Discovering NEU

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Discovering NEU I.


1. When was NEU established? 25 Jan, 1 5! 2. What was the "irst na#e o" NEU? Universit$ o" Econo#ics % &inance '. (ow #an$ st)dents are there in NEU? *5,+++ *. What is the o""icial address o" NEU? 2+, -iai .hong /treet, (ai 0a 1r)ng District, (anoi 5. Who is the c)rrent (ead#aster o" NEU? Dr. .ha# 2anh ()ng 3ice42inister o" 25E1 !. Who are the 3ice4head#asters o" NEU?" .han 6ong Nghia Dr. .ro" 1ran 1ho Dat Dr. .ro" .ha# 7)ang 1r)ng ,. (ow #an$ 8ar9ing lots are there in NEU 6a#8)s? ' :. NEU is considered as ;;;;;.Universit$ o" 3ietna# II. &&<40E4English s8ea9ing co)ntries

1. Who is the Dean o" &&<? 2s. 1ran 1hi 1h) -iang 2. Who is the (ead o" De8art#ent o" 0E? Dr. .ha# 1hi 1hanh 1h)$ '. Where is the o""ice o" &&<? =oo# 0)ilding !0, NEU 6a#8)s

*. In which co)ntries is English )sed as a #other tong)e? 1he U>, 1he U/, ?)stralia, 6anada, New @ealand, /o)th ?"rica, 1he =e8)blic o" Ireland 5. What is ca8ital o" ?)stralia? 6anberraA/$dne$A0risbane !. What is ca8ital o" 6anada? 5ttawaA7)ebecA1orontoA2ontreal

,. What is ca8ital o" New @ealand? WellingtonA?)9landA0risbaneA6anberra :. Who is the "irst .resident o" the U/?? -eorge WashingtonA ?braha# <incolnA 1ho#as Je""ersonA &ran9lin Delano =oosevelt . What is the largest state o" the U/?? ?las9aA1eBasA6ali"orniaA Washington 1+. What is the oldest )niversit$ in the U/?? (avardA CaleA 6ol)#biaA .rinceton 11. What are the two #ost "a#o)s )niversities in the U>? 5B"ord % 6a#bridge 12. What do children sa$ on (alloween? 1ric9 or 1reat III. /#all tal9

Co)r co)sin is considering a )niversit$ to a88l$ "or neBt $ear. (e as9s $o) "or reco##endations abo)t NEU. What do $o) tell hi#? Co) have 5 #in)tes to 8re8are "or a '4#in)te4tal9 5n the occasion o" 3ietna#ese 1eachersD da$, $o)r class visits $o)r teachers. /he and $o)r "riends as9 $o) abo)t NEU. What do $o) tell the#? Co) have 5 #in)tes to 8re8are "or a '4#in)te4tal9 ? gro)8 o" international st)dents are going to visit NEU neBt wee9. Co) will be one o" the to)r g)ide "or the# NEU ca#8)s. What do $o) tell the#? Co) have 5 #in)tes to 8re8are "or a '4#in)te4tal9 Co)r co)sin is considering a )niversit$ to a88l$ "or neBt $ear. (e as9s $o) "or reco##endations abo)t NEU. What do $o) tell hi#? Co) have 5 #in)tes to 8re8are "or a '4#in)te4tal9

5n the occasion o" 3ietna#ese 1eachersD da$, $o)r class visits $o)r teachers. /he and $o)r "riends as9 $o) abo)t NEU. What do $o) tell the#? Co) have 5 #in)tes to 8re8are "or a '4#in)te4tal9 ? gro)8 o" international st)dents are going to visit NEU neBt wee9. Co) will be one o" the to)r g)ide "or the# NEU ca#8)s. What do $o) tell the#? Co) have 5 #in)tes to 8re8are "or a '4#in)te4tal9

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