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IT2354 Embedded System UNIT I PART-A (2 MARKS) 1. What is an embedded computer system? 2.

. Why do we use microprocessors to design a digital system? 3. Mention the challenges in embedded computing system design. 4. Mention the reasons that makes embedded computing machines design difficult. 5. tate the importance of design methodology. !. Mention the ma"or steps in embedded system design process. #. Mention the ma"or goals of embedded system design. $. Mention the non functional re%uirements. &. Mention the components of '( system specification. 1). Mention the different types of relationships. 11. What is called a *on +eumann machine? 12. What is called a ,ar*ard machine? 13. Mention the characteristics of instructions. 14. tate the importance of current program status register -.( /0. 15. Mention the addressing modes of .551 2 (. 1!. 2efine procedure linkage. 1#. 2efine .3 .. 1$. 2efine /3 .. 1&. Mention the features of assembly language. 2). 2ifferentiate big and little endian byte ordering modes. .PART-B (16 MARKS) 1. 41plain in detail about the challenges in embedded computing system design. 2. 41plain in detail about the embedded system design process. 3. 41plain in detail about 5/M processor. 4. 41plain in detail about 63 .551 2 (. 5. 41plain in detail about the characteristics of embedded computing applications. !. 41plain tructural description in detail. #. 41plain 7eha*ioral description in detail. $. 41plain .onceptual specification in detail. &. 41plain in detail about $)51 microcontroller. 1). 41plain in detail about data operations of 5/M processor.

UNIT II PART-A (2 MARKS) 1. tate the importance of data register and status register. 2. Mention the two ways used for performing input and output operations. 3. 2efine polling. 4. 2efine an interrupt. 5. Mention the signals used for by i8o de*ices for interrupting. !. 2efine foreground program. #. Mention the ways used for generali9ing the interrupts to handle multiple de*ices. $. 2efine non maskable interrupts. &. 2efine e1ception. 1). 2efine trap. 11. 2efine cache memory. 12. 2efine cache hit. 13. 2efine cache miss. 14. Mention the types of cache misses. 15. Mention the different strategies used for writing in a cache. 1!. 2efine page fault. 1#. 2efine 2M5. 1$. Mention the registers present in the 2M5 controller. 1&. What is a watch dog timer? 2). 2efine aspect ratio. PART-B (16 MARKS) 1. 41plain the concept of interrupts in detail. 2. 41plain the working of cache memory in detail. 3. 41plain memory mapping and address translation in detail. 4. 41plain the working of .(: bus in detail. 5. 41plain direct memory access in detail. !. 41plain the *arious 38; de*ices in detail. #. 41plain memory de*ices in detail. $. 41plain the *arious display de*ices and the methods of interfacing in detail. &. 41plain about e1ceptions and trap in detail. 1). 41plain about interrupt priority and *ector in detail.

UNIT III PART-A (2 MARKS) 1. 2efine process. 2. 2efine thread. 3. Mention the re%uirements on processes. 4. 2efine period. 5. 2efine task graph. !. 2efine initiation time and completion time. #. Mention the *arious scheduling states of a process. $. 2efine scheduling policy. &. 2efine utili9ation. 1). 2efine time %uantum. 11. 2efine conte1t switching. 12. Mention the two ways of assigning priority to a process. 13. 2efine rate monolithic scheduling. 14. 2efine earliest deadline first scheduling. 15. 2efine priority in*ersion. 1!. Mention the two different styles used for inter process communication. 1#. 2efine signal. 1$. 2efine response time. 1&. 2efine (.7. 2).2efine critical instant. PART B (16 MARKS) 1. 41plain multiple tasks and multiple processes in detail. 2. 41plain the *arious scheduling policies in detail. 3. 41plain (reempti*e real time operating system in detail. 4. 41plain +on<(reempti*e real time operating systems in detail. 5. 41plain priority based scheduling in detail. !. 41plain the *arious inter process communication mechanism in detail. #. 41plain the *arious types of (erformance issues.

