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Regional Director
The Regional Director position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves providing leadership and oversight to a fully developed cultural resources team working at all CCRG locations across the country. The Regional Director is responsible for providing vision and leadership for the continued growth of the company. The Regional Director manages the development and maintenance of new clients and client-company relationships. The Regional Director provides property and project management to various projects, and provides staff guidance in professional development and training. The Regional Director successfully executes the following tasks: Directs a cultural resource team in the production of quality reports. Manages multiple projects at one time. Manages personnel. Oversees the marketing of the company. Oversees Health and Safety. Oversees budgeting. Builds client development and manages client relationships. Guides staff members regarding professional development and training.

Quality Assurance Manager

The Quality Assurance Manager position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group Inc. involves a variety of tasks that assure the consistent quality of processes throughout the company. The employee in this position is responsible for bringing any issues in the quality of work to the attention of the senior staff. The Quality Assurance Manager successfully executes the following tasks: Develops company Quality Assurance policies and procedures to be followed by the staff. Monitors all work leading up to a final report to insure the quality of work. Documents the companys quality standards based on nationally recognized levels. Sees that all staff members work towards continuous improvement in all aspects of work. Reviews reports and documents to ensure compliance with state/local and federal/agency standards, guidelines, and regulations. Evaluates documents to ensure that no copyright is infringed. Edits reports and other documents for grammar and correctness. Formats reports and other documents. Reviews staff resumes to ensure accuracy and consistency. Reviews marketing materials to ensure accuracy and consistency. Assists with proposal submissions. Packages and ships documents/reports.

Compliance Review Specialist

The Compliance Review Specialist position at Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of responsibilities regarding compliance review and meeting regulations company-wide. The employee in this position oversees the abidance of state and federal regulations and laws in all aspects of cultural resource management. The Compliance Review Specialist successfully executes the following tasks: Remains current on various laws and regulations pertaining to CRM and its processes. Reviews proposed projects and recommendations to determine potential impact on company operations. Ensures that all employees are in compliance with protocol and regulations on a state and federal level. Provides expertise to staff on following protocol in various situations.

Principal Investigator
The Principal Investigator position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves extensive report writing responsibilities and a wide variety of office duties. The Principal Investigator may work part-time in the field depending on the project, and manages in-house support staff, sub-consultants, and temporary field employees including multiple field teams. The Principal Investigator displays extensive knowledge of computers, GPS equipment, and GIS technologies. Duties include conducting in-depth artifact analyses and writing key sections of reports such as methods, results, and analyses. The Principal Investigator performs spot checks on all aspects of a project to ensure correct methods are being used. The Principal Investigator researches projects on specific terms, helps hire and supervise field crews for survey or excavation, supervises lab analyses, and creates technical reports for clients. This position also assists the Project Manager in creating budgets and proposals on a project-specific basis. The Principal Investigator successfully executes the following tasks: Conducts project research using documents, maps, aerial photos, and more. Prepares archaeological assessment reports. Includes interpretation of data, analysis and development of recommendations, mapping, and inclusion of digital imagery with assistance of the GIS Coordinator. Assures technical adequacy of the fieldwork, reporting, and analyses. Coordinates projects and fieldwork with the Project Manager and other staff members. Creates budgets and supervising projects to ensure the budget is being followed. Leads discussions with state and federal compliance officers. Monitors field and lab procedures and analyses. Modifies research designs and procedures to ensure that projects are completed within budget and on time. Presents project results and recommendations at conferences or in appropriate journals.

Project Manager
The Project Manager position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of responsibilities essential to the success of the company. Since the Project Manager acts as the main point of contact with the client, it is essential that they positively represent the company in all aspects. The Project Manager holds ultimate responsibility for the technical quality of project products and adhering to the project schedule. The employee in this position takes the lead in professional activities or meetings in the office and mentors both the Principal Investigator and the Project Archaeologist. The Project Manager successfully executes the following tasks: Acts as the main point of contact with client. Develops in-depth knowledge of client objectives, contract terms, and corporate policies. Addresses problems on projects. Oversees project performance to ensure project goals and objectives are met. Works with the Principal Investigator to provide guidance for the client. Works with the Principal Investigator to address personnel issues that may warrant disciplinary action. Conducts technical reviews of all reports. Writes most project proposals. Addresses schedule conflicts between staff members or resources.

Project Archaeologist
The Project Archaeologist position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks relating to both administrative and fieldwork based tasks. The Project Archaeologist is generally in the field full-time. The employee in this position works closely with the Principal Investigator to oversee the duties conducted in the field. The Project Archaeologist successfully executes the following tasks: Carries out archaeological research required for assessments (addressing environmental, historical, and archaeological data). Leads and supervises field crew in a wide variety of environments. Monitors quality of fieldwork. Alerts Project Manager of possible technical, scheduling, or budget issues. Records prehistoric and historic sites through survey. Excavates historic and prehistoric sites with a field crew. Provides direction and mentoring to archaeological staff. Reviews all paperwork/notes from survey. Occasionally serves as Safety Officer on specific projects.

