Sanskrit Subha Stan I

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(Good-saying from Samhita, Brahmana, Aranyaka,
Upanishad with Hindi & English Translation )
Dharmendra Kumar Singhdeo
Surya Narayana Bhatt
==ar nr =nn, an=r nr rfann, n-rnr:na nn+ t. ...-
Asato m sadgamaya, tamaso m jyotirgamaya, mtyorm'mta gamaya.
nn ~= = =, ~-+| = v+|-|, n- = ~n +i ~| n n|+
Lead me from unreal to real, from darkness to light and from death to immortality.
May the man protect the other on everyside.
n-, n- +i = v+| = || ++
nr nr= ftra fra.+ +. .-.
Pumn Pumsa Pariptu vivata.
Speak (agreeable words) sweeter than ghee and honey.
| ~| n = |i ~-- |< - |fn(+
rrara trtr nr ra+ +. .-.-
Ghtt svdyo madhunaca vocata.
tn = ~v- | n ~| f| t|+ | t+
May we standing in front, keep waking in our nation.
trr rnrn trfrar.+ |.=. .-.
Vaya rre jgyma purohit.
nr n. tft n+ :-||.
M gdha kasyasvid dhanam.
Do not covet the wealth of anyone.
f+=i + |i - +| n|| n +|+
n +| ~|| +|+ n = +|i -ti f-| |ft(+
Practise righteousness (Dharma). Do not swerve from righteousness (Dharma).
f-|. . n t+ nr- nfan+
Dharma cara. Dharmnna pramaditavyam.
= r nrf= = ar, =n f-rr-rtn+ . -.-
Sa v mansi sa vrat, samu cittnykaram.
Let be the similar the minds, actions, and hearts of the couple.
<-vi + n-, +n ~| f-| =n|- t|+
;rrr rtfn =n, a ff= n-r na+ . .
vsyamida sarvam, yat kicid jagaty jagat.
==| n | t, = vn|-n| n ni- t+
Everything, Whatsoever in the Earth, is of the Lord.
~|. ....- nnat r a rrrf-arn+
Madhumat vca vadatu ntivm.
n ~| =|< ||i |n+
Speak sweet and peaceful words.
. .. fnrt +rrrr =nt+rrnr+
Mitrasya caku samkmahe.
tn vv fn| +i <f = <|+
May we all see with friendly eyes.
rt-a. a+ n. .-.-
Nstyakta ktena.
+n = -||- - -ti v|- t|| t+
Nothing that is eternal, can be gained by Karman.
+rnr t tnfr+ . ..-
Bhargo devasya dhmahi.
We cherish thy luminous lustre.
tn vn|-n| + f< +| || + t+
ar r nrr. . rrr q-nra.+ . .
Tatra ko moha ka oka ekatvamanupayata.
=| (+- +| <-|- +- |n a|-i +| n|t ~| -||+ +t|`
There are no attachment and calamities for who sees unity.
s-t nra =r+rnr+ +. ...-
Ucchrayasva mahate saubhagya.
Get up for the big fortunes.
nt|- =||| + fn( -a|+
=+rrrrrnrr. fr r +rfa+ -||.~|. .
Sabhama priyo hai va bhavati.
=||||-|in f+ fv t|| t+
Well speaker is loved by all.
rr- f-a, a an+ |-<|. -.
Pasnna nindet, tad vratam.
v-|~| +i f--<| - +, ti t+
Do not decry animals, that is the rule.
rr f=fatr frr+ ~. ..
Bahupraj nirtir vivea.
One having many children enters troubles.
t =-|- |n| f+ + n v| t+
trr rtar n+ +. ...-
Rra dhrayat dhruvam.
| +| f|| = || +|+
Uphold the Nation stable.
= ftarrr fr+ +. .-.
Sarva parikroa jahi.
= v+| + n|-= +| -| +|+
Discard everything that reviles us.
rtfatta =ar+ +. ..-
Pratirastu snt.
=- ( fv ||i ti (- <- |ni t+
Well and true speech is source of the wealth.
fa-rr a+ +. .-.-
Patirbandheu badhyate.
tvf + + --| n | t~| t+
Househloder is bound in bonds.
=r ; r s +rrrttrr =ntrat.+ +. ...
pa id v u bheajrpo amvactan.
n ~||f t ~| n ti |-|-|+ t+
The waters are medicinal, waters are the destroyers of disease.
=rrr ar rrr:t r+ +a. .-.
caryo vakt kualosya labdh.
(~|-n- +|) |- |n| ~|-n t ~| -= v|- |n| -|n t+
Its (tman's) expounder is wonderful and Its receiver is proficient.
trrr-nr n.+ f-|. .
Svdhyynm pramada.
~- = +|i vn|< n +|+
Do not devoid of study.
= nr ra nr+rn =+rr fr.+ -|.v.|. -...-.
Agnirvai dhmo jyate dhmdabhram, abhrd vi.
~f- = n, n = |<n ~| |<n = f +i --vf-| t|i t+
Rain is produced from cloud, cloud from smoke and smoke from fire.
sur a =rr rrn+ ~|. ..
Udyna te purua nvaynam.
t n-, -t|| =<| --||- t|, v- -ti+
O Man, may progress be yours not regress.
a n f+rr rta r n = =rrfa.+ ~|. ..
Kta me dakie haste jayo me savya hati.
n <|( t|| n v||| ~| |( t|| n f+
The perseverance be in my right hand and victory in my left.
+r) rf+r. rrrrn r.+ . --.-
Bhadra karebhi uyma dev.
t <|, tn +|- = -|| - =-+
O God, may we (ever) hear with our ears auspicious words.
= n- = n+ = r nrf= rarn+ ~+. ..-
Sa gacchadhva sa vadadhv sa vo mansi jnatm.
fnn+ n|, fnn+ |n|, -t| n- (+ v+| = f| ++
You should walk together, talk together, and think alike.
zr rf-a n=r ffra.+ +. ..
Hd payanti manas vipacita.
a|-i - n- ~| r< = <| t+
The intelligent see by mind and heart.
+r)r =rr rfta. =t+ +. .-..
Bhadr av harita sryasya.
= +i -in f+| n-| fn( +-||+|+ t+
The rays of sun are auspicious for the human kind.
f-a-ar:ffnrr rr rf-a+ +. -..-
Cintayanto'nimia nma pnti.
f-+ a|-=-vf-| +i = || +| t+
The thinkers always protect the knowledge.
==tr. rrttf+ . .
Susasy kskdhi.
~- v=n|ni |f| +|+
Cultivate the fruitful of land.
nrar +rfn. rr:r frr.+ ~|. -..-
Mt bhmi putro'ha pthivy.
|fn ni n|| t ~| n -= +| v| t+
Earth is my mother and I am son of her.
rv-na+ |. -. ..
f-| ~z| + n-- -ti t||+
One who does not believe, does not perceive.
f-rn fr ==rttaa - rrra+ n||. ..
Cittameva hi sasrastat prayatnena odhayet.
f-| ti ==| t, :=fn( v-- + f-| +| -|z -|-| |ft(+
The mind is verily the world, so one should purify one's mind with effort.
=r=r -a far tt.+ ~|. -...-
Apco yantu nivat durasyava.
<.|<|i n- f-n t|+ < t |(+
Down the steep slope go they who hate us.
=r frr. =n=. =tt.+ ~|. ...
Sarv dia sanasa sadhrc.
= f<-|||=i (+ n-|n ~| fnn+ t-|n t|+
One minded, true to thee be all the regions.
fr =at rr=r+ ~|. -...-
Vipr tasya vhas.
a|-i =- v|+ t| t+
The wise is propagator of the truth.
ttr ;a rr=rrrt+rn+ +. ....
Dhr it ekurdharuevrabham.
f|- f+ ti |+ +|| +| v|-| + =+ t+
Only the wise are able to undertake sustaining actions.
=zr rn. =rfa+ ~. -...
Sarvahd devakma sunoti.
<|+ v| r< = vf~n +| t+
The devotee of God toils with all his heart.
=r r qrr =r-nr --t+ .|. -...-
Ardho v ea tmano yatpatn.
v--i ~v- +| ~|| || t|i t+
A wife is the half of oneself.
rrrr na. =f-a rrn+ +. ..
Yathyath mataya santi nm.
n- ~v-i fz ~-=| a|- t| + t+
The men have their own intellects (for grasping knowledge).
f=r= ; =rrta ; nr+rtt=.+ +. .-.-
Virpsa id ayasta id gambhravepasa.
+f| ffv|i ~| -|i +n| +| +- |n t| t+
The Seers in many forms and they do serious works.
rr = fafraan+ ~|. ..-
Pre sarva pratihitam.
=|i v|| ~|f~ t+
Everything is depend on the pra.
