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Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B and C or A, B, C and D. Tiap-tiap soalan di dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pilihan jawapan. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik daripada pilihan A, B dan C atau A, B, C dan D. Questions 1 - 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan ayat. 1. Christoper is the ____________ runner in the race. A B C 2. fast faster fastest

Jamilah is frying an omelette in a ____________. A B C D pot pan bowl oven


The ____________ in the football match warned the players against fighting among themselves. A B C D linesman referee captain coach


A lounge is a ________________. A B C D studio bedroom sitting room dining room


Page 1



Questions 5 - 7 Choose the best phrase based on the pictures given. Pilih rangkaikata yang terbaik berdasarkan gambar-gambar yang diberi.

The orchid Valley Resort is located 2 k! "ro! #ohor Bahr$% It co!&rises o"

'(( acres o" la)d *ith '%5 !illio)

o" !ore tha)

( s&ecies% There are also "o$)tai)s, lakes, a

a)d a

to cater "or the )eeds o" e-ery -isitors%

A ! C

tropical roses colourful orchids rainforest morning glory hot spring big island small pond spacious swimming pool beautiful waterfall wonderful lake wide river deep lake
Page 2


A ! C #


A ! C #




Questions 8 - 10 %tudy the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik. &. A ! C # %arah puts the bo' on the table. There is a bo' under the table. The bo' is ne't to the table. The table is beside the bo'.

(. A ! C # )y sister is pouring a little honey onto the cupcake. The old lady is pouring some milk into a round pan. )rs *asnah is cooking in the kitchen. The lady is wiping the table.

+,. A ! C # *e caught a bird by using a trap. Chong -ee is hunting tigers in the .ungle. *e is playing archery with his friends in the field. The hunter is using a bow and an arrow to shoot the birds.

Questions 11 15
TRANS-Q Page 3



-ook at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture. Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih ayat yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar. ++. A ! C # /t0s a worm. /t0s a scorpion. /t0s a centipede. /t0s an earthworm.

+1. A ! C # +6. A ! C # +:. A ! C # + . A ! C # Questions 16 - 20

TRANS-Q Page 4

)ay / have the ball2 3uick4 Catch the ball. #on0t .ust hold the ball. Come on4 5ass the ball.

7es8 stop now. #on0t talk to me. 9o8 turn right at the .unction. 7ou ask too many questions.

/s that a rainbow2 The rainbow is colourful. %uch a beautiful rainbaow4 A rainbow has seven colours.

9o8 thank you. /0ve .ust had my breakfast. /t doesn0t look tasty. ;hy do you ask2 /s it tasty2



Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. +". )ay / have ___________ eraser and ___________ book8 please2 A ! C # +$. the8 an an8 the a8 the an8 a

The fat boy was out of ______________ after running for a few minutes. A ! C # breath shape stress air


The food on the table attracts flies because it is without a ________________. A ! C # bag plate cover spoon


Ale'ander0s dog ______________ its tail when he pats it. A ! C # wags turns twists waves


)r %amad has been teaching in %<.<ampung )uhibbah ______________ 1,,1. A ! C at for since

Question 21
TRANS-Q Page 5



Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai kata la*a) dengan perkataan yang digariskan. 1+. %he cuts the rope with a sharp knife. A ! C # blunt broad narrow smooth

Questions 22 - 23 Choose the correct spelling for the given options. Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai e.aa) yang betul. 11. As the _____________ was busy8 his secretary told me to hold on till he was free. A ! C # moneger manager manegar menager


_________________ is the time .ust before the sky gets dark. A ! C # #ust #usk #sku #uks

Questions 24 - 25
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Choose the sentence with the correct punctu tion. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai ta)da baca yang betul. 1:. A ! C # Encik ramli 9or is the state director of education. Encik ramli 9or is the %tate #irector of education. Encik =amli 9or is the %tate #irector of education. Encik =amli 9or is the %tate #irector of Education.

1 .

A ! C #

>To kill a mocking bird0 is written by ?lemmings irkson. >To kill a mocking bird0 is written by ?lemmings /rkson. >To kill a mocking bird0 is ;ritten by ?lemmings irkson. >To <ill a )ocking !ird0 is written by ?lemmings /rkson.

Questions 26 - 30
TRANS-Q Page 7



-ook at the picture and read the passage carefully. !ased on the picture and the passage8 choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. Lihat gambar dan baca teks dengan teliti. Berdasarkan gambar dan teks yang diberi, pilih jawapan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong.

/t was a public holiday. Johnny and his family went to the beach at Tan.ung Aru for a !26" . They were going to spend a

day there. ;hen they arrived at Tan.ung Aru beach8 they spread out a mat under a shady tree. Johnny and his brother were the sea. Johnny8 !28" !27" in

was a good

swimmer8 suddenly got into difficulties. *e !2#" rescue for help. *is father came to !30" .


A ! C

outing picnic camping fishing playing running swimming who whom whose 6,. A ! C # he his her him 1(. A ! C # shout shouts shouted shouting


A ! C #


A ! C

# which Questions 31 - 35
TRANS-Q Page 8



%tudy the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow. Baca maklumat jadual di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya. Days of the Week Duty Wiping Windows Junaidi Jamal Kamala Choy Sher Rin Latifah Lie# Kui Hong Ro!ma#ati Ju!tin Ng $ei $ei Kadir Siti A!mah Cleaning Blackboard Harakah Siti Mary Tho Azman Ro!ma Ronaini Rahim Noh Na%i& Tan Chai Lin Kamala Sweeping the Floor Dorina Ng Aini Haniza Sofia Jane Wendy Lau u!taman Aida Karen Kam Khiary Nori Tan Liong Min )ou Wing 'r*hid A&dullah +aliatham Arranging Desks and Chairs Lee Seng Loh Muniandy Chong Min "niza Tan Li Ling Chin Kok Meng 'ng Tee Keat Lee La( Man )a!min )u!of Mahathir Lokman


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



Chong )in0s duty is to ______________. A ! C # arrange the desks and chairs clean the blackboard wipe the windows sweep the floor 6:. An which day only two pupils are to sweep the floor2 A ! C # 6 . ;ednesday Thursday )onday Tuesday


;ho clean the blackboard on )onday2 A ! C # *arakah and %iti <adir and %iti Asmah )ary Tho and A@man Junaidi Jamal and <amala

!eside <amala8 who is in charge of cleaning the blackboard2 A ! C # Tan Chai -in Junaidi Justin <adir


*ow many pupils are there to wipe the windows in a week2 A ! C & +,

=ead the newspaper report below and answer the questions that follow.
TRANS-Q Page 9



Baca laporan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.


?rom the passage8 we know that A ! C # five pirates were killed. the speedboat did not sink. the authorities were able to trace the pirates. the )arine police responded in thirty minutes.


;ho is )r /an )ak2 A ! C # Captain of the fishing vessel Ane of the crew members Ane of the pirates A police officer


*ow many people from the fishing vessel were in.ured2 A ! C %i' %even Eight


;here did the shootout between the )arine police and the pirates happen2 A ! C # /n the straits of )alacca. Aff the coast of -ahad #atu. , km away from -ahad #atu. Aff the coast of <ota <inabalu. :,.

*ow is the condition of the in.ured policeman2 A ! C %erious -ight )inor


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