Mumbai Reunion - November 2011

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RHL/P&G Reunion Mumbai November 2011

Folks after the grand event in Chennai in March 2011, it was the turn of Mumbai again to host the event on November 05 2011 & those present had a Rocking Time. Yes it became a reality with a lovely Reunion on Saturday November 5th 2011 from 7 PM till mid-night at P&G Plaza Andheri & what an evening it was!!! Read on How it started & the behind the event efforts In principle the plan has been to alternate between an event in West and any other location that shows the drive and initiative. You may recall that in Feb 2010 we had it in Delhi & then it was Mumbai in November 2010 & then we went gone southwards to Chennai in March 2005 & now this time it was in Mumbai and in our familiar environment of P&G Plaza. The West Zone Organizing Committee consisting of: Sanjay Banerjee Sunil Haribal

With tremendous encouragement from Arun Bewoor and Bharat Patel met with great success. In his own humble way Lax also was supporting the event. It has been always a point of discussion when it comes to Location of the event and it was Bharat who spoke to Shantanu and ensured we had a lovely place to host the evening. It was also the meticulous planning of Ronald Dsales well supported by Mamta & Shweta (names to be validated) who ensured not just the looks of the venue but also negotiated a good deal with the food caterers. For these events, traditionally we have been getting Drinks thanx to Jayant Kapoor and Beer thanx to ------ (name to be filled) Then came the most awaited moment the evening of Saturday 5th November 2011. Ronnie and his team members were already at the venue well ahead of the rest of the people to ensure nothing is missed out. It was a case of nostalgia

when Ronnie the early birds to the wall that had history of RHL/P&G & how the organization had moved from the 60s to where it is today indeed very well depicted stuff that decorated the wall. While people were going down the memory lanes, snacks were doing their rounds. The drinks commenced and the first round of snacks appeared with Chicken Tikkas & Sheekh Kababs for the nonveg fans while Malai Paneer and Mini Samosas made the vegetarians lick their fingers. Besides these, all the nicely laid out tables had chips and peanuts that adored them. From the reaction of the people, it was very evident that people were enjoying the eats. When the quorum was achieved, Sanjay Banerjee welcomed all the people formally & conducted the AGM the accounts and other details were circulated earlier and everything requiring approval had got the consent. The next item on the agenda was the P&G Anthem and it was wonderful to see all the people stand up and sing along side this will be there in all the events as an Energizer Sanjay then invited Bharat to address the audience which Bharat did in his inimitable style First & foremost Bharat informed the people that now we are a reigsterd alumni organization. Importance of Alumni Meet the fact that it need not be always in a big scale a handful of people can come together and make it known thru the social websites & mail. To create a group on Facebook which has gained a lot of importance in the social network parlance. He also announced that the next big event will be much different than what he have seen in the past. He has proposed a Alumni meet in Cochin & then a couple of days family holidays in Kumorakam. In general, people loved this idea and gave a big hand to Bharat.

Sanjay, then invited Shantanu to address the people with the latest in P&G. This was done very well with the help of a video that had the history and then how the organization has moved from strength to strength. He also emphasized on the CSR initiative called SHIKSHA that encourages education for the less fortunate ones. Overall, it was an impactful presentation and talk that Shantanu made. Sanjay then thanked all the people for making it for the event and specially thanked Ronnie & his team besides Haribal and Lax for being of great help for the event. Sanjay, then handed over the mike to Sunil Haribal & the floor was open for a wonderful QUIZ program that was the brain-child of Arun Bewoor and Sunil

Haribal. The stakes were high & the it was a different kind of quiz where people could make or lose what an interesting concept!!! The questions were really out of the ordinary as very few people could answer all the questions & it did generate a lot of interest amongst the people with all the sales-folks eager to answer the questions. Ultimately, all the people had a great time revisiting various documents that were used during their working tenure. By then food counters were open and we could see people standing in Q and helping themselves. In all these events, there are some unsung Heroes who have to ensure the backend work gets done & cannot completely part-take in the proceedings. Here a word of appreciation is due to R Anandan who was keeping a track of people who were coming in and was also ensuring that the money was collected & was part of the last batch that had dinner in the evening. Thanx Anandan for this relentless contribution. The evening ended with some gifts that were given to everyone who came in thanx to the Thomas twins who gave T Shirts to everyone with P&G Alumni Logo & TV Subramaniam who has been exporting Coffee & is an authority on the subject of Coffee gave everyone 2 tins of instant coffee to all of us to carry home. Like all good things come to an end this one to ended with so many nostalgic tidbits shared across the dinner table. Find below some upbeat moments of the evening in Mumbai & for more pictures here is the link: tsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfish/

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