=nrr. ==.+ ~|. ...--
Sukarma suruca.
vf| +n +-|n v-|=-i t+
Holy doer is admirable.
=f+t f-ta+ ~|.-...
Aklil pucchilyate.
~v-| ti ||v||| +-|n| v-| =n|- ti t+
A selfish is like an animal.
=-rtafa+ ~|. ..
=- = n- -x t|+ <if-n|- t|| t+
By truth man blazes up aloft.
. =-rufa a =-a+ ~|. ..
Ya satyavdyati ta sjantu.
= |n- |n +| = |t+
May they all like whose words are truthful.
=ra rarn+ . .-
yuryajena kalpatm.
~v-i ~| +| a = =n| -|~|+
May life succeed through sacrifice.
fr +ra rfart+ n. -. ...
Vidvn bhavate ntivd.
f|- (-a) ~f|<i -ti t||+
Truly wise not a talker only.
rfarrr ra an.+ . ...-
Jyoti bdhate tama.
-|f = ti ~-+| - t|| t+
Light distroyes the darkness.
nrt at tt=r+ +. .-.-
Mah yajasya rapsud.
<-| +i an |fn ~-- -v|- t|i t+
The sacrificial Land of country is plentiful and fruit giving.
at rt r trfa =nrr+ ~. ..-.-
Ktasya kryasya ceha sphti samvaha.
+|i +|| +| f| +|+
Expand the works done and those to be done.
nr . ta ;rra nrrrrr=.+ +. -.-..
M na stena ata mghaasa.
| ~| v|v +| v-|=+ tn v -||=- - ++
May no thief, no evildoer prevail against us.
f+rrr vqrnrtrfa, vqr =-nrta+ . ..
Daki raddhmpnoti, raddhay satyampyate.
<f||| (<|f|) = ~z| v|f- t|i t+ ~z| = =- () +i v|f- t|i t+
By efficiency one attains faith and by faith one realises the Supreme Being.
=r =rrrr nn fnr +r-a+ ~|. .-.
Sarv mama mitra bhavantu.
=|i f<-||( ni fn| t|+
Let all the derections be friendly to me.
nna rfr t.+ . ..-
Madhumat prthiva raja.
vf|i +i n |i tn| fn( =|< t|+
The sand of the earth also be sweet to us.
-r+rr ar n+ +. .-.
Tvaydhyakea ptan jayema.
-t| -- n tn -||=-|~| +| i+
Let us ourcome the enemy under your command.
=rr tr =tnr+ . -..
Naya supath rye asmn.
tn (- + fn( =-n| = n fn(+
Lead us to righteous path for prosperity and fortuness.
=rfa. =-r n=r n =ta+ +. .-.
kti saty manaso me astu.
n n- + =+-v =vn t|+
May my ambition attain success.
rnr rar rn. fanrtar+ ~. ..-.
Kmo dt kma pratigraht.
+|n (f|) ti ~|<|-v<|- +| ~|| t+
Desire is the giver, desire the receiver.
f+rrat r a+ (.|. .
Vicakaavat vca vadet.
f|| = + (v-|| v ~||f) ||i |n-i |ft(+
Man should speak what he observes through his eyes.
sf-rraa rna rt trf-ra+ +a. ...
Uttihata jgrata prpya varnnibodhata.
-a|, || ~| ~a ~||| + v|= |+ a|- v|- +|+
Arise, awake and learn by approaching the excellent teachers.
or a=r r n-nrra+ ~|. .-.
Brahmacaryea tapas dev mtyumapghnata.
+ v = <| - n- v f v|- +i+
The gods won over death by the penance in the form of Vedic studentship.
rrf. rr =+ra.+ +. .-..
uchi pvako adbhuta.
~f- vf| ( ~<| t+
Fire is pure and admirable.
=nr =at -rr.+ +. ....
Sug tasya panth.
The path of truth is easy to travel.
=- +| n| =n t+
=frf. =fna+ +. .-.
Agningni samidhyate
By fire, fire is inflamed.
~f-. (n- +i . -|f+) ~f- = ti v--fn t|i t+
a +rrt == nrr-a+ +. ..-
Na te bhojasya sakhya mante.
~a - ~v- v|n- +- |n + -v+| +| -ti |n t+
Wise never neglect the friendship of the benefactor.
rrvr-ar vttfta+ (.|. .....
Nnrntya rrast.
| nt- -ti +| -= nni -ti fnni+
Prosperity is not for who hardly works.
f-a nrna-)r.+ ~|. -...
Yanti pramdamatandr.
The unlazy (active) persons get joy.
~|nti- (+na) f+ ti ~|--< v|- + t+
su =rf- tfrnf+r. rrtrrr trnntrr.+ ~|. ..--
Udyan ditya ramibhi ro rogamannaa.
-< t|| t~| = f+|| + || n+ + | - +| t+
The rising sun destroys the diseases of the head with its rays.
fur f-a:nan+ -. -.
Vidyay vindate'mtam.
f| (a|-) = ~n- +| v|- +| t+
Through knowledge (Vidy) one obtains immortality.
+r-r r qarrrtr r+ (.|. ..
Kattra v etadoadhna yaddrv.
<| ~||f| n || t+
Drv (grass) is the lordly power (King) of the plants.
=r nnat r+ ~|. .-.
rj madhumat vk.
tn|i ||i ~|i ~| n t|+
Let our speech be forceful besides sweet.
=r-nr n rfr, rfan -+ . .
tmna me phi, Jyotirme yaccha.
ni ~|-n| +i || +|, nn a|- +| v+|-| <|+
Preserve my self. Vouch safe me light.
nnat tr nnat rnn+ ~|. .-.-
Madhumat stha madhumat vcamudeyam.
||i n t|, n n ||i |n+
Let speech be sweet and I should speak delicious words.
fr a. ftra.+ +. ...
Vipro dta parikta.
< vn a|-i ~| == t+
The envoy is very intelligent and well cultured.
=nrr n-r. =fnfa. =nrt+ +. ...
Samno mantra samiti samn.
tn|i n-|||( ~| =fnf| (+ v+| +i t|+
Let us think togehter, Let us assemble together.
or a=r trr trr f t+rfa+ ~|. -.-.
Brahmacaryea tapas rj rra vi rakati.
=n vi v = ti || | +i || +| t+
A King, observing chastity guards his nation.
fr=. ==r trnrr.+ +. ...-
Divoruca suruco rocamn.
a|--|f = ti a|-i v+|-|n|- t| t+
They who give shine from heaven with fair effulgence.
n =frr+. +.+ +. ..-
Nama ibhya prvajebhya.
+f|| ~| v| fn( tn|| -n+| t|+
Our adoration to the ancients and sages.
rrarta =nrrt =rnrta =ft! ~|. ..-.-
atahasta samhara sahasrahasta sakira.
=| t||| = +n|~| ~| t| t||| = <|- +|+
Earn by hundred hands and distribute by thousand hands.
=- f-ura a an+ .-. ..
Anna na nindyt, tad vratam.
~-- +i f--<| n +|, ti t+
Never abuse the food, that is the rule.
a=r rta =- =-ra =rta n.+ n||. ..
Tapas prpyate sattva sattt saprpyate mana.
v || a|- v|- t|| t+ a|- t|- = n- -| n ~|| t+
Knowledge is gained by austerity. Control of the mind is possible through knowledge.
f+rf+rrr =rr=rr ==rta+ +. ..
Vibhurvibhv suakh sakhyate.
:- |v+, |n ~| fn| fn( ~-| fn| t+
God is all pervading, brilliant and a good friend to friend.
=rrt ratrr =ttr r rnf.+ ~|. -...
bodhapratbodhau asvapno yaca jgvi.
| ~| vf|, (a|- ~| f+) <| +f| t+ (+ f-| =| || t+
Two sages, sense and vigilance, the sleepless and the watchful one.
ar rat+ ~|. .-.
Cakravkeva dapat.
<-vi +| +i =n|- (+<= = vn +-|n t|+
Join thou this couple, like cakravka and his mate.
s frr+rr ==rr r+ ~|. -..-
Upa ik sakhya prabodhaya.
fn| +| f-||| <| -= vz +|+
Instruct the friend and enlighten him.
rrfa =. r f frra .+ ~|. .-.
Klenodeti srya kle ni viate puna.
+|n = = -< t|| t ~| +|n n ti ni- t| || t+
The sun rises in time and again sets also in time.
=nr r qrr ftrrrfa r:anf+rfa+ v--|vf-|<.
Samlo v ea pariuyati yo'ntamabhivadati.
| n- ~=- |||| +| t t + =| || t+
One who tells a lie dries upto one's very roots.
rrr ra ;+ ~|. -...
ayo hata iva.
=|| t~| n =n|- t+
A sleeping person is like a dead one.
ra nr =n +ra+ ~|. ..
