-
mantra. that you can effect. panies - is no longer in play. Sure, controls
The role SRK played in this movie epito- Objectives & Goals- How much, by when are in place. Sure, you're solving problems
mizes “Leadership” for me. Define the qualitative and quantitative that arise.
To put it formally, Leadership may be de- objectives and goals. Make sure you set But it's not just you alone. You have the
fined as: realistic goals and keep raising the bar people in whom you've put your trust - and
who have happily and safely
reciprocated - to help you create
organizational success.
How to be a good leader?
It’s pretty simple if you think
through the answers to following
Q: How do you become a
great cricketer a.k.a Sachin
Q: How do you become a
great designer/developer/
Q: How do you become a
great parent?

So, let me ask again, how do

you become a great Leader?
“The ability of an individual to influence, higher over time. Put in enough checks You guessed it, Practice. Just practice
motivate and enable others to contribute and balances to keep you on track. great Leadership, day in, day out, over a
towards the success of the organization." Team Work sustained period of time! Well, unfortu-
So what do Leaders do? Leaders help in To achieve all of the above you need a nately that’s the truth. The world is yet to
defining the following: team. Whether the group you oversee is see a magic pill for developing leadership
Vision - What Success Looks Like called employees, associates, co-workers, skills. It’s an arduous task which needs to
Define the vision, the dream that you set teammates or anything else, what they are be practiced every day.
out to achieve. It’s important to get a “buy looking for is someone in whom they can However, the following Leadership frame-
in” from all the stake holder's. This comes place their trust. Someone they know is work (Be, Know, Do) does help to under-
from conviction, a strong belief in your working for the greater good - for them and stand the attributes of a leader.
abilities, a desire to succeed come what for the organization. BE KNOW DO
may. And the way you see it is that your organi- 1. BE a professional. Examples: Be
Direction – Show the way zation is transcending all previous quality, loyal to the organization, perform


selfless service, and take personal cious of tradition. They seek out the truth how does a company become better
responsibility. and make decisions based on fact, not known with limited resources? By becom-
2. BE a professional who possess prejudice. They have a preference for ing an industry thought leader.
good character traits. Examples: innovation." Summary
Honesty, competence, commitment, The table below summarizes some of the Great leaders are instrumental in shaping
integrity, courage. traits associated with Leaders and Man- the destiny of a team, an organization or
3. KNOW your self. Examples: agers. a country. History is replete with facts on
strengths and weakness of your Thought Leadership how the influence of few super leaders
character, knowledge, and skills. Before I wrap this up, I must touch upon changed the world around us. Good lead-
4. KNOW human nature. Examples: the subject of “Thought Leadership”. This ers are made not born. If you have the
Human needs, emotions, and how is much talked about today and in fact, is desire and willpower, you can become an
people respond to stress. a discipline in its own right. Thought effective leader. Good leaders develop
5. KNOW your job. Examples: be profi- leader is used to describe a futurist- a through a never ending process of self-
cient and be able to study, education, training,
train others in their Leading Managing and experience. The best
tasks. way to learn to lead is to
6. KNOW your organiza- Moving between paradigms Working within a paradigm do it. There’s a leader
tion. Examples: where within all of us. It’s time we
to go for help, its Doing right things Doing things right discover it.
culture, who the unof- C’mon be a leader. Chak
ficial leaders are. Creating improvement Managing processes De!

7. DO provide direction.
Creating leaders & develop-
Examples: goal set- Focus on control
ing people
ting, problem solving,
decision making, Breaking rules Making rules
8. DO implement. Exam- Taking risks Minimizing risks
ples: communicating,
coordinating, supervising, evaluat- person who is recognized by everyone for
ing. the innovative ideas which have a deep
9. DO motivate. Examples: develop impact on the work in hand or the industry
team spirit, train, coach, counsel. at large. Thought leadership is an in-
creasingly vital driver of business suc- Sameer Tikoo is an accomplished telecom
software professional with over 12 years of
Leading vs. Managing cess. Its aim is to engage people with
expertise in Software Testing. He is currently
Most of the differences related to Man- companies through innovative ideas. A working with GENBAND (formerly Baypackets
agement and Leadership arise out of the distinguishing characteristic of a thought Technologies) as Senior Engineering Manager.
At GENBAND, he is responsible for building the
different perspectives. Managers think leader is "the recognition from the outside
systems test group and establishing test proc-
incrementally, while leaders think radi- world that the company deeply under- esses and practices. He provides leadership to
cally. "Managers do things right, while stands its business, the needs of its cus- the System Test group in testing of NextGen
telecom products in VoIP, NGIN and IMS do-
leaders do the right thing." This means tomers, and the broader marketplace in main. Prior to GENBAND, Sameer worked with
that managers do things by the book and which it operates.” Hughes Software Systems and Bharti Airtel.
Sameer holds a Bachelor of Engineering (E&C)
follow company policy, while leaders Thought leadership can be really effective
degree from Karnatak University. He is currently
follow their own intuition, which may in for small companies. Small companies a student of EPGP at IIM Indore class of 2009.
turn be of more benefit to the company. A have to work hard to get visibility, espe-
leader is more emotional than a man- cially when the market is crowded with
ager . "Men are governed by their emo- competitors all vying for the same busi-
tions rather than their intelligence" . This ness. In high tech they face the added
quotation illustrates why teams choose to dilemma that big companies don’t want to
follow leaders. buy from a small unknown vendor, and
"Leaders stand out by being different. the vendor can’t become large and repu-
They question assumption and are suspi- table unless it has major customers. So,


Crisis Unites

Peace Fosters

D issent and dissension are the forays of minds when the element of existential stake is absent. Whenever the existential identity
of humanity is put to stake, it has an uncanny ability to muster up an invincible unity and put to rest the gravest of dangers and peril. His-
tory is eloquent in its testimony that whenever the citadel of human existence is apprehended to be crumbling, humanity brings itself forth
as one, undivided and resolute, and the might that conjures out of such unison spawns forth new and visible ideas to a way out of the
streak of crisis and catastrophe, of gloom and doom.
It therefore, may seem paradoxical that crisis unites and peace tends to foster disunity. However, that peace tends to disunity is not ex-
actly an apt conjecture; on the contrary, it breeds exoticism. Crisis leads to focused but restricted evolution and impinges lessons out of
necessity; there is little scope for difference of opinions on account of time crunch and all discordant notes are crushed. Peace, however,
is all embracing; it heeds to opinions and suggestions from all quarters. Thus peace, even though seemingly discordant, is more accom-
modative and really representative of all opinions. It is much like democracy where every voice is heard and every head counts.
The prime difference between peace and crisis is not the qualities they impart to humanity in form of unity or discord; the dichotomy really
lies in the way a change is affected. Crisis is precipitate while peace is gradual in affecting a change. The gradual path of peace is
marked by dissent and arguments, which culls out the best from differing opinions and enriches in a more wholesome way. This might be
apparent as discord but is in fact plurality. It is this plurality in thoughts, opinions, culture, religion and society that every nation covets and
which can only be visible during the reign of peace.
Together, therefore, both peace and crisis yield the broad incentive to the human race to evolve and progress, the hallmark of life.

