France Update en Final Sept13 Rev

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LIFE programme - Country Factsheet

Since the launch of the LIFE programme by the European Commission in 1992, a total of 319 projects have been financed in France. Of these, 209 focus on environmental innovation, 107 on nature conservation and biodiversity and three on information and communication. These projects represent a total investment of 687 million, of which 232 million was contributed by the European Union. This document provides an overview of LIFE in France. It showcases success stories and ongoing initiatives, indicates how to find further information on the projects and provides a list of ongoing projects in Annex. Every year a call for project proposals is launched for its three components: Nature and Biodiversity, Environment Policy and Governance, and Information and Communication. You will find more details on all recent LIFE projects in France in the annexed lists.

Last update: 13/09/13

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European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

Environment Policy and Governance

So far the LIFE Environment and Environment Policy and Governance components have co-financed 209 projects in France. This represents a total investment of 516 million, of which 148 million has been contributed by the European Union. Completed projects have mainly targeted issues such as waste management, clean technologies and wastewater treatment. Other popular themes included: integrated environmental management; air quality management and monitoring; noise abatement; treatment of municipal and industrial waste; water supply at the scale of the river basin; river basin management; and management of coastal areas. Most projects were implemented by small and medium-sized enterprises, international enterprises, local authorities and research institutions. The projects had a duration of 20 to 53 months. There are 43 ongoing projects in France. These cover a similar range of themes, as well as some new issues, such as: reducing greenhouse gas emissions; water resources management; packaging and plastic waste; sustainable building; quality of life; end-of-life vehicles; urban design; energy supply and efficiency; water saving; construction and demolition waste; waste from electrical and electronic equipment; life-cycle assessment; greenhouse gas reduction in the beverage sector (namely the milk sector) and in the vehicle sector (reduction of emissions of diesel engines); as well as transportation and storage in the industry/trade sector. Project beneficiaries include international and large enterprises (17 projects), SMEs (six projects), local and regional authorities (seven projects), NGOs (five projects), professional organisations (two projects) and research institutes (six projects). The projects have a foreseen duration of between 22 and 61 months. The project presented in the box opposite is an example of a successful LIFE Environment project in France.

Best sustainable life-cycle fittings for mixed herbaceous solid biofuels for heating to reduce GHG emissions (GREEN PELLETS) LIFE07/ENV/F/000178
The GREEN PELLETS project worked with stakeholders (i.e. farmers) to carry out a social and economic study to estimate the available surface for energy crops in the project area. The project came to the conclusion that energy crops could be planted on 98 000 hectares (2.7% of the utilised agricultural area), producing biomass corresponding to 437 000 tonnes of oil equivalent without jeopardising food production; and that harvesting (mowing) wild grasses could produce biomass corresponding to 200 000 tonnes of oil equivalent. An environmental assessment showed that heat from the biomass produced 10 times less CO 2 than natural gas or fuel. But the herbaceous biofuel is more likely to cause air acidification than gas or wood. The project carried out combustion tests in the laboratory and under real conditions (on 10 pilot sites) to assess the quality of the raw material. The tests allowed boilers to be adapted to the biomass pellets, and to be optimised in order to limit pollutant emissions. The results of the tests were presented to boiler manufacturers and fitters. If adjustments to boilers are made, use of the pellets could reduce emissions of CO 2 , NOx, SO 2 and dusts. Project partner COOPEDOM was able to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 64% by using the energy crops in an adjusted biomass oven. The project demonstrated clear environmental benefits. By using herbaceous pellets instead of wood pellets at the 10 pilot sites, greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by the equivalent of 13 200 tonnes of CO 2 annually. At the regional level, this would mean a reduction of 1.2 million tonnes of CO 2 . But the project identified cost as the main obstacle to the development of the sector. The price of herbaceous biofuels is too high if compared to the price of wood For further information:

Last update: 13/09/13

European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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Nature and Biodiversity

