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Dynamics GP Insights to Distribution: Sales Orders

Dynamics GP includes powerful distribution functionality that will help you more easily and effectively manage your distribution operations. This book covers some of the more important and effective aspects of the Dynamics GP distribution solution. This book contains explanations and directions for using specific functions within Dynamics GP. It also includes links to videos that support specific functionality.

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Table of Contents

Sales Order Processing ........................................ 3

Sales Orders, Invoices, Returns............................................................................ 3
Sales Orders ........................................................................................................................ 3 Invoices ................................................................................................................................. 9 Returns .............................................................................................................................. 11

Fulfillment Workflow in Sales Order Processing......................................... 14 Processing Drop Shipments in Dynamics GP ................................................ 17 High Volume Drop Ship Processing in Dynamics GP .................................. 19 Using Sales Kits to Track Actual Variable Costs in Dynamics GP............ 21 Advanced Distribution, Pick, Pack, and Ship ................................................. 21

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Sales Order Processing

Sales Orders, Invoices, Returns

This section covers the following: Order Entry Document Transfer & Shipping Returns Processing Sales Inquiry

Dynamics GP includes a very useful Sales Transaction Entry screen. The Sales Transaction Entry screen can be used to enter, view, edit and process various transactions types; including quotes, orders, invoices, and returns.
Sales Orders

Navigate to the Sales Transaction Entry screen: Transactions >> Sales >> Sales Transaction Entry To enter an order, select Order from the Type drop down list. Select the Ship To Address as the default address. Enter or look up a Batch ID.

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Once youve entered the Customer ID, you can click on the blue expansion arrow to the right of the Customer ID to pop up the Sales Customer Detail Entry screen. In this screen you can override the default values for a specific order if you want. Along the bottom are several buttons you can click on to provide additional information about the customer. The Payments button pops up the Customer Payment Summary Inquiry screen that provides current credit information about the client.

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The User-Defined button opens a screen that allows you to enter and track additional information about the specific order. Enter sales line items by entering or looking up an Item Number. For noninventory items, just enter some text to identify the item being included on the order. Enter the quantity. The correct price should be automatically filled in from the Item Price List. Click on the blue expansion arrow to the right of the Item Number field to reveal the Sales Item Detail Entry screen.
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Lets look at two important concepts here: 1.) Throughout Dynamics GP you will see data entry screens and inquiry screens that have 2 or 3 rows of field labels that correspond to the data rows in the grid below them. For example, in the screen below, the filed label, QTY Ordered is in the first row of field labels (there are three rows of field labels in this screen) and it relates to the first row of data. The field label, Quantity to Invoice is in the second row of field labels and it relates to the second row of data. 2.) There are various Quantity Types on a sales transaction that assists you in managing your sales transactions. The Qty Ordered will be the quantity of the item that is being ordered. If youve set up your system to automatically allocate and fulfill orders, the Quantity Fulfilled and the Quantity to Invoice will automatically be set equal to the Qty Ordered.

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If you enter an order quantity for an inventory item of which you do not have an adequate supply, the Sales Quantity Shortage Options screen will pop up. You will need to indicate how you want to resolve the difference. Your options are listed below. The Distribute option allows you to select another inventory location from which to supply the item quantity.

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When youre done entering the sales order, save it to a Batch ID.

Generally organizations using Dynamics GP will indicate that a sales order has been shipped by transferring the sales order to an invoice. The transfer process can be done at a batch level or on individual transactions. To transfer an individual sales order to an invoice, select the sales order in the Sales Transaction Entry screen. Click on Options and select the Transfer option. This will open the Sales Trasnfer Documents screen. Select Transfer to Invoice and Include Totals and Deposits. Click the Transfer button. This will transfer all the sales line items that have a Qty to Invoice quantity to a new Invoice type sales document. Dynamics GP maintains an audit trail for related sales documents. You can view the audit trail by clicking on the blue expansion arrow to the right of the Document Number field.
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Here you can see the Invoice and Sales Order documents linked together with drill downs to views of each.

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After the invoice has been reviewed for accuracy it can be posted. When an invoice is posted, the inventory quantities will be relieved from inventory, an invoice will be posted to accounts receivable, and all the associated general journal entries will be created.

The Sales Transaction Entry screen can also be used to post customer returns.

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When a quantity is returned for an item, the Sales Return Quantities Entry screen will open. You must distribute the total quantity to be returned among the various Quantity Types.

Quantities in inventory are maintained by Quantity Type. This view of the ACCSCRD-12WH item shows the various quantity types and current quantities.

