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Utahs Independent Voice Since 1871 Nate Carlisle reporter ncarlisle@sltrib.


March 11, 2 1!

S"san M"m#ord State $ecords Committee %!& S. $io 'rande Salt (a)e Cit*, U+ 8!1 1,11 & -ear Ms. M"m#ord. In accordance /ith Utah State $ecords Committee policies, I am s"bmittin0 a statement o# #acts and ar0"ment in m* Utah 'o1ernment $ecords 2ccess and Mana0ement 2ct appeal. I am see)in0 cit* o# 3l"##dale records o# /ater cons"med b* the National Sec"rit* 20enc*4s Utah -ata Center. 2lso, I see) a /ai1in0 or red"ction o# 57&7.!6 in #ees 3l"##dale sa*s it is o/ed. BACKGROUND REGARDING FEE APPEAL +he Utah -ata Center resides on real estate /ithin the bo"ndaries o# the cit* o# 3l"##dale. +he cit* sells /ater to the Utah -ata Center. 3l"##dale Cit* Co"ncil meetin0 min"tes #rom 7ct. 2, 2 1 , s"00est the Utah -ata Center plans to cons"me 1.2 million 0allons per da*. 7n Ma* 1, 2 1%, I s"bmitted, on behal# o# The Salt Lake Tribune, a '$2M2 re8"est to the cit* o# 3l"##dale.1 It4s important to note that disc"ssion o# this records re8"est applies to the disc"ssion o# the #ee /ai1er. I am not appealin0 an* o# the denials or redactions associated /ith this records re8"est. 9o/e1er, there is some o1erlap o# the t/o iss"es. +he re8"est so"0ht. 2ll emails to or #rom the :nsa.0o1; domain Correspondence, incl"din0 emails, /ith 9ar1e* -a1is and<or Scott 7lsen 2n* in#ormation pro1ided to the National Sec"rit* 20enc* to enco"ra0e it to b"ild a data center in Utah. 3l"##dale ac)no/led0ed receipt the #ollo/in0 da* /ith an email #rom cit* attorne* Va"0hn =ic)ell.2 Mr. =ic)ell4s email said :M"ch o# /hat *o" re8"est is a protected record #or sec"rit* reasons.; 9e said he /o"ld re1ie/ the doc"ments #or /hat the cit* /o"ld consider p"blic, b"t added. :I am the onl* person emplo*ed b* the Cit* 8"ali#ied to ma)e that determination. 2s s"ch, and p"rs"ant to Utah Code 2nn. >&%',2,2 %, I /ill ha1e to char0e m* ho"rl* rate to do
1 See attachment labeled May 1, 2013, request. 2 See attachment labeled May 2013 emails. 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

