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Choose the word wh !h h"s d ##ere$t stress %"tter$& 1. A primitive B particular . A intensi!" B summar" $. A pressure B medical &. A lan%ua%e B l"rical '. A sedentar" B availa(le

THI TUYN SINH I HC Mn Thi: ANH VN Khi D Thi gian: 90 pht, khng k thi gian giao
C continuous C p#ilosop#ers C immortal C evidence C additional D connected D instruction D li%#tnin% D disadvanta%e D ma)orit"

Choose the 'est o%t o$& *. +++++ is a time t#at is supported to (e !ree !rom ,orries. A. C#ild B. C#ildli-e C. C#ildis# D. C#ild#ood .. /it#in a couple o! #ours0 a ver" important +++++ on t#e ne, ta1 polic" ,ill (e made. A. announce B. announcement C. announcer D. announcin% 2. One +++++ o! pu(lic transport is its unrelia(ilit". A. (ene!it B. disadvanta%e C. #arm D. dra,(ac3. +++++ acceptin% "our )o( o!!er0 I4d li-e to -no, a (it more a(out t#e compan". A. In advance B. In order C. 5ntil D. Be!ore 16. 7et4s #ave a +++++ o! tennis a!ter lunc# i! "ou4re not tired0 s#all ,e8 A. matc# B. pla" C. %ame D. part" 11. He pla"ed a ver" important ++++++ in politics until #e ,as ,ell over 26. A. scene B. )o( C. position D. part 1 . T#e noise !rom t#e tra!!ic outside stopped me !rom +++++ to sleep. A. !allin% B. startin% C. (e%innin% D. %oin% 1$. 9#e +++++ do,n completel" on #earin% o! #er !riend4s deat#. A. (ro-e B. turned. C. put D. !ell 1&. :ac- can spea- t,o lan%ua%es. One is ;n%lis#. +++++ is <ietnamese. A. Ot#er B. T#e ot#er C. Anot#er D. Ot#ers 1'. T#e mana%er did not o!!er #er t#e )o( (ecause o! #er untid" +++++. A. si%#t B. vie, C. appearance D. presence 1*. =Is t#at a ne, coat8= =>es0 ,#at +++++ it8? A. are "ou t#in-in% o! B. do "ou t#in- o! C. is "our idea a(out D. did "ou t#in- a(out 1.. Ho, do "ou do8 ++++++. A I4m ver" !ine0 t#an-s B. T#an-s to m" mot#er C. Ho, do "ou do8 D. /it# m" (rot#er. 12. T#e %irl +++++ is m" nei%#(or. A. tal-s to t#e lad" over t#ere. B. is tal-in% to t#e lad" over t#ere C. ,as tal-in% to t#e lad" over t#ere D. tal-in% to t#e lad" over t#ere 13. ++++++ ,it# #er (o"!riend "esterda"0 s#e doesn4t ,ant to ans,er #is p#one call. A. Havin% @uarreled B. Because #avin% @uarreled C. BecauseAo! s#e @uarreled D. Had @uarreled 6. M" dau%#ter o!ten sa"s t#at s#e ,on4t %et married until s#e +++++ ' "ears old. A. is B. ,ill (e C. ,ill #ave (een D. #as (een 1. M" !at#er as-ed me +++++ o! t#e !ilm. A. ,#at did I t#inB. ,#at I t#inC. ,#at I t#ou%#t D. ,#at I did t#ou%#t . ;ver"one in (ot# cars +++++ in)ured in t#e accident last ni%#t0 ++++++8 A ,ere B ,eren4t t#e" B. ,as B ,eren4t t#e" C. ,as B ,asn4t #e8 D. ,ere B ,ere t#e" $. T#e more #e tried to e1plain0 ++++++ ,e %ot A. t#e muc# con!used B. t#e man" con!usin% C. t#e more con!usin% D. t#e more con!used &. Cot onl" +++++ us li%#t0 (ut it also %ives us #eat. A. t#e sun %ives B. t#e sun #as %iven C. #as t#e sun %iven D. does t#e sun %ive '. I! "ou #adn4t sta"ed up so late last ni%#t0 "ou ++++++ sleep" no,. A. ,ouldn4t #ave !elt B. ,ouldn4t !eel C. ,ouldn4t !ell D. ,ouldn4t #ave !allen (e"d the %"ss")e "$d !hoose the 'est "$swer&

*. .. 2. 3. $6. $1. $ . $$. $&. $'.