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The quantities in a return document are displayed as positive numbers. When the item has been returned, you can post the Return document. When the return is posted, the inventory for the items will increase for the indicated quantity types, a credit will be created in accounts receivables, and all the associated general journal entries will be created. Sales Order Processing video:

Fulfillment Workflow in Sales Order Processing

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The Advanced Distribution module in Dynamics GP allows you to setup a workflow process for order fulfillment. You can select up to six steps, and rename them to fit your organization. This functionality gives you more control over the order fulfillment process and helps ensure that orders are processed accurately. These are the setup steps from the contextual "Help" documentation: If youre using sales fulfillment workflow, use the Sales Fulfillment Order/Invoice Setup window to activate workflow for sales. Use the Sales Fulfillment Document Workflow Setup window to select the workflow statuses to track for a fulfillment order/invoice type ID with the Enable Fulfillment Workflow option marked. You must mark Status 6 and at least one other status to track workflow information. To set up fulfillment workflow for sales: Open the Sales Fulfillment Order/Invoice Setup window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >> Sales >> Sales Order Processing >> Sales Document Setup button >> select the Fulfillment Order/Invoice option) Enter or select a fulfillment order ID/invoice ID for the workflow youre setting up. Mark the Enable Fulfillment Workflow option. Choose Workflow to open the Sales Fulfillment Document Workflow Setup window. To exclude a document status from the workflow process, unmark the Active option for the status. Choose OK in the Sales Fulfillment Document Workflow Setup window. Choose Save in the Sales Fulfillment Order/Invoice Setup window. This is the window in which you can modify the description for the different steps. (Microsoft Dynamics GP menu >> Tools >> Setup >> Sales >> Fulfillment Workflow Setup)
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This is the window referenced above, that allows you to setup workflows for specific sales document ID's:

Related video:

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Processing Drop Shipments in Dynamics GP

Dynamics GP has the ability to quickly process drop ship orders. Typically in a drop ship situation, your customer will place an order with you. You will then create a purchase order to your supplier and instruct them to ship the product directly to your customer. Once your supplier has shipped the product, you will enter the vendor's invoice to accounts payable and invoice your customer. You can use this process on a single order basis or process orders in bulk. This is the process if you're processing one order at a time: I found it best to create a separate order type for drop ship orders that has the allocation option set to, "none."

Enter the order from your customer and make sure to mark the Drop Ship check box. This will modify the shipping instruction on the purchase order to indicate that the vendor should send the product directly to your customer. Notice that the quantity fulfilled is o.

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You can quickly create a purchase order for this sales order by selecting Actions >> Purchase. This will bring up the Purchase Order Preview screen. You can modify the attributes here if you want, or just accept the defaults that are based on your system setups.

This action will create a new purchase order. Once the shipment to your customer has been made by your vendor, you can enter the vendor's invoice into accounts payable. This will update the sales order to indicate that the quantity ordered, has been fulfilled.

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From this point you can process the invoice as you normally would; send the invoice to your customer, and post the invoice. Related video:

High Volume Drop Ship Processing in Dynamics GP

If you have a high volume drop ship business, Dynamics GP can help you manage and operate the business. You may receive sales orders from a website or have several sales order entry people that can really turn out the orders. If a lot of these orders are to be drop shipped from your suppliers, directly to your customers, Dynamics GP can help you keep it all in control. This is a typical process that might be used: Orders have sales order lines that have the Drop Ship box checked. All orders are saved into one or more batches. The batches will be used to process a lot of orders at once. Periodically purchase orders will be created to your suppliers to provide order detail and shipping instructions. Use the Sales Document Range Inquiry screen to select all sales orders for which you want to create purchase orders. There are different criteria that can be used to select all the drop ship orders. In my example
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I used a unique Order Type to identify the drop ship orders. Click on the Purchase button to create purchase orders for all the drop ship orders.

The system will suggest purchase orders that should be placed. You can change the attributes of any purchase order at this time if you want.

In this example I am creating several purchase orders to two vendors to fulfill all the drop ship orders. When the suggested purchase orders are reviewed and determine to be OK, select the Generate button, and the purchase orders will be created. You can use the Print Purchasing Documents screen to e-mail purchase orders to the vendors all at one time.
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As orders are shipped by your suppliers, you can process the vendors' invoices into accounts payable. When the vendor invoicing transactions are posted, they will indicate to the related sales orders that the items have been shipped. The Quantity Fulfilled on each sales order line will be updated with the information.

Periodically you can transfer orders in your batch(es) to invoices, send the invoices out via e-mail, and post the invoices. By using the batch processing functionality in Dynamics GP, you can quickly manage a large number of drop ship orders. Related video:

Using Sales Kits to Track Actual Variable Costs in Dynamics GP


Advanced Distribution, Pick, Pack, and Ship


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Published by Rose Business Solutions, Inc. Contributing Authors: Steve Chapman Francisco Hilyard Steven Johnston Liane McIlraith Doug Pitcher

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