Dukte m suga bht.
v|vi fn( i- +| n| =n - t|+
May the life not easy-going for one with bad actions.
nrt ofrrr .+ ~|. -.--.-
Mk brahmadvio vana.
f|| (-|f+|) +| = n +|+
Love not the enemies of prayer.
=r trr an=r rfa.+ ~|. ..
roha tamaso jyoti.
~-+| = v+|-| +i ~| n|+
Rise to the light from darkness.
==-a -r =tra.+ ~|. -..
Sasantu ty artaya.
~<|--|in -|| =| |(+
Let hostile spirits sleep.
frrvrtrvfrrar:vnrtra+ ~|. ..-
Na dviannanynna dviato'nnamanyt.
(~x +i) f--<| + t( ||- - + ~| ~v- = | |-|n t| |i ||- - ++
Should not eat hating, should not eat the food of one who hates him.
rrtartna rrr., . =rr-r . =r+ ~|. -..-
aptrametu apatha, Ya suhrttena na saha.
-||v <-|n +| ti -||v v|- t|, | =r< n- t -- =|| =; t|+
Upon the curser fall his curse, Dwell we with him whose heart is true.
nr nr fr=t.+ . ...
G m his.
|/i +| - (vi|) n +|+
Harm not the cow/earth.
f-r artr nr.+ .-. .-
Na vittena tarpayo manuya.
n- +i +|i - = f- -ti t| =+i+
Man is not to be satisfied by the wealth.
rrf+r. rrrtrfa+ . .-
Paubhi panpnoti.
v-|| + f|| = v-|- v|- t|| t+
By victims he gains victims.
=ttat ftra+ +. ..
Sarasvat nidasptu.
f-|||v< ||i f--<+| = (tn) |(+
May intellectural speech defend us from the reviled.
=r =n rrr. =ttr.+ +. .--.
Sac Sanema nahua Suvr.
nt|v|+n ~| i| = + n- =fa t|+
May we unite together with exellent descendents.
rnr r rrrtn, =rrf +.+ . -.-
Yathem vca vadni janebhya.
=|i n|| = +-||+|i vf| ||i |n+
May I speak this holy sermon to all.
+r) a-n =r =+ . ...
Yad bhadra tanma suva.
| +-||+|i | t|, --t tn <if(+
Let us attain whatever be beneficial to us.
ft nr rftar rt nr =fta +r+ . .-
Pari mgne ducaritd bdhasva m sucarite bhaja.
t ~f-<, nn <|| = |:( ~| =<|| n n|:(+
O God of fire, refrain me from evil deeds and employ me towards righteous deeds.
=-r =-tn rn -a qa+ ~|. ....-
Anyo anyasmai valgu vadanta eta.
vv fv - |n t( ~| -|+
Conversing sweet words, having the same mind proceed further.
=rt r rrr =tn ra+ +. ...-
re dev dveo asmad yuyotana.
t <|, tn= | +i ||-| < +if(+
O God, remove ill-intentions of the doer of the sin.
. vraarnra = r =fafr+rfa+ (.~|. ..
Ya rehatmanute sa v atithirbhavati.
| ~a| +| v|- +| t, ~ff| t+
One who is divine and attains superiority is known as 'Guest'.
a n =a af+r=rua+ t. ..-
Yat karma kurute tadabhisampadyate.
n- =| +n +| t, =| ti vn v|- +| t+
What he works out, he attains.
nranfr ta.+ +. .-.-
Mturmahi svatava.
n|| +i -|f+ t ~f+ t+
Great is the power of the mother.
=r. =t +rrrt.+ +. ...
pa Sarvasya bheaj.
n = || +i (+ n|| <| t+
Waters are the medicine for everything.
ftrru ntrt tr.+ +. ..
Pariadya hyaraasya reka.
+| ft f+ + v|= v|- - t| t+
Wealth is competent to the acquittance of debt.
= rrr ttr ftrfa+ +. ..
Sa gh vro na riyati.
i v| +|i - -ti t||+
The liberal man never Perishes.
a. =t+r-ar =an+ +. ...
Vratai Skanto avratam.
f|i +| | = ti ~f|| (v||f) +-| |ft(+
Antidevotee should be instigated by devotee.
i- +n| (a, ~- ~| <|-) +| +| t~| n- -nn- = || t+
One, who undertakes three kinds of duties (sacrifice, study & liberality), overcomes birth and death.
frna atfa -nn-+ +a. ..
Trikarmakt tarati janmamty.
=a-)r=r:r =vfnrar.+ +. ..-
Atandrsovk aramih.
~|n ft, ~lt=+ || |+|- = ft (=vn t| t)+
The unlazy, inviolent and untiring (studious succeed).
rr- f--r an+ |-<|. -.
Loknnanindettad vratam.
n|+| +i f--<| - +ti t+
The rule is, "Do not decry the worlds."
=f frnt +rrrn+ n|.-|.v.|. ....
Agnirvai himasya bheajam.
~f- ftn (-|i) +i ~||f t+
Agni (fire) is the medicine against cold.
=rn nr=r + +. ...
dhyma karmpas navena.
tn -i- -| = =nz t|+
We may make project prosperous by new brisk activities.
r =r. fat-a t=+ . --.-
Dev na yu pratirantu jvase.
<| -|| i- + fn( tn|i ~| -|+
Gods enhance our longerity for leading a good life.
nr +rrar +rrat f+r, nr t=rtna t=r+ ~|. .....
M bhrt bhrtara dvikan m svasramuta svas.
||:||: = ~| ft-ft- = | - ++
Let the both brothers and sisters should not be jeaslous for each other.
r n fr =ttr.+
Bhad vadema vidathe suvr.
tn -- i| = + t|+ -|||| n f| = |n+
We, the braves, may take part in academic discussions.
= rar rrrr =a.+ +. .--.
Sa vrdhato nahuo dasujta.
ff-: v| nt|v|| = |i | t| || t+
One who has subdued his senses is greater than others.
fr tnrfrfa rr+ +. .-..-
Nahi svamyucikite janeu.
n-| n ~v-i ~| +| +|: -ti |-|+
By none among man, is his own life understood.
ftrr =ra+ ~|. .--.
Yadagnirpo adahat.
+|v ~f- i-= +| n| <i t+
The angry burns the delight of the life.
=- r ta, a an+ .-. ..
Anna bahu kurvta, tad vratam.
~-- ~f+|f+ -v|-| |ft(, ti t+
Let (him) acquire much food, that is rule.
nr fr ff ra rrq rrrqn + n||. .
Mano hi dvividha prokta uddham cuddhameva ca.
n- <| v+| +| t|| t-|z ~| ~-|z+
The mind is of two types- pure and impure.
tn-ar r +nt.+ ~|. .-.
Ramant puy lakm.
vnni n ~|--< ||+
Here let auspicious fortunes stay.
rnr=. =fn-a+ . ..
Jgvsa samindhate.
|+ =|+ ti vn|-n-|f +| v+ + t+
Lovers of holy song light up.
atfa rrrnr-nf+ |.-. ...
Tarati okamtmavid.
| ~|-n| +| |- || t, t <.|=| +| || t+
One who knows the self overcomes grief.
tr tr =nf-a fr.+ ~|. -.-.
Rae rae anumadanti vipr.
a|-i t =|| n v=-- t t+
The sages joy and exult in the every war.
trr trrrrr rr.+ +. ...
Rj rr pea.
|| || +| =|-< t+
The king is beauty of the nation.
rar t- raft-r rfa+ +. .--.
Prt ratna prtaritv dadhti.
v|. -|n| --|n | (--) +| v|- +| t+
An Early raiser gets good health.
t rfta- rt+ . -..-
Svaya vjistanva kalpayasva.
n ~v- -|i +| rv -|~|+
Make your body strong and study yourself.
rr= r= rfr+ +. ...
Yaasa kru kuhi.
tn -|i f-|-vi -|:(+
Make us famous craftsmen to get a glory.
rr trfatf+r r faarn+ . --.-
Devn rtirabhi no nivartatm.
<| +| (- tn v|- t|+
Let us get the glory of the gods.
qr nr f nr an-rrn+ +. .-.
Eno m ni g katamaccanham.
n f+=i v+| +| +|: v|v - ++
May I not be indulgede in commiting sin.
rr nrr-.+ (.|. .
Jy grhapatya.
vf| +| nn ~|| v--i t+
Wife is the personified form of the family.
=- n| v n- |n fn( n| =n ~| f-++ t|| t+
One, who follows the path of truth, the path is easily accessible and thorn-less.
=n. -rr =+rt, =a a+ +. ..
Suga panth ankara, ta yate.
=at tfafrf rf-a+ +. .-..
tasya dtirvjinni hanti.
=-f-a fz +fn f|| +| - + <i t+
The truthful intellect destroys crooked thoughts.
=r fr a-a t ar+ +. ..-
O hi vartante rathyeva cakr.