UNIT-IV PART-A (2 MARKS) 1. =ist the ad*antages in assembly language coding for an application. 2. What do you mean by optimi9ation of memory? 3. ,ow to declare +:== pointers in embedded .? 4. 2efine e1e file. 5. What is an in<circuit emulator? !. What are reentrant functions in embedded software? #. 2efine a testbench. $. 2efine a host and a target. &. What is a cross compiler? 1). What are real<time constraints for an embedded system? 11. pecify the 2 categories of multi<state systems. 12. What is a linker? 13. What is a locator? 14. What is a simulator? 15. What are the debugging tools a*ailable? 1!. What type of processor> operating system and language are used for embedded systems? 1#. =ist the ad*antages in high<le*el language programming. 1$. What are configuration files? 1&. ,ow does a macro differ from a function? 2). ,ow will you optimi9e embedded system codes in ;;(s language? PART-B (16 MARKS) 1. a0 6abulate program elements? Macros and @unctions and their uses. b0 41plain the use of pointers> +:== pointers. 2. a0 What are the ad*antages of using multiple function calls in cyclic order in the main-0 ? 5lso> write the ad*antages of building 3 / %ueues. b0 What are the programming ad*antages of .AA ? What are the disad*antages of .AA ? 3. a0 .ompare programming in assembly language and in high le*el language B.C. b0 What are the typical challenges of programming for embedded systems? 4. a0 .ompare . program compiler and cross<compiler. b0 2iscuss the steps used for optimi9ing the use of memory in a system. 5. a0 =ist the *arious software tools of embedded system and its uses. b0 41plain oftware tools application with e1emplary systems. !. 41plain the following program elements with suitable synta1 and e1amplesa0 3nclude directories b0 ource files c0 .onfiguration files d0 (reprocessor directi*es #. a0 2iscuss about the usage of function calls in embedded . language. b0 2iscuss about multiple function calls in cyclic order. $. a0 2escribe the debugging strategies used in embedded systems in detail. b0 what are the differences between linker and loader? &. 41plain the features of assemblers> compilers and cross<compilers used in embedded systems. 1). a0 What are simulators? What are the ad*antages and disad*antages of simulators? b0 2escribe the role of in<circuit emulator in the design of embedded system.

UNIT-V PART-A (2 MARKS) 1. Why is :M= a powerful modeling language? 2. What is a synchroni9ation ob"ect? 3. =ist the *arious software layers in software architecture of a camera system. 4. 2efine ,ardware 5rchitecture. 5. What are the 2 different approaches for designing an embedded system? !. =ist the issues in hardware and software design for an embedded system. #. pecify the ad*antages of hardware implementations. $. pecify the ad*antages of software implementations. &. =ist the choices a*ailable for embedded system processors. 1). Mention the language used for simulating and synthesi9ing gate le*el design. 11. ,ow will you implement @ M and state transitions? 12. =ist any 4 factors which should be taken into account while choosing a microprocessor or microcontroller. 13. pecify few data sets which are allotted memory 14. What are the registers in a de*ice? 15. =ist the *arious performance metrics. 1!. =ist the metrics based on which real<time program performance depends upon. 1#. What are the ways in which you accelerate the performance? 1$. What does a (=. unit consist of? 1&. ,ow does a port instruction data type differ from one platform to another platform? 2). What are the criteria to be considered about which the microcontroller is to be used? PART-B (16 MARKS) 1. 2raw and e1plain basic system-5.D 0 of an 5utomatic .hocolate Dending Machine. 2. 3dentify the tasks for an 5.D . 41plain the *arious interprocess communication methods re%uired in implementing the application. 3. (erform the case study for an 5.D using M:.; /6; . 4. (erform the case study of an embedded system for a smart card. 5. What are the hardware and software design issues to be considered while designing an embedded system?

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