Project: Voltage Energy Drink

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Software Voltage


College of Computer Science and Information Studies (C2SIS)

Voltage Energy Drink
Group Name: Software Voltage Group Member:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Muhammad Kashif Hanif Basharat Ali Shahid Ahmad Iatizaz Hussain Muhammad Nouman Zaffar Sehrish Minhas

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1235 1254 1249 1253 1231 1260

Submitted to:
Sir Usama

Software Voltage


Marketing strategy
Marketing is all about letting people know what the product or service you offer is all about and persuading them to buy or use it .And for effective marketing you have to let people know about your product or service repeatedly. The marketing strategy has to be employed for the new product to grab its share in the market and attract consumers. Well, the product we are launching is a Energy Drink .its a healthy drink which caters every class of consumers. Now, Voltage has done a good job by setting low prices as compared to other well know energy drinks. Secondly, its the first local product with such ingredients. low price and having the advantages of being the only local product which is first of its really effective

Energy Drink
A soft drink that containing a high %age of sugar, caffeine, or another stimulant. Typically consumed during or after sporting activity or as a way of overcoming tiredness.

Product Name: Voltage Product Logo

Product Slogan
Raise your Spirit, Refresh your mind.

Software Voltage


Product Objective
The main objective of voltage is to give customer a good healthy energy drink. it caters to every age group of consumers above offers a low price the company has an advantages of being the only company producing this kind of drink at a low price as compared to the other imported drinks such as Red Bull which is too costly.

Feasibility Study 1) Demands

Customer Needs People in Faisalabad are getting health conscious day by day as the awareness of health issue in rising. People want healthy living but the diet they have is not supporting their needs for a healthy living. Students have too much burden of studies and they get exhausted, they need something to get them juiced up, working people at the offices and other work places most of the time face the problem of exhaustion and cannot work at their level best, they also need something that can help them regain their energy and get them going, sports athletes are always in the run for more and more energy and will always thrive for a positive source of energy and vitamins, they need something energetic and full of nutrients, which can enhance their immune system. Trend analysis Due to the fast growing environment the trends are changing continuously and people are trying to follow the western culture rapidly. Use of energy drinks is also part of this culture. With the passage of time usage of energy drinks is increasing in Pakistan. Male and female both are using energy drinks now. I think Red Bull was the first successful energy drink in the market. But afterward companies realize that it is a very big market of those people who like energy drinks. So other companies also jumped in to share their part. Recently we have seen many companies in Pakistan, like Pepsi and Shezan, who have jumped in energy drinks business. One thing is common in all energy drinks that they are costly than other drinks; juices, malt, carbohydrate drinks etc. They have a special market which is increasing day by day. I havent seen a shift of people from their regular drink to energy drink but it acts as an add on in drink list. However some people prefer to go for energy drinks only. Sales: We are launching a new product in the market but it is not available in the market yet so no sales yet.

Software Voltage


2) Competitors
After lots of energy drinks in market, all are trying to compete each other in any way possible. They are trying to give a better taste because taste is the most prominent change in these energy drinks. Taste is not acceptable in mass market, however many are trying now to increase their market share by giving a different taste. Second thing is their price, they are trying to reduce the price to gather a larger share like a big company Pepsi have introduced their energy drink Sting in just Rs. 50/- as compare to Red Bull the most famous energy drink costs above Rs. 100/Thirdly they are working on distribution, trying to make their drinks available in all parts of the city, in every shop. Few energy drinks have different strategy to remain with their specific market. The major competitors are 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Red Bull OZO Speed Booster Power Full Sting.

7) Extra power 8) Next 3) Customer profile: Now we dont place a product in the market so till to now we have no loyal customer.

Software Voltage


4PS Implementation 1) PRODUCT

The product that we have launched is named as Voltage. It is an energy drink. And it belongs to red family. This is type of non-carbonated drink has shrunk the beverage by storms. Energy drink enriched with vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber to help gain energy and strength, refresh the mind and boost up the immune has also a better in taste.

Levels of Product
Core Benefits: it is an energy drink, enriched with vitamins, carbohydrates and fiber to help gain energy and strength, refresh the mind and boost up the immune system. Actual product: A energy drink Product life cycle stage: As we are launching a new product so it is in the introductory stage of its life cycle. Product Features All energy drinks must contain something that results in an increase of energy, but there are various ways to achieve this effect. All of the energy drink brands experiment with their own unique mixture of ingredients, adding higher concentrations of some and lower concentrations of others. Our product Voltage is Natural and Highly Nutritional. Generally they include a combination of methylxanthines (including caffeine), Bvitamins, and her ingredients. Other ingredients commonly include guarana(extracts from the guarana plant) or taurine plus various forms of ginseng, malt dextrin, inositol, carnitine, creatine, glucuronolactone and ginkgobiloba. Some contain high levels of sugar, while most brands also offer an artificially sweeten edversion. The central ingredient in most energy drinks is caffeine, the same stimulant found in coffee or tea, often in the form of guarana.Tasty.100% fat free. Available in various flavors.