The Project Archaeologist carries out management of both small and large projects, both individually and as part of a team. The employee in this position positively interacts with a variety of clients, governmental agencies, and crewmembers to meet deadlines and confidently represent the company.

Senior Architectural Historian

The Senior Architectural Historian position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves leading a team of architectural historians throughout all offices. The Senior Architectural Historian will use a strong working knowledge of architectural terms, photography, and American architectural history to create professional reports with the cultural resources team. The employee in this position uses communication to work well in a team environment and to supervise and mentor junior-level staff. The Senior Architectural Historian successfully executes the following tasks at a senior staff level: Identifies and documents architectural structures through survey. Defines areas of significance and develops contexts. Gathers oral histories and carries out interviews with property owners and project stakeholders. Completes HABS/HAER documentation. Writes reports for review by federal and state agencies. Uses photography to record sites. Conducts field surveys and architectural research. Reviews reports and may serve as a task manager in area of specialty.

Architectural Historian
The Architectural Historian position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves working as part of a team of historians to use a strong working knowledge of architectural terms, photography, and American architectural history to create professional reports with the cultural resources team. The Architectural Historian successfully executes the following tasks: Identifies and documents architectural structures through survey. Gathers oral histories and carries out interviews with property owners and project stakeholders. Completes HABS/HAER documentation. Writes reports for review by federal and state agencies. Uses photography to record sites. Conducts field surveys and architectural research. Prepares reports and state site forms for resources.

Director of Historic Preservation Planning

The Director of Historic Preservation Planning position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of responsibilities based on the oversight and compliance of the statewide historic preservation planning component of State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The employee in this position provides efficient knowledge of historical information and SHPO regulations to assist in the mitigation and development in certain areas. The Director of Historic Preservation Planning successfully executes the following tasks: Coordinates with property owners and interested citizens to inform of and to allow future and current projects. Identifies and protects landmarks, structures, and artifacts during survey and excavation. Makes recommendations on planning sections of reports. Ensures that mitigation and preparedness responsibilities are carried out in a consistent manner with all federal environmental and historic preservation policies and laws. Works to preserve historic, cultural, and natural aspects of any national heritage with the company during field surveys, excavations, and reports.

Senior Analyst
The Senior Analyst position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks relating to analyzing, understanding, and documenting archeological artifacts. The employee in this position uses a deep understanding of the different classification schemes used in archaeology to identify and classify artifacts. The Senior Analyst successfully executes the following tasks: Identifies and classifies post-contact historic period artifacts. Effectively communicates the intricacies and diagnostic attributes used in classification schemes. Uses writing to effectively classify and analyze artifacts. Uses museum systematics in the processing of archaeological artifacts.

Laboratory Director
The Laboratory Director position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks based on the processing and maintenance of the provenience of archaeological artifacts. The employee in this position oversees the appropriate personnel while in the lab. The Laboratory Director ensures that proper handling occurs, any necessary forms are completed, and information is communicated correctly. The Laboratory Director successfully executes the following tasks: Maintains tracking forms for artifact processing. Assists with the completion of archaeological and architectural site forms. Understands the materials and methods used for handling artifacts. Uses correct standards for the transportation, removal, and tracking of all artifacts. Oversees the correct completion of site forms and artifact descriptions.

Logistic Coordinator
The Logistic Coordinator position at Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks and responsibilities concerning the holistic success and everyday function of the company. The Logistic Coordinator successfully executes the following tasks: Arranges deliveries and supply orders for fieldwork and various projects. Arranges travel details for field crew such as lodgings, transportation, and per diem. Researches ways to save resources during extensive projects.

Office Manager
The Office Manager position at Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of responsibilities and duties that include overseeing staff members, coordinating office meetings, and assisting the senior staff with various needs. The Office Manager is directly responsible for the needs and oversight of the office staff. The employee in this position attends all staff and project coordination meetings, and assigns personnel to specific project requirements as necessary. The Office Manager coordinates and oversees the daily operations of the office and staff. The Office Manager successfully executes the following tasks: Coordinates with accountant on project requirements and office needs. Oversees archiving, project lists, phone directories, and marketing. Oversees correspondence and preparation for owners and senior staff. Coordinates on and off-site project meetings. Manages service contacts such as internet service, IT maintenance, and building utilities. Completes non-GIS graphics as needed. Oversees updates of licenses, warranties, and permits. Maintains office supplies and equipment.

The Accountant position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks based on maintaining the companys financial records, billing clients, preparing payroll, and preparing budgets. The Accountant manages the weekly financial operations of the office. The Accountant successfully executes the following tasks: Answers the office telephone. Maintains and archives financial files and receipts as needed. Generates pay rate schedules as needed. Keeps up-to-date invoices for clients. Posts all incoming bills and maintains the checkbook register. Contacts clients about billings and other information. Reviews and approves weekly timesheets and posts to QuickBooks. Produces paychecks and delivers to employees. Maintains records of employee benefits and files. Submits county tax information each year. Collects new hire information and forms.

