Newsletter 1 ST QT R 2014

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JanMar 2014

Command Newsletter

1510 Chennault Ave Fort Worth, TX 76113

M e s s a g e
Service Members and Families I am truly sorry about the length of time between newsletters. Computer problems and work issues combined to delay my work. I hope that everyones New Years Resolutions are still in effect but if not , you are not alone. Only 64 percent of people who make resolutions keep them by the end of January. I have found that instead of resolutions, I try to look back on the year. I feel more of a sense of well being when I see what I have accomplished. But I do have to admit I have resolved to do better with the newsletter . Thank you for your patience. Have a safe and enjoyable

f r o m

O m b u d s m a n


Gate Hours Main Gate : Open 24 hours East Gate :Daily 6A6P excluding holidays Vehicle Registration Visitor Control Center (817) 782-3058 Hours of Operation: MondaysThursdays: 6:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Please feel free to contact me anytime. I do have a fulltime job but I try to check my phone messages and e-mail as much as I am able. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve you and your families. Alicia Stewart (682)710-2119

P H O N E D I R E C T O R Y A L L P R E F I X 8 1 7 - 7 8 2 U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E N O T E D

ID Card Services


Visitor Control Center Fleet & Family Support Center Information Tickets and Travel Fitness Center/ Gym Navy & Marine Corps Relief Society




W h a t

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O m b u d s m a N ?
attention. The command Ombudsman is appointed by and works under the guidance of the Commanding Officer who determines the priorities of the program, the roles and relationships of those involved in it and the type and level of support it will receive.



An Ombudsman is a volunteer, appointed by the Commanding Officer, to serve as a link between command leadership and Navy families. Ombudsman are trained to disseminate information both up and down the chain of command, including official Department

of the Navy and command information, command climate issues and local quality of improvement opportunities. Ombudsman provide resource referrals when needed and are instrumental in resolving family issues before the issues require extensive command

P a g e

C o m m a n d

N e w s l e tt e r

T h i n g s

t o

d o

a r o u n d

F o r t

W o r t h :

S t o c k y a r d s

M u s e u m

During the 1890s , Fort Worth was a booming town. Cattle, sheep, horses and hogs were shipped north along the Chisholm Trail to Fort Worth which had the largest livestock market in the southwest. This is how Fort Worth received its nickname of Cowtown and the Stockyards is where the citys legacy burns the brightest. The 125 acre stockyard district sits two miles north of downtown. Twice a day at 1100 am and 4 pm, cowboys drive a small herd of approx 15 longhorn steers down the red brick street past the stockyards. The former hog and sheep pens have been turned into Stockyards Station, a mall of restaurants and western themed shops that sell such items as authentic cowboy hats and boots, Old horse and mule barns have been turned into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame ( Inside the Livestock Exchange Building, the small stockyards museum displays various artifacts such as guns and barbed wire ( Western music and movie stars are immortalized in bronze along the exchange trail of fame. The Cowtown Cattlepen maze (, a wooden labyrinth built to look like cattlepens, sits across from Stockyards Station is perfect for keeping the kiddos entertained. The Grapevine Vintage Railroad ( runs 2 different routes daily from the stockyards, one to downtown Fort Worth and the other to Grapevine, Texas and on most weekend nights , you can catch a rodeo at the Cowtown Coliseum . For more information check out

M i l i t a r y

T R i v i a

1. 2. 3. 4.

Antarctica and Australia are the only 2 continents that have never been the site of a major military conflict. The Coast Guard is smaller than the New York City Police department Canada has only 900 Navy Personnel to guard the longest national coastline in the world. 80 percent of military spouses are women under the age of 35

During the SpanishAmerican War, sailors wore leggings called boots which came to be mean navy (or Marine) recruit, These recruits were trained in boot camps

5. The Allies password on D-Day was Mickey Mouse.

M e d i c a l

C o r n e r

The Immunization issue has become a hot button issue recently. Thanks to celebrities such as Jenny McCarthy, misconceptions about immunizations abound. The link between vaccines and autism is tenuous at best. The research that vaccination opponents quote has been proven to be shoddy and the MD who performed the research actually had his medical license pulled. The facts regarding the positive aspects of vaccinations is much more compelling. The United States is beginning to see a rise in outbreaks of certain diseases due to the lack of immunizations. Two fo the most common diseases are measles and whooping cough. Complications from measles includes ear infections, respiratory problems such as bronchitis, laryngitis, and croup, pneumonia and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). If a pregnant woman is exposed to measles, she is at risk for preterm labor, low birth rate and pregnancy loss. The other disease is whooping cough. Whooping cough (or pertussis) causes a strong cough in which the body is trying to expel thick mucous from the lungs. It can last for weeks and complications include pneumonia. For more information go to

