Techno Prevod Commercial Intelligence Report Video Surveillance

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Inteligentni Video Nadzor: Obecanja i Promene

Technological and Commercial Intelligence Report

Valrie Gouaillier

ude!"mmanuelle #leurant
Technop$le %e&ence and 'ecurit( March )**+ ,pdated pril -. )**+

Centre de recherche in&ormati/ue de Montral 550 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 100 Montral, Qubec H3A 1B9 Technop$le %e&ence and 'ecurit( Building 00, !""ice 10# South Site $ %&%' (alcartier )59 *ie$+, -orth Bl.d Qubec, Qubec /30 1+5

1his intelligence re2ort 3as 4ade 2ossible 3ith the "inancial su22ort o" ,ndustr5 'anada and o" the Minist6re du %.elo22e4ent cono4i7ue, de l8,nno.ation et de l89:2ortation du Qubec, 4ain "unding 2artner o" the '&,M

'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Opening Remar01

The Centre de recherche informatique de Montral (CRIM) and Technople Defence and Security are proud to present this intelligence report outlining intelligent ideo sur eillance technology for the security of indi iduals and places! as "ell as the #ooming mar$et it represents% & er the past decade! the security of indi iduals and property! and the security of information ha e #ecome ma'or glo#al issues% (aced "ith pro#lems such as the fight against terrorism! enhanced national security and the rapid de elopment of cy#ercrime! our societies are increasingly in esting in protection% This sector therefore offers great opportunities for #usinesses! #oth "ith respect to technological de elopment and ser ices% Information and communications technologies in particular pro ide ne" and sophisticated solutions for physical and IT security% )mong the solutions proposed! ideo sur eillance is one of the oldest and most "idespread security technologies% )lthough still mostly analogical! it is undergoing a digital re olution "ith the ongoing transition to ideos on I* net"or$s% Sometimes integrating hundreds of cameras! these ne" systems create a huge amount of ideo information that cannot #e processed only #y security agent screen sur eillance% To resol e this issue! intelligent ideo sur eillance! #y ideo analytic! can process the information #y soft"are analysis in order to $eep only the data rele ant to security% +ideo sur eillance is no" at a turning point% ,hat does the I* shift represent and "hat is the full potential of ideo analytics- This report is directed to a non.e/pert pu#lic and co ers the main aspects of the issue0 applications! the latest technology in ideo analytics! user needs! de elopment and trends in this field! and main players in the ideo sur eillance industry! especially in 1ue#ec% ) point of con ergence for ICT research conducted #y the CRIM and security research conducted #y Technople Defence and Security! intelligent ideo sur eillance "as a ma'or platform for an initial 'oint report% (or 1ue#ec #usinesses and researchers speciali2ed in ICT! this emerging sector offers ne" technological de elopment and ser ices opportunities that "e had to define and distri#ute% TDS contacted the CRIM for the monitoring #ased on its ideo sur eillance e/pertise% CRIM3s +ision and Imaging Team in the R4D Di ision has actually #een in ol ed in this sector since 5667! through different multi.partner mandates! including the follo"ing pro'ects0 Monitoring of Extended Premises - Tracking Pedestrians Using a Network of Loosely Coupled Cameras (M NNET pro!ect"# Implemented #y the +ision and Digital Systems 8a#oratory of 9ni ersit 8a al! the purpose of this pro'ect "as to de elop an intelligent
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 3

ision system for monitoring people in pu#lic places% The CRIM team contri#uted "ith the face recognition and facial e/pressions module% This pro'ect "as funded in part #y the *recarn program aimed at uni ersity.dri en research (*98) and pro'ect "on the :est Demo )"ard at the *recarn )nnual IS.566; Conference% $ntelligent Pan%Tilt%&oom Camera for 'ecurity (pplications (PT& pro!ect"# Implemented #y +ideo,a e <et"or$s! the purpose of this pro'ect "as to de elop an intelligent *an=Tilt=>oom camera for ideo sur eillance soft"are% The CRIM team "as a partner in the de elopment and implementation of o#'ect follo"ing and recognition algorithms% *T> "as funded in part #y the *recarn.CRIM )lliance *rogram% This pro'ect "on the &CT)S 566? Technological Inno ation )"ard gi en to #oth +ideo,a e <et"or$s and the CRIM #y (dration de l3informatique du 1u#ec% )ideo 'cene Understanding for t*e )'T neTrack 'ystem ()$'U pro!ect"# This pro'ect is designed to de elop an ad anced ersion of the intelligent scene analysis module de eloped as part of the *T> pro'ect% The CRIM team is responsi#le for! among other things! de eloping and testing algorithms for pedestrian counting and for detecting a#normal car tire trac$ situations% This pro'ect is also funded in part #y the *recarn. CRIM )lliance *rogram% @i en the e/plosion of acti ities in the ideo sur eillance sector! CRIM had #een floating around the idea of mo ing for"ard "ith strategic monitoring since 566A% Than$s to funding from Industry Canada! TDS and CRIM "ere finally a#le to complete this report% % ,e "ould li$e to e/tend our sincere than$s to each person "ho "or$ed on this study and to our go ernment partners% Bour 'udicious contri#utions made this pro'ect possi#le% Alain Fecteau Chairman and CC& Technople Defence and Security Jacques Ouellet Senior+ice.*resident! R 4 D Commerciali2ation CRIM
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

TABLE OF CONTENTS OPENING REMARKS ..................................................................................................................... 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 5 E EC!TI"E S!MMAR# ............................................................................................................... $ INTRO%!CTION ........................................................................................................................... && ACKNO'LE%GEMENTS ............................................................................................................ &( &. %EFINITION OF T)E FIEL%............................................................................................. &* &.& &.( &.3 Secu+it,........................................................................................................................... &* "i-e. Su+/eillance......................................................................................................... &5 Intelli0ent "i-e. Su+/eillance ...................................................................................... &1 D%7%DReasons for 9sing Intelligent +ideo Sur eillance %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DA D%7%5(actors Determining the Choice of an Intelligent +ideo Sur eillance System DE (. SECTORS OF APPLICATION............................................................................................ &$ (.& (.( (.3 (.* G./e+n2ent an- Pu3lic Secu+it,................................................................................. (4 E-ucati.n ....................................................................................................................... (& Retail T+a-e ................................................................................................................... (& T+ans5.+tati.n............................................................................................................... (( 5%F%D)irports%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 57 5%F%5Stations and pu#lic transportation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 57 5%F%7*orts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5F Ban6 Settin0................................................................................................................... (* Ga2in0 In-ust+, an- Casin.s...................................................................................... (* Ot7e+............................................................................................................................... (5 (.5 (.8 (.1 3. TEC)NOLOG# ..................................................................................................................... (5 3.& A+c7itectu+e .9 "i-e. Su+/eillance S,ste2s ............................................................... (5 7%D%DComponents of a +ideo Sur eillance System %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5;
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

7%D%5 7%D%7 7%D%F 7%D%D%D )cquisition %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5; 7%D%D%5 Transmission %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5? 7%D%D%7 Compression%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5A 7%D%D%F *rocessing%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5A 7%D%D%; )rchi ing%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5G 7%D%D%? Display%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5E C olution of +ideo Sur eillance Systems %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5E 7%D%5%D (irst @eneration0 )nalogue %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 76 7%D%5%5 Second @eneration0 The Hy#rid System %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 76 7%D%5%7 Third @eneration0 I* Digital%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 75 I* +ideo Sur eillance%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 75 )rchitecture of an Intelligent +ideo Sur eillance <et"or$%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7F 7%D%F%D Centrali2ed )rchitecture%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7; 7%D%F%5 Distri#uted )rchitecture %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7; 3.( Tec7n.l.0ical Status .9 "i-e. Anal,tics ..................................................................... 35 7%5%DDescription of +ideo )nalytics Techniques%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7? 7%5%D%D Detection of Changes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7A 7%5%D%5 Trac$ing &#'ects %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7E 7%5%D%7 Classification and Identification of &#'ects %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% F6 7%5%D%F Classification of )cti ities and :eha iours %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FD 7%5%D%; Cro"d )nalysis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% F5 7%5%D%? )cti e +ideo Sur eillance in Multi.Camera Systems %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% F7 7%5%5)nalytics in Commercial Systems%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FF 7%5%7+ideo )nalytics <eeds and Challenges %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% F? Tec7n.l.0ical T+en-s 9.+ "i-e. Su+/eillance............................................................. *$ 3.3 *. %ESCRIPTION OF T)E SEC!RIT# AN% "I%EO S!R"EILLANCE MARKET ..... 54 *.& *.( Gl.3al Secu+it, Ma+6et ................................................................................................ 54 "i-e. Su+/eillance Ma+6et ........................................................................................... 5( F%5%D+ideo Sur eillance Mar$et Dri ing (orces%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;7 F%5%5+ideo Sur eillance Mar$et Inhi#itors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;7 F%5%7The I* and Intelligent +ideo Sur eillance Mar$et%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;F F%5%FThe *layers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;? F%5%;The Impact of the Recession on the Mar$et %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;? IP an- Intelli0ent "i-e. Su+/eillance Su55l, an- %e2an- in :ue3ec.................... 5; F%7%DDemand%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ;G F%7%5Supply%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?6 F%7%7Recommendations for the 1ue#ec Mar$et %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?D *.3
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,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

5. ISS!ES .................................................................................................................................... 8* 5.& 5.( 5.3 P+.tecti.n .9 P+i/ac,..................................................................................................... 8* E99ecti/eness .9 "i-e. Su+/eillance in Re-ucin0 C+i2e............................................ 85 Stan-a+-s 9.+ IP "i-e. ................................................................................................. 81 BIBLIOGRAP)#............................................................................................................................ 8$ APPEN%I & < MAJOR RESEARC) PROGRAMS IN INTELLIGENT "I%EO S!R"EILLANCE ........................................................ 11 APPEN%I ( < RESEARC) GRO!PS =:!EBEC AN% T)E !.S.>......................................... 1$ APPEN%I 3 < "I%EO S!R"EILLANCE COMPANIES =:!EBEC AN% ELSE')ERE> ;& APPEN%I * < COMPANIES SPECIALI?E% IN "I%EO ANAL#TICS SOFT'ARE %ESIGN .................................................................................................................... ;$ APPEN%I 5 < "I%EO S!R"EILLANCE RESO!RCES ......................................................... $8
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,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

T 23" O# #IG,R"'
+igure +igure +igure +igure +igure +igure +igure +igure +igure , 0 3 6 / 9 ; 2 5

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- 'ur.eillance Cameras######################################################################################## ,/ - 1uman Monitor Controlling 'e.eral 'creens ################################################### ,2 - E.olution of )ideo 'ur.eillance E4uipment###################################################### 05 - 7!ect 8etection and Tracking########################################################################## 39 - 'egmentation of an $ndi.idual in )ideo +ootage ############################################## 32 - Tracking of 7!ect Tra!ectories on )ideo +ootage########################################### 6: - 7!ect Classification (1umans .s# )e*icles" #################################################### 6: - License Plate 8etection #################################################################################### 6, - Ta7le Taken from t*e <eport on Plans and Priorities= 0::/-0::9 to 0::2-0::5 ########################################################################################################################## /,

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

"4"C,TIV" ',MM R5 In e/istence for o er ;6 years! monitoring using closed.circuit tele ision (CCT+) systems has undergone ast technological progress% This technological and commercial intelligence report ta$es stoc$ of the most recent ad ance in the field0 the shift to intelligent I* ideo sur eillance% The emergence of the first digital records a#out 56 years ago #egan a small re olution in ideo sur eillance% Since then! although there is still a ast array of analogue equipment! CCT+ net"or$s are increasingly integrating digital components% Moreo er! ideo sur eillance is migrating to"ards computer net"or$s! transmitting ideo #y I* protocol! in an Intranet or the Internet% )lthough still primarily limited to institutional sectors (go ernments! controlling forces! transportation systems and educational institutions)! I* ideo sur eillance has surfaced as an irre ersi#le trend for the future% The costs! computer and net"or$ configurations required for it currently pre ent it from #eing adopted #y smaller users% Ho"e er! sur eillance cameras and archi al images are on the rise% Intelligent soft"are for processing and managing all of these security ideos and that analyses camera images has #een de eloped to detect and follo" o#'ects and report suspicious e ents% Still quite recent and un$no"n! this technology! called ideo analytics! offers the promise of #etter ideo sur eillance% In physical security! the operating paradigm is increasingly shifting from post. incident in estigation to pre ention% +ideo analytics could #ecome a solution in detecting suspicious situations in real time for immediate inter ention% It also ma$es it possi#le to sa e on the #and"idth #y only transmitting rele ant sur eillance data and impro e search capa#ilities in archi ed footage% Detection of mo ement! detection and trac$ing of o#'ects! and face and license plate recognition under controlled conditions are currently "ell esta#lished techniques in ideo analytics% Ho"e er! fe" systems are ro#ust enough to deal "ith ariations and unfa oura#le conditions of the en ironment (change in outdoor lighting! rain! sno"! etc%) Recogni2ing o#'ects and people in loaded scenes! identifying a person #ased on gait! recogni2ing comple/ #eha iours and conducting analytics in systems are among the main challenges of research in this field% In the mid.term! $ey factors for intelligent I* ideo sur eillance success could #e D) drop in costsI 5) a #oom in megapi/el cameras using effecti e compression techniques (e%g%! H%5?F)I and 7) greater a aila#ility of intelligent cameras! "ith impro ed analytical processing% )ccording to different studies! in 566A the glo#al ideo sur eillance mar$et generated estimated re enues #et"een A%5; #illion and DF #illion dollars (9S)! "hich could gro" to F? #illion in 56D7% 8i$e"ise! gro"th and gro"th forecasts in the I* ideo sur eillance su#.
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 9

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

sector are quite strong% Intelligent ideo sur eillance constitutes in itself a niche industry that is 'ust starting out! #ut "hich to de elop in coming years% <e" applications! such as analy2ing consumer #eha iours and managing a company3s operations! could accelerate the #oom% Concern o er protecting pri acy! the undemonstrated effecti eness of ideo technologies in reducing crime! and current efforts to esta#lish an I* ideo sur eillance standard are factors that may ha e an impact on its use% In 1ue#ec! ideo sur eillance is quite "idespread in security and! li$e else"here! the institutional sector is con erting o er to I* technologies and certain analytical applications% There are se eral ideo sur eillance suppliers! particularly distri#utors! installers and integrators! #ut fe" ideo management or analytics soft"are designers% @enetec is a 1ue#ec company that is #looming in this field since products in the 1ue#ec mar$et are mostly foreign% The 1ue#ec IT sector should #enefit from the shift to I* ideo sur eillance to de elop ne" mar$ets% In order to car e out a place in the highly competiti e ideo sur eillance industry! research companies and centres could ta$e the intelligent turn #y de eloping products in the ideo analytics niche%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 10

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

INTRO%,CTION The goal of this technological and commercial intelligence report is to descri#e the intelligent ideo sur eillance sector for the security of indi iduals and places% It is an emerging! little $no"n technology that is changing ho" traditional ideo sur eillance is used and is opening up a "orld of opportunities! ma$ing it possi#le to foresee ne" mar$et segments emerging in the security sector% This document! intended for a non.e/pert audience! discusses the ins and outs of this technology and tries to characteri2e the mar$et it represents! not only glo#ally! #ut more specifically in 1ue#ec% It contains information on ideo sur eillance technology! its application! shift to I* net"or$s! leading.edge ideo analytic techniques applica#le to it! its needs! the de elopments and trends in this field! the issues it raises! and the supply and demand it generates% This report "as drafted follo"ing a documentation search and consultation of DF e/perts in ideo sur eillance and security in 1ue#ec0 researchers! de elopers! integrators! installers! users and financial #ac$ers% It is di ided into fi e chapters0 D% Definition of the field 5% Sectors of application 7% Technology F% Description of the security and ideo sur eillance mar$et ;% Issues )ppendices 5! 7 and F list ideo analytics research groups and companies selling I* and intelligent ideo sur eillance products and ser ices% ) description of ma'or research programs that ga e rise to the intelligent ideo sur eillance sector! as "ell as a list of security and ideo sur eillance resources are also pro ided%
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,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

C6NO73"%G"M"NT' ,e "ould li$e to than$ the follo"ing people for their alua#le colla#oration on this report% Jean< BA-a+-B Information Technology )d iser Inno ation and Transfer :ranch MinistJre du D eloppement conomique! de l3Inno ation et de l3C/portation RenA B+e,elB Chair Claridion Alain JanelleB Chair +ideo,a e <et"or$s Inc% %aniel Jeans.nB Chair and Sales Manager S@*TI Ma+tin J.ncasB Industrial De elopment )d iser Computer Cquipment and Instrumentation MinistJre du D eloppement conomique! de l3Inno ation et de l3C/portation K.ua2e K.uac.uB Di ision Manager Main Directorate . Mtro Socit de transport de Montral F+A-A+ic6 Lan-+,B *roduct Manager! +ideo Sur eillance )pplications Immer+ision %anielle La5ie++eB Super isor! Call Centre )roports de Montral %enis Lau+en-eauB (ull *rofessor +ision and Digital Systems 8a#oratory 9ni ersit 8a al Alain Ma+c7il-.nB +ice.*resident! Custom *anoramic )pplications Immer+ision #/es Messie+B +ice.*resident! +ideo Sur eillance )pplications Immer+ision PA5inB Chief &perations )irport *atrol! )roports de Montral An-+A Petitcle+cB Director In estments Information and Communications Technologies @roup Socit gnrale de financement du 1u#ec Jean<Pie++e Pica+-B Mar$eting )nalyst @enetec G7,slain P+.ulCB TC*C Senior *ro'ect Cngineer Socit de transport de Montral
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 1

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

L.uis Ric7e+B )ssociate Director <et"or$ing and Communications Ser ice! +oice Technologies 9ni ersit Mc@ill
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,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

89 %"#INITION O# T:" #I"3% 898 'ecurit( Security includes t"o aspects0 physical and logical security% *hysical security deals wit* p*ysical measures taken to keep personnel safe= pre.ent all unaut*ori>ed access to e4uipment= installations= *ardware and documents= and to protect t*em against espionage= sa7otage= deterioration and t*eft , % It therefore co ers the protection of indi iduals! property and places% 8ogical security targets the protection of an organi2ation3s IT assets and focuses on implementing a set of security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of immaterial computer property and computer operations= and to protect t*em against any type of accidental or *uman t*reat# T*e term immaterial computer property refers to software= data and networks 0 % ,ith the computeri2ation and cy#ercrime it leads to! soft"are security! although quite recent! is gaining importance% ,hereas physical security is usually managed #y security staff (security officers! security guards! police ser ices! etc%)! logical security #elongs to information technology specialists and computer system administrators% Ho"e er! at a time "hen physical protection and sur eillance are increasingly pro ided #y computer technologies! physical and soft"are security tend to con erge% In its application! security may #e #ro$en do"n into fi e functions0 ci il protection! pre ention! inter ention! in estigation and reco ery% Since the e ents of Septem#er DD! 566D! in the 9nited States! there has #een a noted paradigm shift in security% The pre ention of potentially catastrophic e ents is more important than post.incident in estigation% ,e loo$ for methods and technologies that "ill help us detect suspicious e ents and pre ent harm to people! properly! places and data% In Canada! although the feeling of insecurity is not as strong as in the 9nited States! fighting crime and reinforcing national security are still go ernment priorities% The (e#ruary 566G federal #udget set aside K?76 million o er t"o years for la" and order% The go ernment also allocated KDF; million o er t"o years to #olster #order security% ) series of measures to that effect! such as the electronic passport scheduled for 566D and the use of #iometrics for issuing isas! has #een put in place% The Canadian go ernment also announced that the <ational Defence #udget "ill increase to a minimum of D%;L per year #y 56D6.DD%

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,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

1ue#ec has also affirmed its commitment to security% In its 566?.566E action plan arising from the 1ue#ec International *olicy! the 1ue#ec Ministry of International Relations raises the importance to contri#uting to 1ue#ec3s and the <orth )merican continent3s security0 $t is first 7y protecting t*e citi>ens on its territory= 7y working to preser.e t*e free flow of discussion= 7y securing its strategic infrastructures and 7y ensuring t*at it does not 7ecome a source of t*reat to its partners t*at t*e ?ue7ec go.ernment may 7est contri7ute to international security goals# 3 89) Video Nadzor +ideo nad2or 'e deo fi2iM$e $omponente #e2#ednosne idustri'e! $o'i ta$oNe u$l'uMu'e i $ontrolu pristupa! dete$ci'u i gaOen'e po2ara! tehniM$e $ara$teristi$e 2grada! sistemi $o'i o#e2#eNu'u indi idualnu #e2#ednost i dete$ci'u pro ale% +ideo nad2or u$l'uMu'e nad2or sa dal'ine 'a nih i pri atnih po rOina! o#iMni $oristePi snaQne operati ne $amere $o'e prenose sli$u do ureNa'a 2a nad2or $o'i snima'u i pusta'u sli$u na e$ran ((igure D) F % &na snima sli$e l'udi u po$retu u cil'u praPen'a dola2a$a i odla2a$a! spreMa an'e $raNa! pre ara i napada! $ao i upra l'an'e incidentima i $retan'e mase% ;
#igure 8 ; 'igurno1ne 0amere

Ia$o 'e pr i put upotre#l'en 'oO DE;6.tih! nad2or upotre#om sistema tele i2i'e 2at orenog $ruga (CCT+) 2aista se po ePalo DEA6.tih! pose#no u +eli$o' :ritani'i! u #or#i proti teroristiM$ih a$ti nosti% +eli$a :ritani'a 'e trenutno druOt o Rsa na' ePim #ro'em nad2oraR sa procen'enim #ro'em od pre$o F miliona $amera 2a nad2or posta l'enih na n'eno' teritori'i %
) 5

Minist6re des &elations internationales du Qubec, htt2<AA333@4ri@gou.@7c@caA"rA2oliti7ueBinternationaleAsecuriteAinde:@as2@ /rand dictionnaire ter4inologi7ue de lC!""ice de la langue "ran?aise du Qubec@ htt2<AA"r@3iki2edia@orgA3ikiA(idosur.eillance@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 15

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

SoriOPen'e ideo nad2or 'e inten2i irano to$om DEE6.ih godina! ali 'e e$splodiralo na$on napada na S)D u septem#ru 566D! a 2atim i onog u 8ondonu 566;% *orast straha od terori2ma ni'e 'edini fa$tor 2a us a'an'e tehnologi'e ideo nad2ora% & a tehnologi'a se po'a l'u'e! $ao neophodna 2a pracTen'e poslo an'a i upra l'an'a #e2#ednosnim incidentima na 'a nim i pri atnim mestima% Ta$oNe 'e ne2amenl'i alat 2a reOa an'e istraga 2loMina! pre$rOa'a i sporo a% MeNutim! 'oO ni'e do$a2ano da ideo nad2or 2aista spreMa a #e2#ednosne incidente ili sman'u'e stopu $riminala% ) closed.circuit tele ision (CCT+) net"or$ ? is a ideo system that transmits images in a closed loop% &nce only analogue! CCT+ net"or$s no" include digital components% )ccess to the communication net"or$ can #e gained #y Internet in certain cases% &nly users "ith access rights to the net"or$ can access the information pro ided #y the cameras% SledePe sta $e Mine #e2#ednosne a$ti nosti CCT+ mreQe A 0 Dis$uto an'e *osmatran'e <ad2or S$up Inteligenci'e *rocena i odgo or na mogucTi dogaNa' *rocena i odgo or na st arni dogaNa' (oren2iM$a anali2a na$on incidenta C idenci'a! anali2a posle incidenta *osto'e tri tipa ideo nad2ora0 U )$ti ni0 nad2or podruM'a $ao pomoP sluQ#i o#e2#eNen'a na licu mesta ili to$om anrednih situaci'a% U *asi na0 2aposleni prati mali #ro' tele i2i's$ih e$rana do$ i2 rOa a'u druge 2adat$e% U Sniman'e0 omogucTa a pri$upl'an'e informaci'a 2a istragu i do$a2e% Snimci se Mu a'u u odreNenom remens$om periodu! u 2a isnosti od potre#a i prostora 2a Mu an'e%
# =

''1( in 9nglish@ 1aken "ro4 D E@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 1#

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

89< Inteligenti Video Nadzor +ideo analiti$a G ! ta$oNe na2 ana i Inteligentni ideo nad2or! 'e tehnologi'a $o'a $oristi soft er da automats$i identifi$u'e specifiMne o#'e$te! ponaOan'e i sta o e u ideo snim$u% &na pret ara ideo u podat$e $o'i se prenose ili arhi ira'u ta$o da sistem ideo nad2ora moQe da delu'e u s$ladu sa tim% To moQe da podra2ume a a$ti iran'e mo#ilne $amere u cil'u do#i'an'a preci2nih podata$a o mestu! ili 'ednosta no da poOal'e upo2oren'e oso#l'u 2a nad2or! ta$o da odlu$a moQe da do ede do pra ilne inter enci'e% Inteligentni sistemi 2a ideo nad2or $oriste matematiM$e algoritme 2a dete$ci'u po$retnih o#'e$ata u slici i i2d a'a'u nerele antne po$rete% &ni st ara'u #a2u podata$a $o'a snima oso#ine s ih o#'e$ata ot$ri enih i $ara$teristi$e n'iho og $retan'a% &dlu$e se donose u sistemu ili dogaNa'ima od interesa $o'i se pregleda a'u i2 arhi iranih snima$a na osno u pra ila (npr%! a$o oso#a preNe granicu! Oal'u upo2oren'e)%
89<98 Razlozi za 0ori=>enje Inteligentnog Video Nadzora

Danas! mreQe 2a ideo nad2or ima'u ecTi #ro' $amera% >a eli$e infrastru$ture! $ao Oto su maso ni tran2itni sistemi! pre$o hil'adu $amere 2a nad2or moQe #iti ugraNen% & e instalaci'e prenose ogromnu $oliMinu ideo podata$a! pri$a2u'u i arhi ira'u! Oto 'e nemogucTe 2a l'ude da prate i anali2ira'u s e o e ideo snim$e u cil'u ot$ri an'a sumn'i og ponaOan'a ili dogaNa'a% & o 'e pose#no taMno! 'er oso#l'e $ontrolnog centra ta$oNe tre#a da nadgleda i druge poslo e! $ao Oto su $ontrola pristupa! i2da an'e 2naM$i= $l'uMe a= do2 ola! oNen'e hitnih po2i a! pracTen'e poQarnih alarma! $ontrola radio.$omuni$aci'a! itd% <e$oli$o studi'a po$a2u'u granice l'uds$og nad2ora (sli$a 5)% *osle samo 56 minuta gleda'ucTi i anali2ira'ucTi e$rane ideo nad2ora! paQn'a ecTine l'udi padne ispod prih atl'i og ni oa E % *osmatraM ne moQe paQl'i o da prati E do D5 $amere iOe od D; minuta D6 % &dreNene studi'e na ode da 'e odnos i2meNu #ro'a e$rana i #ro'a $amera moQe #iti i2meNu D0F i D0AG u odreNenim mreQama ideo nad2ora DD % +ero atnocTa da #lago remenim reago an'em na dogaNa' nadgledan od strane mreQe $amera

,n 9nglish, the ter4 ?ideo anal(tic1 is used to re"er to the .ideo anal5sis done s2eci"icall5 "or .ideo sur.eillance@ ,n French, no ter4 a22ears to be dedicated to this "ield, and it is so4eti4es re"erred to as G.ideo anal5ticsH or G.ideo anal5sisH@ For this re2ort, 3e ha.e chosen to use the neologis4 G(ideo anal5ticsH@ 1he ter4s Intelligent ?ideo 1ur?eillance or 1mart ?ideo 1ur?eillance are also used in 9nglish to describe this technolog5@
9 10 11

IS -ational ,nstitute o" 0ustice stud5, 7uoted in D5E@ AS,S ,nternational, 7uoted in D5E@