this /or), /hich is appro?imatel* 5!6 per ho"r.;1 Mr. =ic)ell and I contin"ed to e?chan0e emails re0ardin0 /hether he /as the lo/est,paid 8"ali#ied person to re1ie/ the records. Mr. =ic)ell held #irm to his position. 7n Ma* 21, I recei1ed an email #rom Mr. =ic)ell sa*in0 he searched his comp"ter #or responsi1e doc"ments #or 1.6 ho"rs and acc"m"lated a bill o# 5&7.6 .2 +hat /as the last disc"ssion Mr. =ic)ell and I had abo"t cost "ntil No1. 22. % 7n -ec. 17, Mr. =ic)ell in#ormed me in an email that 57&7.!6 /as d"e to 3l"##dale.! Mr. =ic)ell also in#ormed me The Tribune co"ld not ha1e a cop* o# the "pdated contract bet/een 3l"##dale and the National Sec"rit* 20enc* "ntil that amo"nt /as paid. +he contract is related to a -ec. 1% '$2M2 re8"est I #iled and /ill disc"ss later in this appeal. ARGUMENT REGARDING FEES The Tribune is not completel* "n/illin0 to pa* #ees, b"t it belie1es the #ees in this case are e?cessi1e. 3l"##dale assi0ned an attorne* to re1ie/ the records rather than a cler) or a lo/er, paid emplo*ee /ith e?pertise in the areas #or /hich 3l"##dale e?pressed concern. @or e?ample, in a Ma* % email, Mr. =ic)ell e?pressed concern the records co"ld compromise sec"rit* meas"res and sec"rit* plans as /ell as p"blic /or)s desi0ns. Aet there4s no indication 3l"##dale assi0ned an en0ineer or sec"rit* pro#essional to re1ie/ these records. 6 +he cit* assi0ned its attorne* to re1ie/ the records. 2lso, '$2M2 speci#ies in >&%',2,2 %B6C that an a0enc* ma* not char0e a #ee #or re1ie/in0 a record to determine i# it can be released. +he stat"te reads. A governmental entity may not charge a fee for: a) reviewing a record to determine whether it is subject to disclosure, exce t as ermitted by Subsection !")!a)!ii)# or !b) ins ecting a record$ +he e?ception noted in the stat"te is #or search, retrie1al and other direct administrati1e costs. It does not re1erse the polic* that an a0enc* can4t char0e #or re1ie/in0 a record to determine /hether it is p"blic. +he re1ie/ o# the records /as #"rther complicated, and th"s the #ees acc"m"lated "nnecessaril*, b* 3l"##dale decidin0 it /as 0oin0 to honor the /ishes o# the NS2 to not release records and b* 3l"##dale incorrectl* #ollo/in0 >&%',2,% 6B%1C. +his point /ill be elaborated "pon in the disc"ssion o# the denial o# the /ater records. @"rther, 3l"##dale did not 0i1e a reasonable notice o# ho/ #ees had acc"m"lated. +here /as no disc"ssion o# cost bet/een Ma* 21 and No1. 22. 7n the latter date, Mr. =ic)ell said onl* that he /as calc"latin0 #ees. It /as not "ntil a -ec. 17 email #rom Mr. =ic)ell that I learned #ees increased b* 57 .
1 See May 2013 emails. 2 See May 2013 emails. 3 Bluffdale was not working on my requests for the entirety of that six months. For much of that span in the summer and fall, Bluffdale was waiting on responses from the NSA as to whether it would consent to the release of the records. Mr. Pickell has relayed that NSA attorneys were slow to respond or out of contact due to other burdens and the federal government shutdown. 4 See attachment labeled December 2013 emails. 5 See May 2013 emails. 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

@inall*, the disclos"re o# the records in 8"estion /ere in the p"blic interest. +he records disc"ssed and /ill disc"ss the relationship bet/een 3l"##dale and the NS2. +he records ha1e alread* sho/n ho/ 3l"##dale ne0otiated an a0reement /ith the NS2 that sells /ater to the Utah -ata Center at a disco"nt compared to "sers o# similar 1ol"me. 1 Dhile The Tribune is not ma)in0 a E"d0ment on the appropriateness o# that a0reement, the a0reement does seem somethin0 that the residents o# 3l"##dale and perhaps Utah sho"ld ha1e )no/n. 2 BACKGROUND REGARDING WATER USAGE RECORDS 2s mentioned earlier, I emailed 3l"##dale a '$2M2 re8"est, on behal# o# +he +rib"ne , -ec. 1%.% +hat re8"est so"0ht. 2 complete cop* o# the a0reement #or 3l"##dale to pro1ide /ater to the National Sec"rit* 20enc* and<or the Utah -ata Center $ecords o# /ater dail* "sa0e at the Utah -ata Center #rom inception to date. I# dail* /ater "sa0e is not a1ailable, please pro1ide monthl* /ater "sa0e statistics Mr. =ic)ell4s -ec. 17 letter a0rees to pro1ide the /ater contract at a cost o# 5!F.F6. ! 2s #or the /ater "sa0e records, Mr. =ic)ell denied access to those records, citin0 >&%',2,% 6B%1C and &%', 2,% 6B12C. Stat"te >&%',2,% 6B12C lists as protected. %records the disclosure of which would jeo ardi&e the security of governmental ro erty, governmental rograms, or governmental recordkee ing systems from damage, theft, or other a ro riation or use contrary to law or ublic olicy$' Stat"te >&%',2,% 6B%1C lists as protected. %records rovided by the (nited States or by a government entity outside the state that are given to the governmental entity with a re)uirement that they be managed as rotected records if the roviding entity certifies that the record would not be subject to ublic disclosure if retained by it$'* @"rther, Mr. =ic)ell pointed to doc"ments 3l"##dale sent me p"rs"ant to the Ma* 1 records re8"est. 3l"##dale sent those doc"ments to the NS2 #or appro1al prior to release and the NS2 redacted /ater "sa0e records and /rote ne?t to the redaction. :@i0"res redacted per NS2 2ct section &.; & I appealed both the denial o# the /ater records and the #ees in a letter dated Gan. 1&, 2 1!, and sent to 3l"##dale Cit* Mana0er Mar) $eid.7 Mr. $eid denied m* appeal in a letter dated the same da*.8
1 See attachment labeled NSA Contract. Also, see The Salt Lake Tribune article Utah town gave NSA a deal on water by Nate Carlisle, Nov. 28, 2013. 2 The rate agreement and Bluffdale's rationale for it will be discussed later in this appeal. 3 See December 2013 emails. 4 See attachment labeled Pickell letter. The charges listed are part of the aforementioned $767.46. That contract has not been provided due to the fee dispute. 5 Underline added for emphasis. 6 See page 16 in the attachment labeled NSA Contract. 7 See attachment labeled Bluffdale Appeal. 8 See attachment labeled Bluffdale Denial. 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