/it#in t#e last centur" t#e amount o! car(on dio1ide in t#e atmosp#ere D *E ++++ dramaticall"0 lar%el" D .E ++++ people (urn vast amounts o! !ossil !uels A coal and petroleum and its derivatives. Avera%e %lo(al temperature also #as increased A (" a(out 6.* Celsius de%ree ,it#in D 2E ++++ past centur". Atmosp#eric scientists D 3E ++++ !ound t#at at least #al! o! t#at temperature increase D$6E ++++ attri(uted to #uman activit". T#e" predict t#at D$1E ++++ dramatic action is ta-en0 %lo(al temperature ,ill continue D$ E ++++ (" 1 A to '.2 Celsius de%rees over t#e ne1t centur". Alt#ou%# D$$E ++++ increase ma" not seem li-e a %reat di!!erence0 durin% t#e last ice a%e t#e %lo(al temperature D$&E ++++ onl" . Celsius de%rees cooler t#an it D$'E ++++ presentl". A. #as risen B. rose C. #as raised D. raised A. (ecause o! B. alt#ou%# C. despite D. (ecause A. a B. some C. t#e D. an" A. #ad B. #ave C. are D. ou%#t to A. s#ould (e B. is (ein% C. #ad (een D. can (e A. unless B. i! C. provided D. as lon% as A. (e risin% B. to rise C. to (e risen D. to (e risin% A. so muc# B. so C. suc# an D. suc# A. #ad (een B. #as (een C. is D. ,as A. is B. #as (een C. ,as D. ,ill (e

(e"d the %"ss")e "$d !hoose the 'est "$swer& Clean !res#,ater resources are essential !or drin-in%0 (at#in%0 coo-in%0 irri%ation0 industr"0 and !or plant and animal D$*E ++++. 5n!ortunatel"0 t#e %lo(al suppl" o! !res#,ater is D$.E ++++ unevenl". C#ronic ,ater s#orta%es D$2E ++++ in most o! A!rica and drou%#t is common over muc# o! t#e %lo(e. T#e D$3E ++++ o! most !res#,ater supplies A %round,ater D,ater located (elo, t#e soil sur!aceE0 reservoirs0 and rivers A are under severe and D&6E ++++ environmental stress (ecause o! overuse0 ,ater pollution0 and ecos"stem de%radation. Over 3' percent o! ur(an se,a%e in D&1E ++++ countries is D& E ++++ untreated into sur!ace ,aters suc# as rivers and #ar(orsF A(out *' percent o! t#e %lo(al !res#,ater suppl" is used in D&$E ++++ and ' percent is used in industr". Gres#,ater D&&E ++++ t#ere!ore re@uires a reduction in ,aste!ul practices li-e D&'E ++++ irri%ation0 re!orms in a%riculture and. industr"0 and strict pollution controls ,orld,ide. $*. A. survive B. survived C. survivin% D. survival $.. A. delivered B. distri(uted C. provided D. %iven $2. A. e1ist B. lie C. s#o, D. lHita" $3. A. resources B. sprin%s C. sources D. startin% &6. A. increasin% B. %ro,in% C. clim(in% D. ascendin% &1. A. %ro,in% B. misera(le C. povert" D. developin% & . A. rec#ar%ed B. disc#ar%ed C. c#ar%ed D. disc#ar%in% &$. A. !armin% B. plantin% C. a%riculture D. %ro,in% &&. A. reservation B. conservation C. preservation D. retention &'. A. ine!!ective B. illo%ical C. irrational D. ine!!icient Ide$t #* o$e + st",e $ the #o--ow $) se$te$!es& &*. DAE Mined over 0666 "ears DBE a%o0 copper is one o! DCE t#e earliest DDE -no, metals. &.. DAE T#e avera%e adult DBE #as %ot !rom t,o DCE to !ive DDE colds eac# "ear. &2. Computers DAE #ave made DBE access to in!ormation DCE instantl" availa(le )ust DDE (" pus# a !e, (uttons. &3. 9ome %orillas DAE (eat t#eir c#ests DBE as an DCE e1press o! DDE #i%# spirits. '6. Because vitamins DAE contained DBE in a ,ide DCE variet" o! !oods0 people seldom DDE lac- most o! t#em. Choose the 'est o%t o$& '1. 9imon p#"sics at all. A. ,as #ardl" not interested in B. ,as #ardl" interested in C. ,as #ardl" not interestin% on D. ,as not #ardl" interested in ' . I! a student ++++ it is ver" unli-el" t#at #e ,ill receive a %ood education. A. (e#aves (adl" arid ,#o is laI"0 B. ,#o (e#aves (adl" and ,as laI"0 C. ,#o (e#aves (adl" and is laI"0 D. (e#aves (adl" and is laI"0 '$. T#e audience0 ++++ en)o"ed t#e per!ormance. A. most o! t#em ,ere students0 B. most o! ,#om ,ere students0 C. t#e" ,ere mostl" students0 D. t#e" t#emselves ,ere students0 '&. T#e tests .in t#is. (oo- are arran%ed ++++ A. in order o! di!!icult B. in order o! di!!icult" C. in orderl" di!!icult D. in t#e order o! di!!icult"