Niraj Mohan works as software consultant with Infosys Technologies in Bangalore. He holds a degree in engineering from Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of
Information and Communication Technology, Gandhi Nagar. A prolific writer he has won many awards for writing including the President of India’s Gold Medal
for Essay writing in 2001.He can be reached at

customer relationship management (CRM) sys- Internet.
tem, by its simplest definition is a process to Erlang B is a modeling formula that is widely used in call center
compile information that increases understanding scheduling.
of how to manage an organization’s relationships Personalization is the process of tailoring Web pages to individual
with its customers. In this simple a CRM system users' characteristics or preferences to enhance customer service or
consists of two dimensions, analysis and action. e-commerce sales.
The market for customer relationship management (CRM) Predictive analytics is the branch of data mining concerned with the
solutions has changed significantly during 2006-2007. Consolidation prediction of future probabilities and trends.
of leading CRM vendors intensified competition from well-capitalized Second Life is a 3D virtual world where residents can design and
business applications players, and the rise of new software-as-a- build residences on land that they own or rent from either Linden
service (SaaS) deployment options ( mean enter- Labs or other residents.
prises must rethink their CRM solution strategy. Enterprises will Speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to recog-
continue to make significant investments to improve their customer- nize and carry out voice commands or take dictation.
facing capabilities. However, the need to extract additional value *(ISM is a major CRM consultancy firm based in Bethesda, MD).
from past expenditures and a lack of game-changing innovations Vendors are listed alphabetically
from vendors will result in moderate market growth.
There are some familiar names in Forrester Research Inc.'s latest
Let us get some acquainted with a few buzzwords in CRM: - rankings of enterprise CRM suite vendors. The Cambridge, Mass.-

Apex is a development platform for ISM's top 15 enterprise CRM vendors ISM's top 15 SMB CRM vendors

building Software as a Service Amdocs CRM v. 6 -- Amdocs Ltd. Ardexus MODE v. 5.5 -- Ardexus Inc.
(SaaS) application on top of Sales- C2 CRM v. 8.0 -- Clear Technologies Inc. C2 CRM v. 8.0 -- Clear Technologies Inc.'s CRM functionality. CMS/Oncontact V, v. 5.2 – OSC CMS/Oncontact V, v. 5.2 -- OSC
Business process outsourcing
ExSellence 5.0 -- Optima Technologies Inc. Goldmine v. 7.0.3 -- FrontRange Solutions.
(BPO) is a market trend that refers
Firstwave CRM v. 3.1 -- Firstwave Technologies. Maximizer Enterprise -- Maximizer Software.
to the contracting of a specific busi-
growBusiness Solutions -- Software Innovation Microsoft CRM 3.0 -- Microsoft Corp.
ness task, such as payroll, to a
Infor CRM – Infor NetSuite CRM v. 11.0 -- NetSuite Inc.
third-party service provider.
mySAP CRM -- SAP AG Powertrak v. 8.02 -- Axonom Inc.
Customer acquisition cost is the
cost associated with convincing a Onyx v. 6.0 -- Onyx Software Corp. Relavis CRM 7.0 -- Relavis Corp.

consumer to buy your product or PeopleSoft CRM -- Oracle/PeopleSoft Inc. RightNow CRM v. 8.0 -- RightNow Technologies.
service. Pivotal v. 5.9 -- Pivotal Corp. Sage CRM 100/200 v. 6.0 -- Sage Software
Customer valuation is a scoring -- Inc. Sage SalesLogix v. 7.0 -- Sage Software
process used to help a company
Saratoga CRM 6.5.3 -- Saratoga Systems Inc. -- Inc.
determine which customers the
company should target in order to Siebel 8.0 -- Oracle/Siebel Systems Inc. Salesplace 2006.3.2 -- Interchange Solutions

maximize profit. Tibco Process RM v. 9.0 -- Tibco SalesPage CRM -- SalesPage Technologies LLC
E-commerce is the buying and sell- update 7.0 -- update software AG Siebel CRM OnDemand -- Oracle/Siebel Systems.
ing of goods and services on the

CRM: Was, Is and Will be There
based research firm named Siebel CRM 2010, up from $8.4 billion this year.
(from Redwood Shores, Calif.-based Oracle Enterprise buyers should:
Corp.) and Germany's SAP AG as the lead- In 2008, CRM investments will begin to shift 1. Invest selectively in high-value up-
ers in its latest Wave report on enterprise toward business-to-consumer e-commerce grades;
CRM suites. technologies, online communities, virtual 2. Focus on customer-process optimiza-
contact centers and marketing resource tion;
"The CRM market has been in a lot of tur- management. Google will enter the CRM 3. Demand support from vendors to opti-
moil," said Bill Band, principal analyst at market. (Gartner research) mize existing CRM infrastructures.
Forrester and co-author of the report.
"Some may say [Siebel and SAP] are the The factors that are driving are: - IT vendors should:
only two vendors people think about. But 1. Up selling/ Cross-selling and increas- 1. Stretch harder to innovate.
that's not really the case. There's a wide ing wallet share. 2. Focus on distribution and support.
range of other players out there." 2. Companies spending more on increas- 3. Add value in new offerings such as
ing productivity of client facing employ- CRM advisory services, hosting, and
Forrester separates the CRM market into ees. SaaS.
three categories: 3. Increasing customer experience
Sources: Forrester, Gartner, Nasscom reports.
• Enterprise CRM suites

• Midmarket CRM suites

• CRM specialty vendors.