Voltage will be available in 250ml, Tin pack, 500ml size glass bottles. The packaging of the bottles would be aimed to look attractive. The packaging of the product will have a logo and the core ingredients fully disclosed on the back of the bottle. The shape of the bottle would be made in a manner that it does not occupy a lot of space in the packaging and the bottle will be sealed with a seal cap making it convenient and as well as safe for the consumers.

Software Voltage


Labeling For 250ml, Tin pack, 500ml

Existing Energy drinks are highly priced. Pepsi have introduced their energy drink Sting in just Rs. 50/- as compare to Red Bull the most famous energy drink costs above Rs. 100/- All the existing energy drinks are available around Rs.80/- for Due to such prices many of the masses wanting to be affordable for every segment of the society. Bottle of Voltage would be available for Rs.20 of a 250 ml. Tin pack is available at Rs.40. and 500ml bottle are available at Rs 45. Pricing Method: Prices have always been a leadership factor for us, the rising inflation in Faisalabad is making buying decision a bit economical now, we have set our price to be the lowest as compared to other top energy drinks like Red Bull, and most of these energy drinks involve side effects but our product is scientifically engineered and our product will be manufactured in Faisalabad. BASE+INTERSEST=COST For 250ml bottle: For Tin pack: 17+3=20Rs 34+6=40Rs

Software Voltage For 500ml bottle: 38+7=45Rs


Target Market Specification We are targeting customers of ages above 12 who want a healthy life full of energy enriched with vitamins and with taste in it and a suitable alternative of calorie contained and costly energy drinks. The cost of this innovative product is extremely cheap compared to the available alternative energy drinks.

Demographic Segments Age: Any person above the age of 12. Income: People above the income of Rs 10000. Social Class: Students, Working Class, Middle Class, Upper class, Elite classes Life Style: Healthy living, Sports , Modern. 3) PLACE
Initially the product will be available at all the retail stores, malls, discount stores located in Faisalabad. The product in the first week of its launch would only be available in a few Malls and stores but then it would be available everywhere in the city, The company will get contracts of specific distributers which will make sure of products availability in the targeted markets. In the case of super markets the companys representatives will contact them to get a shelf space, for the product, in the market as well as the distributers. Our distribution channel is consistent as followed by most companies and involves a lot of intermediaries. However we plan to sell our products both directly i.e. through our campaign outlets and indirectly i.e. via Agents, Wholesalers and Retailers. Since it is new launch, we would primarily like to focus on production and quality of the product.

Promotion is the backbone of every successful business. Since our product already has many well set competitors in the market, we have to make sure the public is well informed of our product. Thus we plan to undertake as many as possible advertisement and promotion schemes possible.

Software Voltage 1) Television Advertising


Ad campaigns on Channels such as GEO TV, PRIME TIMES, PTV SPORTS, HUM TV, ARY DIGITAL, and EXPRESS NEWS etc. are carried out. Advertising on popular radio channels like FM 104.00, HUMARA FM is on aired. Magazines advertisements are also taken in account. The product is displayed on large bill boards in the city.. 2) Social Media Promotion Facebook, Twitter, and other websites will be used for promotion. 3) Sponsoring We will sponsor a various colleges, universities, festivals etc. Where we can also distribute free samples of our product. 4) Events We will organize sports events like marathon race in Faisalabad. Where we can promote our product.

The idea is to make the costumers think right about what the product is made of and positive image about the product. The following things would be emphasized in the process of positioning: A pure fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates enriched drink without any side effects It is not a medicine Not only for old people It is an alternative for energy drinks like red bull, sting etc More than a normal energy drink

And all of the above perceptions would be possible by creating awareness in the customers by a proper marketing effort.

Positioning Strategy: We are giving more quality and benefits in a reasonable price. This
value will be created in the minds of the customers through effective campaigning.

Our product not only aims to meet the demand and needs of the consumers at various levels of the target segment but also initiates us to bring forward a boarder and different product to the consumers that will cater their demands, needs and wants in much different manner. For this purpose we aim to bring a satisfactory level of promotion and advertising campaign that will together establish product loyalty as well as greater profits for the company.

Software Voltage


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