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Example Style Guide...................................................................

1.0 Coding Standards...............................................................2
1.1 Validation........................................................................2
1.2 DOCTYPE Declaration........................................................2
1.3 Accessibility.....................................................................2
1.4 Browser Support..............................................................2
1.5 Character Set..................................................................3
1.6 Title, Keywords and Descriptions........................................3
1.7 Alternative Text for Images...............................................4
1.8 Links..............................................................................4
1.9 Meaningful HTML..............................................................5
1.10 Abbreviations and Acronyms............................................5
1.11 Tables...........................................................................6
2.0 Styles...............................................................................6
2.1 General Typography.........................................................6
2.2 Colors.............................................................................6
2.3 Inline Images..................................................................6
2.4 Headline Styles................................................................6
2.5 Link Styles......................................................................6
2.6 Pull Quote/Testimonial Styles.............................................6
2.7 error Class....................................................................7
2.8 feedback Class..............................................................7
2.9 news-story Class...........................................................7
2.9 box Class......................................................................7
3.0 Resources..........................................................................7
3.1 Photoshop Files................................................................7
3.2 Mark-up Guides..................................................................7
3.3 XHTML Templates.............................................................8
3.4 CSS Files...........................................................................8
3.5 Useful Links.......................................................................8
3.6 Useful Books......................................................................9

Example Style Guide

The following document is a style guide to assist in the production,
implementation and continuing development of the [Client] website.
This document outlines the overall file structure, naming conventions,
design and coding guidelines, styles and resources used in the
construction of this site. To ensure design continuity and maintain the
lifespan of this site, it is important that everybody involved in the
development, maintenance and updating of this site read, understand
and adhere to these guidelines.

1.0 Coding Standards

This sections details the minimum coding standards required by the
[Client] site.

1.1 Validation
This site is designed to the XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS2.1 specifications
as laid down by the WC3 (World Wide Web Consortium). All new and
existing pages must aim to validate against these specifications.

XHTML Validator
CSS Validator
Validate XHTML Bookmarklet Drag to browsers bookmarks
Validate CSS Bookmarklet Drag to browsers bookmarks folder

1.2 DOCTYPE Declaration

In order to conform to XHTML 1.0 Strict, every (X)HTML page on the
site must start with the following DOCTYPE declaration.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

1.3 Accessibility
This site aims to meet Double-A accessibility conformance as outlined
in WCAG 1.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0).

1.4 Browser Support

The following table outlines browser support requirements for this site.
Browser Family
IE 6+
Firefox 1.x
Safari 2.x
Opera 8.x
IE 5.5
Netscape 6
IE 5.0

Support Level
Partially Supported
Partially Supported

Opera 5.0-7.x
IE 4.0
NN 4.0

Partially Supported
Partially Supported
Partially Supported

Target Most popular browsers at present. Everything must

work as intended
Supported Old but popular browser. All content and
functionality must work with minimal degradation.
Partially supported Old and buggy browsers. Not supported but
not officially unsupported. Content and functionality must work.
Degradation must be graceful and should not obscure content.
Unsupported Buggy and unsupported browsers. Advice current
users to upgrade.

1.5 Character Set

All pages should use the Unicode UTF-8 character set.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
All special characters should be marked up using the correct named
entity or Unicode equivalent in order for the page to display correctly
across browsers and to validate. In particular, use the following codes
for common special characters:
Left Double Quote
Right Double Quote
Less Than
Greater Than




Take special care when inputting content created in a word processor.

