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Read t|re extrac{s-

point of the article and to cateh the readeis attention.

Flemember that a headline is briel and is like writing a note

Which exract uses more formal language? Which article

includes impersonal style and which includes personal style? V/hat do the two articles have in eommon? Are the words in the headlines included in the extracts? Whai iype of publication are these extra"its taken from?

or rnemo. For this reason" auxiliaries, articles and some

prepositions are omitted. lt is a good idea io use words or phrases in the headlines which attract the reader's inieresi. When wiiting e headline, use,tenses such as Fresent Simple, Past Simple and in{initive forms. The headline should give the reader an idea ot the style (i.e. the level of formality). Less formal articles often use voeabulary that is deseriptive {e,9, blaze), emotional (e,9. tragic} or slang {e.g. kids).

Afticles are-pieces of writing which appear in newspapers and magazines. They are wrrtten either in a formal or informal style depending on what type of publication they appear in or the type of article itself. For exampie, a humoroug article is a lighthearted piece of writing and ri could be written in informal language. Addressing the reader is acceptable in a less fsrmal arti cle (eg. Do you believe...); however, in a {ormal artiele this is not aeceptable. An impersonal style is used in formaiarticles (e.g.lf rs widety betieved that...l. Each new point starts a new paragraph. All paragraphs should be connected with iinking words.

Read the following headlines and deciCe whieh article frorn the list below they slrould be Ersed for.





The style, vrhether lormal or informal, shouid be kept the sarne in both the headlines and throughorl the rarticle, Sehool magazines and popular nevrspapers arg :nsrmally lightheaned, therefore the style used should be idformal. BJore writing an article, identlfy its type. Writing techniques are provided in previous uniis and you can refer to these. For instance, il you are asked to write an arti. cle in which you must provide so/utions to the prcblem of norse po/luti'on, yau should first identify it as an argumentative essay and then refer to Unit 4 to find the appropriate argumentative techniques and paragrqph

1 A gardening magazine has asked its readers lo wrile


plans, l{ you have to wr"ite an article about a news

event, refer to narrative techniques in Unit 2 and news repods in Unit 5.

Writiaag Newspaper F{eadlisaes


A headline is always included in a newspapdr article.

The purpose of a headline is io sum up the general

article on the subjecl "How ltumed my ugty garden into an rmpressive masterpi ece. " 2 A local newspaper has asked citizens to contribute their opinion on the topic: 'Do yau think the councilshould provide a free schoolbus serrice for sfuden8?" 3 An educational rnagazine has invited readers to discuss the question "Will having separale schoo/s far boys and gids help ar hann the leaming process?" 4 An international newspaper has asked its readers to write an article discussing the advantages and disadvantages of having one European currency. 5 A childcare magazine has invited readers to express their opinioa on the question: "Should cllTdren be made fo earn thek pocket maney?"

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