GIS Coordinator
The GIS Coordinator position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks based on the aspect of geospatial data for use in archaeological and architectural/historic resource survey. The employee in this position is responsible for using project designs received from the client to evaluate the potential for known and newly identifiable resources within a project area. The GIS Coordinator generates the maps for field survey and is responsible for management of GIS data collected from a variety of field data collection tools, such as Trimble handheld GPS units and paper map markups. The GIS Coordinator successfully executes the following tasks: Merges data from diverse sources to produce final calculations of survey coverage. Illustrates resources found/revisited and generates report-quality figures. Provides supporting information and environmental data as requested for report writing. Incorporates design plans received from clients in various formats. Organizes data recordation equipment before and after fieldwork is completed. Adheres to industry standards and client expectations for metadata and relevant attribute information in finished datasets.

Assistant Laboratory Director

The Assistant Laboratory Director position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks based on assisting with the processing and maintenance of the provenience of archaeological artifacts. The Assistant Laboratory Director successfully executes the following tasks: Completes tracking forms for artifact processing. Assists with the completion of archaeological and architectural site forms. Understands the materials and methods used for handling artifacts.

GIS Technician
The GIS Technician position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. is a temporary field position that includes a variety of tasks based on the use of geographic information systems in cultural resource management. The employee in this position uses mapping programs to communicate how to organize and import GIS data into systems for mapping and creating reports. GIS staff is expected to provide supporting information and environmental data as requested for report writing and site description. The GIS Technician successfully executes the following tasks. Uses programs such as ArchGIS and Adobe Illustrator to create usable maps, graphics, and data for archaeological reports. Informs staff about successful data transferring between various software and uses. Organizes GIS data for various uses and inputs. Organizes data recordation equipment before and after fieldwork is completed. Understands various formats of data to be transferred, including PDF, AutoCAD export files, JPG, and verbal descriptions.

Field Archaeologist
The Field Archaeologist position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. is a temporary position based on the survey and excavation needs of the company. The employee in this position works as part of the field crew under a Project Archaeologist to perform a variety of tasks on one or multiple projects for a specified amount of time. The Field Archaeologist successfully executes the following tasks: Completes surveys to identify historic and prehistoric sites and districts. Assists in the excavation of human remains. Assists to determine and mitigate the impact of public or private projects on archaeological sites. Records data on prepared forms. Creates field maps of excavation units. Performs shovel tests and carries out pedestrian surveys. Assists in packing artifacts for transport. Prepares preliminary field lab artifact washing, cataloging, conservation, and equipment maintenance. Completes personal travel voucher forms, expense summary forms, and vehicle expense forms as assigned by the crew leader.

Underwater Archaeologist
The Underwater Archaeologist position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks ranging from historical research to mapping using open-circuit SCUBA. The Underwater Archaeologist displays an extensive understanding of cultural resource management, working as a team, and underwater archaeology. The employee in this position documents nautical shipwreck sites using remote sensing, digital photography, digital videography, and direct visual reconnaissance. The Underwater Archaeologist successfully executes the following tasks: Serves as a Diving Safety Officer (includes maintaining diving records and safety measures.) Develops Underwater Archaeological Research plans. Acquires all necessary permits and permissions for underwater research. Prepares Underwater Archaeological Research logistics such as: o Acquires boats as well as drives and maintains them during projects. o Acquires any other necessary equipment such as remote sensing or SCUBA equipment. o Trains staff in any procedures for snorkeling/diving at a project site. Supervises and conducts on-site Underwater Archaeological projects such as: o Underwater Archaeological remote sensing equipment operation (side-scan, magnetometer, subbottom, etc.) o Underwater Archaeological direct diver reconnaissance. Compiles and processes all electronic remote sensing and photographic data. Analyzes and interprets all electronic remote sensing and photographic data. Prepares data and reports for Underwater Archaeological projects.

Graphic Coordinator
The Graphic Coordinator position for Commonwealth Cultural Resources Group, Inc. involves a variety of tasks that involve GPS based processes and GIS technologies. The Graphic Coordinator provides advice and feedback to the staff on the best methods of graphic representation and quality information. The employee in this position produces report figures that clearly illustrate the points emphasized by the entire staff. The Graphic Coordinator successfully executes the following tasks: Produces quality report figures that are consistent with CCRGs template. Assists in the preparation of field mapping in advance fieldwork, with both paper and GPS-based maps. Gathers and processes GIS base layers and GPS field mapping data to create images and run analyses. Provides feedback on the quality of information, mock-ups, field images, and GPS data. Coordinates with the Regional Director to mitigate potential issues when there are multiple project demands. Maintains the necessary metadata for all GIS and GPS files. Assures that all files are securely backed up. Assists in website, article, poster, and other marketing material developments and improvements. Assists in the hiring and management of graphics assistants and staff.

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