Little Red Riding Hood

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Characters: Narrator Little Red Riding Hood Mother Wolf Grandmother Woodsman

SCRIPT: Narrator: Once upon a time there was a very eauti!u" "on# $ir" who "ive# in a vi""a$e near the !orest with her mother% One #ay her $ran#mother $ave her a very nice re# ri#in$ c"oa&' that is why every o#y in the vi""a$e ca""e# her Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% One #ay( Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Di# you ca"" me' mother) *other: +es' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% +our $ran#mother is very sic&% I want you to $o to her house an# ta&e her this "itt"e as&et with some rea# an# honey% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: +es' mother% *other: ,ut #on-t stop in the !orest' an# #on-t ta"& to stran$er% Do as I say' an# $et soon to your $ran#mother-s house%

Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: +es' mother% Narrator: .n# Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# went throu$h the !orest with the "itt"e as&et !or her $ran#mother who "ive# in a near y vi""a$e% ."on$ the way' she saw many eauti!u" !"owers in the !orest% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' what a $ran#mother% Narrator: She "e!t the "itt"e su##en"y( 0o"!: Goo# mornin$ Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#/ Ha' ha' ha' ha' ha% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Goo# mornin$' *r% 0o"!% 0o"!: 0here are you $oin$ so ear"y) as&et in the $roun# to pic& up some !"owers' when eauti!u" !"owers/ I wi"" ta&e some to my

Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: I am $oin$ to my $ran#mother-s house to ta&e her this "itt"e as&et with some rea# an# honey% 0o"!: Ha' ha' ha' ha' ha( an# #oes your $ran#mother "ive !ar !rom here' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#) Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh no' *r% 0o"!' she "ives 1ust across the !orest in the !irst "itt"e house in the vi""a$e( the one with the white #oor% 0o"!: Goo#2 ye' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% I hope she $ets etter% .n# "oo&' #o you see that roa#) Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: +es'I #o% 0o"!: 3ust !o""ow that roa# an# you wi"" $et soon to your $ran#mother-s house%

Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' yes I wi""' than& you/ 0o"!: Goo#2 ye' ha' ha' ha' ha' ha/ Narrator: Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# &ept "oo&in$ !or !"owers #iso eyin$ her mother who to"# her not to stop in the !orest an# to $et soon to her $ran#mother-s house% *eanwhi"e' the wo"! &noc&e# at Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# $ran#mother-s house% Gran#mother: 0ho-s there) 0o"!: It-s me $ran#mother' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#' an# I some rea# an# honey% Gran#mother: Come in my "itt"e #au$hter' push the #oor% Narrator: .s soon as the wo"! entere# he $o "e# up Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#-s rou$ht you a as&et with

$ran#mother% Then he put on a ni$ht$own' 1umpe# into e# an# waite# !or the "itt"e $ir"% . !ew minutes "ater Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# arrive# at her $ran#mother-s house% She &noc&e# at the #oor% 0o"!: 0ho-s there) Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Gran#mother' it-s me' your $ran##au$hter' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% I came to rin$ me a "itt"e as&et with some rea# an# honey% 0o"!: Come in my "itt"e #au$hter' push the #oor% Narrator: Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# entere# the "itt"e house% She went strai$ht to her $ran#mother-s room' an# in the e# there was the 0o"! #resse# with her $ran#mother -s c"othes% 0o"!: Come in' my "itt"e $ir"% Rest !or a whi"e Narrator: Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# sat in a chair' an# "oo&e# at her $ran#mother%

Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' $ran#mother how "ar$e arms you have/ 0o"!: They are to hu$ you etter' #ar"in$% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' $ran#mother' how i$ "e$s you have/ 0o"!: They are to run !aster' sweety% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' how i$ ears you have' $ran#mother/ 0o"!: They are to hear you etter' honey% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: .n# how i$ eyes you have/ 0o"!: To see you etter' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' $ran#mother' an# why #o you have those i$ teeth an# that i$ mouth) 0o"!: They are to eat you etter/ Ha' ha' ha' ha' ha/ Narrator: .n# the 0o"! $o "e# up Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% Then the wo"! !e"" y the "itt"e house' when he saw the

as"eep% *eanwhi"e a woo#sman was passin$

#oor opene#% He entere#' "oo&e# !or the o"# "a#y' an# then he saw the wo"!% 0oo#sman: Oh/ The wo"! is s"eepin$/ .n# he-s so !at/ I hope I am on time/ Narrator: Then he too& the wo"! y the nec& an# ma#e him spit out the poor

Gran#mother an# Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo# who were sti"" in one piece% Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#: Oh' than& you' $oo# woo#sman% Gran#mother: This wi"" e a "esson !or you' Litt"e Re# Ri#in$ Hoo#% Now you wi""

never #iso ey your mother a$ain% The En#

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