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Working towards aNationalCampaign for Education


EDUCATION QuestionTime
Is OFSTED fit for purpose? Do we over-test our children? Is phonics the best way to teach reading? Do we need SATs? Why is there a shortage of school places? Are standards falling in our schools? Can free schools solve the school places crisis?
If you would like to propose questions for the panel to consider please use #edqtime @NCE2014

PANEL: Christine Blower, National Union of Teachers (NUT) General Secretary Beth Farhat, Regional Secretary, Northern TUC Robert Waugh, Gateshead Youth Assembly Martin Levy, University and College Union (UCU) Northern Regional chair Classroom teachers to be confirmed

7.30pm MONDAY 24th MARCH 2014

(doors open 7pm)
Everyone welcome especially parents, governors and students
FREE EVENT Tickets need to be booked in advance at http://educationquestion

Venue: Centre for Life, Times Sq, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4EP

Working towards aNationalCampaign for Education

EDUCATION QuestionTime
We organised this event because we are teachers and parents who are working towards a National Campaign for Education. Why? The first aim is to expose the problems in governments education policies. It is not just about academies and free schools. It reaches into the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. It also affects the provision of school places and teacher education. It is about how, when and why our children are educated. On many of these issues, Gove has pursued deeply unpopular reforms, often resorting to abusing those who disagree with him. This Education Question Time is a chance for us to hear a proper debate, away from the name calling and blame game pursued by some politicians. The second aim is to develop this discussion into a National Campaign for Education. There are already many excellent education campaigns and organisations representing parents, teachers and support staff. There are also specialist organisations dealing with specific areas such as SEN, primary and early years education. We believe we need to work together to project a clear set of shared ideas and values that will create an education system that benefits all our children. The idea for an NCE is modelled on the 1963 National Campaign for Education. This was a huge campaign that helped change policy in the early 1960s helping to introduce a comprehensive and fully funded system. We are not far from another General Election. Education will feature prominently. Our plan is to hold Education Question Time events all over the country to help hold politicians to account. We want to make 2014 a year for education in which we work together to make a better education system for all.

If you support our aims please help us make it a reality by getting involved. Please contact us if you have any further questions @nce2014

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