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Name: .. Date: // Class: Number: .. Evaluation: .

1. What books and / or films do you know about space travel? Do you think it is possible to people to travel to distant planets?

Space ships have been seen in the sky above New York. Cities all over the USA have been attacked. We believe that the invaders are from Mars.

When those words were broadcast on the radio in 1938, thousands of Americans ran from their homes. Roads were blocked by cars as people tried to escape from Martians. n fact, it was !ust a play called The War of the Worlds. "he play was based on a story that was written by #.$. wells in 1898. n the story, %arth is attacked by spaceships that come from Mars. We now know that there aren&t any aliens from Mars. "he Red 'lanet has been (isited by se(eral space probes, and photo)raphs are taken by the Mars *rbital +ur(eyor e(ery day. All the pictures show a cold, dead planet, and no si)ns of life ha(e e(er been found there. #as it always been a dead planet, howe(er,

American scientists belie(e that they ha(e found si)ns of life on Mars. "hese si)ns weren-t found on the Red 'lanet itself. they were found in Antarctica in a small meteorite called A/#80111. "he %arth is hit by millions of meteorites e(ery year. "his particular meteorite came from Mars. t is billions of years old and contains fossils that look like bacteria.

2ot e(ery one a)rees that the fossils in the meteorite are bacteria. n the ne3t ten or twenty years, we mi)ht find out, howe(er, as there are many plans to send astronauts to Mars. "he %arth won&t be in(aded by Martians, as #.$. Wells thou)ht. nstead, Mars will be (isited by people of %arth. t will be difficult, dan)erous and e3pense !ourney. We mind only find bacteria, but this will show that life can e3ist on other planets.

2. Loo t!rou"! t!e te#ts. $!o or %!at are t!ese& '.(.$ells AL')*++, -!e Re. /lanet -!e Mars Orbital Surve0or.

2.,. $!0 %ill astronauts be sent to Mars& 1. Rea. t!e te#ts a"ain. Are t!ese statements true or 2alse& Ne% 3or %as atta4 e. b0 Martians in ,51). /eo6le t!ou"!t t!at t!e 6la0 %as real. S6a4e 6robes !ave 2oun. si"ns o2 live in Mars. AL')*++, %as 2oun. in Antar4ti4a. Meteorites .on7t !it t!e Eart! ver0 o2ten. All s4ientists a"ree t!at AL' )*++, 4ontains 2ossils o2 ba4teria. Astronauts %ill be sent to mars ne#t 0ear. $e no% t!ere is li2e on ot!er 6lanets.

The Passive voice

a8 Com6lete t!e "a66e. senten4e belo% %it! t!e verb in t!e 6assive voi4e. Active -!e Mars Orbital Surve0or ta es 6!oto"ra6!s ever0.a0. Passive 9999999999999999999 b0 t!e mars Orbital Surve0or ever0 .a0.

b8 Com6lete t!e senten4es 2rom t!e te#t. ,. S6a4es!i6s 9999999999999 in t!e s 0 above Ne% 3or . 2. Roa.s 999999999999 b0 4ars. 1. -!e Eart! 999999999999 b0 millions o2 meteorites ever0 0ear.

*. Mars 9999999999999 b0 6eo6le 2rom Eart!.

48 $!i4! senten4e is ea4! senten4e in& $rite t!e numbers o2 t!e senten4es in b in t!e bo#es. 6resent sim6le 6ast sim6le 2uture 6resent 6er2e4t

.8 /ut t!e verbs in bra4 ets into t!e 6ast sim6le 6assive.

How did ALH84001 get to Earth? Mars _______________ (form) about 4.5 bi io! "ears ago. About 1# mi io! "ears ago$ the % a!et _______________ (hit) b" a huge &omet. Mi io!s of %ie&es of the % a!et _______________ (throw) i!to s%a&e. About 1'.000 "ears ago o!e of these meteorites a!ded i! A!tar&ti&a a!d it _____________(&o(er) b" s!ow a!d i&e. )t _____________ (fi!d) i! 1*80s a!d it ______________ (ta+e) to the ,-A with other meteorites. .here$ the meteorites ______________ (&ut) o%e!$ a!d the" ________________ (stud") b" s&ie!tists. /b0e&ts that oo+ i+e ba&teria ____________________ (see) i! ALH84001. .he !ews of dis&o(er" ________________ (broad&ast) arou!d the wor d o! .1$ radio a!d the )!ter!et.

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