P a g e

M o r a l e ,

W e l f a r e

a n d

R E c r e a t i o n

Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) is a network of support and leisure services designed for use by soldiers (active, Reserve, and guard, and their families, civilian employees, military retirees and eligible participants. Each branch of t he military has a branch of MWR. MWR provides free and discounted recreation to military personnel and their families. Although the facilities provided vary from base to base, the types of services, facilities and programs provided can include fitness centers, pools, marinas, bowling centers, golf courses, restaurants, conference centers, catering, and programs for single sailors providing special events, internet access and movies. NasFtWorthJrbOmbudsman

I n f o r m a t i o n ,
Do you want to visit the local zoo or amusement park? Maybe you would like to go to the movies. Before paying full price at the ticket countes, visit the ITT Office. They offer discounted tickets to museums, parks, concerts, movies and more. ITT has tickets to everything from Medieval Times to the

T i c k e t ( I T T )

a n d

T o u r s

Fort Worth Zoo to Disney World / Universal Studios Orlando.

Stop by the office at Building 1815 between the hours of Active duty and retired members can receive FREE 3 day park to 10001700 Tuesdays thru Satur- park tickers with a valid military ID. Tickets are available untile days to see what is available. March 31, 2013 and must be redeemed by June 30, 2013. Tickets for family and friends must be purchased at the regular military discount. For more information please drop by the office or call (817) 7826121.

Military personnel can now receive a complimentary threeday park-to-park ticket to experience the extraordinary thrills and heart-warming moments Universal Orlando has to offer

W e b s i t e

s p o t l i g h t

M i l i t a r y
Our Services Military OneSource is a free service provided by the Department of Defense (DoD) to active duty, Guard and Reserve service members, and their families with comprehensive information on every aspect of military life including deployment, reunion, relationships, grief, spouse employment and education, parenting and child care, and much more. Military OneSource has

O n e S o u r c e
member with special needs, and financial support and resources. Military OneSource also offers Contact a Military personal non-medical counseling services online, via telephone, or OneSource consultant face-to-face. You can receive nonmedical, short-term counseling, 1.800.342.9647 as well as assistance with financial management, taxes, career services, health and wellness, and Military Crisis Line much more. This personalized support is 1.800.273.TALK (8255) available 24/7 no matter where you live or serve.

policy and programmatic information, helpful resources, products, and articles and tips on numerous topics related to military life. Services are available 24 hours a day by telephone and online. In addition to the website, Military OneSource offers call center and online support for consultations on any number of issues such as spouse education and career opportunities, issues specific to families with a


MA1 Tonica Thomas ACAA Ethan Flynnscarsella AC1 Jarek Goetsch

AC2 Nicholas Machado ET2 Jose Gonzalezlanza ET2 Phillip Parker AMEAN Freddy Tiradonieves ET1 Johnathan Kelly ET3 Marisela Delong Et1 Aaron Burns


ACC Dodge


f e w

f a c t s

a b o u t

S t .

P a t r i c k s

D a y

1. The person who was to become St. Patrick was probably born in Britain to wealthy parents near the end of the 4th century. His given name was Maewyn. 2. Patrick was about 16 years old when he was abducted and enslaved by Irish marauders, under their leader Niall of the Nine Hostages. 3. According to his writing, a voice which he believed was Gods voice came to him in a dream telling him to go to Britain. After he was there a few years, he had another dream telling him to go back to Ireland. 4. Patrick and 24 of his followers arrived back in Ireland in the Winter of 432 AD

5. Patrick never drove snakes out of Ireland because there were no snakes in Ireland. The snakes were a metaphor for paganism. 6. The color of St. Patrick is actually blue, not green. In the 19th century, however, green came to be used as a symbol for Ireland. 7. The first St. Patricks day parade was not in Ireland, it was in Boston in 1737. 8. 34 million Americans have Irish Ancestry. Thats almost 9 times the population of Ireland. 9. Nine of the people who signed our Declaration of Independence were of Irish origin.

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