In the enterprise category, Forrester evalu-
ated 13 applications. The Siebel and SAP
applications emerged on top, but there were
plenty of applications Forrester considered
strong contenders, including Infor CRM,

C Epiphany, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Onyx

CRM, Oracle's E-Business Suite CRM,
R PeopleSoft CRM and Siebel CRM OnDe-
mand, RightNow, and

The Siebel and SAP products have a broad

range of functionality, industry-specific ca-
pabilities and global support organizations,
giving them the most complete applications.
But customers face lengthy time-to-value, a
lack of flexibility in changing business proc-
esses, and higher costs, according to the
report. Meanwhile, software as a service
(SaaS) vendor and Right-
Now are making inroads in the enterprise
thanks to the rising popularity of the deploy- GARTNER’S MAGIC QUADRANT
through service oriented architecture.
ment model, but they lack the breadth of
functionality. Microsoft, Forrester con-
A survey of CEOs from Accenture found
cluded, is capitalizing on its platform to
that their top four priorities are Raja Ganguly holds a bachelors degree in
capture CRM business but lacks functional-
1. Acquiring new customers, Electrical engineering from R.V.College of
ity in such areas as e-commerce, channel Engineering, Bangalore and is completing his
2. Increasing customer loyalty and reten-
management and industry-specific business Post Graduate Program in Management from
tion, SP Jain Institute Management & Research,
processes. Mumbai. He has over 5 years of experience in
3. Increasing revenue from current cus-
Customer relationship management and sales.
He is currently joining IBM as a CRM consult-
4. Increasing customer service capabili- ant.
Despite a wave of consolidation in recent
years, Forrester expects CRM spending to
climb. The firm predicts the market for soft-
ware and services will reach $10.9 billion by


ndia is on the verge of the retail revolu- Third is the fragmented retail structure, the overall improvement in stock-outs, lower
tion buoyed by the faster economic wherein more than 96% share of the retail is inventories, geographically concentrated
growth and a new announcement eve- accounted by the unorganized outlets, does supply base, it may look attractive. Already a
ryday day of corporate entering Indian throw up a challenge for the supply chain large Indian corporate with retail ambitions is
organized retail. While, we get to read a lot and logistics efficiency. Resources required talking of having a dedicated fleet of aircrafts
of activity at the front end or the end con- to service more than 15 million outlets for their logistics and supply chain infrastruc-
sumer interface, but very little is written across India is a real challenge and this ture.
about the challenges at the back end. In could be major hindrance for manufacturers/ I also see a major growth in the International
retail, there are three core activities in the suppliers in reaching out to every nook and logistics opportunity. With major growth in
whole process, Production-Movement- corner of the country. India with its inherent exports in textile sector, auto components
Selling. In this article, we will focus on the weakness due to highly discreet demand and there are sectors like fresh fruits and
“Movement” activity which stands for the centres, the industry is plagued with many vegetables, India with its vast but underuti-
supply chain and logistics functions and issues like higher inventory, stock outs, lized farm base, may become the vegetable
which is the key for setting-up of successful shrinkages, poor supplier-buyer relation- market for the developed country. To estab-
and sustainable long term retail venture ships, higher logistics costs resulting in loss lish ourselves as an efficient supply base, we
of sales with higher distribution costs. will definitely need a much more responsive
The total Indian logistics market is estimated supply chain.
to be about USD 100 bn, and is expected to However, some initiatives taken by the govt.
be growing at the rate of more than 10% per of India in the recent times shows its inclina- There is also a great potential for third party
annum. However, as a percentage of total tion to remove some of these distortions. logistics companies in India. At the moment
cost for manufacturing it is in the range of Introduction of VAT regime in India, replac- the 3 PL market is estimated to be of USD
30%, which is very high as compared to the ing the existing central and state taxes is one 0.3 bn but is expected to be growing at 20%
developed economies where it is in the of them, VAT is now present in almost all the per annum. In developed economies like US,
range of 15-20%. This is due to highly ineffi- states and we may actually see abolition of 10% of the logistics is outsourced, compared
cient supply chains which are longer and CST in the near future as well. to the less than 1% in our country.
complicated and there are multiple reasons
for the same. First is the legacy of license I would also like to mention the Govt’s initia- Indian industry needs to improve perform-
raj, where in government’s fear of capitalism tive of laying a vast network of national high- ance on several supply chain and logistics
resulted in sub-optimal and smaller installed way cutting across states. This will definitely parameters. In case of transportation, they
capacity which results in higher sourcing and help not only in democratization of invest- need to evolve from trucking to fleet man-
supply chain costs for the manufacturers and ments across states but also facilitate effi- agement systems and optimization of costs
retailers. cient movement of goods. In the same con- with 3PL companies. Supply chain need to
text the decision to allow private container- be integrated with the manufacturers and
Second unique problem in Indian context is ized operators other than Concor will also distributors leading to optimal investment in
the multiple tax structure based on the bring companies with world class expertise working capital. We need companies, who
change of geographies. The Central sales to invest and regulate the convoluted supply can see the larger picture and think supply
tax levied by the govt. gives dis-incentive for chain structures chain as not just a cost centre but also as a
supplier, who would like bring logistical effi- strategic initiative, which could enable them
ciency by optimizing their distribution routes. Another key activity that I am following very to differentiate them in the years to come.
It seems to be ridiculous that companies closely is the opening up of the domestic

have to bring an intermediary agent to avoid aviation sector. I foresee that the modern Purnendu Kumar is a post graduate from IIM A. He
retailers will combine rail-road-air logistics to has vast experience in Consultancy in the Retail
paying the tax. A typical national supplier of
domain. He is currently working as Associate Direc-
goods have between 15-20 clearing and derive efficiency. Even thought the domestic
tor in Technopak.
forwarding agent, to manage their stocks. air logistics may look costly, but looking at

A C a s e St u d y — P r o f . V K G u p t a

This paper refers the different financial dimensions, which affect managerial decisions of HRD of Corporate.
The crucial issues of Accounting like Human Resource, Social, Environment, Productivity, Efficiency, and
Value Added may be used as managerial tools of HRD decision making and; to understand Audits of Human
Resource, Social, Environment, Productivity, Efficiency and Value Added are essential to take fair decisions
of HRD.

that one of the shareholders of the or- RECT costs in the social balance
ganisation is the society and the organi- sheet/income statement are attribut-
The equation that comes to mind when think-
sation gains more if it gives back to the able to the EMPLOYEES of the
ing about an organisation is:
society what it borrows from it…." company and hence the lofty ideals
It fundamentally has got three levels: of doing something for the society is
Profit = Revenues - Cost
• Costs and benefits to employees, actually a eyewash)

community and general public • Difficult-to-quantify costs

If the organization is using any tool to further
There are fundamentally two problems with To substantiate my viewpoint, I take the
any of the above, then it is perfectly justified
the idea of social accounting. These are: example of the typical social income
in doing so, but if it is imputing some higher
motive (environmental, social etc.) in doing • Notional cost (Also most of the DI- statement of MMTC :

so, then it is not being true to its sharehold- Social benefits and costs Attributable to :
1 Medical facilities Employees
Objectivity is the hallmark of MEASURE-
MENT, without it, all justifications falls flat. 2 Children's education, benefits, allowance Employees
The tool is powerful if there can be objective 3 Scholarships Employees
quantification of the relevant (???) variables.
Now, we evaluate the different financial di-
mensions, which affect managerial decisions 5 Canteen, housing, Training Employees
of HRD of Corporate.
6 Activities Employees