So far, the LIFE Nature and Biodiversity component has co-financed 107 projects in France. This represents a total investment of 166 million, of which 81 million has been contributed by the European Union. The completed projects targeted over 40 different species - mainly birds, but also freshwater fish and mammals - and over 20 different habitats - dry grasslands, rivers, marshes, dunes, lagoons, etc. NGOs and park authorities accounted for more than half of the project beneficiaries. Other types of beneficiaries included development agencies and local and regional authorities. Project durations ranged from between 43 and 72 months. There are 20 ongoing projects in France. These projects are addressing the conservation and restoration of species and habitats. Target species include: the Roseate Tern in Brittany; the Violet of Rouen and the Biscutella neustriaca on the Seine Valley; the Var terrestrial tortoise; the French populations of Orsini's viper; the Vosges capercaillie; urban bees; threatened bird species; the freshwater pearl mussel; bats in the Mediterranean region; the French corncrake; French overseas threatened bird species and their habitats; and colonial Charadriiformes species in Natura 2000 sites along the French Mediterranean coast. Habitats being targeted include: the forests of Basse Lauter and Vosges moyennes; the Rochefort marshes; coastal biodiversity on the Gvres-Quiberon site; the semi-xerophilic habitats on the island of Reunion; the lagoons and dunes on the Mediterranean coastline of Languedoc-Roussillon; and viticulture landscapes and alluvial habitats along the Rhine, Alpilles area. One project will specifically propose a new approach to analysing, monitoring and reducing the loss of marine biodiversity. It will seek to identify and estimate the abundance of coastal fish species that return to colonise coastal habitats and renew the local population. Another project aims restore biodiversity and conserve remarkable military lands in the southeast of France, supporting bat, gull and raptor species within four Natura 2000 network sites. A recently selected biodiversity project aims to test the relevance and effectiveness of innovative actions targeting an improvement in the viability of hamster populations in Alsace, and the necessary pre-conditions for such actions. The duration of the projects vary from 51 to 72 months. The projects are being implemented by park/reserve authorities, local, regional and national authorities, NGOs, a professional organisation and a research institute. The project presented in the box below is an example of a successful LIFE Nature project in France.

Conservation of French populations of Orsini's viper (Vipre d'Orsini) LIFE06/NAT/F/000143

More than 575 ha of favourable habitats were restored during this project and fragments of disconnected habitats were reconnected. Three different restoration techniques were used: experimental fires to control the growth of bushes and brushwood without destroying habitats or populations (20.1 ha of grasslands); brushwood clearance to restore open habitats (204.27 ha of forests or woods); and tree-felling to restore open habitats (350,92 ha). The project successfully limited the impact of recreational activities on two sites by defining concrete actions that were then included in local management plans, and by consulting and developing a partnership with the various stakeholders and surveillance operations. A protocol was also defined to ensure that viper conservation is taken into account during the organisation of sports events: during the project, the partners worked together with the event organisers of Tour de France and Mondovlo to reduce the impact of these events on viper populations The restoration activities brought nature experts together and fostered a culture of cooperation. Such collaboration will help to ensure the long term maintenance of favourable habitats. The project also helped to improve the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network by developing synergies. As a result, it was possible to develop and implement agri-environmental measures and Natura 2000 contracts that are compatible with viper conservation. The project greatly improved knowledge of viper populations and the factors that threaten their conservation, and provided up-to-date information on the species status. Several protocols were developed, including a reliable method for determining the presence of the species in a site. Many exchanges and collaborations took place during the project with experts working on the species in other countries. The project's results show that the species is not as endangered today as it was in the 1980s. Nevertheless, the beneficiary is cautious not to conclude that the conservation status was definitely improved by the LIFE actions. This will have to be confirmed through long-term monitoring. A National Action Plan for Orsini's Viper was developed concurrently with the project, largely based on the project's work and results. Its validation by French authorities should ensure the continuation of the project's activities. For further information:
Last update: 13/09/13 European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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Information and Communication

