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Lecture One Q. 1) Discuss the importance of Human Resource Management.

People have always been central to organizations, but their strategic importance is growing in todays knowledge-based industries. An organizations success increasingly depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities (K As! o" employees, particularly as they help establish a set o" core competencies that distinguish an organization "rom its competitors. #ith appropriate $% policies and practices an organization can hire, develop and use best brains in the marketplace, realise its pro"essed goals and deliver results better than others. $uman %esource &anagement helps an organization and its people to realise their respective goals thus' i) At the enterprise level: (ood human resource practices can help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organization. Planning alerts the company to the types o" people it will need in the short, medium and long run. )t helps in training people "or challenging roles, developing right attitudes towards the *ob and the company, promoting team spirit among employees and developing loyalty and commitment through appropriate reward schemes. ii) At the individual level: +""ective management o" human resources helps employees thus' )t promotes team work and team spirit among employees. )t o""ers e,cellent growth opportunities to people who have the potential to rise. )t allows people to work with diligence and commitment. iii) At the societ level: ociety, as a whole, is the ma*or bene"iciary o" good human resource practices. +mployment opportunities multiply. carce talents are put to best use. -ompanies that pay and treat people well always race ahead o" others and deliver e,cellent results. iv) At the national level: +""ective use o" human resources helps in e,ploitation o" natural, physical and "inancial resources in a better way. People with right skills, proper attitudes and appropriate values help the nation to get ahead and compete with the best in the world leading to better standard o" living and better employment.

Q. !) "hat is Human Resource Management# "hat are its functions and o$%ectives# $uman %esource &anagement is the planning, organizing, directing . controlling o" the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance . separation o" human resources to the end that individual, organizational . societal ob*ectives are accomplished. /he "unctions o" $%& can be broadly classi"ied into two categories, viz., ()! &anagerial "unctions and ())! 0perative "unctions. ). &anagerial 1unctions' &anagerial 1unctions o" personnel management involve planning, organising, directing, and controlling. All these "unctions in"luence the operative "unctions. (i! Planning' )t is a pre-determined course o" action. Planning is determination o" personnel programmes and changes in advance that will contribute to the organizational goals. (ii! 0rganizing' An organization is a means to an end. 0rganization establishes relationships among the employees so that they can collectively contribute to the attainment o" company goals. (iii! 2irecting' /he ne,t logical "unction a"ter completing planning and organizing is the e,ecution o" the plan. /he basic "unction o" personnel management at any level is motivating, commanding, leading and activating people. /he willing and e""ective cooperation o" employees "or the attainment o" organizational goals is possible through proper direction. (iv! -ontrolling' A"ter planning, organizing and directing the various activities o" the personnel management, the per"ormance is to be veri"ied in order to know that the personnel "unctions are per"ormed in con"ormity with the plans and directions. )). 0perative 1unctions' /he operative "unctions o" personnel management are related to speci"ic activities o" personnel management, viz., employment, development, compensation and relations. All these "unctions are interacted by managerial "unctions. 3. +mployment' )t is the "irst operative "unction o" $uman %esource &anagement. +mployment is concerned with securing and employing the people possessing re4uired kind and level o" human resources necessary to achieve the organizational ob*ectives. )t covers the "unctions such as *ob analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction and internal mobility. 5. $uman %esources 2evelopment' )t is the process o" improving, moulding and changing the skills, knowledge, creative ability, aptitude, attitude, values, commitment etc., based on present and "uture *ob and organizational re4uirements. /his "unction includes Per"ormance Appraisal, /raining, &anagement 2evelopment, -areer Planning and 2evelopment and 0rganization 2evelopment.

6. -ompensation' )t is the process o" providing ade4uate, e4uitable and "air remuneration to the employees. )t includes *ob evaluation, wage and salary administration, incentives, bonus, "ringe bene"its, social security measures etc. 7. $uman %elations' Practicing various human resources policies and programmes like employment, development and compensation and interaction among employees create a sense o" relationship between the individual worker and management, among workers and /rade unions and management. /he ob*ectives o" $uman %esource &anagement may be as "ollows' 3. /o create and utilise an able and motivated work"orce, to accomplish the basic organizational goals. 5. /o establish and maintain sound organizational structure and desirable working relationships among all the members o" the organization. 6. /o secure the integration o" individual and groups within the organization by coordination o" the individual and group goals with those o" the organization. 7. /o create "acilities and opportunities "or individual or group development so as to match it with the growth o" the organization. 8. /o attain an e""ective utilization o" human resources in the achievement o" organizational goals. 9. /o identi"y and satis"y individual and group needs by providing ade4uate and e4uitable wages, incentives, employee bene"its and social security and measures "or challenging work, prestige, recognition, security, status, etc. :. /o maintain high employee morale and sound human relations by sustaining and improving the various conditions and "acilities. ;. /o strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by providing training and developmental programmes. <. /o consider and contribute to the minimisation o" socio-economic evils such as unemployment, under-employment, ine4ualities in the distribution o" income and wealth and to improve the wel"are o" the society by providing employment opportunities to women and disadvantaged sections o" the society. 3=. /o provide an opportunity "or e,pression and voice in management. 33. /o provide "air, acceptable and e""icient leadership.

35. /o provide "acilities and conditions o" work and creation o" "avourable atmosphere "or maintaining stability o" employment. &anagement has to create conductive environment and provide necessary pre-re4uisites "or the attainment o" the personnel management ob*ectives a"ter "ormulating them.

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