- | | + vft + =n|- ~| | t t+
Riches are ever rolling like the wheels of chariot.
=art nr rr f +r.+ +. ..
Acetnasya m patho vi duka.
n| + n| +| ~-=| -ti +-| |ft(+
Alter not the paths of a blockhead.
fnr. =-a rrta.+ +. .-.
Mitha santu Praastaya.
tn = =||i vv (+ <= + v-|=+ t|+
May there be mutual praises.
rr . tt. rrn =-a tr.+ +. ..-.-
a na Puradh amu santu rya.
tn|i fz ~| - -||f- + fn( t|+
May our knowledge and wealth releted to the peace.
rr r =trt.+ ~|. .-..
Klo ha sarsyevara.
+|n =+| |ni t+
Time is the lord of all.
z fr vqr rrfa+ t<|. ...-
Hdayena hi raddh jnti.
n- r< = ti ~z| +| |-| t+
One knows faith through the heart.
r ==-anrfafr-rrf)-a+ (.~|. ...
Na v asantamtithityydriyante.
~=| v| ~|f | -ti n|-| ||+
A wicked person deserves no hospitality.
;nrnara =-nfn+ . .-
Idamahamantt satyamupaimi.
n ~=- +| |+ =- + n| v ~|| t+
I am marching on the path of truthfulness from untruthfulness.
a -a rrr nr =rr=+ +. ...
Ketu kvannaketave peo mary apease.
~a|-i +| a|- <| ~| ~=-< +| =-< -|~|+
Give knowledge to the ignorent and give beauty to the ugly.
nn-n trr nna trn+ +. .-.
Madhumanme paryaam madhumat punaryanam.
n| |-| ~| ~|-| =|n t|+
Let my going and comming be reciprocally sweet.
tfta -rrn tn =r-)n=rf+ +. -.-.-
Svasti panthmanucarema srycandramasviva.
tn = ~| -:n| - =-n| v =-|n f| ++
Let us proceed on the right path like the sun and moon.
rrn fra r.+ +. ..
Vyaema divahita yadyu.
tn i-| v|v+| ti ++
We may assist for long life.
r r rar = . far+ +. .--.-
Yo no dt sa na pit.
| tn|| <|| t, ti tn|| fv| t+
He who gives to us is our father.
=tra f-r t-=--rfa =rrt + ~|. -..
Arte citta vrtsantykti puruasya ca.
v|| n- ~| =+-v +| nfn- + <i t+
Miserness contaminates the mind and the thought.
=na-t a rrrrfta f-r+ .-. -...
Amtatvasya tu nsti vittena.
- = ~n| +i ~|-|| -ti +i |i+
There is no hope of immortality by wealth.
rr trrrr = -a rrr+ ~|. ...-
una kn anu yantu vhn.
f+=|- n| n| +| =|v+ t|+
The ploughers happily follow the oxen.
qa fr= == nr=n+ ~|. ..--
Etadvai vivarpa sarvarpa gorpam.
f-- ti |- = -| n ~a - t+
This verily is omniform, wearing all forms, bovine formed.
qa fr= == nr=n+ ~|. ..--
Etadvai vivarpa sarvarpa gorpam.
f-- ti |- = -| n ~a - t+
This verily is omniform, wearing all forms, bovine formed.
ar:rar rar =nnnfr+ +. -.-.-
Punardadat'ghnat jnat sagamemahi.
tn | | <|-i, ~ft=+, a|-i +i =f ++
Like associate again with liberal, the kind, the knowing.
=n) ; rn. rnt =-ar:fta, =n)t+ .|. -.-.-.
Samudra iva kma na vai kmasya anto'sti, na samudrasya.
:-| =n: +i t t|i t+ :-| +| +|: ~- -ti, ~| - ti =n: +|+
Desire is like an ocean. There is no end to it, nor is it that of an ocean.
r tar fa rn-n-r. =r tr+r=t r+ (.|. -..
Y vai dpto vadati ymunmatta s vai rkas vk.
~f|n|-i ~| --n-| f= ||i +| |n| t t ||=i ||i t+
The speech a conceited or a mad man speaks is the diabolical one.
==rr == fnrfa =fntn+ =|. .--
Sakh sakhyurna pra minti sagiram.
fn| fn| +|- +| -ti |n| t+
A friend does not neglect the words of his friend.
f+rrnnrr f+rrr--r+ ~. -.-..-
Dvibhgadhanamdya pra kityavarty.
f+ <-| - v|+ |i <f: t| t+
Having obtained even two-fold money (man) remains poor.
atrtatf-a ar nrt.+ ~|. ..
Trthastaranti pravato mah.
i| =- = n- ii fvf-|| +| | t+
They ford the mighty rivers by the pathway.
-r. =-a -ra, rrr. rrrta+ ~|. -..-
Kty santu ktykte. apatha apathyate.
|-| -|n| +| vi|( <v n t| ~| -||v <-|n +| ti -||v v|- t|+
Back on the wizard fall his craft, upon the curser light his curse.
=fr. -rr f =fa+ . -..-
Ahi panth visarpati.
=v (fnv|) n| n -|n-| n| t+
The snake creeps winding on the path.
=- r = rrr nrt-a+ .-. .-..
Annena vva sarve pr mahyante.
~-- = ti = v||| +i nftn| -i ti t+
All breathings are increased by food.
nr -r ftf-rr f+ . ..
M tv paripanthino vidan.
||| n n | ~| n - fnn+
Let not opponents and robbers aproach you wihle travelling.
=at rrr ftr aa+ +. .-..
tasya loko badhir tatarda.
=- +| v| t +|-| +| |i ||n <| t+
The brialliant praise of truth has opend the deaf of man.
. = ;. =n-r =nr ==a+ +. ..
Na sarva ijjana sangaty suman asat.
tn| =|i n| =a- n =-< n- |n t|+
All our associates may be like-minded in the social-work.
trr nrrr +rr=n+ . ..
Varcasvnaha manuyeu bhysam.
n n-| n == ~f+ i t|-+
I may be brilliant among my fellous.
fr r . rra+ . ...
Dhiyo yo na pracodayt.
vn|-n| tn|i fz +| =-n| v n n+
Vouch safe an un-erring guidance to our intellects.
=rnrur=rn r+rnrrn=r n+ +. ..
Ajaimdysanma cbhmngaso vayam.
tn f v|- +, (- v|- + ~| f-v|v t|+
We got victory and wealth, therefore we have become sinless.
=+rtr =. =-a -rr.+ ~|. ...
Ankar java santu panth.
<-vi +| n| f-++ ~| =n t|+
Let the path (of the couple) be smooth and thornless.
rrr ar nfatrr+ +a. .-.
Nai tarkea matirpaney.
~|-n- fz + || v|- -ti +i | =+i t+
The wisdom is not to be attained through argumentation.
+rfnnrarffar frn+ ~|. .-.-
Bhmirmtditirno janitram.
t ~|f |fn tn| fn( n|| ~| --i t+
This piece-less earth is mother and progenitor to us.
fr trarr ranfta+ +. ....
Na hi Sthrytuth ytamasti.
(+ vft| |n| -|+ - v -ti vt|+
The cart can not reach the destination by singlewheel.
=rfnr s =fr.+ +. .-.-
Arthamidv u arthina.
(- v|f- +| <- =+-v |- |n f-- ti ~vf| (- v| t+
Those who seek for wealth, obtain it.
fra =nfa.+ +. ....-
Nibdhate amati.
<lz ti vi| <i t+
Foolishness is painful for ever.
o or s+rrt+ ~|. ...
Brahma brahmaa ujjabhra.
(a|-) = (a|-) f+f= t~|+
The spiritual knowledge grows up spiritual wisdom.
+r- nfan+ f-|. .
Bhtyai na pramaditavyam.
---f =|-| = +|i -ti +-| |ft(+
Do not neglect prosperity.
= n rtar +rnr, = n +rn-rt.+ +. ..-
Aya me hasto bhagavn, aya me bhagavattara.
n <|( ~| |( <|-| t|| ||-||ni t|+
Both of my hands are for the good furtune and the belter.
=tr. trn rrt. rran+ . ..-
Adn syma arada atam.
tn =| | + +|i <i- - t|+
We may not be dependent for hundred years.
+r) t-ar trrnrrtnfr+ +. ...
Bhadra Jvanto jaramamahi.
=|v+ if t t( tn z||| +| v|- ++
We must attain old age, enjoing happy life.
=z =rntnfrr rrfn .+ ~|. ....
Sahdaya smanasyamavidvea komi va.
-t| ~-< =r<|, =|n- ~| |ti-| t|+
I wish the best qualities, similar mentalities and without enmity at you.
rr +r)r =nfa=arn+ +. ..-
Devn bhadr sumatirjyatm.
f|-| +i =fz =+| +-|| +- |ni t|i t+
May the benevolent favour of the scholars.