ARGUMENT REGARDING WATER USAGE RECORDS Utah Code 2nnotated >&%',2,2 1B2C sa*s, :2 record is p"blic "nless other/ise e?pressl* pro1ided b* stat"te.; +o 3l"##dale4s credit, it is not claimin0 all /ater "sa0e records or e1en s/aths o# s"ch records are e?empt #rom disclos"re. 3l"##dale is onl* ar0"in0 /ater "sa0e records cannot be released in this circ"mstance. Indeed, /ater "sa0e records are ro"tinel* a1ailable #rom cities or /ater districts in Utah. Statute 63G-2-305 3!" #$ #%a&&'#(a)'e* +he records do not and ne1er ha1e belon0ed to the NS2. +he /ater ori0inated in Utah. 3l"##dale ac8"ired the /ater thro"0h its in#rastr"ct"re. 3l"##dale then sold the /ater to the NS2 and piped the /ater to the Utah -ata Center thro"0h 3l"##dale4s in#rastr"ct"re. 3l"##dale H not the NS2 H 0enerated the records. E+e% #, t-e $tatute #$ a&&'#(a)'e. %e#t-e/ B'u,,0a'e %1/ t-e NSA ,1''12e0 #t$ &/1+#$#1%$* +he stat"te describes the pro1idin0 entit* H in this case the NS2 H m"st pro1ide somethin0 at the time the records are 0i1en. Aet Mr. =ic)ell, in an email dated Ma* 7, stated. :In the past, the representati1es #rom the #ederal 0o1ernment ha1e re8"ested that all comm"nications, doc"ments, contracts, desi0ns, etc., remain pri1ate. I am s"re *o" can "nderstand that this proEect in1ol1es national sec"rit*, /hich the* do not /ish to EeopardiIe b* disclosin0 the in#ormation to a ne/spaper. +he* /ill pro1ide a /ritten statement re0ardin0 their desire.;1 It is not clear i# /hen Mr. =ic)ell t*ped the /ord :pri1ate; he /as "sin0 the la*man4s de#inition or the de#inition in '$2M2. 9is citations ha1e described the doc"ments as :protected; rather than :pri1ate.; In either case, it is clear the NS2 sho"ld ha1e con1e*ed an* desire #or secrec* in /ritin0 at the time an* records /ere pro1ided. +he root o# :certi#ies; is :certi#*.; +he chapters o# Utah la/ cited do not de#ine :certi#*.; Debster4s II Ne/ Colle0e -ictionar*, +hird Jdition, lists :certi#*; as a 1erb. -e#inition 1a is. :+o con#irm #ormall* as tr"e, acc"rate, or 0en"ine, esp. in /ritin0.; -e#inition 1b is. :+o 0"arantee as meetin0 a standard.; -e#inition 2 is. :+o ac)no/led0e in /ritin0 on the #ace o# Ba chec)C that the si0nat"re o# the ma)er is 0en"ine and that the depositor has s"##icient #"nds on deposit #or its pa*ment.; +here is a third de#inition related to declarin0 one in need o# ps*chiatric treatment, a #o"rth sa*in0 the /ord means to ma)e certain and a #i#th de#inition related to the iss"in0 o# a license. 2s a 1erbal ill"stration, Debster4s lists. :+o testi#*.;
1 See May 2013 emails. 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