Jingston Ini.ersit5 stud5, 7uoted in D>E@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 1=

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

'e D prema D666 D5 % >ato se! istori's$i gledano! ideo nad2or ugla nom $oristi $ao alat na$on i2 rOenog dogaNa'a%
#igure ) ; :uman Monitor @atching 1e?eral 1creen19

9 $onte$stu! ideo analiti$a ima mnoge prednosti0 24/7 . . , . . . ( ) . , . , . / / ? Sod eOtaM$e inteligenci'e! u e$ posto'i $ompromis i2meNu stope prepo2na an'a do#i'enog i #ro' laQnih alarma% 9 sluMa'u inteligentnih sistema nad2ora! $ad iOe sman'ite prag dete$ci'e! #ol'e su Oanse da ot$ri'ete st arnu pretn'u #e2#ednosti! ali iOe alarma cTe nepotre#no #iti a$ti irano% *oOto s a$i alarma mora'u #iti ocen'eni od strane lica 2a nad2or! neophodno 'e da se laQni alarmi s edu na minimum $a$o #i se spreMilo da

''1( 1oda5 K-o.@ 005L, taken "ro4 D5E@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 1>

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

oso#l'e nad2ora ne gu#i reme i produ$ti nost% & o predsta l'a gla ni i2a2o $ada doNe reme da se tehnologi'a ideo analiti$e po'a i u mar$etima%
89<9) #a0tori 0oji utiAu na odabir 1i1tema inteligentog ?ideo nadzora

/ . . : , ( ), , . : . )9 '"CTORI PRIPR"M" +ideo nad2or 'e pr o#itno $oriOcTena od strane 'a nih sluQ#i (polici'e ! transportnih predu2ePa! administraci'e)% &n 'e 2atim us o'en od strane $ompani'a $o'e Qele da 2aOtite strateO$ih mesta! $ao Oto su rafineri'e! nu$learne ele$trane! #rane! pol'opri redno. prehram#enih postro'en'a i farmaceuts$ih $omple$sa% Mesta $ao Oto su $a2ina se ta$oNe po'a l'u'u $ao pioniri u ugradn'i eli$ih sistema ideo nad2ora% Danas! $amere 2a nad2or se mogu nacTi na ra2liMitim 'a nim i pri atnim mestima! $ao Oto su stam#ene 2grade! proda nice! par$in2ima! prugama = auto#us$im stanicama! aerodromima! pute ima! maso nog sao#raPa'ima! #an$ama! itd% Sistemi 2a ideo nad2or su ugraNeni po ra2liMitim ni oima% >a pracTen'e man'ih 2loMinae (npr% napade! andali2am! $raNe)! ideo nad2or se pr enst eno $oristi 2a post.incidentu istrage% & a' ni o nad2ora 2ahte a 'ednosta ne! Mesto analogne tehnologi'e $o'e ne u$l'uMu'u ideo inteligenci'u% & a rsta sistema moQe se nacTi na uglu proda nice! u malim proda nicama ili u pri atnim $ucTama% <ad2or stam#enih 2grada ili ecTih proda nica Mesto 2ahte a ePi sistem $amer% Cil' nad2ora 'e ugla nom pracTen'e pristupnih sta2a! par$iraliOta! i u sluMa'u proda nica! odel'en'a i proda'na mesta% +ideo nad2or se $oristi u o im lo$aci'ama! ugla nom u s rhe istrage% MeNutim! o i $orisnici #i Qeleli da do#i'u nad2or sistema $o'i 'e u stan'u da generiOe upo2oren'a u realnom remenu 2a neposrednu inter enci'u% 9reNa'i ideo analiti$e se stoga s e iOe 'a l'a'u u o im se$torima% >a o e $li'ente! po racTa' in estici'e 'e odluMu'ucTi fa$tor u $upo ini inteligentne opreme 2a ideo nad2or% +ideo nad2or eli$ih ra2mera nala2i se u grado ima i nasel'ima! transportnim sistemima! uni er2itets$im domo ima! na eli$im ta$miMen'ima (festi alima! e$onoms$im samitima! &limpi's$im igrama! itd)! sa o#imnim parametrima #e2#ednosti% To 2ahte a rasporeNi an'e desetine! Ma$ i stotine $amera% & e $amere mora'u da pone$ad #itu dostupne Mino nicima #e2#ednosti i2 ra2liMitih ladinih agenci'a! polici's$ih snaga ili sluQ#i 2a anredne situaci'e%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 19

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

9 o im o#'e$tima! ideo nad2or 'e gla ni sistem #e2#ednosti! do$ su pored n'ega i ostali sistemi nad2ora0 $ontrola pristupa! poQara! telefona! radio e2a! geoloO$ih sistema! itd% S o#2irom na #ro' ideo $amera $o'e su u$l'uMene i ni o hitnosti inter enci'e! o e apli$aci'e su pose#no pogodne 2a upotre#u ideo analiti$e 2a automati2o anu o#radu ideo prenosa $o'i generiOe alarm $ada su primePeni sumn'i i dogaNa'i% Since #udgets allocated to sur eillance systems in these infrastructures are often ast! adding analytical soft"are is more easily foreseea#le there% +ideo nad2or 'e neda no poMela da se $oristi u mo#ilnim 'edinicama! $ao Oto su patrolna $ola! am#ulantna $ola! auto#usa! itd ! meNutim! #eQiMni prenos ideo signala u $ontrolni centar #e2#ednosti moQe predsta l'ati pro#lem% )98 Go?ernment and Public 'ecurit( The different le els of go ernment must ensure the safety of the population and of pu#lic infrastructures% &n the national le el! it "ill #e used! for e/ample! to monitor the follo"ing0 Sensiti e infrastructures :orders @o ernment #uildings and sites 8a#oratories Military #ases *risons 8ocally! ideo sur eillance is set up in se eral cities around the "orld to monitor crimes and for use as an emergency inter ention tool% It also helps to ensure security during large gatherings (sho"s! demonstrations! sporting e ents! etc%)% 8ondon is the city the most often cited for the num#er of cameras deployed in its streets% +ideo sur eillance is also used to manage par$ing! especially to monitor par$ing permits! the application of rules! the detection of theft! andalism or misdemeanours! and to control access% +ideo sur eillance is "idely used #y controlling forces to conduct in estigations! monitor people and ehicles sought! and detect dangerous or criminal acti ities% It can also #e found on #oard patrol cars to erify police inter entions% Cameras can #e increasingly found along stretches of road to monitor traffic and detect incidents! dangerous #eha iour or iolations% Montral has a system and
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 0

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

ehicle detection stations to follo" traffic conditions in real time and automatically detect incidents D7 % Many sectors of the go ernment require intelligent ideo sur eillance for0 identifying indi iduals and ehicles! counting people and monitoring cro"ds! recogni2ing suspicious or iolent #eha iour (fights! misdemeanours)! detecting intrusions! and monitoring roads% More ad anced analyses! such as computer recognition of emotions or if an indi idual is telling a lie! are also anticipated% )9) "ducation +ideo sur eillance is increasingly found in academic institutions% It is used to o ersee the safety of teachers and students! as "ell as to protect assets from andalism and theft% Tragic school $illings! such as at Colum#ine! in the 9S! and here in 1ue#ec at *olytechnique and CollJge Da"son! ha e highlighted the importance of monitoring school campuses more closely% These campuses may #e e/tensi e! especially in the case of uni ersities! and #e comprised of se eral #uildings! accesses and par$ing lots to monitor% In this en ironment! ideo sur eillance is used in particular to0 monitor access to the institution3s perimeter! "hich may #e e/tensi e! such as in the case of a uni ersity campusI monitor equipment and dataI detect and follo" acts of andalism! theft! misdemeanours and inappropriate #eha iourI recogni2e license platesI support criminal in estigationsI control access% Since educational institutions often ha e an I* net"or$ infrastructure! it may #e #eneficial for them to set up digital ideo sur eillance systems% )9< Retail Trade Retail trade is a gro"ing mar$et for ideo sur eillance! "hich is used for #oth internal (store! "arehouse) and e/ternal (par$ing lot) security% C en the smallest shops ha e cameras to at least $eep ideo e idence in case of theft or an incident% In chain stores! much more sophisticated ideo sur eillance systems are set up for centrali2ed monitoring of different locations% (or the entire sector! ideo sur eillance is aimed primarily at0

1rans2orts Qubec, htt2<AA333@4t7@gou.@7c@caA2ortalA2ageA2ortalAregionsA4ontrealBileAgestionBcirculation@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 1

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

monitoring registers and transactions (employee theft and fraud)I protecting material goods and infrastructuresI monitoring in entory and "ares (deli eries)I protecting staff and clientsI controlling access to loc$ed areasI chec$ing emergency situations (fire! alarms! etc%)I monitoring par$ing lots! ehicles! entries and e/its% @i en the high ris$ of theft and attac$s to "hich retailers are e/posed! as "ell as the resulting significant losses! ideo sur eillance #ecomes an essential tool for ensuring the security of employees and merchandise% This mar$et also presents a real potential for ideo analytics% (or e/ample! there are systems that com#ine ideo information and data from the register to chec$ that the items ta$en out #y clients ha e indeed #een in oiced% This technology also ma$es it possi#le to pre ent fraud in ol ing cashiers at points of sale% Intelligent ideo sur eillance is also increasingly used for purposes! such as managing operations and mar$et launch% In this conte/t! ideo analytics is used in particular to count clients! analy2e their #eha iour and mo ements! and compile statistics on consumer ha#its% (or e/ample! here in 1ue#ec! the 1ue#ec company &rgani/ IT set up an intelligent ideo sur eillance system in the Couche.Tard con enience store chain that offers these possi#ilities DF % )9B Tran1portation The security and smooth operation of airports! railroad=#us stations! ports and mass transit systems are critical for a country3s economy% ) security incident can seriously upset operations and result in significant losses% @i en the large flo"s of passengers that use transportation systems and the e/tent of their infrastructures! these systems face e/traordinary security challenges% Terrorist acts committed in different transportation systems around the "orld ha e e/acer#ated these challenges% )nalytical soft"are targets the transportation sector #y offering different adapted functions0 detecting an intrusion in a controlled perimeter or area! detecting people entering an e/it ramp! detecting a#andoned luggage! recogni2ing faces! counting people! recogni2ing license plates for monitoring access to par$ing lots! detecting suspicious #eha iour (loitering! andalism! graffiti)! detecting people in lanes% Ho"e er! the transportation sector poses ma'or technical challenges for intelligent ideo sur eillance systems gi en the num#er of people "ho pass "ithin the camera3s field! the di ersity of passenger #eha iours and unfa oura#le conditions for cameras ( i#rations! dust! etc%)% Moreo er! for outside

,ntelligent Securit5 S5ste4s, htt2<AA333@isscct.@co4Aco42an5A2ublicit5A1#)5A@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

monitoring! cameras and analytical algorithms must #e a#le to operate despite changing "eather conditions (fog! sno"! rain! etc%)
)9B98 irport1

(ollo"ing the e ents of Septem#er DD! 566D! security measures "ere tightened! especially at large airports! and ne" technologies "ere deployed% (or airports! the priority consists in controlling access to secure areas! in particular access to airplanes! and also in ensuring the safety of passengers! personnel and the property "ithin the perimeter (run"ays! par$ing lots! access routes! etc%) :ased on the research done for this report! intelligent ideo sur eillance is still little used in Canadian airports% (or e/ample! at the *ierre.Clliot Trudeau )irport in Montral! ideo sur eillance is used a#o e all to assist "ith emergency inter entions% ,hen an incident is reported! a mo#ile camera pi ots to follo" the operations li e from a security control centre% )ccess control is pro ided primarily #y #iometric identification technologies (fingerprints! iris recognition)! the use of smart cards and *I<s D; % +ideo sur eillance is archi ed and also used as e idence in police force in estigations% It is also found on #oard patrol cars% Currently! cameras are mostly analogue and little ideo analytics is used% The intelligent functions already in place consist of counting people to assess! for e/ample! processing times at customs! as "ell as for license plate recognition in order to ta$e stoc$ of ehicles in par$ing lots and to detect theft% )roports de Montral "ill soon #e adding a ne" component to its ideo sur eillance system that "ill #e entirely I* and include intelligent cameras and ideo processing soft"are%
)9B9) 'tation1 and Public Tran1portation

The purpose of ideo sur eillance in railroad=#us stations and pu#lic transportation is mainly to monitor access routes! platforms! rails and tunnels! par$ing lots and all au/iliary ser ice structures% It is connected to other access monitoring systems and security de ices to o ersee the protection of passengers! personnel and infrastructures% The ideo is ie"ed li e from the security control centre! or at a later time for in estigations follo"ing security incidents% In 1ue#ec! than$s to contri#utions from t"o le els of go ernment! Socit de transport de Montral (STM) is pursuing the deployment of o er D!?66 cameras in the infrastructures of the Montral su#"ay system to increase user security% Cameras can also #e found on certain #uses of the system as a prototype% Socit de transport de 8a al "ill also install sur eillance cameras in some of its #uses to discourage andalism D? % The ne" su#"ay
D; 1#

*ersonal ,denti"ication -u4ber@ Morissette, H@, %e1 camra1 1eront in1talle1 dan1 le1 autobu1 de 3a?al. ) heures, 3 %ece4ber 00>, 2@ #@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 3

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

system! entirely on an I* net"or$! is an I* ideo sur eillance flagship pro'ect in 1ue#ec% Controlled centrally! the ideo sur eillance system is connected to the different monitoring and maintenance systems% The STM has #egun to deploy ideo analytics for automated detection of people on the trac$s and states that it is one of the first in Canada to use intelligent ideo in its mass transit% In this field! Canadian pu#lic transportation systems are #ehind those of Curopean countries! such as the 9nited Singdom! (rance and @ermany! "hich ha e much #etter ideo sur eillance systems% In the long term! if using ideo analytics pro es effecti e! the STM anticipates some other applications for it! such as detecting suspicious pac$ages! monitoring doors and recogni2ing suspicious #eha iour%
)9B9< Port1

)s for other transportation systems! in ports! intelligent ideo sur eillance is used to protect passengers and personnel! to monitor comings and goings in the perimeter and to identify ehicles in this perimeter% Ho"e er! ports pose a specific challenge for ideo analytics #ecause they require the monitoring of the ad'acent "aters% Reflections on "ater and "a e mo ement are en ironmental ariations that may disrupt analytical algorithms! especially for the detection of mo ement% )9C 2an0 'etting +ideo sur eillance is "idely used for #an$ security% The presence of cameras first acts as a deterrent to committing armed ro##ery and assault% Should a crime occur! archi ed ideo footage is used to in estigate and identify the perpetrators% )utomated #an$ machines are prime targets for criminal acts% Sur eillance cameras help to detect fraud! such as! for e/ample! the installation of a de ice to read the magnetic information on #an$ cards% In a #an$ setting! intelligent ideo sur eillance can increase monitoring effecti eness% It pro ides for monitoring of all #ranches in order to detect suspicious indi iduals or #eha iour% It also ma$es it possi#le to find! among other things! all ideo footage from all #ranches "here a certain indi idual appears using face recognition techniques% )9D Gaming Indu1tr( and Ca1ino1 Casinos and gaming centres ha e long used ideo sur eillance to protect clients and premises! as "ell as to detect cheating! heists! cash register theft and other crimes resulting in losses% It has also #een used as e idence to assess the alidity of actions for damages against the gaming institution%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Since casino monitoring requires "atching the #eha iour of many people in a cro"ded en ironment! intelligent ideo sur eillance is an interesting "ay of helping security personnel do their 'o#% (ace and gesture detection and recognition are part of the useful analytical functionalities for this en ironment% )9E Other +ideo sur eillance is used in many other en ironments! such as in stores and to monitor #uildings% It is most often used to film access routes and par$ing lots! monitor material alua#les and ensure employee and client protection% +ideo sur eillance can also #e used in healthcare to help "ith inter entions% It can e en #e found in am#ulances and used in com#ination "ith other measuring instruments to monitor a patient remotely% The )merican company Indigo+ision has de eloped analytical solutions installed on intelligent cameras specifically to detect the mo ement of helicopters landing on the site of an )merican hospital% The consumer mar$et is also de eloping% More and more home ideo sur eillance systems are #eing sold! e en in non.speciali2ed stores% Cameras no" complement the different monitoring and security de ices for the residential sector% <9 T":NO3OGIF <98 rhite0tura 'i1tema Video Nadzora
<9898 %elo?i 'i1tema Video Nadzora
<989898 Naba?0a

& a' odel'a$ u$rat$o opisu'e ra2liMite hard ers$e i soft ers$e $omponente sistema ideo nad2ora% Detal'ni'i opis infrastru$ture sistema 2a ideo nad2or i odecTim principima i2#or hard era mogu se nacTi u #ro'nim referentnim $n'igama i odiMima! u$l'uMu'ucTi VDW i V56W% *osto'i Mita ni2 modela $amera $o'e 2ado ol'a a'u ra2liMite potre#e nad2ora% &ne su analogne i digitalne! i mogu #iti operati ne ili ne! slede! specifiMne rste $amera%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

: , (, , ). . . ( , ): , . , . (): , , , . . 360 180 % )lthough in guard tour mode it can replace ten fi/ed cameras #y s"eeping the area to #e monitored! it only o#ser es a single direction at a time% Me0a5iCelD &ffers a higher resolution than standard cameras! ranging from D to D? megapi/els DA % It ma$es it possi#le to either capture a more detailed image or co er a "ider isual field! reducing the num#er of cameras needed to co er an area to #e monitored% ,hen used "ith a "ide angle! it has a ie"ing space generally ranging from DF6X to 7?6X% It offers the possi#ility of 2ooming into the picture using the soft"are! ma$ing it an alternati e to the *T> mechanical camera! "hose parts are su#'ect to "ear% Its high resolution helps to impro e the performance of the detection and recognition algorithms requiring a high le el of detail! such as license plates and face recognition% In9+a+e- an- t7e+2alD Sensiti e to infrared radiation (IR)! it can produce a good quality image in the dar$ for night monitoring% )t night! it films in #lac$ and "hite! #ut can produce a colour image during the day% Some infrared cameras are equipped "ith their o"n source of IR light! "hich turns on "hen lighting le els drop #elo" a certain threshold% Separate IR pro'ectors (lamp or 8CD DG ) can also #e used% Thermal cameras record the thermal radiation gi en off #y o#'ects and do not require any source of lighting% Pan.+a2icD Special optics pro ide it "ith 7?6X isi#ility "ith a single camera DE and irtual *T> in the image% The main panoramic technologies for monitoring are fisheye! mirror lens and panomorphic lens% Ho"e er! the resolution of these cameras is often not enough for analyses requiring a high le el of detail%
<98989) Tran1mi11ion

The ideo captured #y sur eillance cameras must #e sent to the recording! processing and ie"ing systems% This transmission can #e done #y ca#le (coa/ial or fi#re optic ca#les! stranded copper "ire) or #y air (infrared signals! radio transmission)% 'i+e- /i-e. is the most predominant in ideo sur eillance systems% It offers greater #and"idth and #etter relia#ility than "ireless connections! at a lo"er cost% Ho"e er!
1= 1>


,n 00>, re2resented onl5 )M o" ca4eras sold, but sales are increasing 7uickl5@ 3ight "mitting %iode19

,44er(ision and /rande5e de.elo2 t3o 4aNor 2anora4ic sur.eillance technologies@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Ei+eless /i-e. t+ans2issi.n is sometimes the #est solution! for e/ample "hen monitoring large perimeters "here installing ca#les "ould #e too costly! or "hen the areas to #e monitored cannot #e reached #y ca#le% ,hether "ired or "ireless! the ideo signal can #e analogue or digital% Most ideo transmissions for sur eillance are currently still anal.0ue. Ho"e er! computer net"or$s (8)<! ,)< or Internet) are increasingly used to send ideo using the IP 5+.t.c.l. I* cameras can #e directly connected on these net"or$s! "hereas the ideo flo" coming from analogue cameras must first #e digiti2ed #y an enc.-e+B also called a /i-e. se+/e+B in order to pass through the I* net"or$s%
<98989< Compre11ion

Digiti2ed ideo represents a large quantity of data to #e transmitted and archi ed% Sending ideo footage may required up to D?; mega#its of #and"idth! and the ideo of a single camera o er one day may fill A @: of dis$ space% That is "hy sur eillance ideo must #e compressed using c.-ecs 56 ! algorithms for reducing the amount of data #y deleting redundancies! #y image or #et"een footage frames! as "ell as details that cannot #e seen #y a human eye% Depending on the type of compression needed! ideocoding.decoding can #e fairly processor intensi e% Therefore! there must #e a compromise #et"een the compression ratio and the processor resources used% There are t"o ma'or groups of international compression standards0 Y*C@! created #y the Yoint *hotographic C/perts @roup! and M*C@! de eloped #y the Mo ing *hotographic C/perts @roup% The first group includes Y*C@ formats for still frames! and MY*C@ for ideo footage% The second group includes the M*C@.D! M*C@.5! M*C@.F and H%5?F formats 5D % Currently! MY*C@ and M*C@.F are the most "idely used standards in ideo sur eillance% Ho"e er! "ith the impro ements to quality and efficiency (compression ratio! latency! error resistance) it #rings! H%5?F should soon replace M*C@.F% ,ithout affecting image quality! the H%5?F encoder ma$es it possi#le to reduce image si2e #y o er G6L in relation to MY*C@! and #y ;6L in relation to M*C@.F compression VD;W%
<98989B Proce11ing

+ideo management systems process ideo sur eillance images! such as managing different ideo flo"s! and ie"ing! recording! analy2ing and searching recorded footage% There are four ma'or categories of ideo management systems%
0 1

'ontraction o" coder$decoder@ 'o44on na4e "or M*9/$) *art 10 A('AH@ #)@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age =

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

%i0ital "i-e. Rec.+-e+ =%"R (( >D De ice "ith an internal hard dis$ for digital recording of ideo and ideo processing soft"are% It accepts only flo"s from analogue cameras! "hich it digiti2es% Recent models ma$e it possi#le to ie" the ideo remotely on computer% Still quite "idespread! it is slo"ly #eing replaced #y systems that support I* ideo from end to end% ),3+i- %i0ital "i-e. Rec.+-e+ =)%"R (3 >D Similar to the digital recorder! #ut accepts connections from #oth analogue and I* cameras% Se eral types of digital ideo recorders can #e made hy#rid #y installing a soft"are application% NetE.+6 "i-e. Rec.+-e+ =N"R (* >D Designed for ideo sur eillance I* net"or$ architectures! it can only process ideo signals from I* cameras or encoders% IP /i-e. su+/eillance s.9tEa+eD *urely soft"are.#ased solution for managing ideo on an I* net"or$% (or sur eillance systems "ith fe" cameras! a ,e# #ro"ser may #e enough to manage the ideo% (or larger ideo sur eillance net"or$s! a dedicated ideo management soft"are application must #e used! "hich is installed on a *C or ser er% )lthough more complicated to install due to the required ser er configurations! it offers greater fle/i#ility "ith respect to choice and the addition of ideo sur eillance net"or$ parts% I* ideo sur eillance soft"are applications are a ma'or trend in ideo management! especially in infrastructures "ith large num#ers of cameras% &pen platforms allo" for easy integration of cameras and hard"are components from different manufacturers%
<98989C rchi?ing

The ideo footage archi ing period aries depending on sur eillance needs! ranging from a fe" days to a fe" years% &n a erage! organi2ations $eep ideo e idence from 76 to E6 days% The deployment of ast net"or$s of cameras and the use of high resolution ideo sur eillance resulted in an e/plosion in demand for storage systems% )lthough the cost of storage media has dropped considera#ly in recent years! archi ing is often a large part of ideo sur eillance infrastructure e/penses due to the gro"ing amount of ideo data to #e stored% There are t"o types of storage solutions0 Inte+nalD Hard dri es #uilt into digital ideo recorders or ser ers are the most "idespread type of archi ing! offering up to F T: of space% Some I* cameras e en come "ith a memory card or 9S: dri e for hours! e en days of ideo recording% Internal archi ing solutions are "ell suited for medium si2e ideo sur eillance systems comprised of up to ;6 cameras% Attac7e-D )rchi ing is done on de ices e/ternal to the ideo recorders or ser ers% <)S (<et"or$ (ttac*ed 'torage" or S)< (Storage (rea Network" type systems offer shared

%igital Video Recorder9 :(brid %igital Video Recorder9

Net@or0 Video Recorder9 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

storage space #et"een different net"or$ clients% &n a <)S net"or$ storage system! a file is archi ed on the same hard dri e! "hereas "ith the S)< storage net"or$! a file can #e sa ed in fragments distri#uted o er se eral storage media% These attached archi ing solutions are particularly "ell suited to large ideo sur eillance net"or$s "ith a large num#er of cameras 5; % )lthough more e/pensi e than internal archi ing systems! these attached solutions are superior in terms of e/panda#ility! fle/i#ility and redundancy%
<98989D %i1pla(

) large part of ideo captured #y sur eillance cameras is ne er ie"ed! #ut simply archi ed in case ie"ing is required follo"ing an incident% Traditionally! ideo sur eillance has #een used mainly as an in estigation tool% Ho"e er! in se eral cases! security officers ie" images from sur eillance cameras in real time% ,ithout necessarily "atching the entire ideo captured! officers can periodically re ie" different ideo sources% +ideo sur eillance can #e ie"ed on different de ices% In small facilities! the ideo can #e ie"ed directly on the recorder! as the image is #eing recorded% Images are generally ie"ed remotely! on a computer! or on a mo#ile de ice such as a telephone or handheld de ice% 8arge security operations centres that super ise hundreds of cameras often use a "all of ideo screens! "hich pro ide a large ie"ing space and allo" for different ideo flo"s to #e displayed%
<989) Raz?oj 'i1tema Video Nadzora

Digital transition in ideo sur eillance occurred in se eral steps% It #egan "ith the appearance of the digital recorder! then continued "ith a complete o erhaul of the I* infrastructure! "ith ideo #eing transmitted o er an intranet or Internet net"or$ from the camera to the ie"ing screen% Many hy#rid systems too$ shape during this shift! integrating analogue and digital components%The figure #elo" descri#es the important milestones that mar$ed the e olution to"ards intelligent ideo sur eillance on the I* net"or$% "i-e. Analiti6a

"CR %"R IP 5+.0+a2i N"R

&$;4<&$$4 &$$4 &$$; (444

#igure < ; Raz?oj :ard?era Video Nadzora

For e:a42le, ,*(ideoMarket@in"o reco44ends using storage clusters "or net3orks 3ith )> analogue ca4eras or 4ore than si: 4ega2i:el ca4eras@ htt2<AAi2.ideo4arket@in"oAre2ortAe:a4iningBtheB"utureBo"B.ideoBsur.eillanceBstorage '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 9

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

<989)98 Pr?a Generacija : nalogna

9 tradicionalno' analogno' CCT+ mreQi! analogne $amere po e2ane su $oa$si'alnim $a#lo ima ('edan $a#l po $ameri) 2a e$rane 2a nad2or i! 2a arhi iran'e! na ideore$orderu $o'i snima ideo na $asetu% Multiple$ser moQe da se $oristi da grupiOe 2a'edno ideo signale od ne$oli$o $amera u 'edan 2a'edniM$i signal $o'i se prosleNu'e na ideore$order ili analogni monitor% &n omoguPa a pri$a2i an'e Metiri! de et ili D? ideo signala na istom e$ranu ili ih snima na posto'aPem sistemu% <e rOi se $ompresi'a ideo signala% Sa ideore$orderom di2a'niranim 2a o u s rhu! rOi se sniman'e sa man'im #ro'em fre'mo a Mime se uOteNu'e prostor na ideo$aseti! Oto 'e potre#no 2a nad2or% 5? % . . ( ) . . . , . - They are proprietary systems%
<989)9) %ruga generacija: :ibridni 1i1tem

