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!ction You have been instructed to design a web-enabled relational database for a local charity, the Animal Welfare and Rehabilitation Establishment (AWARE). AWARE is an animal rescue centre s eciali!ing in e"otic and !oo animals, and ta#es in animals in difficulty both from !oos and from rivate collectors. AWARE runs training courses aimed at both !oological rofessionals and rivate individuals covering sub$ects such as animal husbandry and care, and these courses are a significant source of AWARE%s income. AWARE also encourages eo le to &ado t' or s onsor animals under AWARE%s care, and these s onsorshi s rovide a further significant income. You are re(uired to roduce a web-enabled database to hel the AWARE%s staff manage s onsorshi s and course arrangements more efficiently. Det"i#$ )he database is re(uired to store details of all the individual animals currently in AWARE%s care, all s onsorshi s and training courses, and all ersons who have either attended a course or s onsored an animal. )he database must store the following information* Ani%"# Recor $& 'Loo( "t )ITES* WI+IPEDIA in ,oo,#e-co% for infor%"tion for,/& + )he scientific name of the s ecies of the animal. + )he common name of the s ecies of the animal. + ,n the case of animal s ecimens of an endangered s ecies, whether it is listed in A endi" ,, A endi" ,,, or A endi" ,,, of the ,nternational -onvention of trade in Endangered . ecies (-,)E.). + Whether or not the animal re(uires a /angerous Wild Animal 0icence under the rovisions of the /angerous Wild Animals Act 1234. + A &s ecimen number' which is uni(ue to that articular animal (this number can be generated by the database). + )he date of birth of the animal, if #nown. + )he name (if any) by which the individual animal is #nown. + )he gender of the animal. + )he date u on which the animal came to AWARE. + )he name and address of the individual from whom the animal came, or the contact name and address of the !oo from which the animal came.

+ Any notes or s ecial instructions relating to the animal including s ecial safety instructions, etc. + A record of any veterinary treatment the animal is undergoing, and the name of the veterinarian who is res onsible for overseeing the treatment. + When an animal is re-homed from AWARE, the name and address of the individual to whom the animal went, or the contact name and address of the !oo to which the animal went, together with the date, must be recorded. + ,n the event of mortality whilst in AWARE%s care, the date of death. + )he basic cost of s onsorshi (see following sections). An e"am le of an animal record as dis layed, for an animal currently in the care of AWARE, is shown below* AWARE S0eci%en Recor S0ecie$1S!2*$0ecie$& )o%%on N"%e& En "n,ere 3 DWA Re4!ire 3 S0eci%en N!%2er& D"te of Birt5& N"%e& 6en er& D"te Recei7e & So!rce& -anis 0u us 5rey Wolf -,)E. A endi" ,, Yes 116 7897:98774 A ache ;emale 1<97898773 =lim stone >oological ?ar# =lim stone /orset /)22 1>> -ontact* @eronica Arnold 1) =orn at =lim stone >oo 8) Anly a roved wolf handlers may enter this animal%s enclosure. 1) @accinated 1<97898773, B .mith =.c. . onsorshi -ost C877

Note$& Tre"t%ent&

S0on$or$5i0$& Any of the animals in AWARE%s care can be s onsored, and any number of eo le can s onsor each animal. . onsorshi s can be ta#en out by individuals or organisations. . onsorshi s last for 18 months, and at the beginning of each month invitations to renew are sent to all e"isting s onsors whose s onsorshi s are to e" ire in that month. When an individual buys a s onsorshi he or she will receive a certificate listing the name and s ecies of the animal they have s onsored, their name, and the start date of the s onsorshi . )he erson aying for the s onsorshi may buy it as a gift for another erson, in which case the reci ient%s name will a ear on the certificate, and

the database must record the details both of the urchaser and the reci ient. ,n this case, renewal invitations (see above) are to be sent to both urchaser and reci ient. When an organisation buys a s onsorshi , the contact erson for the organisation is recorded as the urchaser and the organisation%s name a ears on the certificate. )he renewal invitation is sent to the contact erson. . onsorshi rices are de endent u on the ty e of animal being s onsored and vary according to the cost of caring for and feeding the animal. )he database must be ca able of storing an individual cost for each s ecies of animal. ;or an individual s onsorshi the basic cost is charged, however in the case of a s onsorshi by an organisation the basic cost is multi lied by ten. ;or e"am le, the cost for an individual to s onsor a s ecimen of the endangered @olcano Rabbit (s ecies Romerolagus /ia!i) would be C8: er annum and for an organisation it would be C8:7 er annum, since it is a tiny creature with a low cost of care, however the cost for an individual to s onsor a )iger (s ecies ?anthera )igris) would be C1777 and for an organisation C17,777, since it is a large creature with a voracious a etite, and difficult and very e" ensive to care for. ,f an individual renews a current s onsorshi (whether they are currently the urchaser or the reci ient of a gift) they receive a 17D discount on the cost of renewal, however this only a lies if the renewal starts on the day the current s onsorshi e" ires.