''. T#e success o! t#e pla" ,as due to ++++ A. t#e actors and #o, it ,as produced B. t#e actin% and t#e production C. t#e actors and its production D. #o, t#e" acted and t#e production Choose the !orre!t se$te$!e wh !h h"s the s"+e +e"$ $) "s the ) .e$ o$e& '*. It is a pit" "ou didn4t tell us a(out t#is. A. I ,is# "ou #ave told us a(out t#is. B. I ,is# "ou ,ould tell us a(out t#is. C. I ,is# "ou #ad told us a(out t#is D. I ,is# "ou ,ould #ave told us a(out t#is. '.. I4ve never %one to t#e car ,as# (e!ore. A. T#is is t#e !irst time I #ave #ad m" car ,as#ed. B. T#is is t#e !irst time I #ave ,as#ed m" car. C. Cever #ave I ,as#ed m" car (e!ore. D. Cever #as m" car (een ,as#ed. '2. A!ter #e #ad !inis#ed t#e report0 #e su(mitted it to t#e director. A. Ginis#in% t#e report0 it ,as su(mitted to t#e director. B. Havin% !inis#ed t#e report0 it ,as su(mitted to t#e director. C. Havin% !inis#ed t#e report0 #e su(mitted to t#e director. D. Havin% !inis#ed t#e report0 #e su(mitted it to t#e director. '3. :ean could not #elp ,eepin% ,#en s#e #eard t#e (ad ne,s. A. :ean could not stop #ersel! !rom ,eepin% at t#e (ad ne,s. B. :ean could not allo, #ersel! to ,eep at t#e (ad ne,s. C. :ean could not #elp #ersel! and so s#e ,ept at t#e (ad ne,s. D. :ean could not #elp #ersel! (ecause s#e ,as ,eepin%. *6. T#e (est solution ,as t#ou%#t o! (" t#e monitor. A. T#e monitor came up ,it# t#e (est solution. B. T#e monitor ,as %ood ,it# t#e (est solution. C. Co one could solve t#e pro(lem e1cept t#e monitor. D. T#e (est solution ,as monitored (" t#e t#ou%#t. (e"d the %"ss")e "$d !hoose the 'est "$swer& In t#e 5nited 9tates0 presidential elections are #eld in "ears evenl" divisi(le (" !our D12220 13660 13*&0 etc.E. 9ince 12&60 American presidents elected in "ears endin% ,it# Iero #ave died in o!!ice0 ,it# one e1ception. /illiam H. Harrison0 t#e man ,#o served t#e s#ortest term0 died o! pneumonia onl" several ,ee-s a!ter #is $"/)/r"t o$. A(ra#am 7incoln ,as one o! !our presidents ,#o ,ere "ss"ss $"ted. He ,as elected in 12*60 and #is untimel" deat# came )ust !ive "ears later. :ames A. Jar!ield0 a !ormer 5nion arm" %eneral !rom O#io0 ,as s#ot durin% #is !irst "ear in o!!ice D1221E (" a man to who+ #e ,ouldn4t %ive a )o(. /#ile in #is second term o! o!!ice D1361E0 /illiam McKinle"0 anot#er O#ioan0 attended t#e KanAAmerican ;1position in Bu!!alo0 Ce, >or-. Durin% t#e reception0 #e ,as assassinated ,#ile s#a-in% #ands ,it# some o! t#e %uests. :o#n G. Kenned" ,as assassinated in 13*$ in Dallas onl" t#ree "ears a!ter #is election. T#ree "ears a!ter #is election in 13 60 /arren J0 Hardin% died in o!!ice. Alt#ou%# it ,as never proved0 man" (elieve #e ,as poisoned. Gran-lin D. Loosevelt ,as elected !our times D13$ 0 13$*0 13&6 and 13&&E0 t#e onl" man to serve so lon% a term. He #ad !o$tr"!ted polio in 13 1 and eventuall" died o! t#e illness in 13&'. Lonald Lea%an0 ,#o ,as elected in 1326 and reelected !our "ears later0 su!!ered an assassination attempt (ut did not succum( to t#e assassin4s (ullets. He ,as t#e !irst to (rea- t#e lon% c#ain o! un!ortunate events. /ill t#e candidate in t#e election o! 6 6 also (e as luc-"8 *1. All o! t#e !ollo,in% ,ere election "ears ;MC;KT ++++ A. 13*6 B. 13$6 C.1222 D.12 & * . /#ic# president served t#e s#ortest term in o!!ice8 A. A(ra#am 7incoln B. /arren J. Hardin% C. /illiam McKinle" D. /illiam H. Harrison *$. /#ic# o! t#e !ollo,in% is true8 A. All presidents elected in "ears endin% in Iero #ave died in o!!ice. B. Onl" presidents !rom O#io #ave died in o!!ice. C. Gran-lin D. Loosevelt completed !our terms as president. D. Gour American presidents #ave (een assassinated. *&. Ho, man" presidents elected in "ears endin% in Iero since 12&6 #ave died in o!!ice8 A. . B. ' C. & D. $ *'. T#e ,ord = $"/)/r"t o$= in t#e !irst para%rap# means most nearl" t#e same as A. election B. acceptance speec# C. s,earin%Ain ceremon" D. campai%n **. All o! t#e !ollo,in% presidents ,ere assassinated ;MC;KT ++++