2ll these de#initions describe prod"cin0 somethin0 in /ritin0 and<or d"e dili0ence to a##irm somethin0 is tr"e. Aet Mr. =ic)ell4s Ma* 21 email implies the NS2 re8"ests #or secrec* lac)ed this standard. +o date, the onl* /ritten doc"mentation I ha1e recei1ed o# the NS24s desire #or secrec* is the a#orementioned citation o# Section & o# the NS2 2ct. +hat redaction and citation /as 0i1en to me on No1. 22 H lon0 a#ter 3l"##dale /o"ld ha1e started 0eneratin0 /ater "sa0e records #or the Utah -ata Center. T-e NSA 0#0 %1t ,1''12 &/e(e0e%t /e3a/0#%3 Se(t#1% 6* J1en i# the $ecords Committee decides >&%',2,% 6B%1C is applicable, and e1en i# it decides 3l"##dale and the NS2 #ollo/ed its pro1isions, the NS2 did not 0i1e proper a##irmation o# the records importance "nder the act it cited. Section & o# the National Sec"rit* 20enc* 2ct pro1ides that. :nothin0 in this 2ct or an* other la/ . . . shall be constr"ed to re8"ire the disclos"re o# the or0aniIation or an* #"nction o# the National Sec"rit* 20enc*, KorL o# an* in#ormation /ith respect to the acti1ities thereo# . . . .; 1 +he precedent re0ardin0 Section & is 9a*den 1. National Sec"rit* 20enc*, United States Co"rt o# 2ppeals #or the -istrict o# Col"mbia. In that case, the appellant #iled @reedom o# In#ormation 2ct re8"ests /ith the NS2 #or all doc"ments pertainin0 to them. +he co"rts r"led a0ainst the appellants and in #a1or o# the NS24s denial o# the @7I2 re8"est a#ter the NS2 #iled a 2 ,pa0e a##ida1it e?plainin0 ho/ an* s"ch doc"ments /o"ld disclose NS2 acti1ities. Nothin0 resemblin0 s"ch an a##ida1it has been #iled in conE"nction /ith The Tribune +s c"rrent '$2M2 re8"est. J1en i# the NS2 /ere to s"bmit some #ilin0 p"rs"ant to the $ecord Committee hearin0, the NS2 and 3l"##dale /o"ld be hard pressed to e?plain ho/ /ater "sa0e records /o"ld disclose NS2 activities to the standard in 9a*den 1. National Sec"rit* 20enc* or meet the de#inition in >&%',2,% 6B12C. T-e /e(1/0$ 01 %1t 4e1&a/0#5e $e(u/#t6 1/ &u)'#( &1'#(6* The Tribune has re8"ested /ater "sa0e records #rom a political s"bdi1ision o# the state o# Utah. +he ne/spaper has not re8"ested doc"ments 0enerated b* the NS2 or doc"ments describin0 an* emplo*ee4s Eob d"ties, nor has it re8"ested codes or pass/ords or records sho/in0 points o# access into the #acilit*. It is not reasonable to belie1e a /ater "sa0e record can H to 8"ote #rom >&%',2,% 6B12C H :EeopardiIe the sec"rit* o#; the Utah -ata Center. 3l"##dale or third parties ma* attempt to ar0"e an* disclos"re o# /ater "sa0e /o"ld re1eal the comp"tin0 capacit* o# the Utah -ata Center and th"s harm :p"blic polic*.; The Tribune enco"ra0es the $ecords Committee to probe s"ch an ar0"ment thoro"0hl* and re8"ire 3l"##dale or an* third part* to state in speci#ics /hat the /ater "sa0e records /o"ld re1eal, ho/ and /h* it /o"ld be harm#"l. +he ne/spaper is con#ident s"ch a 1ettin0 /ill lead to the $ecords Committee reEectin0 s"ch concerns. @irst, the NS2 is p"rchasin0 c"linar* /ater #rom 3l"##dale. C"linar* /ater can be "sed #or an*thin0, #rom coolin0 to bathin0 to drin)in0. 7# the 0allons o# /ater enterin0 the Utah -ata Center /e do not )no/ H and The Tribune has not re8"ested to )no/ H ho/ man* o# those 0allons are "sed as a coolant and ho/ man* are "sed #or /aterin0 la/ns, /ashin0 cars, #l"shin0 toilets and "rinals or an* other p"rpose. Second, i# one /as to ass"me e1er* drop o# /ater the NS2 p"rchased #rom 3l"##dale /ent
1 ="b. (. No. 8&M%&, > &BaC, 7% Stat. &%, &! B1F6FC 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

