Gagan, PGDM

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Gagandeep Singh Karwar Mob: + 8742972709 Male, 25 yea s, !

ang"ages: #nglish, $indi, %"n&abi

CAREER OBJECTIVE' Ge( hold o) a posi(ion (ha( *ill gi+e me (he abili(y (o ela(e my sales ed"ca(ion (o a g o*ing ind"s( y (ha( co"ld gi+e me *i(h (he chance (o mee( and go beyond assigned sales goals. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Year 2012'14 2011 2003

Qua i!i"a#i$n %G,M 0.1ech'M(ech 4-- 5%.# 0oa d6

4 580.# 0oa d6

In%#i#u#i$n --!M G.M !o+ely % o)essional 2ni+e si(y Go+e nmen( .enio .econda y .chool
.hi+ali9 %"blic .chool

CG&A'( 2.82/4 7.84/10 387


SUMMER INTERNS,I&' -IVE &ROJECTS 0ig 0a:a ,esc ip(ion .("den( 1 ainee 7 ,ays

$andling 8hild en clo(h .ec(ion. ."pe +ision o) s(a)). -nc easing +isibili(y o) p od"c(. !ea ning !ea ned c"s(ome beha+io" s *hile shopping. 1hei in(e es(s and *an(s and ho* (o d ag (hem (o b"y a p od"c(. -n(e n 2 Mon(h ;8 <ielsen ,esc ip(ion 8ollec(ing da(a and analysing da(a !ea ning 8a clinics, clien( mee(ings , esponden( appoin(men( and mee(ings ,.M %ha mace"(icals -ndian =e(e ina y >esea ch -ns(i("(e, %alamp" KEY ACADEMIC &ROJECTS 1o .("dy pe cep(ion o) -ndian .("den( and ?ac"l(y )o "sing ?aceboo9 as a pla()o m )o $ighe ed"ca(ion. 8a(ego y managemen( @ analysis o) >e(ail .(o e. =i al +ideo )o --!M G.M p omo(ion o) s"b&ec( AMa 9e(ing in +i ("al *o ldB. Mac o @ Mic oeconomic epo ( o) co"n( y A. ilan9aB. A-den(i)ica(ion o) Mi><; in Oryctolagus cuniculusB:a compa a(i+e genomic app oach. Mic obiology .("den( 1 ainee 1 Mon(h 1 Mon(h

&OSITIONS O. RES&ONSIBI-ITY C))ice 0ea e o) 8l"b %>-DM 5Ma 9e(ing 8l"b6. 8on(en( 0"ilde @ ;d+ise )o .E;. 5<GC6 C))ice 0ea e o) --!M ;l"mni ;ssocia(ion 5-;;6. 0eing a pa ( o) 8ollege 0logging (eam.

E/TRA0CURRICU-AR ACTIVITIES C gani:ed #+en(s )o Ma 9e(ing 8l"b li9e AF;!D;;>B and done online % omo(ion )o +a io"s e+en(s .Ma9ing pos(e s, planning )"n games, coo dina(e (eams and handle (eams. Membe o) S1AS2San3a p 1e !are and Awarene%% S$"ie#45 <a*anshah Eo 9 )o social *el)a e and an(i'social ac(i+i(ies 5d "gs, )emale )oe(icide e(c6 $elp in Managing con)e ences agains( , "g ab"se and ?emale )oe(icide a( local collages Manage *ebsi(e ***.sana9alpns .com A"#i6e 4 par#i"ipa#ed in 6ari$u% e6en#% 0'%lan p esen(a(ion )o <a(ional #n( ep ene" <e(*o 9 BCnline >eal es(a(e po (alB Eon 1s( p i:e in G"i: e+en( H#co G een 8l"bI ?inalis( in ?inance 8l"b #+en( 2nd % i:e %ho(o .hoo( #+en(. %a (icipa(ed in ,eba(e compe(i(ion in Jap" ia -ns(i("(e o) Managemen(. !ead my (eam %>-DM in K>-,;<G;< c ic9e( (o" namen( and *on 2nd % i:e.

ADDITIONA- IN.ORMATION Ke4 S3i %: Managing (eams, % esen(a(ion .9ills, -n(e pe sonal .9ills, ;naly(ical @ logical (hin9ing, % o)essionalism @ e(hical. ,$77ie%: ;p(i("de 0"ilding, .(oc9 Ma 9e( analysis, <" (" ing ela(ionships.

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