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Accountable authoritarianism can only fight agianst forces of Globalization!!!

The upcoming general election in India to be held arround april-may 2014 has ignited the debate/discussion over 'globalization is good or bad' among all section of society including masses e!g! artisans" #or$ers" small marchants% as &ell as elites e!g! 'oliticians" religious figures" influencial merchants" industrialist" ban$ers " ecademic scholars" univeristy teachers" media%! It is clearly visiable that (lites are divided on the stand ta$en by them about )uestions li$e &hat is globalization * +nd &hat &ill be the effect of globalization on the lives of masses in long run* ,o& to reap benefit of globalization* #hich type of government is capable of dealing &ith the forces of globalization* Is globalization ruining the culture* Is globalization is a ne& form of imperialism* +nd many more )uestions! +nd it seems that there e-sist no uniformity on stand ta$en on globalization among Indian intelligentsia! It is not because elites are ignorant about different perception of globalization but it is .ust because they &ant to generate their /ote ban$ out of the ignorant and passive masses! 0lobalization in that sense " is emenrging as an potent ideology " in current indian political scenario! (lites are $no&n for their ability to generate different forms of opium produced for masses! 1asses are $no& for their charateristics to consume any form of opium produced by elites! #ith respect to the issue of globalization" indian intelligentsia can be categorized either as 2iberal elites 34nited 'rogressive +lliance " +am +dami 'arty5 or 6onservative elites 37ational 8emocratic +lliance and 2eft &ing political parties 5! In this sense" globalizaion is emerging as a most potent tool in the hands of the conservative elites! 9oth categories of elites are no& a days busy &ith convincing masses to generate their vote ban$ for upcoming general election! The indian conservative elites are pro.ecting globalization as an inluential force &hich is ruining the life of millions of subaltern and disadvantaged section of nation! They are pro.ecting globalization as an economic and cultural invansion on the nation!3 http://en!&i$ipedia!org/&i$i/;angh<'arivar 5 1ore over" they brain&ash people of india by arguing "that because of the globalization" local enterpreniours can not devloped to their fullest potential! (mergence of strong and coalition-free government at federal level can only save people ingeneral and masses in particular" from the illeffects of globalization! They &ant to form government &hich $no&s ho& to fight and appease current godfathers of globalization34!;!+!" 4!=! and (45 very firmly and tactfully! They &ant a government &hich $no&s ho& to derive ma-imum benefits out of the forces of globalization and at 'appropriate<time' distribute the fruits in terms of 'real<po&er' among all citizens to empo&er themselves by providing necessary and enough environment for their all-round development! They claim" 'ure-+uthoritarian and democratically elected republic &ith accountability as an inherent characteristic can only save his citizens against the evils of globalization! In this sense" they are generating their vote ban$ to con)ure po&er! 1a.ority of indian middle class masses are easily convinced by this type of reasoning! >n the other side" indian liberal elites are pro.ecting aspiration of forming 6oaltion-free government as an aspiration to form authoritarian regime! ;uch authoritarian regime may lead to dictotership and ultimatlly totalitarianism! They are countering conservative's aspiration to form coalition-free government by arguing" it &ill lead to concentration of po&er and ultimatly institutionalization of pluralistic and diverse society via empo&erment of panchayati ra. institution &ill remain" unrealized dream! They highlite" elitist and autocratic style of governance of bharatiya .anta party's prime ministrial candidate" narendra modi 3http://en!&i$ipedia!org/&i$i/7arendra<1odi 5 and compare it &ith governce style of adolf hitler of germany and mussolini of Italy! They frightens people from narendra modi by citing the communal riot of 2002 &hich too$ place during his chief ministership in gu.arat! They &ant a govenement &ith strenghthens and empo&ers people of all strata of society by devolving economic and political po&er to them! In this sense" 1asses are prone to (lites ! It is a high time that every society re)uires some 'specialized elites'" &ho can spread a&areness regarding different perception of globalization among masses!#&&!0lobalizationcafe!com isdoing very nobel activity to spread a&areness among masses

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