Projects funded under this LIFE+ component aim to disseminate information and raise the profile of environmental issues. They also provide training and awareness-raising on the prevention of forest fires. To date, the European Commission has approved two French projects under the LIFE+ Information and Communication component. The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) was an innovative three-year project (2009-2011) involving a total investment of 2 million, of which the EU contributed 50%. The project was coordinated by the French environment agency, ADEME, in partnership with four organisations from three other EU Member States (Belgium, Spain and Portugal). Some 22 pioneering public authorities from 10 different European countries have taken part in the EWWR, which aims to inform European citizens about the simple actions they can take in everyday life to help contribute to waste reduction efforts. The events already held in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 have been a huge success. See box below for more detailed information and results. The other LIFE+ 2011 project, COLLECT+, aims to carry out communications campaigns on waste management (WEEE and batteries and accumulators) at CASINO's customer base. The project plans to encourage all types of consumers to collect waste and return it to the appropriate boxes at their disposal at the participating CASINO stores. Consumers will also be informed about the impact of this behaviour on both the environment and their health.

European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR) LIFE07/INF/F/000185

This project undertook a wide range of awareness raising actions aimed at promoting the European Week of Waste Reduction among European employees, school children and the general public in 20 European countries. A key achievement of the project has been its legacy that continues to see the mainstreaming of EWWR actions by Member States after the LIFE funding period finished. An evaluation of the project observed that around two million people participated in the EWWR in 2011. Waste reduction activities increased from 2 672 activities in 2009 to 7 035 in 2011 (and more than 10 000 in 2012). A total of 14 053 different activities were affiliated with the EWWR during its three year term. These included, for example, LIFE co-finance being used in Italy to host a high profile EWWR conference, which proved beneficial in helping to enhance monitoring systems for waste-related policy actions. Portugal organised training courses to raise awareness about waste reduction, which created a multiplier effect by encouraging new stakeholders to become involved in setting up their own EWWR actions.

An inventory of the policies and stakeholders of waste prevention in Europe published in 2010 gives an overview of the waste prevention situation in each country. An interesting and useful guide to EWWR good practices was also published at the end of
the project. This drew on the results of the projects three EWWR award schemes, which were organised to encourage and acknowledge good practice approaches in waste reduction that could be replicated elsewhere. Some 30 awards were made. Catalonia (Spain) was given a special prize in recognition of its ongoing commitment to innovative EWWR approaches. Lessons learnt from the project point to the need to strengthen the EWWRs ability to measure its positive impacts. Anecdotal evidence suggested that waste production did decrease in some countries during the project period. However, a consensus among EWWR activists underlined the need to better understand how to accurately assess the role that information projects and communication campaigns can play in changing consumption patterns. Other challenges identified as the project continues to be mainstreamed include improving media coverage and identifying optimum timing for future EWWRs. See the LIFE projects multilingual website for more information:

Last update: 13/09/13

European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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How to find out more about LIFE and LIFE projects

By surfing on the LIFE website
The LIFE website provides a wealth of information on the LIFE programme:

By searching on the LIFE projects

For further information on LIFE projects in France or LIFE projects in general, please consult the online LIFE projects database. The easy-to-use database is the authoritative source of information on all ongoing and closed LIFE projects. The database also provides information on the beneficiaries, their contact details, and the projects websites.

By contacting: The National Contact Point for France

Ministre de l'Ecologie, du Dveloppement Durable, des Transports et du Logement - Secrtariat gnral - Service des affaires internationales Bureau des affaires europennes Name: Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: M. Julien LEGROS - MDDTL (Nature & Biodiversity) Mme Hermine BERGERAT - MEEDDM SG-DAEI-SDRE (Environment Policy & Governance) Arche Sud Tour Pascal A F - 92055 La Dfense Cedex +33 1 40 81 31 35 / +33 1 40 81 79 94 N/A

Nature & Biodiversity)

Website: (LIFE

The Monitoring Team for France

ASTRALE GEIE - OREADE BRECHE Rue de la Gendarmerie, 4 (LIFE Environnement et Information/Communication) F - 17220 LA JARRIE FRANCE Tel: +33 54 63 59 186 Fax:+33 54 63 58 794 Grand Rue, 147 (LIFE Nature) F- 67130 SCHIRMECK Tel: +33 3 88 49 66 22 Fax: +33 388 49 6624 E-mail:
Last update: 13/09/13 European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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Recent Environment Policy & Governance projects in France