7 Taxes Statutory requirements

8 Contribution to state govt. Employees
AUDIT 9 Research For own benefit (products patents, royalties)
The concept of social accounting is "……
10 Provident Fund and bonus Statutory

Financial Dimension For HRD Decisions
Why do I say so? All the employee-costs uniform efficiency
mentioned are actually a part of the com-
The social audit can be used as a correc-
• Historical Cost: the cost incurred
pensation package of the employees. Any in employing the employee to-date
tive ethics checklist. By examining what its
benefits (motivation, morale) that accrue
social beneficiaries are, a company can • Standard cost: Standard costs of
will go towards improving the company's
infer quite accurately what it considers to be the activities (recruitment, training
own bottom-line. The "profit motive” is the
most important or politically significant at etc.) are calculated for a grade.
idea driving these costs. I do not see a
greater social objective in them.
any moment in history. The social audit may • Present value: The potential earn-
not be an acceptable vehicle for quantifica- ings of the employee discounted
Also most of these costs are based on
tion of events and experiences which do not over his life/ employment in the
the premise that the company has
submit to number crunching even at its organisation. This is the most popu-
"borrowed" from the society i.e. Labour,
best. However, it does provide, even in its lar method and has several modes
material acquired. I frankly do not see
rawest form, a sense of the outputs, inputs, to evaluate the human capital.
that in a free-market this argument is
costs, incomes, and progress that a com-
too relevant. Each factor of production
pany is making. The social audit remains a The weakness in accounting for human
goes to the avenue that pays it's fair
central mechanism for providing a self- resources is that is SUBJECTIVE to say
portrait for a company enabling it to monitor the least. There are at least three funda-
its objectives and goals against its opera- mental problems with the discounted
If increasing the motivation of the employ-
tional reality. present value approach that needs to be
ees (through compensation) becomes the
tackled before we accept the figures that
objective of social accounting, then it
can be achieved by new and scientific HUMAN RESOURCE AC- it throws up :

compensation strategies. (competency • Subjectivity in the evaluation of

based compensation, value added com- future earnings (Extrapolation of
Human Resource Accounting is based
pensation models etc.) the present skills and knowledge
on the concept of monetary costs to the
into the future and thus estimating)
human resources of the organization. It
If we really want to contribute something • Probability of the person staying
helps the management in better utiliza-
to the society (NOT THE EMPLOYEES) in the organisation
tion, planning and management of hu-
the company can follow two ap-
man resources. It also helps the HR • The rate of discounting the earn-
proaches :
function in taking better decisions : Re- ings
• Fix a particular percentage of the
cruitment, Promotions, Compensation
net income to professional, reputed strategy, Retention strategy and going in I think that subjectivity WILL remain in
charitable organisations (Missionaries for special initiatives like the voluntary accounting for human resources, but the
of charity, Helpage India etc. ) This retirement schemes etc. degree can be minimized. Each com-
has the double benefit that if the pany must identify specific variables for
more the company does well, the the organisational context and for the
How do we quantify Human re-

more the society benefits. different levels. (e.g. in the fast-changing

sources ?
• Undertake specific projects (adopting There are several approaches : software industry, willingness to learn
a village near manufacturing facility, Some of the popular approaches are : becomes an important variable in esti-
mating future earnings) The HR depart-
100 % literacy of a town etc.) • Replacement: you see the cost
ment must take a lead in this direction
incurred in replacing (recruiting, train-
as doing it does lead to better HR deci-
ing) an employee of another with

Financial Dimension For HRD Decisions

PARADIGM Resource-Based View
Premise 1: Difficulty in ac- Premise 2: Creation of
cess to resources Entry barriers

Globalization Information
Trade barriers reduced Improvement in IT
Access to capital Easy access to information
Access to technology Greater exchange of ideas



All resources including explicit knowledge can be accessed & copied

Parity in competition leading to need for a new basis of competition


IMPLICIT KNOWLEDGE: know-how, know-why, know-what, know-when

NEW Customer Knowledge Innovation Ideas Constant learning & adaptation
PARADIGM Adaptation

Experience Insights Integration Collective Wisdom Judgment


Knowledge-Based View

Financial Dimension For HRD Decisions
sion making. more sensitive about the environment. than one :
Also by encouraging people to keep their Compensation systems based on added
environments clean will help in several value
should be performed to determine where
ways. Relating development costs to the added
reductions or expansion could be made. The
decision to reduce or expand in certain areas
will depend on the industry and the reasons
difference between the costs and benefits of
for the problems. such there are no generally accepted stan-
the internal audit function. Value-added audit-
dards regulating the nature of such audit
ing is used in terms of risk reduction; stages
work. There is, however, growing pressure on
ENVIRONMENTAL AC- of the audit; customer satisfaction, and cus-
companies to conduct environmental audit, of
tomer-driven quality.
COUNTING AND AUDIT which there are two competing and incom-
Environmental accounting is a method for patible views - audits as managerial aid and
improving business decision making in recog- audit as an independent critique of environ- PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFI-
nition of the increasing environmental chal- mental performance. In the absence of stan-
lenges and opportunities facing business dards, the views of particular practitioners will
The productivity and efficiency areas are
today. It does this by identifying hidden or have a decisive effect on the form of the au-
the exclusive preview of the HR depart-
misallocated internal and external environ- dit. The most widely used auditing procedures
ment. Again the organizational context
mental costs and allocating them to particular used are site visits, interviews with manage-
(degree of automation, hierarchies, transac-
products or processes. It helps to : ment, observation of procedures and inter-
tion costs in terms of politics, systems and
• Better discern opportunities to minimize views with client staff. A shift in regulatory
processes in the organisation etc.) A
compliance costs and reduce operating style has stimulated experimentation with new
performance or efficiency audit can just be
costs instruments of control, including voluntary
the starting point of a BPR (Business proc-
schemes for environmental auditing which
• Reduce costs through energy and re- ess Reengineering) in the organisation.
emphasize a management control system.
source conservation Two things need to be kept in mind when
Subsequent attempts to define the relevant
• Aid strategic decision making regarding dealing with the conventional ratios :
knowledge base of environmental auditing
continuing or abandoning a particular
and to accredit verifiers have created a stage
• Comparison with the industry stan-
product or process dards
on which accountants can promote their
claims. • Capacity of the unit (the link with ca-
The other issue is that of the WORK pacity planning)
ENVIRONMENT and not the generic envi- The productivity of the employees needs to
ronment which is a relevant issue for HR.
be constantly measured and it helps in
How will it lead to better HR decision ING taking the HRD decisions pertaining to :
making is that by managing the work
Value added accounting is one of the most ⇒ Training (of employees of low produc-
environment (cleaner and greener work-
useful tools of the new millennium. With re- tivity)
places) it will raise the efficiency and
source and entry barriers going down in the
productivity of the employees. Also they
⇒ Variable pay determined by the pro-
world and with the massive changes taking
instill a sense of pride in the employees ductivity and performance
which leads to better motivation. ⇒ Determining the segments of the com-
pany that are less productive and then
the only metric of competition will be the
Does the organisation employ environ- concentrating there
added value. A self-formulated-model incor-
mental accounting just because it has to One more function of this tool is that it is
porating the changes is proposed below
because of the compliance necessities and especially helpful for HRD managers and
which lays a major emphasis on the manage-
not because it GENUINELY wants to care helps in QUANTIFYING the HR initiative.
ment of Knowledge.
for the environment? It is perfectly under- The HR manager can use the BEFORE-
standable to use the tool for cost plan- AFTER technique to compare the productivity
The added value is a very simple concept:
ning (compliance costs vs. opportunity and justify the initiative to the top manage-
Added value by the organisation = Value of
costs in lost goodwill and transaction ment.
the final goods and services produced by the
costs). But if the organisation truly wants
organisation Value of Inputs that the organi-
to care for the environment, then, the HR CONCLUSION
sation takes in producing goods and services
department must work towards changing
To conclude we can say that Financial State-
the MINDSETS of its employees to be
HR can benefit by this tool in more ways ments like Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss

Account are not the only tools which are
to be considered but it is equally impor-
tant that a corporate should consider
other HRD dimensions like Social Ac-
counting, Human Resources Accounting,
Value added Accounting, Environmental
Accounting, Productivity and Efficiency
Accounting etc. as tools in today’s con-
text for managerial decisions. These
dimensions must not be ignored.

!! I am
N o p e !
1. H.D. Vests. ‘Invests in SQL Finan-
cials’ Human Resource’- Manage- 9 9 4 5 8
ment accounting, March 1998
2. Dalmahoy, Mary, ‘Putting a value on
people’ – Feb. 1996
3. Dawson, Chris, ‘Human resource
Accounting’ – Management Deci-
sion 1994 Gotch A!
4. Vakharia, Rusell P., ‘Financial Ac- OSAM
counting of human resource poli-
cies’ – Cost Engineering July 1995
5. Filios, ‘Human System Accounting
is Social Accounting’ – Human re-
source Management 1991
6. Jones and Rowan, ‘Human Re-
source Accounting’ – Accounting
and Business Research 1998

Dr. V. K. Gupta is Professor & Chairman, Fi-

nance and Accounting Area at Indian Institute
of Management, Indore. He has been teaching
Post-Graduate Program, Executive Post-
Graduate Program, Post-Graduate General
Management Programme for Defense Officers,
Broadband Based Education Programme,
Management Development Programs, Faculty
Development Program and Professional Man-
agement Courses for over 16 years. Presently,
He is a member of Accounting Standards
Board, The Institute of Chartered Accountants,
New Delhi. He is also a member of MOU Task
Force, constituted by Government of M. P. His
research interests include International Ac-
counting and International Finance.

An idea can change your life!!

By -Chandan Pal

Million Dollars

ven though knighthood is alluring, I would opt for a million

dollars instead. Knighthood, proffered to honor some distin-

guished service rendered to the nation or humankind, empow-

ers and impacts in certain ways in the contemporary context; it exempli-

fies the reward for service and therefore inspires future generations to

follow a noble path. Also, the honor invariably vouchsafes a clout that can
What would you do

be fruitfully leveraged to further the interests of the nation and the people.

Money however empowers in a whole new set of ways; it opens up limit-

less avenues and can also be a major incentive for social and business

entrepreneurship. It can be used to pioneer an enterprise that eventually

goes on to generate a million employment opportunities and invigorate an

entire economy. It may also be used to take up a task of social responsi-

bility or cause which would impact the society in a profound manner. Ironi-

cally, none honored with knighthood has pursued and toiled for the

honor’s sake; it has always been the lofty objective to serve that has

driven great people, and the title has been merely incidental while they

pursue their passion. The conscientious knight in every individual is aware

that the title is not the end to be sought, and he is ready to serve unmind-

ful of what comes unsought.

I would choose those million dollars, venture into business and thereby

create wealth for the nation as well as self. Aided with planning, vision and

resourcefulness, the million dollars would multiply manifolds adding to

economic growth and result in a relatively more rich and prosperous na-

tion to which every knight will surely feel proud to belong.

Harpreet Singh is a student of MBA at EM Lyon Business School at Ecully in France; class of 2008. He has
more than 8 years of experience working for global companies such as Logica CMG, AON Insurance in
Europe and India. He can be reached at

was one of those rare cold win- wide average of about 17%. For quite a long On the third day of my taking charge, a lanky
ter nights in Calcutta. I was driv- time the senior management was convinced dark person with small eyes entered my
ing my way back from office and that nothing could be done because of the chamber and without a word sat directly on
pondering how could it be demography of the region with its dying in- the chair kept for visitors. With a shrewd
achieved. How could I single-handedly bring dustries and poor population. gesture he scanned me first. I was quiet and
down the losses of West Bank? The task waited for him to start. He asked, well Mr.
was proved unachievable by my stalwart So when I was transferred here, a dual feel- Chakraborty, I am Ajay Malik. This is the first
predecessors – experienced both in age and ing operated in my mind – a challenge to time that I am introducing myself to any offi-
work. I was totally engrossed in my thoughts overcome and a fear of defeat. Little did I cer. Generally it’s the other way round. You
when suddenly the lights of a traffic signal in know that there was a third twist in the whole have been here for more than two days and
front of me turned red. I could barely man- set-up. you didn’t even feel like meeting me? I
age to stop the car within the limits. Generally whenever I am assigned with new smiled and politely replied, had you been in
I looked out. The lights illuminating Victoria responsibilities I ensure to be accustomed the office working at your desk for the last

A Real Life Saga


……..a dual feeling operated in my mind – a challenge to overcome and a fear of defeat.