>amena ideore$ordera sa digitalnim snimaMem (D+R) 'e #io pr i $ora$ u digitalno' tran2ici'i ideo nad2ora% Digitalni snimaMi su se po'a ili E6.tih i ima'u moguPnost sniman'a ideo signala na hard dis$o ima% *oOto oni Mesto ima'u ne$oli$o ideo ula2a! digitalni snimaMi su 2amenili i multiple$sere i analogne ideore$ordere% <a$nadni modeli posedu'u Cthernet port 2a po e2i an'e na mreQu i dal'ins$i pristup ideo.u! #ilo u realnom remenu ili sniml'enog materi'ala% +ideo se prenose I* proto$olom i2 digitalnog snimaMa% &ni omogucTa a'u prenos do hi#ridnog sistema ideo nad2ora na I* mreQu! do$ su u sistemu analogne $amere% Hi#ridni digitalni ideo snimaM (HD+R) moQe primati ideo signal i pre$o analognih i I* $amera% To 'e efi$asno reOen'e 2a moderni2aci'u sistema ideo nad2ora is$oriOcTa an'em no ih I* $amera u2 2adrQa an'e posto'ecTih analognih $amera u prostoru% Ia$o se procen'u'e da su E;L $amera i dal'e analogne! digitalni snimaMi i hi#ridni digitalni snimaM su priliMno rasprostran'eni%

Time lap1e mode "or recording at 15 "2s K"ra4e per 1econdG. =@5 "2s, 3@=5 "2s and 1@>=5 "2s@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 30

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

. . . . , . , . ( 16) . +ideo en$oderi! $o'i se na2i a'u ideo ser eri! se $oriste 2a $on er2i'u signala i2 analognih $amera i prenose ih u I* proto$ na mreQu pre$o multis iMa% >adrQa a'ucTi analogne $amere! oni omogucTa a'u pra$tiMno potpuni prela2a$ na mreQne infrastru$ture 2a ideo nad2or 2ato Oto se ideo stalno prenosi I* proto$olom $ro2 mreQu% +ideo en$oder moQe da se $oristi sa mreQnim ideo snimaMem (<+R)% &ni mogu samo da i2 rOa a'u i snima'u I* ideo proto$% &ni se nude na ot oreno' platformi ($omp'uter sa soft erom 2a upra l'an'e ideo snim$om) ili $ao namens$a opreme% 9 o om drugom o#li$u! mreQni ideo snimaM 'e sliMan hi#ridnom digitalnom snimaMu $o'i 2ahte a en$odere da rade sa analognim $amerama% . (., ). - Distri#uted architecture that offers fle/i#ility! scala#ility (one camera can #e added at a time) and redundancy (in case of #rea$do"n or failure)% (. , ). , . , .
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 31

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

- Zahteva sloena izraunavanja kako bi se odredila koliina video protoka kojim bi upravljao server, koliinu prostora na disku potrebnog za snimanje, broj slika u sekundi, nivo kompresije i drugi faktori povezani sa mrenim kapacitetom.
<989)9< Tre>a Generacija: IP %igitalni

TaMno go orecTi! sistem ideo nad2ora se u potpunosti rOi pre$o I* adresa poOto su s e n'ego e $omponente digitalne i sa prenos podata$a se rOi I* proto$olom% & a$ e mreQe 2#og toga posedu'u mreQne $amere! $o'e se ta$oNe na2i a'u I* $amere! $o'e ima'u s o' ugraNeni en$oder% &ne su po e2ane! pre$o mreQnog multis iMa! na ser ere (*Cs) opreml'ene soft erom 2a upra l'an'e ideo snimcima% Sniman'e se rOi na ser eru ili na mreQnom ideo snimaMu% &#rada se rOi na ser eru ili u perifernim ureNa'ima% MeNutim! mnogi l'udi smatra'u da sistem ideo nad2ora Mi'i se snima$ emitu'e pre$o I* proto$ola i2 $odera 'e ust ari sistem I* mreQe% 9 o im sistemima! $amere mogu #iti analogne! pod uslo om da su po e2ani sa en$oderom% More information on I* ideo sur eillance! and particularly on its pros and cons! is pro ided in the follo"ing section%
<989< IP Video Nadzor

&d 566A%god%! trQiOte ideo nad2ora prela2i sa analognih na I* ideo sisteme% & a' napreda$ u mreQnom ideo nad2oru se 'a io 2#og procesors$ih po#ol'Oan'a! nis$ih troO$o a s$ladiOten'a i po#ol'Oanih algoritmima 2a $ompresi'u% Ia$o o a tran2ici'a posto'i! to 'e samo poMetna fa2a i teO$o 'e pred ideti stopu po $o'o' cTe I* sistem ideo nad2ora preu2eti trQiOte analogno' tehnologi'i ideo nad2ora% )nalogne $amere se i dal'e $oriste% 9 st ari! procen'u'e se da E;L instaliranih Oirom s eta od F6 miliona $amera su i dal'e analogne VDW % Zta iOe! danas samo 'edan $upac u Metiri #ira I* $amere 5A % MeNutim! I* $amere nude tehniM$e prednosti nad analognim $amerama! $ao Oto 'e #ol'i $ alitet sli$e! ecTu re2oluci'u i integrisanu inteligenci'u% +iso$a cena I* $amera! o$o d a puta ePa od analognih $amera! 'e gla ni ra2log 2a n'iho man'i #ro'% Sa po#ol'Oan'ima od strane proi2 oNaMa do ideo re$ordera i posto'an'e hi#ridnih ideo snimaMa! lada ina analognih $amera moQe #iti produQen 2a 'oO ne$oli$o godina% &pOti principi I* sistema ideo nad2ora ima'u sledecTe $ara$teristi$e0 : , , , . : , , , , , .

,* (ideo Market ,n"o, 009@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 3

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

&ni posedu'u sopst eni hard er % &ni rade sa distri#utu nim i multiplatformnim ser erima% Dodatno sniman'e se rOi pre$o mreQe (<+R)% MoQe se pristupiti dal'ins$i! sa #ilo $og mesta! u #ilo $o'e reme! #ilo i2 $ontrolnog centra! pre$o Interneta ili 8)< ili +)< mreQe! na mo#ilnom telefonu itd% U Ima moguPnost $oriOPen'a ideo analiti$e% +ideo nad2or u I* mreQi nudi #ro'ne prednosti% &na se 2asni a na fle$si#ilni'o' infrastru$turu 2a ra2li$u od analognog sistema! $om#inu'ucTi QiMni i #eQiMnu prenos% Zta iOe! mreQna infrastru$turaima moguPnost #r2og i la$og proOiri an'a% <e posto'i ograniMen'e #ro'a $amera $o'e se mogu dodati na n'ega% S o#2irom da se sadaOn'i sistem sasto'i od i2meNu F66 i ;66 $amera! u poreNen'u sa 5; do 76 pre ne$oli$o godina! Min'enica 'e da se mreQa ideo nad2ora moQe la$o proOiriti sama po se#i pri l'aMi l'ude $ada ra2miOl'a'u o posta l'an'u no og sistema% >a instalaci'e sa eli$im ra2dal'inama i2meNu $amere i sistema 2a sniman'e! I* $amere su u prednost! 'er troO$o i $oa$si'alnih $a#lo a su priliMno iso$i% >ato se I* $amere primarno $oriste 2a nad2or instituci'a! $ao Oto su a$adems$e 2grade! eli$e $ompani'e! opOtine i o'ne #a2e% I* $amere ima'u mnoge tehniM$e prednosti% <a primer! I* megapi$selne $amere nude nesumn'i e prednosti u odnosu na ideo nad2or% Re2oluci'a o ih $amera 'e 2natno superiorni'a od re2oluci'e analognih $amera i samim tim moQe da reOi iOe 2loMina% Ia$o s$upa! 'edna megapi$selna $amera moQe Mesto da 2ameni ne$oli$o $amera % Inteligentne $amere! sa ugraNenim procesorima! o#e2#eNu'u tehniM$a po#ol'Oan'e na no im sistemima ideo nad2ora posledn'ih generaci'a% &ni omogucTa a'u da se distri#uira i2raMuna an'a 2a o#radu ideo analiti$e i! stoga! uOtede na $oliMini prenosa podata$a 'er prenose samo podat$e rele antne 2a o#e2#eNen'e% &t orena arhite$tura mreQe I* ideo nad2ora omogucTa a $oriOcTen'e hard era ra2liMitih proi2 oNaMa! samim tim posto'i moguPnost da se i2a#eru na'prilagodl'i i'i delo i 2a primenu nad2ora% &sim toga! I* arhite$tura ola$Oa a integraci'u ra2liMitih #e2#ednosnosnih sistema ( ideo! proti poQarni alarmi! $ontrola pristupa! itd%)% The configuration of these net"or$s "ith redundancy! #oth "ith respect to transmission and archi ing! pro ides for #etter relia#ility% In an entirely analogue net"or$! a camera or recorder malfunction may mean definiti e ideo loss% Moreo er! net"or$ archi ing! "hich is #ecoming increasingly less e/pensi e! ma$es it possi#le to sa e years of ideo rather than a fe" days or "ee$s "ith ideotape recorders or digital recorders #y merely adding on hard dri es to increase storage capacity% In these net"or$s! digital transmission of the ideo! from system end to end! reduces losses in quality caused #y analogue to digital con ersion% Moreo er! intelligent soft"are processing ma$es it possi#le to filter rele ant e ents in the ideo and transmit only the
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 33

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

metadata descri#ing them! there#y sa ing on #and"idth% These metadata are then used to inde/ the ideo content for more efficient searches in the captured footage% ,ith these net"or$s! it is also possi#le to send orders to the cameras! depending on the ideo processed% (or e/ample! in response to a suspicious incident! the ideo management soft"are may automatically acti ate the optical or digital 2oom on a net"or$ camera for a more accurate monitoring of the situation% There are also many dra"#ac$s to the shift to I* ideo sur eillance% (or e/ample! in the case of e/isting analogue infrastructures! re"iring the entire net"or$ may #e quite costly% In this case! using encoders to digiti2e analogue signals "ill ma$e it possi#le to $eep the cameras in place and set up a hy#rid net"or$% Digital recorder technology has also greatly progressed in order to remain competiti e% Digital recorders no" offer many ad antages that are compara#le to I* net"or$ technologies0 remote access! a#ility to manage a large num#er of cameras! integration "ith other systems (access control! intrusion detection! points of sale systems! etc%) and analytical a#ility% (or small ideo sur eillance installations! using analogue cameras "ith digital recorders offers e/cellent performance at lo"er costs than I* ideo% )lthough! from a technological point of ie"! I* ideo sur eillance net"or$s offer numerous ad antages! setting up these net"or$s poses certain organi2ational pro#lems% The first is "ith respect to installation% Most ideo sur eillance integrators and installers "or$ in the physical security sector% Bet! installing I* net"or$ ideo sur eillance systems requires IT and especially net"or$ing s$ills% (e" ideo sur eillance integrators and installers are speciali2ed in this field% The second pro#lem is "ith respect to managing these systems% &nce installed! "ho in the organi2ation is responsi#le for the ideo sur eillance system- The physical security personnel or computer ser ices- The e/isting uncertainty surrounding this issue in organi2ations often results in delays shifting to I* ideo sur eillance% (inally! shifting from a closed.circuit tele ision net"or$ to a ideo sur eillance system! "hose data run through Cthernet or Internet net"or$s! raises computer security issues% *roper security mechanisms must o# iously #e put in place to protect the sur eillance ideo% )lso! proper ideo sur eillance #ecomes dependent on the net"or$3s relia#ility% In that respect! ideo sur eillance integration on I* net"or$s may follo" that of I* telephony! "hich is no" "idespread%
<989B rchitecture o& an Intelligent Video 'ur?eillance Net@or0

Intelligent ideo sur eillance systems may #e set up according to t"o large types of architecture0 centrali2ed or distri#uted% :oth perform intelligent processing to e/tract data from ideo images and may! if required! order a *T> camera to mo e for acti e monitoring%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 3)

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

<989B98 Centralized rchitecture

,ith centrali2ed architecture! all intelligent processing is concentrated in the same place% In traditional systems! it is the digital recorder that collects all ideo flo" for analy2ing% (or net"or$ infrastructure! it is the computer ser er (a *C) that "ill perform analytical processing% +ideo analysis requires ast computing po"er! "hich monopoli2es a large part of the processor3s resources% Since they must also manage encoding! recording and ie"ing of ideo flo"! digital recorders and ser ers can only carry out ideo analytics tas$s on a limited num#er of cameras% Moreo er! in the case of ideo sur eillance systems on net"or$! transmitting all ideo flo" to a centrali2ed point ta$es up a lot of #and"idth% The computer net"or$ must #e a#le to handle this traffic%
<989B9) %i1tributed rchitecture

)s the name indicates! distri#uted architecture distri#utes intelligent processing to the different nodes of the ideo sur eillance system% This "ay! the calculations required for analytics can #e done on peripheral equipment! on intelligent cameras "ith processors! encoders or in the net"or$ s"itches% ,ith this architecture! rather than sending ideo flo" to the digital recorder or a central computer! only metadata e/tracted from the ideo are transmitted% The intelligence can also #e shared #et"een the peripheral equipment and the central processing unit% This infrastructure helps to reduce "iring costs and the #and"idth required in the ideo sur eillance net"or$% It also offers #etter scala#ility! since adding cameras is not necessarily limited #y the digital recorder3s or the ser er3s computing po"er% <9) Technological 'tatu1 o& Video nal(tic1 +ideo analytics and intelligent ideo sur eillance are ery acti e fields of research% & er the past ten years in particular! se eral conferences! special editions of maga2ines and articles ha e #een dedicated to this% ) fe" commercial products ha e #een de eloped follo"ing the research done in this sector% Ma'or pro'ects funded #y go ernments! such as +S)M in the 9nited States! and *RISM)TIC) in Curope! ha e encouraged the de elopment of o#'ect detection! trac$ing and recognition techniques #ased on ideo footage% Ho"e er! these are emerging technologies! and their use in large.scale applications are still recent and marginal% The cost of these technologies and their current technical limits in monitoring comple/ en ironments is an o#stacle to more "idespread adoption%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 35

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

This section descri#es the technological ad ances made in intelligent ideo sur eillance% It discusses the main analyses that ideo analytics soft"are can perform and pro ides a #rief description of the functionalities currently implemented in commercial systems! or that are #eing de eloped in research la#oratories% ) list of the main challenges these technologies are facing! as "ell as current and future needs anticipated #y users! is also included% ) more in.depth re ie" of the different procedures and intelligent ideo analysis algorithms! as "ell as a more e/tensi e #i#liography on the su#'ect can #e found in the scientific pu#lications VG! E! D6! DD! D5! DFW%
<9)98 %e1cription o& Video nal(tic1 Techni/ue1

+ideo analytics consists of computer.assisted reproduction of the analysis that a human "ould do loo$ing at the ideo footage from the sur eillance cameras% The analytics soft"are processes ideo flo" images to automatically detect o#'ects (people! equipment! ehicles) and e ents of interest for security purposes% &nce detected! the o#'ects can #e identified! monitored and located ((igure F)% Their actions and interactions are analy2ed and classified in order to interpret the acti ity of a scene and #ring it to the attention of a human operator% +ideo analytics soft"are applications are used in t"o modes0 real and non.real time% In real time! they detect situations in the ideo flo" that represent a security threat and trigger an alarm% In non.real time! they ma$e it possi#le to quic$ly find ideo footage on an incident under in estigation%
#igure B ; Object %etection and Trac0ing

Real ti2e ale+tsD Most alerts are defined #y the intelligent ideo sur eillance system user% They may #e generic alerts! such as detecting an a#andoned o#'ect or an item in the scene mo ing o er a set speed limit% To trigger these alarms! only the properties of the o#'ect
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,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

mo ements are analy2ed #y the system% More specific alerts may #e issued after the o#'ects or their mo ement ha e #een classified (e%g%! discrimination #et"een the passage of a human or animal in an outside area)% :eha iour.related alerts #ased on conformity or non. conformity "ith a #eha iour model entered in the system (e%g%! an indi idual trying to open more than one car in a par$ing lot)! constitute pre.defined alerts% Certain real.time alerts are automatically identified% & er time! the system learns a model of acti ity and ends up detecting non.standard acti ities% (or e/ample! an analytics soft"are may learn that ehicles dri e on the street and pedestrians "al$ on the side"al$% The opposite may trigger an alarm% "i-e. sea+c7 9.+ in/esti0ati.nD )nalytics processing ma$es it possi#le to inde/ ideo content #ased on characteristics such as the shape of o#'ects! their si2e! appearance! tra'ectory! type! as "ell as their model of acti ity% Stored as metadata! this information ma$es it possi#le to conduct spatiotemporal searches such as [find all footage "ith a person dressed in red passing in front of a certain #uilding #et"een t"o gi en dates\% The analytical functions de eloped for ideo sur eillance systems ha e different le els of analysis% Hierarchically! they are e/ecuted at the pi/el and o#'ect le el to achie e the #eha iour scale% They are grouped according to the follo"ing tas$s0 D% Detection of changes 5% Segmentation of mo ing o#'ects 7% Monitoring of o#'ects F% Classification and identification of o#'ects ;% Classification of acti ities and #eha iours
<9)9898 %etection o& Change1

In ideo sur eillance! detecting changes in ideo footage is the #asis for all intelligent analysis% It may detect an acti ity in a scene under sur eillance! in particular the mo ement of o#'ects% It may also re eal the appearance or disappearance of an o#'ect (a#andoned or stolen o#'ect)% It is also used to automatically report accidental or intentional alterations in a camera0 o#structions (dust! spider "e#s! moisture! paint! stic$ers)! reorientation! #lurriness% Many techniques for detecting mo ements used in ideo analytics are #ased on detecting changes% Ho"e er! detecting changes in ideo footage does not specifically target the mo ement of o#'ects! #ut may highlight an image modulation% In order to segment 5G mo ing o#'ects! "e must #e a#le to discriminate #et"een fluctuations in pi/el alue

Seg4entation consists in se2arating obNects "ro4 the background@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 3=

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

corresponding to consistent mo ements and fluctuations caused #y en ironmental changes ((igure ;)%
#igure C ! 'egmentation o& an indi?idual in ?ideo &ootage

This is a ma'or pro#lem in ideo analytics #ecause comple/ en ironments may present many! sometimes sudden ariations0 change in lighting (shado"s! mo ement of the sun! clouds! mirror reflections in glass or on "ater! glare caused #y sources of light in the scene)! non.rele ant mo ements (flag flapping in the "ind! "a es on "ater)% That is "hy many analytical methods "or$ "ell indoors! in scenes "ith little mo ement% )lgorithms that are ro#ust enough to #e applied in uncontrolled settings are much rarer% Se eral mo ement segmentation techniques ha e #een proposed% Su3t+acti.n .9 t7e 3ac60+.un-D In its most primiti e form! detecting changes comes do"n to finding! pi/el #y pi/el! differences in colour or te/ture #et"een the images of a sequence% ) first category of techniques consists in comparing each frame of a sequence to a reference image! called the #ac$ground! "hich represents the undistur#ed scene% The areas of change are formed of pi/els "ith a difference in intensity that is a#o e a threshold% *i/el.#y.pi/el su#traction #et"een t"o images is ery sensiti e to the slightest en ironmental change! such as changes in lighting and mo ements inherent to a scene (e%g%! the foliage of a tree #lo"ing in the "ind)% In order to offset this pro#lem! certain techniques continually adapt the #ac$ground model to intrinsic changes in the en ironment 5E % The difference "ith the #ac$ground is a method that is particularly suited to indoor en ironments! "here lighting conditions are controlled and "here there is little acti ity (e%g%! monitoring a hall"ay)% Ti2e<3ase- -i99e+enceD ) second class of methods for detecting change is #ased on a time difference #et"een a fe" consecuti e frames% These frames adapt to ariations in the time of the en ironment% &n the other hand! they tend to o ersee certain ariations related to the mo ement of o#'ects in the scene! especially if they mo e slo"ly% They often produce holes in the o#'ects detected% These techniques therefore require smoothing treatment! "ith

For e:a42le, using a Jal4an "ilter D9E@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 3>

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

morphological operators and filtering of holes and shapes that are too small% In order to retain only significant mo ements and eliminate occasional mo ements! certain techniques dra" up a map of the regions "ith a high le el of acti ity! #ased on a mo ement pattern% O5tical Fl.ED Methods that analy2e optical flo" 76 help to detect consistent directions of pi/el change associated "ith the mo ement of o#'ects in the scene% Ho"e er! they require comple/ calculations that are difficult to do in real time% &ptical flo" is also sensiti e to the image3s noise 7D %
<9)989) Trac0ing Object1

)fter detecting mo ing o#'ects! intelligent ideo sur eillance systems trac$ their mo ement o er the ideo footage ((igure ?)% Cach tas$ requires locating each o#'ect trac$ed from one image to another% This can #e done in 5D "ith a single camera! or in 7D com#ining t"o ie"s "ith $no"n geometric relationship% Many trac$ing techniques are #ased on mathematical methods that ma$e it possi#le to predict an o#'ect3s position on a frame #ased on its mo ement in the pre ious frames 75 % Trac$ing se eral o#'ects at the same time poses many challenges% Cach o#'ect detected in a frame must #e associated "ith its corresponding o#'ect in the su#sequent frame% This matching is done #ased on the o#'ects3 outlines! their characteristics (e%g%! corners! area! ratios! etc%)! or their model of appearance% &cclusions (regions hidden #y others) represent a ma'or difficulty for trac$ing o#'ects% ) ideo sur eillance system may lose trac$ of an o#'ect if it is totally or partially o#structed o er a certain period of time% It may also #e difficult to separate t"o o#'ects "hen they are ery close or "hen one hides another%
30 31

!2tical "lo3 is the translation .ector "ield 2roduced in an i4age b5 obNects in a 3% scene@ ,4age de"ects o"ten attributable to ac7uisition conditions and the ca4era8s li4its@

Jal4an "ilter, s2eci"ic "ilters, d5na4ic Ba5esian net3orks, geodesic 4ethod, etc@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 39

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

#igure D ; Trac0ing o& object trajectorie1 in ?ideo &ootage <9)989< Cla11i&ication and Identi&ication o& Object1

&#'ects detected #y a ideo sur eillance system are usually classified into different categories0 human! ehicle! animal! etc% This classification may #e done prior to trac$ing in order to retain only the tra'ectories of o#'ects that are rele ant for sur eillance purposes% In general! systems recogni2e the nature of an entity detected #ased on its shape attri#utes and mo ement properties% (or e/ample! a human is usually presented as a form that is taller than it is "ide! "hereas an automo#ile "ould #e "ider than it is tall ((igure A)% Human gait has specific features! in particular! a certain periodicity%
#igure E ; Object cla11i&ication Hhuman1 ?19 ?ehicle1G

&#'ect identification pushes recognition further% )fter finding the class to "hich an o#'ect #elongs! it must #e identified% ,ith sur eillance! and in particular for access control or "hen searching for a suspect! the goal is to recogni2e an indi idual or decipher a ehicle license plate% +ast research and de elopment efforts ha e #een in ested in recent years in these t"o speciali2ed applications% Recogni2ing human faces and gait are the t"o main #iometric tools to identify people in ideo sur eillance% )nalysis of gait pro ides clues for the preliminary identification of an indi idual filmed from a distance! in a "ide field% (ace recognition pro ides for a more accurate identification! #ut requires a face image "ith good resolution and in a proper position (facing for"ard as much as possi#le)% Most systems "ill tolerate a face rotation of up to F;X% Many face encoding and comparison
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )0

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

techniques ha e #een proposed since the early E6s 77 and are #ased primarily on the e/traction of mathematical descriptors or topological points on the face% Initially de eloped #ased on photographs! face recognition applications ha e e/isted for a fe" years on ideo footage% Depending on the method used! recognition can #e achie ed #y changing appearance! such as the addition of glasses or a #eard! facial e/pressions and lighting% <e" 7D face recognition techniques 7F appear to impro e identification performance and ro#ustness in comparison to 5D techniques% Ho"e er! face recognition in an uncontrolled en ironment! such as a cro"d! continues to #e a pro#lem that has not yet #een satisfactorily resol ed #y current ideo analytics systems% Reading license plates from ideo sur eillance is a difficult application% It requires a high. resolution image% There are many en ironmental interferences "hen analy2ing an image0 #ad "eather! headlight #rightness! dirty or damaged plate% In order to read a license plate! a system must first locate the rectangle of the plate among all of the image3s details ((igure G)% It must then proceed "ith optical character recognition 7; % ) plate filmed at an angle distorts the characters in the image and complicates the recognition process% In order to ma/imi2e the system3s efficiency! plate recognition is done most often using speciali2ed systems that concentrate on camera positioning and lighting quality%
#igure - ; 3icen1e plate detection <9)989B Cla11i&ication o& cti?itie1 and 2eha?iour1

&ne of the goals of ideo sur eillance is to interpret the indi idual #eha iours of the o#'ects in a scene and their interactions% :roadly spea$ing! #eha iours are defined as the o#ser a#le actions of agents (humans! animals! ehicles! etc%) Since #eha iour recognition
77 7F 7;

An o" "ace recognition techni7ues is a.ailable at htt2<AA333@"ace$rec@orgAalgorith4sA Ise o" A)(ision structured in"rared light, or /eo4etri: triangulation based on 4ulti2le .ie3s@ !'&, in 9nglish@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )1

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

requires a semantic! sometimes comple/ analysis of "hat appears in the image! it is the most difficult challenge for ideo analytics systems% The goal may #e to detect a simple #eha iour! such as [an indi idual has left a #ag in a room%\ Ho"e er! the chain of interactions may quic$ly #ecome comple/0 $ndi.idual ( a 7ag in a room# $ndi.idual @ takes t*e 7ag and t*e room# $ndi.idual @ 7umps into indi.idual ( and s*akes *is *and# ConclusionA t*e 7ag was not stolen# )naly2ing and interpreting #eha iours means recogni2ing mo ement patterns and e/tracting from them! at a higher le el! a description of the actions and interactions% )s is the case "ith all classification issues! a sequence of characteristics o#ser ed has to #e associated "ith a model sequence representing a specific #eha iour% The pro#lem therefore consists of modelling typical #eha iours! #y learning or #y definition! and finding a comparison method that tolerates slight ariations% Hidden Mar$o Models 7? ! neural net"or$s and :ayesian net"or$s are among the most used techniques for modelling normal #eha iour and detecting de iant #eha iour% These techniques trigger an alarm #ased on statistical discrepancy "ith the inferred model of the scene% *redefined e ent detection methods also e/ist% These are #ased on a system of rules! such as triggering an alarm if an o#'ect #igger than a threshold alue remains stationary for a certain period of time in a gi en region%
<9)989C Cro@d nal(1i1

) domain of the future in ideo analytics research is cro"d analysis and monitoring% ,ith the quic$ escalation of the glo#al population! the densification of large ur#an centres! and the gro"ing issue of pro iding security during large gatherings! ideo sur eillance has #ecome an interesting a enue% Cameras are actually already set up to monitor large e ents (such as sporting e ents 7A ! political con entions! etc%)! #ut the analytical efficiency of ideo systems in this conte/t remains de#ata#le% >han et al% VDFW ha e re ie"ed the research into cro"d analysis% The different ideo analytics steps discussed in the pre ious sections are applied to it% Ho"e er! analy2ing a cro"d has its o"n set of specific pro#lems #ecause cro"ds are made up of numerous indi iduals%
3# 3=