=-t r. =antt+ ...
Satyasya nva suktamapparan.
=- +i -|+|( =<||i +| v| -| <i t+
The ships of the truthful satisfy the pious worshiper.
nra f-r nrafna+ ~|. ..
Gtu vittv gtumita.
vtn n| +| |f-(, fv -= v fn(+
Who know the way, find and pursue it.
=rrr rr rnrn+ .-. -..
Sarve vedn vgekyana.
= <| (-||||) +| ||i ti (+ n|| n| t+
Speech is the only path of whole knowldge (Veda).
ar ar t.+ ~|. ...
Pret jayat nara.
t n|-: ~| -| ~| f v|- +|+
O man! advance and be victorious.
f frrr rrn+ ~|. -...
Priya priy kavma.
tn fn( fv=fv +| ++
To those we love may we do acts that please them.
rar fra+ +. ..-.-.
Jto na janiyate.
- +|: t~| t ~| - t||+
None has born and none shall ever be born (in future).
a-n n. frr=rnta+ |.=. ..
Tanme mana ivasakalpamastu.
n| t n- +-||+i =+-v| |n| t|+
May that my mind be full of auspicious determination.
=f-a trrr =r=r =ntr.+ +. ..-
Santi spao adabdhso amr.
- - <- |n || =nn<| t| t+
The spies are not oppressed and are intelligent.
=t-a. r.+ ~|. -...
Akupyanta kupyaku.
+| +-|n| f-= t|| t+
Anger is contemptible by all.
nrr fara trznr.+ ~|. ..
Mtra tiha parman.
:= ==| n -<|=i- t|+ n t|+
Do not stay here with mind averted.
=nr =rrr a fa+ -|.|. ...
Amedhyo vai puruo yadantam vadati.
~=- |n- |n| f+ ~vf| n|-| || t+
One who tells a lie is an impure person.
fvr n, fr n+ .-. ...
riy deyam, hriy deyam.
-=-vf-| = <-|, n|+n| = |i <-|+
What ever given should be given with joy and modesty.
=t+r=r n=r arra+ . .-
Arakas manas tajjueta.
|||ft v=-- n- = ||- +-| |ft(+
Have food with pleased mind.
n+r tr =rrvf-a+ +. ..-..-.
Na gardabha puro avnnayanti.
a|-i || =|| +| -ti n|+
The wise do not lead the ass before the horse.
=nrt =rfa.+ =nrr zrf .+ +. ..
Samn va kti, samn hdayni va.
-t| =+-v =n|- t|+ -t| r< =n|- t|+
Let you proceed with similar intentious, Let your hearts be similar.
+r) rnr+rf+rrr.+ . --.-
Bhadra payemkibhiryajatr.
tn ~||| = -|| <|+
May we ever see with our eyes pleasing things.
=+r fnrr+rnfnrra+ ~|. .-.
Abhaya mitrdabhayamamitrt.
tn fn|| ~| -||~| = f-| t|+
May we be fearless from the freinds and enemies.
= . =- fa = tf+ra.+ +|.|. ..
Sa ya satya vadati sa dkita.
| =- |n| t ti <if| t+
He, who speaks truth, is actually a consecreated man.
r rrfta f=+ +a. -..
Neha nnsti kicana.
:= () n f+=i v+| +| ~-+- -ti t+
There is no difference whatsoever in That (Brahman).
=r tnnatrrara.+ ~|. ..-
Apo devrmadhumatrghtacuta.
n n ~| v|f+ t+
The deity of waters is sweet and ghee-pouring.
=nar trfa.+ +. .-.
Amkt rti.
<|- +|i - -ti t||+
Charity never gets destroy.
rr fr-ar.+ +. .-.
Kath vidhtyapracet.
~a|-i f+ = =|-| + =+| t+
How may an ignorant pay fitting homage.
=-r-rf+rar +rfn.+ +. .-.
Satyenottabhit bhmi.
=- = ti vi vnivni t+
Earth is upheld by truth.
frr+rtr =rt farar+ ~|. -..
Vivambhar vasudhn pratih.
vf|i f-v|n+, --|f< +i |+ ~| =+| ~|| t+
The earth nourishes all, bears wealth and is the base of all.
aana =- --n+ t<|. ...
Tadetadamta satyena cchannam.
t t ~n =- = ~|-|f< t+
This immortal entity is covered by truth.
=rr r =nfa fr-rn+ . .
ha ve sumati vivajanym.
n f-ft+|i =<fz +| ti i+| +| t+
I accept the helpful intellect for the weal fare of the world.
tn rrt. rran+ ~|. ..
Jvema arada atam.
tn =| | i+
Let us live for hundred years.
ftrtr +r+ =rrr+r+ r+r+ . .
Sthiro bhava, urbhava, pthurbhava.
n f| t|, i|ni t| ~| f-||n t|+
Be stable, be speedy and spread your fame far and wide.
n-rr n=. tta+ +. ..
Mantro guru punarastu.
n-| (f|/) ti tn|| t|+
Well thought (Mantra) is our Guide (Guru).
frr tr ;rrfa+ . .
Vivo rya iudyati.
v-+ n- - fn( i n|| t+
Every mortal man solicite for wealth.
rr r =trt.+ ~|. .-..
Klo ha sarvasyevara.
+|n ti =n f- +| :- t+
Kla (time) is lord of all.
r =fr +rfa rt-a rrr.+ |-<|. .
Yada suvirnabhavati vydhyante pr.
~-i f -ti t|i t, v||i <.| v| t+
If there is no sufficient rain then living creatures are afflicted by grief.
tnr nnf-a far.+ ~|. ..-.
Svargaloka gamayanti yadatithaya.
~ff| (n|- +|) v|- +| t+
The guests bring one to the world of heaven.
=rtra f rr. =ara+ ~|. -.--.
rt cid dvea sunutaryuyotu.
|+|~| +| < = ti n- + <|+
May (god) set apart the enemies for ever.
=-rt+rrr s-rtra+ ~|. -...
Anvrabheth vaya Uttarvata.
<-vi i ~| n |i +| + t+
May the husband and wife be active in the later age.
rn =n).+ r +rta+ (.|. -..
Vg vai samudra, na vk kyate.
f-=-<t ||i =n: t t |i| -ti t|i+
Speech undoubtedly is an ocean. It does not wane.
rr tar n.+ ~. -..-
Bahudh jvato mana.
if n- +| n- n t+
The mind of a living person (moves) in many ways.
- f fnf-a ttrrn+ +. -.-.-
Kaccana priya na minanti svarram.
~-- fv ~v- |- +| (n|) +|i - -ti ++
(The people) never destroy their own dear nation.
=frrar-farrrtra+ ~|. ...
~ff| ||- + n- v ti ||- +-| |ft(+
When the guest has eaten, he shoud eat.
-rft r =r =rfr+ nrrr fu-t-f-fr.+ .~|. .-.
Catvri v ap rpai megho, vidyut, stnayitnurvi.
n| | v t|<n, fni, - || ||+
Clouds, lightening, thunder and rains are the four forms of waters.
r rr. fafraar.+ ~|. .-.
Kle lok Pratihit.
+|n n ti =n n|+ vffa t+
The whole world is abide by the kla (time).
=a n na.+ . ..
Akran karma karmakta.
+n-|in n| ~v- ~|i +n +| + t+
The skilful workers perform their work with delight.
=nrr =r arnr+ +. -...-
Samno adhv Pravatmanuyade.
=|i n- |n| +| n| v =n|- ~f+| t+
The same path is to all the descending to follow.
t. tr r= rarn+ +. --.
Sva svya dhyase kutm.
|n-- +| ~v-i vf fn( || +|+
Make yourself strong enough to depend on self.
+rrfrar:r nrrr +rr=n+ . .
Bhrjihoha manuyeu bhysam.
n n-| = == ~f+ i t|-+
I may shine among my fellows.
s= r. rrn -ar tta+ +. ...-
Uru a arma yacchat svastaye.
tn +-|| + fn( f-||n =| <if(+
Give us great bounty for the weal fare.
frrtr r qauat rfan+ +|.|. .
iro v etadyajasya yadtithyam.
~|f ti a +| f-| t+
Hospitality is verily the head of the sacrifice.
r rnrt an. rn-a+ +. -..
Yo jgra tamca Kmayante.
| =<| |+ t| t, -=i +| +|( (=|i -|||) |ti t+
One who is ever vigilant, holy verses (vidy) desire him.
nt|- =-, ~n v|f+ f-n, +f-a|, v, a|- ~| a vf|i +| || + t+
The great truth, the natural laws, consecration, penance, knowledge and sacrifice sustain the earth.
=- r =ann t+rr ar o a. frt rtf-a+ ~|. -..