Project Title Project Number Website Click on the icon to read the project summary Project duration

Application of the Water Framework Directive through the implementation of an expert system providing a total modelling of a water mass (SEMEAU) Conception and qualification by UIC of a LL composite material to substitute cast iron brake shoes on existing wagons, to decrease noise (potential of 600000 wagons impacted) (DECIBELL) Best sustainable life-cycle fittings for mixed herbaceous solid biofuels for heating to reduce GHG emissions (GREEN PELLETS) Validation of environment friendly flat glass production using an innovative hot oxygen combustion technique (HotOxyGlass) Cleaning Industry Sustainable Development Programme (CISDP) Implementation of an air quality modelling and forecast system in Romania (ROMAIR) Design, implement and assess an innovative and sustainable plan to minimise municipal organic waste in EU States (MINIWASTE) Demonstration of Photocatalytic Remediation Processes on Air Quality (PhotoPaq) Control of noxious or vector mosquitoes : implementation of integrated management consistent with sustainable development (IMCM) New process for the heat treatment and the energy valorisation of the sludge coming from wastewater treatment plant (PYROBIO) Prototype process for additional sorting of heavy refuse from an Mechanical Biological Treatment household waste facility (OVADE-Plus) Implementation of a collaborative Eco-Design tool dedicated to SME and fitted to helicopter network's issues
Last update: 13/09/13

LIFE07 ENV_F_000173 01/2009> 12/2012

LIFE07 ENV_F_000176 01/2009> 12/2012

LIFE07 ENV_F_000178

01/2009> 12/2011

LIFE07 ENV_F_000179 01/2009> 08/2010

LIFE08 ENV_F_000481

01/2010> 12/2012

LIFE08 ENV_F_000485 LIFE08 ENV_F_000486

01/2010> 06/2012 01/2010> 12/2012

LIFE08 ENV_F_000487

01/2010> 12/2013

LIFE08 ENV_F_000488 01/2010> 06/2013

LIFE08 ENV_F_000489 01/2010> 10/2011

LIFE08 ENV_F_000490 01/2010> 12/2011

LIFE08 ENV_F_000492 01/2010> 12/2012

European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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(CORINE project) Transverse Flux Induction Strip Heating Demonstrator, a technology limiting CO2 emissions & acid wastes in Steel Industry (ECOTRANSFLUX) Water Research to Market - to speed-up the transfer of water related research outputs to better implement the Water directives (WaterRtoM) Demonstration of the industrial viability of a new chemistry to produce ecofriendly solvents from nylon chain wastes (IRIS) Demonstration of the reduction of CO2 emissions from the production of an innovative class of cements (AETHER) Changing LIving Modes: Acting in our Territory for the Environment (CLIMATE) LIFE09 ENV_FR_000591 09/2010> 09/2012

LIFE09 ENV_FR_000593 09/2010> 08/2013

LIFE09 ENV_FR_000594 and_products/markets/Novecare_Li fe_plus_program.tcm

09/2010> 03/2014

LIFE09 ENV_FR_000595 09/2010> 08/2012

LIFE09 ENV_FR_000598 p

09/2010> 12/2013

Make your Non Destructive Testing greener by new ecofriendly practices and technologies (GREEN TESTING) Environmental challenges for a rural territory (C.C.H.P ENVIR CHALLENGES) Green public building platform for the promotion of a Green City (GREENCITY) Recycling plastics packaging waste excluding bottle (Green Waste Plast) Industrial Platform Demonstrator to achieve 95% recycling of the "end-of-life vehicle" (ICARRE 95) An innovative and sustainable plan for managing public lighting and combatting light pollution in Le Mans Mtropole (URBAN LIGHT PLAN) Ozone and Climate Change Impacts on French and Italian Forests: Refinement of criteria and thresholds for forest protection (FO3REST) HARMOnised Noise Information for Citizens and Authorities (HARMONICA) R-URBAN / Participative strategy of development, practices and networks of local resilience for European cities (R - URBAN)
Last update: 13/09/13