,n 9nglish, Hidden Marko. Models KHMML@ ,n 001, the cit5 o" 1e42a, Florida, used .ideo sur.eillance "or "ace recognition o" 4e4bers o" the cro3d@ 1aken "ro4 Barber, /, 3i?ing on the 7rong 'ide o& a One!7a( Mirror: Face &ecognition 1echnolog5 and (ideo Sur.eillance, 1# 0ul5 001@ htt2<AA333@gra5sonbarber@co4A2d"AWrongSide@2d"@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Cstimating density is a fundamental step in cro"d monitoring and management! requiring an appro/imate assessment of the num#er of indi iduals% The numerous occlusions and 'u/tapositions ma$e pedestrian segmentation for counting purposes difficult% Some techniques assume a proportional relationship #et"een the num#er of pi/els associated "ith the foreground! follo"ing segmentation! and the num#er of people% &ther methods are #ased on image te/ture in order to characteri2e cro"d density% Certain algorithms detect head contour! "hile others use the histograms of se eral characteristics to deduce the appro/imate num#er of people% )lthough o#'ect trac$ing is one of the most popular research topics in ideo sur eillance! most of the algorithms de eloped apply to a small num#er of people (less than ten at a time)% Trac$ing pedestrians in cro"ds presents ma'or difficulties! especially "ith respect to the large num#er of indi iduals to #e follo"ed from one frame to the ne/t and the numerous occlusions present% Some methods trac$ $ey features! "hich are less su#'ect to #eing distur#ed #y occlusions than contours% &thers model the human #ody or its parts% *ro#a#ilistic matching methods or specific filters are used to follo" these models during ideo footage% Some papers e/ist on trac$ing using se eral cameras0 M5Trac$er "or$s "ith synchroni2ed cameras! and Chang et al% 7G use a com#ination of fi/ed and *T> cameras% It is important to follo" a cro"d3s mo ements for security purposes% (or e/ample! the cro"d3s tra'ectory and flo" "ill #e analy2ed% ,hen modelling the cro"d and its #eha iours! certain researchers consider the cro"d as a "hole and interpret the mo ements of the different parts% Techniques such as optical flo" and hidden Mar$o models are used to model mo ements% Some models "ill com#ine microscopic (indi idual) and macroscopic (cro"d) analysis% In this conte/t! t"o types of approaches are proposed to descri#e a cro"d3s acti ity0 the application of physical models! such as the $inematics of gas particles and fluid dynamics! and agent.#ased techniques%
<9)989D cti?e Video 'ur?eillance in Multi!Camera '(1tem1

Modern ideo sur eillance systems! in particular on I* net"or$s! may #e comprised of hundreds of cameras% Sometimes! se eral cameras co er the same area% Some of them are po"er.operated and can #e controlled to capture further details on an e ent detected in a "ide field% (or e/ample! the camera can 2oom in on an indi idual penetrating an area in order to identify him=her% In certain net"or$s! cameras are intelligent! i%e%! they ha e their o"n processing unit% They can e/change information "ith a central system or directly amongst themsel es% These sur eillance camera net"or$s ma$e it possi#le to follo" o#'ects o er e/tensi e areas% (urthermore! multiple ie"s may help to sol e o#'ect occlusion pro#lems% In a

'ited in D1)E@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )3

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

distri#uted architecture! analytical processing can #e done in parallel! there#y accelerating the analysis and sa ing on #and"idth #y transmitting only metadata% Ho"e er! these net"or$s also raise specific pro#lems that the scientific "orld is trying to sol e0 Ca2e+a cali3+ati.nD &peration that consists in esta#lishing a correspondence #et"een the glo#al reference mar$ of the scene o#ser ed and the camera coordinate system! as "ell as in determining the camera3s intrinsic parameters! such as distortion 7E % This precision process may #e tedious for a net"or$ "ith many cameras% It is prefera#le to de elop analytical functions that do not require any camera cali#ration or self.cali#rating methods% M./e2ent -etecti.nD (or a po"er.operated camera! the camera3s mo ement creates an apparent change in the image% Mo ement detection methods must distinguish #et"een camera mo ement and independent changes% O3Fect t+ac6in0 .n se/e+al ca2e+asD In order to #e a#le to trac$ an o#'ect from one camera to the ne/t! correspondence must #e esta#lished #et"een the different ie"s in a common reference point% Camera resetting consists in calculating parameters for transforming the image from one camera to the ne/t #ased on the change in reference point and the mo ement model% This operation uses a priori $no"ledge of the scene3s topology% It allo"s for an increased 5D (5DD=5) or 7D ie" to #e o#tained of the scene% Changes in o#'ect appearance and positioning o er time! as "ell as changes in lighting! complicate the resetting process% %etecti.n .9 ca2e+a ta25e+in0D The more cameras a net"or$ has! the more difficult it is to control ho" they function% These systems must ha e tools for automatic detection of camera #rea$do"ns and alterations in order to remain functional% acti e ideo sur eillance systems are used a#o e all for monitoring e/tensi e or distri#uted areas! such as transportation systems! #an$ing infrastructures! go ernment institutions (military #ases! prisons! strategic infrastructures! radar centres! hospitals)! pu#lic #uildings! shopping malls and par$ing lots%
<9)9) nal(tic1 in Commercial '(1tem1

Many ideo analytics products to ena#le intelligent ideo sur eillance ha e #een introduced into the mar$et since the start of the decade% ) list of the main de elopers of ideo analytics soft"are is pro ided in )ppendi/ F% & erall! the products a aila#le offer roughly the same #asic functionalities% Some soft"are applications stand out #ecause they offer more speciali2ed functionalities (e%g%! license plate recognition) or due to performance%

1aken "ro4 htt2< 00>AaA19 #3Ade"aultA5notesA4odeleBca4era@2d"@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age ))

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

The main ideo analytics functions on the mar$et can #e summari2ed as follo"s0 Trac$ing #y *T> camera triggered #y an alarm% Detection of camera #rea$do"n and tampering% Detection of disappeared or a#andoned o#'ect% Detection of intrusion (person or ehicle) in controlled areas or perimeters0 restricted irtual limits! security 2ones! passage of se eral indi iduals or ehicles through access control using a single piece of ID (tailgating)! intrusion through an e/it ramp! person passing o er or under a #ooth% Detection and trac$ing of people or ehicles0 analysis of speed and direction of mo ement! detection of stationary person=car=o#'ect near a sensiti e infrastructure% Counting of people or ehicles! detection of cro"ds or e/cess num#ers% Detection of theft and fraud at points of sale% :eha iour recognition0 detection of loitering! fights! races! falls! mo ement against the flo" of traffic! graffiti! andalism% Traffic monitoring0 traffic speed=density=direction! o#'ects on the pa ement! disregard for speed limits! congestion! pedestrians! etc% (ace detection and recognition% 8icense plate recognition% (ire detection #y image analysis% +ideo analytics technologies are still young and require de elopment% Many commercial applications "or$ "ell in controlled en ironments! #ut most of them perform less "ell "hen set up at the client3s location and actually used% These systems require ast ad'ustments and parameteri2ation in order to operate properly for a specific application% :asic functions! such as mo ement detection! image impro ement and detection of camera alterations are generally ro#ust enough to function in a "ide range of applications% *eople counting! intrusion detection ( irtual limits) and license plate recognition are fairly mature analyses% )lthough some parameteri2ation is required! they are #eing more "idely used% In general! the research into o#'ect detection and trac$ing techniques has #een astly de eloped and some techniques are #uilt into implemented commercial systems for simple cases of use% Ho"e er! a lot of "or$ is still needed to de elop these techniques in order to achie e the performance and ro#ustness required to operate in comple/ en ironments% &#'ect detection and trac$ing in cro"ds or through a net"or$ are difficult pro#lems% There are many commercial products speciali2ing in image detection and recognition (see )ppendi/ F)% Their efficiency depends largely on the application and the comple/ity of the en ironments in "hich they must operate% These technologies generally require that
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

acquisition conditions (lighting! position! etc%) #e controlled in order to pro ide satisfactory results% Certain #eha iours are detected #y the analytics soft"are a aila#le on the mar$et% These consist of acti ities that can #e deduced from the properties of simple mo ements (speed! direction! etc%)! such as a person running! loitering or falling% Ho"e er! it is often difficult to determine the threat le el this mo ement represents% (or e/ample! is a person running #ecause they are trying to get a"ay or #ecause they don3t "ant to miss their flight at the airport- :eha iour recognition remains an e/perimental field in analytics% +ideo analytics e/pectations often greatly e/ceed the actual performance of the technologies! "hich are difficult to integrate and use% &n this topic! Hearing et al% VDDW suggest a list of desira#le characteristics for a commercial ideo analytics system% Mini2iGin0 t7e necessa+, c.n9i0u+ati.nsD ) commercial system should not require a ast amount of configuration! parameteri2ation and training time% Ideally! the user should pro ide a minimum amount of additional information to ideo flo" on installation% O99e+ suita3le 5e+9.+2anceD The num#er of false alarms should #e $ept as lo" as possi#le to a oid distur#ing security personnel needlessly% Ho"e er! it is e en more critical that the system not allo" a real threat to pass% The #alance to #e achie ed #et"een the num#er of false alarms and missed detections depends on the security application% N. ca2e+a cali3+ati.n .+ aut.2ati.n .9 sa2e +equi+e-D Camera cali#ration ma$es it possi#le to calculate the actual si2e and speed of the o#'ects in the scene% It esta#lishes the correspondence #et"een the geometry of the scene and that of the image% Su55.+t a Ei-e +an0e .9 ca2e+asD +ideo analysis should #e equally possi#le on images from colour! #lac$ and "hite! infrared! thermal or omni.directional cameras% Re2ain as 0ene+ic as 5.ssi3leD Ideally! the detection of rele ant e ents should #e possi#le in different types of en ironments and cases of application% Ho"e er! certain settings ha e ery specific pro#lems! such as areas "ith #odies of "ater% ,ater mo ement and mirror reflections distur# the algorithms that detect changes in the image on "hich o#'ect detection and trac$ing is #ased% O99e+ 5+i/ac, 5+.tecti.n 2ec7anis2sD )nalytics systems should ma$e it possi#le to hide details on ideo footage (such as faces) that are not essential for processing a security alarm%
<9)9< Video nal(tic1 Need1 and Challenge1

) fe" technological needs and challenges "ere identified for the intelligent ideo sur eillance field follo"ing a search of the documentation and a consultation of e/perts and users% ,e ha e presented them in this section%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )#

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

@i en the e/plosion in the amount of ideo footage captured #y security! the need to de elop automatic methods for detecting suspicious people! o#'ects or e ents so that only sequences rele ant for human analysis are su#mitted has #een "idely noted% C/isting techniques are promising! #ut fe" of them are currently commercially used in real case scenarios% ,ith respect to research! there are many algorithms applica#le to ideo sur eillance! #ut they are often partial solutions dealing "ith only part of the ideo sur eillance pro#lem% There are fe" complete e/perimental systems operating under near.reality conditions% It is currently "idely agreed that "hat "or$s "ell in ideo analytics is mo ement detection! the detection of specific o#'ects! license plate recognition done from speciali2ed systems! and the detection of certain specific #eha iours ("al$ing! running! carrying an o#'ect)% The follo"ing needs to #e de eloped or impro ed0 <ear.real.time detection and recognition! i%e%! in the minutes follo"ing the incident (especially important for the security of sensiti e infrastructures or during ma'or e ents)% More specifically! real.time face recognition (5; to 76 frames=sec)% (ace recognition in a cro"d% This requires an image "ith sufficient resolution that can #e accessi#le "ith the megapi/el cameras no" a aila#le on the mar$et% *eople counting in cro"ded en ironments and under arious angles.of. ie"% Trac$ing of specific o#'ects in cro"ded scenes (an indi idual in a cro"d or a ehicle in traffic)% Trac$ing of hinged #odies for understanding acti ities% Recognition of more comple/ #eha iours! rele ant for security purposes% Segmentation of areas of colour% (or e/ample! colour information on a car may impro e the performance of the plate recognition algorithm% It may also #e used to recogni2e different pieces of an indi idual3s clothing% (or detection and recognition! the fusion of different ideo data (e%g%! com#ining face recognition "ith gait recognition)! or the merger of ideo data "ith those o#tained #y different systems (temperature sensors! #iometric systems! etc%)! are the methods #eing #uilt on% Many ideo analytics algorithms function only for fi/ed cameras! good resolution and "ith adequate and constant lighting! "hich is not ery useful for most applications% Some frequent pro#lems are ne er ta$en into consideration! such as sudden camera changes (spider "e#s! dust! mo ed camera)% The ro#ustness and accuracy of most of the e/isting detection! trac$ing and recognition algorithms are ital "hen dealing "ith changing en ironmental conditions% In order to #e adopted #y consumers! intelligent ideo sur eillance systems must #e strong enough to deal "ith different "eather conditions! ad'ust to lighting changes (natural and artificial) of the scene and adapt to hard"are and soft"are failures%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )=

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

This is a si2ea#le challenge in the de elopment of intelligent ideo sur eillance systems! i%e%! performance assessments% Should systems #e compared to humans- (or many sur eillance tas$s! such as detecting a#andoned o#'ects! humans perform horri#ly% Bet it is difficult to compare the systems to each other since most performance tests are carried out on different sets of data% Therefore! o#'ecti e and systematic methods should #e de eloped to e aluate and compare intelligent ideo sur eillance system performance% This operation depends greatly on the analytical tas$ to #e e aluated% It also requires #uilding a set of annotated data (ground truth) and choosing a distance measure to e aluate the difference #et"een the system3s responses and the ground truth% The follo"ing are some ideo analytics system e aluation initiati es already in place0 *CTS (*erformance C aluation of Trac$ing and Sur eillance) F6 0 Ma$es it possi#le to su#mit an online algorithm for e aluation% *roposes a metric% CRCDS (Challenge for real time e ent detection solutions)0 Competition for detecting predefined e ents on *aris su#"ay sur eillance footage (e%g%! person "al$ing on the trac$s)% I.8IDS (Imagery 8i#rary for intelligent Detection Systems) FD 0 8aunched #y @reat :ritain3s Home &ffice Scientific De elopment :ranch% Ma$es it possi#le to perform tests on ideo data to detect par$ed ehicles! a#andoned luggage! intruders in controlled perimeters! and door monitoring% CTISC& (] aluation du traitement de l3interprtation de squences ideo ^ performance e aluation pro'ect for ideo sur eillance) F5 0 :y the (rench go ernment! pro'ect terminated! #ut #ody of $no"ledge a aila#le on request for non.commercial research purposes% (R+T ((ace Recognition +endor Tests) F7 0 Conducts tests of different face recognition systems on se eral data#ases in order to pro ide an o#'ecti e comparison #et"een endors% The results ena#le the )merican go ernment and their security agencies to $no" "here face recognition technologies may #e deployed and to identify future research #ases in this field% (inally! analytics algorithms must adapt to the ne" ideo sur eillance system architectures0 heterogeneous multi.cameras (possi#ly po"er.operated)! distri#uted intelligence! high. resolution ideo% Research and de elopment "ill #e necessary for0 Introducing intelligence in the cameras%
)0 )1

) )3

333@2ets4etrics@net@ htt2<AAscienceandresearch@ho4eo""ice@go.@ukAhosdbAcct.$i4aging$technolog5A.ideo$based$detection$ s5ste4sAi$lidsAilids$datasets$2ricingA@ htt2<AA333$so2@inria@"rAorionA91,S9!A@

htt2<AA333@"r.t@org@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )>

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Creating adapti e algorithms% Cna#ling trac$ing "ith po"er.operated cameras in a multi.scale approach0 "ide detection field! then on an o#'ect or indi idual to e/tract greater details% De eloping self.adapting and self.cali#rating algorithms for real.time ad'ustment of camera parameters (2oom! focus! aperture! etc%)! #ased on changes in the monitored scene% <9< Technological Trend1 &or Video 'ur?eillance Many current ideo sur eillance systems still rely on traditional technologies0 analogue cameras! coa/ial ca#les! digital recorders% Ho"e er! technical progress in this field has led to changes in ideo sur eillance system architectures! components and capacities% The follo"ing are the main technological trends anticipated #y e/perts in the field for the coming years% ) shift to ideo sur eillance on I* net"or$s is under"ay% Currently mainly adopted for large infrastructures! I* ideo sur eillance could "in o er smaller users if I* camera costs drop% Megapi/el cameras are a ma'or technical #rea$through in ideo sur eillance! offering #etter resolution and "ider co erage% They also impro e the performance of analytical processing% They should therefore #ecome "idespread% &ne e/pert questioned for this report predicted that half of sur eillance cameras "ill #e high resolution #y 56D5% The H%5?F compression standard (M*C@.F *art D6=)+C for )d anced +ideo Coding) should #ecome esta#lished in ideo sur eillance% Its superior compression ratios in comparison to e/isting standards ma$e it possi#le to sa e on #and"idth and storage space% This standard should encourage the adoption of megapi/el cameras in ideo sur eillance% Sur eillance systems "ill ha e multiple camera net"or$s operating in real time% In these systems! the trend is to distri#ute recordings and processing in different nodes (cameras and encoders) in order to decrease the quantity of data transmitted% There should #e greater integration and #etter interopera#ility of the different security systems to ena#le their management under the same command and control centre% Thus! ideo sur eillance! access control! #iometric solutions! R(ID! intrusion detection systems could #e connected% Intelligent ideo sur eillance should progress and ideo analytics products should #ecome more ro#ust and efficient for security applications% &#'ect (people! faces! ehicles! etc%) detection! trac$ing and recognition in loaded cro"ded scenes! as "ell as #eha iour recognition "ill #e the most acti e research fields for ideo sur eillance%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age )9

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

The use of ideo sur eillance systems "ill progressi ely e/tend #eyond security% )pplications "ill de elop for mar$eting analyses! studying consumer #eha iours and monitoring company operations% B9 %"'CRIPTION O# T:" '"C,RIT5 N% VI%"O ',RV"I33 NC" M R6"T B98 Global 'ecurit( Mar0et The security mar$et is a ast and eclectic mar$et that co ers se eral industry acti ities (manufacturing! ser ices! integration! distri#ution! etc%)% Supply can also #e di ided into arious mar$et segments0 safety of indi iduals! computer! net"or$ and communication security (IT security)! security of infrastructures! access control! authentication! front.line ser ices! including emergency assistance and inter entions during times of crisis! the "ar on terrorism! transportation security (air! maritime! rail"ay! roads)! industrial security! detection of and response to a chemical! #iological! radiological and nuclear attac$! etc% It should #e noted that numerous segments identified are primarily dri en #y the State! "hich sho"s the importance of this player in guiding the mar$et! #oth as a legislator and as a client% Many of the products or ser ices offered "ithin the aforementioned segments are o erlapping! "hich highlights the difficulties in defining this mar$et and "hat it entails% <o official classification has #een adopted in Canada to date to designate the field of security% &f note in this respect is the approach ta$en #y the Centre for Security Science (CSS)! a pu#lic federal organi2ation set up 'ointly #y Defence Research and De elopment Canada and *u#lic Safety Canada! and "hich includes DE federal go ernment agencies% The CSS3s mission is primarily ci il defence and pu#lic protection! and it di ides its S4T acti ities into the follo"ing four #road areas0 Critical Infrastructure *rotection (CI*)I Sur eillance! Intelligence and Interdiction (SI5) I Cmergency Management and Systems Integration (CMSI)I *rotection against Chemical! :iological! Radiological! <uclear and C/plosi e (C:R<C) )gents% In this conte/t! analy2ing the si2e of this mar$et and the income it generates #ased on the different studies pu#lished is a comple/ tas$% The "ay the mar$et is defined! i%e%! "hat is and is not included in said definition! aries from study to study! ma$ing a comparison difficult% Despite this fact! this report sets out the main data a aila#le in order to pro ide an idea of the si2e of the security mar$et and its gro"th trends%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 50

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

)ccording to a report #y Homeland Security Research Corporation! the pu#lic and ci il security mar$et e/perienced a phase of quite significant gro"th (a#out ?66L) #et"een 5666 and 566G BB ! especially follo"ing the Septem#er 566D attac$s% &f note that! in this study! the security mar$et has #een defined in ery #road terms and includes! for e/ample! certain e/penses associated "ith homeland security acti ities conducted #y the Departments of Defence% This mar$et is e/pected to gro" #y GDL #et"een 566G and 56DG% This study co ers 56 $ey national mar$ets that define trends in this field% )lthough Canada is not a ma'or international player in security matters! it has follo"ed the gro"th trend and increased pu#lic safety e/penses follo"ing the e ents in <e" Bor$! and also in response to the administrati e reorgani2ations of the 9S federal go ernment and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security% Since #eing created in 5667! the Department of *u#lic Safety and Cmergency *reparedness (formerly *SC*C! no" *u#lic Safety Canada) "as allocated an annual #udget #et"een K; #illion and KA #illion ((igure E)% ) more in.depth study of the e/penses incurred #y this Department and its organi2ations BC "ould #e required in order to accurately determine ho" they are earmar$ed%
Net eIpen1e1 o& Public 'a&et( Canada. )**CJ)**D to )*8*J)*88. in billion1 o& current Canadian dollar1
E D C B < ) )**CJ)**D )**DJ)**E )**EJ)**- )**-J)**+ )**+J)*8* )*8*J)*88

e1timated eIpen1e1

#igure + ; Table ta0en &rom the Report on Plan1 and Prioritie1. )**C!)**D to )**-!)**+

The a aila#le data tend to indicate that mar$ets "ill continue to gro" "orld"ide! #ut that said gro"th "ill #e slo"er than o er the past eight years%


Ho4eland Securit5 &esearch 'or2oration@ -ational Securit5 S2ending !utlook in 0 countries, 009$ 01>, 13 -o.e4ber 00>, a.ailable at< htt2<AA333@ho4elandsecurit5research@netA 00>A11A13Anational$securit5$ s2ending$outlook$in$ 0$countries$ 009$ 01>A@

&o5al 'anadian Mounted *olice, 'orrectional 'anada, 'anada Border Ser.ices Agenc5, 'anadian Securit5 ,ntelligence, -ational *arole Board, 'o44ission "or *ublic 'o42laints Against the &'M*, !""ice o" the 'orrectional ,n.estigator, &'M* 9:ternal &e.ie3 'o44ittee@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 51

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

There are many factors to e/plain this phenomenon% The most important include the fact that gro"th in the first half of the current decade "as due mainly to the ast pu#lic funds in ested #y the )merican go ernment as part of the implementation of Homeland Security and of arious programs to secure the territory% *art of these programs included ma'or immo#ili2ation efforts% (or e/ample! the Secure :order Initiati e (S:Inet) is aimed at securing the northern and southern #orders of the 9nited States% The portion of the program allocated to the Canadian.)merican #order is currently at the deployment stage follo"ing the granting of contracts in 566? to :oeing to super ise the program% B9) Video 'ur?eillance Mar0et The ideo sur eillance mar$et is part of the security mar$et and o erlaps into many of the segments discussed in the pre ious section% (or e/ample! in 566A in the 9nited States! the ideo sur eillance segment represented 7FL of the national security mar$et! alued at KE%; #illion F? % The Multimedia Intelligence FA ,hite :oo$ identifies si/ $ey client groups for ideo sur eillance.related products0 (inancial and #an$ing en ironments% Transportation sector% Industry% Retailing sector% *u#lic sector% Cducation sector% Three of these sectors (transportation! education and the pu#lic sector) are hea ily influenced #y go ernments in terms of legislation and guidelines (standards! interopera#ility! etc%)! or in terms of funding% )ccording to this firm! the residential and small #usiness sectors do not! therefore! appear to #e a priority for ideo sur eillance% Most analysts consider that the glo#al ideo sur eillance mar$et "ill also continue to gro" in coming years! #ut opinions differ as to the e/pected rate of this gro"th% &rgani2ations such as ):I Research ha e ery optimistic forecasts! estimating that the glo#al ideo sur eillance mar$et should increase from 9SKD7%; #illion in 566? to 9SKF? #illion in 56D7! "hich represents a 7FL increase per year o er se en years% IMS in turn reports glo#al re enues of a#out KA%5; #illion for 566A! "hich is #elo" ):I Research3s
)# )=

Inited States Securit5 Market &e2ort and 9cono4ic ,42act Stud5, S,A, htt2s<AAsia4e4bers@siaonline@orgAe3ebAu2loadAi4rAISSM&"actsheet@2d"@

Multi4edia intelligence@ 00>@ The "Ipanding 7orld o& IP Video 'ur?eillance9 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

estimates! "hile the highly respected firm (reedonia tal$s of ?L annual gro"th for ideo sur eillance B- % @i en the difference in these figures! pro#a#ly resulting from different mar$et definitions! re enues may range #et"een 9SKA%5; #illion and KDF #illion for 566A using these t"o sources as an e/ample%
B9)98 Video 'ur?eillance Mar0et %ri?ing #orce1

The follo"ing are a fe" dri ing forces #ehind the ideo sur eillance mar$et0 The after.effects of Septem#er DD! 566D! and the fear of ne" terrorist attac$s (<e" Bor$! 8ondon! Madrid! :ali! Mum#ai! etc%) C ents such as shootings in pu#lic places! especially in educational institutions (Colum#ine! +irginia.Tech! CollJge Da"son! etc%) Hi$es in local crime% Certain technological ad ances that impro e the performance of systems and=or reduce costs associated "ith their installation or maintenance% @reater pu#lic consent as to the installation of ideo sur eillance systems in pu#lic places% The possi#ility of using the images gathered for legal proceedings% The possi#ility of com#ining ideo sur eillance technology "ith other access control technologies (such as #iometrics)%
B9)9) Video 'ur?eillance Mar0et Inhibitor1

The follo"ing are a fe" ideo sur eillance mar$et inhi#itors0 Concerns e/pressed "ith respect to protecting indi idual pri acy% Dou#ts a#out the efficiency of these systems in pre enting a terrorist attac$ or a [+irginia.Tech\ type of attac$% System relia#ility% Comple/ system installation and use (user.friendliness)% Maintenance and upgrading costs% )#sence of harmoni2ed industry."ide standards% Decreased fears of a terrorist attac$% 8ac$ of qualified personnel%

In1titute o" Manage4ent and Ad4inistration, ,nc@ Securit58s %irector &e2ort, -e3sbrie", Februar5htt2s<AA333@io4a@co4AOP,*AuthQPsourceQWWB 00903Pst52eQW9B@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 53

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

&n a sector.#ased le el! ):I anticipates high ideo sur eillance gro"th in the transportation mar$et! "ith re enues of 9SK5 #illion! and e/pects the retailing mar$et to generate its o"n re enues of 9SKF #illion in 56D7 FE %
B9)9< The IP and Intelligent Video 'ur?eillance Mar0et

The ideo sur eillance mar$et is at a turning point in its e olution! initiating a shift to"ards digital applications and I* net"or$ infrastructures ;6 % The fle/i#ility and e/panda#ility scala#ility of I* systems! the fact that most of them can operate on non.proprietary hard"are! as "ell as technological ad ances in parts are ma$ing these systems more interesting for potential clients and dri ing do"n costs% )s mentioned in Multimedia Intelligence3s "hite #oo$ paper! gro"th and gro"th e/pectations for the I* ideo sur eillance mar$et are quite ro#ust% The I* camera su#. section in particular is e/periencing strong e/pansion! recording a ;6L 'ump in re enues for 566A! reaching K;66 million "orld."ide ;D % This gro"th is almost four times higher than for all ideo sur eillance equipment put together% Despite this! #ased on re enues! I* cameras only represent GL of the total sur eillance camera mar$et% The high cost of I* cameras! almost t"ice that of analogue cameras! is the main o#stacle facing consumers ;5 % Ho"e er! according to some e/perts! I* cameras should dominate the mar$et "ithin three to se en years! there#y gi ing a #oom to [all I*\ ideo sur eillance% Megapi/el cameras could #e the dri ing force #ehind this transition to I* technologies% Technical ad antages in terms of the image quality and resolution afforded #y megapi/el cameras in ideo sur eillance are a real moti ation for users% )/is is the largest manufacturer of I* cameras! and Mo#oti/ is the main manufacturer of megapi/el cameras% The ad ent of I* ideo sur eillance does not mean the death $nell is #eing tolled for traditional CCT+ systems using analogue cameras% The technical progress made #y manufacturers to digital recorders and hy#rid digital recorders! such as remote access! e/panda#ility and integration of on.#oard analytics! $eeps them competiti e "ith ideo on I* net"or$s% :oth types of technologies should #e a#le to share the mar$et for a fe" years and hy#rid systems should allo" for a gradual transition to net"or$ ideo sur eillance%