Satya bhad tamugra dk tapo, brahma yaja pthivm dhrayanti.
f-rt fr =r rf-a n rr+rrrr+rn+ n||. .
Cittasya hi prasdena hanti karma ubhubham.
f-| -||- t|- v -|| ~| ~-|| +n - t| | t+
All good and bad deeds are exhausted, when whose mind is peaceful.
=a ra fnr=r =a+ +. ..
Arcata prrcata priyamedhso arcata.
t a|- + vni n||, vn|-n| +i f-- -v|=-| +|+
O lovers of knowledge, worship him whole-heartedly.
t =r trr t=+ +. ...
Kdh na rdhvn carathya jvase.
tn ---f ~| =|< i- + fn( -- -|:(+
Make us noble for progress and a happy life.
nr r f)r ;rra nra fr.+ +. ..
M no nidr ata mota jalpi.
tn ~|n ~| <- + -|i| - t|+
We should not be over powered by lethargy and superfluous talk.
=rrr or orftrfn-a+ ~|. .-.
cryo brahmacaryea brahmacriamicchate.
~|| =ni t|+ f||i +| |t| t+
A spiritual teacher observing chastity invites disciples.
nr rrttn rr tfan+ +. ..
M kkambramud vho vanaspatim.
+|+|f< vf|| ||v||| +-|n |f< || +| n +||+
Uproot not, the trees with its propeny of crows.
rf-a = +rrrr = n=r f.+ ~|. ..
Payanti Sarve caku na sarve manas vidu.
=|n|- n| ~|| = <| t, n- = -ti <|+
All see with eyes, but few able to know with mind.
fr=. =-a =t.+ . ...
Priysa santu sraya.
a|-i - tn = vifv|| t|+
Let be the scholar beloved by all.
frrtr rrr. =nfa.+ ~|. .-.-
iro vevakoa samubjita.
~-i v+| =f| f= <|f< f|| +| +|-| t+
That is indeed head, the well closed casket of the gods.
f+rfa t+rrnfa+ ~. ..
Yadabhivadati dkmupaiti.
~ff| +| ~f||<- a +i <i|| =n|- t+
Well-coming the guest is the iniation to sacrifice.
=r rnff =ar natrn+ +. ...
jgvirvipra t matnm.
f|- n|i, =- a|- vf |+ t|| t+
The intelligent learned is wakeful towards true knowledge.
rrr f-a ==r fr ar +rfa+ -|.|. -.-..
Yvajjy na vindate asarvo hi tvad bhavati.
+ (f+) v--i -ti v| n| + t ~| t|| t+
Till one gets a wife, one is incomplete.
ff-artr f-ur=r +r-a+ +. -.-.
Ninditro nindyso bhavantu.
f--<| +- |n ti f--<| v|| t|+
May the censurers be censurable.
=r =-a.+ ~|. -...
Sabalo anapacyuta.
n|- f|| -ti | =+|+
Stronger is unbeatable.
f-a = =a -an+ ~|. ..
Chinantu sarve anta vadantam.
na |n-|n +| = f++|+
May they all reproach the man who tells a falsehood.
f+rr n, =fr n+ .-. ...
Bhiy deyam, savid deyam.
| (~v-| + ) = <-|, ~| =f< (f+) = <-|+
What ever is given should be given with fear and kindness.
rr =ttat f+rrrn+ . .-
Vc sarasvat bhiag.
=i ||i t+
Sarasvati with speech is a physician.
+r) n. rr ra+ +. -.-.-
Bhadra mana kuva vtratrye.
=|n n n- +| +-||+|i f|| = + -|~|+
Keep your mind firm in contending against foes.
nnr r tfa., nnr =ta =.+ . ..-
Madhumn no vanaspati madhumm astu srya.
-vf| ~| = tn| fn( =|<|i t|+
Let the plants and sun be benefical to us.
n = f t.+ +. ...
Jayema sa yudhi spdha.
tn z n v| +- |n| +| i+
Conquer all our foes in fight.
=at fr a n fn+ +. .-.-
tasya jihv pavate madhu priyam.
=-|<i +i fs| n|+ fv - |ni t+
The tongue of sacrifice pours forth the piesent meath.
r:tnr fr anr-nr r+ ~|. ..-
Yo'smn dvei tamtm dveu.
| tn = | +| t, ~|-n| -= = ti | +i t+
Him who hates us may his soul hate.
-=rrr n=rf+rn-fa arr fa a-nrr trfa+ .~|.
Yatpuruo manasbhigacchati tadvc vadati, tatkarma karoti.
v| | n- = =|| t, ti ||i = +t| t || +n = +| t+
A person speaks and acts in accordance with what he thinks with his mind.
srnr. frt f+rra.+ ~|. ...
ramrda pthiv dakiavata.
<|--|in fn( vf|i -n -- +i ||f =|<|i t|i t+
May earth, wool-soft unto the guerdon-giver.
rr fr =f t ft+ +. -..
Hayo na vidvn ayuji svaya dhuri.
|| =n|- f|- | (v|||) n n| t+
The wise person yokes himself to the yoke (action) like a horse.
==r.=r ;fa, rrtttr ;fa+ -||.~|. ..
Kena sukhadukhe iti, arrea iti.
=|<.| f+== t| t, -|i = t| t+
What causes happiness and unhappiness? well, it is the body.
=arr. r attr. a=.+ +. ...
tvna kavayo yajadhr pracetasa.
- =-|<i, a ||-| = +, n|i f|- t| t+
The spies are truthful, with a feeling of sacrifice intelligent wise (men).
zr n-a nrr.+ ~|. -...
Baay dahyante gh.
+ ~| +a| ||i = | n | t+
Through a maimed his house is burnt.
n=f. -ar nrrr rr-a frtn+ ~|. .-.
Marudbhi pracyut megh varantu pthivmanu.
n|-=- |~| || vf n| vf|i v | |+
Let the clouds pour down their rain upon the earth.
=r-nr f-a t fur f-a:nan+
tman vindate vrya vidyay vindate'mtam.
~|-n| = ti =|n fnn| t+ f| = ti ~n- v|- t|| t+
By the self we obtain strength, by knowledge we obtain immortality.
=at r f rf-a+ +. .-.-
tasya pada kavayo ni pnti.
f|- n| =-, n +i || + t+
The sages preserve the path of truth and divine.
=tt-atnnant= +rrrn+ +. .-..
Apsvantaramamtamapsu bheajam.
n |i ~n t, ~||f t+
Ambrosia is in the waters.
n urtta . far+ . ..-
Madhu dyaurastu na pit.
n|+ tn| fn( fv| + =n|- n t|+
Let the heaven be benevolene to us like the father.
s-arnra. =rr nr -rr.+ ~|. ..
Utkrmta purua mva patth.
t n-, -a|, v- +i ~| n ||+
O Man, ascend and dont descend.
=-n a ran+ n. ...
Satyameva jayate nntam.
=- +i ti t|i t, fn| +i -ti+
Truth alone wins, not untruth.
qrrr =r =-r =r =+ra+ |.=. .-
E s saty savk abht.
t =- ~| (+ <= n fnn|- |ni ||i ti t+
This speech is true, it joins one to another.
art = rr rftat.+ +. .-.
Netra u astira.
-| tn|i ff| +| < ++
May the leaders lead us apart from wickedness.
=r-anf+r=-a rrrr.+ +. .--.
Apantamabhi sayantu ok.
<|-ti- v| +| ti = -||+ |- t| t+
May afflictions fall upon him who does not propitiate.
=-n-n fara-a tr.+ +. ..-
Anyamanyamupa tithanta rya.
- (+<= + v|= ~|| t t+
Riches come to one, to another.
=-t r. =antt+ +. ...
Satyasya nva suktamapparan.
=- +i -|+| -|||- +n +- |n +| v| +i t+
The boats of truth bear the men with good actions across.
ftfna +ran =ftfna +rn+ |.|.--|. -..
Parimita bhtam, aparimita bhavyam.
| +|n =ifn t|| t, f+ |f ~=ifn t|| t+
The past is limited While the future is unlimited.
=a. fa. rr nrrr +ra =nr.+ ~|. ....-
Anuvrata pitu putro mtr bhavatu saman.
v| fv| +| ~|a|+|i t| ~| n|| + vf ~z|n t|+
Let son be obedient to his father and agreeable to his mother.
=+r rtna -rr =at =rr+ +. ..
Abhdu prametave Panth tasya sdhya.
=- +| n| <.| = v| |- fn( == ~a t+
A fit path was made to go cross the boundary of grief.
=nr t.+ +. .--.
Akarm dasyu.
+n - +-|n| n- ti < t+
Workless (man) is a miscreant.
; nrrr =rrr +rarr n+ .-. -.-..
