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Lecture 4, 02a

Intro Homework due in course homework mailbox at 5 Characteristic. If F is any eld, then we have a canonical map from Z F sending 1 1, just adding 1 over and over again. You could also send 1 to 1. We can ask what the kernel is. The kernel is an idea. The ideal is the multiples of the smallest non-zero member. Since F is a eld, it has to be a prime. if you are sending ab to 0, either a is 0 or b is 0. ker() is either (0) or (p) In the rst case, we say that F has characteristic 0, in the second, characteristic p. In Ch 16, the book assume characteristic 0. Situation where we have F L with two intermediate extensions K and K . We can take K K


Straightedge Compass Construction

What can we do? We can nd the midpoint of a line segment, pq Given a line L, a point p, we can construct a line through p, L Given a line L, a point p, we can construct a line M through p, ||L Given a point q, r anywhere, p L, we want to nd the point s L such that d(p, s) = d(q, r). Draw the line through q parallel to L. Draw the circle centered at q through r. Draw r , the intersection. Construct the line parallel to qp through r . The intersection is s A number R is constructible i we can construct two points at that distance i (, 0) is constructible An angle is constructible i we can construct two lines L, M meeting at an angle of i cos is a constructible number. We can bisect any angle. Claim: The 60 angle is not trisectable. Say F R, with p, q F 2 R2 . We have the line pq , circles Cp (q ), Cq (p). We can get their equations. THe lines are linear. The circles are quadratic. If you have two lines dened by a polynomial, then the point of intersection is expressible in terms o the coecients. Similarly for circles. The point of intersection of two lines dened with coecient sin F has coordinates in F . the point of intersection between a line and a circle dened with coecients in F does not necessarily have coecients in F , but these points have coordinates in at most a quadratic extension of F . The points of intersection of two circles with coecients in F lie in a quadratic extension. If R is contructible, the there exists a chain of eld extensions Q, F1 , ..., Fn such that the degree of Fi /Fi1 = 2. Every constructible umber must be augebraic over Q and the degree over Q is a power of 2. Let = /9. 2 cos = ei ei . Cube this. We get 3 3 1 = 0. This is irreducible. Therefore is algebraic over the rationals, and its degree is 3. This is not a power of 2, so this is not constructible.

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