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Oxford Soccer League 2014 Spring Super Soccer Skills Clinic

For U5U9 Rec Division Players

This clinic series will develop and improve each players skills and creativity with the ball. Sessions will be directed by professional soccer trainers and emphasize development of fundamental skills like dribbling, passing, receiving, and shooting. Players will also work on technical refinement and exposure to the tactical side of the game through small sided games and instructional scrimmages. This Saturday clinic will run !pril "# $une %, "&'( )# sessions*no session on +emorial ,ay weekend- and is open to male and female players in the ./ )01'1&0 * %12'1'&,- .% )01'1&# * %12'1&0- and .3 )01'1&( * %12'1&#- divisions.

Due by March 28, 2014

Regis ra ions !os "ar#e$ a% er March 28 h &ill be sub'ec o s!ace availabili y an$ a (25 la e %ee

Players Name_______________________________ Birth Date ___________ Sex __________ Street___________________________ City__________________ CT ZIP____________________ Home Telephone____________________ E-mail Address ________________________________ athers Name_______________________________ B!siness " Cell Phone__________________ #others Name_______________________________ B!siness " Cell Phone__________________
Please check: Dad____ or #om____ $ill assist trainers %y o&erseein' a 'ro!p o( players d!rin' ea)h session*

Regis ra ion !ee: +,-*-"e#re Sorr$% &u regis ra ion fees are non ' refunda&le Please (ake checks pa$a&le o Oxford Soccer League )ail o: Oxford Soccer League P*O* +ox ,-, Oxford% C. 0/401 222*oxfordsoccerleague*ne
L34+3L3.5 R6L64S6 478 CO7S67. !OR )683C4L .R64.)67. 9)37OR: I. the parent"'!ardian o( the re'istrant. a minor. a'ree that the re'istrant and I $ill a%ide %y the r!les o( the /S0S and 1x(ord So))er 2ea'!e 31S24. its a((iliated or'ani5ations and sponsors* 6e)o'ni5in' the possi%ility o( physi)al in7!ry asso)iated $ith so))er and in )onsideration (or the /S0SA a))eptin' the re'istrant (or its so))er pro'rams and a)ti&ities. I here%y release. dis)har'e and"or other$ise indemni(y the /S0S. its a((iliated or'ani5ation and sponsors. their employees. and asso)iated personnel. in)l!din' the o$ners o( (ields and (a)ilities !tili5ed (or pro'rams. a'ainst any )laim %y or on %ehal( o( the re'istrant as a res!lt o( the re'istrant8s parti)ipation in the pro'rams and"or %ein' transported to or (rom the same. $hi)h transportation I here%y a!thori5e* As the parent or le'al '!ardian o( the a%o&e named player. I here%y 'i&e )onsent (or medi)al )are pres)ri%ed %y a d!ly li)ensed Do)tor o( #edi)ine or Do)tor o( Dentistry* This )are may %e 'i&en !nder $hate&er )onditions are ne)essary to preser&e the li(e. lim%. or $ell-%ein' o( my dependent* I a'ree $ith all the a%o&e in(ormation* Paren ;<uardian 3please print name49 _______________________________________________ 8a e: _____________ Signa ure: _______________________________________________________________________________________

)ues ions can be $irec e$ o *enni%er Mah"oo$, +,- Dir. o% Player Develo!"en /*enni%er0crnra$" 1

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