Ida mnua sarve bhtn madhu.
t n|-| = v|f|| +| n + =n|- fv t+
This mainkind is the honey of all beings.
fr-r nrnr -ar -a rrr.+ ~|. -.-.-
Hitv grmn pracyut yantu atrava.
tn| i |- ~| |n| = || |(+
Let our routed foes desert their hamlets.
sarr nfzart f-a+ +. ..-
Utpan maritra na vindate.
~<|| f+=i =| <- |n +| -ti v|- +|+
The unliberal finds none to comfort him.
==rr =f=r+r tt. rra+ ~|. .-.
Sakh sakhibhyo varya kotu.
fn| fn|| +| |n| ++
A friend may do good to his friends.
+r- rntrn+ =+r- tn+ ~|. -....
Bhtyai jgaraam. abhtyai svapanam.
|-| +-||+|+, =|-| ~+-||+|+ t|| t+
Waking leads to prosperity and sleep to the absence of it.
frr =rfr fa n=a f.+ +. -..-
Viv rpi prati mucate kavi.
+|-<-|i (vn-) =|i v| +| v+ +| t+
The far sighted (God) betrays all the forms.
=rtrrrnranr tar tar:n+ ~|. -...
rohaamkramaa jvato jvato'yanam.
-v --|, ~| --|v-+ i|i fn( n| t+
The approach and its ascent, the way of every living man.
t=r =.+ t= nr r::-t +rfa+ .-. -.
Raso vai sa, rasa hyevya labdhv"nand bhavati.
t v =v t+ t n- = v|+ ~|--<n- t| || t+
On obtaining the rasa one (Jva) becomes blissful.
fr fr ft rf-a t.+ . .-
Viva hi ripra pravahanti dev.
f< n||( ~v-i =-|- =n <||| +| | |ni t+
The mother bloods shall make us bright and shining.
n--fa=., =f+r =rra+rf-a a=.+ +. ..-
Majjantyavicetasa, abhivena anateyakanti pracetasa.
~a|-i ==| n t, a|-i n| :-| f ( a + t+
The learned praise god and engaged with sacrifice, but ignoramus sink.
;-f-a r. =--a ttr trf-a+ ~|. -...
Icchanti dev sunvanta na svapnya sphayanti.
<| v|||i +| |t t, ~|n=i +| -ti+
The Gods like hardworkers dont idle people.
aa-r rr -=-n+ (.~|. -...
Tadetatpupa phala vco yatsatyam.
=- ti ||i +| vv || vn t+
Truth is the flower and fruit of the speech.
nrf+rrtnrnfa trn+ ~|. -..
Gobhitaremmati durevm.
tn || (:f-:|) + || ~v-i <f ~| <fz < ++
May we cross bad intellect and bad path by the cows or (senses).
far nrar nr. =rtar.+ +. -...-
Pit mt madhuvac suhast.
n||fv| n |||i || t||| = ~|i <|-i t| t+
The Parents are always sweet-speaker and well donar.
+rr- fa-.+ +. ..
Dakavnna vicetadandha.
~||| |n (a|-i) ti =- +| <| =+ t, ~- (~a|-i) -ti+
He who has eyes beholds, the blind man sees not.
n nrar frt nrtn+ +. ....
Me mt Pthiv mahyam.
t nt|- (f|) vi ni n|| t+
The spacious earth is my mother.
rrn -a f ar+ +. ...
arma yacchata dvipade catupade.
n- ~| v-| = +| =| ~v| +|+
Give happiness to human-being and animals.
farrnanra+ v--. ..-
( +|) |-+ ~n +| ~-| +| t+
He who knows (Brahman), obtains immortality.
rr nfaff-rftrat. =rfa+ -||.~|. .-
Klo gatinivttisthit sadadhti.
+|n f, f-f-| || f|f +| f-n- +| t+
Time controls the force, cessation and statbility.
=rfrar:r nrrr +rr=n+ . ..
Ojihom manuyeu bhysam.
n n-| n == ~f+ -|f+-||ni t|-+
I may surpass in power all my fellows.
f =t ra.+ ~|. .-.
Priya sarvasya payata.
n =|i <|- |n| +| fv -+
May I be loved by all.
=afna a =rrt a ar.+ +. ...
tamit ta huranu vrata Vratap.
v|n+ +t t=- +| ~-=| ti t+
According to pious truth is the real worship.
=rt rt -rn+ . ..
re bdhasva ducchunm.
<-vi < +-|| +| < = || <|+
Drive thou misfortune far away.
arfa zrr-r tn+ ~|. -..
Patti kucy dra.
<|t+|i vf-||n| fn v| v|| = < t+
Far distant on the forest fall the tempest in a circling course.
f-a ttr ==r ntrrr+ +. ...-
Punanti dhr apaso man.
fzn|- f+ =-+n + t( fz || +n| +| vf| + t+
The wise, doing good action purify (those actions) by intellect.
fnrfa fv ftnr arn+ +. ..
Minti riya jarim tannm.
| -|i + =|-< +| - + |ni t+
Old age destroys the beauty of the body.
nr nrn rr n+ +. .-.
M pra gma patho vayam.
tn =v| = v| +i ~| - |(+
Let us not depart from the truth of path.
=r-nr f-a tn+ -. -.
tman vindate vryam.
n- ~|-n| = ti -|f+ v|- +| t+
One obtains power through one's own Self.
=r r +r)r. aar -a fra.+ . --.
no bhadr kratavo yantu vivata.
tn =|i ~| = -|| f| v|- t|+
Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.
f nr r rr, f tr= nr r+ ~|. .-.
Priya m ku deveu, priya rjasu m ku.
nn <| ~| ||~| +| fv -|:(+
Get me loved by the gods and kings.
=rf =rt arf+ +. ..-.
Aabdhni Varunasya Vratni.
-|< (|) f-n ~ ~| ~--n|-i t+
The laws of Varua are not acrossable nor breakable.
rrt = frta+ ~|. -..-
Yacakra sa nikarat.
=<| +| +- |n| ti +|vl +i || v|- +| t+
Let him who made is also heal, he truly is the deffest teech.
frr =t nrr s tf-a+ ~|. . () -
Ki ca sasya ca manuy upajvanti.
n- f| ~| |-|-v|<- || i- || + t+
Ploughing and grain are the life of human being.
=a vr-at ==r r.+ +. ....
Na te rntasya sakhyya dev.
vf~ni +| |+ ~- = <| n|i -ti +| t+
The friendship of God's is reserved to the hardworker.
Let the wise diligently restrain his mind, as a charioteer restrains his vicious horses.
< ||| = + | +| -| n |- |n| =|f| =n|- f|- +| =||- t|+ n- +| -| n |-| |ft(+
rrrafn rrn fr-nr rtarn-r.+ -|. -.
Duvayuktamiva vhamena vidvnmano dhrayetpramatta.
art . trfrrfa+ ~|. -...
Paktra pakka punarviati.
v+| t~| ||- v|++| +| v-. ~| fnn| t+
The cooked mess shall re-enter him who cooked it.
vqr =-nrta+ . ..
raddhay satyampyate.
~z| = =- +i v|f- t|i t+
The truth is perceived by the faith.
=rtfr vr=nfa =n arn+ ~|. -..
pnuhi reysamati sama krma.
~v- | |n| = ~| -| ~| vn +-|| v|- +|+
Reach the Superior, thou, Surpass thine equal.
nrr tan=r ftnrf+ +. -..-
Mahn devastamaso niramoci.
~a, f|<|| ~|| (<) ~f|vi ~-+| = || t+
The great deity has been liberated from the darkness.
nr n. tft n+ . .
M gdha kasyasvid dhanam.
f+=i + - +| n|n +i ||-| = n |t|+
Lust not after anyones riches.
=r-n n rr = t+ . .-
tmane me varcod varcase pavasva.
tn ~|f-n+ -|f+ ~| = + fn( vf| +if(+
O God, give me glory and power of self realisation.
+r+r. =ftfa r qarftanr rza.+ .~|. .-.
Bhrbhuva suva iti et tisro vyhtaya.
|., |. || =. i- |rf| t+
Bh bhuva and Suva are the three great utterings.
=rrrt. r-a f a-r t.+ +. ..
Oadh prcucyavuryat ki ca tanvo rapa.
-|i +| | + <|| t -= ~||f| f-+|ni t+
The Medicines clear all the defect, whatever of the body.
=)rr fr f+rar rrn+ +. ...
Purudruho hi Kitayo jannm.
n-| + :|ti (-||) n- ti t+
Men are the grievous appressors of men.
rrrr +rfa rt+ +. ..
Kevalgho bhavati Kevald.
~+n| ||- |n| +n v|v +| ||i t|| t+
One who feeds by himself, sins all by himself.
rtrrtfarrf nr. t =ttat+ =.|. ..-
Tryhuratidnni gva pthv sarasvat.
||, vi ~| f| +| <|- ~f<|- +tn|| t+
Cow, land and knowledge are considered to be the super gifts.
nr: nrf =+ . .-.