(ideo Sur.eillance %ollars -ot 0ust "or Securit5, AB, &esearch, > !ctober 00>, htt2<AA333@abiresearch@co4A2ressA1 5=$(ideoRSur.eillanceR%ollarsR-otR0ustR"orRSecurit5
50 51

&uss /aSer@ 00>@ S2ecial &e2ort< (ideo Sur.eillance@ S%M@ Multi4edia ,ntelligence, 1he "Ipanding 7orld o& IP Video 'ur?eillance: Camera1. 'torage. Technolog( and 'emiconductor1. -o.e4ber 00>@

According to ,* (ideo4arket ,n"o, onl5 one in "i.e bu5ers chooses ,* ca4eras@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5)

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

)ccording to (rost 4 Sulli an ;7 ! the education sector should #ecome a ma'or I* ideo sur eillance consumer% The large #and"idth a aila#le on academic institution net"or$s ena#les them to support ideo transmission! there#y encouraging the replacement of analogue infrastructures "ith I* cameras% Ho"e er! the retail #usiness remains a leader in the deployment of I* ideo sur eillance systems% Intelligent ideo sur eillance is a niche industry that is still in the early stages of de elopment- (suggestion)% )s concerns the ideo sur eillance soft"are sector in particular! ):I Research anticipates high re enue gro"th! from the current le el at K5F; million! to o er KE66 million in 56D7 ;F % This forecast co ers all ideo sur eillance soft"are! from ideo management to analytics% :ased on re enues! the t"o largest international players in ideo management soft"are are Milestone and the 1ue#ec company @enetec% (or ideo analytics! ioimage 8td% and &#'ect+ideo are among the most reno"ned companies ;; % Ho"e er! certain analysts ha e sho"n disappointment in this su#.sector of intelligent ideo sur eillance% There still seem to #e some #arriers as to the more "idespread adoption of intelligent ideo sur eillance! in particular "ith respect to technical performance (e%g%! the high num#er of false alarms)! the a#sence of industry."ide standards! "hich "ould create confusion for potential clients! and costs associated "ith setting up an effecti e and efficient system ;? % In this perspecti e! intelligent ideo sur eillance continues to #e a ris$ for the #uyer! gi en the confusion surrounding the real possi#ilities of the ideo analytics tools a aila#le on the mar$et% (or many applications! the capacities of ideo analytics systems ha e not yet met user e/pectations% Moreo er! the cost of these systems is still high! confining them to an upscale mar$et! such as the sur eillance net"or$s of large! mainly pu#lic or critical infrastructures (e%g%! po"er stations)% C en in those sectors! a mar$et analyst estimates that the ideo analytics systems deployed are still at the pilot pro'ect phase ;A % Despite these difficulties! ideo analytics seems quite promising as a means to impro e the efficiency of ideo sur eillance and searches of archi ed footage% +ideo sur eillance users ha e currently sho"n a certain interest in ideo analytics! #ut seem to #e "aiting for this technology to pro e its "orth% <o" that certain types of intelligent ideo processing
53 5)

Frost P, World (ideo Sur.eillance Market$ ,n.est4ent Anal5sis, 0une 00>, htt2<AA333@researchand4arkets@co4Are2ortsA#1 )9>@


Strong gro3th "or .ideo sur.eillance so"t3are, Securit5 ,n"o Watch, 11 0une 00>, htt2<AA333@securit5in"o3atch@co4AonlineA&esearch$$Studies$and$White2a2ersA159 1S,W3 1@ 0ohn Hono.ich, :o@ ,9'9 IP ?ideo companie1 &it into the @orld mar0et. > March 009, Securit5,n"oWatch@co4 a.ailable at< htt2<AA333@securit5in"o3atch@co4A''1(RM 5 #RSur.eillanceA1309##1@ 0ohn Hono.ich, Video 'ur?eillance Mar0et 'ize K #oreca1t Re&erence Guide. ,* (ideo Market ,n"o, ) 0anuar5 009, a.ailable at< htt2<AAi2.ideo4arket@in"oAre2ortA.ideoBsur.eillanceB4arketBsiSeB"orecast@



Si4on Harris de ,MS &esearch, cited b5 /eo"" Johl in Securit5,n"oWatch@co4, 11 March 009, 7here ?ideo anal(tic1 i1 toda(9 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 55

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

systems ha e #egun to display satisfactory performance! it can #e assumed that this mar$et3s real gro"th is still to come! #ut may ta$e a fe" years to materiali2e% De plus! selon plusieurs analystes! de nou elles applications moins lies _ la scurit (gestion des oprations! protection contre les poursuites! analyses du comportement des consommateurs! etc%) sont suscepti#les de crer un regain d3intr`t pour ce type de systJmes et de contri#uer _ la croissance glo#ale du secteur _ moyen et plus long termes%
B9)9B The Pla(er1

+ideo sur eillance is a ery fragmented mar$et "ith se eral players sharing the e/isting clientele% Some players dominate certain segments! such as )/is for I* cameras! *elco for analogue cameras and @enetec for ideo management soft"are! #ut many competitors sei2e small parts of the mar$et% The industry is characteri2ed #y ine ita#le partnerships #et"een equipment manufacturers and de elopers of ideo management and analytics soft"are! in order to ensure compati#ility #et"een the different parts of a ideo sur eillance system% It has #een interesting to "atch players such as Cisco! I:M and CMC! more traditionally associated "ith IT! enter onto the ideo sur eillance mar$et scene ;G % )ccording to MMI! this tends to change the #usiness en ironment of more [traditional\ ideo sur eillance firms such as )/is Communications% It also indicates a certain interest on the part of these firms in the ideo sur eillance mar$ets and the anticipated con ergence #et"een physical security and soft"are security% ) ran$ing #y )smag ;E of the ;6 largest security firms for 566G! #ased on re enues! indicates that the dri ing force #ehind 76 of them is ideo sur eillance% It is interesting to note that only one Canadian company appears on this list! March <et"or$s! and that it ran$s 5Dst?6 %
B9)9C The Impact o& the Rece11ion on the Mar0et

It is currently quite difficult to determine the impact of the financial crisis on the security and ideo sur eillance mar$ets as opinions are quite di ided% (or many consulting firms! the security mar$et is recession.proof since part of this mar$et3s acti ities is determined #y pu#lic and go ernment demand% Moreo er! some people see a correlation #et"een periods of economic crisis and increased crime! "hich could result in higher sales in security systems! including ideo sur eillance% Intelligent
5> 59


Frost P 00>, o2@ cit@ Manu"acturing onl5, there"ore e:cluding installation, distribution and resale@

As4ag@co4, Securit5 1o2 50, 009@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5#

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

ideo sur eillance systems could also represent an interesting alternati e for more traditional de ices since they require fe" personnel% This ie"point is highlighted #y an article pu#lished in the :oston @lo#e in (e#ruary 566E ?D and #y most consulting firms! "hich continue to anticipate gro"th in these mar$ets% Ho"e er! others fear that the security and ideo sur eillance mar$ets are not immune to a drop in re enues% The 566E edition of SDM3s Industry (orecast focusing on electronic security clearly states that! for the first time since the organi2ation #egan this e/ercise! the people polled anticipate a drop in their total re enues to the tune of A%GL in 566E% Yohn Hono ich of I* +ideo Mar$et Info also predicts a su#stantial drop in gro"th for ideo sur eillance #et"een 566G and 566E in comparison to 566G forecasts% He also highlights the fact that most mar$et studies predicting considera#le hi$es in #usiness olume "ere pu#lished prior to fourth quarter earnings reports% He therefore directs his readers to #e prudent since! in the current economic conte/t! pro'ections can #e quite ha2ardous% Se erin Sorensen from Si$yur 88C also tends to lean on the side of prudence! stating that if the company has disrupti e technology ena#ling its client to sa e large amounts of money! then the mar$et "ill "or$ in his fa our% Ho"e er! for pro'ects requiring hea y in estments! the prognosis is no"here near as good! gi en current economic difficulties ?5 % He also cautions a#out pu#lic mar$ets #eing [recession.proof\0 these mar$ets are not only federal! #ut also pro incial and municipal% )s stated #y the Center on :udget and *olicy *riorities ?7 ! the )merican states are currently e/periencing a deep financial crisis that is directly related to the glo#al economic crisis% This situation ris$s putting the #ra$es on se eral pro'ects that "ere supposed to #e started up during the year and the situation "ill most li$ely #e the same at the municipal le el% Ho"e er! the reco ery plan proposed #y *resident &#ama and adopted #y Congress includes local security pro isions that may result in #usiness opportunities of a#out 9SKF%; #illion ?F ! "hich may help to re i e the situation! at least partially% It remains to #e seen ho" these funds "ill #e defrayed% In Canada! the Cconomic )ction *lan does not really mention the issue of national security ?; % The only announcement made is in association "ith impro ed airport security in the country! #ut that3s it ?? % It is therefore difficult to gauge the impact of the crisis on the Canadian mar$et since the related data are difficult to o#tain and are often not recent% Since
#1 #

Jirsner, Scott@ Sur.eillance gest intelligent@ 'ecurit( #irm1 1ee Gro@th a1 the %o@nturn 7or1en1. > Februar5 009@ Sorensen, Se.erin@ Rece11ion Impacting 'ecurit( Project19 ,*(ideoMarket ,n"o, 10 Februar5 009, a.ailable at htt2<AAi2.ideo4arket@in"oAre2ortArecessionBi42actingBsecurit5B2roNects@ 'enter on Budget and *olic5 *riorities, 'tate 2udget Trouble1 7or1en. B5 9liSabeth Mc-ichol and ,ris 0@ Ta., 13 March 009, a.ailable at htt2<AA333@cb22@orgA"ilesA9$>$0>s"2@2d"@ Willia4 Welsh, Sti4ulus to generate U)@5B state and local tech s2ending, Washington 1echnolog5, 13 Februar5 009, a.ailable at< htt2<AA333@3ashingtontechnolog5@co4AArticlesA 009A0 A13ASti4ulus$to$generate$ ne3$state$and$local$tech$s2ending@as2:@



#5 ##

'anada, %e2art4ent o" Finance, 'anada8s 9cono4ic Action *lan@ 009 Budget, = 0anuar5 009@

/o.ern4ent o" 'anada@ 3 0anuar5 009@ /o.ern4ent o" 'anada ,n.ests in Air2ort Sa"et5 Across the 'ountr5@ *ress &elease@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5=

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

in many aspects Canada and 1ue#ec seem to #e "ithstanding the crisis #etter than other national or pro incial players! the #udget deficits announced may put some large pro'ects on the #ac$#urner% It should #e mentioned that nothing to that effect has #een announced to date% ,ith respect to the pri ate sector! a tightening of security e/penses #y companies has already #een noticed! and there has #een a realignment of priorities in this field to"ards the maintenance and operation of e/isting systems instead of the installation of ne" systems ?A % B9< IP and Intelligent Video 'ur?eillance 'uppl( and %emand in Luebec There is little a aila#le pu#lic data on the specific ideo sur eillance sector in 1ue#ec! and "hat is a aila#le sometimes dates #ac$ a fe" years% *ainting a picture of the I* and intelligent ideo sur eillance sector in 1ue#ec "ould require an in.depth study among the different mar$et players and #e #eyond the scope of this report% ,e ha e therefore chosen only a fe" mar$et representati es0 de elopers! integrators and installers! large digital ideo sur eillance users% They "ere as$ed questions a#out client needs! ser ices offered and products a aila#le% Their comments on the current state of the 1ue#ec ideo sur eillance industry and opportunities for ideo analytics "ere collated% This section descri#es the 1ue#ec supply and demand trends in digital ideo sur eillance #ased on the testimonies gathered! and in relation to the glo#al ideo sur eillance mar$et analyses a aila#le to the pu#lic% 1ue#ec companies and research centres offering specific e/pertise in digital and intelligent ideo sur eillance are identified herein and a list of the main 1ue#ec and international players in this mar$et is a aila#le in )ppendices 5! 7 and F% ) fe" recommendations on the 1ue#ec mar$et3s position in this sector are also made%
B9<98 %emand

)ccording to the e/perts questioned! as is the case "ith other industriali2ed countries! there is high demand in 1ue#ec for ideo sur eillance systems! "hich are part of the security equipment needed% I* digital ideo sur eillance is #eginning to gain ground! especially in the upmar$et% 8arge I* ideo sur eillance net"or$s are found in particular in the pu#lic and parapu#lic sectors! transportation systems! large retail store chains! casinos and uni ersities% Small and medium.si2ed #usinesses delay in shifting to I* ideo sur eillance due in particular to the high cost of equipment% In 5667.566F! the Commission qu#coise d3accJs _ l3information held a pu#lic consultation on the use of ideo sur eillance #y pu#lic agencies in pu#lic places ?G % It "as

Sorensen, o2@cit@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 5>

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

already noted at that time that most of the pu#lic and parapu#lic agencies of the pro ince (including municipalities) used ideo sur eillance systems! "hich! in 5667.566F! represented o er ;!666 cameras% Moreo er! practically all of the ne" pu#lic structures #uilt in 1ue#ec are "ired for ideo sur eillance system installation! "hich indicates that the use of this type of equipment has #ecome common practice for organi2ations% In the transportation sector! )roports de Montral ()DM) and Socit de transport de Montral (STM) "ere cited as e/amples in section 5%F for ideo sur eillance use% They represent net"or$s of se eral hundreds of cameras% )t the STM in particular! the I* shift "as carried out% The transportation sector is also integrating analytics pro'ects! at least at the pilot pro'ect stage% ) 'oint study conducted #y *rice,aterhouseCoopers and the Retail Council of Canada re ealed that E6L of respondents to a poll on security measures ta$en against theft used ideo sur eillance systems ?E % It "ould not #e surprising to find ideo sur eillance as "ell in a high proportion of 1ue#ec #usinesses% The case of Couche.Tard con enient stores "as already cited as an e/ample of ideo analytics use in section 5%7% 1ue#ec uni ersities must o ersee the security of large campuses! consisting of se eral #uildings and par$ing lots! that are sometimes quite geographically dispersed% +ideo sur eillance has #een set up on said campuses for se eral years% ,ith the need to rene" #ro$en or outdated equipment! uni ersities are increasingly migrating to"ards I* ideo sur eillance% )t Mc@ill 9ni ersity! for e/ample! the ideo sur eillance net"or$ is already a hy#rid system! comprised of analogue and I* cameras! and digital recorders% <et"or$ recording solutions are no" #eing considered% In the final report #ased on the 566F pu#lic consultation conducted #y the Commission d3accJs _ l3information A6 ! the commissioner re ealed that ideo sur eillance system use #y pri ate #usinesses is not sufficiently documented in 1ue#ec% )ccording to the e/perts consulted for this report! this mar$et is comprised primarily of SMCs! "hich ha e modest means to allocate to security% The ideo sur eillance systems set up in these #usinesses typically consist of under ;6 cameras% In most cases! this clientele is una"are of the e/istence of ideo analytics% Ho"e er! it appreciates functionalities such as the automated trac$ing of o#'ects "ith *T> cameras% (or all the sectors! the e/perts consulted issued different comments to characteri2e 1ue#ec demand for ideo sur eillance% The 1ue#ec ideo sur eillance mar$et is apparently less mature than the )merican or Curopean mar$ets% :usiness and pu#lic agencies are quite

'o44ission d8acc6s V l8in"or4ation du Qubec@ *ublic 'onsultation@ 3Mutili1ation de camra1 de 1ur?eillance par le1 organi1me1 public1 dan1 le1 lieuI public19 Assess4ent, A2ril 00)@

'anada -e3s3ire@ 0une 00>@ 'ur?e( 1ho@1 Canadian Retailer1 are Ta0ing Nece11ar( ction1 to Combat The&t : Retail Council o& Canada. *riceWaterhouse'oo2ers@

'o44ision d8acc6s V l8in"or4ation du Qubec, o2@cit@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 59

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

often in reaction mode "hen it comes to security system deployment% They do not #elie e they are at ris$ until a serious e ent occurs% In 1ue#ec! clients prefer a#o e all ready.made systems! unli$e Curopean users "ho ha e customs solutions de eloped more often% *roprietary systems are more popular in 1ue#ec than open systems! "hich are held in much greater esteem in Curope% 1ue#ec users! li$e those in other countries! are see$ing to reduce the staff assigned to sur eillance% (urthermore! in se eral cases! they "ish to shift from reacti e sur eillance to pre enti e sur eillance and o#tain #etter performing tools for ideo archi e searches% +ideo analytics may pro ide certain solutions to these pro#lems! #ut users are still some"hat ignorant a#out the possi#ilities and limits of this technology% )nalytics is #rea$ing a#o e all into large #usinesses or infrastructures! #ut not yet into systems aimed at SMCs% The 1ue#ec mar$et has specific ideo sur eillance needs% C/treme "eather conditions (heat and cold! sno"! etc%) in 1ue#ec may affect ho" the hard"are components of ideo sur eillance systems operate% )lso! climate ariations are an additional challenge for ideo analytics algorithms% (inally! 1ue#ec society is the only one in <orth )merica to require ideo sur eillance soft"are in (rench%
B9<9) 'uppl(

The industry is di ided primarily #et"een manufacturers! distri#utors! resellers.installers! integrators.installers! and ideo or analytics management soft"are de elopers% Resellers. installers sell complete solutions they #uy from distri#utors and install them at the client3s premises for a turn$ey solution% Integrators.installers assem#le the computers and ser ers themsel es to pro ide clients "ith a system adapted to their needs% The largest ideo sur eillance product distri#utors in Canada and 1ue#ec are )DI.:urte$ and Tri.Cd% Most products sold on the 1ue#ec mar$et come from foreign manufacturers! especially )merican ones% Chinese and Sorean cameras and ideo soft"are ha e #een entering the Canadian mar$et o er the past year% These products are currently quite #asic and do not ha e the le el of quality and the functionalities of ,estern products! #ut there is the potential for de elopment% There are many resellers.installers and integrators.installers in 1ue#ec! and these are often ery small #usinesses% Some large security and alarm companies! such as )DT and *rotectron! offer ideo sur eillance system installation ser ices! #ut this is not their area of speciality% +ery fe" integrators in 1ue#ec are speciali2ed in I* ideo sur eillance% &f these! "e met "ith Claridion and S@*TI to conduct an intelligence study% Resellers. installers and integrators.installers "ere not polled for this studyI ho"e er! those mentioned #y the e/perts inter ie"ed are included in the list of companies in )ppendi/ 7%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #0

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

In the category of soft"are designers! @enetec is a #oom in the 1ue#ec industry% It is one of the t"o largest ideo management soft"are de elopers in the "orld% In 566G! the ne"spaper 8es )ffaires reported that the company3s sales had increased E66L in fi e years AD % Its most sophisticated system can manage up to 5;6!666 cameras on an I* net"or$% @enetec3s soft"are has ideo analytics functions de eloped #y third parties% +ideo,a e <et"or$s and &rgani/ IT are t"o other e/amples of 1ue#ec companies de eloping ideo management soft"are "ith intelligent functionalities% +ideo,a e <et"or$s is speciali2ed in *T> camera management soft"are! and &rgani/ IT! in partnership "ith ISS Technology! offers ideo management soft"are on an open architecture% In the camera sector! Immer+ision de elops soft"are applications and panomorphic optics for capturing! processing and ie"ing photographs and ideos at 7?6a% The company &#2er has launched inno ati e night ision system technology for sur eillance% There are! in 1ue#ec! many suppliers in the ideo sur eillance field! #ut these companies are generally fairly small (less than ten employees)! and most of them offer integration and installation ser ices% There is therefore strong competition in this sector% Ho"e er! according to the e/perts inter ie"ed! there is still no critical mass of speciali2ed I* ideo sur eillance suppliers% Traditional physical security companies do not necessarily ha e the IT e/pertise required to install systems on I* net"or$s% Some of the e/perts inter ie"ed are of the opinion that demand out"eighs supply in digital ideo sur eillance% *roduct supply is mainly pro ided #y foreign companies% C/cept for @enetec! there are fe" digital ideo sur eillance solution de elopers in 1ue#ec% Bet 1ue#ec3s e/pertise in the field of ision and image analysis is quite high% ) fe" research centres! especially at the 8a al! Mc@ill! Concordia and *olytechnique uni ersities! and at CRIM! speciali2e in ideo analytics and could transfer $no"ledge and technologies in this field to 1ue#ec #usinesses%
B9<9< Recommendation1 &or the Luebec Mar0et

The security mar$et! and in particular the ideo sur eillance mar$et! is gro"ing "orld."ide and offers interesting #usiness opportunities% ) company does not need to #e ery #ig to #rea$ into this already fragmented mar$et% The shift to ideo sur eillance on I* net"or$s and ideo analytics opens up ne" opportunities for de elopment% Due to the high le el of e/pertise in IT in 1ue#ec! 1ue#ec #usinesses and uni ersities are "ell positioned to ta$e ad antage of the opportunities in technological and commercial de elopment that the emergence of intelligence ideo sur eillance offers%

Tes A""aires, Genetec ?eut con1olider 1e1 ac/ui1. 5 0ul5 00>, 2@ )@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #1

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

,e ha e a fe" recommendations in order to #enefit the position of 1ue#ec #usinesses in this sector% ,ith the ad ent of I* cameras and net"or$ sur eillance! the IT community should "or$ closely "ith the ideo sur eillance industry% The migration of ideo sur eillance systems to I* net"or$s raises se eral IT issues! such as0 - optimal net"or$ use ( ideo transmission ta$es up a lot of #and"idth)I - creation of soft"are interfaces and components for intelligent management of ideo sur eillance on the intranet or InternetI - efficient search of large! possi#ly ideo data#ases on net"or$I - automatic integration of ideo sur eillance "ith geomatic systems! @*S and other security systems% 1ue#ec de elopers should ta$e the intelligent turn #egun in ideo sur eillance% They "ould #enefit from getting into this niche mar$et and ta$ing ad antage of the ideo analytics e/pertise already found in 1ue#ec uni ersities and research centres% <e" intelligent ideo sur eillance applications! such as consumer #eha iour analysis and #usiness operations management! appear to #e commercially promising sectors since they sho" a return on the consumer3s in estment% 9sers should not only rely on hard"are components! #ut also in est in system intelligence% The management of masses of ideo data must #e anticipated and techniques de eloped to detect real.time anomalies! inde/ ideo content and create ideo summaries for post.e ent searches% (or e/ample! de elopers and suppliers should "or$ together and create a consortium in order to #ring together all I* ideo sur eillance players% +ideo management soft"are de elopers should pay attention to the standardi2ation efforts #eing made in I* ideo sur eillance and ta$e part in them% In order to ensure sufficient I* net"or$ ideo sur eillance supply #y competent suppliers! integrators.installers must #e trained so as to acquire the IT s$ills and physical security $no"ledge that this technology requires% Integrators.installers should also #e trained on ideo analytics products% )lso! in order to increase the adoption of these technologies! de elopers should ma$e the configuration and installation of their soft"are applications as user.friendly as possi#le for integrators and installers% There is a need for [super.integrators\ capa#le of coordinating the de elopment and set. up of different security systems! for centrali2ed operations control of large security installations% This "ould ma$e things easier for clients required to deal "ith se eral integrators to assem#le a unified sur eillance system% Clients (in go ernment! transportation! education! etc%) should #e made a"are of the pros and cons of I* ideo and the possi#ilities of ideo analytics! "ithout e/aggerating them%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

,hen dealing "ith large deployments or "hen the net"or$ infrastructure is already in place! priority should #e gi en to choosing I* ideo sur eillance% 9sers should in est in "ide.angle or panoramic camera systems and megapi/el cameras! rather than in a large num#er of standard cameras% The incon enience ho"e er is that a failure "ith a panoramic camera has more consequences than a failure in a fe" cameras on a large net"or$% 1ue#ec must offer more financial aid for mar$eting de eloped products and e/panding #usinesses! #ecause the funds are mainly allocated to research and de elopment% +enture capital is often too hastily remo ed from companies%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #3

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

C9 I'',"' Despite #eing "idely adopted! ideo sur eillance technology raises certain issues and faces significant resistance% This section deals "ith three ideo sur eillance.related issues that may ha e a ma'or impact on its implementation and de elopment% C98 Protection o& Pri?ac( +ast recourse to ideo sur eillance in pu#lic and pri ate places raises se eral concerns among groups that defend the respect of pri acy% ,ith cameras pointing e ery"here in the streets! par$s! #uildings! #usinesses and possi#ly at "or$! many people fear misuse of these ideo recordings and the personal information they contain% +ideo sur eillance must not #e used to dra" up profiles of the people filmed or for futile or discriminatory purposes "hen in the hands of pu#lic authorities and the forces of order% The &ffice of the *ri acy Commissioner of Canada has drafted guidelines in order to #etter define and o ersee the use of this sur eillance tool #y authorities and police forces in pu#lic places A5 ! and #y pri ate sector organi2ations A7 % +ideo sur eillance is su#'ect to the Personal $nformation Protection and Electronic 8ocuments (ct (P$PEC("# Ho"e er! Criminal Code pro isions regarding the recording of pri ate communications apply to the use of cameras that capture sounds% [The guidelines set out principles for e aluating the need for resorting to ideo sur eillance and for ensuring that! if it is conducted! it is done in a "ay that minimi2es the impact on pri acy%\ AF In general! the need for using sur eillance cameras must #e 'ustified and other means should #e gi en priority "hene er possi#le% (or e/ample! a store may decide to loc$ up highly alua#le items rather than resorting to continuous ideo sur eillance% +ideo sur eillance must therefore #e used to deal "ith a real! specific and important pro#lem% )lso! the space co ered #y cameras and sur eillance time must #e reduced to the #are minimum% It is understood that cameras are prohi#ited in places "here people usually e/pect to ha e pri acy ("ashrooms! dressing rooms! fitting rooms! sho"ers! etc%) The pu#lic must #e informed of the presence of sur eillance cameras and the people filmed are entitled to access to their personal information%

!""ice o" the *ri.ac5 'o44issioner o" 'anada /uidelines "or the Ise o" (ideo Sur.eillance o" *ublic *laces b5 *olice and Ta3 9n"orce4ent Authorities, 00#, htt2<AA333@2ri.co4@gc@caAin"or4ationAguideA.sB0#0301Be@as2@

/uidelines "or !.ert (ideo Sur.eillance in the *ri.ate Sector, 00>, htt2<AA333@2ri.co4@gc@caAin"or4ationAguideA 00>AglB.sB0>030#Be@as2@

!*' /uidelines "or Ise o" (ideo Sur.eillance o" *ublic *laces b5 *olice and Ta3 9n"orce4ent Authorities, 00#, o2@cit@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #)

