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NAME.. 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Put the letter corresponding to the BEST answer in the box a. Which of the following is not true of acids A they taste sour B they react with magnesium to form hydrogen gas they contain more !"#$ ions than #!% ions & they turn phenolphthalein indicator pin'

b. The following e(uation shows the ioni)ation reaction of hydrogen chloride in water.
HCl H (aq)+Cl
+ --


*n a(ueous solution the !$ ions would+ A remain as free protons B be con,erted to !- gas combine with water molecules to form !"#$ & force water molecules to ioni)e to !$ and #!% ions

c. Which of the following solutions is most acidic A hydrogen chloride in water. /! $0 1 2.221 3 B sodium hydroxide in water. /#!%0 1 2.- 3 ethanoic acid in water. /!$0 1 2.224 3 & nitric acid in water. /!$0 1 2.2221 3

d. 5or the ioni)ation of perchloric acid in water+ HClO4(l)+H2O(l) H3O+(aq)+ClO4--(aq) . which of the following species would ha,e the lowest concentration. A ! l#4 B !-# !"#$



e. Which of the following is not a polyprotic acid A !- # " B !"P#4



!" ##!

f. 5or !6#" 7nitric acid8 NO3-- is the strong con9ugate acid A NO3-- is the strong con9ugate base

B &

NO3-- is the wea' con9ugate acid NO3-- is the wea' con9ugate base

g. onsider the following reactions+

HPO42--(aq)+NH4+ (aq) HCO3--(aq)+OH--(aq) HPO42--(aq) +CN--(aq) HCO3--(aq)+H3O+ (aq)


CO32--(aq)+H2O HCN(aq)+PO43--(aq) 2H2O+CO2 HPO42--

*n these reactions. which of the following acts as an amphiprotic substance H2PO4-- % NH4+ A B #" -%


h. &aniel is titrating ali !ots o" #$os#$o%i& acid with potassium hydroxide solution. Which of the following would lead to an error in the results A rinsing the pipette with the phosphoric acid B rinsing the two conical flas's 7into which the ali(uots will be pipetted8 with the acid ha,ing some water in the conical flas's before the ali(uots are added & rinsing the burette with the potassium hydroxide solution E putting two drops of indicator in one conical flas' and four drops in the other

i. *n a 2.221 3 solution of the wea' acid A B "

!: ##! the p! will be closest to+ 4 &

'. A 2.2222- 3 solution of ! l is+ A a dilute strong acid B a dilute wea' acid a concentrated strong acid & a concentrated wea' acid <12

E(TENDED RESPONSE 2. Write e(uations to show that. in water+ a. !-S#4 is a diprotic acid 7- e(uations8

b. P!" is a wea' base

c. HCO3 is amphiprotic 7- e(uations8


). . Write balanced molecular e(uations for the reactions between+

a. ! l and u#


!-S#4 and a #"


! l and =n


!6#" and >#! <?

*. a. The p! of a solution of ! l is -.4. What is the concentration of /! $0 ions@

<1 b. *n a - 3 solution of 6a#! 7i8 What is the concentration of #!% ions@

<1 7ii8 What is the concentration of !$ ions@

<1 7iii8 What is the p!@ <1

+. Windex is a brand of window cleaner which contains ammonia 7a base8.

A Aear 1- class carried out a titration of ali(uots of Windex 7using a -2 mB pipette8 against 2.12- 3 ! l. The following titres of ! l were obtained by Bi) and Brian+% --."C mB. -1.-1 mB. -1.-D mB. -1.-: mB and -1.1; mB. Phenolphthalein was the indicator. The e(uation for the reaction is

a. What is the a,erage titre@ <1 b. !ow many moles of ! l are in the a,erage titre@ <1 c. !ow many moles of ammonia are in each ali(uot of Windex@ <1 d. What is the concentration 7molarity8 of ammonia in the Windex@

<e. &uring each titration. when would Brian and Bi) stop adding acid@

<1 f. Eohn and >aren had titres of -1.-. -1.4. -1.". -1.?. omment on their accuracy. <1

,)) -%ade .
Data/ /!$0 /#!%0 1 12%14 p! 1 % log/!$0

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