Medhay'gne medhvina kuru.
t ~f-<: n| = n|i -|:(+
O agnin! by the intellect make me intelligent.
srr=rfarr:rf+ +. ..-.
-||+|n n -a-|n| ti a|-|- t|| t+
An early riser deserves the knowledge.
= na =nf+r.+ +. ..
Sa mjyate sukarmabhi.
~- +n| = t (n-) -|z t|| t+
He (the man) is purified by good actions.
sf-rraa nr tta+ .~|. -.-
Uttihata m svapta.
-a|, =|~| n+
Get up. Do not sleep.
fntrrt ft+r. tr+r.+ |.=. .
Kavirman paribh svayambh.
t +|f-<-|i (+f), =|vi, -| t+
He the poet, the wise, the (all) encompassing, the self existant.
nr r nrar frt nar ra+ +. -.-.
M no mt pthiv durmatau dht.
vf|i n|| tn f| +i ~| vf - ++
Let not mother earth take us in to unfavourable thought.
=r rr ftar atn+ +. .-..
Apo na nv durit tarema.
v|v| +| :=i v+| v| + |(, = -| = -<i +|+
May we cross the trouble as a piligrim crosses a rever by a boat.
=znrnr tn+ =znrn fr t faa+ n|.-|.v.|. .-.-.
Sagrmo vai krram. Sagrme hi krra kriyate.
=|n t|| t, =|n n ti +| f+| || t+
A warfare is cruel, and only cruelty is done in the battle field.
= ==rr r rfa ==+ +. ..
Na sa sakh yo na dadti sakhye.
| fn| +i =t|| -ti +|, t fn| -ti t+
He is not a friend who does not help to his friend.
rrf rfr rr=f-a+ +. ..-..-.
Nvjina vjin hsayanti.
a|-i v| ~a|-i + =|| v| ++ ~v-| -vt|= -ti +| t+
The wise condescend not to turn the foolish into ridicule.
rrnrr frt rr=n+ ~. -..-
Nndharma pthiv yathaukasam.
vf|i -|-|n |n| +| (+ vf| +i t |i t+
The earth bears (men) having various qualities just as in one home.
; n o +rr r+r fvnrarn+ . .-.
Ida me brahma ca katra cobhe riyamanutm.
ni -|f+ (a|-) ~| ||-|f+ (v|||) <|-| (- +| v|- ++
Let my power of divination and bravery be endowed with success.
a -a +r=trr.+ . .
Tena tyakten bhujth.
vn|-n| + || f<( t( +| -| || = |||+
Look at the material world with the feeling of renuciation.
rrtar =fafr. frrr .+ +. -..
Praasto Atithi ivo na.
~a ~ff| tn| fn( +-||+|i t+
The eminent guest is auspicious for us.
rn rr arn-a+ +. -..
Ydgeva dade tdgucyate.
=| <|| || t, =| ti +t| || t+
Such as is beheld, such is he said.
;n a -frr-a .+ ~|. -..
rmaiva te nyavianta kepaya.
v|vi-, ~a-|in := |=| n ti t t+
They who could not ascend the sacrifice, sink down in desolation.
-at a rn, rn a-atn+ ~|. -...
Yadantara tad bhya, yad bhya tadantaram.
| ~-< n t| ti |t t|, ~| | |t n t| ti ~-< t|+
Let what is inward turn outside, let what is outward be within.
frtn rrr =-trffra n=rn+ . .
Hiramayena ptrea satyasypihita mukham.
=-t v|| = =- +| n| -+| t~| t+
The penumbra of glittering externals warp the radiant face of truth.
=tr frr =rrrrtattrrfr+ +. -..
Srayo viv stari.
a|-i = ~|-||~| (f<-||~| +|n-|~|) +| v| +- n =n| t+
Pious descendante be able to compass all their desires.
-r nrfr ftfrr-a =nr.+ . .-
Kurvanneveha karmi jijviecchata sam.
n- +n +| t~| ti =| | i- +i :-| ++
Man should like to live in this world doing hardwork for hundred years.
nrr rfrn+ . ..
Marydyai Pranavivkam.
v--| +| f- +- |n| f|+ n|<| + fn( f-+ t|-| |ft(+
An extra inquisitive man for moral law a question solver.
=-r ;a f=rrr=fa =rnr ra.+ ~|. -..
Sunvna it sisati sahasr vjyavta.
-v|=+ a|-|- f-||~| = ft =t| (-| +| v|- +| t+
Pouring he strives, unchecked and strong to win him riches thousand.
tfta -rrntn =r-)n=rf+ +. -.-.-
Svasti panthmanucarema suryycandramasviva.
tn = ~| -:n| =n|- +-|| n| +| ~-=| ++
We shall follow the path of righteousness like sun and moon.
=rta rtar =ftfr+ . .
Ypena ypa pyate prato agniragnin.
|-| = |-|| || || t, ~f- ~f- = v-fn t|i t+
The stake is by the stake obtained, by fire carried by forth.
ftrr =rrrt n.+ +. ....
Striy asya mana.
|i n- v -||=- +-| =t -ti t+
The mind of a woman is not governable.
=rrtrr ffnr ;fa nrnrr.+ n|.-|.v.|. ..-..
nidhigopa iti hyancnamhu.
| <| n f-ft a|- |f-| +| |+ t, ti ~-|- +tn|| t+
Anchna is that person, who protects the wealth of knowledge. (Vedas).
nrar +r, far +r, =rrr +r, =fafrr +r+ .-. ..-
Mtdevo bhava, pitdevo bhava, cryadevo bhava, atithidevo bhava.
n||, fv|, ~|| ~| ~ff| +| |i <| =nn-|+
Let the mother, father, teacher and the guest be to these like unto a god.
rrrtt rrrtt arr +rfa+ .-. ..-
Yathkr yathcr tath bhavati.
| =| +n +| t, =| ~|| +| t, t =| ti t| || t+
According as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be.
ttr=. r f-a+ +. ..
Dhrsa pada kavayo nayanti.
+|-<-|i f|- (n-| +| ~|-na|-) n| v n | t+
The farsighted wise lead (men) to the Path (of knowledge of the self).
=rr =ftn =rr. tftn+ ~. ...
An asmin an parasmin.
:= n|+ n ~| vn|+ n +|i - t+
May we not be indebated in this world and in the world here-after.
+rr r rrft tn rrn -a+ +. ..-
Pak vayo yathopari Vyasma arma yacchata.
= v|i -| =| + fn( v| vn| t, = = +| =| v<|- +|+
As birds spread their wings over young, grant happiness.
=r fr. r rf+rt =-a rr rf-a+ +. ..-
Supara Vipr Kavayo Vacobhireka Santa bahudh Kalpayanti.
+|<-|i n|i (+ - +| ti ~-+f |- + t+
The wise seers through their praise make into many forms one.
=rrr fur ffar =rfra rfa+ |.-. ...
cryddhyeva vidy vidit sdhiha prpayati.
~|| = =i|i t: f| ti == --|n ( vnv< t|i t+
Only knowledge which is learnt from a teacher, leads to real good.
t r r nnrt tfa+ ~|. ...-
Devasya paya kvya na mamr na jryati.
vn- f< +| +| <|| | - +|i - t|| t ~| - v|-| t|| t+
See the wisdom of god, he hath not died, he grows not old.
=rrq rn=r rrq rnffan+ n||. .
Auddha kmasankalpa uddha kmavivarjitam.
+|n-|~| +i :-| |n| n- ~-|z ~| +|n-|~| = ft n- -|z t+
The mind with desires is impure and devoid of desire is pure.
; f. tr =-a. frr. = ar +rt rf+r.+ +. ...-
Iya vedi paro anta pthivy aya yajo bhuvanasya nbhi.
t f< ti vi +| ~f-n | t, t a ti ==| +i -|f| t+
This altar is the uttermost end of the earth. The Sacrifice is the navel of the world.
=nrnta r n., rr . ==rr=fa+ +. ..
Samnamastu vo mana, yath va susahsati.
-t| n- =n|- t|, f= = -t|| =a- t|+
Let your minds be similar to each other, so that you may be organised uniformly.
==ar . tf+r. =arntrf+r.+ ~. .--.
Sajna na svebhi sajanamaraebhi.
tn|i ~v- ~| v| n|| = =n||-| t|+
May we have feeling of equality with our kinsmen, and with an unknown person.
t v| t+ t v| t+ v| = v| f-+n| t+ v| = v| f-+|n n | |i v| ti | t+
That is full, this is full. This fullness has been projected from that fullness.
When this fullness merges in that fullness, all that remains is fullness.
rn. rfn rra rn-a+
rt rnrr rnrfrrrav t.
Pramada pramida prnt pramudacyate.
Prasya pramdya pramevvaiyate.

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