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

In the pu#lic sector! li$e the pri ate sector! organi2ations using ideo sur eillance must draft a policy on its use! specifically defining the o#'ecti es of sur eillance and the location of the equipment! controlling access to the ideo captured! protecting personal information and limiting storage time of ideo footage! e/cept! of course! for footage required for in estigations% These guidelines are not intended to interfere "ith police authority to conduct in estigations% In the pri ate sector! they apply only to o ert equipment and do not co er co ert equipment that may #e used! for e/ample! for insurance company in estigations% There is still little 'urisprudence to guide the practice of employer use of ideo sur eillance in companies% This situation deals "ith t"o competing rights0 the employee3s right to pri acy in the "or$place and the employer3s right to protect his company% &nce again! t"o principles should guide the installation of cameras in the "or$place0 e idence of the need for ideo sur eillance to protect the premises! personnel and facilities under the employer3s responsi#ility and the concern for minimi2ing the e/tent of the intrusion on the employee3s pri acy% (or e/ample! cameras "ould #e accepta#le to control access to the #uilding or sensiti e areas! #ut it "ould seem e/cessi e to point a camera directly at an employee3s "or$ station and film said employee during his=her shift% )n employer may only film an employee if there is reasona#le dou#t that he=she has committed or is on the erge of committing an offence% The ideo sur eillance system cannot! ho"e er! #e used to monitor employee producti ity or assess "or$ quality% Important note0 the employer3s responsi#ility for measured use of ideo sur eillance e/tends to anyone ie"ing the ideo footage from the company3s sur eillance cameras! e en hired to that effect% The ideo sur eillance #oom in pu#lic places! companies and e en pri ate residences raises the issue of protecting the personal information of the people filmed% )lthough people are increasingly accepting of the presence of cameras for security purposes! protecting pri acy remains a concern e/pressed "hen ne" sur eillance cameras are deployed! especially in pu#lic areas% Some people maintain that ideo analytics help to protect personal data captured on ideo% The automatic processing of images ma$es it possi#le to hide! for e/ample! irrele ant faces or o#'ects on the ideo prior to transmission for ie"ing% (urthermore! computer detection of suspicious indi iduals or #eha iours may reduce the ris$ of profiling! i%e%! monitoring #ased on the colour! race! or mem#ership group of the people filmed% Ho"e er the use of intelligent ideo sur eillance for purposes other than security! such as consumer #eha iour analysis! may call into question the principle #ehind the need for ideo sur eillance% C9) "&&ecti?ene11 o& Video 'ur?eillance in Reducing Crime +ideo sur eillance systems are deployed in most large cities around the "orld% Do these systems help to reduce and sol e more crimes- There ha e #een se eral studies conducted
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

on the effecti eness of ideo sur eillance systems and their results differ greatly% Some studies re eal ma'or drops in crime rates! "hile others find that ideo sur eillance installation has a minor impact on crime% Measuring the impact of ideo sur eillance systems is a comple/ tas$ since many factors may e/plain the rise or drop in crime% )ll ariations should #e placed in conte/t! considering the general crime trend! its possi#le shift to other regions and the com#ined effect of se eral security measures! such as reinforced police patrols or impro ed lighting in an area% )fter re ie"ing studies pu#lished on this topic! Dee and +elastin VGW report that there really is no hard e idence that ideo sur eillance lo"ers crime rates% The )C89 Technology and 8i#erty *rogram states that! in order to assess the effecti eness of ideo sur eillance! a meta.analysis should #e conducted of se eral studies in order to o#tain statistically solid data! rather than considering a single study A; % Similar studies conducted for the :ritish Home &ffice note that ideo sur eillance has little impact on lo"ering crime rates A? ! AA % ) recent study done in the 9nited States on the San (rancisco ideo sur eillance program! in neigh#ourhoods "ith high crime rates! re ealed that installing sur eillance cameras did not reduce the num#er of homicides and iolent crimes% Ho"e er! it did cause a drop in misdemeanours! such as armed ro##ery! #urglaries and andalism% Technological and organi2ational failures in the ideo sur eillance system3s operation "ere also identified% It should #e noted that! in this program! police officers can only use ideo images as in estigati e tools "hen a crime is committed! in order to pre ent the in asion of pri acy that real.time sur eillance "ould in ol e% In this conte/t! the presence of cameras does not appear to discourage iolent crimes! often committed irrationally! #ut it does seem to #e effecti e in dissuading petty theft% This is one of the most complete reports on pu#lic sur eillance in the 9nited States AG % There is therefore no clear e idence that installing sur eillance cameras may reduce crime% In certain cases! ideo sur eillance systems appeared to ha e an impact on premeditated crimes! #ut not on spontaneous crimes% The presence of cameras did! ho"e er! appear to #e effecti e in reducing car thefts in par$ing lots% ,ith respect to crime.sol ing! an article from 83)ctualit maga2ine reported that in 8ondon! the city "ith the most sur eillance cameras! only 7L of thefts are sol ed using the

-oa4 Biale, A'TI 1echnolog5 and Tibert5 *rogra4, 7hat Criminologi1t1 and Other1 'tud(ing Camera1 :a?e #ound. htt2<AA333@5ouarebeing3atched@usAaboutA1> A@


Welsh, B@ and Farrington, %@, Crime Pre?ention "&&ect1 o& Clo1ed Circuit Tele?i1ion: K 00 L, Ho4e !""ice &esearch, %e.elo24ent and Statistics %irectorate@ 'ited in htt2<AA333@5ouarebeing3atched@usAaboutA1> AW"ootnote10@ /ill and S2riggs, 11e11ing the Impact o& CCTV9 K 005L Ho4e !""ice Stud5@ 'ited in htt2<AA333@5ouarebeing3atched@usAaboutA1> AW"ootnote10@

'(1tematic Re?ie@


Securit5 ,n"o Watch, 'tud( gi?e1 1plit ?erdict on crime camera1. > March 009, htt2<AA333@securit5in"o3atch@co4ArootRle.elA1309 >@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age ##

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

ideo sur eillance system AE % It "ould #e tedious for police officers to loo$ through hoards of archi ed ideo images for their in estigations% Bet! the 8ondon ideo sur eillance system "as indeed successful in helping to identify the terrorists "ho tried to #lo" up #om#s in the su#"ay system in 566;% The conclusions of these studies re eal a serious pro#lem "ith the effecti eness of ideo sur eillance in fighting crime% <e ertheless! they do not pro e the uselessness of ideo sur eillance systems! either% The technical limits of these systems! the conditions under "hich they are deployed! and the "ay they are used ha e a ma'or influence on the results o#tained% (or e/ample! in order to #e effecti e! these systems must #e included as part of the security measures and #e deployed "ith specific operational o#'ecti es% ,hen used alone! cameras do not appear to effecti ely discourage many crimes% *assi e ideo sur eillance (post.incident) does not help to pre ent offences% Ho"e er! acti e! ongoing sur eillance raises the issue of respect for pri acy% It is therefore imagina#le that intelligent processing algorithms capa#le of triggering alarms effecti ely could allo" for accepta#le real.time sur eillance to help inter ene "hen crimes are #eing committed% (urthermore! ideo analytics could help to sol e more crimes if it pro ides effecti e search methods for archi ed ideo footage% Impro ing image quality "ill undou#tedly mean ma'or progress in identifying suspects% C9< 'tandard1 &or IP Video <o" that ideo sur eillance on I* net"or$s has #oomed! manufacturers are "or$ing on drafting a standard to go ern communication #et"een I* cameras and ideo management soft"are% Cach manufacturer must currently de elop interfaces ena#ling their cameras to connect "ith each other and e/change information "ith ideo management soft"are% This acti ity is costly! #oth in time and money% )dopting a standard! "hile encouraging the interopera#ility of the different products a aila#le! "ill ena#le the I* ideo sur eillance mar$et to de elop more quic$ly! "hile reducing costs for manufacturers and clients% ,hile the SI) Standards Committee G6 has #een "or$ing for some time on defining an I* ideo sur eillance standard! t"o groups unhappy "ith the slo"ness of the process ha e launched their o"n initiati es! namely0 *SI) (*hysical Security Interopera#ility )lliance)! led #y Cisco Systems! D+Tel! @eneral Clectric! Honey"ell! I1in+ision! *anasonic! *elco and +erint! and &<+I( (&pen <et"or$ +ideo Interface (orum)! lead #y )/is! :osch and Sony GD %
=9 >0

SchaX""ner,, N 2ig 2rother O e1t a?eugle. TCActualit, 15 !ctober 00>@ htt2<AA333@siaonline@orgAcontent@as2:OidQ)5>0@

Hono.ich, 0@, 7ill ONVI# or P'I @in the IP Camera 'tandard1 2attleP. ,* (ideo Market ,n"o, htt2<AAi2.ideo4arket@in"oAre2ortAon.i"B2siaBi2Bca4eraBstandards@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #=

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

,ithout admitting it! these t"o groups are in a race to de elop and impose their o"n standard in order to ensure they ha e a competiti e edge in the mar$et% )/is! :osch and Sony already o"n o er ;6L of the camera mar$et share% These companies "ill therefore #enefit little from introducing a standard since! as leaders! their products are already supported #y most ideo management systems% They "ould ha e a greater interest in controlling or delaying the de elopment of a standard that "ould facilitate their competitors3 access to the mar$et% Ho"e er! the manufacturers supporting *SI) ha e small shares of the camera mar$et% That is "hy they are in a hurry to introduce a standard that "ould gi e them #etter interopera#ility "ith most of the ideo management soft"are applications! and thus e/pand their mar$et% It is also a ma'or issue for manufacturers of analogue cameras! such as *elco! @C and Honey"ell! "hich are trying in turn to enter the I* camera mar$et% ,hile the standard de eloped #y &<+I( targets ideo connecti ity! the *SI) standard targets aster interopera#ility! co ering se eral security platforms! including I* ideo! D+Rs! analytics! access and audio% )t the design le el! *SI) is #uilt li$e an )*I! "hile the &<+I( specifications are #ased on ,e# ser ices using protocols such as Extensi7le Markup Language and Be7 'er.ices 8escription Language# The future "ill tell "ho "ill "in the standards "ar% *erhaps unification is the ans"er- Support from the Security Industry )ssociation (SI)) may determine "hich standard is adopted! "hich is "hy &<+I( and *SI) are "or$ing to harmoni2e their standards "ith those currently de eloped #y the SI)%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age #>

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

2I23IOGR P:5

VDW <ilsson! (% [Intelligent <et"or$ +ideo0 9nderstanding Modern +ideo Sur eillance System\% :oca Raton0 CRC *ress! 566E% 7GE p% V5W Transports Canada% <Cseau de tClC.ision en circuit fermC A manuel de rCfCrence pour lDutilisation dans des applications de sCcuritC# 566G% AE p%
PROC""%ING' #ROM CON#"R"NC"'. '"MIN R'. 7OR6':OP'

V7W Cucchiara! R% [Multimedia sur eillance systems\ dans *roceedings of the third )CM International ,or$shop on +ideo Sur eillance 4 Sensor <et"or$s! International Multimedia Conference! pp% 7.D6! Singapoure! 566;% VFW @agnon! 8%! 8ali#ert! 8%! (oucher! S! 8aurendeau! D%! :ran2an )l#u! )% [) System for Trac$ing and Recognising *edestrian (aces using a <et"or$ of 8oosely Coupled Cameras\% S*IC Defense 4 Security0 +isual Information *rocessing b+ (S*IC c?5F?)! &rlando! 566?% V;W Hampapur! )%! :ro"n! 8%! Connell! Y%! *an$anti! S%! Senior! )%! Tian! B% [Smart Sur eillance0 )pplications! Technologies and Implications\ dans 0::3 Eoint Conference of t*e +ourt* $nternational Conference on $nformation= Communications F 'ignal Processing and +ourt* Pacific-<im Conference on Multimedia= pp% DD77. DD7G! ol%5% <e" Bor$! ]tat.9nis! Decem#er D;.DG! 5667% V?W Sed$y! M%H%! Moniri! M%! Chi#elushi! C%C% [Classification of Smart +ideo Sur eillance systems for Commercial )pplications\% ICCC Conference on )d anced +ideo and Signal :ased Sur eillance! Septem#re D;.D?! 566;% pp% ?7G.?FG% VAW biao! >%! *oursoltanmohammadi ! )%! Sorell! M% [+ideo motion detection #eyond reasona#le dou#t\! dans Proceedings of t*e ,st international conference on +orensic applications and tec*ni4ues in telecommunications= information= and multimedia and works*op= article no ?! )delaide! )ustralie! Yanuary 5D.57! 566G%
P"RIO%IC 3'. M G QIN"'

VGW Dee! H% M%! +elastin! S% )% [Ho" close are "e to sol ing the pro#lem of automated isual sur eillance- ) re ie" of real."orld sur eillance! scientific progress and e aluati e mechanisms\% Machine +ision and )pplications! DE (;.?)% Septem#re 566G% pp% 75E.7F7%
'&,M All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M March 009 *age #9

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

VEW (oresti! @% 8%! Micheloni! C%! Snidaro! 8% Remagnino! *%! Cllis! T% d )cti e +ideo. :ased Sur eillance System0 The lo".le el image and ideo processing techniques needed for implementation e% ICCC Signal *rocessing Maga2ine! 55 (5) March 566;% pp% 5;.7A% VD6W Hampapur! )%! :ro"n! 8%! Connel! Y%! C$in! )%! Haas! <%! 8u! M%! Mer$l H%! *an$anti! S%! )Senior! )%! Shu! C%.(%! Tian! B% 8%! d Smart +ideo Sur eillance 0 C/ploring the concept of multiscale spatiotemporal trac$ing e! ICCC Signal *rocessing Maga2ine! 55 (5) March 566;% pp% 7G.;D% VDDW Hearing! <%! +enetianer! *% 8%! 8ipton! )% d The e olution of ideo sur eillance0 an o er ie"e% Machine +ision and )pplications! DE (;.?) Septem#er 566G 0 pp% 5AE.5E6% VD5W Hu! ,%! Tieniu! T%! ,ang! 8%! May#an$! S% d ) Sur ey on +isual Sur eillance of &#'ect Motion and :eha iors e% ICCC Transactions on systems! man! and cy#ernetics. *art C0 )pplications and re ie"s! 7F(7)! aoft 566F! pp% 77F.7;5% VD7W Sos$! <%! d &nSSI Secures 566G *olitical Con entions e% +ideo Technology 4 )pplications! ( rier 566E 0 pp% ?.D6% VDFW >han! :%! Mone$osso! D% <%! Remagnino! *%! +elastin! S% )%! bu! 8%.1% [Cro"d analysis0 a sur ey\! Machine +ision and )pplications! DE (;.?) Septem#re 566G% pp% 7F;.7;A%

VD;W )/is Communications! 1#096 .ideo compression standard# New possi7ilities wit*in .ideo sur.eillance# Document technique% 566G% E p% VD?W :iale! <% Expert +indings on 'ur.eillance CamerasA B*at Criminologists and t*ers 'tudying Cameras 1a.e +ound# )merican Ci il 8i#erties 9nion% 5E mai 566G! ? p% VDAW (ullerton! C% Ena7ling )ideo (nalytics - T*e ad.antages of an open platform $P .ideo sur.eillance management solution for enaling .ideo analytics# ,hite *aper! Milestone Systems! 566G! 56 p% VDGW @ager! R% Special Report0 +ideo Sur eillance! State of the Mar$et! SDM! ol% 7G! no 7! p% ?G% VDEW He"itson! <% )ideo Content (nalysis= s*at is it and w*y would $ want it# ,hite *aper! Smart CCT+ 8imited! 566;% 7 p% V56W Hono ich! Y%! 'ecurity ManagerGs Huide to )ideo 'ur.eillance# +ersion 5%6! I*+ideoMar$et%info! <o em#re 566G! D7D p%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age =0

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V5DW Institute of Management and )dministration! Inc% 'ecurityDs 8irector <eport= <e"s#rief! ( rier 566E% V55W Sing! et al% C$T<$' <eportA T*e 'an +rancisco Community 'afety Camera Program (n E.aluation of t*e Effecti.eness of 'an +ranciscoDs Community 'afety Cameras# Dcem#re 566G! DGF p% V57W Sirstein! M% T*e expanding Borld of $P )ideo 'ur.eillanceA Cameras= 'torage= Tec*nology and 'emiconductors# Multimedia Intelligence! 566G% D6 p% VMMI6G6F6;,*W% V5FW Mc<ichol! Y% 8a ! I% Y%! 'tate @udget Trou7les Borsen= Center on :udget and *olicy *riorities! D7 mars 566E% V5;W Senior! )%! *an$anti! S%! Hampapur! )%! :ro"n! 8% Tian! B%.8%! C$in! )% @linkering 'ur.eillanceA Ena7ling )ideo Pri.acy t*roug* Computer )ision# I:M Research Report% 5G aoft 5667! DF p% VRC55GG? (,676G.D6E)W%

V5?W Diamant! M%,hy is E.eryone Migrating to $ntelligent $P )ideo 'ur.eillanceI ISC Cast! 5E octo#re 566G% V5AW @orodnichy! D% 'ystJmes de reconnaissance .idCo= )idCotec*nologie pour la sCcuritC A pro7lJmes et solutions# )telier sur la scurit du transport ferro iaire et ur#ain! Montral! <o em#re 566A% V5GW Moellman! D% )(CE Program Manager)ideo (nalysis and Content Extraction ()(CE" <F8 ProgramA .er.iew of P*ase 0# <o em#re 5667%

(<ote0 )ll electronic references "ere on.line on March 5G! 566E) Secu+it, an- "i-e. Su+/eillance Castonguay! )% La loi= lDordre et la sCcuritC restent des prioritCs conser.atrices= 8e De oir! 5A f rier 566G! http0=="""%lede oir%com=566G=65=5A=DAAEAF%html% MinistJre des Relations internationales du 1u#ec! Contri7uer K la sCcuritC du ?uC7ec et du continent nord-amCricain= http0=="""%mri%gou %qc%ca=fr=politiqueginternationale=securite=inde/%asp%
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Siemon! CCT) F )ideo 'ur.eillance ,:H ipL= http0=="""%siemon%com=us="hitegpapers=67.D6.5E.cct %asp% ,asatis! 1istori4ue= http0=="""%"asatis%com=spip=spip%php-article;% Sammerer! D% Police use of pu7lic .ideo sur.eillance in Hermany ,5/9A management of trafic= repression of flows= persuasion of offenders= Sur eillance 4 Society! +ol% ?! <o D (566E)! http0=="""%siemon%com=us="hitegpapers=67.D6.5E.cct %asp% (ullerton! C%! T*e 1istory of )ideo 'ur.eillance= Milestone! http0=="""%milestonesys%com=files=9ser(iles=)rticles=Historygofg+ideogSur eillance%pdf% ,i$ipedia% )idCosur.eillance# http0==fr%"i$ipedia%org="i$i=+idosur eillance% ,i$ipedia% )ideo (nalytics# http0==en%"i$ipedia%org="i$i=+ideoganalytics% &ffice qu#cois de la langues franhaise! @rand dictionnaire terminologique! http0=="""%granddictionnaire%com% +ideo)nalytics%net! B*at $s )ideo (nalytics % $ntelligent )ideo 'ur.eillance= http0=="""% ideoanalytics%net=articles="hatis a%html% +lahos! Y% Sur eillance 'ocietyA New 1ig*-Tec* Cameras (re Batc*ing Mou= *opularMechanics! 'an ier 566G! http0==popularmechanics%smartmoney%com=technology=militarygla"=F57?G?;%html-pageiD% Cager! B% 'mart )ideo 'ur.eillanceA 8igital Tec*nology .s# Tradition (nalog 'ystems= )d anced Imaging Maga2ine! G 'uillet 566G! http0=="""%ad ancedimagingpro%com=pu#lication=article%'sp-pu#IdiD4idi5;7A4page<umiD % +ision Industrielle%&rg! ?uDest-ce 4ue la tClCsur.eillance intelligente I= http0=="""% isionindustrielle%org= ision"hat.remotemonitoring%php% +isio,a e! $ntelligent 'ecurity (pplications= $mage Processing (nd )ideo Content (nalysis= http0=="""% isio"a e%com=inde/%asp-inde/iintelligent+ideo% (reschi! C%! ( 'mart +uture for )ideo 'ur.eillance= Security Maga2ine! Der 'an ier 566E! http0=="""%securitymaga2ine%com=)rticles=Column=:<*g@9IDgE.;. 566?g)gD66666666666667?FGFF% I* +ideo Mar$et Info! )ideo (nalytics .er.iew and News= http0==ip ideomar$et%info=topics=+ideo)nalytics%
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Hono ich! Y%! Top 3 Pro7lems Limiting t*e Use and Hrowt* of )ideo (nalytics= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! DE 'uin 566G!
http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=topg7gpro#lemsglimitinggthegusegandggro"thgofg ideoganalytics

)utomated +ideo Systems! )ideo 'ur.eillance made simple= http0=="""%e2""nloads= Thomas! S% ut-of-t*e-7ox T*inkingNT*e Transition (way from (nalog CCT) and 8)<s to $P )ideo= 8oss*re entionMaga2ine%com! DF octo#re 566G! http0=="""%losspre entionmaga2ine%com="parchi esg ie"%html-idi557F% Hu! B% H%! 'ur.ey of )ideo 'ur.eillance Tec*nology= """%ece%"isc%edu=jfacerec=cameranet=sur ey566G&ct67%ppt% Hono ich! Y%! '*ould $ Use $P CamerasI <e-(ssessing $P CameraDs (d.antages= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! DF mai 566G!
http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=shouldgigusegipgcamerasggre ie"inggipgcameragad antages%

Hono ich! Y%! Top / $P Camera Pro7lems= 5? 'uillet 566G! I* +ideo Mar$et Info! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=topg;gipgcameragpro#lems% Digital +isions Security Technologies! 8igital $P )ideo 'ur.eillance= http0=="""%digital isionsllc%com=digitalgipg ideogsur eillancegsystems%asp/% +ideoSur eillance%com! http0=="""% ideosur eillance%com% A55licati.ns @enetec! 'olutions inno.atrices= http0=="""%genetec%com=(rancais=Solutions=*ages=solutions%asp/% +ideoSur eillance%com! """% ideosur eillance%com% Indigo+ision! ,hate er your #usiness! http0=="""%indigo ision%com=#usiness%phpcit% &s#orn! )%! Top ; non-security uses for .ideo sur.eillance cameras -- more t*an !ust a crime pre.ention tool= )ideo-'ur.eillance-Huide#com= http0=="""% ideo.sur eillance. guide%com= ideo.sur eillance.cameras%htm% Industry Solutions! +ideoSur eillance%com! http0=="""% ideosur eillance%com=industry. solutions=% Sal i! D% +%! ( Clear )iewA Megapixel cameras playing into t*e gaming sur.eillance market= 7 mars 566E! http0=="""%secprodonline%com=)rticles=566E=67=67=).Clear. +ie"%asp/%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age =3

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

:om#ardier! $ntCgration dDun systJme de sCcuritC dans les trains de passagers= A dcem#re 566?! http0=="""%aqtr%qc%ca=documents=DFg)llocutionsConferences=Agdecem#regReneMeuser%pdf% Transports 1u#ec! @estion de la circulation! http0=="""%mtq%gou %qc%ca=portal=page=portal=regions=montrealgile=gestiongcirculation% C.25.nents an- A+c7itectu+e .9 a Su+/eillance S,ste2 :SI )lJs! Les diffCrents types de camCras sur rCseau informati4ue= http0=="""%#si%fr=Informatique=Informatiquedentreprise=+idLC7L)Eosur eillance=ta#id=A 7=articleType=)rticle+ie"=articleId=?=Default%asp/% Hono ich! Y%! Examining t*e +uture of )ideo 'ur.eillance 'torage= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! ? aoft 566G! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=e/amininggthegfuturegofg ideogsur eillancegstorage% Hono ich! Y%! '*ould Mou Use )ideo EncodersI= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! DG mars 566E! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report= ideogsur eillanceganaloggencoders% @rossman! R% T*e Nuances of Network )ideo <ecorder= 'ecurity 'ales F $ntegration= )oft 566?! http0=="""%securitysales%com=tginside%asp/-actioniarticle4StoryIDi5;5E% Hono ich! Y%! (nalytics - To Lead or Not to Lead= I* +ideo Mar$et Iinfo! DE septem#re 566G! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=analyticsgtogleadgorgnotgtoglead% Mo#oti/ )@! http0=="""%mo#oti/%com=fregCH=content= ie"=full=5% Hono ich! Y%! Upcoming Panoramic Megapixel Camera from 'callop= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=upcominggpanoramicgmegapi/elgcameragfromgscallop% Resea+c7B C.25aniesB C.22e+cial P+.-ucts an- Intelli0ent Functi.nalities Carnegie Mellon 9ni ersity! Ro#otics Institute ! .er.iew= http0=="""%cs%cmu%edu=j sam=% <et"or$s 4 &rgani2ations! T*e $ntelligence Community $n.ests in )ideo= E mars 566?! http0=="""%intelligenceonline%com=c=illustrations=io=pdf=I<T;DGL56G%pdf% I:M! $@M 'mart 'ur.eillance 'ystem ('3"= http0=="""%research%i#m%com=people ision=% &rgani/ IT! http0=="""%organi/it%com% BouTu#e! Trends and 'olutions for )ideo 'ur.eillance Market= http0=="""%youtu#e%com="atch- il67Dca6'Ag$%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age =)

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Home Security :log! )ideo sur.eillance en*ancements for (irport security= 56 aoft 566G! http0=="""%5mcct %net=#log=content= ie"=?E=5?=% Hono ich! Y%! Upcoming Panoramic Megapixel Camera from 'callop= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! E 'an ier 566E! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report=upcominggpanoramicgmegapi/elgcameragfromgscallop % Industrie Canada! <Cpertoire dDentreprises par secteur industriel= http0=="""%ic%gc%ca=eic=site=company.entreprises%nsf=fra=accueil% Industrial Cm#edded Systems! Matrox Hrap*ics Un.eils $P )ideo 8ecoding (ccelerator for 'ur.eillance 'ystems= DA no em#re 566G! http0=="""%industrial. em#edded%com=ne"s=d#=-DF5E? % Hono ich! Y%! Bireless )ideo 'ur.eillance Tutorial= I* +ideo Mar$et Info! http0==ip ideomar$et%info=report="irelessg ideogsur eillancegtutorial % C/pertsDuRisque%com! Les softs dDanalyse dDimage= http0=="""%e/pertsdurisque%com=annuaire=site=(R=Dossiersgproduits=DossiersgSecurite=8es gsoftsgdanalysegdimage!I5F6F%htm-/toriSCC.D; % ISC.,est 566E! Ex*i7itor list= http0==isc"est6E%mapyoursho"%com=5gD=search%cfm-letik% Face Rec.0niti.n &s#orn! )%! 1ow 7iometric tec*nology is used in .ideo sur.eillance= http0=="""% ideo. sur (ace Recognition Homepage! http0==""" ,ood"ard! Y% D% et al%! @iometricsA ( look at +acial <ecognition= http0==electronics%ho"stuff"or$s%com=framed%htm-parentifacial. recognition%htm4urlihttp0=="""%rand%org=pu#s=documentedg#riefings=D:7E?=D:7E?%pdf% Ho"stuff"or$s! +ace <ecognition= http0==electronics%ho"stuff"or$s%com=framed%htm-parentifacial. recognition%htm4urlihttp0=="""%epic%org=pri acy=facerecognition% )irport International! 38 face recognition tec*nology= http0=="""%airport. (ace Recognition +endor Test 566?! http0=="""%fr t%org=(R+T566?=default%asp/ % :ryner! Y%! Computers Het @etter at +ace <ecognition= 8i e Science! 5F 'an ier 566G! http0=="""%li escience%com=technology=6G6D5F.face.recognition%html%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age =5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Issues 8es chroniques 'udiciaires de Me )lain *% 8ecours! )idCo sur.eillance en milieu de tra.ail F protection de la .ie pri.Ce= http0=="""%lecourslessard%com=droit.tra ail. ideo. sur ie.pri ee%html% Conger! C%! 8o police cameras reduce crimeI= Ho"stuff"or$s! http0==electronics%ho"stuff"or$ 9ni ersity of +ictoria! 8oes )ideo 'ur.eillance Pre.ent CrimeI= http0==socialsciences%u ic%ca=a#out=+ideoSur eillanceandCrime%htm%
'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age =#