Memorial were off. It must be well passed with the people first. It is not only because two days, surely you wouldn’t have com-
10. A street urchin was fighting with a dog for that I want to be familiar or friendly, but also plained. I have been moving around and met
cozy warmth in the hay beside the footpath. to leverage the benefits out of it. A person all the staff working in this office. It is unfortu-
The dog finally gave in. Slowly a determina- delivers much more when in confidence nate that I didn’t find you anywhere. The
tion came within me. I have to do it. There is rather than merely instructed. So, for the first person was taken aback for a while. He un-
no other way out. I restarted the engine week I did no other work except to get ac- derstood that here’s a nut that won’t crack.
when the lights turned green and pushed off. quainted with people. And during this period Immediately, he switched track. With a
of acquaintance, within a couple of days I beaming smile he started explaining how
This dates back to the year 2004 when I was was warned about the then union leader, busy he was in the local party conferences
just transferred as the regional in-charge of Ajay Malik. I was even told that no office and how much the state legislature depends
commercial operations of the entire west master survived in that region if he worked upon him. Prior to leaving he added that he
bank of the licensed area of Calcutta Elec- against the interests of Ajay. Some even may be contacted for any kind of problem.
tricity Supply Corporation, the oldest private advised to make a deal of peaceful co- The tone sounded to me that he “should” be
power utility in India. At that time, the cumu- existence with Ajay beforehand. It would be contacted and not “might”. The meeting
lative Commercial, Transmission and Distri- beneficial to both my job and career. I was ended there.
bution losses of this region were reeling to smelling problem.
the tune of 22%, much above the company I was back to business. Transmission and

A Real Life Saga: Motivation

Distribution loss is purely technical and de- they kept faith on me. lutely OK. Eventually Ajay and his team gave
pends upon the gear used by the electricity Within an hour of notification of the decisions, in. They withdrew the protests and agreed to
utility. On an individual basis, this kind of loss my chamber was stormed by a crowd of hoo- perform according to the decisions imposed
could not have varied drastically across the ligans led by Ajay. They started off with a provided the management took adequate
company because the equipments used were different issue altogether regarding the dete- precautions for the filed staff security. My
the same everywhere. So there had to be riorating working conditions with respect to battle was won.
some problem with the Commercial loss. I safety, security and hygiene. I asked them to
asked for detailed customized reports of vari- provide me a list so that I can immediately After that there were various hindrances

ous commercial processes and on analyzing arrange for resolution. From there they placed by the union people to thwart me off

the same I found that the major cause of such landed on to safety of the field staff perform- the track that I laid. But I remained focused

high loss is the poor recovery of outstanding ing the disconnection of supplies. Ajay em- and dealt with all the issues candidly and with

dues. A further dissection of the report re- phasized that the decisions circulated by me, a personal touch.

garding recovery yielded that the average if implemented, would adversely affect the
Within a month I achieved the desired
percentage of disconnection of sup-
result. Defaulters had no way out but to
plies for non-payment was only 30-
liquidate their total outstanding dues.
35% as against the companywide
Moreover, many unlucky ones even had
average of 65-70%. Moreover, the
to coffer up for their shortfall of security
number of cases which were offered
deposit. When such consumers realized
interest free installments in that
that it’s better to pay off their bills rather
region was just double the average
than to bribe the staff, the nexus was
of the other regions.
automatically broken. The staff seeing

The fact was unearthed but the root that they would not get their share of

cause behind the same was yet to cake from the defaulters started discon-

be brought to light. To discover the necting defaulting supplies in full swing,

same, I personally undertook spe- to earn their performance bonus at least.

cial disconnection drives along with the out- safety of the field staff. Hence the decisions
door staff. To my astonishment, the teams The fallout – percentage of disconnection of
communicated should be immediately with-
that I accompanied with could perform 80- supplies increased to 80 and for the first time
85% disconnections. Thus, as I anticipated, over a decade, West Bank charted as the

all the circumstances were pointing towards Initially, I tried to explain that in no way the topper with losses reducing to 17% within the

an unholy nexus between the defaulters and decisions affected the field staff and these next two quarters. Seeing the success, the

outdoor staff of the company. On pretexts of were targeted to increase the revenue of the model was gradually implemented all across

resistance, the staff declined to disconnect West Bank. But then I found that they came in the company by top management.

defaulting supplies thus allowing dues to pile not to listen to any of the clarifications. So I
up and simultaneously getting their share of remained silent and allowed them to exhaust When I was about to quit the company, Ajay

carrot from the nonpayer. out. After an hour or so they realized that they came to my chamber one day and acknowl-

were unable to get the desired outcome. I edged that he was wrong in leading the agita-
But due to lack of any proof, I couldn’t take was sitting there carrying on with my routine tion and wished me success in my newer
any harsh step directly against my suspects. work. Ajay gave the ultimatum that I will be ventures.
Hence amidst tremendous resentment of the under detention by them till such time I re-
staff, I resorted to implementing two policy verted the decisions. My only cold reply was I am now with North Delhi Power, but when-
decisions for the region. Firstly, all defaulters that they can carry on with anything they ever I face a road block, I recall this incident
were barred from getting interest free install- desire, but if that tantamount to indiscipline, which automatically inspires me. And it all
ments over their outstanding bills. Secondly, they better be responsible for the same. started with the determination that I found
all payment counters were advised to charge within me on one cold winter night.
the shortfall of security deposit from every The drama started at 2:30 in the afternoon. It
Anupam Chakravorty holds a Bachelor’s degree in
defaulter who turns up to pay. These two went on till 10 p.m. in the night. I was not
engineering from Bengal Engineering College,
decisions were exclusively deployed for my allowed to take even a glass of water or to go Shibpur.He has more than 13 years of experience in
region and not across the company. I was for the nature’s call. Calls came from all quar- Indian Power Distribution industry in the field of
Business Process Re-engineering and designing
able to convince my senior management that ters – the top management, my peers and my
strategies for increased efficiency. He is currently a
this change will definitely yield results and family. I calmly assured them that I was abso- student of EPGP at IIM Indore, class of 2009.

Answer: Crosswords

Quiz time

⇒ The BBC is to sell its landmark London build-

a meteor fell to earth in Peru. Which sci-fi colonial links with Britain, except for which
thriller does this tale most closely echo? country?
ing Television Centre as part of efforts to
a. Mozambique b. Cyprus c. Gibraltar d. Corsica.
make up a £2bn shortfall in funds. Which
a. Day of the Triffids b. The Andromeda Strain c.
punctuation mark is the building based on?
a. Question Mark b. Asterisk c. Ampersand d. @
The Quartermass Experiment
⇒ What is the name of the body of water which
d. They came from Mars.
Sign separates Africa from the United Arab Emir-

⇒ Who is credited for turning around the ailing

⇒ Who has been rated as the most glamorous a. Caspian Sea b. Red Sea c. Shat al arab d.
women recently by the Vogue magazine? Straits of Hormuz.
Japanese car maker Nissan?
a. Kate Moss b. Naomi Campbell c. Queen Eliza-
a. Carlos Ghosn b. Yoshisuke Aikawa c. Kirk
Kerkorian d. Yoshikazu Hanawa
beth second d. Hillary Clinton.
⇒ Which country's flag features a vertical white
stripe sandwiched by two vertical green