LIFE09 ENV_FR_000600

09/2010> 08/2012

LIFE09 ENV_FR_000601 LIFE09 ENV_FR_000602 LIFE09 ENV_FR_000603 LIFE10 ENV_FR_000202

09/2010> 12/2014

09/2010> 08/2012 last/FR/accueil aisser-moins-detraces/pages/projet-life-icarre95.aspx;jsessionid=2D25 2260DDDC1B021894492D1F7B6 9B4?t=2&uuid=44041972550EA533-5AE8381B-74204FE1 09/2011> 12/2014

09/2010> 03/2014

09/2011> 01/2015

LIFE10 ENV_FR_000207

09/2011> 09/2016

LIFE10 ENV_FR_000208

LIFE10 ENV_FR_000211 LIFE10 ENV_FR_000215 10/2011> 09/2014 09/2011> 09/2015

European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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ICT for greener urban development (SUSTAIN-ICT) Demonstration of waste water's biogas total upgrading system to bioCH4 & bioCO2 and health risks acceptance (Biovalsan) BIological tools to Optimize Treatment Technologies to remove micro Pollutants and Endocrine disrupters (BIOTTOPE) Validation of a process of recovery and revalorisation of Rare Earth elements contained in wastes (LOOP) Reducing Consumption of Drinking Water: Implementation and Evaluation of Integrated Measures in Gironde (France) (MAC EAU) Development of an urban green infrastructure in the Chanteloup loop (SeineCityPark) Recycling demonstrator for revalorization of technical textile wastes (Move4earth) Strategy to reduce waste, increase re-using and recycling, reduce incineration and storage, in a rural and urban area (WASTE ON A DIET) Innovative solution for the separation of construction and demolition waste (CDWrecycling) Reducing the CO2 Emission of Urban guided Systems through the full recovery of the brake Energy of metro trains (REUSE) Toward material recovery of WEEE plastics: a LIBS based device for sorting WEEE plastics during manual dismantling (WEEELIBS) improved HEAt Recovery in clay roof Tiles an bricks production (LIFE HEART) Pilot experiments on sustainable and participatory management of recreational seafood hand harvesting (Life+-PcheAPiedeLoisir) PHOtovoltaic STEel Roof: ready to plug BIPV roofing steel envelope based on green innovative technologies and processes (LIFE-PHOSTER) LIFE AUTO: Demonstration and validation of an innovative automatic fuel additives
Last update: 13/09/13

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000739 LIFE11 ENV_FR_000740

07/2012> 10/2015

06/2012> 12/2015

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000742 06/2012> 12/2014

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000744 /businesses/rare_earth_systems/La _Rochelle_process.tcm x.php/en/projet-mac-eau

06/2012> 05/2014

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000745

07/2012> 12/2016

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000746 08/2012> 07/2017 09/2012> 08/2016 et_le_projet_europeen_du_sybert.h tml

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000748 LIFE11 ENV_FR_000751

07/2012> 06/2015

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000752 09/2012> 10/2014 ty/Our-solutions/life-programme 06/2012> 05/2015

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000756

LIFE11 ENV_FR_000762 06/2012> 12/2014

LIFE12 ENV_FR_000142 LIFE12 ENV_FR_000316

N/A 07/2013> 06/2017 N/A 07/2013> 09/2017

LIFE12 ENV_FR_000479

N/A 07/2013> 12/2017

LIFE12 ENV_FR_000480


07/2013> 06/2017

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system for the diesel fuel (LIFE AUTO) An innovative process for the treatment of phytopharmaceutical effluent and new uses for farmers (LIFE-PHYTOBARRE) Development of a new Li-ion battery generation with low environmental impact by the setting up of a prototype line (LIFE BiBAT) Carbon plan of French dairy production (LIFE Carbon Dairy) Life Cycle in Practice (LifeCiP (LCiP)) Improvement of urban environment via an innovative and economically-viable logistic platform using green vehicles (LIFE+ Urbannecy) LIFE12 ENV_FR_000530 N/A 10/2013> 12/2016