to/ard coolin0, it4s "nreasonable to ass"me that /o"ld describe the comp"tin0 capacit* o# the Utah -ata Center. De /o"ld not )no/, #or e?ample, the /ater e##icienc* o# the coolin0 e8"ipment or the temperat"res 0enerated inside the #acilit*. @inall* on this point, e1en i# the /ater "sa0e records /ere to re1eal the comp"tin0 capacit*, so /hatN +hat still /o"ld not tell "s ho/ the comp"ters are bein0 "sed. 2nd it4s more li)el* the "se #its the de#inition o# :0o1ernmental pro0ram,; to 8"ote a0ain #rom >&%',2,% 6B12C. 2s it is, the /ater "sa0e records /o"ld, at most, tell "s abo"t a 0o1ernment b"ildin0. De still /o"ld not )no/ /hat is occ"rrin0 inside the b"ildin0, th"s there /o"ld be no harm to :p"blic polic*.; T-e/e #$ %1 &/e(e0e%t ,1/ 0e%6#%3 2ate/ u$a3e /e(1/0$* Dhile 3l"##dale #eels the /ater "sa0e records are e?pressl* prohibited #rom release b* >&%',2, % 6B12C, the cit* has, in #act, cited a 1a0"e stat"te that has ne1er been applied in the /a* 3l"##dale is appl*in0 it. 2 search o# pre1io"s $ecords Committee cases re1eals the committee has onl* considered this stat"te in the conte?t o# prison records. 1 Nor is there an* Utah E"dicial precedence callin0 /ater "sa0e records a Eeopard* to sec"rit* or p"blic polic*. The Tribune /as not able to #ind an* case in /hich the $ecords Committee has addressed >&%', 2,% 6B%1C and is "na/are o# a rele1ant E"dicial precedent. +he $ecords Committee has addressed the iss"e o# #ederal la/ application to '$2M2. +he $ecords Committee r"led in Case Nos. F, % and 12,21 that #ederal la/s or re0"lations did not prohibit the disclos"re o# doc"ments "nder '$2M2 and r"led in #a1or o# petitioners /ho /ere see)in0 records re0ardin0 a #inancial settlement #rom the Uni1ersit* o# Utah and records o# a 'ranite School -istrict in1esti0ation, respecti1el*. In case No. 1 ,8, the $ecords Committee r"led a0ainst the petitioner d"e in part to #ederal la/ or re0"lation, ho/e1er the iss"e there /as the Se1ier School -istrict records in 8"estion /ere classi#ied as :pri1ate; beca"se the* concerned a third,part* indi1id"al /ho s"pplied her personal income and other #inancial in#ormation. 2lso, it sho"ld be noted the Utah -ata Center is not as ne/ a #acilit* as some parties ma* claim. +he #acilit*4s arri1al has been )no/n since Con0ress appro1ed its #"ndin0 in 2 F. +hat /as plent* o# time #or the Utah (e0islat"re to create a pro1ision in '$2M2 or else/here in state la/ to e?empt /ater "sa0e records s"ch as these #rom disclos"re. Aet the (e0islat"re passed no s"ch la/. @or that matter, the Utah -ata Center is not the #irst -epartment o# -e#ense #acilit* in the state o# Utah. 20ain, the Utah (e0islat"re has not passed an* la/ speci#icall* addressin0 /ater "sa0e at militar* or intelli0ence installations. Con0ress, too, co"ld ha1e passed s"ch a la/. T-e/e #$ a &u)'#( #%te/e$t #% 0#$('1$#%3 t-e /e(1/0$* 2s stated earlier, /ater "sa0e records are ro"tinel* a1ailable in Utah. It4s reasonable to ass"me that is beca"se Utah has decided, speci#icall* or int"iti1el*, /ater is a precio"s commodit* that demands acco"ntin0 and transparenc*. Indeed, Utah has m"ltiple mechanisms to acco"nt #or /ater. Usa0e records are p"blic in Utah. +he state trac)s /ater ri0hts holders and has administrati1e and E"dicial mechanisms to challen0e or a##irm those ri0hts. State, #ederal and local a0encies all disclose sno/pac) and reser1oir le1els. 2cco"ntin0 #or the /ater enterin0 the Utah -ata Center H in amo"nts alread* disclosed to
1 See State Records Committee Case Nos.: 12-4; 12-10 and 12-25. 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