⇒ What piece of music was the England Rugby

⇒ Nelson Mandela's statue unveiled in London. stripes?
But how much did sculptor Ian Walters com- a. Afghanistan b. Bulgaria c. Chile d. Nigeria
Team using to psych themselves up before a
plete before he died?
game in the last World Cup?
a. Tina Turner’s Simply the best b. Johnny Cash’s
a. Halfway through initial clay model b. Finished
⇒ What are the two bones in your forearm?
clay model c. Halfway casting through bronze. d.
Ring of Fire c. Kenny Roger’s The Gambler d. a. Radius and ulna b. Tibia and fibula c. Tarsal and
completed the statue.
Ozone- Numa Numa metatarsal d. Biceps and triceps

⇒ Some 200 people claim to have fallen ill after

⇒ All members of the Commonwealth have had

Prof. M Ashraf Rizvi

The Art of Winning

training, the trend of ‘hire and fire’ by most companies and organisations have to strug-
organisations, and globalisation of the world gle to survive and grow. They need very
economy have increased the number of job efficient, competent, and highly dynamic
etting the job you want is seekers. If there is one right job, there are personnel to run the show and achieve the
what you aspire for. In fact, everyone as- many applicants for it. desired success.
pires to get a job that offers everything from
a plump salary to high perks and incentives There are several other factors responsible The job selection process has
along with fast career growth. Moreover, for making the job market more competitive also become more complex and sophisti-
smart people want to do what they like to do and full of challenges. The job market is not cated. Most organisations have their own
because they know that the kind of passion the same. There are more opportunities but recruitment departments with highly compe-
that will take them to the top will only come at the same time there are more challenges, tent people who receive appropriate training
if they do what they love to do. However, it more demands, and more expectations. so that they can make valid selection deci-
is easier said than done. There are more job positions but these are sions. Moreover, there are specialised re-
less stable than they used to be. Moreover, cruitment agencies to help companies get
Getting the job you want in today’s techno- the positions are more demanding and often the right people for the right jobs. These
logically advanced world is more challeng- include a broader range of responsibilities agencies have developed new and effective
ing than it used to be a few years ago. than did positions in the past. In fact, the interviewing techniques for evaluating a
There is more competition in the job market business world has become more profes- candidate’s suitability for a particular posi-
today due to the availability of more quali- sional. With the expansion of multinational tion.
fied and experienced candidates. The fast companies and worldwide business opera-
increase in population, the availability of tions, the world has become a global vil- Thus, you may have proper qualifications,
sophisticated specialised education and lage. As only the best can survive, most experience, knowledge, confidence, and

Job Communication: The Art of Winning

appropriate skills but you may still find it diffi- skills is essential. guided by a ‘specific purpose’.
cult to get the job that you aspire for as get-
ting the job you want depends on many fac- Job communication skills involve a set of M Ashraf Rizvi is an Associate Professor in General
Management and Communication Area, teaching
tors, some of which you cannot control. For tools and techniques for communicating ef-
courses on business communication and Manage-
example, you have no control over other fectively in formal employment situations. rial Communication in the Institute's PGM and E-
applicants who might be more qualified, more When you want a job, you have to pass PGM and management development programs. He
has more than eighteen years of experience in
experienced, and better suited to the job at through a rigorous selection process. You
teaching, training and consulting.
hand. In fact, you may not be aware of the might confuse the employer without meaning
strengths and qualities of your competitors. to, or you might not present correctly all that Prof. Rizvi's areas of special interest area Corporate
Communications, cross-cultural communication,
But there is one factor that you do control, you have to offer to the employer. So, partly interpersonal communication strategies, technical
and that is, how well you communicate. as a result of not knowing the conventions of writing, and managerial oral communication.

job communication, you may make all kinds

The source of this article is his latest book
You job communication skills are crucial for of mistakes. You should, therefore, under- “Resumes and Interviews: The Art of Winning”,
you. Research shows that the ability to com- stand the nature of job communication. McGraw Hill Education, 2007

municate effectively is the most important

factor that helps people identify and get the Job communication is distinct from other
job of their dreams. There is an increasing types of human communication in the sense
focus on the candidate’s personal qualities that it occurs in highly structured setting as it
rather than on qualification, experience, and is intended to convey specific personality
job skills because most recruitment experts information to a specific audience for a spe-
believe that proper training can easily develop cific purpose. Thus, the first important charac-
these skills but it is not easy to develop per- teristic of job communication is its content,
sonal motivations and qualities. Communicat- i.e., your knowledge and skills. Whatever your
ing effectively is basically the ability to per- field of operation, whenever you try to write or
suade the employer of your special qualities say anything about your knowledge, skills,
and strengths that make you suited to the job. experiences in order to obtain a position, you
are engaged in job communication.
Quiz Answers:
Job communication can be defined as a com-
plex process that involves writing employment Another key aspect of job communication is
letters, applications, résumés, and facing job the receiver of the information—the employer. 1. a

interviews and selection group discussions. Adapting to the varying needs of the employ- 2. a

The success of employment search depends ers and accommodating their perceptions is 3. c

a lot on the candidate’s ability to design a an integral part of job communication. Every 4. b

persuasive résumé and an effective cover time you apply for a job position, you need to 5. c

letter and face the job interview effectively. An follow a new process. An effective job com- 6. b

employer has to evaluate a large number of municator may use a blend of methods and 7. d

applicants before he or she takes a decision alternatives to emphasize how he or she is 8. b

to hire a candidate for a particular position. right for the job by matching the requirements 9. d

No employer is under any obligation or com- of the job with his/her qualifications and ex- 10. a

pulsion to appoint a candidate. In fact, the periences.