LIFE12 ENV_FR_000570

N/A 07/2013> 06/2016

LIFE12 ENV_FR_000799 LIFE12 ENV_FR_001113 LIFE12 ENV_FR_001125


07/2013> 062018 09/2013> 06/2016

07/2013> 03/2016

Recent Nature & Biodiversity projects in France

Project Title Project Number Website Click on the icon to read the project summary Project duration

Conservation, restoration and reconstitution of the semixerophilic habitats of the "massif de la Montagne" in Reunion (COREXERUN) Creating an experimental and demonstrative network of lagoon and dune Natura 2000 sites on the mediterranean coastline of LanguedocRoussillon (LAG Nature) Restoration of the dynamics of Rhine alluvial habitats on Rohrschollen island (Rohrschollen island) Conservation and integrated management of two bat species in the French Mediterranean region (Life Chiro Med) Forests for the Capercaillie (Life+TtrasVoges) Towards an integrative management in favour of the terrestrial tortoises in Var Creating tools for the managers of natural habitats in Europe (Life+ Tortue d'Hermann) Urban bee biodiversity action plans (URBANBEES)

LIFE07 NAT_F_000188 01/2009 > 12/2013

LIFE07 NAT_F_000193 rique=3&id_page=75

01/2009 > 12/2013

LIFE08 NAT_F_000471 ment/Rohrschollen/accueil?ItemID= 2888549756#2

01/2010 > 12/2014

LIFE08 NAT_F_000473

01/2010 > 03/2014

LIFE08 NAT_F_000474 LIFE08 NAT_F_000475 hia/Jahia/accueil

01/2010 > 12/2013

01/2010 > 12/2014

LIFE08 NAT_F_000478

01/2010 > 12/2014

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Conserving French overseas threatened bird species and their habitats using demonstrative conservation tools (CAPE DOM) Conservation of the freshwater pearl mussel in the Massif armoricain (MULETTE) Demonstrating functional biodiversity in viticulture landscapes (BioDiVine) LIFE ecological continuity, management of catchment area and associated patrimonial fauna (LIFE Continuit cologique) Conservation of major breeding sites and implementation of innovative and demonstrative actions for the French Corncrake (Life + Rle des genets) Biodiversity Survey of Fish Post-Larvae in the Western Mediterranean Sea (SUBLIMO) Biodiversity restoration and conservation of remarkable military lands in southeast France (LIFE FRENCH NATUR 2MIL) Integrated habitat management for birds of Community interest in the Alpilles area (LIFE des Alpilles) Networking nesting habitats along the French Mediterranean coastline for the Conservation of Colonial Charadriiformes (LIFE+ ENVOLL) Alsace Life hamSTER : Demonstration project to preserve european biodiversity in Alsace (LIFE Alister)

LIFE09 NAT_F_000582 09/2010 > 09/2015

LIFE09 NAT_F_000583 LIFE09 NAT_F_000584 LIFE10 NAT_FR_000192

09/2010 > 08/2016

09/2010 > 12/2014 09/2011 > 09/2015

LIFE10 NAT_FR_000197 09/2011 > 12/2015

LIFE10 NAT_FR_000200 LIFE11 NAT_FR_000734 09/2010 > 12/2014 php/fr/ 10/2012 > 09/2016

LIFE12 NAT_FR_000107

N/A 07/2013 > 12/2018

LIFE12 NAT_FR_000538

N/A 07/2013 > 06/2018

LIFE12 BIO_FR_000979

N/A 07/2013 > 06/2018

Last update: 13/09/13

European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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Recent Information and Communication projects in France

Project Title Project Number Website Click on the icon to read the project summary Project duration

European Week of Waste Reduction (EWWR) Collection of used batteries, accumulators and WEEE through public awareness campaigns on better waste management (COLLECT +) Mediterranean open pastoral habitats are an important resource! Let's share our knowledge to preserve their biodiversity (LIFE MIL'OUV)

LIFE07 INF_F_000185 LIFE11 INF_F_000730

01/2009 > 12/2011 06/2012 > 12/2013

LIFE12 INF_F_000735

N/A 09/2013 > 12/2016

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European Commission, DG Environment LIFE E.3 & E.4 Units (

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