1.6 Title, Keywords and Descriptions

To encourage ease of navigation and good search engine ranking, all
pages should contain a title, description and keywords. These content

elements should be created by the content editor and not left to the
Page title should be simple, descriptive and distinct, avoiding
marketing hyperbole. For consistency, all titles should be in the
<title>[Client] [Section]:[Page]</title>
Page descriptions should describe the content and purpose of the page
in 1-3 short sentences.
<meta name="Description" content="Page summary goes
here." />
Page keywords are used to add synonyms and additional meaning to a
page. Keywords should not be used to add irrelevant or unrelated
words to a page.
<meta name="keywords" content="word 1, word 2, word
n" />

1.7 Alternative Text for Images

Alternative text is required for every image element on the site. Alt
text must provide an adequate description of the content or function of
the image. Alternative text is content and must be created by the
content editor. It must not be left for the web developer to decide.
<img src="/img/xxxx.gif" alt="Add image description text
here." width="xx" height="xx" />
If the image is purely decorative, the alt text can be left blank.
<img src="/img/pretty.gif" alt= width="xx" height="xx"

1.8 Links
The text within links should be unique and describe the destination of
the link. Links saying Click Here or More should be avoided.
<a href="news.php">More News Stories</a>
Links that open in a new window should be avoided. However if there

is a good usability reason for doing so (i.e. providing contextual help),

the link text must inform the user.
<a href="help.php">Help (open new window)</a>
Links to downloadable documents such as PDFs should contain the
document size, format and the fact that they are downloads rather
than links to another page.
<a href="minutes.pdf">Download the Minutes in PDF format
You can provide additional, non-critical link information in the form of
a tool-tip by adding a title attribute.
<a href="news.php" title="News Archive">More News

1.9 Meaningful HTML

All pages should be coded using meaningful rather than presentational
XHTML. Meaningful elements include, but are not limited to, the

h1, h2 etc
ul, ol and dl
strong and em
blockquote and cite
abbr, acronym, code
fieldset, legend and label
caption, thead, tbody and tfoot

Deprecated elements and attributes should be avoided.

1.10 Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms should be marked up and defined the first
time they appear on each page.
<abbr title="UK">United Kingdom</abr>
<acronym title="NATO">North Atlantic Treaty

Organisation</ acronym >

1.11 Tables
Tables are reserved for data and should not be used for page layout.
Data tables should be marked up using appropriate meaningful
elements such as; <th>, <td>, <thead>, <tbody> and <tfoot> and
appropriate meaningful attributes such as; summary, id and headers.

2.0 Styles
This document contains details of all the styles used on this site, how
they are applied and how they are rendered.

2.1 General Typography

Blah, blah

2.2 Colors
Blah, blah

2.3 Inline Images

Blah, blah

2.4 Headline Styles

Blah, blah

2.5 Link Styles

Blah, blah

2.6 Pull Quote/Testimonial Styles

Blah, blah

2.7 error Class

Blah, blah

2.8 feedback Class

Blah, blah

2.9 news-story Class

Blah, blah

2.9 box Class

Blah, blah

3.0 Resources
This document contains useful resources for the site such as links and
descriptions of all the XHTML and CSS files used, links to Photoshop
templates and further coding resources.

3.1 Photoshop Files

Original Photoshop files.

Home Page
Login Page
Listings Page
Details Page
Apply Page

3.2 Mark-up Guides

Images showing the general page layouts, naming conventions, sizes

and colours

Generic Markup Guide

Colors and Sizes
Homepage Markup Guide

3.3 XHTML Templates

All the pages on the site can be made up from these core XHTML/CSS

Home Page
Login page
Listings Page
Details Page
Apply Page
Jobs By Email Page
Employer A-Z

3.4 CSS Files

Basic - Basic typography for older browsers. This file imports the

layout, general and forms file.

Layout - The overall page layout. Won't need to touch this one

unless the layout changes.

General - Colours, typography, non structural layout. This is the

file you're most likely to need to edit.

Forms - Form layout and styling. Could break this up into

separate page specific files if you wanted.

Home - Stylesheet to control the homepage and override some of

the more general styles

Print - A basic print stylesheet.fdsf

3.5 Useful Links

List of useful XHTML/CSS links

3.6 Useful Books

Web ReDesign 2.0: Workflow that Works by Kelly Goto

The Unusually Useful Web Book by June Cohen
Defensive Design for the Web by 37 Signals
Designing with Web Standards Jeffrey Zeldman
The CSS Anthology Rachel Andrew
Web Standard Solutions Dan Cederholm
CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions Andy Budd
DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document
Object Model - Jeremy Keith

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