process of selecting candidates for a position
might result in the rejection of a large number The last aspect of job communications is the
of applicants. ‘specific purpose’. Job communication is
always purposive. For the job communicator,
The employer tries to get to know the candi- it is the communicative purpose that brings
dates through their application and résumé by his/her perspective, knowledge and ideas into
evaluating their education, skills, and experi- focus for the employer. Whether a job com-
ence. They confirm their observation during municator has to design, write, and edit re-
face to face job interviews/telephone inter- sumes or job applications, do a self-analysis
views and selection group discussions where for facing a job interview, or revise his/her
they observe and evaluate the candidates. subject competence, or prepare for a selec-
Therefore, developing job communication tion group discussion, he or she is always

are upwardly mobile on the Maslow hierarchy. stopped at the sight of an elephant which was being held by a
With human needs shifting from the physical to small rope tied to its front legs. The person was confused by the
the metaphysical, the focus had to shift to the fact that the huge creature was held not by chains or cages but
brawn from the brain. Development in any one sector is always only by a small rope . It was obvious that the elephant could
accompanied by a parallel shift in the accompanying fields – break away from the shackles anytime but it did not for some
history is witness to this simple fact. One of the biggest spin-offs reason. Then seeing the trainer standing beside, the person
of the New age Industry is that it has brought into focus the irre- enquired why the animal did not break away. To this the trainer
placibility of the human brain. For too long and to a dispropor- replied that when the elephant was much smaller the same sized
tionate degree, we have been emphasizing on the power of rope used to tie it and at that age it was enough to match the
money, materials and machines. Even when we started realizing creature’s strength. As the elephant grew up it was conditioned
the last tool of differentiation in our hands, the human brain, the to believe that it cannot break away . Today the elephant still
emphasis was more on the visible manifestations of the brain: believes that the rope can still hold it and thus never tries to
the demonstrated skills. The grey areas of knowledge and skills break free. The elephant can , today , break free any moment
remain as such. Of course there is no lack of studies on how to but because it believes it couldn’t, it is stuck right where it is. Like
better tap these two vital yet nebulous elements of creativity, but the elephant, many of us go through in life clung to the belief that
there are miles to go before Behavioural scientists hit upon ways we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once
and means to utilize even 50 % of mind power. Researches before. This is the power of mind. If it is being channelized for
positive and constructive

THERE IS BUT ONE FREEDOM purposes it will give one

result . Similarly if chan-

AND THAT IS THE FREEDOM OF THE MIND nelized for negative

purposes it will limit one
show that the major proportions of our everyday thoughts are from performing.
about the past. If even 20% of our thoughts could be about the
future, man could do wonders. Think about it, what a vast poten- Once we came to realize the power of the mind, we overplayed
tial remains untapped. If the rational part to
research could arrive at the detriment of the
some practical methods right brain. Logical

by which man could channelize his thoughts more towards vi- reasoning and analysis, by virtue of the role science has played
sioning, strategizing and planning for the future, we could safely in the progress of the human race, assumed a natural one-
say, “WE HAVE ARRIVED”. upmanship on the softer aspects of intuitiveness, creativity and
dreaming. But the fact is that the starting point of any innovation
Mind is what the brain does consciously. Mind performs a series or any idea is a dream. If you can dream something, you can do
of information processing in order to form strategies needed to it. As it says “Be aware of what you want – you shall get it”. By
live our daily lives. Hence if brain is the hardware, mind can be nature man is designed to dream. But the cold assembly line
termed as the software. I remember a story wherein a person production of the industrial revolution seemed to send a deaden-

up-manship on the softer aspects of
intuitiveness, creativity and dream-
ing. But the fact is that the starting
point of any innovation or any idea
is a dream. If you can dream some-
thing, you can do it. As it says “Be
tive approach to entrepreneurship which is the
aware of what you want – you shall
distinguishing factor from other similar books is
get it”. By nature man is designed to
that it focuses on the human interaction in
dream. But the cold assembly line
generating ideas, opportunities and business
production of the industrial revolu-
ventures. The book further generously ex-
tion seemed to send a deadening
pands on different aspects of entrepreneurship
message to man: rational thoughts,
and how it works at different levels, giving you
science and analysis and not some
both an insight how entrepreneurship works
Technicolor dream, will take him to
and how to convert a startup into flourishing
the frontiers of progress. Fortunately
business empire and finally into a huge con-
that myth is being shattered.. But if
de-freezing is difficult, refreezing is
The book is a great motivator for all those look-
a Herculean task, more so when it
ing towards entrepreneurship and de-stresses
comes to fuelling the fires of mind.
on how one can turn into an entrepreneur.
When we try to tap the individual
However, whilst not everyone wishes to be-
mind for better performance we
come an entrepreneur, the book proposes that
have to stress on the learning as-
enterprising skills are valuable for everyone.
pects of the mind so that the poten-
Entrepreneurship Inspirational case studies of entrepreneurial
tial of an employee will always be
From Opportunity to Action people and organizations have been included
positively enhanced. Organizations
By DAVID RAE. Professor of Business & En- to demonstrate what can be achieved.
have a gigantic task in front o them
terprise at Lincoln Business School, University
if they are to manage minds in the
of Lincoln, UK. It's a great read whether you are looking for a
true sense of the term and ulti-
Publisher: Macmillan Publishing Company, business book with a difference or you are truly
mately be able to unleash its power
16th Jan 2007.GBP 29.99 the man who truly believes that anyone can be
and potential. They have to re-teach
successful, if you approach things with the
employees, something they have
right attitude. But let me tell you that, once you
forgotten to do naturally: Dream.
This is a great piece of work from Professor
start reading it will be difficult to stop and you'll
And then they have to facilitate
Rae, who is Professor of Business & Enter-
probably try to finish reading the book in one
nurturing of these dreams and their
prise at Lincoln Business School, University of
sitting, and when you reach the end of the
morphing into reality.
Lincoln. I have read many books on entrepre-
book you will realize that all those ideas you
neurship but this is one of the better books so
had of creating your own business suddenly
A tough call, but who ever said suc-
far. This book relates theory and practice in an
have a new lease of life! Written in a very lucid
cess was easy?
entirely new fashion. Actually it’s a unique
and concise form, the book has real life stories
blending of theory and practice. Most other
of those who dared to dream and went forth in
entrepreneurship books are mostly theoretical
realizing them. An absolute must buy for all the
in nature and lacks real world case studies or
Arjun Basu is a Civil Engineer from the young and budding entrepreneurs.
Bengal Engineering and Science Univer- actual implementation processes. This book on
sity. Currently working as an Assistant the other hand offers a stronger practical ap- Mrinal Srivastava is a graduate of IIT Kanpur and a
Manager with NALCO ,Asia's largest
Alumina Refinery, he has around 07
proach. It focuses on learning with a new ap- MBA student at Indian School of Business (ISB) at
Hyderabad, class of 2009.He is a budding entrepre-
years of experience in Project Manage- proach which is basically an “active learning
neur and has more than 9 years of experience in IT
ment, material Planning, auditing, quality
process”. service industry, working in varied roles such as
management systems and Environment
Project Manager and Delivery head for major IT com-
management systems. He is currently a
panies in India. He can be reached on mrinal-
student of EPGP at IIM Indore class of Entrepreneurship theory is well covered in this
book, but the real emphasis is on the individual
as the entrepreneur and on creating and seiz-
ing entrepreneurial opportunities. The innova-


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