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

PP"N%I4 8 ; Major Re1earch Program1 in Intelligent Video 'ur?eillance

This appendi/ pro ides a list of certain research programs that ha e greatly contri#uted to the de elopment of analytics technologies for ideo sur eillance% These programs and pro'ects ha e helped to fund research "or$ in uni ersities and companies! and ha e often lead to the mar$eting of ideo analysis technologies for security purposes%
Annotated %igital (ideo "or Sur.eillance and !2ti4ised & KA%(,S!&L K'o44unaut euro2enneL, 000$ 003

htt2<AA333@ist$ 3orld@orgA*roNect%etails@as2:O*roNect,dQ3c)d)b1=10>))de59# bc5"91"=ec5c>


T8obNecti" de ce 2roNet tait de de.elo22er des outils logiciels 2our la .idosur.eillance intelligente dans les trans2orts 2ublics@ ,l .isait le d.elo22e4ent de techni7ues 2our la dtection de 4ou.e4ent, le sui.i de 2ersonnes, la reconnaissance de co42orte4ents, la sur.eillance d8indi.idus et de "oules@ T8obNecti" de ce 2roNet est de d.elo22er des technologies 2our dtecter les co42orte4ents sus2ects dans les lieu: 2ublics, V 2artir de la .ido 2ro.enant d8un rseau de 2lusieurs ca4ras@ *rogra44e 7ui "ut lanc 2ar l8ar4e a4ricaine, sous la direction de la %A&*A K%e"ense Ad.anced &esearch *roNects Agenc5L et 7ui .isait la sur.eillance dans les Sones de con"lits urbains grZce V un rseau de ca4ras@ T8obNecti" tait de d.elo22er des logiciels 2er4ettant de traiter l8in"or4ation 2ro.enant des di""rentes ca4ras 2our identi"ier les .hicules Kt52e, couleur, et 2la7ue d8i44atriculationL, les conducteurs et les .ne4ents sus2ects@ Financ 2ar la ,n"or4ation Societ5 1echnolog5, ce 2rogra44e .isait, entre autres, la reconnaissance d8obNets, de conte:te et de situations 2our la sur.eillance urbaine et les anal5ses 4arketing@ Men 2ar un consortiu4 de di: entre2rises et institutions acad4i7ues, ce 2roNet .ise la sur.eillance de "oules et des lieu: achalands@ ,l .ise nota44ent le d.elo22e4ent d8outils bio4tri7ues 2our l8identi"ication de 2ersonnes@ B9HA(9 K&o5au4e$Ini@, 9*S&'L, 00=
htt2<AA333@secure$ "orce@euAinde:@2h2Oo2tionQco4BcontentPtaskQ.ie3PidQ155P,te4idQ9

'o4bat [one 1hat See K%A&*A, \tats$InisL, 003


'onte:t A3are (ision using ,4age$based Acti.e &ecognition K'A(,A&L K'o44unaut euro2enneL, 00 $ 005

,ntegrated Sur.eillance o" 'ro3ded Areas "or *ublic Securit5 K,S'A*SL K9uro2eL Kconsortiu4 de di: entre2rises et institutions acad4i7uesL, 005

'&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age ==

Ta .idosur.eillance intelligente < 2ro4esses et d"is &a22ort de .eille technologi7ue et co44erciale


*ro$acti.e ,ntegrated S5ste4s "or Securit5 Manage4ent b5 1echnological ,nstitutional and 'o44unications K*&,SMA1,'AL K'o44unaut euro2enneL, ter4in en 00
htt2<AAt"1@lci@"rAin"osAhigh$techA 001A0,,>1>=##,00$2ris4atica$in"or4ati7ue$$ securite$trans2orts$@ht4l


,niti 2ar si: trans2orteurs euro2ens, ce 2roNet .ise V ren"orcer la scurit dans les trans2orts 2ublics, en d.elo22ant des outils logiciels 2our l8anal5se des i4ages de sur.eillance@ 9lle touche nota44ent V la dtection de 2ersonnes et d8obNets, ainsi 7u8V l8anal5se de leurs co42orte4ents, 2our dtecter des colis sus2ects ou des .ols, 2ar e:e42le@ *rogra44e 4en 2ar le %iru2ti.e 1echnolog5 !""ice K%1!L, rele.ant du %irector o" -ational ,ntelligence K%-,L@ ,l a 2our obNecti" de d.elo22er des technologies d8anal5se et d8inde:ation de la .ido 2ro.enant de di""rentes sources, en 2articulier celle ca2te 2ar les ca4ras de sur.eillance@ Tes recherches dans ce 2rogra44e 2ortent, nota44ent, sur l8e:traction de donnes signi" V 2artir de la .ido, la "usion 4ulti4odale, la reconnaissance et la co42rhension de co42orte4ents V 2artir de di""rentes sources .ido, dont celles 2ro.enant de ca4ras de sur.eillance@ Tanc et "inanc 2ar le ,n"or4ation S5ste4s !""ice de la %e"ense Ad.anced &9search *roNects Agenc5 K%A&*AL, au: \tats$Inis@ '8tait l8un des 2re4iers 2roNets d8anal5se en te42s rel de donnes de .ido sur.eillance 2our l8inter.ention et la 2r.ention d8incidents@ T8obNecti" de ce 2roNet tait de d.elo22er la .ido auto4atise et la rendre ca2able de co42rendre et .aluer l8in"or4ation re?ue 2our l8utilisation dans des a22lications 4ilitaires de sur.eillance des Sones urbaines ou de co4bat@ Ta recherche 2ortait, entre autres, sur la sur.eillance de Sones tendues, la dtection et le sui.i d8obNets en te42s rel, la reconnaissance d8obNets, le co42tage de .hicules, le contr;le acti" de ca4ras, la reconnaissance d8acti.its hu4aines@ (ideo Anal5sis and 'ontent 9:traction K(A'9L K%1!, 9tats$InisL ] *hase 3 < 00#$ 009

(ideo Sur.eillance and Monitoring K(SAML, 199=$ 000


'&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit 1ous droits rser.s 009 '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit Mars 009 *age =>

Ta .idosur.eillance intelligente < 2ro4esses et d"is &a22ort de .eille technologi7ue et co44erciale

PP"N%I4 ) ; Re1earch Group1 HLuebec and ,nited 'tate1G

This appendi/ pro ides a list of research groups in 1ue#ec "or$ing in ideo analysis for intelligent ideo sur eillance% )merican uni ersity la#oratories contri#uting hea ily to this field are also listed herein% Most of them ha e ta$en part in the +)CC research program%
Lubec Taboratoire de (ision et S5st64es -u4ri7ues, Ini.ersit htt2< &econnaissance d8acti.its hu4aines@ Modlisation de d4arche hu4aine@ %tection et sui.i d8obNet@ &seau de ca4ras intelligentes@ *artici2ation au 2roNet M!--91, sur la sur.eillance d8en.ironne4ents co42le:es et le sui.i de 2ersonnes V l8aide d8un rseau "aible4ent cou2l de ca4ras Khtt2<"rA*roNectsA,d9nsB)1Ainde:@2h2L 1raite4ent d8i4ages et de la .ido, entre autres, 2our des a22lications de .idosur.eillance@ %tection et sui.i d8obNets, 4_4e sous occlusions@ %tection d8.ne4ents@ A22lication V la .idosur.eillance@ %tection et sui.i d8obNet, dtection et reconnaissance de .isage, reconnaissance d8e:2ressions "aciales, reconnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation, reconnaissance de 4ou.e4ents anor4au:, inde:ation de ban7ues .ido@ Te grou2e a 4en 2lusieurs 2roNets en .idosur.eillance 2our la scurit, dont M!--91, *1[ et (,SI Khtt2<AA333@cri4@caA"rAr$dA.isionBi4agerieA2roNets@ht4lL@ %tection d8ano4alies 2our la .idosur.eillance@

%e1cription o& 7or0

T,1,(, \cole *ol5techni7ue de Montral htt2<AA333@2ol54tl@caAliti.AenA (id*ro, Ini.ersit 'oncordia htt2<AAusers@encs@concordia@caA^.id2rogA /rou2e (ision et i4agerie, '&,M htt2<AA333@cri4@caA"rAr$dA.isionBi4agerieAinde:@ht4l (isual Motor &esearch Tab, Ini.ersit Mc/ill htt2<AA333@ci4@4cgill@caA^clarkA.4rlA3eb$contentA.4rl@ht4l '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit 1ous droits rser.s 009 '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit Mars 009 *age =9

Ta .idosur.eillance intelligente < 2ro4esses et d"is &a22ort de .eille technologi7ue et co44erciale Stat1!,ni1 'o42uter (ision Taborator5, Ini.ersit5 o" Mar5land htt2<AA333@c"ar@u4d@edu@Ac.lA 'o42uter (ision Tab, Ini.ersit5 o" 'entral Florida htt2<"@eduA^.isionA Face &ecognition and (ideo *rocessing Tab, -e3 0erse5 ,nstitute o" 1echnolog5 htt2<AA333@cs@nNit@eduAliuAF&(*labAinde:@ht4l ,n"or4edia, 'arnegie Mellon Ini.ersit5 htt2<AA333@in"or4edia@cs@c4u@eduA ,nstitute "or &obotics and ,ntelligent S5ste4s, Ini.ersit5 o" Southern 'ali"ornia htt2<AAiris@usc@eduA &obotics ,nstitute, 'arnegie Mellon Ini.ersit5 htt2<AA333@ri@c4u@eduA (ision &esearch /rou2, Massachusetts ,nstitute o" 1echnolog5 htt2<AAgrou2s@csail@4it@eduA.isionAa22A &econnaissance d8obNets@ %tection et sui.i de .hicules et d8hu4ains@ 'aractrisation de la d4arche hu4aine et reconnaissance "aciale@ %tection de la taille d8un indi.idu@ ,ndenti"ication de 2ersonnes dans les "oules@ %tection d8obNets abandonns@ %tection et sui.i d8obNet, reconnaissance d8acti.its hu4aines, anal5se de "oules et sui.i d8indi.idu dans des en.ironne4ents 2eu2ls@ &econnaissance de .isages@ *artici2e au 2rogra44e de recherche (A'9@ ,nde:ation et recherche de contenus .ido@ %tection des 2ersonnes et 2atrons dans des i4ages .ido@ Mthodes de 2rotection des in"or4ations sur la .ido .isionnes 2ar 2lusieurs usagers@ *artici2e au 2rogra44e (A'9@ %tection et sui.i d8obNets et d8hu4ains 2our la .idosur.eillance@ &econnaissance d8acti.its et d8.ne4ents@ %i""rents grou2es des as2ects de recherche a22licables V la .idosur.eillance < dtection et sui.i de 2ersonnes, dtection et reconnaissance "aciale, identi"ication de 2ersonnes, reconnaissance de gestes et de co42orte4ents hu4ains@ A.ait 2artici2 au 2rogra44e de recherche (,SAM@ 1echni7ues d8anal5se .ido dans un rseau distribu de ca4ras < dtection, sui.i et reconnaissance d8obNets, classi"ication d8acti.its, dtection d8.ne4ents nor4au: et anor4au:@ '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit 1ous droits rser.s 009 '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit Mars 009 *age >0

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

ppendiI < ; Video 'ur?eillance Companie1 HLuebec and el1e@hereG

In ie" of the ast num#er of companies offering ideo sur eillance products and ser ices! an e/hausti e list "ould #e impossi#le to pro ide% This appendi/ lists the main companies found follo"ing ,e# searches! e/pert consultations and meetings held during the ISC.,est 566G and ISC.Cast 566G conferences% Specific research "as conducted to list 1ue#ec companies! as "ell as those from other Canadian pro inces that de elop intelligent digital ideo sur eillance products% These are listed first under each category of ser ices% Ho"e er! not all ideo sur eillance integrators! installers and distri#utors ha e #een inde/ed% More e/hausti e lists of companies in the field of security and ideo sur eillance can #e found on the follo"ing sites0 http0=="""%canasa%org=en=mem#ership=memgdirectory=inde/%html% http0=="""%sourcesecurity%com=companies%html% http0=="""% ideosur eillance%com=manufacturers=% http0==ip ideomar$et%info=% http0=="""%isc"est%com=)pp=homepage%cfm-appnameiDG64moduleIDi5E;G48in$IDi566AA4su#menuheaderiA% Company descriptions "ere ta$en or adapted from the a#o e ,e# references or company ,e# sites%
3arge manu&acturer1 or 1upplier1 o&&ering ?ideo 1ur?eillance 1ecurit( product1
Ii1 Communication1 KSu6deL 333@a:is@co4 A:is est le leader 4ondial du 4arch de la .ido sur ,*@ Socit sudoise "onde en 19>), elle dis2ose de "iliales dans 2lus de 0 2a5s et tra.aille en coo2ration de no4breu: 2artenaires dans 2lus de =0 2a5s@ A:is s8est s2cialise dans les solutions 2ro"essionnelles de .ido sur ,* destines V la sur.eillance, la tlsur.eillance et la di""usion@ 'ette ga44e de 2roduits co42rend des ca4ras rseau, des ser.eurs .ido, des dcodeurs .ido, des logiciels de gestion .ido, ainsi 7u8un ense4ble co42let d8accessoires@ Bosch Securit5 S5ste4s o""re di""rents 2roduits de scurit, dont des s5st64es de .idosur.eillance, incluant des solutions ,*@ 'heck2oint S5ste4s o""re une ga44e co42l6te de 2roduits et ser.ices en scurit, nota44ent des s5st64es de .idosur.eillance@ 2o1ch 'ecurit( '(1tem1 KAlle4agneL 333@boschsecurit5@co4 Chec0point '(1tem1 K\tats$InisL 333@check2oints5ste4s@co4 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >1

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

3arge manu&acturer1 or 1upplier1 o&&ering ?ideo 1ur?eillance 1ecurit( product1

Ci1co K\tats$InisL 333@cisco@co4 'isco o""re une solution co42l6te de .idosur.eillance 7ui s8int6gre V ses 7ui2e4ents de rseau@ T8entre2rise .end nota44ent des encodeurs K"ournis 2ar S5*i::L et un logiciel de gestion .ido Kd.elo22 2ar Broad3areL 7ui 2eut "onctionner sur les routeurs de 'isco@ 'e gant des 1, co44ercialise aussi deu: ca4ras ,*@ ` tra.ers ses 2artenariats les 4anu"acturiers et d.elo22eurs de co42osantes de .idosur.eillance, %$Tink o""re des solutions co42l6tes de .idosur.eillance ,*@ /9 Securit5 .end di""rents s5st64es de scurit, dont des outils de .idosur.eillance@ T8entre2rise o""re 4_4e un logiciel de gestion .ido intelligent K(isioWa.e ,ntelligent (ideo *lat"or4L@ Hone53ell Securit5 est un "ournisseur et un distributeur international de s5st64es lectroni7ues de scurit@ T8entre2rise co44ercialise %igital (ideo Manager, une solution de .idosur.eillance nu4ri7ue en rseau base sur une architecture ou.erte@ /ant de l8lectroni7ue, 0(' .end des ca4ras analogi7ues, 4ais 4anu"acture aussi une ga44e de ca4ras et d8accessoires de sur.eillance ,*@ T8entre2rise 2roduit aussi des enregistreurs nu4ri7ues rseau K-(&L@ ` tra.ers ses di""rentes di.isions, Mitsubishi 4anu"acture 2lusieurs 2roduits de .idosur.eillance, dont des enregistreurs nu4ri7ues, des 4urs d8crans et, 2lus rce44ent, des ca4ras ,*@ *anasonic est l8un des 2rinci2au: 4anu"acturiers de ca4ras analogi7ues@ T8entre2rise d.elo22e aussi une ga44e d8enregistreurs nu4ri7ues et de ca4ras ,* 2our la sur.eillance@ 'elles$ci .iennent sous di""rentes "or4es < 4ga2i:el, *1[, d;4e@ *elco est l8une des 2lus grandes entre2rises en .idosur.eillance et le leader des 4anu"acturiers de ca4ras analogi7ues@ T8entre2rise o""re une ga44e tendue de co42osantes de .idosur.eillance, dont des solutions de gestions .ido sur enregistreur nu4ri7ue, traditionnel ou h5bride, et sur enregistreur rseau@ *elco s8est lance dans le 4arch des ca4ras ,* en co44ercialisant 7uel7ues 4od6les@ Sa4sung a /(, o""re une suite co42l6te de solutions de .idosur.eillance et de solution intgres de scurit 7ui 2er4ettent la .idosur.eillance intelligente@ 1oshiba o""re une ga44e co42l6te de 2roduits de .idosur.eillance, incluant des ca4eras analogi7ues et ,*, 4oniteurs, enregistreurs nu4ri7ues et rseau@ Ses ca4ras ,* sont r2utes 2our la 7ualit de leur i4age dans des conditions de "aible illu4ination@ 15co ,nternational est une entre2rise di.ersi"ie o""rant des 2roduits et des ser.ices dans #0 2a5s@ 9lle co44ercialise une ga44e tendue de technologies de contr;le d8acc6s et de .ido sous ses di""rentes 4ar7ues < So"t3are House, A4erican %5na4ics and Jantech@ %!3in0 K1ai3anL 333@dlink@co4A2roductsAend$to$end$ sur.eillance G" 'ecurit( K\tats$InisL 333@gesecurit5@co4 :one(@ell 'ecurit( K\tats$InisL 333@hone53ell.ideo@co4 FVC K\tats$InisL 333@2ro@N.c@co4 Mit1ubi1hi K0a2onL 333@4itsubishi@co4 Pana1onic K0a2onL 333@2anasonic@co4AbusinessAsecurit5A ho4e@as2 Pelco K\tats$InisL 333@2elco@co4 'am1ung T GVI K\tats$InisL 333@g.iss@co4 To1hiba K0a2onL 333@toshiba@co4 T(co International KBer4udesL 333@t5co@co4 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

3arge manu&acturer1 or 1upplier1 o&&ering ?ideo 1ur?eillance 1ecurit( product1

Vicon K\tats$InisL 333@.icon$cct.@co4 (icon d.elo22e, 4anu"acture et co44ercialise des solutions co42l6tes sur rseau ,* 2our intgrer la .idosur.eillance le contr;le d8acc6s@ T8entre2rise o""re des logiciels de gestion .ido, des enregistreurs nu4ri7ues et rseau, des encodeurs et dcodeurs, ainsi 7ue des ca4ras K,*, 4ga2i:el, analogi7ues, d;4eL@

Video management and IP ?ideo 1ur?eillance 1(1tem 1o&t@are

Genetec KQubecL 333@genetec@co4 /enetec est l8un des 2lus grands d.elo22eurs de logiciel de .idosur.eillance ,*@ ,l d.elo22e !4nicastb, une solution de .idosur.eillance sur ,*@ 'e logiciel int6gre les technologies d8anal5se .ido de 2artenaires@ 'elles$ci 2er4ettent la dtection et l8identi"ication d8obNets et d8indi.idus, ainsi 7ue la reconnaissance de co42orte4ents inhabituels@ Ta solution Auto(u 2er4et la reconnaissance auto4atise de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation dans des a22lications "i:es et 4obiles@ Ai4etis d.elo22e un logiciel de gestion .ido su22ortant les ca4ras analogi7ues et nu4ri7ues intgrant des librairies de "onctions d8anal5ti7ue .ido 2our des a22lications s2ci"i7ues@ T8entre2rise d.elo22e nota44ent des algorith4es 2ro2ritaires de dtection et de sui.i d8obNets K.oituresA2ersonnesL "onctionnant sous des conditions changeantes d8illu4ination et de 4to, de co42tage de 2ersonnes, de dtection et classi"ication d8.ne4ents tels 7ue les intrusions, les stationne4ents interdits et les "raudes au guichet auto4ati7ue@ Ses 4archs 2rinci2au: touchent au: a22lications de sur.eillance e:trieure et au co44erce de dtail@ ,42ath o""re i$(olution, une ga44e de 2roduits de .idosur.eillance sur rseau ,*, ainsi 7ue 1ele(ue, un logiciel de gestion d8a22lication 2er4ettant de con"igurer et contr;ler l87ui2e4ent .ido en rseau@ March -et3orks co44ercialise la ga44e de 2roduits (ideoS2here 2our la .idosureillance ,* sur des rseau: "ilaires ou sans "il@ T8entre2rise o""re des ca4ras ,*, des enregistreurs nu4ri7ues, des encodeurs et un logiciel de gestion .ido@ 'e dernier inclut des "onctionnalits d8anal5ti7ue 2our la sur.eillance au: 2oints de .ente@ Son 2rinci2al co42titeur est (erint@ AMA/ 1echnolog5 d.elo22e un s5st64e de gestion de la scurit 2our l8industrie et les gou.erne4ents@ 'elui$ci co42rend '(mmetr( Video. une 2late"or4e ou.erte de gestion .ido 2our les ser.eurs .ido, les enregistreurs .ido nu4ri7ues et les ca4ras ,*@ Ta "a4ille de 2roduits ,ntelle:c o""re des solutions de sur.eillance .ido intgrant s5st64es analogi7ues et ,*@ T8entre2rise est l8un des 2lus gros .endeurs d8enregistreurs nu4ri7ues au 4onde@ 9lle a ac7uis, en 00>, ,, co42agnie s2cialise en anal5ti7ue .ido@ A.entura 1echnologies d.elo22e un logiciel de gestion .ido 7ui 2oss6de les "onctionnalits standards de na.igation dans la .ido@ 'elle$ci inclut des "onctions d8anal5ti7ues .ido, telles 7ue la dtection de 2ersonnes base sur la couleur et la te:ture de la 2eau, la dtection et le sui.i d8obNet et la reconnaissance d8acti.its@ 'es dtections ncessitent un 2ara4trage cheS le client@ imeti1 K!ntarioL 333@ai4etis@co4 Impath Net@or01 K-ou.elle$\cosseL 333@i42athnet3orks@co4 March Net@or01 K!ntarioL 333@4archnet3orks@co4 M G Technolog( K&o5au4e$IniL 333@a4ag@co4 merican %(namic1 K\tats$Inis, une enter2rise de 15coL 333@a4ericand5na4ics@net ?entura Technologie1 K\tats$InisL 333@a.enturatechnologies@co4 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >3

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Video management and IP ?ideo 1ur?eillance 1(1tem 1o&t@are

"Iac/ K\tats$InisL 333@e:ac7@co4 I2M K\tats$InisL 333@ib4@co4 IndigoVi1ion K&o5au4e$IniL 333@indigo.ision@co4 9:ac7 1echnologies ,nc@ d.elo22e un s5st64e de gestion .ideo V architecture ou.erte dont la 7ualit est reconnue@ ,BM o""re des solutions intgres de .idosur.eillance et de scurit@ T8entre2rise 46ne aussi des de recherche dans le do4aine de l8anal5ti7ue .ido@ 9lle co44ercialise un s5st64e de .idosur.eillance intelligente bas sur une architecture ou.erte@ ,ndigo(ision o""re une solution de .idosur.eillance ,* de bout en bout@ Sa ligne de 2roduit co42rend des ca4ras ,*, des encodeurs, des enregistreurs sur rseau et un logiciel de gestion .ido@ T8entre2rise d.elo22e son 2ro2re '!%9'@ Ses 2roduits ne su22ortent 2as les ca4ras de co42titeurs@ ,ndigo(ision a obtenu un contrat de 2lusieurs 4illions de dollars de l8Agence des ser.ices "rontaliers du 'anada, 2our d2lo5er des ca4ras ,* au: 2ostes "rontaliers entre le 'anada et les \tats$Inis Milestone d.elo22e la 2late"or4e de gestion de .idosur.eillance ,* ou.erte Milestone +*rotect 1M@ T8inter"ace 2er4et d8intgrer 2lusieurs 4odules d8anal5ti7ue .ido@ 'ette entre2rise se s2cialise dans le logiciel et ne .end 2as de co42osantes 4atrielles@ Son logiciel su22orte un grand no4bre de ca4ras et s5st64es de scurit sur le 4arch@ Mosaic %5na4ic Solutions o""re 2lusieurs 2roduits 2our la sur.eillance et le sui.i des acti"s d8une organisation@ T8entre2rise co44ercialise des solutions d8anal5ti7ue .ido 2er4ettant la dtection d8obNet, la reconnaissance de co42orte4ents sus2ects, la reconnaissance de .isages et de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation@ -ice "ournit des solutions co42l6tes de scurit, nota44ent des 2roduits de .idosur.eillance@ -ice ,n"or4 ca2ture et s5nchronise des donnes 4ulti4dia 2our la sur.eillance K.oi:, .ido, te:te, etc@L 2our les "ins d8en7u_tes@ !nSS, d.elo22e !cularis, un logiciel de gestion .ido ,* 7ui co42rend une inter"ace tr6s so2histi7ue o""rant 2lusieurs outils de na.igation et de .isualisation V l8usager@ (ideo ,nsight d.elo22e une suite tendue de 4odules logiciels 2our la gestion de la .idosur.eillance@ 3(& co44ercialise un logiciel de gestion .ido 2our la sur.eillance 2er4ettant des recherches a.ances grZce V des outils intgrs d8anal5ti7ue .ido Kreconnaissance de .isages, reconnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation, dtection de 4ou.e4entL@ Mile1tone K%ane4arkL 333@4ilestones5s@co4 Mo1aic %(namic 'olution1 K\tats$ InisL 333@4osaicd5ns@co4 Nice '(1tem1 K,sraXlL 333@nice@co4 On''I. On!Net 'ur?eillance '(1tem1 Inc9 K\tats$InisL 333@onssi@co4 Video In1ight K\tats$InisL 333@.ideo$insight@co4 <VR K\tats$InisL 333@3.r@co4 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >)

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort


ImmerVi1ion KQubecL 333@i44er.ision@co4 ,44er.ision co44ercialise la technologie bre.ete *ano4or2he, 7ui co42rend une lentille grand angle acco42agne d8algorith4es de gestion de la distorsion@ 'ette lentille o""re un cha42 de .ision de 3#0d 2ar 1>0d, dont la rsolution ne di4inue 2as en 2ri2hrie@ 9lle s8ada2te sur une ca4ra ordinaire, ce 7ui constitue un net a.antage co44ercial sur son 2rinci2al concurrent, /rande5e@ Ta lentille *ano4or2he utilise 33 M 2lus de 2i:els 7ue la technologie &i1he(e9 1outes les .ues *1[ sont recres nu4ri7ue4ent@ T8entre2rise o""re aussi une librairie logicielle gratuite 2er4ettant de grer l8a""ichage des i4ages .ido et la na.igation dans celles$ci@ 'ette librairie 2eut _tre intgre au: enregistreurs nu4ri7ues et rseau@ Bien 7u8elle o""re des ca4ras ,*, des encodeurs et des logiciels de gestion .ido, A.igilon se s2cialise dans les ca4ras 4ga2i:el KNus7u8V 1# 4ga2i:elsL et l8o2ti4isation de la .idosur.eillance en haute d"inition@ 'es 2roduits sont 2articuli6re4ent bien ada2ts 2our les en.ironne4ents e:trieurs@ 'ette entre2rise su22orte 2eu de s5st64es de tiers@ Tu4enera co44ercialise une ga44e de ca4ras 4ga2i:el KNus7u8V 11 4ga2i:elsL, sensibles V de "aibles clairages@ Su22orte l8anal5ti7ue .ido 2our leur srie li et est 2artenaire de !bNect(ideo@ A'1i o""re une ga44e co42l6te de ca4eras ,* de bonne 7ualit V bas 2ri:, ainsi 7ue des logiciels d8enregistre4ent sur rseau@ Tes ca4ras d8A'1i sont su22ortes 2ar 2lusieurs 4anu"acturiers d8enregistreurs nu4ri7ues@ Tes ca4ras de l8entre2rise constituent sou.ent une alternati.e 4oins coeteuse 2ar ra22ort au: ca4ras d8A:is@ Arecont (ision o""re une ligne co42l6te de ca4ras 4ga2i:el KNus7u8V > 4ga2i:elsL, V des 2ri: in"rieurs V ses 2rinci2au: concurrents, ,Q,n.ision et Tu4enera@ 9n 00>, l8entre2rise a co44enc V su22orter la co42ression H@ #), ce 7ui 2ourrait a.oir un i42act 4aNeur sur l8industrie@ /rand95e co44ercialise des ca4ras 2anora4i7ues, en .ersions analogi7ues ou ,*@ Ta .ersion ,* o""re cin7 4ga2i:els de rsolution@ Ses 2rinci2au: concurrents sont Moboti: et ,44er(ision@ ,*,+ a d.elo22 l8un des 2re4iers s5st64es 2er4ettant de 2roduire des i4ages 3#0d 2ar 3#0d K"ish e(eG dans les7uelles on 2eut na.iguer@ 9n scurit, /rande5e co44ercialise la technologie d8,*,+ sous une 4ar7ue conNointe@ ,Qin(ision co44ercialise des ca4ras 4ga2i:els et intelligentes@ T8entre2rise est i42lante dans le 4arch de la .idosur.eillance en haute d"inition de2uis 199>@ 9lle o""re des ca4ras NourAnuit, des ca4ras V d;4e rsistantes au: .andalis4e et des ca4ras ,* rsistantes au: inte42ries@ Sinks5s "ournit des ca4ras nu4ri7ues sans "il se connectant V un rseau@ Tes solutions o""ertes 2ar Tinks5s .isent les 2etites entre2rises et les rsidences@ Togitech est une 4anu"acture des 3ebca4ras de sur.eillance 2our le grand 2ublic@ ?igilon K'olo4bie$Britanni7ueL 333@a.igilon@co4 3umenera K!ntarioL 333@lu4enera@co4 CTi K1ai3anL 333@acti@co4 recont Vi1ion K\tats$InisL 333@arecont.ision@co4 Grande(e K&o5au4e$IniL htt2<AA333@grande5e@co4A IpiI Corporation K\tats$InisL 333@i2i:@co4 ILinVi1ion K\tats$InisL 333@i7e5e@co4A 3in01(1 K\tats$Inis, une entre2rise de 'iscoL 333@links5s@co4 3ogitech K\tats$InisL 333@logitech@co4 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >5

