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Lab sheet for Computational Fluid Dynamics Government College of Engineering and Research Avasari
Lab # 5: Computational Heat Advection and Convection Date: 1. 2D Computational Heat Advection CHA!:
Consider a 2D Cartesian (x,y) computational domain of size L=1m and H=1 m, for CHA of a fluid (=1000 kg/m3 and cp=4180 W/m.K) moving it! a uniform velocit" u=v=1 m/s and an initial temperature of #$ $C. %!e left and top &oundar" of t!e domain is su&'ected to 1$$$C( and t!e &ottom and rig!t &oundar" to $$C Develop t!e code for t!e a&ove pro&lem, run t!e code for t!ree different advection sc!emes: (a) )*+, (&) ,*+ and (c) -+.C/. %a0e t!e ma1imum num&er of grid points in 12and "2direction as imax=jmax=22 and convergence criteria as $.$$$$$1. 3eport t!e results as a) Plot and discuss t!e stead" state temperature contours for t!e different advection sc!emes (4 figures). &) Plot and discuss t!e temperature profile at t!e vertical centerline( x=0.5), T y!, for t!e different advection sc!emes (4 figures).


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Answer Sheet
2D Computational Heat Advection CHA!:
a) Plot and discuss t!e stead" state temperature contours for t!e different advection sc!emes (4 figures). &) Plot and discuss t!e temperature profile at t!e vertical centerline( x=0.5), T y!, for t!e different advection sc!emes (4 figures).







)ig. 5.1: ,tead" state temperature contours using t!e (a1) )*+ sc!eme (&1) ,*+ sc!eme (c1) -+.C/ sc!eme %emperature variation along t!e vertical centerline using t!e (a2) )*+ sc!eme (&2) ,*+ sc!eme (c2) -+.C/ sc!eme Discuss )ig. 5.1 !ere, limited inside t!is te1t &o1 onl"

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Lab sheet for Computational Fluid Dynamics Government College of Engineering and Research Avasari
Lab # 6: Computational Heat Advection and Convection Date: 1D Computational Heat Convection (CHC!:
Consider one2dimensional unstead"2state convection, in a domain of lengt! L=1. %!e fluid !as a densit" =1, diffusion coefficient "=0.02 and a velocit" of #=1( resulting in a Peclet num&er $%= #L/ " = 50. %!e &oundar" condition for t!e advected varia&le is &=0 at x=0 and & =1 at x=1. %!e initial condition is &=0.5. Develop t!e code for t!e a&ove pro&lem, run t!e code for t o different advection sc!emes: (a) )*+ and (&) CD. %a0e t!e convergence criteria as $.$$$$$1. Plot and discuss t!e stead" state temperature profile T x! for t!e different advection sc!emes on t o different grid sizes: a) imax=12 (2 figures) &) imax=42 (2 figures) Plot and discuss t!e stead" state temperature profile T x! for t!e )*+ and CD advection sc!emes on t o different grid sizes: (a) imax=12 (2 figures) and (&) imax=42 (2 figures).


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)ig. 5.2: ,tead" state temperature profile T x! using t!e (a1,a2) )*+ sc!eme (&1,&2) CD sc!eme, on a grid size of (a1,&1) 12 and (a2,&2) 52 grid points. Discuss )ig. 5.2 !ere, limited inside t!is te1t &o1 onl"

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Lab sheet for Computational Fluid Dynamics Government College of Engineering and Research Avasari
Lab # 7: Computational Heat Advection and Convection Date: 2D Computational Heat Convection (CHC!:
Consider a 2D Cartesian computational x'y domain of size L=( u)i* and H=1 u)i*, for CHC it! a prescri&ed velocit" field. %!is corresponds to a slug flo (u=1, v=0) of a fluid in a c!annel( su&'ected to a non2dimensional temperature of 1 at t!e inlet and $ at t!e alls. At t!e outlet, full" developed 6eumann 7C is used. %!e initial condition for non2dimensional temperature of t!e fluid is $. Develop t!e code for t!e a&ove pro&lem, run t!e code for t o different advection sc!emes: (a) )*+ and (&) -+.C/( at +%=10 and $,=1. %a0e t!e ma1imum num&er of grid points in 12and "2direction as imax=(2 and jmax=22, respectivel"( and convergence criteria as $.$$$$$1. 3eport t!e results as a) Plot and discuss t!e stead" state temperature contours for t!e different advection sc!emes (2 figures). &) Plot and discuss t!e temperature profile, T y!, at different a1ial locations (189:$.2, $.5, $.;, $.< and 1), for t!e different advection sc!emes (2 figures).


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)ig. 5.4: ,tead" state temperature contours using t!e (a1) )*+ sc!eme and (&1) -+.C/ sc!eme. %emperature variation at different a1ial locations using t!e (a2) )*+ sc!eme and (&2) -+.C/ sc!eme.

Discuss )ig. 5.4 !ere, limited inside t!is te1t &o1 onl"

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