*.. *2. *3. .6.

A. :o#n G. Kenned" B. Gran-lin D. Loosevelt C. A(ra#am 7incoln D. :ames A. Jar!ield T#e ,ord =who+= in t#e second para%rap# re!ers to ++++ A. Jar!ield B. Jar!ield4s assassin C. a 5nion arm" %eneral D. McKinle" T#e ,ord ="ss"ss $"ted= in t#e second para%rap# is closest in meanin% to A. murdered B. decorated C. #onored D. sic-ened In t#e t#ird para%rap#0 =!o$tr"!ted= is closest in meanin% to ++++ A. communicated a(out B. developed C. a%ree a(out D. noti!ied Ho, lon% did /arren J0 Hardin% ,or- as a president8 A. "ears B. $ "ears C. & "ears D. & "ears

(e"d the %"ss")e "$d !hoose the 'est "$swer& A!ter inventin% d"namite0 9,edis#A(orn Al!red Co(el (ecame a ver" ric# man. Ho,ever0 #e #ores"w its universall" destructive po,ers too late. Co(el pre!erred not to (e remem(ered as t#e inventor o! d"namite0 so in 123'0 )ust t,o ,ee-s (e!ore #is deat#N0 #e created a !und to (e used !or a,ardin% priIes to people ,#o #ad made worthwh -e contri(utions to #umanit". Ori%inall" t#ere ,ere !ive a,ardsH literature0 p#"sics0 c#emistr"0 medicine0 and peace. ;conomics ,as added in 13*20 )ust si1t"Aseven "ears a!ter t#e !irst a,ards ceremon". Co(el4s ori%inal -e)"!* o! nine million dollars ,as invested0 and t#e interest on t#is sum is used !or t#e a,ards ,#ic# var" !rom O$60666 to O1 '0666. ;ver" "ear on Decem(er 160 t#e anniversar" o! Co(el4s deat#0 t#e a,ards D%old medal0 illuminated diploma0 and mone"E are presented to t#e ,inners. 9ometimes politics pla"s an important role in t#e )ud%es4 decisions. Americans #ave ,on numerous science a,ards0 (ut relativel" !e, literature priIes. Co a,ards ,ere presented !rom 13&6 to 13& at t#e (e%innin% o! /orld /ar 11. 9ome people #ave ,on t,o priIes0 (ut t#is is rareF ot#ers #ave s#ared t#eir priIes. .1. T#e ,ord =#ores"w= in t#e !irst para%rap# is nearest in meanin% to ++ A. prevailed B. postponed C. prevented D. predicted . . T#e Co(el priIe ,as esta(lis#ed in order to +++ A reco%niIe ,ort#,#ile contri(utions to #umanit" B. resolve political di!!erences C. #onor t#e inventor o! d"namite D. spend mone" .$. In ,#ic# area #ave Americans received t#e most a,ards8 A 7iterature B. Keace C. ;conomics D. 9cience .&. All o! t#e !ollo,in% statements are true ;MC;KT A. A,ards var" in monetar" value B. ceremonies are #eld on Decem(er 16 to commemorate Co(el4s invention C. Kolitics pla"s an important role in selectin% t#e ,inners D. A !e, individuals #ave ,on t,o a,ards .'. In #o, man" !ields are priIes (esto,ed8 A. B. ' C.* D. 16 .*. It is implied t#at Co(el4s pro!ession ,as in ++++ A economics B. medicine C. literature D. science ... In t#e !irst para%rap#0 =worthwh -e= is closest in meanin% to +++ A. economic B. presti%ious C. trivial D. valua(le .2. Ho, muc# mone" did Co(el leaves !or t#e priIes8 A. O$60666 B. O1 '0666 C. O1''0666 D. O306660666 .3. /#at is t#e main idea o! t#is passa%e8 A. Al!red Co(el (ecame ver" ric# ,#en #e invented d"namite. B. Al!red Co(el created a,ards in si1 cate%ories !or contri(utions to #umanit". C. Al!red Co(el le!t all o! #is mone" to science D. Al!red Co(el made a lastin% contri(ution to #umanit" 26. T#e ,ord =-e)"!*= in t#e second para%rap# means most nearl" t#e same as ++++ A. le%end B. (e@uest C. priIe D. de(t 00000 The e$d 00000

12Y& 1. A . B 1.C .B &1.D & .B *1.B * .D

$. C &. D '. A *. D .. B 2. B 3. D 16.C 11.D 1 .D 1$.A 1&.B 1'.C 1*.B 1..C 12.D 13.A 6.A

$.D &.D '.B *.A ..D 2.C 3.B $6.D $1.A $ .B $$.C $&.D $'.A $*.D $..B $2.A $3.C &6.A

&$.A &&.B &'.D &*.D &..B &2.D &3.C '6.A '1.B ' .D '$.B '&.D ''.C '*.C '..A '2.D '3.A *6.A

*$.D *&.A *'.C **.B *..B *2.A *3.B .6.B .1.C . .A .$.A .&.B .'.B .*.A ...D .2.C .3.A 26.B

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