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort


MobotiI KAlle4agneL 333@4oboti:@co4 Moboti: co44ercialise des ca4ras rseau haute rsolution et des s5st64es de .idosur.eillance dcentraliss@ T8entre2rise occu2e la deu:i64e 2lace du secteur en 9uro2e et la 7uatri64e au ni.eau 4ondial@ une rsolution de 3,1 4ga2i:els, les ca4ras M!B!1,+ o""rent une i4age 30 "ois 2lus 2rcise 7ue les ca4ras analogi7ues@ 'Cest 2our7uoi elles 2er4ettent de sur.eiller des Sones 2lus .astes, une .ision V 3#0d, rduisant ainsi le no4bre de ca4ras re7uises et les coets s85 rattachant@ 'ette entre2rise 2roduit la ca4ra %=, une ca4ra de se2t 4ga2i:els 2our la sur.eillance, "ournissant un cha42 de .ision de 1>0d sans aucune distorsion de l8i4age@ 1heia 2roduit des lentilles grand angle 2our les ca4ras 4ga2i:els, 2er4ettant de cou.rir une tr6s large Sone de sur.eillance@ (i.otek o""re une .aste ga44e de ca4eras ,* cono4i7ues@ ,l est le 2lus grand "ournisseur dans le seg4ent de 4arch bas de ga44e 2our les conso44ateurs et les 2etites entre2rises@ 'callop Imaging K\tats$InisL 333@scallo2i4aging@co4 Theia K\tats$InisL htt2<AA333@theiatech@co4A Vi?ote0 K1ai3anL 333@.i.otek@co4


R1eauI "agle KQubecL 333@reseau:eagle@co4 #iretide K\tats$InisL 333@"iretide@co4 'triI '(1tem1 K\tats$InisL 333@stri:s5ste4s@co4 Tropo1 Net@or01 K\tats$InisL 333@tro2os@co4 'ette entre2rise se s2cialise dans le d2loie4ent, la gestion et la scurit de rseau: sans "il, nota44ent 2our la .idosur.eillance@ 9lle est s2cialiste des rseau: de t52e >0 @11@ Firetide "ournit des 2roduits 2our l8in"rastructure et l8acc6s dans les rseau: V trans4ission sans "il@ 9lle o""re des solutions s2cialise 2our la .idosur.eillance, 4ais aussi 2our la tl2honie et les donnes@ Tes 2roduits de Firetide ont t i42lants V *hoeni: 2our la sur.eillance du Su2er Bo3l 00>@ Stri: S5ste4s est un "ournisseur d87ui2e4ents 2our les rseau: sans$"il@ Ses solutions 2er4ettent de d2lo5er un rseau distribu de .idosur.eillance ,*, dont les co42osantes Kca4ras, ser.eurs .ido, archi.age, logiciels et s5st64es de .isionne4entL 2eu.ent _tre gogra2hi7ue4ent distribues@ 1ro2os -et3orks est un che" de "ile dans les rseau: sans "il V large bande 2er4ettant au: clients de d2lo5er une in"rastructure ,*, nota44ent 2our la .idosur.eillance@

Other ?ideo 1ur?eillance companie1

Video7a?e Net@or01 KQubecL 333@.ideo3a.e@ca (ideoWa.e -et3orks ,nc@ est une "ir4e canadienne base V Saint$Taurent, s2cialise dans la conce2tion de s5st64es intelligents de .ido sur.eillance .isant V o2ti4iser la scurit des 2articuliers, des entre2rises et agences gou.erne4entales@ TC7ui2e de conce2teurs de (ideoWa.e a con?u le 2roduit (S1$!ne1rack, un s5st64e de tracking ca4ra *1[, 2our le7uel (ideoWa.e sCest 4rit le 2ri: !ctas 00# dans la catgorie ,nno.ation technologi7ue@ !utre ses 2roduits 2ro2ritaires, (ideoWa.e 2ro2ose une ga44e co42l6te dCenregistreurs nu4ri7ues, ca4ras et ser.eurs .ido@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >#

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Other ?ideo 1ur?eillance companie1

Vi1io!'o&t KQubecL 333@.isio$so"t@co4 d?ancedIO K'olo4bie$Britanni7ueL 333@ad.ancedio@co4 "Itreme CCTV K'olo4bie$Britanni7ueL 333@9:tre4e''1(@co4 Micro Video K!ntarioL 333@4icro.ideo@ca Pleora Technologie1 K!ntarioL 333@2leora@co4 Vi1ual %e&ence K!ntario, bureau V MontralL 333@.isualde"ence@co4 %I!2urte0 K\tats$Inis, 2oint de .ente au QubecL 333@adi$burtek@co4 %T K\tats$Inis, bureau: au 'anada, entre2rise de 15coL 333@adt@co4 T"M" KFrance, bureau au QubecL 333@ate4e@co4 IC4 Vi1ion '(1tem1 K\tats$InisL 333@.isions5ste4s@ic:t@co4 (isio$so"t o""re des s5st64es de sur.eillance intgrs, enti6re4ent nu4ri7ues, sur les 2rotocoles de co44unications rseau: 1'*A,*@ T8entre2rise dtient son 2ro2re codec, a22el W1@ 9lle o""re aussi des solutions 2our la .idosur.eillance 2ar cellulaire ncessitant une trans4ission V bas dbit@ Ad.anced,! .end des 2roduits de 9thernet gigabit ada2t 2our le trans"ert ,*, nota44ent de .ido, dans les s5st64es in"or4ati7ues V haute 2er"or4ance@ Manu"acturier de s5st64es de .ision nocturne acti.e, V 2artir d8illu4ination in"rarouge, 9:tre4e ''1( .end ses 2roduits 2our la sur.eillance d8installations criti7ues, la %"ense, la scurit intrieure, les trans2orts et les sites 2atri4oniau:@ Micro (ideo co44ercialise des ca4ras 4iniatures de .idosur.eillance@ *leora 1echnologies "ournit des solutions de 9thernet gigabit 2our la .idosur.eillance, la di""usion .ido et la .isioni7ue@ 'ette enter2rise int6gre et installe de l87ui2e4ent de .idosur.eillance, tels 7ue ca4ras, enregistreurs nu4ri7ues et logiciels d8anal5ti7ue .ido@ A%,$Burtek est un distributeur de 2roduits lectroni7ues, nota44ent de .idosur.eillance@ \tabli V tra.ers le 4onde, A%1 est l8un des 2lus grands intgrateurs de s5st64es de scurit@ A%1 int6gre et co44ercialise les 2roduits de .idosur.eillance de 'isco@ A19M9 est un 4anu"acturier d8encodeurs et d8enregistreurs .ido 2our la sur.eillance@ ,l "ournit des solutions de co42ression, nota44ent selon les standards M*9/$) et H@ #)@ ,': (ision S5ste4s Kancienne4ent *ure1ech S5ste4s, ,nc@, di.ision de ,'+ 1echnologiesL d.elo22e *ureActi.b, un s5st64e 2our la sur.eillance auto4atise sur des sites e:trieurs@ 'e s5st64e 2er4et de dtecter et les obNets, dtecter les intrusions, contr;ler des ca4ras, 2our gnrer des alar4es et trans4ettre les s7uences 2rsentant une sus2ecte@ ,ntransa .end des solutions de stockage en gra22e Kcluster 1torageG o""rant des centaines de traoctets d8es2ace d8archi.age 2our les s5st64es de gestion .ido ,*@ 'oncurrent direct de *i.ot3 ou de "ournisseurs de solutions de stockage, tels 7ue 9M' et %ell@ *i.ot3 .end des solutions de stockage en gra22e Kcluster 1torageG o""rant des centaines de traoctets d8es2ace d8archi.age 2our les s5st64es de gestion .ido ,*@ 'oncurrent direct de ,ntransa ou de "ournisseurs de solutions de stockage, tels 7ue 9M' et %ell@ Intran1a K\tats$InisL 333@intransa@co4 Pi?ot< K\tats$InisL 333@2i.ot3@co4 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >=

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Other ?ideo 1ur?eillance companie1

'impleI Grinnell K\tats$Inis, bureau: au 'anadaL 333@si42le:grinnell@co4 Tri!"% K\tats$Inis, 2oint de .ente au QubecL 333@tri$ed@co4 Si42le: /rinnell .end di""rents s5st64es de scurit, dont de .idosur.eillance, en intgrant les solutions de 2artenaires@ 1ri$9% est un distributeur nord$a4ricain de 2roduits de scurit et de do4oti7ue@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >>

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

ppendiI B ; 'pecialized ?ideo anal(tic1 1o&t@are de1ign companie1

This section lists the ma'or ideo analytics soft"are de elopers% These products are quite often #uilt into the ideo management soft"are of partner companies% It includes a short list of companies speciali2ed in face recognition and license plate recognition products%
OrganiI IT KQubecL 333@organi:itt@co4

Compan( %e1cription R Product

Togiciels de .idosur.eillance S(MS 7ui inclut des "onctionnalits intelligentes@ ,nt6gre la technologie de ,SS 2our la dtection et le sui.i d8obNets, ainsi 7ue la reconnaissance de co42orte4ents@

Intelligent #unctionalitie1

%tection et sui.i d8hu4ains@ &econnaissance de co42orte4ents < bagarre, course, saut 2ar$dessus une gurite, gra""iti@ %tection d8obNets abandonns@ %tection de "raude au: 2oints de ser.ices@ Monitoring de tra"ic < accidents, obNets sur la chausse, li4ites de .itesse en"reintes, congestion, 2itons, etc@ 'o42tage de 2ersonnes et dtection d8a""luence@ &econnaissance de .isages Katteint un tau: de 2rcision de 93 ML@ &econnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation, ac7uisition V #0 k4Ah@ IntelliVie@ Technologie1 KAlbertaL 333@intelli.ie3@ca %.elo22e et co44ercialise un s5st64e co42let d8anal5ti7ue et de gestion .ido@ T8anal5se .ido est "aite dans un %(&@ %tection d8intrusion dans un 2ri46tre@ Acti.ation de *1[ 2our sui.i d8obNet@ &econnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation@ Filtrage des "ausses alar4es causes 2ar les .ariations en.ironne4entales, telles 7u8o4bres, re"lets et neige@ 'ration de so44aires .ido 2our condenser les s7uences V .isionner@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age >9

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort


gent VI K\tats$InisL 333@agent.i@co4

Compan( %e1cription R Product

*late"or4e logicielle dont l8architecture r2artit les traite4ents entre le ser.eur et les 7ui2e4ents de 2ri2hrie Kca4ras et encodeursL@ %2lo5e dans 2lus de 5 2a5s, dans les 2rinci2au: secteurs d8a22lication@ Suite de 2roduits d8anal5ti7ue < *erce2trakc Kintgr MilestoneL, 'erniu4 9dgeb, 9:itSentr5c Kdtection de d2lace4ent V contresens dans des aires contr;les, destin au: aro2ortsL et Archer"ishb Ksolution do4esti7ueL@ &econnue 2ar Frost P Sulli.ant V titre dCentre2rise nord$ a4ricaine 4ergente de l8anne 00>@ ,42lante en A4ri7ue et en 9uro2e, cette entre2rise o""re une ga44e tendue de solutions 2our la .idosur.eillance, incluant des 4odules d8anal5ti7ue@ ,nt6gre les 2roduits de tiers@

Intelligent #unctionalitie1

%tection de .oitures < stationne4ent illgal, circulation V contresens, 2assage de 2lusieurs .oitures sous une seule identi"ication KtailgatingL@ %tection d8obNets sus2ects ou abandonns@ %tection et sui.i d8indi.idus, dtection d8attrou2e4ents@ 'o42orte4ents < %tection d8intrusions, r;deurs, entre de deu: 2ersonnes en 4_4e te42s V un 2oint de contr;le@ %tection de 2ersonnes, d8obNets et de .hicules et de leur 4od6le de 4ou.e4ent@ &econnaissance de co42orte4ents@ %tection de 2ersonnes circulant V contresens@ Cernium K\tats$InisL 333@cerniu4@co4 Intelligent 'ecurit( '(1tem1 HI''G International K\tats$InisL 333@isscct.@co4 &econnaissance "aciale K2rcision de 95 M, 4eilleur s5st64e selon l8.aluation du d2arte4ent de la %"enseL@ Monitoring de tra"ic@ &econnaissance d8inscri2tions sur les conteneurs@ &econnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation Kca2ture Nus7u8V 150 k4Ah un tau: de reconnaissance entre #0 M et 95 ML@ %tection de "raudes au: 2oints de et s5st64es de guichets auto4ati7ues@ 'o42tage de 2ersonnes@ Sur.eillance des acti"s de .aleur et dtection de .ols@ %tection d8intrusion dans une Sone V acc6s contr;l@ Sui.i de sus2ects d8une ca4ra V l8autre@

Anal5se des d2lace4ents et co42orte4ents des conso44ateurs@ Monitoring de l8a""luence des clients 2our 2er4ettre d8ada2ter le Intelli?id K\tats$InisL %.elo22eur d8anal5ti7ue .ido s2cialis 2our l8industrie du co44erce de dtail@ T8entre2rise a t achete 2ar 15co, en 00>@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 90

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort


Ioimage K,sraXlL 333@ioi4age@co4

Compan( %e1cription R Product

Fonde en 000, co44ercialise des encodeurs et des ca4ras intgrant des "onctions d8anal5ti7ue .ido, ainsi 7u8un logiciel intelligent de gestion .ido centralise@

Intelligent #unctionalitie1

%tection d8intrusions < intrusions dans une aire contr;le, trip@ire. .iolation de 2ri46tre@ %tection d8obNet abandonn ou subtilis@ %tection de r;deur@ %tection de .hicule stationn@ Acti.ation de ca4ra *1[ 2our sui.i d8obNet@ %tection d8altration de ca4ras@ %tection d8obNet abandonn dans une "oule@ %tection de .ol ou de gra""itiA.andalis4e dans une "oule@ %tection d8obNet 2rsentant un contraste tr6s "aible@ /estion de "oule et de "iles d8attentes@ %tection de chutes@ 'o42tage de 2ersonnes et .hicules@ 'o42orte4ents < dtection de r;deurs, 2ersonne courant, obNet se d2la?ant V contresens@ %tection de course@ *rotection de 2ri46tres, dtection d8intrusion@ Anal5se de .itesseAdtection d8e:c6s de .itesse@ &econnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation@ Iomni1cient KAustralie, bureau V 1orontoL 333@io4niscient@co4 Fonde en 001, l8entre2rise o""re une ga44e tendue de "onctions anal5ti7ues@ 9lle d.elo22e et co44ercialise une suite logicielle d8anal5ti7ue .ido, /enius &ange, base sur un algorith4e de dtection d8absence de 4ou.e4ent@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 91

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort


Mate HI1raUlG 333@4ate@co@il K,sraXlL 333@4ateusa@net K\tats$ InisL

Compan( %e1cription R Product

Fournit une solution co42l6te d8anal5ti7ue .ido 2our des anal5ses centralises ou en 2ri2hrie, selon trois couches < 2rotection du 2ri46tre, 2rotection du site et contr;le d8acc6s@ Mate 'orte: est un s5st64e de gestion d8anal5ti7ue .ido destin V la gestion d8alar4e 2ro.enant de 2lusieurs 2ri2hri7ues d8anal5ti7ue .ido, tels 7ue < Beha.ior Watch < S5st64e a.anc d8anal5ti7ue .ido@ 1rigger < 9ncodeur .ido anal5ti7ue 2er4ettant d8e""ectuer des anal5ses .ido V 2artir de la ca4ra@ iSense < A22areil .ido de co42tage de 2ersonnes ca4ra intgre@ 'ount Watch < S5st64e de co42tage de 2ersonnes ou .hicules V 2artir de la .ido ca2te 2ar une ca4ra 2lace en hauteur@ %tection de traNectoire@

Intelligent #unctionalitie1

%tection de 4ou.e4ent@ %tection d8obNet stati7ue@ %tection de 2rsence dans des Sones d"inies@ %tection d8obNets circulant V contresens@ %tection de d2lace4ent ou retrait d8obNet@ Anal5se de la .itesse d8un obNet@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 9

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort


ObjectVideo K\tats$InisL 333@obNect.ideo@co4

Compan( %e1cription R Product

Fonde en 199>, co44ercialise deu: 2late"or4es d8anal5ti7ue .ido < !bNect(ideo !nBoard, 2our l8anal5ti7ue e4bar7ue dans des 2ri2hri7ues, et !bNect(ideo (9W, une a22lication sur ser.eur@ !""re une solution a.ance de co42tage de 2ersonnes Kne ncessite 2as de .ue de hautL@ 2lus de ==0 000 canau: d8anal5se .ido .endus dans le 4onde, !bNect(ideoc est le 2re4ier "ournisseur de logiciel .ido intelligent@ Fonde en 003, cette entre2rise co44ercialise une technologie initiale4ent d.elo22e cheS -9' Tabs@ S4ar8'atch, le 2roduit d8anal5ti7ue de (idient est nota44ent intgr dans les s5st64es d8Inis5s, -9', et &a5theon %tection d8intrusion@

Intelligent #unctionalitie1

%tection, classi"ication et sui.i d8obNets@ %tection de co42orte4ents sus2ects, tels 7u8une 2ersonne r;dant@ %tection d8obNet abandonn ou subtilis@ 'o42tage de 2ersonnes ou de .hicules a22licable, 2ar e:e42le, V la gestion de "ile d8attente ou le 4onitoring de tra"ic@ Acti.ation de "onctions *1[ 2our le sui.i d8obNet suite V une alar4e@ Fonctionnalits de recherche V base de r6gles@ Vidient K\tats$InisL 333@.idient@co4 %tection d8intrusions < 2ersonne ou .hicule dans une Sone interdite, .iolation d8un 2ri46tre de scurit, 2lusieurs 2ersonnes ou .hicules entrant la 4_4e carte d8acc6s, intrusion 2ar une sortie, 2ersonne 2assant au$dessus ou au$ dessous d8une gurite@ %tections de 4enaces < r;deurs, .oiture stationne 2r6s d8in"rastructures sensibles, obNets abandonnsAsubtiliss, "or4ation d8attrou2e4ents, 2ersonnes en surno4bre@ Sui.i 2ar ca4ra *1[ acti. sur alar4e@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 93

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

Face Rec.0niti.n

nimetric1 K\tats$InisL 333@ani4etrics@co4 Cognitec '(1tem1 Gmb: KAlle4agneL 333@cognitec$s5ste4s@de GeometriI K\tats$InisL 333@geo4etri:@co4 3!8 Identit( 'olution1 K\tats$InisL 333@l1id@co4


Ani4etrics d.elo22e des algorith4s 2er4ettant de recrer un 4od6le 3% V 2artir de deu: 2hotos d8un .isage@ 'ette technologie est co44ercialise en di""rents 2roduits, dont Ani4etric90 2er4ettant la reconnaissance "aciale robuste V des rotations de RA$ )5d@ 'ognitec co44ercialise Face(A'S&, un logiciel de reconnaissance "aciale@ T8entre2rise d.elo22e sa technologie de2uis 1995@ /eo4etri: d.elo22e des 2roduits d8identi"ication bio4tri7ue co4binant reconnaissance 3% et % du .isage et des e42reintes digitales@ Sa technologie de reconnaissance "aciale co4bine deu: ca4ras ou 2lus 2our bZtir une "or4e 3% 2ar triangulation@ T$1 ,dentit5 Solutions o""re des solutions 4atrielles et logicielles, ainsi 7ue des ser.ices, 2our les a22lications d8identi"ication d8indi.idu et de contr;le d8acc6s@ T8entre2rise co44ercialise nota44ent une 2late"or4e bio4tri7ue 4ulti$4odale, incluant de la reconnaissance "aciale@ -ote< !ther "ace recognition so"t3are designers can be "ound at<

License Plate Rec.0niti.n


Genetec KQubecL 333@genetec@co4 dapti?e Recognition :ungar( KHongrieL 333@an2r@net Cit('(nc K&o5au4e$IniL 333@cit5s5nc@co@uk :i!Tech 'olution1 K,sraXlL 333@:@htsol@co4 IN"4RQ MIR K,sraXlL 333@ine:Sa4ir@co4 3PR"ditor KFranceL 333@l2reditor@co4

3icen1e Plate Recognition Product

Auto(u < htt2<AA333@genetec@co4AFrancaisA*roductsA*agesAlicense$2late$recognition@as2: 'A&M9-c %.elo22e un logiciel de reconnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation et 4anu"acture des 2roduits 4atriels relis@ Tigne de 2roduits See'ar < 333@htsol@co4A*roductsASee'ar@ht4l !""re 2lusieurs 2roduits 4atriels et logiciels 2our di""rentes a22lications de reconnaissance de 2la7ues@ 'o44ercialise des s5st64es 4obiles et "i:es 2our la reconnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation@ March 009 *age 9) '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5

Ta .idosur.eillance intelligente < 2ro4esses et d"is &a22ort de .eille technologi7ue et co44erciale


Mile1tone K%ane4arkL 333@4ilestones5s@co4 Opta1ia KSinga2oureL 333@singa2oregate3a5@co4Ao2tasiaAi42s@ht4l Pip1 Technolog( K&o5au4e$IniL 333@2i2stechnolog5@co4

3icen1e Plate Recognition Product

+*rotect Anal5tics $ Ticense *late &ecognition < htt2<AA333@4ilestones5s@co4A2roductsA.alueBaddB2roductsA.ideoBanal5ticsAlicense$2late$recognition ,M*S 1M < 333@singa2oregate3a5@co4Ao2tasiaAi42s@ht4l 'o44ercialise une ga44e co42l6te de 2roduits Kca4ras, logiciels, accessoiresL 2our la reconnaissance de 2la7ues d8i44atriculation@ '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit 1ous droits rser.s 009 '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit Mars 009 *age 95

,ntelligent (ideo Sur.eillance< *ro4ises and 'hallenges 1echnological and 'o44ercial ,ntelligence &e2ort

PP"N%I4 C ; Video 'ur?eillance!related Re1ource1

Video 'ur?eillance

IP Video Mar0et i2.ideo4arket@in"o Video 'ur?eillance 333@.ideosur.eillance@co4 Video anal(tic1 333@.ideoanal5tics@org Site ,nternet rasse4blant de l8in"or4ation gratuite sur l8industrie et la technologie de la .idosur.eillance ,*@ Site Web ddi V la .idosur.eillance@ *rsente des nou.elles, des ditoriau:, des blogues, des re.ues et anal5ses sur les 2roduits de cette industrie@ Se 2ositionne co44e une ressource ,nternet neutre sur la technologie d8anal5ti7ue .ido et sur les "ournisseurs de celle$ ci@


cce11 Control and 'ecurit( '(1tem1 333@securit5solutions@co4 'I' International 333@asisonline@org Canadian 11ociation o& %e&ence and 'ecurit( Indu1trie1 HC %'IG 333@de"enceandsecurit5@ca C'O 333@csoonline@co4 :' %ail( 7ire 333@hsdail53ire@co4 I'C<DC9com 333@isc3#5@co4 '%M 333@sub4ag@co4 *ublication destine au: entre2rises et 2ro"essionnels dans le do4aine de la scurit, 2rsentant les 7ui2e4ents de scurit et leurs di""rentes a22lications@ &asse4blant 2lus de 3# 000 4e4bres V tra.ers le 4onde, il s8agit de la 2lus grande association en scurit@ 9lle o""re 2lusieurs ser.ices V ses 4e4bres, tels 7ue la "or4ation, la 2ublication d8un 4agaSine et des ser.ices de re2rsentation au2r6s des entre2rises, du gou.erne4ent et des 4dias@ Association sans but lucrati" 7ui re2rsente les entre2rises canadiennes oeu.rant dans le do4aine de la d"ense et la scurit@ *ublie des nou.elles, des anal5ses et des recherches sur un .aste .entail de suNets < scurit de l8in"or4ation , scurit 2h5si7ue, contr;le d8acc6s et beaucou2 2lus@ Site Web de nou.elles sur le 4arch de la scurit intrieure, ainsi 7ue les tendances technologi7ues s85 rattachant@ (isant V ra22rocher et in"or4er les 2ro"essionnels de la scurit, ce site 2rsente des nou.elles 7uotidiennes, des "or4ations, un r2ertoire de 2roduits et des o22ortunits de 4aillage@ MagaSine cou.rant le 4arch des .endeurs, intgrateurs, distributeurs et installateurs de 2roduits de scurit@ '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 All rights reser.ed 009 '&,M and 1echno2;le %e"ence and Securit5 March 009 *age 9#

Ta .idosur.eillance intelligente < 2ro4esses et d"is &a22ort de .eille technologi7ue et co44erciale

'ecurit( HcontMdG

'ecurit( Indu1tr( 11ociation H'I G 333@siaonline@org 'ecurit( Indu1tr( 2u(erV1 Guide 333@sibgonline@co4 'ecurit( In&o 7atch 333@securit5in"o3atch@co4 'ource'ecurit(9com 333@sourcesecurit5@co4 Association a4ricaine 2our les entre2rises en scurit logi7ue et 2h5si7ue@ 9lle d"end les intr_ts de ses 4e4bres au2r6s du gou.erne4ent a4ricain, 2ublie des tudes de 4arch, cre des standards "a.orisant l8intgration, dis2ense de la "or4ation et co44andite des "oires co44erciales@ *ubli 2ar AS,S ,nternational, ce guide recense les 2roduits et les ser.ices de l8industrie de la scurit@ ,l co42rend 2lus de 3 000 4anu"acturiers et "ournisseurs de 2roduits et ser.ices dans ce do4aine@ Site ,nternet 2rsentant des nou.elles sur l8industrie et le 4arch de la scurit@ /uide en ligne 2our le secteur de la scurit@ '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit 1ous droits rser.s 009 '&,M et 1echno2;le %"ense et Scurit Mars 009 *age 9=

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