e?ceed in e?cess o# 1 million 0allons per da* H is con0r"ent /ith these pre1io"s p"blic polic* decisions. +he ta?pa*ers also ha1e an interest in disclos"re. 3l"##dale is sellin0 /ater to the NS2 at rates disco"nted #rom /hat "sers at the Utah -ata Center4s e?pected le1els /o"ld normall* pa*. 2 Dhile Mr. $eid has e?plained 3l"##dale did this to ma)e an in1estment in its in#rastr"ct"re, an acc"rate E"d0ment o# the deal cannot be made /itho"t )no/in0 ho/ m"ch NS2 has paid the cit*, a #i0"re /hich /ill be sho/n thro"0h the /ater "sa0e records. U&-1'0#%3 t-e 0e%#a' 21u'0 (1%t/a0#(t &u)'#( &1'#(6 0e(#$#1%$* +he Utah -ata Center is not the onl* #acilit*, #ederal or other/ise, /hich p"rchases /ater #rom a political s"bdi1ision o# the state o# Utah. I# the $ecords Committee decides the 3l"##dale /ater "sa0e records sho"ld not be disclosed, it co"ld ha1e a detrimental e##ect on the transparenc* o# /ater "sa0e. It is not di##ic"lt to ima0ine another 0o1ernment installation /antin0 to protect its /ater records "nder the a"spices o# sec"rit* e1en /hen, #or reasons o"tlined earlier and e1en more in the case o# *o"r a1era0e 0o1ernment b"ildin0s, the records /o"ld pose no threat. 2n ad1erse r"lin0 #rom the $ecords Committee co"ld open the door to the 0o1ernment hidin0 /ater records #or no real reason than it is embarrassed at ho/ m"ch /ater it "ses or other political calc"lations. =o/er plants, /hich "se lar0e amo"nts o# /ater, co"ld cite >&%',2,% 6B12C, too, and so co"ld an* pri1ate b"siness that contracts /ith the 0o1ernment. CONCLUSION @or the reasons stated abo1e, and ar0"ments I reser1e to ma)e at a hearin0, I re8"est a #ee /ai1er or red"ction in #ees and #or the $ecords Committee to order 3l"##dale to pro1ide the /ater "sa0e records described in m* appeal. +han) *o" #or *o" time in this matter.


Nate Carlisle The Salt Lake Tribune

2 See attachment labeled NSA Contract. Also, see The Salt Lake Tribune article Utah town gave NSA a deal on water by Nate Carlisle, Nov. 28, 2013. 90 South 400 West, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Phone (801) 257-8794 Fax (801) 257-8525

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