)o!r$e$& AWARE resently runs the following courses, however new courses may be added at any time. )he costs shown are er attendee, and all attendees must be over 1E years of age. )o!r$e N"%e =asic animal welfare -aring for e"otics Wolf awareness day Fnderstanding ac# behaviour -hoosing your new dog ,ntroduction to Re tiles Advanced re tiles -onservation fundamentals Wolves in the wild Advanced conservation ;irst Aid for animals =asic /WA sedation Advanced darting techni(ues D!r"tion 1 day 6 days 1 day 6 days 1 day 1 day 8 days 6 days : days : days 8 days 8 days : days )o$t Pre*re4!i$ite co!r$e$ C1:7 C<77 =asic animal welfare C877 C477 Wolf awareness day C1:7 C1:7 C677 ,ntroduction to re tiles C:77 CE77 Fnderstanding ac# behaviour C1777 -onservation fundamentals C6:7 C1:77 C8:77 =asic /WA sedation

-ourses are scheduled to run on demand, and run with a minimum of four and a ma"imum of ten attendees, however not more than two courses can be run

concurrently. -ourses never run at less than one month%s notice, and $oining instructions are sent out one month in advance. When a erson wishes to attend a articular course, they will reserve a lace on the ne"t course to be run of that ty e and ay a 87D de osit, and once enough (i.e., at least four) attendees have reserved laces, the course will be scheduled and the $oining instructions will be sent out. )he attendees are then re(uired to confirm that they will attend on the scheduled dates and ay the outstanding balance. ,f a ersoncannot attend the scheduled dates, their name will remain on the waiting list for the ne"t course of that ty e. ,f a course is over-subscribed, laces will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis and any left-over a licants will remain on the waiting list for the ne"t course of that ty e. ;or each course run, the database must record the start date and a list of attendees (including confirmation that the attendee has aid).

A %ini$tr"ti7e "n U$er Fe"t!re$ )he database must su U$er Fe"t!re$& + )he list of animals available for s onsorshi , and the list of available courses will be accessible to the general ublic from AWARE%s website. + ?eo le wishing to buy a s onsorshi will be able to submit the necessary details on an a lication form on the website 'note t5"t 8o! "re not re4!ire to i%0#e%ent "n8 0"8%ent %ec5"ni$%9 "#t5o!,5 t5e $8$te% %!$t i$0#"8 t5e co$t of t5e $0on$or$5i0/+ ?eo le wishing to attend courses may register for their chosen course via the website. ,n the case of courses which have re-re(uisite courses, suitable chec#s must be made that the ros ective attendee has attended (or has registered to attend) those re-re(uisite courses 'note t5"t 8o! "re not re4!ire to i%0#e%ent "n8 0"8%ent %ec5"ni$%9 "#t5o!,5 t5e $8$te% %!$t i$0#"8 t5e co$t of t5e e0o$it "n t5e tot"# co$t of t5e co!r$e/+ )he website will also dis lay a list of the courses currently scheduled to ta#e lace, including the number of available laces (if any) on the course. A %ini$tr"ti7e Fe"t!re$& )he following administrative features must be available to AWARE staff but not to the general ublic. + )he ability to add animal records as new animals are ac(uired, and to amend e"isting animal records as necessary (for e"am le in an animal receives veterinary treatment, is re-homed, or dies). ,t will of course be necessary to add new s ecies information, as well as new s ecimen information. ort the following administrative and user features.

+ )he ability to add new course ty es + )he ability to schedule courses, add attendees, and dis lay a list of attendee9course details (including details of rior courses which each attendee has underta#en) to allow the $oining instructions to be sent out. + ;or each ros ective attendee it must be ossible to chec# which courses, if any, they have attended in the ast in order to chec# that the re(uirements for re-re(uisite courses are met. + )he ability to add new s onsorshi records, including s onsor details, and rint a list of all details of all e"isting s onsorshi s which are due to e" ire in the ne"t calendar month so that renewal invitations may be sent out. + )he ability to correct errors in any e"isting records. + )he ability to dis lay a list of all courses ever attended or scheduled to be attended grou ed by erson. + )he ability to dis lay a list of all s onsorshi s ( ast and resent) grou ed by erson. :o!r T"$( /esign and im lement a database system, including the necessary web interfaces, to suit the re(uirements described above. You should also to include a user guide aimed at AWARE staff containing instructions for the use of the system. Point$ To Note 1. You "re not re4!ire to include Fser authentication or validation, though you may do so if you wish. 8. You "re not re4!ire to include any form of ayment mechanism, although rices should be dis layed where a ro riate. ;or the ur oses of this ro$ect it is sufficient to treat a ayment as being due or aid without im lementing the means to ma#e the ayment. 6. You are not re(uired to roduce any /ata ;low /iagrams or Fse -ase Analyses for this ro$ect. <. All database records should be maintained in er etuity, i.e., records of animals, courses, eo le, and s onsorshi s must not be deleted. :. You may im lement your solution using any a ro riate R/=G..

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